`Contact Information
`Department of EECS
`University of Michigan
`2260 Hayward St
`4741 Beyster Building
`Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2121
`Phone: (734) 763-1585; Fax: (734) 763-8094
`• Ph.D., Dept. of EECS, University of California, Berkeley, 1989.
`• M.S. in Computer Science. University of California, Berkeley, 1984.
`• B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering. Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, 1982.
`Professional Experience
`2001-present University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Professor, Computer Science Division, Department of EECS.
`1995-2001 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Associate Professor, Computer Science Division, Department of
`5/99-6/99 Visiting Research Scientist, GMD-IPSI, Darmstadt, Germany.
`10/95-5/96 IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, Visiting Research Scientist (on sabbatical leave
`from the University of Michigan).
`1989-1995 University of Michigan. Assistant Professor, Computer Science Division, Department of EECS.
`Awards and Honors
`• ITR Award from the National Science Foundation, 2000.
`• Inclusion of the the Upper Atmospheric Research Collaboratory project in the Smithsonian Permanent Collec-
`tions and selection as one of the finalists in the 1998 Smithsonian/Computerworld award for the best Science
`• Research Excellence Award, Department of EECS, University of Michigan, 1996-97.
`• Irving and Lucille Smith Fellowship, Computer Science, University of California, Berkeley, 1988-89.
`• Passed with distinction, Ph.D. thesis qualifying examination presentation, University of California, Berkeley,
`• Honored for participating in the Centennial Issue of IEEE Computer, 1984.
`• Regents Fellowship, University of California, 1983-84.
`• Rajiv Bambawale Memorial Award for the best B.Tech. Electrical Engineering project, IIT Delhi, 1982.
`• Merit Prizes, IIT Delhi, 1977, 78, 79, 80, 81 and 82.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1004, p. 1

`• Merit Prize for 4th rank in the All India Joint Entrance Examination for admission to the five IITs (among
`approximately 100,000 students), 1977.
`• Merit Scholarship, All India Board of Higher Secondary Education, 1977.
`Research in the News
`Our study on vulnerabilities in online banking systems (July 2008) received a lot of press. It was quoted in Barron’s,
`BusinessWeek, NPR, Associated Press, BBC, and many other publications. Several banks, including Chase and
`LaSalle Bank, changed their web sites for improved security shortly after publication of the work.
`Book Chapters
`• Hyong-Sop Shim, Atul Prakash, and Jang Ho Lee. Distributed and Collaborative Development. Wiley Encylo-
`pedia of Computer Science and Engineering, DOI: 10.1002/9780470050118.ecse116, John Wiley & Sons, Dec.
`14, 2007.
`• L. Opyrchal and A. Prakash, Publish Subscribe Middleware, Chapter in Scalable Enterprise Systems: An In-
`troduction to Recent Advances, ed. V. Prabhu, S. Kumara, and M. Kamath, Kluwer Academic Publishers, July
`• Atul Prakash, Group Editors, Chapter in Trends in Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, John Wiley & Sons.
`(Editor: M. Beaudouin-Lafon), 1998.
`• C.R. Clauer, D.E. Atkins, T.E. Weymouth, G.M. Olson, R. Niciejewski, T.A. Finholt, A. Prakash, C.E. Ras-
`mussen, T. Killeen, T.J. Rosenberg, D. Detrick, J.D. Kelly, Y. Zambre, C. Heinselman, P. Stauning, E. Friis-
`Christtensen, and S.B. Mende, A Prototype Atmospheric Research Collaboratory (UARC), in Applications of
`Data Handling and Visualization Technique in Space Atmospheric Sciences, E. Szuszczewicz (ed), NASA SP-
`519, pp. 105-112.
`• C.V. Ramamoorthy, A. Prakash, V. Garg, T. Yamaura, and A. Bhide, Issues in the Development of Large,
`Distributed, and Reliable Software, Advances in Computers, Vol. 26, 1987, pp. 396-443.
`• C. V. Ramamoorthy, A. Prakash, W.-T. Tsai and Y. Usuda, Software Reliability: Its Nature, Models, and Im-
`provement Techniques, in Theory of Reliability, ed. A. Serra and R.E. Barlow, Proceedings of the International
`School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”, North-Holland, 1986, pp. 287-320.
`Journal Publications
`• Akula, M., Sandur, A., Kamat, V.R., and Prakash, A. ”Evaluation of Context-Aware Computing for Improved
`Bridge Inspections”, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston,
`VA. Accepted for publication.
