`Patent UWHEJT .
`Case No.
`Santa Monica. California
`Wednesday, August 19. 2Ul5
`Google Inc. 1!, Network-1 Technologies, Inc.
`Job No: SEEDS
`TSG Reporting H Worldwide - BT7—Tfl2~95Bfl
`Pagel uf3H4

`Patent Owner .
`Case No.
`taken on behalf of the Patent Owner, at 2G1
`Santa Monica Boulevard, Sixth Floor, Santa Monica,
`California, on Wednesday, August 19, 21315,
`from 9:02 AM to
`5:39 PM, before RICH ALOSSI, RPR, CORR, CSR NO. 13497.
`TSG Reporting H Worldwide - 8T7—Tfl2-958d
`Page 2 of 384

`For the Plaintiff:
`JAMES ELACQUA, Attorney at Law
`IAN CHEN, Attorney at Law
`525 University Avenue
`Palo Alto, CA 94361
`For the Patent Owner Network-l Technologies:
`GREGORY DOUEL, Attorney at Law
`2fll Santa Monica Boulevard
`Santa Monica, CA Qfldfll
`MARC FENSTER, Attorney at Law
`12424 Wilshire Boulevard
`Los Angeles, CA 9flD25
`Also Present:
`SCOTT MOHAIR, Videographer
`RICH SONNENTAG, Litigation Counsel, Googie,
`TSG Reporting H Worldwide - BT7—Tfl2-95Bfl
`Page 3 1;:-F384

`E X H I E I T S
`Exhibit E—23T— Decision re Institution of Inter
`Partes Review
`lUU1-23- United States Patent Number
`8,2U5,23? E2
`lflfle-lT— Declaration of Dr. Pierre Noulin
`in Support of Petition for Inter
`Partes Review of US Patent
`Number 3,EdU,1T9
`lUU4—23— Declaration of Dr. Pierre Moulin
`in Support of Petition for Inter
`Partee Review of Us Patent
`Number 8,2U5,23?
`lUU4-98- Declaration of Dr. Pierre Noulin
`in Support of Petition for Inter
`Partes Review of US Patent
`Number 3,fllU,93B
`1UU9— United States Patent Number
`6,9?U,E86 El
`1UlU- United States Patent Number
`1012- United States Patent Number
`E,lE8,U1U Bl
`2DU5— Handwritten List of Formulae
`TSG Reporting H Worldwide - 8T?—TU2-958D
`Page 4 of 384

`"A Fast String
`Exhibit 2UflE— Article Titled,
`Searching Algorithm," October
`Exhibit 2UfiT— Iwamura Data Examples
`TSG Reporting H Worldwide H 8T7~Tfl2~95Bfl
`Page 5 of 384

`9:02 AM - 5:39 PM
`THE VIDEDGRAPHER: Good morning. This is the
`start of Tape Number 1 of the videotaped deposition
`of Pierre Moulin in the matter of Google,
`Incorporated, and YouTube, LLC, versus Network—l
`Incorporated. This oase is before the
`US Patent and Trademark Office, Patent Trial and
`Appeal Board. Case number is IPR2Ul5-flD34?.
`This deposition is being held at 291 Santa
`Monica Boulevard, on the sixth floor,
`Santa Monica, California. Today's date is
`August l9th, 2915.
`The time is 9:03 AM.
`My name is Scott MoNair from TSG
`I‘m the legal video
`The court reporter today is
`Rich Alossi, also in association with TSG Reporting.
`Will oounsel please identify yourselves
`for the record.
`MR. DGVEL: My name is Greg Dovel.
`represent the patent owner, Network-1.
`MR. ELACQUA: My name is Jim Elaogua with
`Skadden Arps, here to represent Google and YouTube.
`Ian Chen with Skadden, also on
`TSG Reporting H Worldwide - ST?—Tfl2-9589
`Page 15 of 384

