
`Patent Owner Content Guard Holdings, Inc. - Exhibit 2006, p. l


`Copyright © 1979 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
`Philippines Copyright 1979 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Main entry under title:
`Webster’s new collegiate dictionary.
`Editions for 18984948 have title: Webster’s collegiate dictionary.
`Includes index.
`1. English language—Dictionaries.
`ISBN 0-87779-358-1
`ISBN 0-87779-359-X (indexed)
`ISBN 0-87779-360-3 (deluxe)
`Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary principal copyright 1973
`COLLEGIATE trademark Reg. U.S. Pat. 01?.
`All rights reserved. No part of this work covered by the copyrights hereon
`may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means—graphic, elec-
`tronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, ta ing, or informa-
`tion and retrieval systems—without written permission of t e publisher.
`Made in the United States of America
`Patent Owner Content Guard Holdings, Inc. - Exhibit 2006, p. 2


`crow-weed \kra-mwem n : nocowcso
`po -
`a protein \,se-
`hand: (a
`CRO abbtrlvavd Rights Comrgisron \
`saccharide found in the cell wall of pneumggooci and precipitateyd
`by this prota'n). fr. carbohydrate] : a protm‘n pmt In blood se-
`rum in various abnormal states (as inflammation or neoplasia)
`‘creak \'krEk\ vi [ME crekeri Iii-crook. of imit. origin] : to make a
`prolonged grating or squeaking sound
`floraak n i a ras
`g or gratin noise
`: sousaxv (~ on 2 : mummrsu. DECREI’IT (s ~ old how
`creaky \'kre-k§nad antigen est
`1 : marked by creakin
`- crank-Hy \-ka-le adv
`‘crnam 'kran\ n.
`n atrrib [ME mime creme. fr. MP mime.
`r. LL cranium. of Celt origin; skin to W cram stab]
`:theyellowislipmofmilkcon '
`from lBtoaboutwAperccnt
`butter-fat 2 o:afoodpreparedwi
`cream in
`.. hav-
`cosmetic preparation
`nicest part
`e crop
`ing thevwndstmcy of arenas;
`_: a usu. ezndiiilesificgf Edwina; oar
`:cmMskz 5 ins
`ow b:scream-coioredanimal—
`creanui-ly \‘kre-mo-
`v — cream-Locos \-rne-nas\ n _.
`creamy \-mé\ adj
`z«slionruvi 1: wformcreamorasurfacelayerlikethecrmmon
`standingrnilk 2: tobreak into orcausescmetlung tobi'akinto
`acreamyfrothmlso; tomovehkcfroth NV!
`1 a: stuulc b
`(l): totakcthechoicestpartof
`~ed the market)
`(2) : to take
`the choicest part of (exporters
`~cdcqnsumcrgoodsfromtheniarket) 2: toqu'nIsh.prepare. or
`treatwithcreammlso: todreaswithacreamaauce 3 q: tobeat
`into a creamy froth b : to work or blaid to the consistaicy of
`cream (~. butter and sour together) c (l) : to drub thoroughly
`(was ~ed in the first round)
`(2) : WRECK (~ed the car on the
`turnpike) d: tocausetoformasnrfacela
`cream choose it i a mild soft unripened
`made from whole
`in coristr: any
`sweet milk mflm\mibu sf
`erallelifg'i-nis annuaislasp.
