`05/04/2007 14:33
`PAGE 01/28
`,.MAY 0 ~ 2007
`!iOO North Franklin TllmDikc. Ram:;cy, NJ 01446
`P,Ol) 8:l1-0S7.S Main Tel
`{201) 831-0519 Main Fax
`Commissioner for Patents
`Scott H. Kaliko, R.~.
`~I'.NfW.R'S !'I\ X NI'MllER:
`."f'NOER'S ·n ii.I'J'I n INI; Nl' Mlli'.K
`COl\!!' I\ NY:
`U~ited Sr.ate!l Patent & Tradcmru:k OfJiec
`R.l~r.l!>IINT'S 1'/\X Nt."Ml\ER:
`M .. AY4,2007
`l'O'ffo.l. NO. OF I'Mil~'< TN!;I,\JI.I\Nt: C:OVI'.R:
`Cf.f'ENT i MA'ITI'.R:
`Applia:rtion No. 10/915,866
`YOL".lt lti'.I·HRE:"'JCI' NU!
`0 l'I.RASH COMMHN'l' 0 I'LE:\~m RHPI.\'
`0 PLI\:\SE ltEC:YCl.E
`Please confinn receipt of thlo:; fa.x and the below-ide.o ti.fied attached pares.
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`Response to Office 1\crioo dated November 9, 2006
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`The infunnation contain~d in thi~ t'ac.~imilc message i3 pfivilo;gcd ond confidential :md is int<:nc.led nnly fur the L15C oftllc indivldual(s)
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`PAGE 1128 r RCVO AT 51412007 3:36:58 PM (Eastern Oa~ight Time] a SVR:USPTO·EFXRF·210 • ONIS:2738300 • CSI0:2018310519 • DURATION (nun·ss):07 .02
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1052-0001


`05/04/2007 14:33
`PAGE EJ2/28
`PTOI$8r.Z1 (09-DB)
`Approv~<l For tljle 1.1'\I'Oilgl'l 031)1/2007, OMS 0&51·0031
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`(to be tilled for sfl correspondence offer lnltlsl ffllng)
`Examiner Name
`( Cbock all tmlt apply)
`D After Allowance communication to TC
`D Appeal Communication to Board
`D Appeal Communication !o TC
`D Status Letter
`D other Enclosure(s) (please Identify
`Qf AppeEIIS snd lnt(!tference$
`(A~po~r Notleo, Brlof, ~O!)Iy SI'IOf)
`Proprietary Information
`Fee Transmittal Form
`Fee Attaohed
`D Licensiny-related Papers
`D Petition
`D Petition to Convert to a
`D Power of Attorney, Revocation
`D Terminal Disclaimer
`D Express Abandonl'llelll Req~t D ReQI.Ie$1 tor Refl.lncl
`D lnfom~~lion OisCiosure Statement D CD. Number of CD(s)
`D Landscape Table on CD
`D Certified Copy of Priority
`D Reply to Missing F'arts/
`0 Reply to Missing F'ans
`After Final
`Provisional Application
`Change at Correspondence Address
`Extension of nme Request
`I Remarl<.s
`Incomplete Application
`under 37 CFR 1.52 or 1.53
`Firm Name
`Printed name
`SignatUre /~ -"-
`$.~H. KAL!KO. ESQ.
`MAY 4, 2007
`1 Reg. No.
`I hereby certify that this correspondeoce is being facsimile tran$mitted to the USI"TO or deposited with the United Slates Postal Service with
`sufficient postage as first class malll~lope addressed to: Commissioner for Patents, P.O. SoJC 1450. Alexandria, VA 22313·1450 on
`the dale shown below:

`\Jyped or printed name
`I Dale I MAV 4, 2007
`Thla co1Gc11tm of lnfl:>rm~lion is: rllquimd tty 37 CI=R 1.5. iM itlforme!!en Is l'e'lUIN!d !o o!l!Bln or remln a beoofit by the public which le In f<l<: (""" by UU. USPTO to
`process) an appllcatlon. Confidentiality is fiiOII'I:lmed by 3S U.S.C. 122 ""d 37 CFR 1,11 snd1.14. This colll!dlon ls estimated to 2 houra to c:ompklto, indudmo
`QOihellfl!l, ~petl"l!, and submlttlng the completed appllcsllon form to the USPTO. rome ..,;11 ~ry dCI)Ctn:ling upon the l~dM!Iu31 cue. Any oommen1ll an tie
`amount of 1ime vou requilll to complete 1hi& fOrm andfor sugge~n!l for reducing thl9 burden, should be sent to tho Chief InformatiOn Officer, U.S. Patent an<l
`T""de""'rt< Otnce. U.$. Department of Commerce, P.O. Box 14M, Alexandria, VA. 22313-1450. 00 NOT SF.NO FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS
`ADDRESS. SEND T01 Commlsslom~rfor Patents, P.O. Bo" 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450.
`If you need auistsnce In completing the form, cBIJ 1-80Q.PT0-9199 9nd select opt/Qn 2.
`PAGE 2128* RCVD AT 51412007 3:36:58 PM [Eastern Da~ight TimeJ• SVR:USPTO.EFXRF·210 * DNIS:2738300 • CSID:2018310519 • DURATION (mm·ss):07 .02
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1052-0002


