`University of Illinois
`Beckman Institute
`405 N. Mathews Ave.
`Urbana, IL 61801
`tel (217) 244–8366
`fax (217) 244–8371
`D.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, Washington University, St Louis
`M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, Washington University, St Louis
`Ing´enieur Civil Electricien, Facult´e Polytechnique de Mons, Belgium
`Professional Experience
`Professor of ECE and Statistics, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL
`Associate Professor, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL
`Assistant Professor, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL
`Research Scientist, Bell Communications Research, Morristown, NJ
`Research Assistant, Washington University, St Louis, MO
`Research Engineer, Facult´e Polytechnique de Mons, Belgium
`Summer Intern, Standard Telecommunications Laboratories Ltd., U.K.
`Other Professional Activities
`Editorial Board member for Proceedings of IEEE, 2007-2012
`Co-Founder and Editor in Chief for IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Se-
`curity, 2005-2008
`Area Editor for IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2002-2006.
`Guest Editor for IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing supplements on secure media,
`Guest Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing’s special issue on
`Data Hiding, Apr. 2003.
`Guest Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Information Theory’s special issue on
`Information-theoretic imaging, Aug. 2000
`Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 1999—2002
`Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 1996—1998
`Member, IEEE Image and Multidim. Signal Processing Technical Committee, 1998-2003
`Member, Technical Program Committee of miscelleanous major IEEE conferences
`Invited organizer, NSF Workshop on Signal Authentication, Orlando, FL, 2002.
`Organizer, special sessions on watermarking at Allerton (10/01, 02, 03) and on information-
`theoretic imaging at Asilomar (11/02)
`Invited lectures at MIT, Stanford, Berkeley, Carnegie-Mellon, Harvard, Illinois, Purdue,
`Michigan, UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara, Maryland, National U. of Singapore, Nanyang
`Tech. U. (Singapore), Chinese U. Hong Kong, Hong Kong U. of Sci. and Tech., Academia
`Sinica, National Chiao Tung U. (Taiwan), Hong Kong Polytechnic, KAIST (Korea), IN-
`RIA Sophia-Antipolis (France), Delft (Netherlands), Louvain (Belgium), Tech. U. Munich
`(Germany), Bell Labs, IBM Research, Microsoft Research, KLA-Tencor, Qualcomm.
`Keynote talks at Int. Workshop on Digital Watermarking (IWDW), Seoul, Korea, 2002;
`Int. Symp. on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (ISPA), Rome, 2003; Wavila
`Challenge, Barcelona, Spain, 2005; IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal
`Processing (ICASSP), Toulouse, France, 2006; Workshop on Multimedia Content Repre-
`sentation, Classification and Security (MRCS), Istanbul, Turkey, 2006; 3rd Int. Conf. on
`Google Ex. 1005

`Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP), Kaohsiung,
`Taiwan, 2007; IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP), Brussels, Belgium, 2011,
`EUROCON, Zagreb, Croatia, 2013; ICSIPA, Melaka, Malaysia, 2013.
`Tutorial lecturer at ICIP’01, ICASSP’02, ICIP’04, and ISIT’06.
`Co–Chair, IEEE Info Theory Workshop in Detection, Classif. & Imaging (Santa Fe, 2/99)
`Member, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing Organizing Committee (Chicago 1998;
`Technical Program Co-chair, Brussels 2011)
`Reviewer and panelist for National Science Foundation, reviewer for IEEE Trans. on SP,
`IP, IT, COM, NN and JOSA, CVGIP, JVCIP, Addison–Wesley, IEEE Press, SIAM, and
`Annals of Statistics.
`Consultant and expert witness
`Founding Director of Center for Information Forensics, UIUC.
`Honors and Awards
`IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturer, 2012–2013
`UIUC Sony Faculty Scholar, 2005—2007
`IEEE Signal Processing Society Board of Governors, 2005—2007
`IEEE Fellow, 2003
`Beckman Associate in UIUC Center for Advanced Study, 2003
`Co-author, IEEE Signal Processing Society 2002 Young Author Best Paper Award
`IEEE Signal Processing Society 1997 Best Paper Award
`NSF Career award, 1998-2001
`UIUC Incomplete List of Teachers Rated as Excellent, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2005, 2007, 2009,
`2011, 2012
`Rotary International Scholar, 1985-1986
`A. Dosin Award Recipient, 1984
`Co-winner 1989 US Amateur Team Chess Championship
`Google Ex. 1005

`Journal Papers (in print or accepted)
`H. Yu and P. Moulin, “Regularized Adaboost Learning for Identification of Time-Varying
`Content,” to appear in IEEE Trans. Information Forensics and Security, 2014.
`Y.-W. Huang and P. Moulin, “On the Fingerprinting Capacity Games for Arbitrary Al-
`phabets and Their Asymptotics,” to appear in IEEE Trans. Information Forensics and
`Security, 2014.
