W0 92/20022
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 5001
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 5001


`WO 92/20022
`PCT/US92/0381 2
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 5002
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 5002


`W0 92/20022
`._._U_._n:)=8.._._U_.._n=)=E.m:_=m-.Bo22_o o5:<nmEmmom»z_.EU_.._n:>=E.m:_.5-.Bom.£u
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhib1t 1024, p. 5003
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 5003


`WO 92/20022
`PCI‘/US92/0381 2
` .4<zo_Eo59:2.:o:._s__EEoE2_:S.-._c=-._=£%
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 5004
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 5004


`WO 92/20022
`PCTIUS92/0381 2
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 5005
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 5005


`W0 92/20022
`PCT/ US92/03812
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 5006
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 5006


`W0 92/20022
` .._<ZO_._.n_OE._m:_m>EEmz._._U_._n:>=_N_:ov_3-.onEmE
` %.3mDo:_m>3mn-m:_m>
`SUBSTITL11’-<[=:t§ti(S)r'-1"g§l;-L)p1e Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 5007
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 5007


`WO 92/20022
`PCT/US92/038] 2
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exh1b1t 1024, p. 5008
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 5008


`WO 92/20022
`SUBSTITIIQ,-t§ti§rt'!:§E¥)p1e Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 5009
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 5009


`W0 92/20022
` _.oSzfimoE032.:u:....s__.23.2.oSzfimoE85.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 5010
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 5010


`W0 92/ 20022
`PCT/US92/0381 2
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhi
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 5011


`W0 92/20022
`PCT/ US92/038] 2
`Fiiter {
`Fi|ter—Type AND
`Filter-Item {
`Filter-|tem~Type SELECT
`Attribute-Type Product-Use-Authorization
`Filter {
`Filter-Type AND
`Filter-Item-Type SELECT
`Attribute-Type Calling-Authorization
`Filter-Type AND
`Filter-item {
`Filter-Item-Type EQUALITY
`Atribute-Type Producer
`Match-Value "Digital"
`} F
`ilter-Item {
`Filter-Item-Type EQUALITY
`Attribute-Type Producer
`Match-Value "Amazing Database"
`} F
`ilter-Item {
`Filter-Item-Type EQUALITY
`Attribute-Type Producer
`Match-Value "Digital"
`} F
`Filter—|tem-Type EQUALITY
`Attribute-Type Issuer
`Match-Value "Digital"
`} F
`ilter-Item {
`Filter-Item-Type EQUALITY
`Attribute-Type Product-Name
`Match-Value "Amazing Graphics System"
`FIG. 46
`Example Filter Value Notation
`SUBST|TU1Eet§t'i-+0g1§1TApp1e Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 5012
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 5012


`international Apputcanon no
`on ,,,Q Q, ,,,,,,1,
`I. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECI MATTER (if sevaal classification symhols apply, indicate all)‘
`According to International Patent Classlfiutlotu (IPQ or to both National Classification and [PC
`5 G06F1/00
`0355559“ SFW“
`IntICl. 5
`Minimum Documentation Sardtefl
`Classification Sytnhols
`Documentation Searched other than Minimum Documentation
`to the Extent that such Documents are Included in the Fields Su.rehed'
`Category " |
`Citation of Doeumetut. U with indiution, whee appropriate, of the relevant passages ‘3
`Relevant to Claim No.“
`13 September 1989
`cited in the application
`see figure 1
`cited in the application
`see column 3,
`line 31- column 7,
`line 55
`‘’ Spedal categories of cited documents :‘°
`‘A’ document defining the general state of the art which is not
`consider!‘ m In ‘If PING!" man“
`'E' arlier document but puhlished on or after the lntanational
`filung date
`'L' docutmt _whlch may throw douhts_on priority claim(s) or
`"P"? L‘ “"4 "’ 5‘‘'.'l'‘h "” P"N"3u"." “'° "f "M"
`‘““'‘°“ °'' "5" ‘P“""" "a‘°“ ('5 ‘P°"fi“)
`'0' document referring to an oral disdosure, use, exhihitlon or
`other mans
`'9' document puhllshed prior to the inta'natltuna.l filing date but
`Iater than the priority date dainud
`IV. JR'l'IFlCA'I'lOl\'
`'1" later document puhllshed after the international filing date
`or priority date and not In tnnfliet with the a
`Iiation but
`ttiluundetstand the prunctple or thtnry utn erlyung the
`-x- damn‘ Hf “Nah, "lune: me dam“ invfinn
`unnot be considered novel or annot be considered to
`involve an inventive step
`'Y' document of partlcnhr relevance; the claimed lnvuttlon
`tannot be consldaed to involve an inveu-utive step when the
`document is mmhined with one or more other such docu-
`ments. such mmhinatlon hdng obvious to a pawn skilled
`in W "'-
`'&' document member of the same patent family
`Date of the Actual Complaion of the International Sarch
`09 SEPTEMBER 1992
`Date of Malling of this International Surch Report
`1 7, [ya 92
`International Sarching Authority
`Signature of Authorized Officer
`Fem PCTI1SARt0t|n:nd Ihnet|(J-nary 1915)
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 5013
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 5013