`laiysienngiri exit/amino) of the poppy
`cronniar 'kra-msr\ ii
`1 _: a device for separating cream from milk
`2: asm lvesseiforservingcrearn
`creamery \'kran-(o-)re\ n. pl or-Ies F an establishment Whflc
`or so
`buttelrdand cheese are made or where milk and cream are prepared
`cream of tartar : a white crystalline salt C‘H KO. used esp. in
`r and in eerlain trunnenm of
`creampuffn 1: sroundshellofli htpastryfilledwithwhi pod
`crumoracreamfiliing 2: snincfcctualperson 3: somet mg
`of little or no consequence
`cream soda is: s carbonated soft drink flavored with vanilla and
`sweetened with su
`'craaas \'kres\ n
`rob. alter. of earlier arcane. fr. ME cm meat]
`1 : a line or mar made by or as iflby folding a pliable substance
`2 : a specially marked are in various
`: an area sur-
`rounding a goal (as in lacrosse or‘hockey forbi
`to attackiag
`layers unless the ball or puck is in it —- creaseloaa \-ias\ adj
`Icrease vb creased; creasing vi
`1 : to make a crease in or on
`: WRINKLE (old age had creased her face) 2 : to wound slightly
`esp. by grazing ~ vi: to become creased —- cross-er n
`Iova-ate \krE-'it, 'kre-.\ adj. archaic: CREATED
`zcreate vt crested: crest-Inn [ME createu. fr. L cream pp. of
`1 : to bring into existmce (God-created the-heaven and
`the earth —Gen l:l (AV)) 2 a : to invest with-a new farm. of-
`fice. or rank (was created a lieutenant) b : to produce or bring
`about b a course of action or behavior (her arrival created a tem-
`ble fuss; (~ new jobs for the unemployed) 3 : muss. ocCASIoN
`(famine ~s high food price) 4 a : to produce through imagina-
`tive skill (the actor created an entirely new Hamlet) <~ a painting)
`b: osstoN (~s evening dresses) s n sa'lNVENT
`cmtlne \'kr€-o-.tEn,
`-ot-'n\ ri [IS , fr. Gk knob. knits flash —
`more at RAW]
`: a white crystalline nitrog-ous substance
`C‘HgNJO, found esp. in the'musclea of vertebrates free or as phos-
`crefaf-I-n no \_
`. , -’n-sn\ n [G krearinl'n. fr. kreatiri cre-
`creation hoarhaten: PHOSPHOCIIEA‘I‘KNE
`atine] : a white crys
`line strongly basic compound CtHVN30
`formed from creatine and found up. In muscle. blood. and urine
`creation kré-‘i-shan\ ii
`1 : the act of creatin ; esp : the act of
`world into ordered existence 2 :~ 1: e not of making.
`inventing. or producing: as a I the act of investing with a new
`rank or office
`It : the first reprmentntion of a dramatic role 3
`: something that is createdzas a: WORLD b: creatures singl or
`in a gre
`te c: an original work ofart d: anewusu. stri
`artic e
`emotive \kré-‘ilt-iv\ ad]
`1 : marked b the ability or power to
`create : given to creating (the ~ impulse (nature is 0 ~ agent) 2
`: rsooucrivc— used wuh a (news ~ of alarm) 3 : having the
`utility of something crest
`rather than imitated :
`(the ~ ans) — oro~atl
`adv — creative-nous n
`creative evolution n [Ir-as. of F évoluiian créairice] : evolution
`that is a crative product of a vital force rathm' than a naturalisti-
`f:'tiv-ot-é. .kréva-\ n
`1 : the quality of being
`cally aslicable process
`: thea ility to create
`ore-ate! \kre-fit-on ii
`: one that creates usu. by bringing some-
`thing new or ori
`'nal into being; «up. cap: GOD l syn see MAKER
`crea-turo \'krec%c‘r\ n
`1 : something created: as a : a lower
`animal; up: a farm animal b: a human being I reason is : a
`being of anomalous or uncertain aspect or nature (~s of fantasy)
`2 : one who is the servile dependent or tool of another — crcnptur-
`al \'k.réch-(9-)rsl\ adj — crea-turohood \'kre-chor-.hud\ n —-
`cran-ture-li-ness \char-lsua“ ii — crea-tura-iy \-cl-Iar-lé\ ad]
`creature comfort in : something (as food or warmth) that gives
`bodily comfort
`(:1th \‘krcsh. 'kri'ish\ n [F, fr. OF creche manger, crib, of Gmc
`origin; akin to OI-IG krippa manger —- more at cats]
`1 : DAY
`Nugget“ :
`Natmty sci
`era-dance \
`fr. MF or
`credentia. fi
`prp. .of cm
`— more at
`~ to gossil
`—- used in
`: a
`plate _ 4 :
`secretion l
`ere-dent \‘k
`ing credenc
`— used chi-
`2 5
`credit or II
`ore-damn '
`patterned a
`to oi
`: lac
`of is
`official sta
`credibility i
`practices —
`credni-ble \'
`ing reasons
`dent) (~ In
`lured- t \'ki
`entrusted t
`believe. ent
`vfavor In an
`disposal by
`vices sold I
`hand side i
`worth. orl
`asset accot
`the right-ii:
`otherwise I
`(too ready
`derived lri
`: good nar
`ness 4 an
`to his upbi
`tion or esti
`'l : rccogn
`(as a film
`that a stui
`zcredit vl[|
`goods on c
`: to bring
`of an acct.