`B. Ni, P. Moulin and S. Yan, “Pose Adaptive Motion Feature Pooling for Human Action
`Analysis,” to appear in International Journal on Computer Vision (IJCV), July 2014.
`J. Lu, G. Wang and P. Moulin, “Human Identity and Gender Recognition from Gait Se-
`quences with Arbitrary Walking Directions,” IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and
`Security, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 41—51, 2014.
`B. Ni, Y. Pei, S. Yan, and P. Moulin, “Multi-Level Depth and Image Fusion for Human
`Activity Detection,” IEEE Transactions on System, Man and Cybernetics, Part B (T-
`SMC-B), Vol. 43, No. 5, pp.1383—1394, 2012.
`Y.-W. Huang and P. Moulin, “On the Saddle-point Solution and the Large-Coalition Be-
`havior of Fingerprinting Games,” IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security,
`Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 160—175, 2012.
`S. Sadasivam, P. Moulin and T. P. Coleman, “A Message Passing Approach to Combating
`Desynchronization Attacks,” IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 6,
`pp. 894–905, 2011.
`J.-F. Jourdas and P. Moulin, “High-Rate Random-Like Fingerprinting Codes with Linear
`Decoding Complexity,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 4,
`No. 4, Dec. 2009.
`N. Kiyavash, P. Moulin and T. Kalker, “Regular Simplex Fingerprints and Their Optimal-
`ity Properties,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 4, No. 3,
`pp. 318—329, Sep. 2009.
`N. Kiyavash and P. Moulin, “Performance of Orthogonal Fingerprints Under Worst-Case
`Noise Attacks,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 4, No. 3,
`pp. 293—301, Sep. 2009.
`M. El Choubassi and P. Moulin, “On Reliability and Security of Randomized Detectors
`Against Sensitivity Analysis Attacks,” IEEE Trans. Information Forensics and Security,
`Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 273—283, Sep. 2009.
`S. Sadasivam and P. Moulin, “On Estimation Accuracy of Desynchronization Attack Chan-
`nel Parameters,” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 4, No. 3,
`pp. 284—292, Sep. 2009.
`P. Moulin, “A Neyman-Pearson Approach to Universal Erasure and List Decoding,” IEEE
`Trans. Information Theory, Oct. 2009.
`Y. Wang and P. Moulin, “Perfectly Secure Steganography: Capacity, Error Exponents,
`and Code Constructions,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Special Issue on
`Security, Vol. 54, No. 6, pp. 2706—2722, June 2008.
`M. El Choubassi and P. Moulin, “Noniterative Algorithms for Sensitivity Analysis At-
`tacks,” IEEE Trans. Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 2, No.3, pp. 113—126, June
`Google Ex. 1005

`P. Moulin and Y. Wang, “Capacity and Random-Coding Exponents for Channel Coding
`with Side Information,” IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Vol. 53, No. 4, pp. 1326—
`1347, Apr. 2007.
`Y. Wang and P. Moulin, “Optimized Feature Extraction for Learning-Based Image Ste-
`ganalysis,” IEEE Trans. Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 31—45,
`March 2007.
`P. Moulin, “Signal Transmission with Known-Interference Cancellation,” IEEE Signal Pro-
`cessing Magazine, Lecture Notes, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 134—136, Jan. 2007.
`J. C. Ye, P. Moulin and Y. Bresler, “Asymptotic Global Confidence Regions for Parametric
`3-D Shape Estimation,” IEEE Trans. Image Processing, Vol. 15, No. 10, pp. 2904—2919,
`Oct. 2006.
`P. Moulin and A. K. Goteti, “Block QIM Watermarking Games,” IEEE Trans. Informa-
`tion Forensics and Security, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 293–310, Sep. 2006.
`S. Jana and P. Moulin, “Optimality of KLT for Encoding Gaussian Vector-Scale Mixtures:
`Application to Reconstruction, Estimation and Classification,” IEEE Trans. on Informa-
`tion Theory, Vol. 52, No. 9, pp. 4049—4067, Sep. 2006.
`T. Liu, P. Moulin and R. Koetter, “On Error Exponents of Modulo Lattice Additive Noise
`Channels,” IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 454-471, Feb. 2006.
`P. Moulin and R. Koetter, “Data-Hiding Codes,” invited tutorial paper, Proc. IEEE, Vol.
`93, No. 12, pp. 2083–2127, Dec. 2005.
`P. Ishwar and P. Moulin, “On the Existence and Characterization of the Maxent Distribu-
`tion Under General Moment Inequality Constraints,” IEEE Trans. on Information Theory,
`Vol. 51, No. 9, pp. 3322–3333, Sep. 2005.
`J. L. Cannons and P. Moulin, “Design and Statistical Analysis of a Hash-Aided Image Wa-
`termarking System,” IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Vol. 13, No. 10, pp. 1393—1408,
`Oct. 2004.
