wo 98/09209
`require, as an aspect of their control structures, that an end user
`make usage information available for analysis purposes. Other
`containers may give an end user the option of either allowing the
`usage information to be used for analysis, or denying some or all
`such uses of such information. Some users may elect to allow
`analysis of certain information, and deny this permission for
`other information. End users 3310 in this example may, for
`example, elect to limit the granularity of information that may
`be used for analysis purposes (e.g. an end user may allow
`analysis of the number of movies viewed in a time period but
`disallow use of specific titles, an end user may allow release of
`their ZIP code for demographic analysis, but disallow use of their
`name and address, etc.) Authors and/or the repository 3302 may,
`for example, choose to charge end users 3310 smaller fees if they
`agree to release certain usage information for analysis purposes.
`In this example, the repository 3302 may receive content
`produced by more than one author. For example, author B,
`author C, and author D may each create portions of content that
`will be delivered to end users 3310 in a single container. For
`example, author B may produce a reference work. Author C may
`produce a commentary on author B’s reference work, and author
`D may produce a set of illustrations for author B’s reference work
`and author C’s commentary. Author B may collect together
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 6001
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 6001

`WO 98109209
`author C’s and author D's content and add further content (e.g.
`the reference work described above) and include such content in
`a single container which is then transmitted to the repository
`3302. Alternatively, each of the authors may transmit their
`works to the repository 3302 independently, with an indication
`that a template should be used to combine their respective works
`prior to shipping a container to an end user. Still alternatively, a
`container reflecting the overall content structure may be
`transmitted to the repository 3302 and some or all of the content
`may be referenced in the content references rather than
`delivered to the repository 3302 for storage in content storage.
`When an end user makes use of container content, their
`content usage information may, for example, be segregated in
`accordance with control structures that organize usage
`information based at least in part on the author who created that
`segment. Alternatively, the authors and/or the VDE repository
`3302 may negotiate one or more other techniques for securely
`dividing and/or sharing usage information in accordance with
`VDE control information. Furthermore, control structures
`associated with a container may implement models that
`diflerentiate any usage fees associated with portions of content
`based on usage of particular portions, overall usage of the
`container, particular patterns of usage, or other mechanism
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 6002
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 6002

`wo gsmgzog
`negotiated (or otherwise agreed to) by the authors. Reports of
`usage information, analysis results. disbursements, and other
`clearinghouse processes may also be generated in a manner that
`reflects agreements reached by repository 3302 participants
`(authors, end users 3310 and/or the repository 3302) with respect
`to such processes. These agreements may be the result of a VDE
`control information negotiation amongst these participants.
`In this example, one type of author is a publisher 3308.
`The publisher 3308 in this example communicates over an
`"internal" network with a VDE based local repository 3302 and
`over the network described above with the public repository
`3302.. The publisher 3308 may create or otherwise provide
`content and/or VDE control structure templates that are
`delivered to the local repository 3302 for use by other
`participants who have access to the "internal" network. These
`templates may be used to describe the structure of containers,
`and may further describe whom in the publisher 3308’s
`organization may take which actions with respect to the content
`created within the organization related to publication for
`delivery to (and/or referencing by) the repository 3302. For
`example, the publisher 3308 may decide (and control by use of
`said temple) that a periodical publication will have a certain
`format with respect to the structure of its content and the types
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 6003
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 6003

`wo 93/09209
`of information that may be included (e.g. text, graphics,
`multimedia presentations, advertisements, etc.), the relative
`location and/or order of presentation of its content, the length of
`certain segments, etc. Furthermore, the publisher 3308 may, for
`example, determine (through distribution of appropriate
`permissions) that the publication editor is the only party that
`may grant permissions to write into the container, and that the
`organization librarian is the only party that may index and/or
`abstract the content. In addition, the publisher 3308 may, for
`example, allow only certain one or more parties to finalize a
`container for delivery to the repository 3302 in usable form (e.g.
`by maintaining control over the type of permissions, including
`distribution permissions, that may be required by the repository
`3302 to perform subsequent distribution activities related to
`repository end users 3310).
`In this example, author 3306E is connected directly to the
`publisher 3308, such that the publisher 3308 can provide
`templates for that author that establish the character of
`containers for author 3306E’s content. Forlexample, if author
`3306E creates books for distribution by the publisher 3308, the
`publisher 3308 may define the VDE control structure template
`which provides control method options for author 3306E to select
`from and which provides VDE control structures for securely
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 6004
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 6004