`05/04/2007 14:33
`PAGE 03/28
`. NAY Op,ti9,qfo7-DG)
`Approvi!XI fer use thnlU!Ih 01/3112007. OMB 0651·0032
`U.S. F~tent ~d 'trnclern~l'll Of!l~; U.$. OSPAAfMeNT OF COMMi;RCF.
`Undsr l~a Pa~srwork Reduction Act af 1995 no_persons am re<nrimd to rm1.2f?!'d to a coli action or Information unless It dlsoleYtl a valid OMB control number
`Complete if Known
`EJ!Br:tlw on 121081'2004.
`Pees puJSuflnt to tl'!e Consoii'<JIIterl Approplf~li0118 Act, 2005 (H,R, 481 B).
`AUGUST 11 2004
`First Named Inventor MICHAEL E. SHANAHAN
`Examiner Name
`Art Unil
`Atlomey Docket No. MES/007
`For FY 2006
`[ZJ Applicant claims small entity status. See 37 CFR 1, V
`Application Number
`METHOD OF PAYMENT {oheok ell that apply)
`D Check [{]Credit Card D Money Order 0None DathE:t (pl~liSC identifY):
`0 Deposit Account Deposit Account Number.
`Deposit Account Nama:
`For the above-identified deposit account. I he Director Is hereby authorized to: (check all thai apply)
`[ZI crwge fe$($} indie<~led below
`[Z] Charge any additional fee(s) or underpayments of fee(s)
`under 37 CFR 1.16 and 1.17
`WARNING:·Inform!ltlon on this form may becom~t public. Credit card lnfonnatlon should not bolneludll<l on tl'lltl totm. PI'OvldO erocllttlll'<l
`lnfonnatlon and authorization an PTQ-2038.
`D Charge fee(s) Indicated below. exc:ept for the filing f~NJ
`D credit any overpayment&
`Foo POlld (i~
`sm.~!l !;n!J1x
`Sm;~u E:ntltl(
`Sm:.ll Entl!)!
`Al!l!llcatlon T.n!.! ~~ Fee.J$1
`E,o_e_{.$J ~ Foo{$)
`F(Ja Oa9C.!!P1!Qn
`Each claim over 20 (including Reissues)
`Each Independent claim over 3 (including Reissues)
`Multiple dependent claims
`Total Claim9
`f:!!ra Claims
`-20 or HP=
`HP = hiQMSI num'bor ~f tot<ll cl~ims p~:llor,lf gre~ler lllan 20.
`Fee Paid !$1
`lnde!!, Clal!!!l!
`foe 1$1
`Extr11 Cllllm:~
`-3 or HP "
`HP = l'li~lle$t number Oflll<I"P'"nde"l Cl3im3 peid for, It ereater than~-
`If the specification a11d drawings exceed 100 $heets of paper (excluding electronically filed sequence or computer
`listings under 37 CFR 1.52(e)). the application size fcc due is $250 ($125 for small entity) for each additional 50
`sheets or fraction thereof. Sec 3.5 U.S.C. 41~l)jG) and 37 CFR 1.16(s).
`o DliCh 11ddltiomll 50 or fraction thereof m!.ll
`To!l'll Shoot!!
`Extr:o Shl!9ts
`(round up to a wl\ole number) X
`• 100=
`Non-English Specification. $130 fee (no small entity discount)
`Other (e.g., late filing sorchan:e):_O:bir:dl Monlfl ExfensiQO af Iirne r=~ 37 Q!'R1.1 i£al(;.U
`feas Paid lll
`·····~· ····-··---···-·
`Small Entl!l!
`~ ~
`Muitll!l9 Del!endent Claims
`~ Fee Pllt<l !.1J
`Fee Paid 1~1
`F'~as Paltl !Sl
`Telet:Jhone :W1·831-0S75
`Date May 4, .2007
`- ~
`1 Registration No. 45 786
`Name (Prlnt!Type) Se¢H. Kallko, Esq.
`This collllcHon of lnfonnmlon Is rnquin~d by 37 CFR 1.13&. The lnform~Hon i~ ~ull'l!ld to obt:lin or rell!ln a benellt by the pu'b•c which Ia tone (and by tha
`USPTO to procso!!) an application. Confldanttollly Ia governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 end 37 CFR 1.14. Thi~ collectiOn i$ esti~tell to ta~ :10 mlnu!I!!IIO complete,
`including gathering, proparing, end &ubmittinQ thO C>Oml)leted ~ppl~tion rorm 1:0 the USPTO. Tlma wl• vary depending upon the lndMdual cess. Any comments
`on tile amount Qf tim" yau require to cample:te 1111s farm and/or aupgaotlan& for reducing thle bunlan, should be aent to the Chi~llnf<>rmeticm Offlt:et, U.S. P~>t.ent
`nnd T!'lldomAr' Off""'"· U.S. Oeportn'lel'll of COr'l'ltMtce. P.O. Sol< 1450. Alexandria. VA 22313-HSO. 00 NOT SE.NC !"EES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS
`ADDRESS. 51: .... 0 TO; Comml!o!Sioner fQr Pal;ents, P.O. Box 1450, Alel(andr1a, VA 22.313-1450.
`If you r>eed u.tistenae in compJelillg the form, eai/1-800-PT0-9199and st:Je<;toptlon 2.
`PAGE 3128t RCVD AT 5/412007 3:36:58 PM [Eastern Daylight Time]* SVR:USPTQ.EFXRF-2/0 * ONIS:2738300 t CSID:2018310519 t DURATION (mm·ss):D7.02
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1052-0003