`• Sharad Sharma, Harpreet Singh, Atul Prakash. Multi-agent modelinhg and simulation of human behavior in
`aircraft evacuations. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Oct. 2008, Vol. 44, No. 4, pp.
`• Xin Zhao, Kevin Borders, and Atul Prakash. Using a virtual machine to protect sensitive Grid resources. Con-
`currency and Computation: Practice and Experience. Special issue on Middleware for Grid Computing: A
`Possible Future. Vol. 19, No. 14, Sept. 2007, pages: 1917-1935.
`• Patrick McDaniel and Atul Prakash, Enforcing provisioning and authorization policy in the Antigone system,
`Journal of Computer Security. 14(6):483-511, 2006.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1004, p. 2

`• Patrick McDaniel and Atul Prakash, Methods and Limitations of Security Policy Reconciliation. ACM Trans-
`actions on Information and System Security (TISSEC), Association for Computing Machinery, 9(3):259-291,
`August, 2006.
`• Trent Jaeger, Atul Prakash, Jochen Liedtke and Nayeem Islam, Flexible control of downloaded executable
`content, ACM Transactions on Information and System Security, Vol. 2, Issue 2, May 1999, pp. 177-228.
`• S. Subramanian, G.R. Malan, H.S. Shim, J.H. Lee, P. Knoop, T.E. Weymouth, F. Jahanian, A. Prakash, Software
`architecture for the UARC Web-based collaboratory, IEEE Internet Computing, Mar-Apr. 1999, Vol. 3, Issue 2,
`pp. 46-54.
`• A. Prakash, H.S. Shim, and J.H. Lee, Issues and Trade-offs in CSCW Systems, IEEE Transactions on Data and
`Knowledge Engineering, Jan.-Feb. 1999, Vol. 11,Issue 1, pp. 213-227.
`• G. Olson, D.E. Atkins, R. Clauer, T. Finholt, F. Jahanian, T.L. Killeen, A. Prakash, and T. Weymouth, The Upper
`Atmospheric Research Collaboratory, ACM Interactions, Vol. 3, May-June 1998, pp. 48-55.
`• R. Strom, G. Banavar, K. Miller, A. Prakash, and M. Ward, Concurrency Control and View Notification Algo-
`rithms for Collaborative Replicated Objects, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 47, No. 8, April 1998, pp.
`• S. Paul and A. Prakash, A Query Algebra for Program Databases, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,
`Vol. 22, No. 1, March 1996, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 202-217.
`• R. Al-Zoubi and A. Prakash, Program View Generation and Change Analysis Using Attributed Dependency
`Graphs, Journal of Software Maintenance — Research and Practice, Volume 7, No. 4, July-August 1995.
`• A. Prakash and M. Knister, A Framework for Undoing Actions in Collaborative Systems, ACM Transactions on
`Computer-Human Interaction. December 1994.
`• C. R. Clauer, J. D. Kelly, T. J. Rosenberg, C. E. Rasmussen, P. Stauning, E. Friis-Christensen, R. J. Niciejewski,
`T. L. Killeen, S. B. Mende, Y. Zambre, T. E. Weymouth, A. Prakash, S. E. McDaniel, G. M. Olson, T. A. Finholt,
`and D. E. Atkins, A New Project to Support Scientific Collaboration Electronically, EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys.
`Union, Vol. 75, June 28, 1994.
`• E. Buss, R. De Mori, M. Gentleman, J. Henshaw, H. Johnson, K. Kontogiannis, E. Merlo, H. Muller, J. My-
`lopoulos, S. Paul, A. Prakash, M. Stanley, S. Tilley, J. Troster and K. Wong, Investigating Reverse Engineering
`Technologies: The CAS Program Understanding Project, IBM Systems Journal, Vol. 33, No. 3, August 1994,
`pp. 477-500.
`• S. Paul and A. Prakash, Supporting Queries on Source Code: A Formal Framework, International Journal of
`Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (Special Issue on Reverse Engineering), Vol. 4, No. 3,
`September 1994, pp. 325-348.
`• S. Paul and A. Prakash, Framework for Source Code Search Using Program Patterns, IEEE Transactions on
`Software Engineering, Volume 20, Number 6, June 1994, pp. 463-475.