`W0 98/09209
`PCT/U S97/1 5243
`distributing author 3306E’s works. Author 3306E and the
`publisher 3308 may employ VDE negotiations for the template
`characteristics. specific control structures. and/or parameter data
`used by author 3306E. Author 3306E may then use the
`template(s) to create control structures for their content
`comprising electronic agreements between author 330613 and the
`publisher 3308 and the repository 3302 and the publisher 3308.
`In this example. the publisher 3308 may also make author
`3306E’s work available on the local repository 3302. The editor
`may authorize Ie.g. through distribution of appropriate
`permissions; author F to create certain portions of content for a
`publication. In this example. the editor may review and/or
`modify author F’s work and further include it in a container with
`content provided by author 330613 (available on the local
`repository 3302). The editor may or may not have permissions
`from the publisher 3308 to modify author 3306E’s content
`(depending on any negotiationls) that may have occurred
`between the publisher 3308 and author 330615, and the publisher
`3308’s decision to extend such rights to the editor if permissions
`to modify author 3306E’s content are held in redistributable form
`by the publisher 3308). The editor may also include content from
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 6005
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 6005

`W0 98/09209
`other authors by (a) using a process of granting permissions to
`authors to write directly into the containers and/or (bi retrieving
`containers from the local repository 3302 for inclusion. The local
`repository 3302 may also be used for other material used by the
`publisher 3308's organization (e.g. databases, other reference
`works, internal documents, draft works for review, training
`videos, etc.‘), such material may, given appropriate permissions,
`be employed in VDE container collections of content created by
`the editor.
`The librarian in this example has responsibility for
`building and/or editing inverted indexes. keyword lists leg. from
`a restricted vocabulary). abstracts ofcontent. revision histories,
`etc. The publisher 3308 may, for example. grant permissions to
`only the librarian for creating this type ofcontent. The publisher
`3308 may further require that this building and/or editing occur
`prior to release of content to the repository 3302.
`Example -- Evolution and Transformation of VDE Managed
`Content and Control Information
`The VDE content controlarchitecture allows content
`control information (such as control information for governing
`content usage) to be shaped to conform to VDE control
`information requirements of multiple parties. Formulating such
`Pctitioncr Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 6006
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 6006

`W0 98l09209
`PCT/U S97ll 5243
`multiple party content control information normally involves
`securely deriving control information from control information
`securely contributed by parties who play a role in a content
`handling and control model (e.g. content creator(s). providezis),
`user(s), clearinghousetsi, etc.). Multiple party control
`information may be necessary in order to combine multiple
`pieces of independently managed VDE content into a single VDE
`container object (particularly if such independently managed
`content pieces have differing, for example conflicting, content
`control information). Such secure combination of VDE managed
`pieces of content will frequently require VDE’s ability to securely
`derive content control information which accommodates the
`control information requirements. including any combinatorial
`rules. of the respective VDE managed pieces of content and
`reflects an acceptable agreement between such plural control
`information sets.
`The combination of VDE managed content pieces may
`result in a VDE managed composite of content. Combining VDE
`managed content must be carried out in accordance with
`relevant content control information associated with said content
`pieces and processed through the use of one or more secure VDE
`sub-system PPES 650. VDE’s ability to support the embedding,
`or otherwise combining, of VDE managed content pieces, so as to
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 6007
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 6007