`behalf of Google and YouTube.
`MR. SONNENTAG: Rich Eonnentag.
`oounsel at Google.
`MR. FENSTER: Mare Fenster with Russ. August
`Rabat, representing the patent holder in the
`Thank you. Will
`the court
`reporter p1ease swear in the witness.
`Please raise your right hand.
`Do you solemnly state that the testimony
`you are about
`to give in the matter now pending
`shall be the truth,
`the whole truth and nothing but
`the truth?
`I do.
`Thank you.
`We're on the reoord.
`having been first duly sworn by
`the court reporter, was examined
`and testified as follows:
`Your name is pronounced -- is it Moulin?
`TSG Reporting H Worldwide - ET?—TO2-BEBO
`Page "I of3H4

`Yes. Almost.
`Dr. Moulin?
`How, Dr. Moulin, you're familiar with the
`concept of whether or not an algorithm is suhlinear?
`Q Were you familiar with that before you
`started work on this case?
`Q When is it during the course of one's
`education that one would learn about
`the concept of
`The concept of sublinear arises in many
`contexts, not just databases.
`The first time
`someone would be exposed to that would be typically
`in a university course, depending on their field.
`when you say "university Qourse," what
`course would that be?
`It depends on the field.
`So it
`could be in computer science. Often that might be
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide - 3TT*'?fl2~E+5Eifl

`introduced at the senior level, or if it's
`electrical engineering,
`that might also be
`introduced around the same time.
`Each program is a
`different curriculum.
`I'm going to mark as Exhibit
`Number lDU4—23T the Declaration of Dr. Moulin from
`the case related to the '23? patent.
`{Exhibit 1DD4—23T was marked for
`identification by the court reporter and is
`attached hereto.}
`I've placed that in front of the
`In your Declaration that I've placed in
`front of you, you provide a definition of the
`concept of sublinear execution time;
`is that
`A Where?
`Pages 19 to 20 of your Declaration.
`That is correct, yes.
`How, on page 2D you've got a diagram that
`illustrates the concept of what is a sublinear
`search and what is a linear search; correct?
`It illustrates it, yes.
`Is it the case that if we have a linear
`TSG Reporting H Worldwide - 8T?—TD2-958D
`Page 9 of 384

`that it will have a constant slope as you've
`depicted in your diagram there?
`"Constant slope" in terms of ——
`in terms
`of the number of entries in the search database, you
`Is that what you mean?
`Yes. Yes.
`In this example, yes.
`Is it the case that as sublinear is used
`in the patent, it's going to result in a scaling of
`the search time compared to the size of the database
`such that it will have a constant slope?
`You say if it is a linear search?
`If it's a linear search. Right.
`So let me give you a different question.
`Only in this example, yes.
`Let me give you a different question so we
`have a clean record.
`If we have an algorithm that is a linear
`is it the case that it will have a constant
`slope if we plot the search time compared to the
`size of the database?
`Is it the case that if we have a sublinear
`then the slope will curve down and approach
`zero if we plot search time compared to the size of
`TSG Reporting H Worldwide - 8??—?fl2-958$
`Page II] of 334

`the database?
`Not necessarily.
`Q When wouldn't it do that?
`Because this is an example that shows only
`how search time is as a function of number of
`entries in the search database. But that's not the
`only criterion.
`Q What's the other criteria?
`A Well, it's the size of the database that
`So number of entries is only one factor
`that affects the size of the database.
`Let's -- let's talk about the size of the
`Is it the case that if we have a sublinear
`search as it's used in the Cox —— withdrawn.
`When we're talking about the Cox patents,
`do you understand we're talking about the four
`patents that you filed declarations for in
`connection with these proceedings before the PTAE?
`If we have a sublinear search as it's used
`in the Cox patents,
`is it the case that if we plot
`search time compared to the size of the database
`over which we are searching,
`then the —— it will
`produce a curve such that it curves downward and
`TSG Reporting H Worldwide - 8T?—Tfl2-958$
`Pagell of3H4

`approaches zero?
`You need to be more specific. Sublinear
`is mentioned in many places in all four patents in
`slightly different contexts.
`So I would like you to
`be more specific.
`Are you —— is it your testimony --
`We're talking about suhlinear as it's used
`in the claims of the patents.
`You understand that some of the claims
`have the phrase "sublinear search," some of them
`have the phrase "sublinear time search"?
`That‘s my recollection.
`Is it the case that suhlinear search and
`sublinear time search mean the same thing in the
`I would have to check every instance of
`sublinear data. Used in different contexts,
`sometimes not defined precisely, you would have to
`refer me to a specific instance.
`As the phrase "sublinear search“ is used
`in the claims of the patents,
`is it used
`consistently, or does it mean different things in
`the claims?
`TSG Reporting H Worldwide - 8T?—Tfl2-95Bfl
`Page [2 of 33.4