`P. Moulin and M. K. Mıh¸cak, “The Parallel-Gaussian Watermarking Game,” IEEE Trans.
`on Information Theory, Vol. 50, No. 2, pp. 272-289, Feb. 2004.
`P. Moulin, “Comments on ”Why Watermarking is Nonsense,” IEEE Signal Processing
`Magazine, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 57-59, Nov. 2003.
`P. Moulin and A. Ivanovi´c, “The Zero-Rate Spread-Spectrum Watermarking Game,” IEEE
`Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 51, No. 4, pp. 1098-1117, Apr. 2003.
`P. Moulin and J. A. O’Sullivan, “Information-Theoretic Analysis of Information Hiding,”
`IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 563-593, March 2003.
`P. Ishwar and P. Moulin, “On the Equivalence Between Set-Theoretic and Maxent MAP
`Estimation,” IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 698-713, March 2003.
`J. C. Ye, Y. Bresler and P. Moulin, “Cramer-Rao Bounds for Parametric Shape Estimation
`in Inverse Problems,” IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 71-84, Jan.
`J. C. Ye, Y. Bresler and P. Moulin, “A Self-Referencing Level-Set Method for Image Re-
`construction from Sparse Fourier Samples,” invited paper, Int. J. of Computer Vision,
`Google Ex. 1005

`special issue on level-set methods, Dec. 2002.
`P. Moulin and M. K. Mıh¸cak, “A Framework for Evaluating the Data-Hiding Capacity
`of Image Sources,” IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Vol. 11, No. 9, pp. 1029–1042,
`Sep. 2002.
`A. Jain, P. Moulin, M. I. Miller and K. Ramchandran, “Information-Theoretic Bounds
`on Target Recognition Performance Based on Degraded Image Data,” IEEE Trans. on
`Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 24, No. 9, pp. 1153—1166, Sep. 2002.
`J. Liu and P. Moulin, “Information-Theoretic Analysis of Interscale and Intrascale Depen-
`dencies Between Image Wavelet Coefficients,” IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Vol. 10,
`No. 10, pp. 1647—1658, Nov. 2001.
`P. Moulin, invited discussion of “Regularization of Wavelet Approximations,” by A. An-
`toniadis and J. Fan, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 96, No. 455,
`pp. 959—960, Sep. 2001.
`P. Moulin, “The Role of Information Theory in Watermarking and Its Application to Image
`Watermarking,” invited paper, Signal Processing, Vol. 81, No. 6, pp. 1121—1139, June
`J. Liu and P. Moulin, “Complexity-Regularized Image Denoising,” IEEE Trans. on Image
`Processing, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 841—851, June 2001.
`J. C. Ye, Y. Bresler and P. Moulin, “Cramer-Rao Bounds for Parametric Boundaries of
`Targets in Inverse Scattering Problems,” IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, May
`M. K. Mıh¸cak, P. Moulin, M. Anitescu, and K. Ramchandran, “Rate–Distortion–Optimal
`Subband Coding Without Perfect Reconstruction Constraints,” IEEE Trans. on Signal
`Processing, Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 542—557, Mar. 2001.
`P. Ishwar and P. Moulin, “On Spatial Adaptation of Motion Field Smoothness in Video
`Coding,” IEEE Trans. Circ. Syst. Video Tech., Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 980–989, Sep. 2000.
`P. Moulin and J. Liu, “Statistical Imaging and Complexity Regularization,” IEEE Trans.
`on Information Theory, Special issue on information-theoretic imaging, Vol. 46, No. 5,
`pp. 1762—1777, Aug. 2000.
`J. C. Ye, Y. Bresler and P. Moulin, “Asymptotic Global Confidence Regions in Paramet-
`ric Shape Estimation Problems,” IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Special issue on
`information-theoretic imaging, Vol. 46, No. 5, pp. 1881–1895, Aug. 2000.
`P. Moulin, M. Anitescu, and K. Ramchandran, “Theory of Rate–Distortion–Optimal, Con-
`strained Filter Banks — Application to FIR and IIR Biorthogonal Designs,” IEEE Trans.
`on Signal Processing, Vol. 48, No. 4, pp. 1120–1132, April 2000.
`M. K. Mıh¸cak, I. Kozintsev, K. Ramchandran and P. Moulin, “Low-Complexity Image
`Denoising Based on Statistical Modeling of Wavelet Coefficients,” IEEE Signal Processing
`Letters, Vol. 6, No. 12, pp. 300—303, Dec. 1999.
`R. Krishnamurthy, J. W. Woods and P. Moulin, “Frame Interpolation and Bidirectional
`Prediction of Video Using Compactly-Encoded Optical Flow Fields and Label Fields,”
`IEEE Trans. Circ. Syst. Video Tech., Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. 713—726, Aug. 1999.