`.. MAY 0 ~ 2007
`PAGE 04/28
`PT0/$6117 (07.06)
`Approll9d for use ltuouqh 01/3112007. OMB 0651-0032
`U.S. Patent ana Trademark Office: U.S. OI!F'IIRTMI!NT OF COMMERCE
`on o
`rma nun esa t s leyll a
`1 dl til
`UMer tl\e P:t~IWert R~ue!lon Ae:t of 1995 no pei!IDM are required 10 re.pond to a eoft ec!l
`f Info
`ba r
`veil OMB
`Complsta H Known
`Efl'«tve on 1 VD~004.
`Fees pursuent to the Consolidated Approp!ialion3 Act 2005 (H.R. 4$181.
`AUGUST 11 2004
`First Named Inventor MICHAEL E. SHANAHAN
`E:xaminer Name
`Art Unit
`Attorney Docl<et No. MESt007 ·
`For FY 2006
`(ZJ Applicant claims small entity 5tatus. See 37 CFR. 1.27
`Application Nli1Tlber
`METHOD OF PAYM~IIlT (check all tnat apply)
`D Check [2] Credit Card D Money Order 0 None 0 Other (plcore idcnt•,Yl:
`0 Deposit Account Oepoal! Acccunt Number:
`Deposit Account Name:
`For the above·ldentified deposit account. the Directoria I'IE!reby authorized to: (check all that apply)
`[Z]charge fee(s) Indicated below
`0 Charge ree(s) Indicated below. except f~r tfw filing foe
`0 Credit any overpayment$
`[{] Cl'larga any additional fee(s) or underpayments of fee(s)
`uncser 37 CFR 1.16 and 1.17
`WARN IN¢: lllforrn3tlon on thlt fom~ may btcame public. Cn!dlt card Information ahould not bot lllolud&d 011 lhfs fot'm. Provide eradit card
`Information and aulhorl:ratlan on PT0-2038.
`Small Entltt
`Sm;:lll E11tlt)(
`(e~...L$1 ~ .E.e_~L(.$1
`Ae!!licatlon T!f~
`Feru; Paid {~l
`__ ...
`Foo Dot:crl(!tlon
`Each claim over 2() (including Reissues)
`Each independent claim over 3 (including Reissues)
`Muhiple dependent claims
`Total Claims
`Ext111 Clll!lms
`-20 arHP =
`HP = ~iohe$1 numi:ler Of to!QI et;~ims f)~i.:l for, if gre;~t•r tMM 20.
`lnda(!. Claims
`Ext1'111 Cleim~ ~ Fe& Paid !~l
`-3 or HP .,
`HP " highest number of Independent claims paid tor, it greater than 3.
`Tfth~ specification and dra\\dngs exceed I 00 sheets of pape:r (excluding electronically filed sequence or e<>mputcr
`listings under 37 CFR 1.52(c)), the application size fcc due: is $250 ($125 for small entity) for each additional SO
`sheetsorfiactionthereof. Scc35 U.S.C. 41~)(1)(G)and 37CFR 1.16\s).
`Totnl Snetrt.!l
`E:lt!!,.a Sn!X}t&
`Num er of aaeh 3dditlon:.l 50 or ractlon thergof
`I :iO =
`(round up to a whole number) "
`- 100=
`Ncn-Engli:;h Specification, $130 fee (no small entity discount)
`Other (e.g., late filing sureharge):JI.!:lk.d.} Mon.t!J_E;~!lQ~o_oL1iroe~3.7....C£13J_J.ZW(.31
`Fee P!!ild 111
`Sm~tll Entity
`Multi~le O&o9ndant Claims
`~ Foo Paid !ll
`Foes Paid{~)
`1 Registration No.
`" 5 • 786
`felephone 201-931-0575
`Date May 4. 2007
`N~Jme Wrlntffype) Sc~ H. Kaliko, EM!.
`Tnts colledlcn Of Information Ia required by 37 CFR 1.136. The rnformaticn ill requlrud to obtain or te~in ~ t)el'lef~ l:ly 1M putlliCI.WIIiCI'IIS to !lie (and by the
`USPTO to PfO~$$) Qn Qppli=lton. Ccl!frdentlallly is governed by 35 U.$.C. 122 end 37 CFR 1.14. This oollection is estimated to take 30 minu~ to complete,
`Including oalheflnij, preparing, end submitllng ths completed application lonn to the USPTO. n~ "'ill vaty Clel)en<ling UJX!n tile i!ldlvldu:d ""~"· Any ecMmenlo
`on the gmoun1 Of time you require to ~pi~ !IIi!. fOrm and/or •uggestlons ror redUcing 1hls burden, •hould be sl!fll1o the Chief Information Officer. U.S. Patent
`""<I Tr.,dem<~rk Offlor:, U.S. Oepmtment <11 Commerce, P.O. Box 1453, Ale•""dna, VA. 22313-14l!O. 00 NOT SEND f'EES OR COMPLETED PORI/IS TO THIS
`ADDRESS. SEIIID TO: comml$9101\&t for Pater'lt!l, P .0_ Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450.
`If ygu need a:iSioUmce in completing the form, ca/11-800-PT0-9199 and seii!!Ct opt/OTt 2.
`PAGE 4128 • RCVD AT 5/412007 3:36:58 PM ~astern Daylight Time]* SVR:USPTO.EFXRF·210 • DNIS:2738300 • CSID:2018310519 • DURATION (mm·ss):07 .02
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1052-0004