`agent. or [I
`With an ex
`(Ihe ~tli
`cred habit
`of esteem t
`of being as
`child-IV \
`bal—nos\ a
`credit cart
`credit hou
`given nu_m
`ter recav.
`cred t line
`source of ‘
`I the mint!
`rson o
`cred-Mo: ‘
`eggdit unlI
`to its men!
`ch0 'kr
`credo-l 4)
`believe is!
`credulity -
`Cree \‘kré‘
`an Amen
`Algon uu
`creed \ r-
`the Apogl
`trust: nkii
`: a brief I
`creek \‘kr
`0N [06kt
`bay narrc
`ursl strea'
`_3 1
`: in s diffi
`Creek WI
`of Muski
`crate. . creche
`1 i an
`‘crnto \'|<rht\ n [L and: wickerwork —— more at linguist]
`open box of wooden slats .or a min. wooden protective case or
`framework for aid
`2: lAlDP‘!
`lento vi crated: era ng: topack in a crate
`'cmtar a [L mixing bowl. crater. fr. Gk krnie‘r. fr. keratinynal to
`minakintoSktdfl'rtamixed] 1' 'krit-or\ a: thebowl-shaped
`depression around the orifice
`a volcano
`h :_ a depression
`formcdbytlieimeactofameteorite c:aholeinthegronnd
`made by the uplosion of a bomb or shdi d : an eroded laion a
`: a dimple in a pdnted surface 2 “nit-9r, kii-'te(a)r\: mm
`Inf-om \'krlt-ar\ v! : to exhibit or form cram ~ vt : to form
`craters in
`era-tonal \'krat-or-iot n -. asmnll crater
`- more at HARD : a stable relatively immobile area of the
`era-ton \'kri—.tiin. 'kra-\ n [G kruion. modif. of G krntos aw
`crust that forms I e nuclear mass of a continent or the central basis
`of an ocean — cra-ton-lc \krs-‘tin-ik, kri-. kra-\ adj
`craunch \kronch. 'kriincii\ vb [prob. imit.] : cauncii — craunch
`era-vat \kra-‘vat\ n [F cruwtc fr. Cmvate Croatian]
`‘l : a bad or
`scarf formerly worn around the neck 2: Ncamc
`crave \'krav\ vb cravad: crav-lng [ME Craven. fr. 0E cmfisn; akin
`to 0H0 kriipfo hook. 0E crodol cradle] vt
`‘l : to ask for earnestly
`:sao.DEMAND(~a pardon forneglect) 1 u : to want grmtl
`: NEED (~s drugs) b: to yearn for (she ~s her vanished on
`see ncsma — Graver n
`~ vi : to have a strong or inward desire (~s after affection; lyn
`QUlelED 2 : compl_
`y lacking courage : contempnbly faint-
`era-van \'kri-vaa\ adéiulleE crami]
`1 archaic : usrsarso. vim-
`I138 ll
`hmrtcd —— craven rI — cnavonely adv — crawanmas \-von-
`\'kra-vi \ n: a great daire or longing;
`: an abnormal
`for a habit-forming drug)
`crow \’kro\ n
`E crawe. fr. (assumed) OB crow.- akin to Gk bron-
`clios trachea.
