PENG LIM 10/28/2015
`Page 1
` Petitioner,
` -vs- Case No. IPR2015-00230
` Patent No. 7,463,245
` Patent Owner.
` Certified LiveNote Reporter
`3 4
`6 7
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`SCEA Ex. 1041 Page 1

`PENG LIM 10/28/2015
`Page 2
` Deposition of PENG LIM, taken on behalf of the
` Petitioner, before Louise Marie Sousoures, a Certified
` Shorthand Reporter and a Certified LiveNote Reporter
` commencing on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2015 at 9:01 a.m.
` at 625 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, California.
` A P P E A R A N C E S
` 720.689.5440
` 612.373.0830
`6 7
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`SCEA Ex. 1041 Page 2

`PENG LIM 10/28/2015
`Page 3
` by and between the attorneys for the
` respective parties herein, that filing and
` sealing be and the same are hereby waived.
` that all objections, except as to the form
` of the question, shall be reserved to the
` time of the trial.
` that the within deposition may be sworn to
` and signed before any officer authorized
` to administer an oath, with the same
` force and effect as if signed and sworn
` to before the Court.
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`SCEA Ex. 1041 Page 3

`PENG LIM 10/28/2015
`Page 4
` BY
` MR. KEAN 7
` Exhibit 1023 Document entitled "Powerful 12
` calculators throw teachers
` a new curve"
` Exhibit 1024 Document entitled "Stylistic 18
` 1200 pen tablet user's guide"
` Exhibit 1025 Document entitled "Happy 20th 19
` birthday, Windows 95"
` Exhibit 1026 Document entitled "Pen computer 27
` technology"
` Exhibit 1027 Document entitled "Fujitsu and 32
` the tablet PC"
` Exhibit 1028 Document entitled "Stylistic 35
` ST4000 series tablet PC"
`6 7 8 9
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`SCEA Ex. 1041 Page 4

`PENG LIM 10/28/2015
`Page 5
` Exhibit 1029 Document entitled "Stylistic 37
` ST4000 series tablet PC
` technical reference guide"
` Exhibit 1030 Document entitled "Windows XP 39
` Tablet PC Edition review"
` Exhibit 1031 Document, screen shot Tapwave 68
` web site
` Exhibit 1032 (Not marked)
` Exhibit 1033 Document entitled "User's guide" 169
` Exhibit 1034 Document entitled "The 12 cell 171
` phones that changed our world
` forever"
` Exhibit 1035 Document entitled "The 25 best 172
` selling cell phones of all time"
` Exhibit 1036 Document entitled "Why my 173
` favorite phone of all time is
` an old Nokia"
`2 3
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`SCEA Ex. 1041 Page 5

`PENG LIM 10/28/2015
`Page 6
` Exhibit 1001 154
` Exhibit 1003 108
` Exhibit 1004 105
` Exhibit 1016 51
` Exhibit 2005 9
` Exhibit 2026 167
`2 3
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`SCEA Ex. 1041 Page 6

`PENG LIM 10/28/2015
`Page 7
` having been first duly sworn by the
` Certified Shorthand Reporter to tell
` the truth, the whole truth, and nothing
` but the truth, testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning, sir.
` Would you please state your name for the
` record?
` A. Sure. My name is Peng Lim.
` Q. And Mr. Lim, have you been deposed before?
` A. No.
` Q. Do you know Beth Marcus?
` A. Beth Marcus, the inventor?
` Q. Yes.
` A. No, I don't.
` Q. Do you know David Lee, the other inventor?
` A. No, I don't.
` Q. How are you compensated for your work in
` connection with this case?
` A. Paid.
` Q. Is that hourly pay?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What's your hourly rate?
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`SCEA Ex. 1041 Page 7

`PENG LIM 10/28/2015
`Page 8
` A. 385.
` Q. How many hours would you say you spent on
` this proceeding -- I'll call it the '245 proceeding
` today. If I call it the '245 proceeding, will you be
` familiar with what I'm talking about?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. How many hours would you estimate that
` you've spent working on the '245 proceeding?
` A. All inclusive, right? Licensed patents?
` Q. Yes.
` A. 50 to 100, maybe 70 to 100, somewhere around
` there, hours I mean.
` Q. Since you never have been deposed before, it
` might helpful if I go over a couple of ground rules.
` I'll do my best today not to speak over you
` if you'll extend me the same courtesy and that will
` make the court reporter's job easier.
` A. Yes, I will. I'll try my best.
` Q. It's also important to provide the court
` reporter with verbal answers, so verbal yes or no
` because, obviously, head shakes and nods don't make it
` onto the record.
` A. Okay.
` Q. It's not a marathon today. If you'd like to
` take a break at any time, let me know and we can take
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`SCEA Ex. 1041 Page 8

