`The Y M U 7 57 :is a illgh qua]jty m elody LSI :fbrc:eJJuJarphone hand92ts, supporting the data :fbl111 at :fbrvarious appli:at:ions
`:incJucting ring:ing and hoJd:ing m elody munds. The bu:iJt-:in Y an aha s o:t:iJ:inal FM syntheffizer can creatE varnus tin bres,
`and :its bu:iJt-:in ssquenc:er can produce up tD 4 diffErEnt munds w :iJ:h 4 diffErEnt tin bres sim uJJ:aneous]¥ w :ifuout pJacing a
`Joa:l. tD the mntroJJer.
`The s=r:iaJ. port mntroJJer :interfuc:e enabJes real tine reproduction of the m ebdy data vE. FIFO , w :ifuout the Jin :itat:ion of
`the data capacity.
`W :iJ:h abu:iJt-:in anp:Jifurtn drire the dynan :ic type ~er, :it:ispossi::>Je tD mnnectthe ~ercUrect:Jv.
`Th:is LSI am has an anabg-outputterrn :inal :!Dr the phone Jh the stand-by m cde, the powerconSJmpt::bn
`can be m:iuced tD 1 pA or Jes3 w hj]e w a:it::ing.
`A po:rtabJe 1::elm :inalm ach:ine .
`• Features
`• YAM AHA s o:t:iJ:inal FM mund gener.a:tDr function
`e B u:iJt-:in ssquenc:er
`e C apabJe of producing up tD 4 diffErEnt munds sim uJJ:aneous]¥ (4 :independent tin bres avafubJe)
`e B u:iJt-:in output400m W speaker an p:Jifur
`e B u:iJt-:in ciJ::cu:it :!Dr mund qua]jty mllECting equallier
`e B u:iJt-:in S2l:iaJ. :interfuc:e
`e 2.688, 8.4, 12.6,14 .4, 19 2,19.68, 19.8 and 27.82 M Hz s=r:ialclock :inputs support
`e Anabg output:fbrearphone.
`e Powerdown mode (ryp 1].1A or Jess)
`e Powersupp]¥vo:Jia3e [l :iJ:italandAnaJog) :3 .OV ±10 %(cid:173)
`20-p:in TSSO P
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1054-0001

`• Generaldes:::ript:ionofYM U757 ........................................................................... 3
`• B Jock des:::ript:ion.. ... . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4
`• P:in mn:Egwat:ion.. .•.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5
`• P:in des:::ript:ion.. •.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6
`• BJock~ ....•......................................................................................... 7
`• R 93:istErm ap... ...
`... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8
`• ExpJanat:ion of:tEg:isters ..•................................................................................ 9-19
`M usicals:uredata ................................................................................ 9-13
`T:imbredata ........•............................................................................. 14-17
`0 thermnb::Dldata ................................................................................ 17-19
`• Power-downmnb::Dld±r:ision~ ..................................................................... 20
`• ExpJanat:ionofeachb:it ......•............................................................................. 20-22
`• Res2t:ting.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . ...•..................................................... 23
`• Settings & procedure :tB:[U:ired tD generatE m eJody... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 23
`JhtEt:ruptS2C[UenCE .......................................................................................... 23-24
`• StatE bansil::ion des:::ript:ion ................................................................................. 25-26
`• Operation :in FIFO Elllpty statE ..•.......................................................................... 27
`• R Eproduct:ion method asa1m :ing oca.u::JErlc:e of Ell1 pty statE.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 7
`• Exam pJe of systan mnne:tion .. •.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 8
`• 0 ne mund and voJum e Jeveladj.lstm Ent:in 4 mund pronundat:ion ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 9-3 0
`• Sound qua]jj:y mTIECt:ion cil::cu:it •.......................................................................... 31-32
`• Ser:ial:interfuc:e ~t:ions .............................................................................. 33
`• E Ecb±:al chalactEDst:ics... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3 4-3 9
`• General des:::ript:ion of FM mund generator... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 0
`• ExtEmald:imensions ......•................................................................................ 41
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1054-0002