`It's used somewhat vaguely.
`I didn't ask whether it was vague.
`I want
`to know does it mean the same thing or does it mean
`different things?
`I don't know. Because it's done vaguely,
`I cannot know for sure.
`You don't know one way or the other --
`When you did your analysis and decided
`that the prior art anticipates --
`—— and you decided that it disclosed a
`sublinear time search, what definition did you use?
`It's in relation to the size of the
`database, which itself depends both on the number of
`entries in the database and on the size of each
`entry, each record. That's the standard definition.
`That's the standard definition: right?
`Q When you say "standard," you're talking
`the standard, well—known definition in the
`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 3T7*Tfl2~95Bfl
`Page I3 of 334

`and we can increase the size of the
`database either by increasing the number of entries
`or by increasing the size of each entry in the
`That is correct.
`Is it the case that if we have a sublinear
`search —e withdrawn.
`Is it your understanding that the term
`"suhlinear search" and "sublinear time search" is
`used in the patent claims to have that definition
`that you just gave,
`the standard definition?
`Again, it has often not been defined
`The word "sublinear" is used in a
`slightly different context
`in the different patents.
`When they say "sublinear," my
`understanding is, again, consistent with the art.
`understand that to mean what we just discussed.
`it would mean what you just discussed.
`So every time I read "sublinear“ in the
`that's my understanding of it.
`Even though
`it was not clearly defined.
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide - 3TT*'?fl2~E+5Eifl

`I'm going to place in front of the
`witness another exhibit which I'm going to mark as
`lDfll—23?. This is the '23? patent.
`lflfll-23? was marked for
`identification by the court reporter and is
`attached hereto.}
`I'd like you to turn to the claims of the
`'23? patent.
`Do you see Claim 1 uses the phrase
`“suhlinear time search"?
`Do you see Claim 5 uses the term
`"suhlinear time search"?
`Does the phrase “sublinear time search,"
`as it's used in the '23? patent claims, refer to a
`search where the search time decreases at less than
`a linear -- or increases at less than a linear rate
`as we increase the size of the dataset over which
`we're searching?
`The claims do not say "as you increase the
`size of the database."
`If I read Claim 5, it reads,
`“A suhlinear
`time search of extracted features of identified
`TSG Reporting H Worldwide - 8T?—Tfl2-95Bfl
`Page [5 of 33.4

`media works," by which ene eeuld understand that it
`means in terms ef the database size. But it's
`not -— it does not read that explicitly.
`2 3 I
`C I
`_ C
`_ -
`C I—
`- I
`D I
`C I-
`!'\J ILJ'|
`I'm going to mark as Exhibit 2DU5
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide - 3?"!-'?C|2~E+5Eifl

`a blank piece of notebook paper.
`and we‘re going to
`make some notations on it.
`{Exhibit 2DD5 was marked for identification
`by the court reporter and is attached
`and the first thing I'm going to
`write is "DEHI." I'm going to stick that in front of
`the witness.
`are you familiar with that notation?
`Q What does that indicate to you, as one of
`ordinary skill in the art?
`So there's a parameter, N, which is a
`number. And one, let's say,
`looks at computational
`time as a function of N.
`So if N grows, order N
`means that the search time will not increase faster
`than linearly.
`so it could increase linearly, or it
`could increase sublinearly.
`Q What that tells us is that the upper bound
`for the increase in the execution time is going to
`be linear; right?
`At most linear.
`Is it the case that —— withdrawn.
`TSG Reporting H Worldwide - 8T?—Tfl2-95Bfl

`Ir-' I\J
`and there. when we see that —— withdrawn.
`If N refers to the size of the dataset
`over which we're searching,
`then if we've got a
`database and what we know about it —— withdrawn.
`If N refers to the size of the database
`over which we're searching, and if we have an
`algorithm or search that performs at —— Din), as
`we've written there in Exhibit 2flfl5, does —— what
`does that tell us about whether it's linear or
`It says -- it is at most linear. That's
`often a source of confusion, by the way.
`It means
`at most linear.
`It does not mean necessarily
`That would indicate -— withdrawn.
`Is it the case that when scientists in
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide - 3T":'*'?fl2~E+5Eifl

