In the Matter Of:
`December 15, 2015
`DTI Court Reporting Solutions - Washington, DC
`APL 1011

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`·2· · · · · · · · -------------------
`·4· · · · · · · · -------------------
`·5· · · · · · · · · · APPLE, INC.,
`·6· · · · · · · · · · Petitioners,
`·7· · · · · · · · · · · · V.
`·9· · · · · · · · · ·Patent Owner,
`10· · · · · · · ·------------------
`11· · · · · · · ·Case: IPR2015-00369
`12· · · · · · · · · · ·IPR2015-00373
`13· · · · · · ·U.S. Patent No. 6,128,290
`14· · · · · · · -------------------
`16· · · · · Taken on Tuesday, December 15, 2015
`17· · · · · · AT: Foley & Lardner
`18· · · · · · · · 111 Huntington Avenue
`19· · · · · · · · Boston, Massachusetts
`21· ·Job No. WDC-066577· Pages: 1 - 122
`22· ·Reporter: Katherine A. Tevnan, RPR/CSR
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`·4· · · · · (By David K.S. Cornwell, Esq.,
`·5· · · · · and Jason A. Fitzsimmons, Esq.)
`·6· · · · · 1100 New York Avenue, NW
`·7· · · · · Washington, DC 20005
`·8· · · · · 202-371-2600
`·9· · · · ·
`10· · · · ·
`11· · · · · for Apple, Inc.
`14· · · · · (By David Alberti, Esq.)
`15· · · · · 1600 El Camino Real, Suite 280
`16· · · · · Menlo Park, California 94025
`17· · · · · 650-384-9869
`18· · · · ·
`19· · · · · for Apple, Inc.
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`·1· · · SMITH HOPEN, PA
`·2· · · · · (By Anton J. Hopen, Esq.,
`·3· · · · · Nicholas R. Pfeifer, Esq.,
`·4· · · · · and Andriy Lytvyn, Esq.)
`·5· · · · · 180 Pine Avenue North
`·6· · · · · Oldsmar, Florida 34677
`·7· · · · · 813-925-8505
`·8· · · · ·
`·9· · · · ·
`10· · · · ·
`11· · · · · for DSS Technology Management, Inc.
`14· · · · · (By Mark Perantie, Esq.)
`15· · · · · 1700 Pacific Avenue
`16· · · · · Suite 4750
`17· · · · · Dallas, Texas 75201
`18· · · · · 214-466-1279
`19· · · · ·
`20· · · · · for DSS Technology Management, Inc.
`22· ·ALSO PRESENT:· Shawn Budd, Videographer
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`·1· · · · · · · · · ·I N D E X
`·2· ·Deposition of:· ·Direct· Cross· Redirect Recross
`·4· · · By Mr. Cornwell· · · · ·6· · · · · · · ·120
`·5· · · · ·Mr. Lytvyn· · · · · · · · · 113
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`·1· · · · · · · ·P R O C E E D I N G S
`·3· · · · · · · ·VIDEOGRAPHER:· We are on the record.· This
`·4· ·is the videographer speaking, Shawn Budd with DTI Court
`·5· ·Reporting.· Today's date is December 15, 2015.· The time
`·6· ·is 9:11 a.m.· We are here in Boston, Massachusetts to
`·7· ·take the video deposition of Robert Dezmelyk in the
`·8· ·matter of Apple versus DSS Technology Management, Inc.
`·9· · · · · · · ·Will counsel please introduce themselves.
`10· · · · · · · ·MR. CORNWELL:· Yes.· I am David Cornwell. I
`11· ·represent Apple.· And with me today is Jason Fitzsimmons
`12· ·and David Alberti.
`13· · · · · · · ·MR. HOPEN:· Counsel for patent owner, Anton
`14· ·Hopen.
`15· · · · · · · ·MR. PFEIFER:· Nick Pfeifer.
`16· · · · · · · ·MR. PERANTIE:· Mark Perantie.
