Page 289
`1 matches because either you ' re using all the peaks or
`a subset of the peaks as indicated in Column 12
`somewhere it says - -
`le t me find it . Yeah--
`lines 6 and 7 , you have the option of unmarking
`peaks , which is disclosed in Iwamura .
`So as soon as you evaluate only a subset
`of the number o f locations , you get sublinear time
`search , because all it t akes is - - if the length of
`my string is , say , N, and the number of peaks or t he
`number of posit i ons tha t I ' m evaluating is sublinear
`in N,
`I get a sublinear search .
`You said if it ' s sublinear in N, but it ' s
`not , sir .
`It is .
`Would you agree that as we increase the
`size of the database
`Right .
`-- the dataset we ' re searching , that the
`amount of search time will be li near?
`It ' s linear only in the size
`in the
`number of musical works . But , again , another
`dimension , as we have said , is the length of each
`23 musical work .
`o But lengthening the work doesn ' t reduce
`the number of peaks .
`L.., ____________________ ~Google Inc . v. Network-I Technologies, Inc.
`JPR20 I 5·00345
`TSG Reporting WorldwidE
`Pa~ 289 of 384

`1 matches because either you ' re using all the peaks or
`Page 289
`a subset of the peaks as indicated in Column 12
`somewhere it says -- le t me find it . Yeah--
`lines 6 and 7 , you have the option of unmarking
`peaks , which is disclosed in Iwamura .
`So as soon as you evaluate only a subset
`of the number o f locations , you get sublinear time
`search , because all it t akes is - - if the length of
`my string is , say , N, and the number of peaks or the
`number of positions tha t I ' m evaluating is sublinear
`in N,
`I get a sublinear search .
`You said if it ' s sublinear in N, but it ' s
`not, sir .
`It is .
`Q Would you agree that as we increase the
`size of the database
`Right .
`-- the dataset we ' re searching , that the
`amount of search time will be linear?
`It ' s linear only in the size
`in the
`number of musical works . But , again, another
`dimension , as we have said , is the length of each
`23 musical work.
`o But lengthening the work doesn ' t reduce
`the number of peaks .
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`Page 290
`A Well , you can unmark them .
`So if I' m using 20 percent or if I ' m using
`5 percent . I ' m -- I ' m reducing my search speed
`Let ' s take it one step at a time .
`Yes .
`Case 1 . We lengthen the number of musical
`works .
`Would you agree that Iwamura is not
`sublinear in that sense?
`We increase the number of linear -- yes , I
`agree .
`Now , we increase the size of the musical
`works . We don ' t unmark any peaks ; we just increase
`the size of the musical works .
`Would you agree that lwamura is not
`sublinear to inc r easing the size of the dataset
`It is sublinear in the size of the
`dataset. All i t
`takes is to use a fraction of the
`data that is $ublinear , which is what everyone will
`Okay . Then I ' m talking about what Iwamura
`teaches .
`I ' m not talking about modifying it by
`taking a fraction of the data .
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`Page 291
`This is what everyone does .
`So when you do string matching , you are --
`this technique is known as subsampling ; right?
`I t ' s
`very common . You -- you try to evaluate matches,
`and you only eva l uate a certain number of positions .
`If you have more and more data , you can
`get away with subsampling even more , meaning you
`look at an even smaller fraction of possible
`9 matches . That 's always h ow you get sublinear time .
`Q Does Iwamura t each that as we increase the
`size of our dataset or the size of the song , that we
`are going to then change the number of samples that
`1] we're going to look at?
`It says it ' s an option that the user
`can -- can select .
`I mean , this is --
`Q Where?
`A Well , again ,
`i f you look at Column 12 --
`Okay . Does Column 12 say anything about
`if we increase the size of the dataset , we ' re going
`to then r educe t he number of pea ks that we look at?
`The user defines -- it ' s very clear .
`Okay .
`It says you can select. So you
`select -- you unmark peaks; therefor e , you select a
`subset .
`'rhis is up to t he user .
`So all the user
`has to do -- of course , the user could choose not to
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`Page 292
`do that or the user could do that in a way that
`depends on the length o f the musical work .
`I didn ' t ask you what Pierre Moulin , as
`the user , could do
`Right .
`wit h all of his knowledge , in 2015 ,
`sitting here in this deposition .
`I ' m asking you
`about what ' s taught here .
`Yeah .
`So le t me ask you a specific question .
`Right .
`Does this column -- first of all , you ' re
`pointing to Column 12 , lines 5 through 9 ; is that
`Yes .
`Does that -- in Iwamura , Column 12 ,
`lines 5 through 9 -- state that the algorithms
`should be run as one opt ion by reducing the number
`of peaks if the size of the database increases?
`It does not say what you just said .
`I t,
`however , discloses that you can select how many
`peaks you use for -- for matching . And it ' s not
`Pierre Moulin in 2015 who is saying this ; this was a
`technique that was used in the ' 80s already .
`It ' s a
`very old technique .
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`Page 293
`And you ' re saying that right now . Okay?
`Yes .
`Did you point , in your Declaration , to any
`4 written work that discloses that technique? Yes or
`I don ' t
`remember if I -- if I did .
`Again , I want to supplement my opinion if
`I did not write it down .
`It ' s a well-known fact in
`the field of searching that you can use this kind of
`technique .
`It ' s very well known .
`By supplement your opinion you mean put
`something in a new Declaration that ' s not in this
`It ' s just complementing -- just
`complementing , giving more details about what I have
`16 written . The fact that peaks can be subsampled is
`not a new opinion .
`It is there already .
`I ' m
`Q Well , if it ' s there already, then open up
`your Declaration and point to the portion where you
`cite to any prior art that talks about decreasing
`the number of samples we ' re going to use as our
`dataset increases .
`MR . ELA~UUA : Objection .
`I don ' t recall I did that . As I
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`PaS'-' 293 ofJ84

