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`Verizon Wireless
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`Verizon Wireless
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`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1 077-0003


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`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1 077-0004


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`Exhibit 1 077-0005


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`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1 077-0006


`(19) Issued by the Japan Patent Office
`(12) Publication of Unexamined Patent Application
`(11) Patent Application Publication
`(43) Publication Date: September 7, 1999
`(51) Int. Cl.
`Examination requested: Note yet Number of Claims: 1 OL (Total pages: 6)
`(21) Application
`(71) Applicant
`Daiichikosho Co., Ltd.
`5-5-26 Kitashinagawa,
`Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
`(72) Inventors HOSODA, Shinsuke
`c/o Daiichikosho Co., Ltd.
`5-5-26 Kitashinagawa,
`Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
`ISSHIKI, Kensuke, Patent
`Attorney (and 2 other)
`(54) [Title of the Invention] Karaoke Performance Device That Provides Music Playback
`Data for Ring Tones
`(22) Application
`February 25, 1998
`(74) Agent
`To provide a karaoke performing device that can be used as a data source for ring tones of a
`mobile device with communication functions and that provides a multiplicity of ring tones
`that match the specification of various mobile devices.
`Specific sections of karaoke accompaniment music reproduction data are specified for ring
`tones. When requests for trial listening of sections for ring tones of songs are received
`through a user interface, communication is performed through a data transfer interface with
`the mobile device and the performance control format is recognized, and the section for the
`appropriate ring tone that was retrieved from the database is audio output by performing in
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1 077-0007


`accordance with the performance control format. When a request to retrieve data for the
`ring tone that was performed is received by the user interface, the section for the ring tone
`is converted to the recognized data format for the mobile device, and the transmission
`process to the mobile device is performed.
`What Is Claimed Is:
`Claim 1
`A karaoke performing device, having the following component elements (1) through (4);
`(1) the device comprises a database where karaoke data in digital format that includes
`karaoke accompaniment music playback data for a plurality of songs and lyric visualization
`data are recorded, a user interface that receives song selection input and the like from a user,
`audio video outputting means that retrieves the karaoke data for the designated song from
`the database and plays back the accompaniment music while displaying a screen that
`attaches the lyrics to an appropriate background image, and communicating means for data
`communication with an external mobile device with a communication function that has a
`function for playing a tone from the speakers based on the audio playback data in a
`predetermined performance control format;
`(2) specific sections in the karaoke accompaniment music playback data are specified for a
`ring tone;
`(3) when requests for trial listening of sections for ring tones of a song or received through
`a user interface, communication is performed through the communicating means with the
`mobile device and the performance control format is recognized, and the part for the
`appropriate ring tone that was retrieved from the database is audio output by playing in
`accordance with the performance control format;
`(4) when a data retrieval request for the ring tone that was performed is received through
`the user interface, the section for the ring tone is converted to the data format that was
`notified by the mobile device, and transmission processing to the mobile device is executed.
`The present invention relates to a karaoke performance device that can divert karaoke data
`and provide music playback data for a ring tone to a mobile device with a communication
`An enormous amount of music data groups provided for karaoke performance devices have
`been prepared for playing melodies of a multiplicity of music genre as accompaniment
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1 077-0008


`On the other hand, there are various types of mobile devices such as mobile phones, PHS,
`and pagers that play ring tones, as well as electronic organizers and wristwatches and the
`like that play alarm sounds, and many types of tone sounds for ring have been prepared and
`can be freely selected. However, the number of types is finite, and eventually listening
`interest will be lost after using for a while.
`The present invention resolves the aforementioned problems, and an object is to provide a
`multiplicity of ring tones in combination with the specifications ofvarious mobile devices,
`without establishing a separate and special music playback database for providing the ring
`In order to achieve the aforementioned object, the karaoke performance device of the
`present invention has the following component elements (1) through (4).
`(1) The device includes a database where karaoke data in digital format that includes
`karaoke accompaniment music playback data for a plurality of songs and lyrics
`visualization data are recorded, a user interface that receives song selection input and the
`like from a user, audio video outputting means that retrieves the karaoke data for the
`designated song from the database and plays back the accompaniment music while
`displaying a screen that attaches the lyrics to an appropriate background image, and
`communicating means for data communication with an external mobile device with
`communication function that has a function for playing a tone from the speakers based on
`the audio playback data in a predetermined performance control format;
`(2) specific parts in the karaoke accompaniment music playback data are specified for a
`ring tone;
`(3) when requests for trial listening of sections for ring tones of a song is received through a
`user interface, communication is performed through the communicating means with the
`mobile device and the performance control format is recognized, and the section for the
`appropriate ring tone that was retrieved from the database is audio output by performing in
`accordance with the performance control format; and
`(4) when a data retrieval request for the ring tone that was performed is received through
`the user interface, the section for the ring tone is converted to the data format that was
`notified by the mobile device, and transmission processing to the mobile device is executed.
`====Configuration of Karaoke Performance Device====
`The karaoke performance device of the present invention has a communication function,
`and performs data communication with an appropriate mobile device 100. Mobile devices
`100 include mobile phones, PHS, and pagers, as well as electronic organizers and
`wristwatches and the like, and can output ring tones and alarm sounds as a ring tone to
`speakers through an internal synthesizer or the like.
`A block circuit diagram of a karaoke performance device is shown in FIG. 1. The karaoke
`performance device shown in this diagram is simply one example. A central controller 11 is
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1 077-0009


