United States Patent [19J
`Ginter et al.
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Apr. 6, 1999
`Inventors: Karl L. Ginter, Beltsville; Victor H.
`Shear, Bethesda, both of Md.; W. Olin
`Sibert, Lexington, Mass.; Francis J.
`Spahn, El Cerrito; David M. Van Wie,
`Sunnyvale, both of Calif.
`[73] Assignee: InterTrust Technologies Corp.,
`Sunnyvale, Calif.
`[21] Appl. No.: 706,206
`[22] Filed:
`Aug. 30, 1996
`Applications Requirements for Innovative Video Program(cid:173)
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`Opportunities for Interactive Video Programs Delivered on
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`Bruner, Rick E., PowerAgent, NetBot help advertisers reach
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`CD ROM, Introducing ... The Workflow CD-ROM Sam(cid:173)
`pler, Creative Networks, MCIMail: Creative Networks, Inc.,
`Palo Alto, California.
`(List continued on next page.)
`Int. Cl.6
`...................................................... G06F ll/00
`[52] U.S. Cl. ....................................... 395/186; 395/184.01
`[58] Field of Search ............................... 395/186, 187.Dl,
`395/188.01, 218, 200.59; 380/4, 25, 30,
`825.31, 825.34
`Primary Examiner-Robert W. Beausoliel, Jr.
`Assistant Examiner-Pierre F. Elisca
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Nixon & Vanderhye P.C.
`References Cited
`....................... 73/862.58
`4/1971 Adams et a!.
`9/1971 Blevins ................................... 395/407
`(List continued on next page.)
`9 004 79
`0 84 441
`0 370 146
`0 456 386 A2
`0 469 864 A2
`0 469 864 A3
`0 565 314 A2
`0 593 305 A2
`0 651 554 A1
`European Pat. Off ..
`European Pat. Off ..
`European Pat. Off ..
`European Pat. Off ..
`European Pat. Off ..
`European Pat. Off ..
`European Pat. Off ..
`European Pat. Off ..
`European Pat. Off ..
`European Pat. Off ..
`European Pat. Off ..
`European Pat. Off ..
`European Pat. Off ..
`The present invention provides systems and methods for
`electronic commerce including secure transaction manage(cid:173)
`ment and electronic rights protection. Electronic appliances
`such as computers employed in accordance with the present
`invention help to ensure that information is accessed and
`used only in authorized ways, and maintain the integrity,
`availability, and/or confidentiality of the information. Secure
`subsystems used with such electronic appliances provide a
`distributed virtual distribution environment (VDE) that may
`enforce a secure chain of handling and control, for example,
`to control and/or meter or otherwise monitor use of elec(cid:173)
`tronically stored or disseminated information. Such a virtual
`distribution environment may be used to protect rights of
`various participants in electronic commerce and other elec(cid:173)
`tronic or electronic-facilitated transactions. Secure distrib(cid:173)
`uted and other operating system environments and
`architectures, employing, for example, secure semiconduc(cid:173)
`tor processing arrangements that may establish secure, pro(cid:173)
`tected environments at each node. These techniques may be
`used to support an end-to-end electronic information distri(cid:173)
`bution capability that may be used, for example, utilizing the
`"electronic highway."
`(List continued on next page.)
`220 Claims, 163 Drawing Sheets
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1007, p. 1


`Page 2
`3/1974 Smith ........................................ 380/37
`3/1974 Feistel ....................................... 380/37
`3/1974 Feistel ....................................... 380/37
`3/1974 Feistel ....................................... 380/25
`4/1974 Clarke ..................................... 711/164
`8/1974 Freeny, Jr.
`......................... 340/825.31
`9/1975 Henriques ............................... 235/438
`10/1975 Freeny, Jr.
`.............................. 235/382
`12/1975 Freeny, Jr.
`............................ 375/27 A
`1/1976 Jacoby .................................... 395/186
`3/1976 Brobeck et a!.
`.......................... 705!25
`5/1976 Anderson et a!.
`... ... ... ... .... ... ... .. 380/24
`5/1976 Ehrsam et a!. . ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .. 380/29
`7/1976 Boothroyd eta!. ....................... 705/43
`9/1977 Forman, Jr. et a!.
`................... 376/485
`1/1978 Mazur ..................................... 364/130
`9/1978 Freeny, Jr.
`.............................. 342/457
`10/1978 Johnstone .................................... 380/4
`7/1979 Mori eta!. .............................. 711/207
`9/1979 Best ............................................ 380/4
`........................... 380/46
`4/1980 Forman et a!.