`P. Moulin and J. Liu, “Analysis of Multiresolution Image Denoising Schemes Using Generalized–
`Gaussian and Complexity Priors,” IEEE Trans. on Info. Theory, Special Issue on Multi-
`Google Ex. 1005

`scale Analysis, Vol. 45, No. 3, pp. 909-919, Apr. 1999.
`V. Pavlovic, P. Moulin and K. Ramchandran, “An Integrated Framework for Adaptive
`Subband Image Coding,” IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol. 47, No. 4, pp. 1024-
`1038, Apr. 1999.
`P. Moulin and M. K. Mıh¸cak, ”Theory and Design of Signal-Adapted FIR Paraunitary
`Filter Banks,” IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, Special Issue on Wavelets and Filter
`Banks, Vol. 46, No. 4, pp. 920—929, Apr. 1998.
`P. Moulin, R. Krishnamurthy, “Multiscale Modeling and Estimation of Motion Fields for
`Video Coding, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Vol. 6, No. 12, pp. 1606—1620, Dec.
`P. Moulin, M. Anitescu, K.O. Kortanek and F. Potra, ”The Role of Linear Semi–Infinite
`Programming in Signal–Adapted QMF Bank Design,” IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing,
`Vol. 45, No. 9, pp. 2160—2174, Sep. 1997.
`P. Moulin, ”A Multiscale Relaxation Technique for SNR Maximization in Nonorthogonal
`Subband Coding,” IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Vol. 4, No. 9, pp. 1269—1281, Sep.
`P. Moulin, A.T. Ogielski, G. Lilienfeld and J.W. Woods: ”Video Signal Processing and
`Coding on Data–Parallel Computers,” Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal, Vol.
`5, No. 2, pp. 118—129, Apr. 1995.
`P. Moulin, invited discussion of “Wavelet Shrinkage: Asymptotia?” by D. Donoho and I.
`Johnstone, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, Vol. 57, No. 1, 1995.
`P. Moulin, ”Wavelet Thresholding Techniques for Power Spectrum Estimation,” IEEE
`Trans. on Signal Processing, Vol. 42, No. 11, pp. 3126–3136, Nov. 1994.
`P. Moulin, ”A Wavelet Regularization Method for Diffuse Radar–Target Imaging and
`Speckle–Noise Reduction,” Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Special Issue
`on Wavelets, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 123–134, 1993.
`J. A. O’Sullivan, P. Moulin, and D. L. Snyder, ”An Application of Splines to Maximum
`Likelihood Radar Imaging,” International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology,
`Vol. 4, pp. 256–264, 1993.
`P. Moulin, J. A. O’Sullivan, and D. L. Snyder, ”A Method of Sieves for Multiresolution
`Spectrum Estimation and Radar Imaging,” IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Special
`Issue on Wavelets and Multiresolution Analysis, pp. 801–813, Mar. 1992.
`Journal Papers Submitted for Publication
`P. Moulin, “The Log-Volume of Optimal Codes on Memoryless Channels, Within a Few
`Nats,” submitted to IEEE Trans. Information Theory, Oct. 2013.
`B. Ni, G. Wang, and P. Moulin, “Order Preserving Sparse Coding”, submitted to IEEE
`Trans. on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, 2013.
`Y. Wang and P. Moulin, “Blind Fingerprinting,” submitted to IEEE Trans. Information
`Theory, Feb. 2008.
`P. Moulin, “Universal Fingerprinting: Capacity and Random-Coding Exponents,” submit-
`ted to IEEE Trans. Information Theory. Available from arxiv:0801.3837v2 [cs.IT] 09 Dec
`Google Ex. 1005

`Book Chapters
`B. Ni, G. Wang, and P. Moulin, “RGBD-HuDaAct: A color-depth video database for hu-
`man daily activity recognition,” Consumer Depth Cameras for Computer Vision: Advances
`in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp 193-208, Springer-Verlag, 2013.
`P. Moulin, “Information-Hiding Games,” Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Sci-
`ences, Vol. 2613, 2003.
`P. Moulin, ”Multiscale Image Decompositions and Wavelets,” Handbook of Image and
`Video Processing. A. C. Bovik, Ed., Academic Press, 2000.
`K.O. Kortanek and P. Moulin, ”Using Semi–Infinite Programming in Orthogonal Wavelet
`Filter Design,” Semi–Infinite Programming and Its Applications, Kluwer Academic series
`on Nonconvex Optimization and its Applications, 1998.
`P. Moulin, J. A. O’Sullivan, and D. L. Snyder, ”A Sieve–Constrained Maximum–Likelihood
`Method for Target Imaging,” in Radar and Sonar II, Springer–Verlag, The IMA Volumes
`in Mathematics and Its Applications, Vol. 39, Eds. F. Grunbaum et al., pp. 95–122, 1992.