`a computer internally including CPU, ROM, and RAM, and integrates various peripheral
`component parts to control the karaoke performance device 10. Karaoke data that encodes
`accompaniment music and lyric images of a karaoke song is accumulated in a hard disk
`drive 12.
`When song selection input is received from a remote control transmitter 30 or a control
`panel 13 through an operating controller 15, the central controller 11 reads the karaoke data
`of the requested song from the hard disk device 12. Furthermore, a video CD changer 22 is
`controlled in order to playback a video CD on which appropriate background images have
`been recorded. The accompaniment music playback data such as MIDI data and the like
`included in the karaoke data is successively transferred to the synthesizer 18, and then the
`accompaniment music is played back. The played back accompaniment music is
`synthesized with song signal from a microphone 21 by a mixing amp 19 and output through
`speakers 20. On the other hand, the song image data is transferred to a display controller 16
`that contains internal video RAM. The display controller 16 develops bitmap data of the
`song image in video RAM, and synchronizes the song text strings with the progress of the
`accompaniment music, while superimposing the background image output from the video
`CD changer 22 and outputting to the display 17.
`Furthermore, a data transfer interface 23 for data communication with the mobile device is
`connected to the central controller 11. The interface 23 uses an appropriate wireless
`communication standard such as IrDA and the like for example.
`==== Trial Listening of Ring tone and Data Communication Function ====
`<<<Specified Ring tone Part in MIDI Data>>>
`The karaoke data of the karaoke performance device 10 is diverted and the music playback
`data for the ring tone is provided to the mobile device 100 with communication function.
`This data includes a specific portion of the MIDI data (performance data) of the songs as
`shown in FIG. 2. In other words, one or a plurality of performance tracks (Melody 1
`through 3) are specified as ring tone candidates on the playback time axis (direction of
`arrow in the figure). This performance track can be the beginning of singing, a high point of
`the song, or a characteristic melodic section of the song, and is an appropriate track as a
`ring tone. Furthermore, a plurality of music parts that form the harmony are specified in
`addition to the main tone section of each performance track. The data that specifies the
`performance track and song parts is attached as auxiliary data to the MIDI data of each
`song. The partial MIDI data (section for ring tone) corresponding to the ring tone is
`retrieved in accordance with the specified auxiliary data, and is provided to the mobile
`device 100. The recording capacity for the candidate data is extremely small compared to
`all of the MIDI data of each song.
`The MIDI data that reproduces the ring tone is described in detail. For example, as shown
`by the figure title under FIG. 2, three types of melodies 1 through 3 are specified for a
`certain song, and the start times (times tl, t3, t5) and the stop times (times t2, t4, t6) for
`each tone are specified on the playback time axis. The synthesizer of the mobile device 100
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1077-0010