`05/04/2007 14:33
`PAGE 06/28
`.. MAY 0 ~ 2007
`Application No.
`Michael E. Shanahan
`Confirmation No.: 8931
`August 11, 2004
`Congvan Tran
`Group Art Unit
`May 4, 2007
`Mail Stop Amendment
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`In response ·to the Office Action dated November 9, 2006:
`A listing of c1aims including amendments begins on page 2 of this
`Remarks begin on page 13 of tM.s paper.
`05/87/2087 Tl0111
`81 FC:2253
`80080015 10915866
`518.80 OP
`PAGE 6128 • RCVD AT 51412007 3:36:58 PM [Eastern Da~ight TimeJ • SVR:USPTO·EFXRF·210 • ONIS:2738300 * CSID:2018310519 *DURATION (mm·ss):07 .02
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1052-0005


`I '
`05/04/2007 14:33
`PAGE 07/28
`.MAY 0 • 2001
`Listing of C1a~s
`1. (Currently Amended) A wireless telephone that may
`be customized by programming an audio file into the wireless
`telephone for use as an indicia of an incoming corrununication &F.(cid:173)
`a time specified by a user of the wireless telephone, the
`telephone comprising:
`means for connecting to a remote database that
`includes a plurality of lists of polyphonic audio files;
`means for browsing at least one of the lists of
`polyphonic audio files; means for selecting at least one of the
`polyphonJ.c audio files from the browsed list;
`means for optionally reviewing the selected polyphonic
`audio file before downloading the selected polyphonic audio into
`a memory circuit in the wireless telephone; and
`means for downloading the selected polyphonic audio
`file for use as an indicia of an incominq comrnu.nication at the
`tlme specified by the user of tr~wi~~s tei~re.
`2. (Previously presented) The wireless telephone of
`claim 1, further comprising means for searching the remote
`database for a certain desired polyphonic audio file using title
`or description information to aid in locating the desired
`polyphonic audio file.
`3. (Previously presented) The wireless telephone of
`claim 2, wherein the searching further comp.rises means for
`searching the Internet or other remote databases for the desired
`polyphonic audio file.
`PAGE 7128 • RCVD AT 51412007 3:36:58 PM [Eastern Da~ight Timej * SVR:USPTO·EFXRF·2f0 * DNIS:2738300 * CSID:2018310519* DURATION !mm-ss):07.02
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1052-0006


`I '
`05/04/2007 14:33
`PAGE 08/28
`4. (Previously presented) The wireless telephone of
`.claim l, further comprising means for providing a visual
`indication on a display screen of the wireless telephone to
`confirm the selected polyphonic audio file has been successfully
`5. (Previously presented) The wireless telephone of
`claim 1, wherein the browsing of polyphonic audio files is
`accomplished at least in part using a Wireless Application
`Protocol (WAP) compliant system.
`6. (Previously presented) The wireless telephone of
`claim 1, further comprising means for preventing unauthorized
`distribution of the selected polyphonic audio file stored in the
`programmable memory circuit.
`7. (Previously presented) A wireless telephone that
`may be customized by progra~~ing an audio file into the wireless
`telephone for use as an indicia of an incoming communication,
`the telephone comprising:
`means for connecting to a remote database that
`includes a plurality of audio files; means for selecting at
`least one of the audio files from the database;
`means for downloading and storing the selected audio
`file for use as an indicia of an incoming communication; and
`means for preventing tne unauthorized distribution of
`a selected audio file stored ~n the wireless telephone.
`PAGE 8128 2 RCVD AT 514/2007 3:36:58 PM [Eastern Daylight Time] • SVR:USPTO·EFXRF·210 • DNIS:2738300 • CSID:2018310519 'DURATION (mm·ss):07.02
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1052-0007