`PENG LIM 10/28/2015
`Page 9
` a break whenever you like.
` A. Thank you. I appreciate that.
` Q. Mr. Lim, I've handed you what's been marked
` previously as Exhibit 2005 in the '245 proceeding.
` Do you recognize this document?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. What is it?
` A. It's my declaration.
` Q. And if you turn to the final page, page 61 of
` that document --
` A. 61, yes.
` Q. -- this is your signature?
` A. Yes, that's mine.
` Q. Do you have any additions or changes to this
` declaration before we get started today?
` A. Yes. While I was flipping through it, I
` realized that is formatting error, a small format,
` indent format, when I flip through it earlier.
` If you flip to page 46, okay.
` The number 2 on the bottom, opinion of
` nonobviousness, you see that page 46?
` Q. Yes, sir.
` A. That I believe it should be opinions of
` bullet 1, so the 2 should not be there, the number 2
` should not be there.
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`SCEA Ex. 1041 Page 9

`PENG LIM 10/28/2015
`Page 10
` Then, if you flip -- I'm sorry, do you follow
` me, if you flip to page 47, it say A, incorporating
` Andrews, that A should be a 2, you follow me?
` Q. Yes, sir. What might be easiest, would you
` mark the document how you would like to fix it.
` A. I would just say that and then that should
` be -- let me double-check it. That should be A.
` Q. Very good, thank you.
` Do you have any other changes or additions to
` that document?
` A. I don't believe so at this point.
` Q. Okay. Mr. Lim, I'd like to discuss your
` background and so in your declaration, I'm going to be
` starting about at paragraph 10 of your declaration.
` A. Paragraph 10. Yes, sir.
` Q. You worked at Texas Instruments from 1996
` until 1997; is that right?
` A. That is correct.
` Q. Were you familiar with the Texas Instruments
` graphing calculators that were available at that time?
` A. I was aware of it. It wasn't in my
` department.
` Q. What was your department?
` A. Notebook department. I forgot exact name of
` the department, but the end product is notebook. I
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`SCEA Ex. 1041 Page 10

`PENG LIM 10/28/2015
`Page 11
` managed engineering there, computer.
` Q. For instance, you were at least familiar with
` the TI 85 graphing calculator?
` A. I wouldn't say familiar. I mean it's a
` product on the market, not part of my department and I
` wasn't using it at the time, so I wouldn't say --
` depends on your definition of familiar. I heard of
` it.
` Q. Sure. Were you aware that that calculator
` was programmable in BASIC or Assembly language at the
` time?
` A. I couldn't say one way or the other, to be
` honest with you.
` I wasn't using it and, of course, when I was
` in college, you know, it was Casio brand, a different
` calculator brand. I'm sorry, I will try to be --
` MR. GILBERTSON: I think the words might have
` been casual use.
` THE WITNESS: Casio, C-A-S-I-O.
` Q. Mr. Lim, I'm going to hand you a document
` that's been marked -- this is a new exhibit and we are
` going to continue the numbering from the '245
` proceedings.
` So this exhibit is now numbered 1023.
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`SCEA Ex. 1041 Page 11

`PENG LIM 10/28/2015
`Page 12
` If you would, Mr. Lim, please turn to the
` second page of the document and please take a look at
` the second to last paragraph at the bottom of the
` document as well as the last paragraph that carries
` over into page 3.
` Yes, sir. And then please take a look at
` that and read that. You don't need to read it out
` loud, but once you've taken a look at it, just let me
` know.
` A. Okay.
` Q. Now, this document is an article from the New
` York Times from September 2nd, 1999 and in the portion
` that I just asked you to read, it's describing Texas
` Instruments graphing calculators.
` And it's describing the hundreds of games
` that were available on those devices.
` Did you see that?
` A. Yes. That's what it say on this document.
` Q. Were you aware in your time at TI that the
` graphing calculators could be used to -- that users of
` the graphing calculators could install games on them?
` A. I was there in 1996 to 1997, so it's about
` three years before this article.
` To answer your question directly, I did not
` aware of that.
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`SCEA Ex. 1041 Page 12