`wo 93/09209
`PCTIUS971! 5243
`create a combination product comprised of various pieces of VDE
`content, enables VDE content providers to optimize their VDE
`electronic content products. The combining of VDE managed
`content pieces may result in a VDE content container which
`"holds" consolidated content and/or concomitant, separate,
`nested VDE content containers.
`VDE’s support for creation of content containers holding
`distinct pieces of VDE content portions that were previously
`managed separately allows VDE content providers to develop
`products whose content control information reflects value
`propositions consistent with the objectives of the providers of
`content pieces. and further are consistent with the objectives ofa
`content aggregator who may be producing a certain content
`combination as a product for commercial distribution. For
`example, a content product "launched" by a certain content
`provider into a commercial channel «such as a network
`H repository) may be incorporated by different conte_nt_providers
`and/or end-users into VDE content containers (so long as such
`incorporation is allowed by the launched product’s content
`control infonnatiom. These different content providers and/or
`end-users may, for example, submit differing control information
`for regulating use of such content. They may also combine in
`different combinations a certain portion of launched content with
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 6008
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 6008

`wo 98/09209
`content received from other parties (and/or produced by
`themselves) to produce different content collections, given
`appropriate authorizations.
`VDE thus enables copies of a given piece of VDE managed
`content to be securely combined into differing consolidations of
`content. each of which reflects a product strategy of a different
`VDE content aggregator. VDE's content aggregation capability
`will result in a wider range of competitive electronic content
`products which offer differing overall collections of content and
`may employ differing content control information for content that
`may be common to such multiple products. Importantly. VDE
`securely and flexibly supports editing the content in. extracting
`content from. embedding content into. and otherwise shaping the
`content composition of. VDE content containers. Such
`capabilities allow VDE supported product models to evolve by
`progressively reflecting the requirements of "next" participants
`in an electronic commercial model. As a result, a given piece of
`VDE managed content, as it moves through pathways of
`handling and branching, can participate in many different
`content container and content control information commercial
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 6009
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 6009

`WO 98/09209
`VDE content, and the electronic agreements associated
`with said content, can be employed and progressively
`manipulated in commercial ways which reflect traditional
`business practices for non-electronic products (' though VDE
`supports greater flexibility and efficiency compared with most of
`such traditional models). Limited only by the VDE control
`information employed by content creators. other providers, and
`other pathway of handling and control participants. VDE allows
`a "natural" and unhindered flow of. and creation of, electronic
`content product models. VDE provides for this flow of VDE
`products and services through a network of creators, providers,
`and users who successively and securely shape and reshape
`product composition through content combining. extracting, and
`editing within a Virtual Distribution Environment.
`VDE provides means to securely combine content provided
`at different times. by differing sources. and. or representing
`differing content types. These types. timings. andjor different
`sources of content can be employed to form a complex array of
`content within a VDE content container. For example, a VDE
`content container may contain a plurality of different content
`container objects, each containing different content whose usage
`can be controlled, at least in part_. by its ovsm container’s set of
`VDE content control information.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 6010
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 6010

`WO 98/09209
`PCT/US97I 15243
`A VDE content container object may, through the use of a
`secure VDE sub-system. be "safely" embedded Within a "parent"
`VDE content container. This embedding process may involve the
`on gt tn
`F1 5o 9»(D {J F‘ no‘.33no I‘ 9.. an
`'9no 5 o C".1."< 5 C-no
`m 33C- no5 ff
`now embedded object by, at minimum. appropriately referencing
`said object as to its location.
`An embedded content object within a parent VDE content
`(1) may have been a previously created VDE
`content container which has been embedded into a parent
`VDE content container by securely transforming it from an
`independent to an embedded object through the secure
`processing of one or more VDE component assemblies
`__‘__ ‘ Within a VDE secure sub-system PPE 650.
`In this
`instance, an embedded object may be subject.-to content
`control information, including one or more permissions
`records associated with the parent container, but may not,
`for example. have its own content control information
`other than content identification information, or the
`embedded object may be more extensively controlled by its
`own content control information (e.g. permissions records).
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 6011
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 6011