`17· · · · · · · ·MR. LYTVYN:· And Andriy Lytvyn.
`18· · · · · · · ·VIDEOGRAPHER:· Will the court reporter
`19· ·please swear in the witness.
`20· · · · · · · ·ROBERT DEZMELYK
`22· ·a witness called for examination by counsel for Apple,
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`·1· ·Inc., being first duly sworn, was examined and testified
`·2· ·as follows:
`·4· · · · · · · ·CROSS-EXAMINATION
`·6· · · Q.· Good morning.· Before we begin I want to make
`·7· ·sure that the record is clear that this is a deposition
`·8· ·for both IPR2015-00369 and IPR2015-00373.· And I had a
`·9· ·brief conversation with opposing counsel and they didn't
`10· ·have any disagreement with the combination deposition.
`11· · · · · · · ·MR. HOPEN:· I have no objection.
`12· · · · · · · ·MR. CORNWELL:· Okay.· Thank you.
`14· · · Q.· Good morning, Mr. Dezmelyk.
`15· · · A.· Good morning.
`16· · · Q.· If I mispronounce your name, I apologize.
`17· ·Fortunately the court reporter will get it right.
`18· · · A.· And you got it right yourself, so it is fine.
`19· · · Q.· I understand that you have had your deposition
`20· ·taken before; is that correct?
`21· · · A.· That's correct.
`22· · · Q.· Well, I just want to make sure that we have a few
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`·1· ·ground rules before we get started.· Can we agree that
`·2· ·if you don't hear one of my questions, you will let me
`·3· ·know so that I can repeat the question?
`·4· · · A.· Of course.
`·5· · · Q.· Can we also agree that if for some reason you
`·6· ·don't understand one of my questions, that you will let
`·7· ·me know so I can rephrase the question?
`·8· · · A.· Sure.
`·9· · · Q.· You understand that you are under oath?
`10· · · A.· Of course.
`11· · · Q.· And that means you must tell the truth today.
`12· · · A.· Of course.
`13· · · Q.· Are you taking any medications today that would
`14· ·prevent you from testifying truthfully today?
`15· · · A.· No.
`16· · · Q.· Are you taking any medications today that would
`17· ·affect your memory?
`18· · · A.· No.
`19· · · Q.· You understand that everything you say is going
`20· ·to be put on the record by the court reporter?
`21· · · A.· Yes.
`22· · · Q.· Okay.· So what I need you to do is give me verbal
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`·1· ·answers and not head shakes and nods.· Do you understand
`·2· ·that?
`·3· · · A.· Sure, I understand.
`·4· · · Q.· Could you tell me what you did to prepare for
`·5· ·today's deposition?
`·6· · · A.· Sure.· I did a couple things.· I reviewed my
`·7· ·Declaration.· The '290 and '357 patents.· I also looked
`·8· ·at the, I believe, the two prior art patents that are
`·9· ·still involved in this matter at this point.· I reviewed
`10· ·some other related documents to the, some of the
`11· ·exhibits and so forth to the Declaration.· And, you
`12· ·know, glanced at those documents that were involved in
`13· ·the matter.
`14· · · Q.· When you say you glanced at other documents, what
`15· ·were those documents?
`16· · · A.· Well, there is a list of exhibits to my
`17· ·Declaration.· There is a set of exhibits.· I am not
`18· ·going to be able to recall them all sitting here but I
`19· ·kindly of briefly reviewed them.· I didn't read them
`20· ·line for line but of to make it quicker to orient myself
`21· ·if there is a question about them or something.
`22· · · Q.· Got it.· Did you -- are those the documents that
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`·1· ·are listed in your Declaration as materials considered?
`·2· · · A.· Right.· The documents I am referring to in the
`·3· ·materials that would be exhibits to my Declaration would
`·4· ·be the ones that are listed.· Although I didn't, for
`·5· ·instance, reread Dr. Grimes' deposition transcript. I
`·6· ·would have read it when before I prepared the
`·7· ·Declaration in the first place.· I didn't reread it.
