`I Th is is a leg al agree ment betvileen you , the en d user, an d No kia
`Mo bile Phones Ltd.. (here inafter No kia). Th is Lice nse Agree m ent
`applies to the copy of the proprietary No kia Soft\lvare that is store d on
`this CD-ROM (hereinafter Software ). No kia is willing to license the
`Software to you only upo n the condition that you accept all terms
`contai ne d in this agreement. Please read the terms carefully before
`in stal ling or using the Software , as in stal ling or usi ng the S.oftware
`1 will indicate that you accept the terms. If you do not agree to these
`terms, then No kia is unwilling1to·license the Software to· you , in which
`event you shoul d cancel the instal lation an dl return the CD-ROM to
`1.1 No kia grants you the right to instal l the Software on a local hard
`dlis k(s ) an d use the Soft\lvare on a s ing le co mputer or term inal at a
`time ..
`1.2 You may not use , modify, or transfer the right to use the Software
`or any co py thereof except as expressly p.rovicledl in this Agreement.
`1.3 You may transfe r all of your rights on a permanent basis , provided !iii!!
`that you transfer all copies of the Software an d the recipient agrees to mm
`, the terms ofthis Lice nse Agree m ent.
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1094-0001


`This CD•-ROM contains ...
`EC and MacJntos.h sottv1are
`~o m m u ntcator s·oftv.rare
`cr.ub _Hokiia membership apprtcatr.on
`DQcu menta.ti:on
`l.lsStJ~ of th is CO-Rom:
`Activate the d esired item by d i ci!;ing th,e
`mous·e on top of Ut e item 01 use the
`.eyboard by pt"essi ng1 the u nd:SI i ned·
`.a.l pha bet
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1 094-0002


`PC and Macintosh software
`PC S'u i~e for Noklia ~110 Communicator
`~ i n 95 / 98 I tfl4.0)
`Nolti!a. Gomnmnlcator ~erver for PC ~i n 3.11 }
`IF.!J.temm [grate ('Win 9.5 / 98 I NT 4.0)
`Adobe Acrobat Reader J:•U1 for PC
`~werJ!<O:lnt V:tewer for PC {Win 95 / 98 N'T 4.0 ~
`~oioe R,eoorded P!ayback Piug -irn for
`Windows 95/NT 4 ;9
`Nok!fa I)atabaSJe Conv,erter fWin 95 1 98 NT 4.0}
`~eresta SmartiFor;m s for PC ('Win 95 t 9.8 tH 4 .o·)
`Macintosh software
`t4olci!a Comnmntcator Server for
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1094-0003


`PC software
`PC Suite for No·kia 91110 Communicator
`(Win 9'5/98/N T 4.0)
`-Connect the communicator an d PC with R8-232 cable or
`infrare d connection
`-All backup, restore an d other functions are controlle d fro m
`the PC
`-Files can be moved! to PC for storag·e an d printing
`Sy.stem Requ.ire-ments
`- W i n.d 95.198 or N!T 4.0
`- I BM-c::)mpa.ti ble 486 or h·ig h:er PC
`- 1 5 M B hard d'ist space
`- VGA a bJ:tter monit'Di
`- Serial pert
`.!!S ER Gli!DE
`li FJmm~mn
`C li d page number for mDIIe details
`Co mmu n icato r
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1094-0004


`PC Suite includes
`me TransFer
`- Copy files betvveen
`comm un icator an d
`PC easily by using
`mo use
`Gl i dl: p!lll.e n u m bcEil f,Df rnDfe d'etai Is
`Co mmu n icato r
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1 094-0005


`ll'n no lin.!\, S'J>re<~d sheet {trial VETEion}
`~e:l.esta I Assr,stant
`Gefesta .Smartf orms {trial \o\Eii'Sion)
`Hte Transfer Protoco {HE:~
`H l~e§:fer
`IrnportiE.x,port ,ca'tendar data
`:rmportiE.x,port CQntacts
`El.ectrontc B_!!nk:ing {GBrmany only}
`Mrnite:l (Fra ncs only}
`Wire!e.s.s. Data
`C li dl: pag~numbBIS f·or m01e
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1094-0006


`~ Uves
`E:u nl~e
`C l i pB{len u mba's for mc.e
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1 094-0007