`Category ‘'
`Cnarinn nf Docmum. with indiation, when appropriate. of the nlevanl pasags
`Rzlevznt to Clziln No.
`lnlernznnnzl Appllauon !\o
`D"‘T /l!(‘
`09 /n')Q1’J
`see the whole document
`1 January 1989, NEW YORK US
`vol. 31, no. 8,
`pages 195 - 198;
`Fun PC'I'IISAi210 Inn 0-!) (liq IIJI
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 5014
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 5014


`This um Est: the pltfllt fumily Inunhu-I ranting to the punt douunam dad in the above-menfinned inn:-national ward: upon.
`The manner: nn 3: contained in the European Patcnt Oflice EDP file on
`‘nae hwupean Pntmt Olin: is in no way liable for the putiaxlars whidl Ire Inudy givu: for thc punaoa ofinformalion. 09/09/92
`For more tails Ibout this nnncx : see Oflicinl Journnl of the European Patent Ofliec, No. 12/82
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 5015
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 5015


`International Bureau
`(51) Illtemfimlnal Patent 0355159350“ 5 3
`G061? 11/349 H041’ 9/00
`_(1l) Intemalional Publication Number:
`(43) International Publication Date:
`.. WO 93/01550
`2”] .lanuar'y 19-93 (2l.01.9_3)
`(81) Designated States: AT, AU, BB, BG, BR, CA, CH, CS,
`DE, DK. ES, FL GB, HU. JP. KP. KR. 1-«K. LU. MG.
`MN, MW, NL, NO, PL, RO, RU, SD, SE, European pa-
`tent (AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IT, LU,
`MC, NL SE), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM,
`GA, GN, ML, MR, SN, TD, TG).
`With international search report.
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`30 June 1992 (30.06.92)
`(30) Priority data:
`1 July 1991 (0l.07.91)
`29 June 1992 (29.06.92)
`INC. [US/US];
`(71) Applicant: INFOLOGIC SOFTWARE,
`1223 Peoples Avenue, Suite 5405, Troy, NY 12180 (US).
`(72) Inventor: GRISWOLD, Gary, N.
`Schenectady, NY 12309 (US).
`; 1937 Regent Street,
`(74) Agents: LAZAR, Dale, S. et al.; Cushman, Darby & Cush-
`man, Ninth Floor, 1100 New York Avenue, N.W., Wash-
`ington, DC 20005-3918 (US).
`At Licensee's Site
`On Communications
`(57) Abstract
`A license management system and method for recording (6) the use of licensed product (1), and for controlling (4) its use.
`A licensed product invokes a license check monitor (2) at regular time ‘intervals. The monitor generates request datagrams (3)
`which identifiy the licensee and the product and sends the request datagrams over a communications facility to a license control
`system (4). The license control system maintains arecord (6) of the received datagrams, and compares the received datagrams to .
`' data stored in its licensee database (5). Consequently, the license control system (4) transmits reply datagrams with either a denial
`or an approval message. The monitor (2) generates its own denial message if its request datagrams are unanswered after a prede-
`termined interval of time. The datagrams are counted at the control system to provide billing information.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 5016 ~
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 5016


`Russian Federation
`Soviet Union
`United Status of America
`Code: used to identify Slalcs party lo the PCI' on the from page: of pamphlets publishing international
`applications under the PCT.
`Buriina I-aw
`('cnlr:xl Afru.-.'m Republic
`(‘file d'lvuin:
`Unilul Kinplum
`Demoeralic People’: Republic
`of Runs:
`Republic of Korea
`l ieelnenalein
`sri Lnnka
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 5017
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 5017