`PENG LIM 10/28/2015
` Q. Were you aware that students could program
`Page 13
` these devices to include games?
` A. I don't because if I do I would be
` speculating here.
` So do I have knowledge of that people were
` doing that, I don't -- I did not at that time.
` Q. Were you aware that there were hundreds of
` games that were available that could be installed on
` the graphing calculators?
` A. It wasn't my focus at all. It was totally
` different department and I wasn't using it. I'm not
` sure how to answer I did not know that. Actually
` surprised me I see this article.
` Q. Is it fair to say that you did not consider
` the games on the graphing calculators as part of
` forming your opinion in your declaration?
` A. I did not see the article that you hand it to
` me, nor have I taken this into consideration.
` Q. Apart from the article, did you take into
` consideration the games that were available for the TI
` 85 and other TI calculators at the time when you were
` forming your opinion?
` A. Anything that I thought the most relevant to
` this case here I submitted it as a reference.
` So that's what I selected.
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`SCEA Ex. 1041 Page 13

`PENG LIM 10/28/2015
`Page 14
` As far as whether I knew TI calculator, did I
` take TI calculator into consideration, gaming, no.
` Q. Thank you.
` I'd like to turn to the next paragraph in
` your declaration, paragraph 11.
` A. Okay.
` Q. And paragraph 11 is describing your time at
` Fujitsu?
` A. Yes.
` Q. You were with Fujitsu as the vice-president
` of engineering from 1997 until 1999; is that right?
` A. That is correct.
` Q. And in your role as a vice-president of
` engineering, you worked on the Stylistic tablet
` computers; is that correct?
` A. Yes, my team.
` Q. What operating systems did those tablet
` computers run?
` A. Windows.
` Q. Any particular version of Windows?
` A. I believe it's Windows 95. I think that's
` pre-XP.
` '97, again, this is long time ago, 95
` probably would be the most appropriate. If not 95, it
` would be XP, but Microsoft Windows for sure.
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`SCEA Ex. 1041 Page 14

`PENG LIM 10/28/2015
`Page 15
` Q. There was not a specialized version of
` Windows 95 for tablets at the time, was there?
` A. Operating system itself I believe is mostly
` generic.
` Application itself, drivers of the device and
` hardware, a lot of them are specialized meaning that
` every manufacturer would produce their own hardware,
` would write their own drivers and Fujitsu, actually we
` have our own driver that's specific for something that
` we would like to do and we would submit it to
` Microsoft and Microsoft would pass it, make sure it
` work and then include it into the quote, unquote, the
` bundle of our property.
` Q. So again, there was not a specialized version
` of Windows 95 for tablet computers, right?
` A. As I say earlier, I would say that majority
` of the Windows generic -- generic in the sense as you
` know, but when it come to tablet or notebook the power
` management I could not say they are generic.
` There are few area -- couldn't say few, quite
` a bit of the area that are very specific to certain
` device to certain application. I'll give you example,
` power management, power management will be very
` important for devices like tablet, like notebook while
` it's not important at all for desktop computer.
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`SCEA Ex. 1041 Page 15

`PENG LIM 10/28/2015
`Page 16
` LCD support, LCD support is very important
` for a tablet and a notebook, not so important back in
` those days for, again, for your desktop.
` I can give you many, many, many area that are
` differences that you have a bundle into the product
` and that's not to mention that manufacturer specific.
` When I say "manufacturer," that means
` Fujitsu, you know, Toshiba, Compaq, manufacturer
` specific.
` So when I say generically, I was referring to
` kind of very high level, but when you're coming down,
` it become more and more specific.
` By the time you get into the Fujitsu
` computer, right, I would say that it could be true
` even today. I think by the time that it get into your
` device, that operating system, that bundled operating
` system are not transferable to another computer and
` just say that you're running.
` For example, you cannot take a Fujitsu bundle
` of the operating system and the drivers and everything
` else and say I'm going to take the hardware away, I'm
` going to buy a, just for example, buy a Toshiba and
` put the -- load this software into the Toshiba,
` totally replace everything that Toshiba has inside and
` expect it to run reliably. I would say it would not,
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`SCEA Ex. 1041 Page 16

`PENG LIM 10/28/2015
`Page 17
` reliably.
` So in that sense, at the very high level you
` say that yeah, it look similar, but by the time you
` get to the hardware -- by the time you get to the
` product itself, it would not be the same.
` Does that answer your question?
` Q. Maybe. When you say it looks similar, do you
` mean that the user interface and the applications that
` would be available on Windows 95 on a tablet would be
` the same as on a PC?
` A. Can you repeat that again?
` MR. KEAN: Would you repeat that for me,
` please?
` (The record was read by the Reporter.)
` THE WITNESS: You mention about the
` application and the user interface, right.
` In that sense, depends on what application
` and what user interface.
` Give you an example. If you buy a tablet
` computer for the purpose that for when Fujitsu was
` selling them, usually there are some dedicated
` application that would be -- would be loaded on top of
` the operating system itself that will have a very
` specific purpose for that application.
` In that case, there will be different kind of
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`SCEA Ex. 1041 Page 17