`your field are assessing the complexity of an
`algorithm and how its execution time scales,
`it's based upon using a hypothetical dataset?
`If you apply that notation to -— to a
`dataset and you say N is the size of the datsset,
`that would mean that the function on the left side,
`which is a search time in your example, grows at
`most linearly with E.
`If we have a -- let's assume we've got
`a -- another algorithm and what we know about it is
`that its search time, compared to the size of the
`database, N,
`is that it's O{kn}, where K is a
`What does that indicate to you?
`The constant —— if K is a constant,
`two equations you've written are equivalent, because
`U{n} or order of, say,
`2N is the same thing
`Does it,
`in both instances,
`indicate that
`the search time is on the order of linear?
`At most linear.
`If all we know about a search is that its
`search time oompared to the size of the database
`over which we're searching grows D{n} or {kn}, do we
`know that it's sublinear?
`TSG Reporting H Worldwide - 8T?—Tfl2-958$
`Page [9 of 334

`We don't know because the notation is not
`refined enough to indicate that.
`You would have to
`use another notation.
`Q What other notation?
`The theta of N notation.
`What's the "theta alpha notation"?
`"Theta of N" notation.
`Theta of H notation.
`So if instead of big 0 you had written
`Q A
`Q A
`that would mean linear N.
`Why don't you go ahead and write that down
`for me on Exhibit 2DO5.
`and what you've written there is,
`just for
`the record, something that looks like an H with a
`circle around it,
`And that's pronounced theta
`of N?
`It's capital letter theta. Greek letter.
`and it's pronounced "theta N"?
`Theta of N.
`Theta of N.
`Now, if we have something that‘s theta of
`RN, what does that indicate?
`Again, if K is a constant,
`like 2,
`is no difference between theta of N and theta of KM.
`They mean the same thing mathematically.
`TSG Reporting H Worldwide - 8T?—Tfl2-95Bfl
`Page Efl of 33.4

`Q When we're assessing whether or not a
`given search is a suhlinear search or suhlinear time
`search, do we determine it based upon whether or not
`the search time grows compared to the size of the
`You have said —— okay.
`We need to be
`specific here.
`You say the search time.
`okay. You're
`looking at the search time as a function of -- now
`this has to do with query: before you talked about
`the size of the database. Which one is it?
`Let me back up and ask you another couple
`of questions.
`When we're -- in this field when we're
`talking about a -- using a search, what we're doing
`is we're comparing a query or a pattern against a
`database of data;
`is that right?
`and if we talk -- is it -- are there other
`words for "query" or "pattern"?
`What's the —— what's the best one to use?
`"Query" is fine.
`one could ~- could say
`"probe" as well .
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide - 3".I'7"*-'?fl2~E+5Eifl

`In —— in looking at some of the prior art,
`they refer to a w- trying ~~ having a song or a
`melody that is unknown and then trying to determine
`what that melody actually is.
`You're familiar with that sort of prior
`Is the unknown melody the equivalent of
`the query or the pattern that we're searching for?
`So the —— the —— what's submitted by the
`user is the query; what you are comparing it against
`is —— is the database.
`So it --
`Now, if we're trying to determine whether
`a given algorithm is sublinear or linear. do we
`assume that the query size is fixed or does the
`query size vary when we're trying to assess whether
`it's sublinear?
`It depends on the problem considered,
`different flavors of these problems.
`If we're trying to determine whether
`something is sublinear as it's used in the olaims of
`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 3T7*Tfl2~95Bfl