`roat. L vorare to devour — more at vaiwnous]
`tallie crop of a bird or insect 2 : the stomach cap. of a lower sni-
`‘craw-flsh \'kro-.i'ish\ n [by folk etymology fr. ME creth kmveys]
`1: CRAYFISH 2: srmv Loma
`acrawflsfi vi : to retreat from a position : back out
`‘oravvl \'krr'il\ vb [ME cmwlen. fr. ON krnfla; akin to OE crabba
`crab] vi
`1 : to move slowly in a prone position without or as if
`without the use of limbs (the snake ~ed into its hole) 2 : to move
`or progress slowly or laboriously (traffic ~r along at IO miles an
`hour) 3 : to advance by guile or serviiity (~i‘ng into favor b
`toadying to his boss) 4: to spread by extending stems or ten ' s
`5_ a : to be alive or swarming with or as if with c
`ing things (a
`kitchen ~ing with ants) b: to have the sensation o insects creep-
`evenly spread — used 0 paint. varnish. or glaze ~ vt
`1 : to move
`ing over one (the story made her flesh ~) 8 : to fail to stay
`upon In or as if in a craping manner (the moat man who ever
`right to ~ me for what wrote —Marjorie K. Raw Ings) syn see
`~cd the earth) 2 slang : to reprove harshly (th
`got no good
`2crawl n 1 a :
`the act or action of crawling b: slow or labori-
`ous progress c chiefly Brit : a going from oneJob to another 2
`stro es an a flutter kick
`{tone a
`swimming stroke consisting of
`ternating overnrm
`scrawl ii [Afiik kmai —more at KRAAL] I an enclosure in shal-
`low waters (as for con Ining lobsters)
`crawlern 1: one that crawls 2 a: aGatcrpiliar tractor b: a
`vehicle (as a crane) that travels on endless chain belts like those of
`such a tractor
`crawl-way \‘krol wi\ n : 3 low passgeway (as in a cave) that can
`be traversed only y crawling
`n yo etmoog
`w: ‘"‘\‘-&"“.-."‘i.“ am...
`E crevls. fr. M crevice. of dine on):
`gin: akin to OHG krebiz crab — more at
`1 : any of numerous frashwatu'
`cnistaceans (tribe Astscura) resemblin
`the lobster but usu. much smaller
`1: unnvoossrcvkan ..
`cil, fr. dim. of crate chalk. fr. L
`: a stick of white or colored
`chalk or of colored was used for writing
`or drawing 2 I a crayon drawing
`2crayon vi
`: to draw with a crayon —-
`crayon-lat \‘krs-s-nast\ n
`lcrazo \'kriz\ vb crazed: craz-ing (MP.
`crqsen to crush. craze. of Scand origin;
`akin to 08w krasa to crush vi
`1 ob:
`crayfish 1
`: BRPAK.SHATI'ER 2: to pr
`uoe minute
`cracks on the surface or glaze of 3 : to
`1 ar-
`make insane or as if insane (erased by pain and fear) ~ vi
`chaic : slums. BREAK 2 : to become insane 3 : to develop a
`muh of fine cracks
`acraze n
`I obs a : BREAK. FLAW b: physical weakness :
`Min 2 I an exaggerate! and often transient enthusiasm : MANIA
`3 : a crack in a surface or coating (as of glaze or enamel) syn see
`cra-zy \'kri-zé\ adj craz-I-ar: est
`1 a : full of cracks or flaws
`: UNsotINo b: CROOKED. Asxcw 2 a : MAD. lNSANE b (1) : m.