`• General description of YMU757
`The YM U 757 :is mntroJJe:l. byway of the 82l:ial:intEJ:fuc:e.
`Shown bebw :is :its :internal mn:Egwat:ion.
`... ....
`l~ usllilame
`Vollme, rowermana::rement, etc.
`Tin bre aJbtm ent
`D #'; +
`.... SPOUT
`W hen the data :is :inputtEd :into the S2l:ial :intEJ:fuc:e, :it :is mnverte:l. :into the pamJJel data and banSll :ittB:l. to each
`function bJock a=:td:ing to the :index addreffi.
`The m usi:al s:nre data :is stD:tEd :in the 3 2 -w o:t:d FIFO fustand then banSll :ittB:l. to the ffi1Uencerw here :it :is :interp:retB:l.
`and s:9naJs to mntrol mund gene:mt:ion of the FM synthesizer :is output.
`The timbre :reg:ister:is where up to 8 tim I::Jerdata can be stD:tEd.
`A kl, as the ffi1Uencermntrolling pamm etEJ::s, the staitj.IDp and tErn po s:9naJs are prov±:l.ed.
`Jh o:t:derto have mund gene:mtB:l., the :fbJJow :ing proc:effi2S m ustbe pem:mn ed :fbrth:is LSI.
`1) Jh:itialstatus s=tting (canc:eJJat:ion ofpower-down function, clock 92le:tion, eb::.)
`2) T :im b:t:e data 82tting
`3) W :t::iting them usi:al s:D:t:e data :in FIFO be:fb:re starting the ffi1Uenc:e
`4) W :t::iting the next m usi:al s:D:t:e data be:fb:re FIFO bemm es Ell1 pty upon :receipt of the :intErrupt s:9naJ. from
`FIFO dw:::ing :reproduction.
`(F'orthe detaili, :t:efurto "Settings & procedure JB:IU:ired to gene:mtE m eJody" .)
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1054-0003

`• Block description
`1) Ser:ial :interfuce
`W hEn the S2l:ial :interfuce :re::e±Jes the s=r:ial data, :it :idEntifies the :index data and banSll :its the mntrol data tD each
`function bbck.
`2) FIFO
`Them usical smre data are stored tEmpo:t:al::fr{ :in FIFO willch can mnta:in up tD 32 musical smre data. Them usical
`smre data are process3:l. are proc:effi2d :in the ffi1UEncerw hen they are generatEd as munds and thos= that have beEn
`process3:l. are del=tEd one aftEr another. W hEn the rem a:in:ing data amount :in FIFO reaches the reg:ister 92tl:ing (IRQ
`po:int) or :Ess, :it outputs an :intErrupt signal tD ask :!Dr the mnt:inu:ing musical smre data tD be :fB:l..
`3) Sequencer
`W hEn the ffi1Uencer:re::e±Jes the START mm mand, :it starts tD rea:l. them usicalsmre data willch have beEn stored :in
`FIFO . The process3:l. musical smre data are del=tEd.
`4) T :im bre reg:ister
`The t:imbre data are stored :in tills reg:isterwillch can mnta:in up tD 8 t:imbres. Settings :!Dr tills reg:isterm ustbe m a:le
`be:fbre mund generation. JL:is :iniliaJjzecJ. whEn the haldw are or the mftw are :is res=tbutthe vaJues are reta:ined wliTe
`:in the power-down m ode and aJro aftEr :it :is canceJEd.
`5) FM syntheffizer
`The t:im bres are syntheffized and gEneratEd a=:t:d:ing tD 92tl:ings. Four munds can be generatEd at the S'llTl e t:im e.
`6) D /A , voJum e and am pJiEier
`The outputs from the synthesizer are D /A mnvertEd and voJum e proceffi2d. A fiEr that, they are output from the
`~erorthe ea1phone out tErm :inal.
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1054-0004