`05/04/2007 14:33
`PAGE 09/28
`8. (Previously presented) The wireless telephone of
`claLm 7, further comprising means for indicating that a memory
`capacity of the wireless telephone has been exceeded if the size
`of the audio file to be downloaded is larger than available
`memory space in the wireless telephone.
`9. (Pr~viously presented} The wireless telephone of
`claim 7, wherein the selected audio file is a polyphonic audio
`10. (Currently Amended) A telephone that may be
`customized by searching for and selecting an a.udio file from a
`remote computer and programming the selected audio file into the
`telephone for use as an indicia of a.n incoming communication at(cid:173)
`a t.ime Sfi"C€ified by the user, the telephone compr).sing:
`a communications link co.pable of connecting to a
`database in the remote computer that includes a plurality of
`polyphonic audio files;
`a display screen and a browsing application program
`that allows a user of the telephone to browse the polyphonic
`audio files and select at least one polyphonic audio file
`processing circuitry configured to supervise receipt
`of a selected polyphonic audio file from the communications
`a programmable memory circuit for allowing the user to
`optionally store the selected polyphonic audio file for use ~
`an indicia of an incoming communication at. a tiffie th€ specified
`by the Hse~; and
`PAGE 9/28 t RCVD AT 5/412007 3:36:58 PM [Eastern Daylight TimeJ* SVR:USPTO·EFXRF-210 * DNIS:2738300 • CSID:2018310519 • DURATION (mm·ss):07 .02
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1052-0008


`05/04/2007 14:33
`PAGE 10/28
`an enhanced performance speaker capable of providing a
`substantially full range of audio sounds from the selected
`polyphonic audio file when the selected polyphonic audio file is
`11. (Previously presented) A system for providing a
`polyphonic audio file to a wireless telephone for use as an
`indicia of an incoming communication, the system comprising:
`a remote computer with access to a database of
`polyphonic audio files suitable for downloading to the wireless
`telephone wherein the remote computer is configured to:
`provide a list of polyphonic audio files in the
`database to a user of the wireless telephone when the user
`requests the list of polyphonic audio files;
`allow the user of the wi~eless telephone to
`browse the list of polyphonic audio files;
`allow the user of the wireless telephone to
`select a desired polyphonic audio file from the list of
`polyphonic audio files; and
`allow the user of the wireless telephone to
`optionally download a selected polyphonic audio file into the
`wireless telephone for future use as en indicia of an incoming
`communication; wherein the system is configured to confirm the
`selected polyphonic audio file has been properly received by the
`wireless telephone.
`PAGE 10/28 * RCVD AT 5/4120073:36:58 PM !Eastern Daylight TimeJt SVR:USPtO-EFXRF·2lO* DNIS:2738300 1 CSI0:2018310519* DURATION (mm-ss):07.02
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1052-0009


`05/04/2007 14:33
`PAGE 11/28
`12. (Previously presented) The system of claim 11,
`wherein the remote computer is further configured to allow the
`user of the wireless telephone to search the database of
`polyphonic audio files for a certain polyphonic audio file using
`title or description information.
`13. (Previo~sly presented) The system of claim 11,
`further configured to allow the user of the wireless telephone
`to review the selected polyphonic audio file before downloading
`the selected polyphonic audio file into a programmable memory in
`the wireless telephone.
`14. (Previously presented) The system of claim 13,
`further configured to provide the user of the wireless telephone
`with the option of dmmloading the selected polyphnnic audio
`file into a programmable memory in the wireless telephone after
`reviewing the selected polyphonic audio file.
`15. (Previously presented) The system of claim 15,
`further configured to provide the user of the wireless telephone
`with the option of edi~ing the selected polyphonic audio file
`before programming the selected polyphonic audio file into the
`programmable memory in the wireless telephone.
`16. (Previously presented) The system of claim 11,
`wherein the remote computer is further configured to provide a
`plurality of lists of polyphonic audio files for browsing by the
`user of the wireless telephone.
`PAGE 11128 * RCVD AT 5/412007 3:36:58 PM [Eastern Daylight Time] t SVR:USPTO.fFXRF·210 t DNIS:2738300 t CSID:2018310519 *DURATION (mm-ss):07.02
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1052-0010