`Field of the Invention
`The present
`invention generally relates
`systems for managing licenses of products such as
`computer software, video games, CD-ROM information,
`movies and other video products, music and other audio
`products, multimedia products, and other systems for
`recording of actual usage of
`such a
`licensed product to enable efficient billing therefor.
`Qescgiption of gelgtgd Art
`computer software, music, video products and the like
`usually provide licensees with limited rights.
`licenses may restrict sites of use, duration of use,
`or number of concurrent uses of the products.
`licenses also may
`limit "the use of
`the products
`depending won currentness of
`licensee's payments.
`However, enforcing the conditions of the licenses is
`20_ difficult, because,
`in general,
`the licensed products
`may be easily copied or "pirated" and used without the
`licensor's knowledge.
`Compliance with limited license rights has been
`encouraged with copy protection.
`Known methods of
`computer software copy protection include putting a
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit-.l
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 5018


`W0 93/01550
`physical hole or mark on.the diskette containing a
`product, or placing data on the diskette in a location
`where no data is expected.
`A disk with an illegally
`copied software product usually would not contain the
`5 marks. At the beginning of its operation,
`a. copy-
`protected, but illegally copied software product would
`search its own diskette for the marks. Upon failing
`to detect the marks, the software would abort from its
`normal procedures.
`Most software products sold today do not have
`such copy protection, partly because copy protection
`legitimate duplication of
`copy protected
`" software difficult,
`protection frustrates the making of legitimate copies,
`15 while not eliminating unauthorized copying.
`software publishers have experienced higher sales by
`eliminating copy protection schemes.
`Another method for enforcing limited licensing
`rights of computer
`software is described in U.S.
`patent No. 4,932,054 to Chou. Chou describes a "coded
`filter“ hardware device which is plugged into a port
`filter“ outputs
`authorization control
`code when
`a predetermined
`control code is sent
`to it.
`The licensed software
`functions properly only
`transmits the correct authorization control code to
`the software.
`While devices such as described by Chou have
`existed for several years,
`they have not been well
`accepted by the market. Since the device is attached
`to the outside of a computer, it can easily be lost or
`stolen, preventing the use of licensed software.
`addition, if a licensee purchased a number of software
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 5019
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 5019


`wo 93/01550
`products, each of which used Chou's protection scheme,
`the licensee would collect a stack of "coded'filters."
`in U.S. patent No. 4,924,378, describes”
`a method for limiting the number of concurrent uses of
`a licensed software product.
`Each workstation of a
`network has a
`license storage area in its local
`memory. License Management System (LMS) daemons are
`provided in the network in a number corresponding to
`the permissible number of concurrent uses of
`software product. To use the software, a work station
`stores a daemon in its license storage area.
`If all
`daemons are in use, no further work stations may use
`the software.
`in U.S. patent No. 4,937,863,
`Robert et al.,
`describe a similar invention. This invention "includes
`license management
`facility which
`database of license information related to licensed
`computer software programs. When a user attempts to
`licensed program,
`license management
`facility first” checks the database. Access to the
`licensed product is prevented if licensing conditions
`related to the product are not satisfied (e.g..,
`expiration of licensing dates, etc).
`while the Robert et al. and Hershey patents show" "
`effective techniques for controlling licensed computer
`software, each also reveals components that cannot be
`easily managed by an average user. A..system manager,
`someone with special access. privileges to the
`internals of a machine, must
`the licensed
`This hinders
`the distribution of
`Licensable products. other than computer software
`have not generally been copy-protected. For example,
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1—0—
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 5020


`W0 93/01550
`video tapes can be easily. copied by anyone with two
`VCR machines, and audio tapes and music CDs can be
`easily copied to tape. Computer CD-ROMS can be copied
`to magnetic disk; however,
`large information
`storage capacity relative to that of magnetic disks
`expensive proposition.
`introduction of digital audio tape is being delayed,
`because some view its ability to easily produce very
`high quality copies as a threat to music royalties.
`in U.S. patent No. 4,658,093, describes
`means to bill by usage.
`This is accomplished via
`communication of an encrypted authorization code from
`a licensor to a base unit at the licensee's site. The
`encrypted authorization code contains
`related to an identification of
`the base unit,
`number of uses
`a random or non-
`implementation of Hellman's
`repeating number; however,
`scheme requires a "base unit", such as
`a computer,
`record player, video recorder, or
`video game unit,
`video disk player, with a unique
`The requirement
`is difficult
`to satisfy,
`because, at
`the present, only a
`fraction of
`systems on the market have an internally readable
`In addition,
`vendors of these systems provide no guarantees for the
`any given device's serial
`uniqueness of
`Furthermore, an internal serial number can change when
`hardware maintenance
`is performed on
`the device.
`Also, He11man's approach requires that an identical
`each software product be stored at
`copy of
`authorization site.
`These copies are used in the
`The unstated assumption
`generation of unique keys.
`that all copies of a specific version of a software
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 5021
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 5021


