`For UPnPT"" Version 1.0
`Status: Standardized DCP
`Date: June 25, 2002
`This Standardized DCP has been adopted as a Standardized DCP by the Steering
`Committee of the UPnPTM Forum, pursuant to Section 2.1(c)(ii) of the UPnPTM Forum
`Membership Agreement. UPnPTM Forum Members have rights and licenses defined by
`Section 3 of the UPnPTM Forum Membership Agreement to use and reproduce the
`Standardized DCP in UPHPTM Compliant Devices. All such use is subject to all of the
`provisions of the UPnPTM Forum Membership Agreement.
`© 1999-2002 Contributing Members of the UPnPTM Forum. All rights Reserved.
`Km Debique
`Page 1 of 89
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`C0ntentDirect0ry:1 Service Template Version 1.01
`Co ntents
`1. OVERVIEW AND SCOPE ................................................................................................................ ..5
`1 .1 .
`INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... ..5
`SERVICE MODELING DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................... ..5
`SERVICE TYPE ................................................................................................................................ ..5
`REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................... ..5
`TERMS ............................................................................................................................................ ..6
`Notation: Strings Embedded in Other Strings ....................................................................... .. 7
`Notation: Extended Backus-Naur Form ................................................................................ ..8
`2. 3. 2.
`CLASS HIERARCHY ......................................................................................................................... ..8
`Class name syntax ................................................................................................................. ..9
`2. 4. 1.
`Base Properties ..................................................................................................................... ..9
`2. 4.2.
`Class ‘object’ (Base Class) ................................................................................................. ..10
`2. 4.3.
`Class ‘item’: ‘object’ ......................................................................................................... .. I0
`Class ‘container’ .' ‘object’.................................................................................................. .. II
`2. 4.5.
`STATE VARIABLES ....................................................................................................................... .. 11
`Derived data types ............................................................................................................... .. I I
`2. 5. I .
`TransferIDs.......................................................................................................................... .. I 3
`2. 5. 2.
`AiARGiTYPEiObjectID ..................................................................................................... .. I3
`2. 5.3.
`AiARGiTYPEiResz/lt.......................................................................................................... .. I4
`2. 5. 4.
`AiARGiTYPEiSearchCriteria............................................................................................ .. I4
`2. 5. 5.
`AiAR GiTYPEiBrowseFlag ................................................................................................ .. I 6
`2. 5. 6.
`/1iARGiTYPEiFilter........................................................................................................... .. I6
`2. 5. 7.
`AiAR GiTYPEiSortCriteria ................................................................................................ .. I 6
`2. 5. 8.
`AiARGiTYPEiIndex........................................................................................................... ..1 7
`2.5.10. AiARGiTYPEiCount.......................................................................................................... .. I 7
`2.5.1 1. A_ARG_TYPE_ UpdateID.................................................................................................... .. 1 7
`2. 5. I2. AiARGiTYPEiTransferID.................................................................................................. .. I 7
`2. 5. I3. AiARGiTYPEiTransferStatus ............................................................................................ .. I 7
`2. 5. I4. AiARGiTYPEiTransferLength ........................................................................................... .. I 7
`2. 5. l5.
`/If/-”lRGiTYPEiTransferTotal ............................................................................................. .. l 7
`2.5.16. AiARGiTYPEiTagValueList .............................................................................................. .. I 7
`2.5.1 7. AiARGiTYPEiURI............................................................................................................. .. [8
`SearchCapabilities .............................................................................................................. ..18
`SortCapabilities ................................................................................................................... .. I8
`2. 5. 20.
`System Updatell) .................................................................................................................. .. I 8
`2. 5. 2].
`Container UpdateIDs ........................................................................................................... .. I 8
`EVENTING AND MODERATION ...................................................................................................... .. 19
`ACTIONS ....................................................................................................................................... ..20
`2. 7.1.
`2. 7.2.
`2. 7. 3.
`2. 7. 4.
`2. 7.5.
`GetSearclzCapabilities......................................................................................................... .. 21
`GetSortCapabilities ............................................................................................................. .. 21
`GetSystem UpdateID ............................................................................................................ .. 22
`Browse .................................................................................................................................. . 22
`Search .................................................................................................................................. .. 24
`CreateObject........................................................................................................................ .. 25
`2. 7. 6.
`DestroyObject...................................................................................................................... .. 2 7
`2. 7. 7.
`UpdateObject....................................................................................................................... .. 28
`2. 7. 8.
`ImportResource ................................................................................................................... .. 30
`2. 7. 9.