`• C.R. Clauer, D.E. Atkins, T.E. Weymouth, G.M. Olson, R. Niciejewski, T. Finholt, A. Prakash, C.E. Rasmussen,
`T.J. Rosenberg, J.D. Kelly, Y. Zambre, P. Stauning, E. Friis-Christensen, and S.B. Mende, A Prototype Upper
`Atmospheric Research Collaboratory (UARC) (Abstract), EOS, Transactions on American Geophysical Union,
`Vol. 74, 1993.
`• M. Knister and A. Prakash, Issues in the Design of a Toolkit for Supporting Multiple Group Editors, Computing
`Systems, Journal of the Usenix Association, Vol. 6, No. 2, Spring 1993, pp. 135-166.
`• C.V. Ramamoorthy, Y. Usuda, A. Prakash, and W.T. Tsai, The Evolution Support Environment System, IEEE
`Trans. on Software Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 11, November 1990, pp. 1225-1234.
`• C.V. Ramamoorthy, V. Garg, and A. Prakash, Support for Reusability in Genesis, IEEE Transactions in Software
`Engineering, Vol 14, No. 8, August 1988, pp. 1145-1154.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1004, p. 3

`• C.V. Ramamoorthy, V. Garg, and A. Prakash, Programming in the Large, IEEE Transactions on Software Engi-
`neering, Vol. 12, No. 7, July 1986, pp. 769-783.
`• C. V. Ramamoorthy, A. Prakash, W.-T. Tsai, and Y. Usuda, Software Engineering: Status and Perspectives,
`IEEE Computer, Vol. 17, No. 10, October 1984, pp. 191-209.
`Conference and Workshop Publications
`• Beng Heng Ng and Atul Prakash, Let the Right One In: Discovering and Mitigating Permission Gaps, Proc.
`Intl. Conf. on Information Security and Systems, Kolkata, India, 2013.
`• Beng Heng Ng and Atul Prakash, Expose: Discovering Potential Binary Code Re-Use, Proc. 37th IEEE Con-
`ference on Computers, Software, and Applications (COMPSAC), Kyoto, Japan, 2013.
`• Beng Heng Ng, Earlence Fernandes, Ajit Aluri, Jijiang James, and Atul Prakash, Beyond Instruction Level Taint
`Propagation, presented at 6th European Workshop on Systems Security (EuroSec’13), Prague, Czech Republic,
`April 2013.
`• Beng Heng Ng, Alexander Crowell, Atul Prakash: Adaptive semi-private email aliases. Proc. of 7th ACM
`Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS), Seoul, Korea, 2012.
`• Yilan Zhang, Masahiro Kurata, Jerome P. Lynch, Gwendolyn Van Der Linden, Hassan Sadarat, and Atul
`Prakash. Distributed cyberinfrastructure tools for automated data processing of structural monitoring data. Pro-
`ceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 8347, 2012.
`• Biswajit Panja, Atul Prakash, Priyanka Meharia, Bradley Schneider: Security in sensor network based SCADA
`system for adaptive traffic signal operation. International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Sys-
`tems (CTS), 2012, 195-202.
`• Tzeng, HM, Yin, CY, Anderson, A, and Prakash, A (2012). Nursing staffs awareness of keeping beds in the
`lowest position to prevent falls and fall injuries in an adult acute surgical inpatient care setting. MedSurg
`Nursing, 21(5), 271274.
`• Akula, M., Sandur, A., Kamat, V.R., and Prakash, A. (2012). ”Context-Aware Computing Framework for
`Improved Bridge Inspections”, Proceedings of the 2012 Construction Research Congress, American Society of
`Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, 698-707.
`• Heqing Huang, Su Zhang, Xinming Ou, Atul Prakash, and Karem Sakallah. 2011. Distilling critical attack
`graph surface iteratively through minimum-cost SAT solving. In Proceedings of the 27th Annual Computer
`Security Applications Conference (ACSAC ’11). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 31-40.
`• Mark W. Newman, Mark S. Ackerman, Jungwoo Kim, Atul Prakash, Zhenan Hong, Jacob Mandel, and Tao
`Dong. 2010. Bringing the field into the lab: supporting capture and replay of contextual data for the design of
`context-aware applications. In Proceedings of the 23nd annual ACM symposium on User interface software and
`technology (UIST ’10). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 105-108.