`Page 294
`said , this addit ional e xplanation is supplementing
`my written opinion in the Declaration.
`Q Well , I' ll get a chance to take your
`deposition when I see your supplemental Declaration .
`That ' s a separa t e deposition .
`I ' m talking about
`this one .
`Again , let me clarify .
`We're talking about sublinearity . The
`Board made a construction of "sublinearity" which is
`somewhat different from the definition I had used in
`my Declaration .
`Somewhat different? It ' s not materially
`different though , is it .
`A Well , it is somewhat different . 50--
`Is it materially different? Does it
`say anything
`does it mean anything different?
`MR . ELACQUA : Objection .
`THE WITNESS : That ' s your interpretation --
`Yours .
`for me, any time I see something that
`is different from , you know , my assumption , my
`construction , 1 reevaluate everything --
`Now .
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`Page 295
`-- I ' m being careful.
`I need an answer to this question .
`Is the Board ' s definition -- definition o f
`" sublinear time search " -- does it mean something
`different than t he definition -- definition that you
`set forth in your Decla rat ions?
`No . They ' re essentially the same .
`Now , let ' s go back to your - - your
`9 Declarations .
`Anywhere in your declarations do you
`identify any prior art that disclosed reducing the
`amount of sampl ing when our database -- our dataset
`I don ' t recall I did .
`It ' s a well-known
`fact. Again , in light o f the Board ' s const r uction ,
`it made me thin k of additional , s upplemental way t o
`e xplain this .
`I t ' s a well-known fact .
`I t ' s not a
`revelation .
`in your Declaration , did you point
`to any part o f Iwamura t hat teaches reducing the
`amount of samples or reducing the number of peaks as
`our dataset size increase s?
`I believe I referred to that passage o f
`lwamura .
`I could chec k where in my Declaration i t
`25 might be . Okay?
`It ' s an option , unmarking peaks .
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`PaS'-' 29S of 384