`(2) : ERMTIC c : out of the ordinary : UNUSUAL (a
`taste for ~ hats) 3 a : distracted with desire or excitement (a
`thnllrcrazy mob) . b: absurdly fond I
`INFATUATED (he's ~ about
`the girl) c : passionately preoccupied : OBSBSED (~ about boats)
`—- cra-zl-ly \—z:-lé\ adv —— era-zines: \-zz~nas\ n -— like crazy
`: to an extreme degree (everyone dancing like crazy)
`crazy bone n: FUNNY sous
`crazy quilt n
`1 : a patchwork quilt without a design 2 : JUMBLB.
`Patent Owner Content Guard Holdings, Inc. - Exhibit 2006, p. 3


`u P
`atent Owner Content Guard Holdings, Inc. - Exhibit 2006, p. 4
`depredatory o dermapterous
`(listless. with tie deranged ——G. W. Stonlu) 2 : to disturb the
`-\ n -— Womb-w \di-
`or. di-‘pred
`“BMW" °"
`operation or functions of 3: to make insane — dealings-merit
`doom di-Tres\ vi [ME depresen. fr. MP depreuer, fr. L de-
`ne Partially
`tar-flay édar-be. erg Brit 'd'ir-\ alpi devotes Ed-
`pres-sin. pp. 0 deprlnien to pren down, i . de- + 5mm" to press
`anum" 0'
`i 34, 12th mr of Derby
`—- more at rm] 1 abs : mas-s. maroon-rs
`a : to press
`. “9'9”?"
`: any of sev
`horse races held annually and
`down (N a tylpewriter key)
`It: to cause to sink to a lower posi-
`("ME-W 9'
`usu. restricted to three-year-olds 2 : a race or
`lion 3 : to cram the activity or strength of 4 t saunas. I315-
`aouuoa '5 : to decrease the market value or marketability of — contest open to all comers or to a specified cate-
`Im‘ “ham“
`dopmc-Ibledig-Mud —doproaclng-ly\-in-IE\ adv
`gorhy oi contestants Mme ~) 3 z a man’s
`3n lid pro-
`doom-aunt \ Tree-mt ri: one that de teases; rpecrf: an agent
`felt hat with dome-
`ped crown and nar-
`that reduca bodi y functional activity — ewcssant adj
`row brim
`97¢» “3 L- '0
`1 : low in spirits: san 2 a: vertically flattened
`Derhys abbrDerb
`(I ~ cactus) b : having the central part lower than the margin c
`dmmhlza-tion \
`6-.r6-a-la-'zi-shon. -,ri-o-\ n
`r. L. PHI,“
`: lying flat or prostrate d : dorsovaitrally flattered 3 : suffer-
`: a feeling of altered reality that occurs often in
`m but “’1‘“
`in from economic depression;
`: unbumvucoan 4 : being
`schizophreniaand in soon drug reactions
`wthc standard (his ruding
`'eveiiientis ~)
`do-rog-u-ln-tlon \Ode-Jeg-ya- a—shan\ n : the
`derby 3
`: that depresses; earl: causing anotional depreo
`actor process ofremoving restrictions and regu-
`P a 0'
`skin (a ~ story_ — do-pms-lngly \-in-IE\ adv
`iattonl (as on the taxi industry) — dong-Mate
`melon \ -
`rah-en n
`a : the angular distance of a
`)(Bde'reg- want-r
`estial obect
`ow the orirnn b: the siaeof an angle of de-
`r-e-llct {'der-o—Jikt
`ad] [L derelictus, pp. of derailment to
`: an act of depressing or a state of being
`rcssed: as
`abandon, l . de- + re inquere to leave — more at REUNOUISH]
`{spartan ‘0
`a z a presain down : wWEluNo b (l) : a state of eeling sad
`: abandoned esp. by theowner or occupant: aim-Down 2: lack-
`.IDI‘EL 1 t (0
`: DEIECHON 2) r a pa _choneurotic or psychotic disorder marked
`ing a
`of duty : muom
`2 L
`by sadness, inactivity,
`ificultyin thinking and concentration. and Moran“ n
`a : something voluntarily abandoned; s
`if : a
`country l’
`feelings of detection
`c (l) : a reduction in activity, amount,
`ship abandoned on the high seas b: a tract of land]
`dry b
`uality, or force (2): a lowa'ing of vitality or functional activity
`receding water 2 : a person no longer able to support himsef
`3: adqsrmsed place orpart: Houovl 4: towlb 5: aperiod
`: BUM
`of low general wonomic activity marked esp. by rising levels of
`done-lic-tlon \,der-o-'iik~sh=n\ n
`1 a : an intentional abandon-
`: an “Ci .°’
`unanploymuit .