`• Pin configuration
`20 P:in TSSO P Top V ::iew
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1054-0005

`• Pin description
`Digital power supply
`Connect 0.11-JF and 4. 71-JF capacitors between this terminal and the
`digital ground terminal.
`Serial 1/F data input
`Serial 1/F synchronous signal input
`Serial 1/F bit clock input
`AnaloQ Qround
`Analog reference voltage terminal Connect 0.11-JF capacitor between this
`terminal and the analoQ Qround terminal.
`Analog output terminal for ear phone
`Equalizer terminal 1
`Equalizer terminal 2
`Equalizer terminal 3
`Analog power supply (+3.0V)
`Connect 0.11-JF and 4.71-JF capacitors between this terminal and the analog
`ground terminal
`Speaker output terminal 1
`Speaker output terminal 2
`Analog ground exclusively used for speaker
`Digital ground
`LSI test input terminal (Always connect with DVDD.)
`Hardware reset terminal
`LSI TEST output terminal (disconnected)
`Interrupt signal output
`Clock input terminal (8 types of frequency are supported.)
`NotE :
`Iffi. = Schm :itt:inputtElm :inaJ. A I= Anabg :inputtElm :inaJ. A 0 = Anabg outputtElm :inaJ.
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1054-0006

`• Block diagram
`4Sound signals generated
`C onc:errring A JN s:9naJ_ :inputtEd :into 91Ualliercirru:it
`As tills design preruppo92S the us= of tills LSI :!Dr the "hands-free", :it :is possib:E tD process the FM mund and callmund by
`anabg m :ix:ing :in the 91UallierciJ::cu:itand output the :resuJting mund through the ~er.
`~ u
`'" u
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1 054-0007

`• Register map
`NT3 NT2
`- · -------- ------- r - - ----------------
`b2 I bl I bO
`Note data
`------------------------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------------
`Rest data
`M L2
`M Ll
`I AR3
`Timbre data (Left data
`for 1 timbre)
`V31 V30
`Timbre allotment data
`Tempo data
`FM Control
`IRQ Point
`CLK I select
`IRQ Control
`Speaker Volume
`$39 -$EFh
`$FO -FFh
`Re:EIVEd ~piDh:ib:itEdl
`ForLSITEST ~prohJb:itEd)
`FM Volume
`HPOUT Volume
`Power Management
`NotE : M ak:ing an ao::ess tD the spaces m aJ:ked 11Res=:rved 11 and 11ForLSITEST 11 :in the above tabJe :is proillb:iJ:B:l..
`Be au:e tD w :diE 110 11 :!Dr the E!l1 pty b:it, aJJ:hough w :t:il::ing 111 11 there w illnotaf!B:t the LSI operation.
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1054-0008

`• Explanation of registers
`The YM U 757 has thJEe typesofmntrol:tB3:isters. They arem usi:alsmre data, tinbre data and othermntroldata.
`D Musical score data
`$00h Musical score data
`The m uskal smre data are w:t:iJ:J:En :in FIFO whos= capadty :is 32 wolds. There are two types of m usi:al smre
`data; notE data and rest data.
`Note data D efuuJt· OOOOh
`I b14
`I b12
`I b11
`I b10
`I b5
`I b4
`I b3
`I b1
`I bO
`B L 1 - B L 0 : 0 dave bJock S2tl:ing
`Three octavebJocksare avillJabJe :fbrmund =ge S2tl:ing. The s=tting =ge :is 1 tD 3 .Do notus= "0" :fbr92tl:ing.
`The mund generation =ge :involves the me:EEiciEntnam ed ''M uJtipJe ¢n uJtip:t(:ing fuctnr:fbrmund fta:Iuency).
`By mm b:in:ing the octave bJock and M uJtipJe s=ttings, munds can be generatEd :in the =ges as J:istB:l. :in the tabJe bJow .
`S:inc:e the s=tting =ges of ''M uJtipJe" me:EEiciEnt :is 0 tD 7, acb.laJJ:{, munds can be generatEd :in a w =ges than
`thos= g±ren :in the tabJe beJow .
`8L[1 :0] = 01 b
`8L[1 :0] = 1 Ob
`8L[1 :0] = 11 b
`Multiple = 1 (x1)
`Multiple = 2 (x2)
`Multiple = 4 (x4)
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1054-0009