`PENG LIM 10/28/2015
`Page 18
` user interface on it that will be suitable for
` whatever corporation it needed to.
` However, if there are application that are,
` how do I say, commonly used that would come with
` operating system, then it's possible, I got to
` think -- it's possible, but in the application on the
` tablet many times are quite specific, but they are
` generic out there, too, I don't want to rule
` everything out.
` I'll give you -- the example I want to give
` you, I almost wanted to say like a pop-up keyboard,
` but pop-up keyboard is very specific for handheld that
` is not on the desktop, that's not a thing to show you
` the difference, but -- I don't know, maybe Lotus or
` maybe Excel would work, I would guess.
` Q. I'm going to hand you a document marked
` Exhibit 1024. This document is a users's guide for
` the Fujitsu Stylistic 1200.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Would you please turn with me to pages 2-6?
` A. 2-6.
` Q. Toward the top of the page under the number
` 3 --
` A. Number 3.
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`SCEA Ex. 1041 Page 18

`PENG LIM 10/28/2015
` Q. -- it identifies various operating systems
` that work on this device.
` It notes that the device runs Windows 95 and
`Page 19
` Windows NT?
` A. Uh-huh.
` Q. Would you agree with that?
` A. That's what it say here and I did tell you it
` was 95 or XP, I couldn't remember.
` Q. I'm going to hand you a document that has
` been previously marked -- new exhibit, but it's marked
` 1025.
` A. 1025, yes.
` Q. This document is a review of Windows 95.
` Will you please take a quick minute just to
` read the document?
` A. The whole page?
` Q. Yes, sir.
` You know what might be more efficient, I can
` direct you to the most relevant portion of this, it's
` going to be right in the middle of the page, it's the
` sixth paragraph.
` A. Windows 95?
` Q. Yes, sir.
` A. Okay.
` Q. This document is a review of Windows 95 and
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`SCEA Ex. 1041 Page 19

`PENG LIM 10/28/2015
`Page 20
` it's describing some, quote, "much-loved games" that
` came with the operating system including favorites
` such as Minesweeper, Hearts, Freecell and Solitaire?
` A. Uh-huh.
` Q. Do you agree that Windows 95 included these
` games?
` A. I'm not sure it included, but I think it
` could run these games.
` Windows 95, when I say a little bit earlier
` on the higher level, right, it looks similar.
` Windows 95 also run on desktops, so that I'm
` not sure you're aware of it, run on desktop, run on
` notebook, run on tablets and it tends to specialize or
` customize as you go down to different category of the
` product.
` So at the very high level, they are, and I
` would say that yes, it could run, I'm not sure whether
` it bundle with it, that's what I mean.
` Q. Sure. Would you agree with me, sir, the
` Stylistic 1200 could run Windows 95?
` A. Yes, it could run Windows 95.
` Q. Would you agree with me the Stylistic 1200
` running Windows 95 could include games such as
` Minesweeper, Hearts, Freecell and Solitaire?
` A. As reported in my report, as I wrote in my
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`SCEA Ex. 1041 Page 20

`PENG LIM 10/28/2015
`Page 21
` report that Stylistic 1200 was designed for the
` corporate or what we call vertical market.
` So that question you asked me is difficult
` for me to answer simply because would people load
` games into Stylistic 1200 for the purpose of Fujitsu
` was selling them and they were buying them for
` vertical market, in my report, the answer is very,
` very unlikely.
` And I give the reason in there that why it's
` unlikely because in the corporate world, gamings is
` not something that any corporate would endorse except,
` you know, in the gaming company.
` Other than that, not something that would
` endorse.
` So on the surface, on the very high level,
` yes, it could run. I think your question is would
` people load that into the 1200, Fujitsu Stylistic
` 1200, I would say very unlikely for the application.
` Q. Sure. We will discuss the vertical markets
` and all that here in a bit.
` My question for you is: Would the Stylistic
` 1200, if a user had that device, could they load
` Windows 95 and if so, could they also load these games
` mentioned in this Windows review such as Minesweeper,
` Hearts, Freecell and Solitaire?
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`SCEA Ex. 1041 Page 21