`In the state of being abandoned 2 : a recession of wata
`Iol' an alien
`immoral" \di-
`iv\ ad]
`1 : tending to depress 2 : of or
`leaving pennanently dry land 3 a : intentional or conscious
`relating to psycho ogical depression — domes-elven adv
`neglect : naunqunucv (~ of duty) b: nun. si-ioa'rconiuo
`en dmrlCd
`ldcproasivs a: one who :5 ps chologicall depressed
`tie-rooms \,de-ri-
`res\ vt : to activate (a gene) by releasing from
`_ W \dh'pmfl n
`L. fr. L epm] : one that de-
`a blocked state —
`rsa-clon -'prah-an\ n
`1 winch 0m
`pm: as a g a muscle that draws down a part — compare sta-
`tie-ride \di-‘rid\ vt dc-rl
`: tic-rid- no [1. deri'dé're. fr. de. + ride'nr
`m b: a deuce for pressing a part down or aside 0: a nerve or
`to laugh —_ more at RlDichus]
`1 : to laugh at conteinptuously
`nerve fiber that decrease the activity or the tone of the organ or
`2 : to subject to usu. bitter or contemptuous ridicule syn see
`iron. in 0F
`rt it innervates
`RIDICULE— ds-rld-or n — dorld-lng-Iy \- rtd-in-lé\ adv
`oprl-va-tlon \,dep-ro-'vi-shan. .dc-
`ri-\ n
`1 : an act or instance
`dc ri-gusur \dcore-‘gen adj [F] : prescribed or required by lash-
`ml down] VI
`of de riving : Les 2 : the state 9 ben aggvcd : PRIVATION;
`ion. etiquette, or custom : mom (instructions as to whm and
`2 I 10 PI"
`fr. LL] 1 ‘0
`spec! : removal from an office, di
`where a tuxedo is de rigueur)
`fly, or
`tT ~ vi : to
`o \di-‘iirifi vi do-prlved: o-prlv-lng [ME depriven. tr. ML
`dart-slim \di-‘rizh-vn\ n IMF. lr. MF. fr. LL derLrion-. den'sia. fr. L
`deplivcre. fr.
`de— + privure to deprive —more at Pkivars]
`1 obs
`derirus. pp. of den‘dére]
`1 a : an act of deriding It : a state of
`mm“: '19-
`: REMOVE 2 :
`to take something away from (a reor nnization of
`bdng derided 2: an object of ridicule or scorn: LAUGHINOS‘I‘OCK
`rant-re] V‘
`the school .
`. deprived him of his profusorship —J.
`. Phalai) 3
`do-rlvalvo \di-‘rl-siv. -u'v; -'riz-iv, -'risp adj : exprssing or musing
`ii! In I PM"
`: to rqnove from office 4: to withhold something from (a citizen
`derision — do-rhslvo-ly adv — dwi-a vnoricss n
`it) 5" VI: 10
`de rived by accident of birth of one of his. .. rights —L. M.