`the —— claims of the patents —— withdrawn.
`If we're talking about
`the concept of
`sublinear search or sublinear time search as it's
`used in the '23? patent, does that refer to a search
`time that grows at a sublinear rate as we increase
`the size of the pattern, or —— or does it refer to a
`search that increases at a sublinear rate as we
`increase the size of the database?
`A Usually,
`the one that matters is the size
`of the database, because that's a big one.
`Q When the —— in your definition that you
`set forth on page 19, where you said,
`"A sublinear
`search means a search whose execution time has a
`sublinear relationship to database size," you're
`referring to "sublinear" as it's used in the '23?
`is that right?
`Let me check the '23? patent.
`What I gave in my Declaration is a general
`definition of sublinear search.
`In the patent
`here —— for instance, if you look at Claim 5 that
`you -- we just discussed, sublinear time is used.
`It does not say what
`the reference is.
`in those problems,
`the parameter
`that's very big that's of concern is the size of the
`TSG Reporting H Worldwide - 8T?—Tfl2-958$
`Page 23 of 334

`I-"‘ LU
`i--" n-'|'-‘I
`I--" U'|
`|—" CT‘:
`In-F --J
`1-‘ CO
`1'\J (II
`l\) |'\.'|I
`|'\) LIJ
`1\J in
`!'\J ILJ'|
`Q Would it be wrong to apply a definition
`that said, "I'm going to determine if it's sublinear
`based upon whether or not
`the search time grows
`compared to the size of the query or the pattern?
`A Mathematically,
`this could be done.
`Whether it's relevant from an engineering point of
`View is a different matter.
`My opinion here is as an engineer. Okay?
`The parameter that's big that's of concern is the
`database size.
`In trying to determine whether or not the
`‘23T patent is anticipated,
`is it your opinion that
`the definition you've set forth in paragraph 53 is
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide - 3TT*'?fl2~E+5Eifl

`the correct cne?
`That's the definition I have applied.
`1, yes, believe it's correct. That's my epinicn.
`2 3 I I I I I I
`It wculdn‘t be relevant to the ——
`assessing the '23? claims;
`is that right?
`In the field of database search in
`- D I
`-"‘ LU
`general —— and this includes the —— the patents
`1? we're discussing —— it's the database size that is
`the large number.
`and when you say "order of,“
`typically you refer to that.
`If we're trying to determine whether the
`'23? —— withdrawn.
`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 3TT*Tfl2~95Bfl

`Is it the case that for something to be --
`I I I U C . I C 9
`If we were doing —- withdrawn.
`If semeene was doing an assessment --
`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 3??-Tfl2~95Bfl
`Page 26 of 334
`I I I - - - - . - I I l
`\) |\.'|I
`|'\) LIJ

`Appeal Board was presented with prior art that
`presented a search that was linear with respect to
`the size of the database, but it was suhlinear with
`respect to the size of the pattern.
`would that prior art demonstrate a
`suhlinear search as it's used in Claim 25?
`People say it's a linear search, again,
`because it's in relation with the size of the
`database. And as you just said,
`that complexity is
`still linear; so people would say it is a linear
`It is not a suhlinear search?
`It's only sublinear in terms of the size
`of the query, which is generally not
`parameter of -- the relevant parameter.
`Is it the case that if we had a piece of
`prior art that was linear with respect to the size
`of the database but suhlinear with respect to the
`size of the query or the pattern,
`that that prior
`art would not
`teach a sublinear search as it's used
`in Claim 25?
`A Again, if one understands suhlinear to be
`in terms in relation to the size of the database,
`that would he a -— a linear search.
`My question wasn't "if one understands";
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide - ST?-Tfl2—95Bfl
`Pag¢27 of3$4

`to get your understanding of Claim 25.
`so you
`still haven't answered my question.
`I'll ask you
`3 I I I I I I - D C C C C - C - C C - D - - C
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide - ST?-Tfl2—95Bfl
`Pag¢2EI of3$4

`Let's assume we have a ~— withdrawn.
`what I've tried to write there -~ and see
`if I wrote it correctly -- is we've got a search,
`and the search time is Oifimln}.
`Does that —— do you understand what that
`refers to?
`Q What would that indicate?
`A Well,
`that the search time, as a function
`of that quantity in parentheses, grows at most
`Is it the case that if N,
`in that example,
`refers to the size of the database, do we have,
`then, a suhlinear search?
`A Well, you have to tell me if M grows too,
`or if it's a constant like in your —- in your
`previous example?
`Let's assume that M is the size of the
`Uh-huh .
`M, as in Mary. And that N, as in Nancy,
`is the size of the database.
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide - ET?“-Tfl2~95Eifl