`·8· · · Q.· Now, my understanding is that you were hired by
`·9· ·DSS to sign a Declaration; is that correct?
`10· · · · · · · ·MR. HOPEN:· Objection.· Form.
`11· · · A.· I wouldn't phrase it that way.· I think there
`12· ·is -- I would say that's incorrect.
`13· · · Q.· Okay.· What is correct?
`14· · · A.· Well, I was retained by counsel for DSS to
`15· ·provide technical opinions to provide my input in terms
`16· ·of my understanding of what a person of ordinary skill
`17· ·in the art would have known at the time and to offer
`18· ·opinions about the matter in the IPR's.· I don't think I
`19· ·would characterize it the way you attempted to
`20· ·characterize it.
`21· · · Q.· But ultimately you signed a Declaration; is that
`22· ·correct?
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`·1· · · A.· More importantly I created the content.· I made
`·2· ·the ideas which are reflected in it and of course I
`·3· ·signed it, it is a Declaration.
`·4· · · Q.· Did you actually type the Declaration?
`·5· · · A.· Parts of it.· I edited it.· There is more than
`·6· ·one person working on the typing part of it.
`·7· · · Q.· Who typed the first draft of the Declaration?
`·8· · · · · · · ·MR. HOPEN:· Objection.· Form.
`·9· · · A.· Hard to say because it probably came from some
`10· ·kind of boiler plate document from the case, so I don't
`11· ·know the answer to that.
`12· · · Q.· But it wasn't you?
`13· · · A.· No.· I don't normally type case headings and try
`14· ·to figure out the formatting and so forth that people
`15· ·are using in a case.
`16· · · Q.· I would like to show you the Declaration which is
`17· ·Exhibit DSS 2016 and just have you confirm that this is
`18· ·the Declaration that you signed.· Do you recognize this
`19· ·document?
`20· · · A.· Yes.
`21· · · Q.· This document, just for the record, is labeled
`22· ·DSS/2016; is that correct?
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`·1· · · A.· Actually, no.
`·2· · · Q.· Okay.· Could you tell me how it is --
`·3· · · A.· The one I have is labeled DSS-2016.
`·4· · · Q.· Okay.
`·5· · · A.· Not slash.
`·6· · · Q.· Okay.· You are correct.· It wasn't a test. I
`·7· ·wanted to make sure we are all looking at the same
`·8· ·document.
`·9· · · · · Could you take a look at this document and
`10· ·confirm that it is the document that you signed?
`11· · · A.· Well, it certainly appears like it is.· It has my
`12· ·signature on it.· It appears substantively the same. I
`13· ·don't think I could do some kind of forensic analysis to
`14· ·establish that somebody didn't change something.· I am
`15· ·assuming this is an actual copy of my actual
`16· ·Declaration, not some kind of modified version or
`17· ·something.· But it certainly appears to be my
`18· ·Declaration.
`19· · · Q.· And that's your, what appears to be a copy of
`20· ·your signature on page 19?
`21· · · A.· That is my signature.
`22· · · Q.· Could you just take a look at the conclusion
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`·1· ·which is paragraph 46?
`·2· · · A.· Yes.· I looked at it.
`·3· · · Q.· In paragraph 46 you distinguish certain
`·4· ·statements that are your own knowledge and certain
`·5· ·statements made on information and belief.· Do you see
`·6· ·that?
`·7· · · A.· Yes.
`·8· · · · · · · ·MR. HOPEN:· Objection.· Form.
`·9· · · Q.· So you understand that there are two different
`10· ·kinds of statements in this Declaration; is that
`11· ·correct?· Ones that you have personal knowledge of and
`12· ·ones that you believe to be true?
`13· · · A.· Right.· Because there is certain information in
`14· ·any Declaration like this that I don't have first-hand
`15· ·personal knowledge but I am relying on representations
`16· ·of the people that are in the case.