`P. Moulin, ”Adaptive Multiresolution Image Restoration and Compression,” in IEEE Case
`Studies in Medical Instrument Design, Eds. H. Troy Nagle and W.J. Tomkins, pp. 247–254,
`IEEE, New York, 1992.
`Conference Papers
`V. Tan and P. Moulin, “Second- and Higher-Order Asymptotics For Erasure and List De-
`coding,” to appear in Proc. ISIT, 2014.
`Y.-W. Huang and P. Moulin, “Strong Large Deviations for Composite Hypothesis Testing,”
`to appear in Proc. ISIT, 2014.
`S. D. Chen and P. Moulin, “A Two-Part Predictive Coder for Multitask Signal Compres-
`sion,” to appear in Proc. ICASSP, May 2014.
`R. Naini and P. Moulin, “ Fingerprint Information Maximization for Content Identifica-
`tion,” to appear in Proc. ICASSP, May 2014.
`P. Moulin and P. R. Johnstone, “Kullback-Leibler Divergence and the Central Limit The-
`orem,” Proc. ITA, San Diego, CA, Feb. 2014.
`J. Lu, G. Wang, and P. Moulin, “Image set classification using holistic multiple order statis-
`tics features and localized multi-kernel metric learning,” IEEE International Conference
`on Computer Vision (ICCV), pp. 329—336, 2013.
`B. Ni and P. Moulin, “Manipulation Pattern Discovery: A Nonparametric Bayesian Ap-
`proach,” ICCV, 2013.
`P. Moulin, “Asymptotic Neyman-Pearson Games for Converse to the Channel Coding The-
`orem,” Proc. ISIT, Istanbul, July 2013.
`P. R. Johnstone, A. Emad, P. Moulin, and O. Milenkovic, “RFIT: A New Algorithm for
`Matrix Completion,” Proc. SPARS, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 2013.
`D. Sungatullina, J. Lu, G. Wang, and P. Moulin, “Multiview discriminative learning for
`age-invariant face recognition,” IEEE Int. Conf. on Automatic Face and Gesture Recog-
`Google Ex. 1005

`nition, pp. 1—6, Shanghai, China, Apr. 2013.
`H. Yu and P. Moulin, “Regularized Adaboost for Content identification,” Proc. ICASSP,
`Vancouver, Canada, May 2013.
`H. Yu, P. Moulin and S. Roy, “RGB-D Video Content Identification,” Proc.
`Vancouver, Canada, May 2013.
`D. Sungatullina, J. Lu, G. Wang, and P. Moulin, “Multiview Discriminative Learning for
`Age-Invariant Face Recognition,” Proc. 10th IEEE International Conference on Automatic
`Face and Gesture Recognition, Shanghai, China, Apr. 2013.
`P. Moulin, “A New Metaconverse and Outer Region for Finite-Blocklength MACs,” Proc.
`Information Theory and Applications (ITA) Workshop, San Diego, CA, Feb. 2013.
`A. Singh, N. Ahuja, P. Moulin, “Online learning with kernels: Overcoming the growing
`sum problem,” Proc. IEEE Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP), Santander,
`Spain, pp. 449-454, Sep. 2012.
`B. Ni, M. Xu, J. Tang, S. Yan, and P. Moulin, “Omni-range spatial contexts for visual
`classification,” Proc. CVPR, pp. 3514-3521, Providence, RI, June 2012.
`B. Ni, P. Moulin, S. Yan, “Order-Preserving Sparse Coding for Sequence Classification,”
`Proc. ECCV pp. 173-187, Providence, RI, June 2012.
`B. Ni, N. C. Dat, P. Moulin, “RGBD-camera based get-up event detection for hospital fall
`prevention,” Proc. ICASSP, pp. 1405-1408, Kyoto, Japan, March 2012.
`R. Dubey, B. Ni, and P. Moulin, “A Depth Camera Based Fall Recognition System for the
`Elderly,” Proc. 9th Int. Conf. Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR), LNCS Vol. 7325,
`pp. 106-113, Aveiro, Portugal, June 2012.
`P. Moulin, “The log-volume of optimal constant-composition codes for memoryless chan-
`nels, within O(1) bits,” Proc. ISIT, pp. 826-830, Cambridge, MA, July 2012.
`Y.-W. Huang and P. Moulin, “Finite blocklength coding for multiple access channels,”
`Proc. ISIT, pp. 831-835, Cambridge, MA, July 2012.
`Y.-W. Huang and P. Moulin, “On fingerprinting capacity games for arbitrary alphabets
`and their asymptotics,” Proc. ISIT, pp. 2571-2575, Cambridge, MA, July 2012.
`R. Naini and P. Moulin, “Real Adaboost for content identification,” Proc. IEEE Stat.
`Signal Processing Workshop, Ann Arbor, MI, Aug. 2012.
`R. Naini and P. Moulin, “Model-based decoding metrics for content identification,” Proc.