`dud-am\di-‘ri-so-re, -z:a-\ ad} 1: expressing derision: DERISlVE
`- paz-l=r\ "
`(scorn ~ smiles —Katherine A. Porter) 2 : worthy of derision
`Ihms placed
`dwlvod nag“: marked by deprivation es . oi the necessities of life
`: iuoiouwus
`if 1 money
`or of health
`environmaital influences culturally ~children)
`derivable gnu-ban adj : capable ofbdng derived
`nail: DEPOS
`apt abbr
`der-l-vate \'
`-e-.vat\ n: DERIVATIVE
`it down: exp
`depth \
`g n. pl depths \'dep(t)s, '
`\ [MIL prob. fr. dep
`dor-l-va-ilon \der-a-‘Vi-Shfll\ n
`a (1) : the {amnion of a
`.I accumula-
`1 a
`l): a deep place in a hog; 0 water
`(2): a part that
`word from mother word or base (as by the addition of a usu. no-
`is ar from e outside or surface .
`e no of the woods)
`ninllectional affix)
`(2): an act of ascertaining or statin the deri-
`on to whom
`: says is (l
`: :efimhund or intense state (as.of thought or feel-
`vation of a word (3): mmonoovl b: the relation 0 a word to
`mg) (the ~s of
`action): also : a
`low condition
`its base 2 a : souacc. ORlGlN b : 0mm. ORIGINATION 3
`of removrng
`(hadn‘t realised that standardsvhad fa! en to s
`(2) : the
`: something derived : DERIVA'HVE 4 : an act or process of deriv-
`:lorea court
`middle of s time (as winter)
`(3) : an extrune state (as of misery)
`5 : a sequence of statements (as in logic or mathematics)
`riling under
`(4): the worst part 2 a : the perpendicular measuremalt down-
`showing that a result (as a formula) is a nwusary consequence of
`1g deposited
`word from a surface h : the direct linear measurement from the
`previously accepted statements — dor-I-va-tional \-shn3l, -shan-
`point ofviewin uau. from front toback 3: the uaiit ofba‘ng
`rsrosnlmv |
`deep 4: the
`ofintensit (~ofacolor):
`‘do-rlv-a-tlva \di-‘riv-et-iv\ cat]
`: formed by derivation
`oi being profoun (as iniusightjyor full (as of knowledge)
`: the
`: made up of or marked by eiived elements — do-rlvsil-tlve-ly
`U.S. govern-
`‘1‘“.“3’ or state of
`complete or thorough : ‘I'HOROUGHNBS (~
`adv —- derivative-nous it
`n axing) — do
`on \'
`-l=s\ adj — beyond onc'a
`2derivative n
`1 : a word formed b derivation 2 : something
`depth or out of one'a depth
`: in water that is deeper than
`daived 3 : the limit of the ratio of t e change in a function to the
`one's height 2 : beyond one‘s ability to understand — In depth
`corresponding change in its independent variable as the latter
`'5 dep-\ n [F
`1 :_ extending’over sconsiderable distance (these fortifications are
`change a
`roaches mo 4 a : a chemical substance related
`a : a place
`he reception
`built in dept —Max Werner) 2 : with great thoroughness (a
`y to another substance and theoretically derivablefrom
`ace lor stor—
`stud; in depth of the poems)
`it b : a substance that can be made from another substance in one
`dept charge n : an at losive projectile for use underwater esp.
`or more:
`: sr/mou
`against submarines —~
`ed also depth bomb
`de-rlvc \di- riv vb da-rlvod: do-rlv-lng [ME deriven. fr. MF deriver.
`depth lnurvlow ri
`: an interview daigned to probe attituda.
`fr. Ldzn'vare. r. de- + rivus stream—more at Ilsa] vi
`1 a: to
`depmvcn. fr.
`feelings. or motives not uau. tapped by the asking 0 standard ques-
`take or recia've esp. from a s
`'fied source b : to obtain from a
`specified source; specif: to 0 tain (a chemical substance) actual]
`vus crooked.