`Page 296
`Q Well , in Iwamu r a .
`I thought we just talked
`about that . This Section 12 , li ne s 5 through 9 , is
`that what you ' re ta lking about?
`Ye s .
`Yes .
`Column 12. lines 5 through 9 , does it
`disclose reducing the number of peaks that we ' re
`going to search as the size o f the database
`It ma kes it clear to t he user that they
`can select the f r action of peaks that they unmar k.
`It -~ it ' s very clear .
`I didn ' t as k whether it says you can
`select the frac t ion .
`Withdrawn .
`You would agree , sir , that what Iwamura
`teaches is that you could sel ect the fract i on o f the
`peaks -- of the peaks that you -- withdrawn .
`You would agree that Iwarnura says that we
`can disrega r d a r epeated section of music . That ' s
`what it says . That's one example ; right?
`Yes .
`I t also says t he user setting up the
`database can choose to disregard the unimportant
`sections of musi c ; right ?
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`Page 297
`Yes .
`Does Iwamura give any other reason for
`disregarding a portion of the music?
`Yes .
`I n the interest of accelerating the
`search -- now this is li ne 9, right -- to accelerate
`the search , you can unmark peaks . 50 - -
`Q Why -- why does it say to unmark peaks?
`It says to avoid searching unnecessary
`portions ; right?
`A Well , it says by unmarking peaks , you can
`certainly . yes , select portions that shouldn ' t be
`searched . And then, in addition , this , as you said ,
`avoids searching unnecessary portions but also
`accelerates search speed .
`So any practitioner seeing this is going
`to say , " Well ,
`I can choose my -- my fraction of
`peaks that I want to work with . And there ' s a
`tradeoff .
`If I made that fr3ction sm3ll , I
`accelerate my search , but my matching is not going
`to be as good ."
`50 the practitioner , if he ' s faced with
`22 musical works that are twice as long , is going to
`experiment with that parameter . You will conclude
`the number of peaks should not double .
`It should be
`25 multiplied by , say , 1 . 5 , and you obtain ,
`then ,
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`Page 298
`similarity .
`Does Iwamura teach that , or is that
`something you ' re saying t hat one of ordinary skill
`in the art would know to a dd?
`One o f o r dinary ski ll would abso l utely
`understand that the choice of this fraction is a
`tradeoff between search speed and matching
`performance .
`Does I wamura teach reducing the number of
`peaks that you check based upon an inc r ease in the
`size of the musical wor k in the database?
`MR. £LACQUA : Objection .
`THE WITNESS : As I said , he says the user can
`select that -- t hat fraction .
`The -- he says the user can select the --
`can unmar k pea ks; right?
`That ' s right . Yes .
`Does he say that the user should do it
`based upon the size o f
`t he dataset that he ' s working
`21 with?
`He does not say it because it ' s a
`23 well-understood fact in -- in that field .
`Q Would you agree that lwamura does not
`e xpressly teach reducing the number of peaks that
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`Pa~ 298 of 384

`Page 299
`are checked based upon the size of the dataset?
`He does not e x plicitly say that .
`It ' s
`simply a known fact in -- in this field that if the
`length of your string increases , this is a really
`5 well-known technique to trade off speeds against
`6 matching performance .
`You ' re not answering my question .
`Yes , I am .
`I said he is not saying this .
`Okay . Then that would be the answer . But
`then you went on and added a bunch of other stuf f
`that ' s not responsive .
`MR . £LACQUA : Objection .
`I think it ' s important for you to address
`my question .
`I f you ' ve got other things that you
`16 want to say , you will have plenty of time to do
`answered .
`Okay --
`I promise you .
`I need to get my questions
`Okay .
`So please restate it .
`Do you a gree that Iwamura does not
`e xpressly teach reducing the number of peaks that
`are searched based upon the size of the dataset
`that ' s being sea r ched?
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`PaS'-' 299 of 384

`MR . ELACQUA : Object ion .
`I agree in this paragraph it
`does not say anything about the size of t he musica l
`Page ]00
`work .
`That doesn 't answer my question .
`I said I agree .
`Q Well , you said you agree that it doesn ' t
`teach , and then you answered a different question .
`So answe r my question --
`A Well , you quot ed the paragraph -- you
`quoted the paragraph and you asked if he teaches
`that .
`So I -- I said I agree with what you said .
`In that paragraph , it does not t e ach that .
`Sir , do you agree that Iwamura does not
`teach altering the number of pea ks that are searched
`based upon the size of the dataset?
`It does not e xp licitly say it .
`I agree .
`Do you agree that it ' s not inherent in
`To me , it is inherent , as in that field ,
`everyone unders t ands that this is a tradeoff between
`search speed and matching perfo r mance .
`It is
`inherent . When you deal with a large database ,
`it ' s -- it ' s inherent .
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`PaS'-' 100 of 184