`• Mark S. Ackerman, Tao Dong, Scott Gifford, Jungwoo Kim, Mark W. Newman, Atul Prakash, Sarah Qidwai,
`David Garcia, Paulo Villegas, Alejandro Cadenas, Antonio Sanchez-Esguevillas, Javier Aguiar, B. Carro, Sean
`Mailander, Ronald Schroeter, Marcus Foth, Amiya Bhattacharya, and Partha Dasgupta. 2009. Location-Aware
`Computing, Virtual Networks. IEEE Pervasive Computing, Vol. 8, No. 4 (October 2009), 28-32.
`• Prakash, Atul, Ng, Beng Heng, Lau, Billy, and Kamat, Vineet (2009). ”Dependable Opportunistic Communica-
`tion in a MultiTier Sensor Network Architecture”, Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Research Directions in
`Situational Self-managed Proactive Computing in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks, Air Force Research Laboratory,
`St. Louis, MO.
`• Swati Gupta, Kristen LeFevre, and Atul Prakash. SPAN: a unified framework and toolkit for querying hetero-
`geneous access policies. In Proceedings of the 4th USENIX conference on Hot topics in security (HotSec’09),
`2009, Usenix Association.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1004, p. 4

`• Kevin Borders, Eric Vander Weele, Billy Lau, and Atul Prakash. 2009. Protecting confidential data on personal
`computers with storage capsules.
`In Proceedings of the 18th conference on USENIX security symposium.
`USENIX Association, Berkeley, CA, USA, 367-382.
`• Kevin Borders and Atul Prakash. 2009. Quantifying Information Leaks in Outbound Web Traffic. In Proceed-
`ings of the 2009 30th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP ’09). IEEE Computer Society, Washington,
`DC, USA, 129-140.
`• Xin Zhao, Atul Prakash, and Kevin Borders. Prism: Providing flexible and fast filesystem cloning service for
`virtual servers, Proc. of the 9th ACM/IFIP/USENIX Internaltional Conference on Middleware (Middleware
`2008), Springer-Verlag, pp. 388-407.
`• Garrett Brown, Travis Howe, Michael Ihbe, Atul Prakash, and Kevin Borders. Social Networks and Context-
`Aware Spam, Proc. of the ACM Conference on Computer-supported Cooperative Work, Nov. 8-12, 2008.
`• Kevin Borders and Atul Prakash, Towards Quantification of Network-based Information Leaks via HTTP. Proc.
`3rd Usenix Workshop on Hot Topics in Security (HOTSEC), July 29, 2008, San Jose, CA.
`• Laura Falk, Atul Prakash, Kevin Borders, Analyzing Websites for User-visible Security Design Flaws, Proc.
`Symposium on Usable Security and Privacy (SOUPS), July 23-25th, 2008.
`• Atul Prakash. Security in Practice: Security-Usability Chasm. Proc. of Third International Conference on
`Information Systems Security (ICISS), December 2007. Invited paper.
`• Kevin Borders, Atul Prakash, and Mark Zielinski, Spector: Automatically Analyzing Shell Code. Proc. of the
`23rd Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC ’07), Dec. 2007, 501-513.
`• Kevin Borders and Atul Prakash, Securing Network Input via a Trusted Input Proxy. Proceedings of the 2nd
`USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Security (HOTSEC ’07), Aug. 2007.
`• Kevin Borders, Xin Zhao, and Atul Prakash, Sting: Detecting Evasive Malware (short paper), IEEE Oakland
`Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2006.
`• L. Opyrchal, A. Prakash, and A. Agrawal, Designing a Publish-Subscribe Substrate for Privacy/Security in
`Pervasive Environments, Proc. of the 2006 ACS/IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services, June
`26-29, 2006, pages 313-316.
`• Kevin Borders, Xin Zhao, and Atul Prakash, Sting: Detecting Evasive Malware (short paper), IEEE Symposium
`on Security and Privacy, 2006.
`• Xin Zhao and Atul Prakash. WSF: An HTTP-level firewall for hardening web servers. The 17th IASTED
`International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, Nov. 2005, Phoenix, AZ.
`• Xin Zhao, Kevin Borders, and Atul Prakash. SVGrid: a secure virtual environment for untrusted grid appli-
`cations. Proc. of the 3rd International workshop on Middleware for Grid Computing (MGC’05), Grenoble,
`France, 2005.
`• Kevin Borders, Xin Zhao, and Atul Prakash, CPOL: High-Performance Policy Evaluation. Proc. of the 12th
`ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2005.