`4/1980 Kuhar eta!. .............................. 341/23
`6/1980 Freeny, Jr.
`.............................. 342/457
`8/1980 Freeny, Jr.
`.............................. 342/458
`9/1980 Hamano eta!. .......................... 705/18
`11/1980 Gerard .. ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... . 380/36
`.............................. 342/464
`11/1980 Freeny, Jr.
`11/1980 Kennedy ................................... 702/61
`2/1981 Kirschner et a!. ... ... ... ... .... ... . 707/10 A
`4/1981 Bright et a!. ................................ 380/4
`5/1981 Desai et a!. .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... 222/639
`5/1981 Asija ........................................... 707/1
`7/1981 Best ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... . 380/24
`12/1981 Best ............................................ 380/4
`12/1981 Lumley ....................................... 380/4
`1/1982 Merkle ...................................... 380/23
`3/1982 Best ............................................ 380/4
`4/1982 Guillou . ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... . 380/18
`5/1982 Baldwin eta!. .......................... 705/24
`6/1982 Guillou ..................................... 380/20
`11/1982 Dyer et a!. .............................. 702/176
`3/1983 Davida et a!.
`............................ 380/28
`2/1984 Best ............................................ 380/4
`2/1984 Suzuki et a!. ........................... 711/164
`4/1984 Mayer ..................................... 395/186
`5/1984 Thomas ................................... 711/164
`......................... 395/186
`6/1984 Heffron et a!.
`7/1984 Uchenick .................................... 380/4
`7/1984 Smith, III ................................... 380/4
`7/1984 Ross ............................................ 380/4
`8/1984 Best ............................................ 380/4
`9/1984 Donald eta!. .............................. 380/4
`11/1984 Block et a!.
`... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... . 348/3
`1/1985 Kadison et a!.
`.......................... 360/48
`4/1985 Herman ....................................... 380/4
`7/1985 Lofberg .................................... 348/5.5
`.................................. 380/4
`7/1985 Freeny, Jr.
`11/1985 Egendorf ................................... 377/15
`.............................. 380/4
`12/1985 Arnold et a!.
`12/1985 Schmidt eta!. ........................ 707/203
`12/1985 Chou et a!. .......................... 360/78.04
`12/1985 Bond et a!. . ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .. 360/60
`3/1986 Comerford eta!. .................... 360/774
`4/1986 Guglielmino ............................... 380/4
`5/1986 Atalla .......................................... 380/4
`5/1986 Chiba et a!.
`............................ 791/164
`6/1986 Pickholtz .................................... 380/4
`6/1986 Yolk .......................................... 705/16
`6/1986 Lofberg ....................................... 380/4
`6/1986 Izumi et a!.
`.............................. 380/23
`Johnson .................................... 73/602
`Chorley et a!. ........................... 705/24
`Chandra et a!.
`........................ 702/176
`Tolman et a!. .............................. 380/4
`Pailen et a!. ................................ 380/4
`Hellman ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .. 380/23
`Rackman .................................... 380/4
`Alsberg ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .. 380/23
`Fascenda ................................... 380/23
`Izumi et a!.
`.............................. 365!52
`Mollier ........................................ 380/4
`Barnsdale et a!. .. .... ... ... ... ... ... . 711/164
`Joshi .................................... 340/825.3
`Kleijne et a!. .............................. 380/4
`Wiedemer ................................... 380/4
`Ikeda et a!. ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... 711/163
`. .... ... ... ... ... .... .. 380/20
`Gilhousen et a!.
`Boebert et a!.
`.. ... .... ... ... ... ... .... 711/164
`. ... .... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... . 372/2
`Chang et a!.
`William ................................... 395/186
`Taaffe ..................................... 536/28.5
`Matyas et a!. ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... .. 380/25
`Allen et a!. ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... .. 380/25
`Taub et a!. .................................. 380/4
`Dunham et a!. ............................ 380/4
`Wiedemer ................................... 380/4
`Klingenbeck et a!.
`................. 128/653
`Shavit eta!. .............................. 705/26
`Ugon et a!. ............................. 349/184
`Chandra et a!.
`............................ 380/4
`Deming ................................... 374/117
`Shear .......................................... 380/4
`Barber et a!. ............................... 705/2
`Kobus ..................................... 364/200
`Fischer . .... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .. 380/25
`Chandra et a!.
`........................ 395/186
`Hershey et a!.
`. ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ..... 348/3
`Cina, Jr ................................... 395/726
`Cohen ....................................... 380/25
`Shear .......................................... 380/4
`Chernow et a!.