`Page 301
`DO you know what the word ~ inherent " means
`in the context of patents?
`A Well , I ' m not a -- an attorney . Okay? So
`I -- my understanding of inherent is that it is
`implied .
`So you ' re making some assumptions here t he
`size of the musical wor k would increase .
`Let me give you a definition of i nherent
`I ' d li ke you to apply .
`Okay .
`I want you to assume inherent means tha t
`something is unstated in a reference , but it ' s
`necessarily present.
`It ' s the only way it could be
`done . There ' s no other possibility .
`Okay . By
`MR . ELACQUA : Objection .
`Wait for the question .
`You understand that definition?
`Yes .
`is i t
`inherent in what Iwamura
`teaches that one would reduce the -- the number of
`peaks that are searched b ased upon database size?
`MR . ELACQUA : Objection .
`'l'HE WITNESS : There ' s no other reasonable way
`to do it . There ' s always a way to do it in a way
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide - 877-702-9580
`PaS'-' 10 I o D84

`Page 302
`that does not reduce number of pe aks .
`It ' s always
`an option . He mentions that option .
`So you would agree that it ' s not
`necessarily the case ; it ' s not inhe r ent in Iwamura
`that the only way to do it would be to reduce the
`number of peaks based u pon database size ; cor r ect?
`It would be a bad way , okay , no reasonable
`person would do that .
`Q Correct . Yes or no?
`MR . ELACQUA : Object ion .
`THE WITNESS : My u nderstanding is yes , it
`would be bad engineering .
`Okay . You ' re not responding to my
`question .
`I didn ' t ask you whether it was a bad way ;
`I didn ' t ask you whether it was a way that one o f
`in your field would consider to be a way that you
`shouldn ' t do it. It ' s about inherency and
`necessary .
`All right.
`Do you agree , si r, that it ' s not inheren t
`in what lwamura teaches t o do a search in which the
`peaks are reduced based upon increasing the size of
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`Pa~ 102 of 184

`Page 303
`the database?
`I think it is necessary to obtain good
`performance with a reasonable search speed .
`I think
`it's necessary . That ' s my opinion .
`I didn ' t ask you whether it ' s necessary to
`obtain good speed .
`Is it the case that the only way you could
`perform the Iwamura search is by reducing the number
`of peaks that are searched based upon database size?
`The -- say it again.
`Is it the case that it ' s necessary and
`withdrawn .
`IS it - - with respect to the Iwamura peak
`search , is it necessarily the case that the only way
`it could be done was by reducing the number of peaks
`that are searched when we increase the size of the
`So that would be the only way to obtain
`sublinearity, okay , by using this technique of
`unmarking peaks . There ' s a variety of techniques
`I didn ' t ask about the only way to obtain
`sublinearity . You are now consciously avoiding my
`question .
`I need an answer --
`No .
`~lease restate . Okay?
`Is it the case that in Iwamura ,
`i t would
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`PaS'-' lQ3 ofJ84

`Page 304
`be inheren t and necessa r ily the case that t he only
`way to do the search in Iwamura is by reducing the
`number of peaks as we inc r ease the size of the
`No ,
`i t' s not i nherent .
`Would you agree , sir , that if it ' s not
`e xpress and it ' s not inherent, that I wamura then
`does not teach increasing the number of peaks based
`upon the size of the database?
`It -- it teaches it by stating that the
`user has the opt ion of selecting a fraction of the
`peaks which is understood to mean it depends -- the
`way you do it depends on t he parameters .
`So it is taught in my view , in my opinion .
`Now , let ' s ta ke a
`l ook -- in your
`In your declarations , the four
`declarations , you , at the beginning o f your
`18 Declaration , say that , " I understand that subject
`19 matter can be anticipated if each limitation is
`f ound e xpressly or inherently in a single prior ar t
`reference ." You make that general comment .
`In your analysis ,
`I did not see any place
`where you e xpress the conclusion that a limitation
`or an element was inherent in any of the prior art
`references .
`T5G Reporting - Worldwide - 877 - 702-9580
`PaS'-' 104 o fJ84