`NT3 -NTO :P:ib:h s=tting
`Fourb:its from NT3 tD 0 areuffi:l. tD spe:::iff thep:ib:h. Theb:itassignm Ent:isas shown below.
`NT [3:0]
`If "Oh" :is s=ttD NT [3 :0], m OVE!ll EntofLSI :is as :fbJJow s.
`-r'heprobJan thatLSihangsup doeffi too::ur.
`-r'he partspe::ifie:l. w :iJ:h CH [1 :0] :im tpronounc:e:l. :in sp:i!E of the estab:liffim EntvaJue of pronunciation head TK [2 :0] tD
`ex:pJa:in :in the rest.
`-r'he :interval time whEn :it :is s=tw :iJ:h TI [3 :0] tD ex:pJa:in :in the rest :is ef!B::tiye.
`W hEn :interval time pas82S, :itdeaJs w :iJ:h the nextm usic data.
`• Though :itJooks :Dke a "rest::!', there :is a cl.lifE:rEnce :in behavi:lrw :iJ:h the :fbJJow :ing cas2 as am ovE!ll ent.
`The tmatm Entof the next music data beg:ins at the
`When rest data were~' as :!Dr the :tEBas2
`tim e :is goes on.
`W hen the data NT :is "Oh" :in the ffilTl e part, a
`:t:eleaS2 of the slantJ:ine part :is notpronounc:e:l..
`Envelope wave shape of carrier
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1054-0010

`CH 1 - CH 0 : Parts=tting
`As the mund generator can generatE munds :in 4 parts sim uJJ:aneousij, s=t the part :!breach notE by using C H 1 and 0
`CH [1 :0]
`v JB : v :ib:tatD s=tting
`Tillsb:it:isu82d tD S2tV :ib:tatD function on oro:EE:fbreachnotE : 110 11 tD s=t:itoffand 111 11 tD s=t:iton.
`The v:ib:tatD frequency :is 6 .4H z and them oduJat:ion :tatE :is ± 13 .4 7 cent.
`W hen V JB b:itoftinbre data($10-2Fh) :is 110 11
`, V :ib:tatD function off.
`T J3 - T IO : JhtEl:val 92tl:ing
`Thea= b:its are u82d tD s=t the :intErval period be:fbre the notE and :rest are prooes82d next. The :intErval 114 8 11 repres=nts
`the tin e :!Dr thew ho:E notE.
`Tl [3:0]
`TK 2 - 0 :NotE (mund :Ength) des:9TJat:ion
`Thea= 3 b:its are u82d tD designatE the notE (g:lund :Ength) . D Epend:ing on the vaJues of :intErval s=tting a' J3 - 0) , the
`:Ength var:Es as shown :in the :fbJbw :ing tabJe. The :intErval 1148 11 :rcp:tES2t1ts the tine :fbrthe w ho:E notE.
`Tl [3:0 = 0-Ah
`Tl [3:0]
`= B-Fh
`Sound length
`Tie, Slur
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1054-0011