`....................... 395/712
`Fischer . .... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .. 380/23
`Griffin et a!.
`............................... 380/4
`Fisher ... .... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .. 380/30
`Katznelson .............................. 395/186
`Johnson et a!. ......................... 395/186
`Wiedemer ................................... 380/4
`Abraham et a!. ........................... 380/4
`Shear ... .... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . 38/25
`Bloomberg et a!. .... ... ... ... ... .... 382/203
`Mori ........................................ 702/176
`Waite .......................................... 380/4
`Ketcham ................................. 395/705
`Janis et a!. .............................. 395/704
`Stearns et a!. .......................... 235/454
`Fischer . .... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .. 380/23
`Haber et a!. .............................. 380/49
`Haber et a!. .............................. 380/49
`Harvey et a!. ..................... 395/200.58
`Nolan, Jr ................................. 711/164
`Abraham et a!. ......................... 380/46
`Wiedemer ................................... 380/4
`Bloomberg .............................. 235/456
`Mori .......................................... 365!52
`Goldberg et a!. ....................... 707/100
`Maki et a!.
`................................. 707/4
`Flores et a!. ................................ 704/1
`Fischer . .... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .. 380/30
`Flores et a!. ................................ 704/1
`Hecht ...................................... 235/494
`................................ 380/4
`Waite et a!.
`Paulini et a!.
`.............................. 380/4
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1007, p. 2


`Page 3
`6/1993 Gasser et a!. ............................. 380/30
`7/1993 Murphy ..................................... 342/22
`8/1993 Wobber et a!.
`........................... 380/25
`9/1993 Zhang ..................................... 235/454
`9/1993 Sprague et a!. ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... . 380/9
`11/1993 Wyman ....................................... 380/4
`11/1993 Janis ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... 707/1
`11/1993 Matyas ...................................... 380/30
`1!1994 Boebert et a!.
`... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .. 380/21
`1!1994 Mary ....................................... 370/462
`2/1994 Sprecher et a!. ........................ 455/423
`4/1994 Abraham et a!. ........................... 380/4
`5/1994 Fischer ........................................ 380/4
`6/1994 Halter et a!. ................................ 380/4
`8/1994 Fischer ........................................ 380/4
`8/1994 Stringer et a!. ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... .. 380/23
`8/1994 Moore ....................................... 705/37
`9/1994 Blandford ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... . 388/25
`9/1994 Michener eta!. ........................ 706/10
`10/1994 Thuraisngham eta!. ................... 707/9
`12/1994 Haber et a!. .............................. 380/49
`2/1995 Fischer ...................................... 380/49
`2/1995 Talati . ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... .... .. 395/703
`2/1995 van den Hamer et a!.
`............ 364/488
`2/1995 Crozier .................................... 345/335
`................................ 380/4
`2/1995 Nagel et a!.
`4/1995 Shear .......................................... 380/4
`5/1995 Fischer .. ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... . 380/23
`5/1995 Jablon ................................ 395/183.12
`6/1995 Fischer ...................................... 380/25
`6/1995 Moskowitz .................................. 380/4
`8/1995 Wyman ....................................... 705/8
`8/1995 Ugon ...................................... 371/25.1
`8/1995 Daniele . ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... 380/3
`9/1995 Hecht et a!.
`............................ 235/494
`9/1995 Hecht et a!.
`............................ 235/494
`9/1995 Maher ......................................... 380/4
`9/1995 Rosen . ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... . 380/24
`9/1995 Hecht et a!.
`............................ 235/494
`10/1995 Rosen . ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... .... .. 235/380
`10/1995 Faucher et a!. ............................. 380/9
`10/1995 Russell .. ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... .... .. 395/739
`10/1995 Dolphin .
`10/1995 Cookson et a!. .. ... ... ... .... ... ... ... 711!113
`12/1995 Lipscomb et a!. .......................... 388/4
`12/1995 Davis . ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... . 380/25
`12/1995 Ugon ......................................... 380/23
`1!1996 Yamaki ................................... 395/186
`2/1996 Goldsmith et a!. ................ 395/200.51
`3/1996 Hornbuckle ............................... 463/29
`3/1996 Mitchell eta!. ........................ 395/683
`3/1996 Narasimhalu et a!.
`................... 380/25
`4/1996 Cook et a!. ............................. 370/468
`4/1996 Okano ......................................... 380/4
`4/1996 Griffeth et a!.
`............................. 380/4
`4/1996 Yamamoto et a!.
`........................ 380/4
`4/1996 Schull ....................................... 380/49
`4/1996 Maher ....................................... 380/23
`6/1996 Stefik et a!.