`17· · · Q.· And how is it when I read this Declaration that I
`18· ·can distinguish which of the statements are statements
`19· ·of your own knowledge and ones that you are relying on
`20· ·other people?
`21· · · · · · · ·MR. HOPEN:· Objection.· Form.
`22· · · A.· Well, I don't think there is a simple answer to
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`·1· ·that.· If you ever have a place where you are unsure,
`·2· ·you could ask.· As a general rule, if I am expressing an
`·3· ·opinion it is my opinion and it is based on the bases
`·4· ·that I identify in my knowledge and expertise.· There
`·5· ·are other things that I am not providing sort of a
`·6· ·second level of analysis about.· I don't know, for
`·7· ·instance, if I state that the patent belongs to DSS, it
`·8· ·is probably suggested in here but, for instance, I don't
`·9· ·have personal knowledge of the assignment chain that led
`10· ·to some party owning a patent and whether or not
`11· ·theoretically there could be an issue whether or not
`12· ·that party actually owns the patent.· I am not offering
`13· ·opinions outside really of the technical area that I am
`14· ·opining about.· So there may be factors in here that I
`15· ·don't think are contested or, you know, relevant to the
`16· ·nature of my opinion but in theory I am relying on other
`17· ·people's representations.
`18· · · Q.· Could you take a look at the introduction section
`19· ·of the Declaration which starts on page one?
`20· · · A.· Yes.
`21· · · Q.· Do you have that?· Okay.· I was interested to
`22· ·note that you did not mention that there had been a --
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`·1· ·there had been an institution based on a Mahany patent?
`·2· · · · · · · ·MR. HOPEN:· Objection to form.
`·3· · · Q.· Are you familiar with the Mahany patent?
`·4· · · · · · · ·MR. HOPEN:· I apologize that was a premature
`·5· ·objection.· But I will renew the objection.
`·6· · · A.· I mean, I have heard the name of the patent. I
`·7· ·haven't read it recently.· I am not -- I am not involved
`·8· ·with that IPR to the extent there is a separate one in
`·9· ·these that's active, I am unaware of that.
`10· · · Q.· Have you read the Mahany patent?
`11· · · · · · · ·MR. HOPEN:· I will object to form and
`12· ·relevance.
`13· · · A.· I mean, probably at some point in the past or at
`14· ·least portions of it.· I don't recall offhand.· I have
`15· ·to look at it to see if it looks familiar.
`16· · · Q.· Going under your qualifications, paragraph 4 says
`17· ·you received a degree from the Massachusetts Institute
`18· ·of Technology.· What was that degree in?
`19· · · A.· I was in the mechanical engineering department in
`20· ·a special program which is something that departments
`21· ·allow you to do at MIT.· The program I was in was a
`22· ·special program that combined electrical engineering and
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`·1· ·some aspects of control systems and it was a focus on
`·2· ·the application of computers that -- digital control
`·3· ·systems and instrumentation.
`·4· · · Q.· Is that a bachelor of science?
`·5· · · A.· At the time it was issued by the Institute as a
`·6· ·bachelor of arts because all degrees that crossed
`·7· ·departments were issued in that way at that time.
`·8· ·Currently it is issued as a bachelor of science because
`·9· ·they rethought their perspective on degrees that
`10· ·crossed.· But it is the same set of classes, same
`11· ·materials that you would have for a bachelor of science
`12· ·degree.
`13· · · Q.· Did you -- in the course of that study did you
`14· ·study wireless communication?
`15· · · A.· Yes.
`16· · · Q.· Did you study the HDLC protocol?
`17· · · A.· Not particularly when I was in college.· Remember
`18· ·I was in college back in the 70's.
`19· · · Q.· Right.· When did the HDLC protocol come into
`20· ·being?
`21· · · · · · · ·MR. HOPEN:· Objection.· Foundation.