`(2) may include content which was extracted from
`another VDE content container (along with content control
`information. as may be applicable) for inclusion into a
`parent VDE content container in the form of an embedded
`VDE content container object. In this case, said extraction
`and embedding may use one or more VDE processes which
`run securely within a VDE secure sub-system PPE 650
`_ and which may securely remove (or copy) the desired
`content from a source VDE content container and place
`such content in :1 new or existing container object. either of
`which may be or become embedded into a parent VDE
`content container.
`(3) may include content which was first created and
`then placed in a VDE content container object. Said
`receiving container may already be embedded in a parent
`VDE content container and may already contain other
`content. The container in which such content is placed
`may be specified using a VDE aware application which
`interacts with content and a secure VDE subsystem to
`securely create such VDE container and place such content
`therein followed by securely embedding such container
`into the destination, parent container. Alternatively,
`content may be specified without the use of a VDE aware
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 6012
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 6012

`wo 98/09209
`PCI‘/US97ll 5243
`application. and then manipulated using a VDE aware
`application in order to manage movement of the content
`into a VDE content container. Such an application may be
`a VDE aware word processor, desktop and/or multimedia
`publishing package, graphics and/or presentation package,
`etc. It may also be an operating system function (e.g, part
`of a VDE aware operating system or mini-application
`operating with an O/S such as a Microsoft Windows
`compatible object packaging application) and movement of
`content from "outside" VDE to within a VDE object may,
`for example. be based on a "drag and drop" metaphor that
`involves "dragging" a file to a VDE container object using a
`pointing device such as a mouse. Alternatively, a user
`may "cut" a portion of content and "paste" such a portion
`into a VDE container by first placing content into a
`"clipboard," then selecting a target content object and
`pasting the content into such an object. Such processes
`may, at the direction of VDE content control information
`and under the control of a VDE secure subsystem, put the
`content automatically at some position in the target object.
`such as at the end of the object or in a portion of the object
`that corresponds to an identifier carried by or with the
`content such as a field identifier. or the embedding process
`might pop-up a user interface that allows a user to browse
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 6013
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 6013

`wo 93,092.»
`a target object’s contents and/or table of contents and/or
`other directories. indexes. etc. Such processes may further
`allow a user to make certain decisions concerning VDE
`content control information (budgets limiting use,
`reporting pathway(s), usage registration requirements,
`etc.) to be applied to such embedded content and/or may
`involve selecting the specific location for embedding the
`content, all such processes to be performed as
`transparently as practical for the application.
`(4) may be accessed in conjunction with one or more
`operating system utilities for object embedding and
`linking, such as utilities conforming 110 the Microsoft OLE
`In this case, a VDE container may be associated
`with an OLE "link." Accesses Iincluding reading content
`from. and writing content ml to a VDE protected container
`may be passed from an OLE aware application to a VDE
`aware OLE application that accesses protected content in
`conjunction with control information associated with such
`A VDE aware application may also interact with
`component assemblies within a PPE to allow direct editing of the
`content of a VDE container, whether the content is in a parent or
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 6014
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 6014

`wo 9s/09209
`"CT’”5"”‘ 5243
`embedded VDE content container. This may include the use of a
`VDE aware word processor, for example, to directly edit (add to,
`delete, or otherwise modify) a VDE container’s content. The
`secure VDE processes underlying VDE container content editing
`may be largely or entirely transparent to the editor (user) and
`may transparently enable the editor to securely browse through
`(using a VDE aware application) some or all of the contents of,
`and securely modify one or more of the VDE content containers
`embedded in, a VDE content container hierarchy.
`The embedding processes for all VDE embedded content
`containers normally involves securely identifying the appropriate
`content control information for the embedded content. For
`example, VDE content control information for :1 VDE installation
`and/or a VDE content container ma}-' securely, and transparently
`to an embedder (user). apply the same content control
`information to edited (such as modified or additional) container
`content as is applied to one or more portions iincluding all, for
`example) of previously "in place" content of said container and/or
`securely apply control information generated through a VDE
`control information negotiation between control sets, and/or it
`may apply control information previously applied to said content.
`Application of control information may occur regardless of
`whether the edited content is in a parent or embedded container.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 6015
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 6015