`In that instance, does this describe a
`search that has -— that is -- has sublinear
`execution time when compared to the size of the
`Your question is incomplete. There's an
`assumption you need to specify- Does M grow, or
`does N grow, or is it both?
`Q Well, my question is if we're presented
`with this information, and we want to know is this
`search sublinear or linear with respect to the size
`of the database, where N is the size of the
`database, does that tell us?
`No. Because you have not told me how
`either M or N grows.
`The product of f{m}n has to
`For that to grow, either M or N has to grow,
`or both. But you need to tell me which one.
`If N refers to the size of the database,
`and we're trying to assess whether that describes a
`search that is sublinear with respect to the size of
`the database, can we —— what does that tell us?
`This tells us that the search time grows
`at most linearly in terms of the product
`have not told me whether it is M that grows or N
`that grows.
`The product has to grow, but there are
`different ways in which it can grow.
`N alone can
`TSG Reporting H Worldwide - 8T?—Tfl2-958$
`Page 3:11 of 334

`grow and M is fixed, or M can grow and N grows.
`So the answer depends on your assumption.
`You need to specify your assumptions.
`If we're trying to determine or assess
`whether or not this search is sublinear with respect
`to database size,
`and if N, as in Nancy,
`refers to
`database size,
`then would that indicate that we're
`going to be assessing this assuming that N grows and
`that M is fixed?
`It depends on the problem.
`In some
`indeed, M could be fixed and N grows.
`That's a —e a possibility.
`1'\J (II
`l\) |'\.'|I
`|'\) LIJ
`1\J uh.
`1'\J ILJ'|
`If that's the case when we're presented
`with this information,
`then is the assumption that M
`is fixed if we're trying to determine whether it's
`suhlinear with respect to the growth of N?
`a Different applications could have
`different M.
`Some applications could have fixed M;
`other applications could have M grow like M.
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide - 3TT*'?fl2~E+5Eifl

`depends on the applioation.
`If we're trying to -- suppose I present
`you with an algorithm, and I say to you,
`"I want to
`in your opinion, does this describe a linear
`or a sublinear algorithm with respect to the
`database time?"
`And I --
`"Size," you mean.
`Right. With respect to the database size.
`And I present -- let's take Algorithm 1,
`the one that says "O{mn}.“ I present that
`Do you have an opinion?
`Can you repeat your question.
`If —— so just to be olear,
`in fact,
`I'm going to take Exhibit EDUE, and just for
`I'm going to put a number next
`to each of
`these formulas we've written down. Starting at the
`top. it will be 1, 2, 3, 4. 5.
`Let‘s take a look at Formula Number 4.
`Assume you're presented that information about a
`given search.
`and the question is -- withdrawn.
`Assume you're given number —— Formula
`Number 4 and told that M, as in mother, refers to
`TSG Reporting H Worldwide - 8T?—Tfl2-95Bfl
`Page 32 of 33.4

`the size of the query; N, as in Nancy, refers to the
`size of the dataset that we're searching over.
`And you're asked the question,
`"Does that
`tell us anything about whether or not
`the search is
`sublinear with respect to the size of the database?"
`I don't have enough information to answer
`It's really exactly like if you told me,
`is the sum of two numbers; tell me which ones."
`If we know that M refers to the size of
`the query and N refers to the size of the database,
`and we're interested in whether or not
`the —— a
`search is sublinear with respect to the size of the
`database, does that tell us that it —- with respect
`to the size of the database —— that it grows on the
`order of N, as in Nancy?
`M and N oould be related.
`You have not
`defined the relationship between them.
`If M is
`there's one answer, and -- which I've given
`earlier -- it is:
`The growth is at most linear.
`But if M grows with N as well,
`then the
`answer is different.
`Let's -- I want you to assume that M
`refers to the size of the query, N refers to the
`size of the database, and that there is no
`relationship between them except that N is greater
`TSG Reporting H Worldwide - 8T?—Tfl2-958$
`Page 33 of 334