`22· · · A.· I don't know the history of it when the first
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`·1· ·version of it was published.· I don't know.
`·2· · · Q.· Am I correct that you did not attach a CV to your
`·3· ·Declaration?
`·4· · · A.· I don't know.· I don't recall.
`·5· · · Q.· Okay.· Would that be your standard practice to
`·6· ·attach a CV to a Declaration?
`·7· · · A.· Typically, yes.
`·8· · · Q.· Is it your practice to keep your CV up-to-date?
`·9· · · A.· I update it periodically.· So it reflects the
`10· ·situation as it is updated.
`11· · · Q.· When is the last time you updated your CV?
`12· · · A.· Probably in September.
`13· · · Q.· Was that for a particular case?
`14· · · A.· I don't know offhand why it was updated then.
`15· · · Q.· Is there anything in your CV, your updated CV
`16· ·that indicates that you are an expert in HDC -- HDLC
`17· ·protocol?
`18· · · · · · · ·MR. HOPEN:· Objection to form.· Objection to
`19· ·foundation.
`20· · · A.· Well, I think my CV would indicate that I have a
`21· ·lot of expertise in communication protocols in general.
`22· ·I don't think there is a necessarily a phrase you could
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`·1· ·point to and say "ah, HDLC", but I have significant
`·2· ·expertise in communications protocols in general.
`·3· · · Q.· What in your CV would indicate that you have an
`·4· ·expertise in communication protocols?
`·5· · · · · · · ·MR. HOPEN:· Objection to form.
`·6· · · A.· Work on standards committees that developed
`·7· ·communications protocol, based interfaces.
`·8· · · Q.· What were those standards committees?
`·9· · · A.· A couple of them.· The Access Bus, and also of
`10· ·course the USB HID and Device Standards Committee.
`11· · · Q.· Now, the USB Standards Committee doesn't relate
`12· ·to wireless protocol, does it?
`13· · · A.· Well, it does in device classes that are
`14· ·associated with wireless interfaces and communications
`15· ·classes, sure.
`16· · · Q.· Could you explain that?
`17· · · A.· Sure.
`18· · · · · · · ·MR. HOPEN:· Objection to form.
`19· · · A.· The interface to many wireless adapters of
`20· ·various sorts is based on -- for hardware dongles that
`21· ·use USB port, of course there are communication class
`22· ·devices.· For other devices which, like Bluetooth
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`·1· ·adaptors, for instance, as an example they use the HID
`·2· ·dash for interface with a lot of devices.· And
`·3· ·simultaneously they are communications class devices and
`·4· ·other implementations.
`·5· · · Q.· When did you work on this standards committee?
`·6· · · A.· Through the -- started in the mid 1990's and
`·7· ·probably ran up to the mid to the end of it.· End of the
`·8· ·1990's.
`·9· · · Q.· What specifically was that standards committee
`10· ·working on?
`11· · · A.· The USB Committee as a whole was working on the
`12· ·overall standard for USB, which includes hardware
`13· ·signalling standards, mechanical standards, power
`14· ·standards, post site implementation standards, data
`15· ·protocol standards and the device subgroups were working
`16· ·on their particular device classes and those classes of
`17· ·course line up with the different aspects of devices
`18· ·that are supported under USB.
`19· · · Q.· Were you working in a subgroup?
`20· · · A.· No.· I chaired the HID subgroup at one point.
`21· · · Q.· What subgroup was that?
`22· · · A.· That's the subgroup that works on human interface
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`·1· ·class devices.
`·2· · · Q.· But that doesn't have anything to do with the
`·3· ·technology of the invention we are talking about today,
`·4· ·does it?
`·5· · · · · · · ·MR. HOPEN:· Objection to form.
`·6· · · A.· Well, I would say that particular standard is not
`·7· ·part and parcel of what these patent claims are about,
`·8· ·no.
`·9· · · Q.· Right.· That was really my question.· Thank you.