`• Kevin Borders and Atul Prakash, Web Tap: Detecting Covert Web Traffic. Proceedings of the 11th ACM
`Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), Oct. 2004, 110-120.
`• Lukasz Opyrchal, Atul Prakash, and Amit Agrawal, Designing a Publish-Subscribe Substrate for Privacy/Security
`in Pervasive Environments, presented at the First Workshop on Pervasive Security (PSPT), Boston, MA, August
`2004. (refereed, only electronic proceedings).
`• Xin Zhao and Atul Prakash. Source authentication in group communication systems. Proceedings of the 14th
`International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, Sept 2003. pp. 455 -459
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1004, p. 5

`• James Irrer, Atul Prakash, and Patrick McDaniel. Antigone: policy-based secure group communication system
`and AMirD: antigone-based secure file mirroring system. Proceedings of the DARPA Information Survivability
`Conference and Exposition, Volume 2, April 22-24 2003, pp. 44-46.
`• P. McDaniel and A. Prakash, Methods and Limitations of Security Policy Reconciliation, Proceedings of the
`2002 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, Oakland CA, pp. 73-87.
`• L. Opyrchal and A. Prakash, Secure Distribution of Events in Content-Based Publish Subscribe Systems, Pro-
`ceedings of the 2001 Usenix Security Symposium, Washington D.C., August 2001.
`• Radu Litiu, Atul Prakash: DACIA: A Mobile Component Framework for Building Adaptive Distributed Appli-
`cations. Operating Systems Review 35(2): 31-42 (2001)
`• P. McDaniel, A. Prakash, J. Irrer, S. Mittal, and T. Thuang, Flexibly Constructing Secure Groups in Antigone
`2.0. In Proceedings of DARPA Information Survivability Conference and Exposition II. IEEE, June 2001.
`• Radu Litiu and Atul Prakash, Developing Adaptive Groupware Applications Using a Mobile Component Frame-
`work”, the ACM 2000 Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW 2000), Philadelphia, PA,
`December 2000, pp.
`• Radu Litiu, and Atul Prakash, ”DACIA: A Mobile Component Framework for Building Adaptive Distributed
`Applications”, Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC) 2000 Middleware Symposium, Portland, OR, July
`2000; an earlier version appeared as Technical Report CSE-TR-416-99, Department of EECS, University of
`Michigan, Dec 1999.
`• P. McDaniel, A. Prakash, P. Honeyman, Antigone: A Flexible Framework for Secure Group Communication,
`Proceedings of the 8th Usenix Security Symposium, August 1999, Washington D.C., pp. 99-104.
`• L. Opyrchal and A. Prakash, Efficient Object Serialization in Java, Workshop on Electronic Commerce and Web-
`based Applications/Middleware, 1999, at International IEEE Conference on Distributed Computing Systems
`(ICDCS), May-June 1999, pp. 96-101.
`• R. Litiu and A. Prakash, Stateful Multicast Services, Proc. of the International IEEE Conference on Distributed
`Computing Systems (ICDCS), May-June 1999, pp. 82-89.
`• H.S. Shim and A. Prakash, Tolerating Client and Communication Failures in Distributed Groupware Systems,
`Proc. of the IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS), Purdue, 1998, pp. 221-227.
`• R. Litiu and A. Prakash, Adaptive group communication services for groupware systems, Proc. of the 2nd
`International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Workshop, 1998, IEEE Press, pp. 218-229.
`• H.S. Shim, R. Hall, A. Prakash, and F. Jahanian, Providing Flexible Services for Managing Shared State in
`Collaborative Systems, Proc. of the European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW),
`September 1997, pp. 237-252.
`• B. Mirel, L.A. Olsen, A. Prakash, and E. Soloway, Improving Quality in Teaching Software Engineering through
`Emphasis on Communication, Proc. of the 1997 Annual Conference of American Society for Engineering Edu-
`cation (ASEE), Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 15-18, 1997.
`• R. Strom, G. Banavar, K. Miller, A. Prakash, and M. Ward, Concurrency Control and View Notification Al-
`gorithms for Collaborative Replicated Objects, The 17th Proceedings of the International Conference on Dis-
`tributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Baltimore, MD, May 27-30, 1997, pp. 194-203.
`• Jang Ho Lee, Atul Prakash Trent Jaeger, and Gwobaw Wu Support ing Multi-User, Multi-Applet Workspaces
`in CBE, The Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW),
`November 1996, pp. 344-353.