`than M.
`The size of the database is greater than M.
`so when you say there's no
`relationship, do you assume that M is fixed?
`Q Well,
`if we're trying to answer this
`is that the assumption that should be
`The way you have said it, mathematically,
`to suggest M is fixed.
`so I want
`to make sure we're
`on the same page.
`Okay. What about the way I've said it
`suggests that M is fixed?
`Because you said there's no relation
`between them.
`So that suggests to me that if one --
`say N increases, M does not because it's not
`related. That's my assumption from what you said.
`Okay. Let's assume they're not related.
`In other words, were -— is that the
`typical problem we're facing,
`is that we've got a
`database of a certain size that may change, and
`we've got different queries of different lengths,
`whether the -- the query length is not going to
`affect the database size in a typical problem --
`There may be a relationship.
`It's possible?
`Depends on the problem.
`TSG Reporting H Worldwide - 8T?—Tfl2-958$
`Page 34 of 334

`In the typical cases,
`is it that they do
`not have a relationship?
`I've encountered both types of problems.
`Q Well,
`the question isn't whether you've
`encountered them.
`What's typical?
`A Well, both are typical,
`I would say.
`depends on the problem.
`Now, let's assume that we have a --
`a problem we're dealing with where the size of the
`query and the size of the dataset are unrelated.
`And you're presented with the information
`that's in Formula 4,
`that the search time is on the
`order of M, as in mother,
`times N, as in Nancy,
`where M refers to the size of the query, N refers to
`the size of the data set?
`information does that tell you about
`whether it's linear or sublinear?
`So based on your assumptions that you laid
`I treat M as a fixed number.
`Then the answer
`is the same I gave earlier:
`It would tell me that
`the search time is at most linear in N, as Nancy.
`Let's assume we've got a search that's
`D{f{m}n}, where M and N are unrelated. What does
`that -— where N refers to the size of the database.
`TSG Reporting H Worldwide - 8T?—Tfl2-958$
`Page 35 of 334

`information does that tell us about
`whether it's linear or sublinear?
`Same answer.
`which is what?
`That, again, it would be -- the search
`time would be at most linear in M.
`Linear as to the size of the dataset that
`we're searching over?
`and that's because you
`have treated M as fixed.
`So whether it's {m} or
`f{m} that appears in the equation is irrelevant.
`I've written down Equation or Formula
`Number 6, which I'm going to read it as on the order
`of N, as in Nancy,
`times log of M;
`is that right?
`Let's aqain assume that N refers to the
`size of the database, M refers to the size of the
`Does that -- if we have a -- withdrawn.
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide - 3TT*'?fl2~E+5Eifl

`Let me ask you a different problem.
`Let's assume we have a search algorithm,
`and what it does, it is able to perform its
`search —— withdrawn.
`Let's assume we've got a search algorithm,
`and we're trying to take a pattern or query and see
`if it matches any portion of a dataset. And in that
`process, our particular algorithm operates such that
`it doesn't need to look at every single character in
`the dataset.
`are you familiar with algorithms of that
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`TSG Reporting - Worldwide - 3TT*'?fl2~E+5Eifl

`Knowing just that information and no more,
`does that tell you one way or the other whether it's
`linear or suhlinear?
`No, it does not.
`Why not?
`Because you have -- when you tell me it
`does not
`look at every oharaoter, you don't tell
`me -- you know, does it look at only half the
`characters? Does it look at the square root of
`number of characters?
`So many possibilities.
`You need to
`specify that.
`If it's the ease that it looks at a
`fraction of the characters, one —- one out of eight,
`one half, something like that —— does that tell you
`whether or not the algorithm is sublinear?
`If it's a fixed fraotion -— for instance,
`you tell me one eighth -- so if the algorithm looks
`at one eighth of the number, if it looks at one
`eighth of the size of the dataset,
`that would be
`linear. Again, as the dataset -- as the data size
`goes to infinity, if you keep looking at one eighth,
`it would he a linear relationship.
`It's one eighth
`of M.
`TSG Reporting H Worldwide - 8T?—Tfl2-958$
`Page 35 of 334

`It would be something like Formula
`Number 2, Qikn}?
`No- Because Formula Number 2 uses the
`order of notation:
`I would need to use the theta of
`N notation.
`So you would say that this one is not just
`Qinl, it would actually be --
`It behaves as a constant times N.
`and th

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