`............................ 235/492
`6/1996 Rubin .......................................... 380/4
`7/1996 Force eta!. ............................... 405/37
`7/1996 Stefik eta!. ................................ 399/1
`7/1996 Anderson eta!. ...................... 707/515
`7/1996 Moskowitz .................................. 380/4
`7/1996 Davis . ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... . 380/23
`8/1996 Brunner et a!. ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... . 707/3
`9/1996 Parrish et a!.
`. ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... .. 707/10
`9/1996 Rosen . ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... . 380/24
`10/1996 Cooper et a!. .............................. 380/4
`10/1996 Davis .......................................... 380/4
`11/1996 Shurts ..................................... 395/186
`................................ 380/4
`1!1997 Nagel et a!.
`2/1997 Houser et a!.
`.............................. 380/4
`3/1997 Cooperman eta!. ..................... 380/28
`4/1997 Rosen ... .... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .. 380/24
`5/1997 Stefik et a!.
`................................ 380/4
`5/1997 Davis et a!.
`.............................. 380/25
`5/1997 Stefik et a!.
`.............................. 705/39
`6/1997 Rhoads .................................... 382/232
`6/1997 Stefik .......................................... 380/4
`6/1997 Scott et a!. .............................. 707/530
`6/1997 Gopinath et a!. ....................... 395/551
`8/1997 Jones et a!. ........................ 395/187.01
`11/1997 Moskowitz eta!. ...................... 380/28
`11/1997 Bender et a!.
`.......................... 382/232
`11/1997 Lee . ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .. 707/10
`1!1998 Rhoads .................................... 382/232
`4/1998 Reilly et a!. .. ... .... ... ... ... ... ... .... .. 705/14
`4/1998 Rhoads .................................... 382/232
`5/1998 Rhoads .................................... 382/115
`5/1998 Rhoads .................................... 382/232
`5/1998 Fischer .................................... 395/683
`5/1998 Dyer et a!. .............................. 707/101
`5/1998 McManis .................................. 380/23
`5/1998 LeTourneau ............................ 707/102
`1!1998 Erickson .. ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... . 707/9
`6/1998 Rhoads .................................... 382/232
`0 668 695 A2
`0 695 985 A1
`0 725 376
`0 696 798 A1
`0 778 513 A2
`0 795 873 A2
`wo 85/03584
`wo 90/02382
`8/1995 European Pat. Off ..
`1!1996 European Pat. Off ..
`1!1996 European Pat. Off ..
`2/1996 European Pat. Off ..
`6/1996 European Pat. Off ..
`6/1996 European Pat. Off ..
`6/1996 European Pat. Off ..
`6/1996 European Pat. Off ..
`6/1996 European Pat. Off ..
`11/1996 European Pat. Off ..
`12/1996 European Pat. Off ..
`3/1997 European Pat. Off ..
`1!1990 Germany .
`Japan .
`Japan .
`Japan .
`Japan .
`Japan .
`Japan .
`Japan .
`Japan .
`Japan .
`Japan .
`Japan .
`Japan .
`Japan .
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`Japan .
`Japan .
`Japan .
`Japan .
`Japan .
`Japan .
`Japan .
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`9/1993 United Kingdom .
`4/1996 United Kingdom .
`6/1996 United Kingdom .
`5/1985 WIPO .
`8/1985 WIPO .
`3/1990 WIPO .
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Ex. 1007, p. 3


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`vices, Draft, U.S. Department of Commerce, Jul. 1994.
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`vices, NIST, Jul. 1994, 12 slides.
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`space and technology, May 26, 1994.
`Green paper, Intellectual Property and the National Infor(cid:173)
`mation Infrastructure, a Preliminary Draft of the Report of
`the Working Group on Intellectual Property Rights, Jul.
`Greguras, Fred, Softie Symposium '95, Copyright Clear(cid:173)
`ances and Moral Rights, Nov. 30, 1995 (as updated Dec. 11,
`1995), 3 pages.
`Guillou, L.: Smart Cards and Conditional Access, pp.
`480--490 Advances in Cryptography, Proceedings of Euro(cid:173)
`Crypt 84 (Beth et al, Ed., Springer-Verlag 1985).
`Hofmann, Jud, Interfacing the Nil to User Homes, Elec(cid:173)
`tronic Industries Association, Consumer Electronic Bus
`Committee, 14 slides, no date.
`HotJava™: The Security Story, 4 pages.
`IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, Multimedia Mixed
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`liSP Break Out Session Report for Group No

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