`ICASSP, pp. 1829-1832, Kyoto, Japan, March 2012.
`P. Moulin, “The log-volume of optimal codes for memoryless channels, Up to a Few Nats,”
`Proc. Information Theory and Applications Workshop, San Diego, CA, Feb. 2012.
`B. Ni, G. Wang, and P. Moulin, “RGBD-HuDaAct: A color-depth video database for hu-
`man daily activity recognition,” Proc. 1st IEEE workshop on Consumer Depth Cameras
`for Computer Vision, held in conjunction with Int. Conf. on Computer Vision (ICCV)
`Workshop, pp. 1147-1153, Barcelona, Nov. 2011.
`S. Sadasivam and P. Moulin, “A Universal Divergence-Rate Estimator for Steganalysis in
`Timing Channels,” Proc. 2nd Workshop on Information Security and Forensics, Seattle,
`WA, Dec. 2010.
`Google Ex. 1005

`Y.-W. Huang and P. Moulin, “On the Saddle-point Solution and the Large-Coalition Behav-
`ior of Fingerprinting Games,” Proc. 2nd Workshop on Information Security and Forensics,
`Seattle, WA, Dec. 2010.
`R. Naini and P. Moulin, “Interference Management through Mobile Relays in Ad Hoc Net-
`works,” Proc. ASILOMAR Conf., Pacific Grove, CA, Nov. 2010.
`G. Gigaud and P. Moulin, “A Geometrically Resilient SURF-Based Image Fingerprinting
`Scheme,” Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing (ICIP), Hong Kong, Sep. 2010.
`G. Gigaud and P. Moulin, “Traitor Tracing Aided by Compressed SURF Features,” Proc.
`Conf. Info. Sci. and Sys.. Princeton, NJ, March 2010.
`P. Moulin, “Statistical Modeling and Analysis of Content Identification and Retrieval,”
`Proc. Information Theory and Applications Workshop, San Diego, CA, Feb. 2010.
`Y.-W. Huang and P. Moulin, “Capacity-Achieving Fingerprint Decoding,” Proc. 1st Work-
`shop on Information Security and Forensics, London, UK, Dec. 2009.
`S. Sadasivam and P. Moulin, “Combating Desynchronization Attacks on Blind Watermark-
`ing Systems: A Message Passing Approach,” Proc. ICIP, Cairo, Egypt, Nov. 2009.
`I. Ezzeddine and P. Moulin, Proc. IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Taornima, Italy,
`Oct. 2009.
`S. D. Chen, V. Monga, and P. Moulin, “Meta-classifiers For Multimodal Document Clas-
`sification,” Proc. IEEE Multimedia Signal Processing Workshop, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
`Oct. 2009.
`Y.-W. Huang and P. Moulin, Saddlepoint Solution of the Fingerprinting Capacity Game
`under the Marking Assumption, Proc. Int. Symp. Information Theory, Seoul, Korea, July
`P. Moulin, “A Strong Converse for the Gel’fand-Pinsker Channel,” Proc. Int. Symp. In-
`formation Theory, Seoul, Korea, July 2009.
`P. Moulin, “Optimal Gaussian Fingerprint Decoders” Proc.
`Apr. 2009.
`ICASSP, Taipei, Taiwan,
`P. Moulin and Y. Wang, “Information-Theoretic Analysis of Spherical Fingerprinting,”
`Proc. ITA Workshop, San Diego, CA, Feb. 2009.
`M. El Choubassi and P. Moulin, “Joint Estimation-Detection Games for Sensitivity Anal-
`ysis Attacks,” Proc. SPIE Conf., San Jose, CA, Jan. 2009.
`P. Moulin, “A Neyman-Pearson Approach to Universal Erasure and List Decoding,” Proc.
`IEEE Symp. Information Theory, pp. 61—65, July 2008.
`P. Moulin, “Universal Fingerprinting: Capacity and Random-Coding Exponents,” Proc.
`IEEE Symp. Information Theory, pp. 220—224, July 2008.
`J.-F. Jourdas and P. Moulin, “Towards Optimal Design of Multimedia Fingerprinting
`Codes,” Proc. ICASSP, Las Vegas, NV, pp. 1649—1652, April 2008.
`J.-F. Jourdas and P. Moulin, “A Low-Rate Fingerprinting Code And Its Application To
`Blind Image Fingerprinting,” Proc. SPIE, San Jose, CA, Jan. 2008.
`J.-F. Jourdas and P. Moulin, “A High-Rate Fingerprinting Code,” Proc. SPIE, San Jose,
`CA, Jan. 2008.
`Google Ex. 1005

`S. Sadasivam, P. Moulin, and R. Koetter, “Graphical Models for Desynchronization-
`Resilient Watermark Decoding,” Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Proc., San Antonio,
`TX, pp. V.477—480, Sep. 2007.