`W hen KEY :is tume::i on aga:in underthe cond:ition thata reJeare :irn t:Einilie::i compJeteJy, a tonem ay
`change. (It :is lin :ite::i when enveJope wave ffiape :is SJst:a:ine::i s::Jund .)
`Th:is happens became enveJope wave ffiape of the cams±:ie ofFM s::Jund s::Jmce and m oduJator
`s±:ie are ffi:ift:ej .
`Them oven entof envebpe :is expJa:ine::i.
`As furthe cond:ition that :it stops compJeteJy, :itmoves to attack rate at the S3ffi e tim ew :ith KEY ON .
`If the Jastpmnunc:iat::bn :iscond:ition that :in reJeas:: and :irn'tstoppe::i compJeteJy, the estabJ.Hm entofa
`reJeare :ism ade furcJbJy early (8 94m s) .And :itmoves to attack rate from the cond:ition that:itstops. !A
`:in figure)
`An exam pJe :is g:ilren to :it, and the caus:: that a tone changes :is expJa:ine::i.
`It th:inks that there :is a tone w hili on]y reJeare tin e :is d:iffi:rent from w :ith the career and m oduJator.
`Though envebpe of the s::Jl±:i fue changes to attack rate soon at the time of the 82COnd KEY 0 N .
`Butcan tm ove to attack rate soon,becaus:: s::Jund doem tstop compJeteJy, enveJope of the dot:t:B:i fue.
`Itm aves to attack rate after be Epeed up reJeas:: tine and :itbecom es the cond:ition thatreJeas:: tine :is
`stops com pJeteJy.
`Both envebpe are ffi:ift:ej by th:is m oven ent.
`And the symptom thata tone changes :in theperi:d when :it :is SJnounde::i by a c:ircJe occurs.
`e changes.
`ItaEks furthe fuJbw :ing cons±:ierat::bn to avo±:i th:is symptom .
`-It :is pmnounce::i under the cond:ition that a reJeas:: stops com pJeteJy.
`-The reJeare tine of the tone :is ffiortene::i w :ith the cam, moduJatDrs±:ie as well.
`If SJst:a:in Jevels::t:ting of the career s±:ie and m oduJatDr s±:ie are S3ffi e vaJue, the m ethod of avo±:iance
`:is as fuJbw s.
`-The reJeas:: time ofcareers±:ie and m oduJatDrs±:ie :ism ade the S3ffi e Jength.
`Rest data D efuuJt· OOOOh
`I b8
`I b5
`I b4
`I b3
`I b1
`I bO
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1054-0012

`CH 1 - CH 0 : Parts=tting
`Using CH 1 orO b:it, s=tthe part :!breach rest.
`11 b
`T J3 - T IO : JhtEl:val 82tting
`Thea= b:its are uss:l. tD s=t the :intEl:valbe:fbre the notE and :rest are process3:l. next.
`The :intErval 114 8 11 repres=nts the tine :!Dr thew hoJe notE.
`Tl [3:0]
`VCHE,VCH 2-0 :T:imbrechangefunct:ion
`A JJ:hough them ax:im urn num berof tin bres that can be uss:l. sim uJtaneousl:{ :is :!bur, the tin bre can be changed dw:::ing
`mund :reproduction by 82tting thea= b:its. Set 111 11 :!Dr V CH E and us= V CH 2 tD V CH 0 tD s=t the tin bre No .. ThEn
`starting w :ith the notE w hos= mund :is tD be generatEd next, the tin bre :!Dr the part w illch has been s=tby using C H 0
`and 1 w ill be changed.
`Change a tnne aftEr the pronunciation of a part tD change stops mm pJetEij.
`The mndilion that pronunciation stops :is not the mndilion that TK
`(pronunciation :lEngth) :is :Eirllihed, but the
`mndilion that the tine whEn reJeaS2s of Envelope :is fin:ished.
`Be carefuli::Je::aus= sb::ange mund mom Ental::fr{ :is pronounced when you change a tnne under the mndilion that
`pronunciation doeffi t stop mm p]etEJ¥.
`If the tinbre aJJotm Ent:is changed by using th:is function, the $30h reg:istEr:itrelfw illbe rew:t:ittEn.
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1054-0013