`wo 93/01550
`product are identical is unrealistic.» Minor-bug fixes
`to software are often made without generating a new
`version of the product. Also, some software products,
`such as those which run on Macintosh computers, are
`e While Hellman's invention counts each use of the
`software, it does not monitor the duration of use.
`Thus, Hellman's system would not be able to bill for
`extensive use of
`licensed software if the software
`10 _ were continuously operated.
`Finally, while Hellman
`suggests the inclusion of an automated communication
`system as part of his invention, he does not disclose
`how this communication system could be implemented.
`Instead, he mentions noneautomated use of telephone
`and mail.
`In summary, Hellman's patent
`is an
`interesting discussion of cryptographic techniques,
`it does not provide a practical,
`implementation of those techniques.
`in U.s. Patent No. 4,977,594, describes a
`system and‘ method to meter usage of distributed
`CD-ROM systems.
`The method
`describes a hardware module which must be part of the
`to access the distributed database.
`computer used;
`This module retains records of the information viewed.
`once the module storage is filled, the module must be
`removed and delivered to someone who will charge for
`the usage recorded therein and set the module back to
`zero usage.
`Like Hellman's method,
`this method
`requires a hardware module which must be incorporated
`30 within the computer so the system can control user
`No database publisher will be able to use
`this method until there are a very large number of
`units containing such modules. Hardware manufacturers
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 5022
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 5022


`W0 93/01550
`will be hesitant to include the module in the design
`of their computers until there is sufficient demand
`from customers or publishers for this system.
`to the present
`invention can be implemented entirely in software and
`hence does not require special, dedicated computer
`invention to
`the present
`It is an object of
`10 - provide a license management system and method which
`can ensure that a licensed product is used only on
`machines under which it is licensed.
`It is another object of the present invention to
`provide a license management system and method which
`may terminate access to a licensed product once its
`license has expired.
`It is yet another object of the present invention
`to provide a
`license management system and method
`which may terminate access to a licensed product when
`payment for a license is overdue.
`It is a further object of the present invention to
`provide a license management system and method which
`can limit the number of concurrent uses of a licensed
`It is yet another object of the present invention
`to provide a license management system and method
`which can bill licensees for the duration of actual
`usage of a licensed product.
`The present
`invention provides an advantageous
`feature of quickly and
`effectively implementing
`license agreements between a licensor and licensee.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 5023
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 5023


`wo 93/01550
`provides " another
`advantageous feature of allowing logic used to control_
`licenses to be easily changed.
`The present
`invention provides yet
`advantageous feature of detecting, at the licensor's
`site, many types of attempts to alter the license
`management system.
`feature of permitting anyone without
`access privileges
`to install
`licensed product
`In the present
`generates request "datagrams," messages transmitted
`over a communications network. The request datagrams.
`are sent to the licensor's site. At
`the licensor's
`site the datagram is compared to information stored in
`a license database. After the comparison, a reply
`datagram is sent to the licensee. Upon receiving the
`reply datagram,
`licensed product
`accordance with the instructions therewithin.
`example if a reply datagram contained a "denial," the
`licensed product would display an appropriate message
`to the user and then suspend further execution of its
`In the present
`the licensed product
`is implemented on a network node attached to a
`communications network-
`includes the licensor.
`The network node may he a computer, a CD-ROM player,
`a tele-computer or other multimedia machine, or any
`other appropriate device.
`The node may also be an
`intelligent type of consumer electronic device used
`such as an intelligent
`for presenting information,
`television, VCR. Videodisk player, music CD player,
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 5024
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 5024


`WO 93/01550
`telephone or other similar device.
`audio tape player,
`the communications network may be’ any two-
`way network such as a computer network,
`a cellular
`network or _other
`5 wireless network, a two-way cable TV network, or any
`other equivalent system.
`Should the user detach the node from the network,
`the licensed product will
`to receive reply
`Upon several failures to receive reply
`datagrams, the licensed product will generate its own
`After a request datagram has been sent out, a
`user may be permitted to use the licensed product for
`a limited duration.
`This feature may be necessary
`because of the delays in network communications. when
`networks are sufficiently fast, use of a licensed
`product can be postponed until the reply datagram is
`In the preferred embodiment of
`the present
`licensees‘ network addresses are used to
`identify the licensees.
`other embodiments may use a
`licensed product serial number or hardware serial
`numbers for the identification.
`A licensed product as in the present
`generates a request datagram after each period of
`product use. The number of request datagrams received
`by the licensor can be used to bill the licensee. For
`if datagrams are sent after every hour of
`product use,
`the licensee will be billed for the
`amount equal
`to the number of
`request datagrams
`received by the licensor multiplied by the hourly
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 5025
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 5025