`ExportResource ................................................................................................................... .. 31
`2. 7. I 0.
`StopTransferResource ......................................................................................................... .. 32
`2. 7. I I .
`2. 7. I 2. GetTransferProgress ........................................................................................................... .. 32
`2. 7.13. DeleteResource .................................................................................................................... .. 33
`© 1999-2002 Contributing Members ofthe UPnPT“" Forum. All rights Reserved.
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`C0ntentDirect0ry:1 Service Template Version 1.01
`CreateReference .................................................................................................................. .. 34
`2. 7.14.
`2. 7.15. Non-Standard Actions Implemented by an UPnP Vendor................................................... .. 35
`2. 7. I 6.
`Common Error Codes........................................................................................................... .35
`THEORY OF OPERATION (INFORMATIVE) ...................................................................................... .. 36
`Introduction ......................................................................................................................... .. 36
`2. 8.2.
`2. 8. 4.
`2.8. 7.
`2. 8. 9.
`2. 8. I 0.
`2. 8. I I .
`Content setup for Browsing and Searching ......................................................................... .. 36
`Browsing.............................................................................................................................. ..37
`Searching ............................................................................................................................. .. 42
`Browsing, Searching, and References ................................................................................. ..45
`Browsing, Searching, and Filtering .................................................................................... ..46
`Object Creation ................................................................................................................... .. 48
`File Transfer ofa resource in Objects................................................................................. .. 49
`Playlist Ivlanipulation .......................................................................................................... .. 52
`Internet Content Representation .......................................................................................... .. 53
`Vendor I\4etadata Extensions............................................................................................... .. 54
`3. XML SERVICE DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................... ..55
`TEST ................................................................................................................................................... ..63
`5. APPENDIX A - DIDL-LITE ............................................................................................................ ..64
`7. APPENDIX C - AV WORKING COMMITTEE CLASS DEFINITIONS .................................. ..79
`AUDIOITEM : ITEM ........................................................................................................................ .. 80
`musicTrack .' audioItein ....................................................................................................... ..8I
`audioBroadcast .' audioItem ................................................................................................ ..8I
`audioBook .' audioItem ........................................................................................................ ..8I
`VIDEOITEM : ITEM ......................................................................................................................... ..82
`7. 2.].
`movie .' videoItem ................................................................................................................ ..82
`videoBroadcast.' videoItem .................................................................................................. ..82
`musicVideoClip: videoItem .................................................................................................. ..83
`IMAGEITEM : ITEM ........................................................................................................................ ..83
`photo: imageltem ................................................................................................................. ..84
`PLAYLISTITEM : ITEM .................................................................................................................... ..84
`TEXTITEM : ITEM .......................................................................................................................... ..84
`ALBUM : CONTAINER ..................................................................................................................... ..85
`7. 6.1.
`musicAlbum .' album ............................................................................................................ ..85
`photo/llbum .' album ............................................................................................................ ..86
`GENRE : CONTAINER ..................................................................................................................... ..86
`musicGenre .' genre ............................................................................................................. ..86
`7. 7.1.
`movieGenre : genre ............................................................................................................. ..86
`7. 7.2.
`PLAYLISTCONTAINER : CONTAINER .............................................................................................. ..87
`PERSON : CONTAINER .................................................................................................................... ..87
`7. 9.] .
`7. 1 1.
`music/lrtist .' person ............................................................................................................. ..8 7
`STORAGESYSTEM : CONTAINER ................................................................................................ .. 88
`STORAGE VOLUME : CONTAINER ............................................................................................... .. 88
`STORAGEFOLDER : CONTAINER ................................................................................................. .. 89
`© 1999-2002 Contributing Members ofthe UPnPT“" Forum. All rights Reserved.
`Page 3 of 89
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`ContentDirectory:1 Service Template Version 1.01
`List of Tables
`Table 1: Terms ............................................................................................................................................... ..6
`Table 2: Base properties ................................................................................................................................ ..9
`Table 3: Object properties ........................................................................................................................... .. 10
`Table 4: Item properties .............................................................................................................................. ..11
`Table 5: Container properties ...................................................................................................................... ..1l
`Table 6: CSV Examples .............................................................................................................................. .. 12
`Table 7: State Variables ............................................................................................................................... .. 12
`Table 1 ContainerUpdateIDs Example ....................................................................................................... .. 18
`Table 8: Event moderation .......................................................................................................................... .. 19
`Table 9: Actions .......................................................................................................................................... ..20
`Table 10: Update examples ......................................................................................................................... ..29
`Table 11: Common error codes ................................................................................................................... ..35
`© 1999-2002 Contributing Members ofthe UPnPT“" Forum. All rights Reserved.