`• R. W. Hall, A. G. Mathur, F. Jahanian, A. Prakash, and C. Rasmussen, Corona: A Communication Service for
`Scalable, Reliable Group Collaboration Systems, Proc. of the Sixth ACM Conference on Computer Supported
`Cooperative Work (CSCW), Boston, MA, November 1996, pp. 140-149.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1004, p. 6

`• Trent Jaeger, Aviel D. Rubin, and Atul Prakash. A system architecture for flexible control of downloaded exe-
`cutable content. Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Object Orientation in Operating Systems,
`pages 14-18, Seattle, Wa., October 1996.
`• T. Jaeger, A.D. Rubin, and A. Prakash, Building Systems that Flexibly Control Downloaded Executable Content,
`Proc. of the 6th USENIX UNIX Security Symposium, July 22-25, San Jose, CA, pp. 131-148. (Best Student
`Paper Award).
`• A. G. Mathur and A. Prakash, A Protocol Composition-Based Approach to QoS Control in Collaboration Sys-
`tems, in Proc. Third IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (CMCS), Hi-
`roshima, Japan, June 1996, pp. 62-69.
`• N. R. Manohar and A. Prakash, A Flexible Architecture for Integrating Heterogeneous Replayable Workspaces,
`Proc. Third IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (CMCS), Japan, June 1996,
`pp. 274-278.
`• N. R. Manohar and A. Prakash, Dealing with timing variability in the playback of interactive session recordings
`Proceedings of ACM Multimedia Conference 1995, San Francisco, November 1995, pp. 45-56.
`• T. Jaeger and A. Prakash, Requirements of Role-based Access Control for Collaboration Systems, in Proc. of
`the 1st ACM Workshop on Role-based Access Control (RBAC’95), Gaitherburg, MD, Nov. 1995.
`• N. R. Manohar and A. Prakash, The Session Capture and Replay Paradigm for Asynchronous Collaboration,
`Proceedings of European Conference on Computer-supported Cooperative Work(ECSCW), Stockholm, Sweden,
`September 1995, pp. 149-164.
`• T. Jaeger and A. Prakash, Management and Utilization of Knowledge for the Improvement of Workflow Perfor-
`mance, Proc. of the 1995 ACM Conference on Organizational Computing Systems (COOCS ’95), Milpitas, CA,
`August 1995, pp. 32-43.
`• T. Jaeger and A. Prakash, Implementation of a Discretionary Access Control Model for Script-based Systems,
`Proc. of the 8th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop, County Kerry, Ireland, June 1995, pp. 70-84.
`• T. Jaeger and A. Prakash, Representation and Adaptation of Organization Coordination Knowledge for Au-
`tonomous Agent Systems, Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge
`Engineering, June 1995, pp. 103-105.
`• T. Jaeger and A. Prakash, Support for File System Security Requirements of Computational E-Mail Systems,
`Proc. 2nd ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCCS), Fairfax, VA, ACM Press,
`November 1994, pp. 1-9.
`• S. Paul and A. Prakash, Object Data Models to Support Source Code Queries: Implementing SCA within
`REFINE, 1994 Proc. of the IEEE Third Workshop on Program Comprehension, Washington D.C., November
`1994, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 145-152.
`• T. Jaeger, A. Prakash, and M. Ishikawa, A Framework for Automatic Improvement of System Specifications
`to Meet Delivery Performance Goals, Proc. Sixth IEEE Conference on Tools for AI, New Orleans, November
`1994, pp. 640-646.
`• A. Mathur and A. Prakash, Protocols for Integrated Audio and Shared Windows in Collaborative Systems, Proc.
`ACM Multimedia 94, October 1994, pp. 381-388.
`• A. Prakash and H. S. Shim, DistView: Support for Building Efficient Collaborative Applications using Repli-
`cated Active Objects, Proc. Fifth ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), October
`1994, pp. 153-164.
`• S. Paul and A. Prakash, Querying Source Code Using an Algebraic Query Language, Proc.
`Conference on Software Maintenance, IEEE Press, September 1994, pp. 127-136.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1004, p. 7

`• S. Paul and A. Prakash, Generating Programming Language-based Pattern Matches, Proc. of the 1993 Confer-
`ence of the Center for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research: Software Engineering - Volume 1, IBM
`Press, October 1993, pp. 227-243.