`.Sound O.aHery
`Use the PC Suite for No kia Comm unicator or Nnkia
`Co mm un icator Se rver software tn cnpy the fil es intn
`the 'ToneS:' fo lder of the co mm un icator.
`These fil es are located in the dlirecto ry:
`\data\9•11 0 _ s:w\.Sou nd s on your CD drive.
`r BOJO ING.WA\1"',
`· oiDIDI .WAV"',
`· o o NK.WAV"',
`. EFECT.WA\1"',
`. FLABOOM .WA\1"',
`· GAD,A.GA.WAli,
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1094-0008


`Sound Gallery
`Use the PC Suite for Nokia Com municator or Nokia
`Co mmuni ca. tor Server software to co P'Y the fi I es into·
`the 'l"ones' fol der of the co mmunicator.
`These files are lo cate d in the dlirector_1r
`\data\9•11 0 --'swltS·o:u nd s on your CD drive .
`. L.AUGH .WA\1"',
`· u o N.WA\1"',
`·r~lEL.cODY. WA\1"' ,
`. PARTY1 .W.A\I"',
`. PARTY2.WA\I"',
`· pa uL TRY.WA\1"',
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1094-0009


`Sound ·Gallery
`Use the PC Suite fo r No kia Commun icator or No kia
`Co mm unicator Server software to WP·Y the file.s into
`the 'Tones' fol der of the co mmu nicator.
` file.s are locate d in the dire cto ry:
`\data\911 0 -'sv.r\ Sou nd s on your CD drive.
`"T JON G.WA\1"',
`"TVVANG WA\1"',
`"VVH IZFN K.WA\1"',
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1094-0010


`Sound Gallery
`Use the PC Suite for Nokia Com municator or Nokia
`Co mmuni ca. tor Server software to co P'Y the fi I es into·
`the 'l"ones' fol der of the co mmunicator.
`These files are lo cate d in the dlire ctor_1r
`\data\9•11 0 --'swltS·o:u nd s on your CD drive .
`• PRRRRR.WA'\1",
`. RAINFOR.WA'\1",
`. ROO.S.TER.WA'\1",
`·sou No .WAV",
`I JONG.WA'\1",
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1094-0011


`Fil e transfer
`With this application you can transfer fi les between your
`comm unicator an d a PC /Mac. Before using this
`application , you need to start the Nokia Commu nicator
`Server program on your P'C.
`This program is I ocate d in the directo ry:
`data\91 1 0 _ s.w \Sys_A:ppstEn on your CD drive.
`t4ote:Your communicator requires 19KB offree diis k
`sp·ace to ru n File Tra nsfer .
`... 0 -
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1094-0012


`File Trans.fer Protocoi(FTP)
`the server an d J]ress OK.
`Use the PC Suite for No kia Communicator or Nokia
`Communicator softw•are to co py the program in to the
`com municator.
`This application is locate d in the directory:
`\d.ata\911 0_ sw\fi=tp on your CD ctri\le.
`Note: Your communicator requires 67 KB offree dis k
`sp,ace to run FTP.
`ll»tllold Mil
`o~~! ••u a,
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1094-0013


`Fil e s.fier Protoco,l (FTP)
`With FTP (Fi I e Tran sfer Proto co I) you can transfer fi I e s
`bet\.veen your com municator an d an FTP se rver locate d
`anjWhere in the Internet or in intra nets . Befo re using, thi s
`app lication , be su re to define your Internet access point in
`the Internet settings , see ~I nternet setti ng s~ on User
`m anual.
`When you op·en the FTP application , you will see two
`w indlow s on the disp lay: the window on the left show s the
`fol ders ofthe co mm unicator, aml the one on the right
`shows the list of se rvers you have dlefine cl. Use the
`hi iiUI
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1094-0014


`File Tran s.fer Protocol (FTP)
`Tab, or the left an d right arrow keys tn m ove between
`th ese mo window s.
`I o define an ,flp
`-Press the Menu butto n an d select New serv•er.
`- Enter the na m e an d th e IP' address of th e se rver.
`- Ente r the num ber of th e se rver port Th e default po rt
`number is 21.
`-Press C.hange an d select the Internet access po int you
`us e for co nnectin g, to the se rver.
`-To edit an existin g se f\ler, press th e Menu button and
`.. .
`. •.•.•
`Cl u ~l!
`lol ~nl
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1094-0015


`Club Nokia
`- - - - - - -
`Join Clu b No kia an d You will be forming
`the future with us. Learn about exciting,
`new pro ducts an d inventions through
`C lu b No kia.
`J oiln now
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1094-0016