`Page 4 of 89
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`ContentDirectory:1 Service Template Version 1.01
`1. Overview and Scope
`This service template is compliant with the UPnP Device Architecture version 1.0.
`referred to herein as Content Directory Service (CDS).
`It defines a service type
`Many devices within the home network contain various types of content that other devices would like to
`access (e. g. music. videos. still images. etc). As an example. a “Media Server“ device might contain a
`significant portion of the hoineowner‘s audio. video, and still-image library. In order for the homeowner to
`enjoy this content. the homeowner must be able to browse the objects stored on the Media Server. select a
`specific one. and cause it to be “'pla_vcd” on an appropriate rendering device (e.g. an audio player for music
`objects, a TV for video content, an Electronic Picture Frame for still-images. etc).
`For maxi mum convenience, it is highly desirable to allow the homeowner to initiate these operations from
`a variety of U1 devices.
`In most cases, these UI devices will either be a U1 built into the rendering device,
`or it will be a stand-alone Ul device such as a wireless PDA or tablet.
`In an_\-' case, it is unlikely that the
`homeowner will interact directly with the device containing the content (ie. the homeowner won’t have to
`walk over to the server device).
`In order to enable this capability. the service device needs to provide a
`uniform mechanism for U1 devices to browse the content on the server and to obtain detailed information
`about individual content objects. This is the purpose of the Content Directory Service
`The Content Directory Service additionally provides a lookupfstorage service that allows clients (cg. UI
`devices) to locate (and possibly store) individual objects (eg. songs, movies. pictures, etc) that the (server)
`device is capable of providing. For example. this service can be used to enumerate a list of songs stored on
`an MP3 player, a list of still-images comprising various slide-shows, a list of movies stored in a DVD-
`Jukebox, a list of TV shows currently being broadcast {a.k.a an EPG), a list of songs stored in a CD-
`Jukebox. a list of programs stored on a PVR (Personal Video Recorder) device, etc. Nearly any type of
`content can be enuinerated via this Content Directory service. For those devices that contain multiple types
`of content (c. g. MP3, MPEG2, JPEG, etc), a single instance of the Content Directory Service can be used
`to enumerate all objects, regardless of their type.
`Service Modeling Definitions
`2.1. Service Type
`The following service type identifies a service that is compliant with this template:
`unnsehemas-u pnp-oi1_::sen=iee:CoiitentD ircctory:l
`Content Directory Service (CDS) is used herein to refer to this service type.
`2.2. References
`This section lists the normative refereiices used in this document and includes the tag inside square
`brackets that is used for each such reference:
`[DEVICE] - UPnP Device Architecture. version 1.0.
`[XML] - “Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Second Edition)’’_. T. Bra}-‘_. J. Paoli. C. M. Spcrberg-
`McQueen. E. Maler. eds. W3C Recommendation. 6 October 2000. Available at:
`it’ ww v v3. rI1 RJ'2()()02’REI —xIn1—2(l00 1006
`© 1999-2002 Contributing Members ofthe UPnPT"' Forum. All rights Reserved.
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`ContentDirectory:1 Service Template Version 1.01
`ISO!’I EC I-"I977, htfrmttatiott tecltnofogy — S_'yrtt‘actt'c: ntetafangttage — Extended H.-'\-"F, December
`|DIDL] ISOIIEC CD 2 1000-2 :2{){ll,!rt;"0nttatic)t1 Tecitrtcafogv - .'l-htifftfliedta !+'mrrt1e1t-'0rk - Part‘ 3: l’)t'git‘a/
`Itettt Dec.-hmrtiort, July 2001.
`IRFC 23‘)6| Tim Berners-Lee. et. al. RFC 2396.‘ Un.ffE)rttt Resource i’den.tt'j?er.s' (URI): Generic .S)2ntr:x..
`1998. Available at: htt
`:tfw'yy'w'.ietf.or I rfct'rfc2396.txt
`2.3. Terms
`Table 1: Tenns
`Any data entity that can be returned by a Content Directory Service from a browsing
`or searching action. The Content Directory Service defines a class system to
`represent the ditferent types of objects that are ‘managed’ by the CDS. The base
`class. from which all other classes are derived, is nalned object. The class object
`cannot be instantiated.