`10· · · · · Have you ever obtained a patent as an inventor in
`11· ·the area of wireless communication?
`12· · · A.· No.
`13· · · Q.· How about in the area of HDLC protocols?
`14· · · A.· No.
`15· · · Q.· Have you ever received any industry awards in the
`16· ·area of wireless communication?
`17· · · A.· No.
`18· · · Q.· Have you ever received any industry awards in the
`19· ·area of HDLC protocols?
`20· · · A.· No.
`21· · · Q.· Have you ever lectured in the area of wireless
`22· ·communication?
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`·1· · · A.· As in teaching a class, no.
`·2· · · Q.· Have you ever lectured in the area of HDLC
`·3· ·protocol?
`·4· · · A.· No.
`·5· · · Q.· Have you ever been an expert witness before?
`·6· · · A.· Yes.
`·7· · · Q.· How many times have you been hired as an expert
`·8· ·witness?
`·9· · · A.· Your question is a little unclear whether it is
`10· ·as a testifying expert or providing consulting.
`11· · · Q.· Let's start as a testifying expert.
`12· · · A.· I am not going to be able to count that number up
`13· ·off the top of my head.
`14· · · Q.· Are those expert assignments all listed on your
`15· ·CV?
`16· · · A.· Yes.
`17· · · Q.· Have any of those expert witness assignments
`18· ·involved the HDLC protocol?
`19· · · A.· Well, I mean clearly this one does.
`20· · · Q.· Other than this one?
`21· · · A.· I would have to go through them.· I would have to
`22· ·look.
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`·1· · · Q.· Do any of those expert witness jobs relate to
`·2· ·wireless technology?
`·3· · · A.· Yes.
`·4· · · Q.· Wireless communication?
`·5· · · A.· Yes.
`·6· · · Q.· Can you tell me about the ones that relate to
`·7· ·wireless communication?
`·8· · · A.· It is difficult, of course, because the
`·9· ·consulting ones are not necessarily available for public
`10· ·disclosure.
`11· · · Q.· No.· I understand that.· Let's limit it to cases
`12· ·where you were hired as a testifying expert.
`13· · · A.· Okay.· Again, it is hard to characterize whether
`14· ·it is necessarily the primary aspect of it or some
`15· ·aspect of it.
`16· · · · · I think this matter, a related matter, I believe,
`17· ·with DSS in district court.· I have to look at the CV to
`18· ·see if there are other ones.
`19· · · Q.· Other than the, other than working for DSS, you
`20· ·can't think of any other ones off the top of your head?
`21· · · A.· No.· Because I have to kind of run through them
`22· ·all.
`DTI Court Reporting Solutions - Washington, DCDTI Court Reporting Solutions - Washington, DC

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`·1· · · Q.· Tell me about some of the other areas of
`·2· ·technology that you have been hired as an expert.
`·3· · · A.· Well, in the area of user interface design and
`·4· ·interaction.· In the area of, you know, protocol
`·5· ·analyzers.· In the area of touch screens.· Capacity of
`·6· ·touch sensing technology.
`·7· · · Q.· Was that multiple cases?
`·8· · · A.· That's correct.
`·9· · · Q.· One of those was against Apple; is that correct?
`10· · · A.· Depending how you count it.· There was one
`11· ·plaintiff with probably multiple cases regarding Apple.
`12· · · Q.· And that related to touch screens?
`13· · · A.· Right.
`14· · · · · Input device, other aspect of input devices, you
`15· ·know, wireless controllers for gaming, KVM switching
`16· ·technology.
`17· · · Q.· What is that?
`18· · · A.· KVM is an acronym for keyboard video mouse, and
`19· ·KVM switches are used so you can have sort of one
`20· ·monitor keyboard and mouse controlling a number of PCs
`21· ·or servers.· So it is a way of managing a large group of
`22· ·computers from a single workstation.