`D Timbre data
`$10 - 2Fh Timbre data
`lt :is possfuJe tD :reg:istEr the data :!Dr 8 timbres :in the :reg:ister and 4 an ong them can be :rcproduc:e:l. sin uJtane
`0 ne timbre mnsists of I[:Jalam etEr :!Dr the m oduJatD:rj and I[:Jalam etEr :!Dr the can:ierj as a s=t.
`(F'or the detaili of the m oduJatDr and the carrier, p:Bas2 re:!Er tD "G Enelal des::r:ipt:ion of FM mund gEnemtDr'') .
`lhdex lOh, llh ... ... T:imbre data :fbrthe 1st timbre m oduJatDr
`lhdex 12h, 13h ...... T:imbre data :fbrthe 1st timbre c:an:Er
`lhdex 14h, 15h ...... T:imbredata:fbrthe 2nd moduJatDr
`lhdex 16h, 17h ...... T:imbre data :fbrthe 2nd timbre c:an:Er
`... ... ... ... ... 0 m :itlB:l... ... ... ... ... .
`lhdex 2Ch, 2D h ...... T:imbre data :fbrthe 8th timbrem oduJatDr
`lhdex 2Eh, 2Fh ...... T:imbre data :fbrthe 8th timbre carrier
`The :fbJbw :ing b:itassignm Ent:is u82d :!Dr both m oduJatDrand carrier.
`The 92tl:ing m ustbe mm pJetB:l. be:fbre any mund :is genemte:l. .It :is proillb:iJ:B:l. tD change the timbre pamm etErw liTe any mund
`:is gEnemtB:l. .
`T :im bre data D efuuJt: OOOOh
`815 I b14 I b13
`I b8
`I b6
`I b4
`I b3
`I bO
`I SL3
`FL 1
`M L 2 - M L 0 : M uJJ::ipJe 92tl:ing
`'M uJJ::ipJe" re:!Ers tD the m uJJ::ip]¥:ing :factor :!Dr mund frequency. The output frequEncy :is determ :ined by the octave, pfu::h and
`m uJJ::ipJe 92tl:ings on the carrier sil.e. 0 n the m oduJatDr side, :it :is possfuJe tD ad}lst the m uJJ::ipJe s=tting and CJEatE diffErEnt
`ML [2:0]
`M ult:iplyjng fuctr:Jr
`X 1/.2
`X 1
`X 2
`X 3
`X 4
`X 5
`X 6
`X 7
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1054-0014

`v JB
`: v :ib:tatD
`Tills function :isuss:l. :fbr82tting thev:ib:tatD function on oro:EE. U 82 "0" tD s=t:itoffand "1" tD 82t:iton.
`The v:ib:tatD frequency :is 6 .4H z and them oduJat:ion :tatE :is ± 13 .4 7 CEnt.
`EG T : EnveJope w ave:fblltl type
`Tills function :is uss:l. tD S2kt the type of the enveJope w ave:fblltl .
`U 82 "0" :!Dr the damped mund and "1" :!Dr the sustailled mund.
`Shown below are thew ave:fblltl s :!Dr the damped mund and rustaned mund.
`EGT=O Damped sound
`Sound length---
`EGT=1 Sustained sound
`Sound length---
`A R 3 -A R 0 :Attack :tatE 92tl:ing
`"Attack :tatE" :tEf!=rs tD the tine from startofthe mund genemt:ion (-48dB) until:itreaches them axin urn voJum e (OdB).
`The tabJe onpcge 15 mows the 92tl:ingsby the tine JB:IU:ired tD reach OdB from -48dB .
`D R 3 - D R 0 : D ecay :tatE 82tting
`The de::ay :tatE :re:fE:t:s tD the dam p:ing tine JB:IU:ired tD reach the sustaill Jevel (SL) from the m axin urn voJum e Jevel
`(OdB ) . The tabJe below mow s the 92tl:ings by the tin e JB:IU:ired tD reach -4 BdB from OdB .
`R R 3 - R R 0 : R el=as2 :tatE 92tl:ing
`The :t:eleaS2 :tatE :is defined diffErent!¥ :!Dr the damped mund and the rustaned mund.
`- lh the cas2 of the damped mund, :it means the dam p:ing tine from the rustan Jevel tD the end of the mund :lEngth.
`The mund :is damped :in 286m s (tine tD reach -48dB from OdB) a:fiErthe end of the mund :lEngth :is reached.
`-Jh the cas2ofthe rustaned mund, :itmeansthedamp:ing tine from theendofthe mund :lEngth.
`SL3 - SLO : Sustan Jevel82tting
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1054-0015