`File s.fer Protocol (FTP)
`select E,(l! ift S:erver.
`- To re move a se rver, s e I e ct Del.ete s·erv,er..
`J o ·oon n~ec.t to an FTP server:
`-Go to the w in dow on the right an d select the FTP se rver
`to w hich you w ant to connect.
`-Press Connect
`- Enter the user name ami passw ord you nee d to lo g on
`the se rver an dl press OK.
`- When the connection to the se rver has been
`establishe d, the contents ofthe se rver w ill be shown in
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1094-0017


`the window on the right.
`-Select a dlirecto ry an dl p-ress Open.
`-Press the Menu l}utton and select whether to copy fi les
`betvileen the server an d your communicator; re move
`files or directo ri es fro m the server; create dire ctories in
`the server; or display information about the fil e.
`- To discon nect fro m the serve r, press Hang up.
`With FTP you ca n transfer fi I es betvlle en you r
`com municator an d an FTP server locate d anY'flihere in the
`Internet or in intran ets.
`EJ llou
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1094-0018


`Nokia 9'110 Communicator User Guide
`Dans !I::
`Eng lish
` lish (A.PAC)
`F ran~ai s
`Ital iano·
`Nors k
`Suo m i
`Slvens ka
`PC Suite for Nokia 9110 Communicato·r User
`Dans k
`Eng lish
`F ran ~ ai s
`Ital iano
`Nnrs f<'
`Key;bo.a rd ru s,e:
`-Select the dles ire d ite m using: up/down arrow keys .
`-Press A to access .
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1094-0019


`File Trans.fer Protocoi (FTP)
`-Define the FTP· se rve r: press th e M.enu button an d se lect 1:1:1:
`New s'ei"VIer. Enter the require d information .
`- In the FTP' m ain view, go to th e w indlow on th e right andl
`se lect the FTP se rver to w hich you want to connect.
`-Press Connect..
`- Enter the user name an d password you nee d to log on
`th e server an d press OK.
`Use the P'C Su ite fo r No kia Commun icator or No kia
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1 094-0020


`License agreement
`Getting starte d with contacts
`Your fi rst fax
`Your fi rst Short Message (SMS)
`Your fi rst mail
`Computer connectivity
`Computer connectivity an dl Fax modem
`How to upgrade fro m the No kia 9000J90 00i Co mmunicator
`or from Data Suite
`Wire less im aging·- w mm unicating1with still im ages
`Printing with No kia 911 0 Co mm unicator
`PC and Macintosh software
`PC Su,ite for NokEil 9,110 Go'mmuntcator
`lntel lisync
`Fi le Transfer
`Ba cku p/Resto re
`Instal l/Remove
`K!ey.boa rd use:
`-.Select the desire d ite m using' up/dow n arrow keys.
`-Press A to access.
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1094-0021


`Impo rt/Expo rt
`Install PC Su ite (start installation)
`Nokia Communicator Serv·erfor PC
`Install Nokia Co mmunicator Sel\ler for PC (start installation )
`'Intel l'i mig rate
`lnstalllntellimigrate (start installation )
`Adobe Acrobat R~ader for PC
`Install Acrobat Reader for PC (start installation )
`Powerpoint Viewer for PC
`Install Powerpo int Viewer for PC (start installation)
`Vo&oe Reoordoo P!ayback P[ug -in ~or Wi:ndows:
`Install Voice Reco rded Playback P·lug:-l n fo r Windows (start
`in stall ati on )
`Nokia<ls·e Gonv·erter for W~ndows
`Install No kia Database Converter for ,Nindows (start
`installation )
`Ce~esta SmartForms for W~ndow s
`Install Ce lesta SmartForms for Windows (start installation )
`Macintosh software
`Noki!<i. Communicator Server for Ma0intos.h
`,... ____ ·-·---·-- --~ .. ·---
`Keyboanl ·use :
`-Se lect the des ired item using upJdow n arrow keys.
`- Pre ss A to access.
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1 094-0022


`Co·mmunicator so·ftw.are
`In no<ti'n k S~pread s.h·eet
`Celesta lask As.sistant
`Ce!es.ta Sill art IFormiS
`I ·e:lnet
`.fTr.e transfer rprotoooJ o{FfP~
`Fir~ transtier
`rm,portfE.x.port ca'rendar data
`l!.mportfE.x;port contacts
`Bank Ap,prication for Germany
`Wiretess Data Backup
`So unds gallery
`Image gallery
`9 Lives
`A .................. lll"'.""'""""' .. ii ............
`Key;bo.a rd 11.1 !H~·:
`-Se lect the dles ire d item using: up/down arrow keys .
`-Press A to access .
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1 094-0023