`• T. Jaeger and A. Prakash, BizSpec: A Business-Oriented Model for System Specification and Generation, The
`5th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE), June 14-18, 1993,
`pp. 191-199.
`• S. Paul and A. Prakash, Source Code Retrieval Using Program Patterns, IEEE CASE’92 (Fifth International
`Workshop on Computer-Aided Software Engineering), Montreal, July 1992, pp. 95-105.
`• A. Prakash and M.J. Knister, Undoing Actions in Collaborative Work, Proc. of The Fourth ACM Conference on
`Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), October 1992, Toronto, Canada, pp. 273-280.
`• A. Prakash and R. Subramanian, An Efficient Optimistic Distributed Simulation Scheme based on Conditional
`Knowledge, Proc. of The Sixth Parallel and Distributed Simulation Workshop, 1992 SCS Western Multiconfer-
`ence, Newport Beach, CA, January 1992, pp. 85-94.
`• S. Paul, A. Prakash, E. Buss, and J. Henshaw, Theories and Techniques of Program Understanding, Proc. of the
`1991 Conference of the Center for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research, IBM Press, Toronto, Canada,
`October 1991, pp. 37-54.
`• A. Prakash and R. Subramanian, Filter: An Algorithm for Reducing Cascaded Rollbacks in Optimistic Dis-
`tributed Simulation, Proc. of the 24th Annual Simulation Symposium, 1991 Simulation Multiconference, New
`Orleans, April 1991, pp. 123-132.
`• M.J. Knister and A. Prakash, DistEdit: A Distributed Toolkit for Supporting Multiple Group Editors, Proc. of the
`Third ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Los Angeles, October 1990, pp. 343-355.
`• A. Prakash and C.V. Ramamoorthy, Hierarchical Distributed Simulations, Proc. of the 8th International Con-
`ference on Distributed Computing Systems, San Jose, IEEE Press, 1988, pp. 341-348.
`• Y.F. Chen, A. Prakash, and C.V. Ramamoorthy, Pulsating Computations, Proc. of the International Computer
`Symposium, Taiwan, December 1986, pp. 1107-1115.
`• Y.F. Chen, A. Prakash, and C.V. Ramamoorthy, The Network Event Manager, Proc. of the Computer Networks
`Symposium, Washington D.C., IEEE Press, November 1986, pp. 169-177.
`• C. V. Ramamoorthy, W.-T. Tsai, Y. Usuda, and A. Prakash, Genesis: An Integrated Environment for Develop-
`ment and Evolution of Software Systems, Proc. of the 19th International Conference on Computer Software
`Applications, Chicago, IEEE Press, November 1985, pp. 472-479.
`• Patent #6,425,016 (and related patent #6,988,270) on System and method for providing collaborative replicated
`objects for synchronous groupware application.
`Selected Service
`• Director, Software Systems Lab, Fall 2012, Winter 2013.
`• Chair, Informatics Steering Committee, Fall 2011-2013.
`• Chair, CSE Internal Review Committee, Fall 2012, Winter 2013.
`• Member, ad hoc committtee on the Data Science Program, Winter 2013.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1004, p. 8

`• Member, CSE Search Committee, Winter 2012.
`• Undergraduate advisor, CS LS&A program, Fall 2012.
`• Member, Committee for Redesigning CS LS&A Program, 2012.
`• Member, Informatics Steering Committee, 2010.
`• Undergraduate advisor, Informatics Program, 2010.
`• Member, CSE Executive Committee, 2009
`• Member, Steering Committee, Informatics Program, 2007-2009
`• Undergraduate Advisor, Informatics Program, 2008-2009
`• Director, Software systems lab, 2004-2007
`• College undergraduate advisor, 2004-2005
`• Computer engineering advisor, 2003-2004.
`• Chair, EECS curriculum committee, 2002-2003.
`• Member, College curriculum committee, 2002-2003.
`• Member, EECS Executive Committee, 1998-2002.
`• Member, CSE curriculum committee, 1998-2002.
`• Member, EECS committee to examine reorganization of degree programs in EECS, 1999-2000.
`• Director, Industrial Partners program of Computer Science and Engineering (IPoCSE), University of Michigan,
`March 1999-2001
`• Graduate Student Advising, 1990-2009
`• Marshall, Engineering Honors Convocation, Winter 2000.
`• Member, reappointment committee for Sugih Jamin, 1999.
`• Computer Engineering Undergraduate Advisor, 1996-1999.