`The sustaill Jevel:t:efurs tD the Jevelatw illch mTit:ing from the decay :tatE tD the :t:eleaS2 :tatE takes pJace :in the C'aS2 of
`the damped mund,and thevoJume Jevelofthe mundbe:ing rusta:ined :in the C'a82ofthe sustailled mund.
`Weighted bit (dB)
`SL 1
`Attack rate
`From -48 to OdB (ms)
`Decay rate,
`release rate
`from 0 to -48dB (ms)
`TL5 -TLO :TotalJevels=tting
`Tills function :is used tD s=t the envebpe Jevel
`TL 1
`Weighted bit (dB)
`SUS : Sustaill 0 n,b FF 92tl:ing
`"0" :OFF
`"1" :ON The:t:eleare:tatE changestn "6" (2 29s) when the mund :Ength mmestn the end.
`W A V : W avefulltl 82ktion
`Them oduJatnrand carrier can generatE the SJN wave but when th:is b:it s=tting :is made, :it :is possib:E tD generatE a
`haJf-w ave rectified w ave:fblltl of the SJN wave, the timbres :in w il.ermnge can be creatEd.
`"0" : SJN wave
`"1" :H aJf-w ave rectified w avefulltl of the SJN wave.
`FL2 -FLO :Feed-backs=tting
`W AV=1
`Tills function :is ef!B::tiye :fbrthe operatDron the can::Erside onJ¥. It :is used tD s=tthe :fEedback m oduJat:ion :tatE.
`Be rure tD s=t "0" :fbrthe operatDron themoduJatDrside. Tills :isef!B::tiyewhengenerat:ing the strings.
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1054-0016

`FL [2:0]
`Modulation rate
`•/ 8
`•/ 4
`•/ 2
`D Other control data
`$30h Timbre allotment data
`0 ne m ebdy mnffists of :!bur parts and a tin bre :is aJbt:tB:l. :!breach of thea= parts. Among the eght tin bres reg:istEred
`:in the tin bre data reg:istEr, us= :fburofthE!ll :!breach of thea= parts.
`D efuuJt· OOOOh
`I b13
`I b12
`I b9
`I b8
`I b5
`I b4
`I b1
`I bO
`"x" :in V x [2 :0] means the partN o.
`The tin bre data u82d w :iJ:h V x [2 :0] are as :fbJbw s
`T :im bre data tD be u82d
`T:imbre s=t:fbr:index 10 tD 13h :isu82d.
`T:imbre s=t:fbr:index 14 tD 17h :isu82d.
`T:imbre s=t:fbr:index 18 tD 1Bh :isu82d.
`T:imbre s=t:fbr:index 1C tD 1Fh :isu82d.
`T:imbre s=t:fbr:index 20 tD 23h :isu82d.
`T:imbre s=t:fbr:index 24 tD 27h :isu82d.
`T:imbre s=t:fbr:index 28 tD 2Bh :isu82d.
`T:imbre s=t:fbr:index 2C tD 2Fh :isu82d.
`$31 h Tempo data
`The "tErn po" :t:efurs tD the num I:Jer' of quartEr notEs reproduced :in one m :inutE. U s= th:is 92tl:ing tD s=t the tErn po of the
`(8739 /I' EM PO )-1
`m ebdy u82d whEn reproduced. The s=tting data :is
`D efuuJt· OOOOh
`b7 l b6 l b5 l b4 l b3 l b2 l b1
`l bO
`$32h FM section control
`D efuuJt· OOOOh
`ST : Th:isb:it:isu82d tD mntrolstart;lstnp of them elody. Us= "1" :fbrthe start92tl:ing and "0" :fbrthe stop 92tl:ing.
`CLR : Th:isb:it:is u82d tD :irill:iaJjze the Entire LSI by the mfiw are. B :itCLR :itrelf:isnotcl=al::ed when :it :is S2tas "1".
`B :itCLR shouJd bew:t:ittEn "0".
`$33h Clock selection
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1054-0017