`05/04/2007 14:33
`PAGE 12/28
`17. (Previously presented) The system of claim 11,
`wherein the database ls configured to include polyphonic audio
`files selected from the group comprising MP3, MPEG, or WAV
`18. (Previously presented) The systero of claim 11,
`wherein the database is configured to include polyphonic MIDI
`audio files.
`19. (Previou~ly presented) The system of claim 11,
`configured to provide copyright protection for the database of
`polyphonic audio files to help prevent unauthorized distribution
`of polyphonic audio files downloaded by the user of the wireless
`20. (Previously presented) The system of claim 11,
`further configured to coordinate downloading of the selected
`polyphonic audio file such that the user of the wireless
`telephone is informed when the wireless'telephone has
`insufficient available memory capacity to successfully download
`the selected polyphonic audio file~
`21. (Previously presented} A method for providing a
`polyphonic audio file to a wireless telephone for use as an
`indicia of an incoming corrd'nunication, the method comprising:
`providing a dat:e.base of polyphonic audio files
`suitable for downloading to the wireless telephone;
`PAGE 12128 * RCVD AT 5/412007 3:36:58 PM [Eastern Daylight TimeJ * SVR:USPTO-EFXRF·210 * DNIS:2738300 1 CSID:2018310519 *DURATION (mm-ss}:07 .02
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1052-0011


`05/04/2007 14:33
`PAGE 13/28
`providing a list of polyphonic audio files in the
`database to a user of the wireless telephone when the user
`~equests the list of polyphonic audio files;
`allowing the user of the wireless telephone to browse
`the list of polyphonic audio files;
`allowing the user of the wireless telephone to select
`a desired polyphonic audio file from the list of polyphonic
`audio files;
`allowing the user of the wireless telephone to
`optionally download a selected polyphonic audio file into the
`wireless telephone for future use as an indicia of an incoming
`co~~unication; and
`confirming the selected polyphonic audio file has been
`properly received.
`22. (Previously presented) The method of claim 21,
`further comprising allowing the user of the wireless telephone
`to search the database of polyphonic audio files for a certain
`polyphonic audio file using title or description information.
`23. (Previously presented) The method of claim 21,
`further comprising allowing the user of the wireless telephone
`to review the selected polyphonic a.udio file before downloading
`the selected polyphonic audio file into a programmable memory in
`the wirel~ss telephone.
`24. (Previously presented) The method of claim 23,
`further comprising providing the user of the wireless telephone
`to with the option of downloading the selected polyphonic audio
`PAGE 13128 a RCVD AT 5/4120073:36:58 PM (Eastern Daylight Time] • SVR:USPTO-EFXRF·210 • DNIS:2738300 • CSID:2018310519 a DURATION (mm-ss):07 .02
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1052-0012


`05/04/2007 14:33
`PAGE 14/28
`file into a programmable nemory in the wireless telephone after
`reviewing the selected polyphonic audio file.
`25. (Previously presented) The method of claim 24,
`further comprising providing the user of the wireless telephone
`with the option of editing the selected polyphonic audio file
`before programming the selected polyphonic audio file into the
`programmable memory in the wireless telephone.
`26. (Previously presented) The method of claim 21,
`further comprising providing a plurality of lists of polyphonic
`audio files for browsing by the user of. the wireless telephone.
`27. (Previously presented) The method of claim 21,
`further s-toring polyphonic audio files in the
`database including those selected from the group comprising MP3,
`MPEG, or T!JAV files.
`28. (Previously presented} The method of claim 21,
`further comprising storing polyphonic audio files in the
`database including polyphonic MIDI audio files.
`29. (Previously presented) The method of claim 21,
`further comprising providing copyright protection for the
`database of polyphonic audio files to help prevent unauthorized
`distribution of polyphonic audio files downloaded by the user of
`the wireless telephone.
`30. (Previously presented) The method of claim 21,
`further comprising coordinating downlo~ding of the selected
`polyphonic audio file such that the user of the wireless
`PAGE 14/28 1 RCVD AT 5/412007 3:36:58 PM [Eastern Daylight Time) t SVR:USPTO-EFXRF-210 t DNIS:2738300 1 CSID:2D1831 0519 *DURATION (rnm-ss):07.02
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1052-0013