`DTI Court Reporting Solutions - Washington, DCDTI Court Reporting Solutions - Washington, DC

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`·1· · · · · I am not going to be able to get them all without
`·2· ·looking at my CV because there are other areas as well.
`·3· · · Q.· Anything else comes to mind?
`·4· · · · · · · ·MR. HOPEN:· Objection to form.
`·5· · · A.· Not immediately.· Again, if I looked at the list
`·6· ·of my -- we would have a better way of recollecting them
`·7· ·all.
`·8· · · Q.· Is it fair to say that your primary expertise is
`·9· ·in the area of USB?
`10· · · A.· No.· I wouldn't say that's my primary area.· My
`11· ·expertise spans a lot of different technologies. I
`12· ·wouldn't simply characterize it that way.
`13· · · Q.· How would you characterize your areas of
`14· ·expertise?
`15· · · A.· Well, I have expertise in, significant expertise
`16· ·in the areas of wireless communication, wireless systems
`17· ·use for single generation and manipulation in the
`18· ·wireless RF domain.· In certain interface technology,
`19· ·including USB.· Input devices in general.· Touch screens
`20· ·in particular.· But the whole range of input devices.
`21· ·The history of input device technology and PC interface
`22· ·design technology and also the history of certain
`DTI Court Reporting Solutions - Washington, DCDTI Court Reporting Solutions - Washington, DC

`ROBERT DEZMELYK - 12/15/2015ROBERT DEZMELYK - 12/15/2015
`Page 24
`·1· ·operating systems structures going through from the
`·2· ·early days of PC's to today.
`·3· · · Q.· You mentioned wireless communication first, when
`·4· ·did you become an expert in wireless communication?
`·5· · · · · · · ·MR. HOPEN:· Objection to form.· Objection to
`·6· ·foundation.· Objection to relevance.
`·7· · · A.· Well, it is hard to say when your own knowledge
`·8· ·level -- that's kind of an indeterminate question.· When
`·9· ·one's own knowledge level reaches a certain point where
`10· ·you have significant expertise in an area.· That's a
`11· ·little hard to judge.· I can't say on March 2 of 1997 I
`12· ·suddenly changed from having a, being very good at it to
`13· ·being an expert at it.· I don't think there is a simple
`14· ·way you can set that date.
`15· · · Q.· Tell me about how you became an expert in
`16· ·wireless communication.
`17· · · · · · · ·MR. HOPEN:· Objection to form.
`18· · · A.· Well, I think there is a lot of steps.· Obviously
`19· ·I had a foundation of education from when I was in
`20· ·college.· I have been involved in developing products
`21· ·that used various wireless techniques.· I have been
`22· ·interested in this personally for a long time.· I have
`DTI Court Reporting Solutions - Washington, DCDTI Court Reporting Solutions - Washington, DC

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`Page 25
`·1· ·read things, I have learned.· I have the opportunity
`·2· ·starting around 2000 something, 2007 maybe, to begin
`·3· ·doing work with people who are doing product development
`·4· ·in the area of RF synthesizers and other sort of single
`·5· ·processing devices for RF signals.
`·6· · · Q.· Would you agree that prior to 2007 you weren't an
`·7· ·expert in wireless communication?
`·8· · · · · · · ·MR. HOPEN:· Objection to form.
`·9· · · A.· No, I would not agree with that.
`10· · · Q.· You would not agree with that?
`11· · · A.· No.
`12· · · Q.· What is it in your background before 2007 that
`13· ·made you an expert in wireless communication?· What in
`14· ·your background can we look at to see that you are an
`15· ·expert in wireless communication?
`16· · · A.· Well, I think first off the premise of your
`17· ·question is incorrect in that you are attempting to make
`18· ·some concept of being an expert in a topic area which is
`19· ·very wide.· So if we found 20 people who worked in that
`20· ·area, they would all work in different aspects of it.
`21· ·Their expertise may or may not line up with some
`22· ·par

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