`A property represents a CDS or client-defined characteristic of an object. The
`Content Directory Service expresses properties in XJVLL as either elements or
`attributes. When expressed as an element. the property is addressed via its
`pt-opeityfeleincnt tag name (including namespace other than DIDL-Lite) e.g. dc-:title.
`upnp:class. When expressed as an attribute. the property is addressed with its
`parent expression. the -:47: delimeter and its property name eg. rcsfiijsize.
`rcsriijprotocollnfo. upnp:class@name. One exception is if the property is
`expressed as an attribute of an element which is a top-level object tag (item,
`container. etc.) in whicli case it is simpl_v addressed with the (_'r_i_‘J, delimeter and its
`property name eg. @id_. fgigparcntln, @restricted, @chiIdCount etc. Properties
`declared in this specification come from one of three mctadata natncspaces: DlDL-
`Lite. Dublin Core (dc) or UPnP (npnp). Their data types and meanings are defined
`in Section 6.
`A class is used to assign a type to an object. and identifies the minimum required
`and optional set of properties that must be present o11 that object. Classes are
`organized in a hierarchy with certain classes being derived from others as in a typical
`object oriented system. At the root of the class hierarchy is the object base class.
`Examples are object.item.audioItc1n.musieTrack and
`objectcontainer.album.musicA1bum. See section 2.4 fora definition of the format
`of the class specification for an object.
`item is a first-level class derived directly from object. An item most often
`represents a single piece of AV data, such as a CD track, a movie or an audio file.
`Items 1r1a_v be playable. meaning they have information that can be played on a
`rendering device. Any object which derives from the item class is expressed via the
`DIDL-Lite item structure.
`© 1999-2002 Contributing Members ofthe UPnP“" Forum. All rights Reserved.
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`ContentDirectory:1 Service Template Version 1.01
`)fl\/IL fragment
`container is a first-level class derived directly from object. A container represents
`a collection of objects. Containers can represent the physical organization of objects
`(storage containers) or logical collections. Logical collections can have formal
`definitions of their contents or they can be arbitrary collections. Containers can be
`either homogeneous, containing objects that are all of the same class, or
`heterogeneous, containing objects of mixed class. Containers can contain other
`containers. Any object derived from the container class is expressed via the DIDL-
`Lite container structure.
`A CDS is required to maintain a ContainerUpdatelD for each of its containers.
`This value is maintained internally, does not appear in any )fl\/[L expression of the
`container, and cannot be used in a search or sort criterion.
`A container is considered modified when any of the following occurs:
`A property of the container is added, removed or changed in value.
`A direct child element, whether object-derived or ordinary element, is
`added to or removed from the container.
`A direct, non-container-derived, child object has one of its properties or
`child elements added, removed or changed.
`A direct container-derived child element has one of its properties or non-
`object-derived child elements added, removed or changed.
`Note to implementors: since ‘ContainerUpdatelD’ is not a formal property ofa
`container, a modification to a direct child container that affects that child ’s
`‘ContainerUpdatelD’ does not propagate upward to the parent container.
`In this document, )fl\/IL fragment refers to a string that represents one element from
`a valid XML document. Individrral rises of ‘XML fragment’ do not always specify
`thc cxact .'>fl\/IL context that would bc rcquircd to validate thc fragmcnt. If a
`“qualifying name” is given, the name defines the root element tag of the fragment.
`For example, ‘DIDL-Lite XML fragment’ means a string of the form “<DIDL-Lite
`...>. . . </DIDL-Lite>”. In addition, any AV-defined }fl\/[L fragment is permitted to
`be fully compliant XML. Any extraneous headers/tags should be gracefully ignored
`by the code processing the fragment.
`Content Directory Service
`Arr unsigned integer associated with each container. The integer value is
`incremented each time the container is modified (see the entry in this ‘Terms’ table
`for the precise definition of ‘container modification’). Upon reaching the value 232-
`1, the next update rolls the value back to zero. Initial value of ContainerUpdatelD
`for any newly created container is unspecified, but recommended to be zero.
`Implementers should maintain the same value for each container’s
`ContainerUpdatelD through power cycles and any other
`disappearance/reappearance on the network.
`2.3.1. Notation: Strings Embedded in Other Strings
`Some string variables and arguments described in this document contain substrings that must be
`independently identifiable and extractable for other processing. This requires the definition of appropriate
`substring delirniters and an escaping mechanism so that these delirniters can also appear as ordinary
`characters in the string and/or its independent substrings. This document uses embedded strings in two
`contexts—Corruna Separated Value (CSV) lists (see Section below) and property values in search
`criteria strings. Escaping conventions use the backslash character,
`'\' (UTF-8 character code 0x5C), as
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`ContentDirectory:1 Service Template Version 1.01
`a. Backslash (‘\’) is represented as ‘\\’ in both contexts.