`M. El Choubassi and P. Moulin, “Sensitivity Analysis Attacks Against Randomized De-
`tectors,” Proc.
`IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Proc., San Antonio, TX, pp. II.129—132,
`Sep. 2007.
`N. Kiyavash and P. Moulin, “Digital Fingerprinting: on Colluders Worst-Case Noise,”
`IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, Madison, WI, July 2007.
`P. Moulin and N. Kiyavash, “Expurgated Gaussian Fingerprinting Codes,” Proc. IEEE
`Int. Symp. on Information Theory, Nice, France, June 2007.
`P. Moulin and N. Kiyavash, “Performance of Random Fingerprinting Codes Under Arbi-
`trary Nonlinear Attacks,” Proc. ICASSP, Honolulu, HI, pp. II.157—160, April 2007.
`N. Kiyavash and P. Moulin, “Sphere Packing Lower Bound on Fingerprinting Error Prob-
`ability,” Proc. SPIE, San Jose, CA, Jan. 2007.
`Y. Wang and P. Moulin, “Capacity and Optimal Collusion Attack Channels for Gaussian
`Fingerprinting Games,” Proc. SPIE, San Jose, CA, Jan. 2007.
`S. Sadasivam and P. Moulin, “Cramer-Rao Bound on Watermark Desynchronization Pa-
`rameter Accuracy,” Proc. SPIE, San Jose, CA, Jan. 2007.
`L. Perez-Freire, P. Moulin, and F. Perez-Gonzalez, “Security of spread-spectrum-based
`data hiding,” in Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents IX,
`Edward J. Delp III and P. W. Wong, Eds., vol. 6505. San Jose, California, USA: SPIE,
`January 2007.
`P. Moulin, “On the Optimal Structure of Watermark Decoders Under Geometric Attacks,”
`Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Proc., Atlanta, GA, Oct. 2006.
`P. Moulin, “Universal Decoding of Watermarks Under Geometric Attacks” Proc. IEEE
`Int. Symp. on Information Theory, July 2006.
`Y. Wang and P. Moulin, “Capacity and Random-Coding Error Exponent for Public Fin-
`gerprinting Game,” Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Information Theory, July 2006.
`S. Ray, P. Moulin and M. M´edard, “On Jamming in the Wideband Regime,” Proc. IEEE
`Int. Symp. on Information Theory, July 2006.
`S. Ray, P. Moulin and M. M´edard, “On Optimal Signaling and Jamming Strategies in
`Wideband Fading Channels,” Proc. IEEE Conf. on Signal Processing Applications for
`Wireless Communications (SPAWC), June-July 2006.
`N. Kiyavash and P. Moulin, “On Optimal Collusion Strategies for Fingerprinting”, Proc.
`ICASSP, Toulouse, France, May 2006.
`N. Kiyavash and P. Moulin, “A Framework for Optimizing Nonlinear Collusion Attacks on
`Fingerprinting Systems”, Proc. CISS, Princeton, NJ, March 2006.
`P. Moulin and R. Koetter, “A Framework for Design of Good Watermark Identification
`Codes,” Proc. SPIE, San Jose, CA, Jan. 2006.
`M. El Choubassi and P. Moulin, “On the fundamental tradeoff between watermark detec-
`tion performance and robustness against sensitivity analysis attacks,” Proc. SPIE, San
`Jose, CA, Jan. 2006.
`Google Ex. 1005

`Y. Wang and P. Moulin, “Statistical modeling and steganalysis of DFT-based image
`steganography,” Proc. SPIE, San Jose, CA, Jan. 2006.
`N. Kiyavash and P. Moulin, “Regular Simplex Fingerprints and Their Optimality Proper-
`ties,” Proc. Int. Workshop on Digital Watermarking, Siena, Italy, Sep. 2005.
`P. Moulin and Y. Wang, “Improved QIM Strategies for Gaussian Watermarking,” Proc.
`Int. Workshop on Digital Watermarking, Siena, Italy, Sep. 2005.
`P. Moulin and A. K. Goteti, “Minmax Strategies for QIM Watermarking Subject to At-
`tacks with Memory,” Proc. IEEE ICIP, Sep. 2005.
`P. Moulin and Y. Wang, “On Achievable Error Exponents for Watermarking,” Proc. SPIE
`Conf., San Jose, CA, Jan. 2005
`M. El Choubassi and P. Moulin, “A New Sensitivity Analysis Attack,” Proc. SPIE Conf.,
`San Jose, CA, Jan. 2005
`A. K. Goteti and P. Moulin, “QIM Watermarking Games,” Proc. ICIP, Singapore, Oct.
`P. Moulin and A. Briassouli, “A Stochastic QIM Algorithm for Robust, Undetectable Im-
`age Watermarking,” invited paper, Proc. ICIP, Singapore, Oct. 2004.