`• Help prepare ABET information for EECS 482 and EECS 380 in 1997 and 1999.
`• Member, EECS Departmental Computing Organization Committee, 1998.
`• Member, College ad-hoc committee to examine large enrollments in Computer Science Engineering, 1997-98.
`• Chair, Reappointment Committee for Nandit Soparkar. 1996.
`• Coordinator, Software Qualifying Examination, January 1997.
`• Invited by Dan Atkins to help formulate the direction of the new School of Information, 1995.
`• Member, CSE Curriculum Committee, 1994-1995. The work on the committee led to stream-lining of the CSE
`curriculum by eliminating outdated courses and revision of lower division courses.
`• Member, CSE Graduate Committee, 1992-1995.
`• Coordinator, SOftware Qualifying Examination, January 1993.
`• Volunteer, EECS student lucheon, 1991
`• Member, Faculty Search Committee, 1990.
`• Founding member of the Software Systems Research Laboratory, Department of EECS, University of Michigan,
`• Marshall, May 1989 commencement.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1004, p. 9

`Professional Service
`• Program Co-chair, Intl. Conf. on Information Security and Systems, 2014.
`• PC member, 1st Workshop on Cloud Security Auditing, 9th IEEE World Congress on Services, 2013.
`• PC member, 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security, 2013.
`• PC member, CRISIS 2013.
`• Best paper awards committee Co-Chair, IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, 2012.
`• PC member, IEEE PASSAT, 2012.
`• Program committee and steering committee: Intl. Conference on Information Security and Systems,2011
`• Best Paper Awards Committee Co-Chair, IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, 2011.
`• Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (2009-2012).
`• PC member and Advisory committee: Collaborative Technology Systems, 2011.
`• PC member: IEEE Intl. Conference on Information Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust (PASSAT), 2011
`• PC member, IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, 2011
`• PC member: IEEE Intl. Conference on Information Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust (PASSAT), 2010
`• Program committee and steering committee: Intl. Conference on Information Security and Systems,2010
`• Program Co-chair, IEEE Symp. of Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS), 2010.
`• PC member and Advisory committee: Collaborative Technology Systems, 2010.
`• Program Co-chair, Intl. Conf. on Information Security and Systems, 2009.
`• Best paper award commitee co-chair, IEEE Symp. of Reliable Distributed Systems, 2009.
`• PC member, SECRYPT 2009.
`• PC member, PASSAT 2009
`• PC member, CRIWG 2009.
`• Program committee member, IEEE Oakland Symp. on Security and Privacy, 2008.
`• Program committee member, SECRYPT 2008.
`• Advisory commitee member and program committee member, 2008 International Symposium on Collaborative
`Technologies and Systems.
`• PC member, ICDCN, 2008.
`• PC member, ICISS, 2008.
`• PC Member, CRIWG 2008.
`• PC member, IEEE Workshop on Specialized Ad Hoc Networks and Systems, 2007.
`• PC member, SECRYPT, 2007.
`• Committee member, International Symp. on Collaborative Technology and Systems, 2007.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. - Exhibit 1004, p. 10

`• Reviwer, IEEE Transactions on Distributed Computing
`• Reviewer, IEEE Internet Computing
`• PC member, Workshop on Software Application Security (WSAS’07).
`• PC Member, International Conference on Collaborative Computing, 2006.
`• PC member, Next-generation web services Practices (NWeSP’06), 2006.
`• Advisory committee, International Symposium on Collaborative Technology and Systems, 2006.
`• PC member, CollaborateCom 2006.
`• PC member, SecCrypt’06.
`• PC member, IEEE eScience Collaborative Remote Laboratories Symposium, 2006.
`• Program committee member, WISA 2005, NGWSP 2005, CTS 2005, CNIS 2005.
`• Program committee member, WWW’2004 (Security track).
`• Program committee member, European CSCW Conference, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001.
`• Program committee member, The Fifth International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems, March
`• Associate Program Chair, IEEE Tools with AI Conference, 1999.
`• Associate Program Chair, ACM Conference on Computer-supported Cooperative Work, 1998.
`• Program committee member, IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS),
`• Program committee member, Multimedia Software Engineering Workshop (held in conjunction with IEEE In-
`ternational Conference on Software Engineering), April 20-21, Kyoto, 1998.
`• Program committee member, IEEE Conference on Tools with AI, 1997, 1998.
`• Program committee member, the IEEE Singapore

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