`05/04/2007 14:33
`telephone is informed when the wireless telephone has
`insufficient available memor.y capacity to successfully download
`the selected polyphonic audio file.
`31. {Previously presented} An Internet site that
`allows a user of a wireless telephone to ·browse and select a
`polyphonic audio file that may be downloaded into a wireless
`telephone for use as an indicia of an incoming communication,
`the Internet site comprising:
`a database of polyphonic audio files suitable for
`downloading to the wireless telephone wherein the Internet site
`is configured to:
`provide a list of polyphonic audio files in the
`database to the user of the wireless telephone when the user of
`the wireless telephone requests the list of polyphonic audio
`allow the user of the wireless telephone to
`browse the list of polyphonic audio files;
`allow the user of the wireless telephone to
`select a desired polyphonic audio file from the list of
`polyphonic audio files; and
`allow the user of the wireless telephone to
`optionally download a selected polyphonic audio file into the
`wireless telephone for future use as an indicia of an incoming
`32. (.Previously presented) The Internet site of claim
`31, configured to operate in conjunction with a distribution
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`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1052-0014


`05/04/2007 14:33
`PAGE 16/28
`computer to confirm the selected polyphonic audio file has been
`properly received by the wireless telephone.
`33. (Previously presented) The Internet site of claim
`31, further configured to allow the user of the wireless
`telephone to search the database of polyphonic audio files for a
`certain polyphonic audio file using title or description
`34. (Previously presented) The Internet site of claim
`31, further configured to operate in conjunction with a
`distribution computer to allow the user of the wireless
`telephone to review the selected polyphonic audio file before
`downloading the selected polyphonic audio file into a
`programmable memory in the wireless telephone.
`35. (Previously presented) The Internet site of claim
`34, further configured to operate in conjunction with a
`distrj.bution computer to provj_de the user of the wireless
`telephone with the option of downloading the selected polyphonic
`audio file into a programmable memory in the wireless telephone
`after reviewing the selected polyphonic audio file.
`36. (P.reviously presented) The Internet site of claim
`31, further configured to provide a plurality of lists of
`polyphonic audio files for browsing by the user of the wireless
`37. (Previously presented) The Internet site of claim
`31, wherein the database is configured to include polyphonic
`audio files selected from the group comprising MP3, MPEG, or WAV
`PAGE 16128' RCVD AT 514/2007 3:36:58 PM [Eastern Daylight Time] • SVR:USPTO-EFXRF·210 ~ DNIS:2738300 1 CSID:2018310519 • DURATION !mm-ss):07.02
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1052-0015


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`PAGE 17/28
`38. (Previously presented) The Internet site of claim
`31, wherein the database is configured to include polyphonic
`MIDI audio files.
`39. (Previously presented) The Internet site of claim
`31, configured to operate in conjunction with a distribution
`computer to provide copyright protection for the database of
`polyphonic audio files to help prevent unauthorized distribution
`of polyphonic audio files downloaded by the user of the wireless
`40. (Previously presented) The Internet site of claim
`31, configured to operate in conjunction with a distribution
`computer to coordinate downloading of the selected polyphonic
`audio file such that the user of the wireless telephone is
`informed when the wireless telephone has insufficient available
`memory capacity to successfully download the selected polyphonic
`audio file.
`PAGE 17128 * RCVD AT 5/412007 3:36:58 PM [Eastern Daylight Time!* SVR:USPTO.fFXRF·210 * DNIS:2738300 1 CSID:201831 0519 *DURATION (mm-ss):07 .02
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1052-0016


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`.. MAY 0 4 2007
`I. ~etition Under 37 C.F.R. § 1.136(a)
`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. S l.i36(a), applicant hereby petitions
`for a three-mo

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