`T. Liu, P. Moulin and R. Koetter, “On Error Exponents of Nested Lattice Codes for the
`AWGN Channel,” Proc. Information Theory Workshop, San Antonio, TX, Oct. 2004.
`P. Moulin and Y. Wang, “Error Exponents for Channel Coding with Side Information,”
`Proc. Information Theory Workshop, San Antonio, TX, Oct. 2004.
`P. Moulin, A. K. Goteti and R. Koetter, “Optimal Sparse QIM Codes for Zero-Rate Blind
`Watermarking,” Proc. ICASSP, Montreal, Canada, May 2004.
`A. K. Goteti and P. Moulin, “Two Private, Perceptual Data-Hiding Games,” Proc. ICASSP,
`Montreal, Canada, May 2004.
`P. Moulin and Y. Wang, “New Results on Steganographic Capacity,” Proc. Conf. on Info.
`Syst. and Sci., Princeton, NJ, March 2004.
`Y. Wang and P. Moulin, “Steganalysis of Block-Structured Stegotext,” Proc. SPIE Vol.
`5306, San Jose, CA, Jan. 2004.
`P. Moulin, “Embedded-Signal Design for Channel Parameter Estimation Part I: Linear
`Embedding,” Proc. IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, St Louis, MO, Sep.
`P. Moulin, “Embedded-Signal Design for Channel Parameter Estimation Part II: Quanti-
`zation Embedding,” Proc. IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, St Louis, MO,
`Sep. 2003.
`Y. Wang and P. Moulin, “Steganalysis of Block-DCT Steganography,” Proc. IEEE Work-
`shop on Statistical Signal Processing, St Louis, MO, Sep. 2003.
`J. Liu and P. Moulin, “On the Risk of Translation-Averaged Wavelet Estimators,” Proc.
`SPIE, San Diego, Aug. 2003.
`S. Jana and P. Moulin, “Optimal Transform Coders for Classification/Reconstruction with
`Joint Decoding at the Receiver,” Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Information Theory, Yoko-
`hama, Japan, July 2003.
`Google Ex. 1005

`T. Liu and P. Moulin, “Error Exponents for Zero-Rate Watermarking Game with Squared-
`Error Constraints,” Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Information Theory, Yokohama, Japan,
`July 2003.
`T. Liu and P. Moulin, “Error Exponents for One-Bit Watermarking,” IEEE Proc. ICASSP,
`Hong Kong, April 2003.
`A. Briassouli and P. Moulin, “Detection-Theoretic Anaysis of Warping Attacks in Spread-
`Spectrum Watermarking,” IEEE Proc. ICASSP, Hong Kong, April 2003.
`S. Jana and P. Moulin, “Optimal Transform Coding of Gaussian Mixtures for Joint Clas-
`sification/Reconstruction,” Proc. Data Compression Conference, Snowbird, UT, March
`N. Schmid, Y. Bresler and P. Moulin, “Complexity Regularized Shape Estimation from
`Noisy Fourier Data,” Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, Rochester, NY, 2002.
`J. C. Ye, Y. Bresler and P. Moulin, “Cramer-Rao Bounds for Parametric Shape Estimation
`in Inverse Problems,” Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, Rochester, NY, 2002.
`A. Ivanovi´c and P. Moulin, “Game-Theoretic Performance Analysis of Image Watermark
`Detectors,” Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, Rochester, NY, 2002.
`M. K. Mıh¸cak and P. Moulin, “Information-Embedding Codes Matched to Local Gaussian
`Image Models,” Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, Rochester, NY, 2002.
`P. Moulin, A. Briassouli and H. Malvar, “Detection-Theoretic Analysis of Desynchroniza-
`tion Attacks in Watermarking,” Proc. DSP’02, Santorini, Greece, July 2002.
`P. Moulin and M. T. Orchard, “Undergraduate Education in Image and Video Processing,”
`Proc. Int. Conf. on Ac., Sp., and Signal Processing, Orlando, FL, May 2002.
`S. C. Herman and P. Moulin, “A Particle Filtering Approach to Joint Radar Tracking and
`Automatic Target Recognition”, Proc. IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana,
`March 2002.
`P. Moulin and A. Briassouli, “The Gaussian Fingerprinting Game,” Proc. CISS’02, Prince-
`ton, NJ, March 2002.
`P. Moulin and J. A. O’Sullivan, “Optimal Key Design in Information-Embedding Systems,”
`Proc. CISS’02, Princeton, NJ, March 2002.
`P. Moulin and A. Ivanovi´c, “The Fisher Information Game for Optimal Design of Synchro-
`nization Patterns in Blind Watermarking,” Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing,
`Thessaloniki, Greece, Oct. 2001.
`P. Moulin and A. Ivanovi´c, “Game-Theoretic Analysis of Watermark Detection,” Proc.
`IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, Thessaloniki, Greece, Oct. 2001.
`J. C. Ye, Y. Bresler and P. Moulin, “

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