`.. .
`. •. •. •
`A!bout acces.sori:es
`Ad'llance d Desktop Stan d DCH-7
`Me mory Card DTS--4-
`Headset HD C-8
`Ad'llance d Ham lsfree Car Kit CARK-H9
`Han dset HSU-1
`High Pow er Batte ry BLN-J
`Performance Travel Charge r AC.P-9
`Mo bile Charg er LC H-9
`RS;...2J..2 Adapter GabIe D LR-.2
`Carrying Cases CBR-4 & CBR-5
`Product slide show
`Productslide show
`Club Nok.ia. Membership application
`www.clu m
`No,kia 9110' .Communicator User Guide·
`Dans I<
`Keyboard use:
`-Select th e die sire d ite m usin g' up/down arrow keys.
`-Press A to access.
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1 094-0024


`English (APAC)
`Espano l
`Suom i
`Svens ka
`PC Su it e fo,r No·kia. S'il 'il o Communicator User
`Dans k
`Espano l
`Po rtugues
`Suom i
`Keyboard use:
`- S.e lect the desire d item using1 uptdown arrow keys .
`-Press A to access.
`. ..
`. ..
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1 094-0025


`Svens ka
`Quick Guides.
`Ces ky
`Dans k
`Eng lish
`En glish (APAC)
`Espafio l
`Fran 9ais
`Gree k
`Hrvats ki
`Li etuvi kal ba
`Li mba roman
`Ne dlerlan ds
`Nors k
`. ..
`. ..
`Keyboard use:
`- S.e lectth e des ire d ite m using up/down arrow keys.
`-Press A to access .
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1 094-0026


`Slovens ki
`S:lovens kj jazyk
`Svens ka
`User Guide for Celesta SmartFo·rms Pro,
`Engl ish
`User Guide for Celesta Sma.rtForms fo·r
`Windows 9·5JN T 4.0
`Engl ish
`Using Nokia 9'11 0> Communicator as a fax
`modem (Win 95)
`Engl ish (cable connection )
`Engl ish (infrafe d connection )
`Using Nokia '9·11 0> Communicator as a fax
`modem (Win 98)
`Engl ish (cable connection )
`Engl ish (infrafe d connection )
`User Guide fo,r lnnolink Spreadsheet
`~n n l ic:h
`Keyboard us1e:
`- S.elect the die sire d ite m using up/down arrow keys.
`-Press A to access.
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1 094-0027


`Benutzerha.ndbuch fur Kurtz:beschreibung
`Online Banking
`Co,rporate User Guides
`Remote Gonftgura1ton Option
`Dans k
`Fran 9ais
`Italian o.
`Nors k
`Svens ka
`WWW s M s iFo~rn s Ext en slon
`Dans k
`Keyboard use:
`- S.e I e ct the dies ire d item using· up/dow n arrow keys.
`- P'ress A to access.
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1 094-0028


`F ran~a is
`Ital iano.
`Nors k
`Suo m i
`S.vens ka
`Setting Up IJia l-In Service
`De utsch
`Eng lish
`F ran~ai s
`Ital iano·
`Nors k
`Suo m i
`Svens ka
`S-ettm·g Up Marl Serv~re
`Dans !'::
`.. .
`... ...
`Ke:Y:board use:
`-Select the dles ire d ite m using up/dow n arrow keys.
`- Press A to. access.
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1 094-0029


`Eng li sh
`Espano l
`Nors k
`P'ortugu es
`Svens ka
`'IMNilll Browser StyEe Gutd·e
`Dans I:<
`Eng li sh
`Espano l
`Fra n9ais
`Itali ano
`P'ortu gue s
`Technical informatio·n
`AT Co mman ds
`.. .
`. . .
`Keyboo rd u SJe:
`- Se lect the des ired item us ing upJdow n arrow keys.
`- Pres s A to access .
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1094-0030


`Suo m i
`.Svens ka
`"'ttiVVff.N Brows,er Styre G ui'd·e
`D·ans k
`Engl ish
`Esp·ano l
`Nors k
`Po rtugue s
`Suo m i
`Svens ka.
`l echnical informa.tion
`.AT Co mm an ds
`More information
`,l\lifil\l\ rum. n oki m
`www. n oki a-asia. com
`KeybO<ud u SJe:
`-Se lect the desi red item us ing: up/dow n arrow keys.
`-Press A to access .
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1094-0031

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