`wo 93/09209
`This same capability of securely applying content control
`information (which may be automatically and/or transparently
`applied), may also be employed with content that is embedded
`’into a VDE container through extracting and embedding content,
`or through the moving, or copying and embedding, of VDE
`container objects. Application of content control information
`normally occurs securely within one or more VDE secure
`sub-system PPEs 650. This process may employ a VDE template
`that enables a user. through easy to use GUI user interface tools,
`to specify VDE content control information for certain or all
`embedded content. and which may include menu driven. user
`selectable andjor definable options, such as picking amongst
`alternative control methods (e.g. between different forms of
`metering) which may be represented by different icons picturing
`(symbolizing) different control functions and apply such
`functions to an increment ofVDE secured content. such as an
`embedded object listed on an object directory display.
`Extracting content from a VDE content container, or
`editing or otherwise creating VDE content with a VDE aware
`application, provides content which may be placed within a new
`VDE content container object for embedding into said parent
`VDE container. or such content may be directly placed into a
`previously existing content container. All of these processes may
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 6016
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 6016

`wo 93/09209
`PCT/l|S97I 15243
`be managed by processing VDE content control infonnation
`within one or more VDE installation secure sub-systems.
`VDE content container objects may be embedded in a
`parent object through control information referenced by a parent
`object permissions record that resolves said embedded object’s
`location and/or contents. In this case. little or no change to the
`embedded objects previously existing content control information
`may be required. VDE securely managed content which is
`relocated to a certain VDE content container may be relocated
`through the use ofVDE sub-system secure processes which may,
`for example. continue to maintain relocated content as encrypted
`or otherwise protected leg. by secure tamper resistant barrier
`502) during a relocation/embedding process.
`Embedded content (and/or content objects) may have been
`contributed by different parties and may be integrated into a
`VDE container through a VDE content and content control
`information integration process securely managed through the
`use of one or more secure VDE subsystems. This process may,
`for example, involve one or more of:
`(1.) securely applying instructions controlling the
`embedding and/or use of said submitted content, wherein said
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 6017
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 6017

`WO 98/09209
`PC!‘/U S97]! 5243
`instructions were securely put in place, at least in part, by a
`content provider and/or user of said VDE container. For
`example, said user andlor provider may interact with one or
`more user interfaces offering a selection of content embedding
`and/or control options (eg. in the form of a VDE template). Such
`options may include which. and/or whether, one or more controls
`should be applied to one or more portions of said content andfor“
`the entry of content control parameter data tsuch a time period
`before which said content may not be used. cost of use of content.
`and/or pricing discount control parameters such as software
`program suite sale discounting). Once required and/or optional
`content control information is established by a provider and/or
`user. it may function as content control information which may
`be, in part or in full. applied aut0m.'1tiC:1ll_\‘ to certain. or all.
`content which is embedded in a VDE content container.
`(2.) secure VDE managed negotiation activities. including
`the use of a user interface interaction between a user at a
`receiving VDE installation and VDE content control information
`associated with the content being submitted for embedding. For
`example, such associated control information may propose
`certain content information and the content receiver may, for
`example, accept, select from a plurality, reject, offer alternative
`control information, and/or apply conditions to the use of cextain
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 6018
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 6018