`PENG LIM 10/28/2015
`Page 22
` A. The first part is yes, they can load Windows
` 95, come with the Fujitsu. At that time there were
` CDs that come with computer they can load into it.
` The question is yes, if you follow the
` procedure you can load Windows 95 into the 1200, the
` version Fujitsu give it to you, right.
` Can you run that software, I guess you -- I
` mean it's -- it's a computer, right.
` I want to say it's not likely people do that,
` but people that want to do that on purpose, I guess
` they could, yeah.
` Q. Thank you.
` Did you do any work at Fujitsu after 1999?
` A. No, I left Fujitsu in 1999.
` Q. So after 1999, did you have any access to
` Fujitsu business plans?
` A. After 1999, I do not.
` Q. After 1999, did you have any access to
` Fujitsu marketing plans?
` A. I do not have internal marketing plan except
` I was in the industry, industry in the sense of
` tablet, PDA industry. Anything that was publicly
` announced, I would be aware of it, but not the
` proprietary information.
` Q. Were you involved in the development of any
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`SCEA Ex. 1041 Page 22

`PENG LIM 10/28/2015
`Page 23
` Stylistic products after 1999?
` A. No, I do not -- I did not, I should say.
` Q. Were you involved in the development of any
` other Fujitsu products after 1999?
` A. After I left the company, I did not.
` Q. Were you aware that after you left Fujitsu,
` by around the 2002 time frame, tablets were moving in
` the direction of consumer markets?
` A. I heard about it, yes. I also heard about it
` that, of course, that round of product wasn't
` successful -- let me explain to you.
` In the computer world, in most of the
` industry, in the computer industry, there's always a
` way that people would like to go into consumer market
` and that wasn't -- I mean even if what you say is
` correct, and I believe it is, that at the time there
` was some discussion about going to consumer market,
` that wasn't the first time either.
` There were multiple times that in the
` computer industry, that it always thought at the very
` more focused corporate market and gradually over time
` when the technology getting more mature, when the cost
` getting lower, when the user more familiar with it,
` you know, computer is special machine, so it start
` with, you know, professional, usually, and start
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`SCEA Ex. 1041 Page 23

`PENG LIM 10/28/2015
`Page 24
` propagating down to consumer, but technology is
` important, cost is important, battery life is
` important.
` So yes, there's always a wave of companies or
` industry that wanted to get into consumer, but my
` understanding, even certainly up to 1999 I was there,
` even post 2002, my recollection is that they will try,
` they were not successful.
` The one that was successful that commonly
` known, as I point out in my report, was the iPad that
` we know today, which really pushed the market to be
` kind of more consumer market for the tablet market.
` Yeah, and I guess it's not only my opinion
` here, I think it's industry knowledge that in that
` time, early 2000, tablet computer was for professional
` and I point out the cost was 4000 plus.
` And it's hard to see that a lot of consumer
` will buy that.
` Q. Sure. I'm just trying to understand your
` opinion here because it seems like you said some
` things that conflict.
` I believe you agree with me that by 2002,
` tablet computers were moving towards the consumer
` market; is that right?
` A. That's not what I meant.
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`SCEA Ex. 1041 Page 24

`PENG LIM 10/28/2015
`Page 25
` Again, the moving is a word I try to
` understand.
` That's not what I meant.
` What I was saying was they were always an
` attempt of bringing computer product to the consumer
` market, start from desktop the same way, start with
` the notebook and I was in the notebook industry for a
` long time before I came into handheld market.
` That was always an attempt times after times
` try to do that.
` So that was my understanding that there was
` an attempt at the time.
` Moving, I don't know what you means.
` Q. Sure. So you would agree there were attempts
` by Fujitsu and other tablet designers by 2002 to
` design and develop tablets that were directed to the
` consumer market?
` A. I couldn't speak specifically for Fujitsu in
` 2000.
` In 1999, Fujitsu was actually on the tablet
` market not -- intentionally not focused on the
` consumer market because we knew that and we were
` focusing on the vertical market and we were successful
` in the vertical market, we did market study.
` The world of computer -- computer doesn't
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`SCEA Ex. 1041 Page 25

`PENG LIM 10/28/2015
`Page 26
` produce -- just produce a computer.
` We did a lot of market study, include the
` focus group, include a lot of surveys and include
` talking to bunch of analysts, people that in the
` industry that, you know, tends to survey the market.
` From those we took that input coming in,
` analyze it, then we produce a product, focus on
` certain market that we believe that we could be
` successful.
` At that time, in the late '90s, Fujitsu was
` about vertical market and actually the whole
` department -- actually Fujitsu form a brand new
` Corporated, Inc., to address that market called
` Fujitsu Personal System, if I'm not mistaken, that's
` the name, Fujitsu Personal System.
` So I cannot speak for Fujitsu was attempting,
` I had no clue.
` Market, in general I heard about it that
` yeah, people tried to do that. It wasn't t

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