`wo 93/01550
`invention may
`the present‘
`The embodiments of
`incorporate a query system at a licensor"s site for
`reporting on problem datagrams. This would allow the
`licensors to take appropriate actions in accordance
`5 with problems associated with each datagram.
`These and other objects and advantages of this
`invention will become more apparent and more readily
`appreciated from the following detailed description
`of the presently preferred exemplary embodiment of the
`invention, taken in conjunction with the accompanying
`drawings, of which:
`is a general block diagram of
`preferred exemplary
`shows representative diagrams of
`and formats of data at
`licensee's site,
`contained in datagrams, and at licensor's site;
`FIGURE 3 illustrates a sequence of representative
`operations executed at the licensee's site and at the
`licensor's site, together with required inputs for the
`execution of the operations and with outputs produced
`FIGURE 4 illustrates a sequence of representative
`operations to send a request datagram,
`together with
`required inputs for the execution of the operations
`and with outputs produced therefrom;
`FIGURE 5 illustrates a sequence of representative
`operations when a reply datagram is overdue, together
`30' with required inputs
`execution of
`«operations and with outputs produced therefrom;
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit l02
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 5026


`sequence of
`operations to process a reply datagram,
`together with
`required inputs for the execution of
`the operations
`and with outputs produced therefrom;
`sequence of
`operations to generate an authorization code, together
`with required inputs
`execution of
`operations and with outputs produced therefrom; and
`sequence of
`together with
`operations to send a reply datagram,
`required inputs for the execution of the operations
`and with outputs produced therefrom.
`As shown in FIGURE 1, a licensed product 1
`located at a licensee's site. Product 1 may include
`a data portion 1B and a functional portion 1A such as
`software product or
`any other kind of
`information product used to control use of data
`portion 18.
`If data portion 18 is CD-ROM database
`information, functional portion 1A should enable the
`licensee to search indexes and display text.
`If data
`portion 1B is video information, functional portion 1A
`should control the display of the video information.
`For audio information,
`functional portion 1A should
`play the audio information.
`If data portion 1B is an
`electronic book, functional portion 1A should display
`The above examples show some of the
`and turn pages.
`ways functional portion 1A can control data portion
`1B; however,
`they are hardly exhaustive.
`By including in product 1 both information and
`software which controls the information, product 1 is
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 5027
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 5027


`wo 93/01550
`- 11 -
`an executable product. Ron-software information in
`product 1 is preferably encrypted so that it cannot
`be easily extracted,from the product.
`License check monitor 2 sends license datagrams
`3 to the licensor and also receives license datagrams
`from the licensor.
`license check monitor 2 also
`prevents further use of product 1 when a datagram 3
`containing a "denial" message is received.
`License datagrams 3 are messages that describe
`information related to the use of licensed product 1.
`Datagrams 3 are sent over a communications network
`between the licensee and licensor.
`licensee sends a request datagram 3 over the network
`to the licensor.
`The licensor then returns a reply
`datagram containing either an approval or denial.
`is also possible to implement the present invention by
`y having the licensor transmit a reply datagram only for
`At the licensor's site,
`license control system 4
`licensing decisions
`datagram 3 with license records 5.
`system 4 [stores
`related to request datagram 3 into history of license
`datagram record 6.
`It is noted that request datagrams
`3 are periodically sent while product
`1 is in use.
`the history of license datagrams in record 6
`provides means for measuring the duration of use of
`product 1.
`Representations of data and records stored at the
`licensee's site, contained in datagrams, and stored at
`the licensor's site_are illustrated in FIGURE 2. At
`the licensee's site, network service 7, which handles
`delivery and transmission of datagrams 3, supplies
`Petitionkn‘ Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 5028
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 5028


`W0 93/01550
`network address 8.
`system 4
`It is by this address that license
`identifies a
`location of use of
`product 1.
`is contained within
`record 9
`Licensed product
`5 monitor 2. Within the license product record 9 is an
`identification record 10, which contains the following
`two items: licensor's network address 11, and product
`model number 12 that
`identifies pr

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