`W0 98l09209
`PCT/ll S97/15243
`content control information (for example, accept a certain one or
`more controls if said content is used by a certain one or more
`users and/or if the volume of usage of certain content exceeds a
`certain level).
`(3.) a secure, automated, VDE electronic negotiation
`process involving VDE content control information of the
`receiving VDE content container and/or VDE installation and
`content control information associated with the submitted
`content (such as control information in a permissions record of a
`contributed VDE object. certain component assemblies,
`parameter data in one or more UDEs and/or MDES. etc. 1.
`Content embedded into a VDE content container may be
`embedded in the form of:
`(1.) content that is directly, securely integrated into
`previously existing content of a VDE content container (said
`container may be a parent or embedded content container;
`without the formation of a new container object. Content control
`information associated with said content after embedding must
`be consistent with any pre-embedding content control
`infonnation controlling, at least in part, the establishment of
`control information required after embedding. Content control
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit lO24, p. 6019
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 6019

`WO 98109209
`information for such directly integrated, embedded content may
`be integrated into. andjor otherwise comprise a portion of, control
`information (eg. in one or more permissions records containing
`content control information: for said VDE container, and/or
`(2.) content that is integrated into said container in one or
`more objects which are nested within said VDE content container
`object. In this instance, control information for said content may
`be carried by either the content control information for the
`parent VDE content container, or it may, for example. be in part
`or in full carried by one or more permissions records contained
`within andjor specifically associated with one or more content
`containing nested VDE objects. Such nesting of VDE content
`containing objects within a parent VDE content container may
`employ a number of levels, that is a VDE content container
`nested in a VDE content container may itself contain one or more
`nested VDE content containers.
`VDE content containers may have a nested structure
`comprising one or more nested containers (objects) that may
`themselves store further containers and/or one or more types of
`content. for example, text, images. audio. and/or any other type
`of electronic i.nformation ( object content may be specified by
`content control information referencing, for example, byte offset
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 6020
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 6020

`wo 93/09209
`locations on storage media). Such content may be stored.
`communicated. and/or used in stream (such as dynamically
`accumulating and/or flowing) and/or static (fixed, such as
`predefined, complete file‘) form. Such content may be derived by
`extracting a subset of the content of one or more VDE content
`of a VDE aware application or operating system having
`extraction capability) may be identified for extraction from each
`of one or more locations within one or more VDE content
`containers and may then be securely embedded into a new or
`existing VDE content container through processes executing
`VDE controls in a secure subsystem PPE 650. Such extraction
`and embedding IVDE "exporting": involves securely protecting,
`including securely executing. the VDE exporting processes.
`A VDE activity related to VDE exporting and embedding
`involves performing one or more tr:-msformations of VDE content
`from one secure form to one or more other secure forms. Such
`transformationls) may be performed with or without moving
`transformed content to a new VDE content container (e.g. by
`component assemblies operating within a PPE that do not reveal,
`in unprotected form. the results or other output of such
`transforming processes without further VDE processes governing
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 6021
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 6021

`wo 98/09209
`use of at least a portion of said content). One example of such a
`transformation process may involve performing mathematical
`transformations and producing results, such as mathematical
`results, while retaining, none, some, or all of the content
`information on which said transformation was performed. Other
`examples of such transformations include converting a document
`format (such as from a WordPerfect format to a Word for
`Windows format, or an SGML document to a Postscript
`document), changing a video format isuch as a QuickTime video
`format to a MPEG video format), performing an artificial
`intelligence process (such as analyzing text to produce a
`summary report). and other processing that derives VDE secured
`content from other VDE secured content.
`Figure 79 shows an example of an arrangement of
`commercial VDE users. The users in this example create,
`distribute, redistribute, and use content in a variety of ways.
`This example shows how certain aspects of control information
`associated with content may evolve as control information passes
`through a chain of handling and control. These VDE users and
`controls are explained in more detail below.
`Creator A in this example creates a VDE container and
`provides associated content control information that includes
`Petitioner Apple Inc. — Exhibit 1024, p. 6022
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1024, p. 6022

`wo 98/09209
`PCT/U S97/ I 5243
`references (amongst other things) to several examples o

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