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`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1017, p. 1
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1017, p. 1

`Inventors: Xin Wang; Thahn Ta; Guillermo Lao; Eddie Chen
`Table of Contents
`TABLE OF CONTENTS. ...........................
`.......... .. 1
`INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... .. 1
`EXAMPLES OF USING META-RIGHTS ........................................................... .. 1
`MULTI-TIER CONTENT DISTRIBUTION ..................................................................... ..2
`PRIVATE DOCUMENTS ....................................................................................... ..2
`POWER OF ATTORNEY ....................................................................................... ..2
`OVERVIEW OF PROCESS T0 EXERCISE META-RIGHTS ................................ .. 2
`THE CONCEPT OF LICENSE (XRML LICENSE) .............................................. .. 3
`BUILDING BLOCKS OF THE SYSTEM ....................................................................... ..5
`AUTHORIZATION PROCESS TO EXERCISE A META-RIGHT ............................................... ..6
`EXERCISING A META-RIGHT ................................................................................ ..7
`This application is related to United States patents 5,629,980, 5,634,012, 5,638,443,
`5,715,403 and 5,715,40,
`the disclosures of which are incorporated herein by
`reference, and initoduces the concept of meta-rights which is the rights that deal
`with, manipulate, modify, and derive other rights.
`Meta~rights include rights to offer, grant, obtain, transfer, delegate, track, Surrender,
`exchange, and revoke other rights. This includes the rights to modify any of the
`conditions associated with other rights. For example, the right to extend or reduce
`the scope, extend or reduce the validation period of a particular right.
`Meta-rights can be hierarchical and can be structured as objects within Objects. Just
`as rights can have conditions, meta-rights can also have conditions. Meta-rights can
`also be associated with meta-rights.
`The concept of meta-rights is useful because in a real world scenario, there are
`entities that are not interested in the digital content, but in manipulating the rights
`associated with the content. For example, in a multi-tier content distribution model,
`the intermediate entities (distributors) will not consume the content but will be given
`the right
`to issue rights for the content
`they distribute.
`In other words,
`distributor or reseller will need to obtain rights to issue rights (meta-rights).
`Examples of using meta-rights
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`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1017, p. 2
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1017, p. 2

`Multi-tier content distribution
`In a multi-tier content distribution system, there exist “middle—man” entities that do
`not consume or produce content. Their role is to distribute content and the rights
`associated with those content.
`Consider a model where a publisher publishes content, a distributor distributes
`content and a
`retailer sells content
`to a consumer. The publisher negotiates
`commerce deals with the distributor and the distributor negotiates business deals
`with the retailer. In a digital workflow that utilizes a system to control the access of
`content, content
`(in protected form) can travel
`from publishers to consumers
`through any digital mean. When the consumer wishes to access the content, he
`contacts the appropriate retailer and obtains a ‘‘license’’ that allows him/her to
`access the content. The license is where the rights are expressed.
`In this multi-tier scenario, the retailer will only issue the rights that have been
`predetermined by the distributor. For example, a distributor may specify that the
`retailer can only issue 500 licenses and the rights that the retailer can issue to a
`consumer can only be “view” and “print-once”. In other words, the distributor has
`issued meta—rights to the retailer. Similarly, the publisher will issue meta—rights to
`the distributor that will govern what kind (and how many) of rights can the
`distributor issue to retailers.
`Private Documents
`Consider a model where a person's medical records are in digital form and are
`managed by the affiliated hospital. In this scenario, the person gives authority to the
`hospital to access and update the medical records. Now consider that the person
`needs treatment at another hospital and wishes to transfer the records to the new
`establishment. The person will now grant the right to the affiliated hospital the right
`to transfer the access rights to the new hospital. In other words, the person has
`specified meta-rights.
`Consider a model where a person's will is in digital form and managed by a law firm.
`The will is to be kept in the law firm and no one should have access to it (besides the
`law firm and the author of the will). The person wishes to allow a neutral 3rd review
`of the will. The person issues a right to the law firm to issue access rights to this 3rd
`party. The person has specified meta-rights.
`Power of Attorney
`In a digital economy, specifying meta-rights is analogous to power—of-attorney.
`Suppose a person wishes to give another person the power of attorney to liquidate
`(sell) equity. The person issues the right for the right
`to sell certain financial
`instruments. The person has issued meta-rights.
`Overview of Process to Exercise Meta-Rights
`At a high level the process of exercising rights are the same for both usage rights
`and meta-rights. However the different between usage rights and meta-rights are
`the result from exercising the rights (or meta—rights). When exercising rights, actions
`result, for example viewing or using a digital content. With meta-rights new rights
`PAGE 2 OF 8
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1017, p. 3
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1017, p. 3