`that has retrieved the specified MIDI data often contains an integrated circuit of a relatively
`simple chip, and the ring tone that corresponds to all of a multiplicity of MIDI channels
`cannot be reproduced as with a high level synthesizer 18 of the karaoke performance device.
`Therefore, all of the MIDI channel specified as original accompaniment music playback
`data, which is tone 1 through 3 of the performance track, cannot be specified for play back
`of the ring tone. As shown by the figure title under FIG. 2, the number of a limited number
`of several MIDI channels are specified for tone 1 through 3.
`Even if a MIDI channel is specified on a limited basis in this manner, there are cases where
`all of the specified portions of the MIDI channel cannot be accommodated by the supplying
`side mobile device 100. In these cases, a priority order is assigned to the MIDI channel, and
`the MIDI channel number with the highest priority order is extracted and supplied in
`accordance with the music source specification of the mobile device 100. Note that the
`MIDI data of the tone portion that forms musical harmony by simultaneously producing
`sound on a single MIDI channel is provided while deleting the simultaneously producible
`data in accordance with the music source specification of the connected mobile device.
`<<<Action of Trial Listening and Providing Ring tone>>>
`As shown in the flowchart of FIG. 3, when an operation input for trial listening of a ring
`tone is received through a remote control transmitter 30 or a control panel 13, the system
`waits for input of an operation that specifies a song (S 10 -----* S20). At this time, the system
`waits while displaying on a display 17 and image that requests input of an operation that
`specifies the song. When the song is specified, communication begins with the mobile
`device 100. If communication is not established, the system displays on the display 17 a
`screen that requests setting the mobile device 100 to tone reception mode (S30-----* S40).
`When communication is established, the music source specification for playing back the
`audio signal of the ring tone is acquired by the mobile device 100 (S50). Furthermore, the
`ring tones of the specified songs are performed in order in accordance with the music
`source specification that was obtained (S60).
`When the series of performance actions are complete, a menu screen for selecting the tone
`is displayed, and the system waits for input of an operation that selects a tone to be
`incorporated in the mobile device 100 of the plurality (one in some cases) of ring tones that
`were performed. One example of this menu screen is illustrated in FIG. 4. At this time,
`input for selecting repeat listening of the ring tone may be received, and in this case, the
`performance is repeated. If there is input selecting the ring tone to be provided to the
`mobile device 100, the data format that can be used is notified by the mobile device 100
`(S70-----* S80).Furthermore, the MIDI data of the appropriate ring tone is converted to the
`data format in accordance with the sound source specification of the mobile device 100,
`and then transmitted to the mobile device 100 (S90). The mobile device 100 receives the
`MIDI data that was transmitted, stores the data it in internal memory, and uses the data as a
`ring tone.
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1077-0011


`A karaoke performance device can be used as a data source for ring tones for a mobile
`device equipped with a communication function. An enormous amount of karaoke data
`accumulated in a karaoke performance device 10 can be diverted and can provide music
`playback data for ring tones on the mobile device 100 equipped with communication
`functions. Therefore, the desired melody can be arbitrarily selected from an enormous
`number of songs. Furthermore, there is no need to separately establish a special music
`playback database for ring tones.
`Furthermore, before providing the music playback data for ring tones, the actual ring
`condition of the melody can be tested and confirmed beforehand in the mobile device in
`order to achieve a performance that matches the performance control format of the mobile
`device. Furthermore, when the music playback data for ring tones is provided, the various
`specifications of the mobile device can be provided as necessary in order to retrieve and
`provide the data format for the connected mobile device by communication. Furthermore,
`the data format of the connected mobile device is changed and provided, and therefore the
`process of changing the format on the mobile device side will not be burdensome.
`FIG. 1 is a block circuit diagram of an example of a karaoke performance device according
`to an embodiment of the present invention.
`FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram illustrating a performance track that specifies a ring tone in
`the karaoke accompaniment music data of the karaoke performance device.
`FIG. 3 is a flowchart showing an example of operating the function of trial listening and
`transmitting the ring tones of the karaoke device.
`FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram illustrating an example of a menu screen requesting selection
`of melody data to be provided from the karaoke device to the mobile device.
`karaoke performance device
`central controller
`hard disk device
`control panel
`operation controller
`display controller
`mixing amplifier
`Video CD changer
`data transfer interface
`remote-control transmitter
`100 mobile device
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1077-0012


`Fig. 1
`1 00
`Karaoke Device I 0
`Data transfer __,/
`1 3
`. · -~- , ...
`tran sm itter
`contro l
`rece iver
`1 1
`1 5
`1 4
`1 5
`1 2
`Hard disk
`Fig. 2
`Melody 1
`Melody 2
`Melody 3
`Fig. 3
`t 1
`t 2
`Melody 1
`t 4
`t 3
`Me l ody 2
`t 6
`t 0
`Melody 3
`Start time
`End time
`MID I channel
`1, 2, 5
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1077-0013


`s 1 0
`trial listening
`~ Establ is h
`_ / commun i cation ....__~
`.......,___ sess i on lvith ~
`~ mobile dev ice
`"'- -
`Displ ay screen
`requesti ng sett ing
`the mobile device to
`ring tone
`reception mod e
`S 50
`\.{' Input-:;peration NO
`< for selecting > =----'
`from mobile device
`Fig. 4
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1077-0014


`(Screen req uesting se le c ti on from a
`p lur al i ty o f me l ody candidates)
`II ~elody : 1::
`.M.e l o dy 2
`Me l o dy 3
`Pre ss number key
`t o make selecti on
`Con fi rm : Re s e r ve Key
`1 -
`, _
`- - -1
`Verizon Wireless
`Exhibit 1077-0015


`450 7th Avenue
`10th Floor
`New York, NY 10123
`Tel 212.643.8800
`Fax 212.643.0005
`County of New York
`State of New York
`Date: June 6, 2014
`To whom it may concern:
`This is to certify that the attached translation from Japanese into English is an accurate
`representation of the documents received by this office

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