`Do you recall any place in your
`Let me -- the language -- so the part that
`you quoted from in my Declaration , which page is it?
`Page 305
`Paragraph 26.
`Page 10.
`Yeah .
`Okay .
`I ' ve read it .
`Now , as I look through your Declaration , I
`notice that you identified -- you made various
`statements about the various elements that were
`taught by lwamura , taught by Ghias and so on .
`And then you identified portions of Ghias
`or Iwamura that you contended disclosed those
`I did not see any opinions where you said,
`"This element is not expressly taught ; however, it
`is inherent , and here ' s why . n
`Do you recall expressing any opinions to
`the effect that a element was not expressly taught
`but was instead inherent?
`I don ' t recall making that statement , nO .
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide - 877-702-9580
`P3ge )05 of 384

`MR . DOVEL : Let ' s go ahead and take a break
`Page 306
`for the evening .
`MR . ELACQUA : Sure .
`THE VIDEOGRAPHER : This will conclude today ' s
`proceedings in t he deposition of Pierre Moulin . The
`total number of videotapes used today was four . And
`we ' re off the record at 5 : 39 PM .
`(The deposition was concluded at 5 : 39 PM)
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`Pag<.' 106 of 384

`Page 307
`I hereby declare that I am the deponent
`in the within matter; that I have read the foregoing
`proceedings and know the contents thereof , and I
`declare that the same is true of my knowledge except
`as to the matters which are therein stated upon my
`information or belief , and as to those matters , I
`believe it to be true .
`I declare , under the penalties ot
`perjury of the state of California , that the
`foregoing is true and correct.
`Executed on the
`day of
`17 California .
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`PaS'-' 107 of 384

`Page 308
`I , Rich A10ssi , California Certified
`Shorthand Reporter Number 13497 , do hereby certi f y :
`That prior to being examined , the witness
`named in the foregoing proceedings was duly sworn ;
`That said proceedings were taken before me
`at the time and place therein set forth and were
`taken by me in stenographic shorthand and t hereaft er
`transcribed into typewritten form under my direction
`and supervision ;
`That the dismantling of this transcript
`14 will void the Reporter ' s certificate ;
`Before completion of the deposition , review
`of the transcri pt was (XX) was not [
`requested .
`If requested , any changes made by the
`deponent and provided t o the Reporter during the
`period allowed are appended hereto .
`I hereunto subscribe my
`name this 31st day of August. 2015 .
`RI CH ALOSSI , RPR. CCRR , CSR No . 13497
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide - 877-702-9580
`PaS'-' l OS o f l 84

`Page 30'
`Reason Codes :
`l. To clarify the record .
`2 . To con f orm to the facts.
`3 . To correct transcription errors .
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`PaS'-' 109 of 184

`Page 310
`Peti tioner ,
`"' .
`INC .,
`Pa t ent. Owner .
`Case No . IPR20 15- 00347
`Sa nt.a Monica , Californi a
`Thursday, August 20 , 2015
`Job No : 96810
`TSG Repor t ing - worldwide - 877 - 702 - 9580
`PaS'-' 110 ofJ84

`Page 311
`INC ., and YOUTUBE , LLC ,
`Petitioner ,
`"' .
`INC .,
`Pa t ent. Owner .
`Case No . IPR2015 - 00347
`t.aken on behalf of the Patent Owner , a t 201 Santa
`18 Monica Bouleva r d , Si x th ~loor , Santa Monica , Cali f ornia , on
`Thursday , Augus t 20 , 20 15 ,
`from 9 ; 05 AM to 11 ; 14 AM, before
`RIcn ALO!>!>I , RPR , CCRR, CGR NO . 13497 .
`~ * *
`TSG Re p orting - worldwide - 877 - 702-9580
`PaS'-' 11 1 ofJ84

`Page 312
`For the Plaintiff :
`BY :
`JAMES ELACQUA , Attorney at Law
`IAN CHEN , Attorney at Law
`525 University Avenue
`Palo Alto , CA 94301
`For the Patent Owner Network- 1 Technologies :
`BY : GREGORY DOVEL, Attorney at Law
`201 Santa Monica Boulevard
`Santa Monica , CA 90401
`Also Present ;
`SCOTT MCNAIR , Videographer
`RICH SONNENTAG , Litigation Counsel , Google , Inc .
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`PaS'-' 112 oD84

`Page 31 3
`I N D E X
`(None . )
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`PaS'-' 113 ofJ84