`depth perception :- : the ability to jud ‘
`the distance of objects
`or theoreticauy from a parent substance 2 :
`lNFEIt. Dsouca
`nsee oasase
`and the spatial relationship olobJects at
`archaic : BRING A: : to trace the derivation of ~ vi : to have or
`fiereiit distances
`— doprava-
`Iiflpth psychol
`take origin : come as a derivative syn see sriuuo— do-rlv-er n
`damnation greys-154nm n
`1': the act of ap
`ting a
`'dorm \domi\ n[NLdemia admins] 1: Dean- 2: sxiNZa 3
`or evil; esp
`deputy 2: agroupcf
`plea pointed to
`: CUTlCLE 1a
`resento era
`\ adv — do-
`de-putc \dhid-Eyum vt on trail: da—put-lng ME deputen to ap-
`Idem-t abbrdennatologist: detmatology
`Fotnt, fr.
`deputen- fr. LL de
`tare to assign. fr. L, to consider
`dorm- or damn. or derma- combform [NL fr. Gk demo. dam.
`he quality or
`Ag). in de- + Pitta": to ccnsi — more at PAVE] : DELEGATE
`fr. my:S fr. dem‘n to skin — more at ma] : skin (dermal) (den-
`“OM-tine \‘d
`a-.tlz\ vb Mud: Marina vi: to apporn't as d ut
`-derm {:dcrm\ n comb arm rob. fr. F sienna. fr. Gk dermal
`: skin
`. of
`I — “183-1 at
`~vi: toact:51"
`yat~o-‘1§-shane{,n y
`: coverm (ectoderm f
`z: parse
`dap-u-ty \‘dep-yat-e\ rt. pl -tiss (ME. fr. M depuré. pp. of depurer]
`den-ma \'
`r-mo\ n
`L. fr. Gk]: beams
`1 a : a person appointed as a substitute with power to act
`I: : a
`dorms \'dar-ma\ n combfarm,
`dermas or dorms-ta \-met-a\
`mnd-in-command or a-stant- who usu. takes char e what his
`fr. Gk denrurt-, dentin skin : skin or skin Blllllfllt of a (speci-
`.ing to avert
`sulterior is absent 2 : a member of the lower house 0 some legis-
`ed) tylpe (scleroderma)
`have assemblies
`dermis \'d:rr-rnal\ ad
`1 : of or relating to skin and cap. to the
`def order-iv abbr derivation: derivative
`dermis: mucous
`: momma.
`mum”, PP-
`dune-Hints \(‘)d5-'ras-’\ vi mat-ed: mat-Infill? dérncr'rier. fr.
`dot-ma tar-an \(.)der-‘rnap—ta-r:n\ n [NL Derm zero. order
`:15] vi
`1 : to
`MP desrueirier. fr. 415- de- + mine root. fr. L mdicina, fr. L
`name. r. derni- + Gktpremri wing _—more at FEATHER : any ofan
`it as of little
`India. radix —- more at soar]: uraoor— do-rnc-bna-tlon \Qde-
`order (Dermaptera) o insects common of the earwiga and usu. a
`PARAGE ~ vi
`few related forms —- dormaptsran ad — durumap-lsr-oua \-t3-
`rail \di-‘ri(c l\ vb [Edéruliien fr. dé- de- + mil. fr. E vt
`1 : to
`ras\ adj
`iv— doom
`cause to run off the rails 2: to throw off course ~ v :
`to leave
`the rails __ “enigma,“ .mamy, M |
`dwatuaur \di-‘ra-lar\ n
`dirui Ieur, fr. dimmer to throw off the
`ns icy
`toperates ymovingtecainromoneseto
`m-“m cheliia
`.e at PREV rl
`Exposed gears to another; also : a bio cle havin such a mechanism
`lunder -—
`Mugs \di-‘rinj\ vt tie-ranged: dgranwlng
`démnger. fr. 0F
`1 5°“
`0 ml
`° “0"
`° “5"
`"I ”“1
`th “"3 “ft“
`\' ep-ra-,ditt-
`derrengler. fr. de- + mtg place—more at RANK
`ii loot
`a foot
`y yet
`yii few
`yi'i furious
`sh vision

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