`b. Comma (‘,’) is
`represented as ‘\,’ in individual substring entries in CSV lists
`not escaped in search strings
`c. Double quote ("") is
`not escaped in CSV lists
`not escaped in search strings when it appears as the start or end delimiter of a property
`represented as ‘\"’ in search strings when it appears as a character that is part of the
`property value
`2.3.2. Notation: Extended Backus-Naur Form
`Extended Backus-Naur Form is used in this document for a formal syntax description of certain constructs.
`The usage here is according to the reference [EBNF].
`Typographic conventions for EBNF
`Symbol names in monospace font are non-terminal symbols. Character sequences between ‘single
`quotes’ are terminal strings and must appear literally in valid expressions. Character sequences between
`(*comment delii11iters*) are English language definitions or supplementary explanations of their associated
`symbols. White space in the EBNF is used to separate elements of the EBNF, not to represent white space
`in search strings. White space usage in actual search strings is described explicitly in the EBNF. Finally,
`the EBNF uses the following four operators:
`definition — the non-terminal symbol on the left is defined by one or more alternative
`seuences of terminals and/or non-terrninals to its 11' ht.
`n1a occur n1ore times
`alternative separator — separates sequences on the right that are independently
`allowed definitions for the non-terminal on the left.
`“null” repetition — means the expression to its left may occur zero or more times
`“non-null” repetition — means the expression to its left must occur at least once and
`+ +
`2.4. Class Hierarchy
`The ContentDirectory service exposes a class hierarchy which is used to type all objects that can be
`retrieved from it. The ContentDirectory service exposes a class hierarchy which is used to type all objects
`that can be retrived from it. Each class is named using a string of the form described in 2.4.1 below. Each
`class definition includes a list of properties. Some properties are required while others are optional. Some
`properties are ‘multi-valued’ for a class, meaning that, in an )fl\/[L instance of the class, the property may
`occur more than once. A class that is derived from another class must include all the required properties of
`the base class. The definition of a subclass may make some optional properties of the base class required.
`Each property will be expressed in )G\/IL as either an )fl\/IL Element or )fl\/[L Attribute.
`This section will describe three classes, object, object.item and object.container which make up the base
`hierarchy from which all other classes (UPnP- or vendor-defined) derive, see section 7.
`© 1999-2002 Contributing Members ofthe UPnPT“" Forum. All rights Reserved.
`Page 8 of 89
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`ContentDirectory:1 Service Template Version 1.01
`2.4.1. Class name syntax
`Class name syntax is formally described using EBNF as described in section 2.3.2.
`::= baseName
`::= ‘object’
`= ( baseName
`derivedName )
`‘ . ’
`::= (* Valid Xl\/FL name, excluding the characters
`‘.’ — UTF-8 code OXZE and
`— UTF-8 code 0x3A *)
`2.4.2. Base Properties
`These properties are used by the base classes. Where a property is defined as having an "element" )fl\/[L
`structure, all properties that are defined as attributes of that )fl\/[L element are implicitly included (see
`section 6 for details on those properties). The base properties are defined as follows:
`Table 2: Base properties
`Property Description
`Dublin Core
`Dublin Core
`An identifier for the object. The
`Value of each object id property must
`be unique with respect to the Content
`Name of the object
`Primary content creator or owner of
`the object
`Resource, typically a media file,
`associated with the object. Values
`must be properly escaped URIs as
`described in [RFC 23 96].
`Class of the object.
`When true, the ability to perform a
`Searcho action under a container is
`enabled, otherwise a Search() under
`that container will return no results.
`The default Value of this attribute
`when it is absent on a container is
`See section 6 for details
`See section 6 for details
`id property of object’s parent. The
`parentID of the Content Directory
`‘root’ container must be set to the
`reserved Value of “-1”. No other
`parentID attribute of any other
`Content Directory object may take
`this Value.
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`ContentDirectory:1 Service Template Version 1.01
`Property Description
`id property of the item being referred
`When true, ability to modify a given
`object is confined to the Content
`Directory Service. Control point
`metadata write access is disabled.
`When present, controls the
`modifiability of the resources of a
`given object. Ability of a Control
`Point to change writeStatus of a
`given resource(s) is implementation
`dependent. Allowed values are:
`Child count for the object. Applies to
`containers o