`are created or derived from the meta-rights as the result of exercising those rights.
`The recipient of the new rights may be the same principal (same person or same
`machine, etc), who exercises the meta-rights, or a new principal.
`The principals and/or the repositories who receive the derived rights must be
`authenticated and authorized before receiving/storing the derive rights. Thus the
`process of exercising a meta-right is the same as exercising an usage right
`The system in this invention incorporate ideas from other patents and invention
`proposals, especially the “State of Rights” invention and “During Conditions”
`invention which is used for the authorization processes.
`The following diagram describes the overall process of exercising meta-rights.
`Principal P, who requests
`to exercise the meta-rights
`Recipient R, who receives
`the new rights or derived rights
`For each new rights or derived rights
`Access Denied
`Access Granted
`with error
`Rec1p1ent repos1tory store
`the derive rights
`No more new rights
`or derived rights
`Terminate with success
`Exercise meta-rights
`The concegt of License (XrML License)
`Like usage rights the representation of meta-rights in this invention is a XrML license
`(however the representation of meta-rights is not limited to XrML). An XrML License
`encapsulates the idea of specifying meta-rights.
`The structure of a license consists of a list of “grants” and one or more “digital
`signatures”. Each grand includes a specific granted meta-rights such as rights to
`offer (rights), grant (rights), obtain (rights),
`transfer (rights), exchange (rights),
`PAGE 3 OF 8
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1017, p. 4
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1017, p. 4

`revoke (rights)
`(rights), exercise (rights),
`(rights), or management meta-rights such as the rights to backup (rights), restore
`(rights), recover (rights), reissue (rights), escrow the rights for management meta-
`rights, etc.
`The structure of the grant also includes one or more principals -who the specified
`meta-rights are granted to, a list of conditions and state variables. Like usage rights
`access and exercise the granted meta-rights are controlled by the condition list and
`state variables.
`the access and exercise a given rights have been
`Various systems to control
`described in our previous patents United States patents 5629980, 5634012,
`5638443, 5715403 and 5715403 and pending provisional applications for “State of
`Rights” and “During—Condition” inventions. The integrity of the license is ensured by
`the use of digital signature as an element of the structure of the license. Structure
`of digital signature includes signature itself, the method of how the signature is
`computed, the key information needed to verify the signature and also the issuer
`identification. The following diagram describes a structure of a
`license that
`represents the list of meta-rights granted to an authenticable principle.
`License id
`Grant [1 ..n]
`Granted rights
`Principle, who is
`granted the rights
`Condition list and
`State variables
`Digital signature
`Following is the example in XrML describing how to map the above license structure
`into a specific implementation.
`System for managing and exercising meta-rights
`The major functions provided by the system in this invention are to manage the
`meta-rights and its derived rights.
`Managing and exercising meta-rights include these two processes:
`- The authorization process for exercising a given meta-right and
`o The process of exercising the meta-rights
`PAGE 4 OF 8
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1017, p. 5
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1017, p. 5

`l 1
`l E
`l l l
`Managing the rights, which are derived from exercising the meta-rights, includes the
`process of authorization of the recipient principal and recipient repository, and the
`storage of the derived rights to the repository. This system utilizes the “State of
`Rights” system and “During-Condition” system from their corresponding invention.
`Building Blocks of the System
`The building blocks for the system consists of the following components:
`license, and also provide the
`License Interpreter — Validate and interpret
`functions to query all fields in the license such as meta-rights, condition list,
`state variable, principle whose meta-rights is granted, and/or digital signature
`licenses and the repository to store the
`License Manager — Manages all
`license, and also provides functions to create license for derived rights, verify
`license, store license, retrieve license and transfer license.
`State of Rights — Manages the state and history of rights for meta-rights. This
`component is defined in the State of Rights invention proposal. The current
`value and history of the State of Rights together with the Condition List
`the permission to exercise a given meta-rights
`a given
`authenticated principal.
`o Condition Validator — Verifies conditions associated with the meta-rights.
`Together with state of rights, conditions associated with meta-rights are
`variables whose values may change over the lifetime of the met-rights.
`Values of conditions affect the meta-rights at the time and during the time
`the rights is exercised. This property where the conditions and states values
`change over time is the basic foundation for dynamic rights from which the
`behavior of the granted rights depended on.
`- Authorization — Authorizes the request to exercise meta-rights and to store
`the newly created rights or derived rights as the result of exercising the
`meta-rights. The authorization component consists of both state of rights
`component and condition Validator. The authorization component
`with license manager for the list of state variables of the state of rights and
`conditions list and then pass the state variables to the state of
`component and condition list to the condition Validator for authorization. This
`component also monitors and updates the history of the state of rights during
`the exercise of the requested rights.
`o Meta—rights Manager — Main component of the system. Responsible to verify
`the license and rights, to authorize the request to exercise a rights, to create
`new rights or derives rights from the meta-rights, and to update the state of
`rights and the current value of the conditions.
`0 Rights Manager — Manages the new rights created or the derived rights as the
`result of exercising the meta-rights. Rights Manager uses the authorization
`component to verify that if the recipient and/or the repository for the newly
`created rights or derived rights.
`If the recipient and the repository are
`authorized then the Rights Manager asks the license manager to store the
`newly created rights or the derived rights.
`The following diagram shows the components for a system to manage and exercise
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`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1017, p. 6
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1017, p. 6