`D efuuJt· OOOOh
`b2 l bl l bO
`Tills s=tting S2ts the cbck fiB:IuEncy :inputtEd ti=ugh the C LK _I tElm :inal.
`Be arre tD exe:utE tills 92tl:ing befure reproducing them ebdy.
`Even :if cbck ofw illch fta:Iuency :is be:ing :inputtEd dw:::ing res=tting, :it :is 0 K .
`CKSEL [2:0]
`Clock frequency (MHz)
`Interrupt control
`D efuuJt· OOOOh
`I b3
`I b2
`I bl
`I bO
`Them usi:als:D:t:e data :is takEn :intn FIFO willch has a capacity :fbr32 data.A s the munds are reproduCEd, the data :in
`FIFO areproc:e882d and deletEd. WhEn theanountofdatarema:in:ing :in FIFO bemmesJessthan the JRQ po:ints=tvaJue,
`an :intErrupt signal :is gEnemtEd. At tills po:int, S2t 110 11 :!Dr JR. Q E and w :diE the mnt:inu:ing m usi:al s:D:t:e data :intn FIFO .
`M ake arre that thew :t:iJ:tEn data exCEEds the JR. Q po:int. A fter"w :t::iting the data, res=t 111 11 :!Dr JR. Q E and w a:ituntilanother
`:intErrupt signal :is gEnemtEd.
`JR. Q po:intcan s=t32 ways from 0 (Eill pty) tD 31 (1 data vacancy) .
`JR. Q E :is Enab:E b:it. Set "1" :fbrenab:E.
`$35h Speaker volume control
`$36h FM volume control
`$37h Ear phone output volume control
`D efuuJt: OOOOh
`I b3
`I b2
`I b1
`I bO
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1054-0018

`Thes2 b:its are uffi:l. tD S2t the voJum e of each mw:ce. The voJum e s=tting mnsists of 31 stEps and mutE function. JL is
`possib:E tD S2tat1dB :intErvaJs.A s the defuuJtism utEd, cancel them utE funct:ionbe:fbre procee:l.:ing tD mund generation.
`A Js::l, tD reduce the power, be SU1E tD mutE the voJum e rubj=ct tD pow erreduct:ion be:fbre sillft::ing.
`Relations of register 92tl:ing vaJue and voJum e.
`Volume( dB)
`Volume( dB)
`Volume( dB)
`Volume( dB)
`11 h
`1 Dh
`- 9
`- 8
`1 Fh
`$38h Power Management control
`DefuuJt· OOlEh
`This 92tl:ing is uffi:l. tD reduce the power of each function. JLis possibJe tD mntiD11 ctg:ital systEm and 4 anabg systEms
`:indEpEndency. (F'orthe detllis, pJeas= :t:efurtD "Power-down mntiDld±rision ~ ".)
`Setting aTib:iJ:s tD "1" will m :irrirdze the pow erof the entire LSI.
`D P : U s= of "1" :!Dr this 92tl:ing will reduce the pow erof the entire ctg:ital 82ct:ion.
`AP1 :Us= of"1" :fbrthis s=tting will reduce thepowerofthe VREF ciJ::cu:it:in the anabg 82ct:ion.
`AP2 :Us= of"1" :fbrthis s=tting will reduce thepoweron thenon-:invertEd anp:lifurside of the FM voJume, ~er
`voJum e, 61lla]jzercirru:itand ~eroutput82ct:ion.
`A P3 : U s= of "1" :!Dr this s=tting will reduce the pow erof the :invertEd an p:lifier side of the speaker output 82ct:ion.
`A P4 :Us= of "1" :!Dr this s=tting will reduce the pow erofthe D A C and earphone outputvoJum e.

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