`9 : 05 AM - 11 ; 14 AM
`Page 314
`THE VIDEOGRAPHER : Good morning . We are bacK
`on the record for Day 2 o f the continuing deposition
`of Pierre Moulin . Today ' s date is August 20th ,
`2015 . The time i s 9 : 05 AM . And the witness has
`already been sworn .
`having been previously duly sworn by
`the court reporter , was examined
`and testi f ied as follows :
`MR . DOVEL : Can I have the e xhibits . Thanks .
`THE WITNESS : ThanK you .
`I ' ve placed in front of t he
`19 witness Exhibit 1012 ,
`the Iwamura prior art
`reference .
`Q Why don ' t you turn to Column 9 .
`At lines 44 to 45 , does Iwamu r a teach that
`a peak that is -- is in an unimportant section can
`be skipped?
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`Pag<.' 11 4 oD84

`Page ]15
`Yes .
`If you ' ll look a little further down, does
`Iwamura teach that certain portions of the song are
`4 well recognized and remembered by the user?
`Which lines would that be?
`46 -- or 47 and 48 .
`These portions , yes, I see that .
`Does Iwamura then teach right after that
`that the user identifies such important portions as
`a keyword or key melody .
`Do you see that?
`Yes .
`And by " keyword or key melody , " that ' s
`going to be the melody that we ' re using as our - - as
`our query in the Iwamura search?
`It ' s certainly part of the query .
`Q Well , the query is going to be based upon
`the -- what ' s entered by the user ; is that right?
`Yes .
`And so when you say " part ," is there some
`other part of the query that ' s not entered by the
`I ' m just reading this again .
`It appears that that is what will be input
`by the user , yes .
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`PaS'-' 11 S oD84

`Page ]16
`When you say " t hat. ~ what do you mean?
`When you asked me if those -- keywords is
`what will be input by t he user ; correct? And I
`agree .
`And what the -- withdrawn .
`Does Iwamura t each here that the user
`identifies the important parts as the keyword or key
`8 melody that is used as t he query?
`Yes .
`Is it the case that if the keyword or key
`11 melody consists of important parts . and unimportant
`parts are omitted from the reference database , that
`the Iwamura search would not exclude a -- a
`potential reference as a match based upon a failure
`to search the unimportant parts?
`A Well , this sentence says , "The user " -- so
`we ' re talking about the query here .
`" The user
`identifies important portions ." That sentence says
`nothing about the database itself .
`I understand t hat .
`Okay .
`I want you to assume that we ' ve got a
`database where we ' re going to use this method that ' s
`identified in Column 9, line 44 , that a peak that is
`in an unimportant section can be skipped .
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide - 877-702-9580
`PaS'-' 116 o D84

`Page 317
`Okay .
`All right .
`So let ' s assume we ' ve got our
`dat abase up . We ' ve ident ified the unimport ant
`sections , and we ' re no t going to assess those when
`5 we're doing our Iwamura search .
`Does t hat make sense?
`Yes .
`In that case , failing to test a melody
`against an unimportant part will not result in us
`ignoring a match . Would you agree?
`That is correct , assuming it ' s truly an
`unimportant part , yes .
`Q Would you agree -- withdrawn .
`Is it the case that if we do the Iwamura
`search using the peaks as our basis , and we set up
`our database such that the unimportant peaks are
`skipped , that we ' re still going to be identifying
`the closest match when we produce our resu lts?
`That would be assuming that no peaks have
`been dropped and everything we discussed yesterday .
`Dropping an unimportant part is not going to affect
`the ability to find the best matCh .
`Why is that?
`We ll , because as we assume t hese are
`unimportant portions , and so we do not need to
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide - 977-702-9580
`Page 3 17 o f 384

`Page 318
`consider them in order to find the best match .
`o Let ' s take a look just above that .
`There ' s another teature of Iwamura that
`says , in one variation, melodies have repeated
`patterns, and we can avoid having to search a
`repeated pattern more than once .
`Do you see that?
`This would be line 36 , 31?
`is it the case that by skipping a repeated pattern ,
`Yes .
`Yes .
`If we implement tha t feature of Iwamura ,
`it ' s not going to stop us from producing the best
`14 match?

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