`Meta-rights manager
`Rights manager
`{created rights, derived rights)
`State of
`State ofrights repository
`License Repository
`Authorization Process to exercise a meta-right
`One of the two processes in managing and exercising meta-rights consist of the
`authorization process. The following describes the process of authorization to
`exercise a meta-right
`(1) The request for exercising a meta-right is passed to the meta-rights manager
`(2) Given that the requestor has been authenticated, the meta-rights manager
`component requests the License Manager component to verify the license for
`exercising the requested meta-rights. License Manager verifies the digital
`signature of the license and the key of the signer. If the key of the signer is
`trusted and the digital signature is verified then the License Manager returns
`“verified” to the Meta—Rights Manager. Otherwise “not verified” is returned.
`the verified license is then passed to the
`(3) Once the license is verified,
`authorization component for authorization. The authorization will check for
`both state of rights and conditions.
`(4) The authorization manager requests the License Manager for the state of
`rights and condition list. Whether the request for exercising a meta-right is
`authorized or not depends on the current value and history of state of rights
`and the values of the condition list.
`(5) The authorization manager passes the state variables of the state of rights to
`the state of rights component for verification. State of rights component
`returns the current value and/or history of state variable, and the valid or
`PAGE 6 OF 8
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1017, p. 7
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1017, p. 7

`invalid state of rights to the authorization component. If the state of rights is
`valid then the authorization manager continues with step (6)
`(6) With a valid state of rights the authorization component passes the condition
`to the condition validator. The condition validator
`returns to the
`authorization component the status of the condition list —valid or invalid— and
`the current value of each condition. If all conditions in the condition list are
`verified and valid then the authorization manager continue in step (7) with
`the “authorized” return.
`(7) Authorization component returns to the Meta-Rights manager component the
`status of the request —either “authorized” or “not-authorized”.
`Request to exercise (1)
`License Manager
`Valid license (3)
`Authori /Fail (7)
`Request for
`State variables
`‘ nd condition
`ist (4)
`License Manager
`State Variables (5)
`State of Rights
`State of Rights
`Repository, or
`Remote service
`Condition list (6)
`Request to exercise a meta-rights
`Exercising a meta-right
`The other process in managing and exercising meta-rights consist of the exercise of
`the meta-right. Once the request to exercise a meta-right has been authorized, the
`following diagram describes the process of exercising a meta-rights.
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`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1017, p. 8
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1017, p. 8

`Exercise meta-rights
`State of Rights
`The meta-rights manager requests the state of rights component to
`start exercising the target meta-rights. State of rights then records the usage
`history and changes its current value according to the set of state variable.
`The meta—rights manager exercises the target meta-rights.
`If new
`rights or derived rights are created, then the Meta-Rights manager continues
`with step (13) otherwise it commits the meta-rights for exercise in step (15).
`License Manager is invoked to create new rights or derived rights as
`the result of exercising the target meta-rights.
`Each new right or derived right is then sent to the corresponding rights
`manager of the recipient and stored in the recipient's repository. The rights
`manager of the recipient will authenticate and authorize the recipient before
`receiving and storing the newly created right or derived right. The recipient of
`the new right or derived right may be the one who exercises the meta-rights.
` a
`PAGE 8 OF 8
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1017, p. 9
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1017, p. 9

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