`Low-Power Digital Design
`Mark Horowitz, Thomas Indermaur, and Ricardo Gonzalez
`Center for Integrated Systems, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305
`Recently there has been a surge of interest in low-power
`devices and design techniques. While many papers have been
`published describing power-saving techniques for use in
`digital systems, trade-offs between the methods are rarely
`discussed. We address this issue by using an energy-delay
`metric to compare many of the proposed techniques. Using
`this metric also provides insight into some of the basic
`trade-offs in low-power design.
`The next section describes the energy-loss mechanisms that
`are present in CMOS circuits, which provides the parameters
`that must be changed to lower the power dissipation. With
`these factors in mind, the rest of the paper reviews the energy
`saving techniques that have been proposed. These proposals
`fall into one of three main strategies: trade speed for power,
`don't waste power, and find a lower power problem.
`CMOS Power Dissipation
`Power dissipation in CMOS circuits arises from two different
`mechanisms: static power, which results from resistive paths
`from the power supply to ground, and dynamic power, which
`results from switching capacitive loads between two different
`voltage states. Dynamic power is frequency dependent, since
`no power is dissipated if the node values don't change, while
`static power is independent of frequency and exists whenever
`the chip is powered on. For uses where the electronics will be
`inactive for much of the time (most portable applications),
`the static power must be made very low in the inactive state.
`Even if there are no explicit circuits using static current, the
`chip will dissipate some static power. This power is the result
`of leakage current through nominally off transistors. The
`leakage is set by the sub-threshold current of the transistor,
`Id - WI xexp(VgS-Vth)
`s L S
`where vT (kT/q) is around 26m Vat room temperature, 'a' is a
`constant slightly larger than 1, and Is is roughly J.I.Cox(avT)2
`or O.3J.i.A/J.I.. This leakage current and the allowable static
`power limit how low one can make the threshold voltage.
`The situation is made worse by the fact that the threshold
`voltage is not perfectly controlled, and thus the nominal
`value must guarantee that the leakage is acceptable in the
`worst-case situation.
`Some numbers will make this limit clearer. A tOmm square
`chip will generally contain a few meters of transistor width.
`If the static current limit for this chip is l00J.i.A, then the
`leakage current of an off transistor must be under O.lnNJ.I..
`To achieve this leakage requires V th to be around 8 aVT in the
`worst-case situation, which would be high temperature and a
`low-threshold fabrication run. If the fab control on Vth is
`±l00mV, the nominal value of the threshold would be around
`With small static power, charging and discharging capacitors
`generally consumes most of the power on a CMOS circuit.*
`In charging a load capacitor C up d V volts, and then dis(cid:173)
`charging it to its original voltage, a gate pulls C L\ V from the
`V dd supply to charge up the capacitor, and then sinks this
`charge to Gnd to discharge the node. So at the end of a cycle,
`the gate / capacitor combination has moved C L\ V of charge
`from V dd to Gnd, which uses C L\ V V dd of energy and is
`independent of the cycle time. The dynamic power of this
`node is the energy per cycle, times the number of cycles it
`makes a second, or
`P=CL\VVdd o.F
`where 0. is the number of times this node cycles each clock
`cycle and is usually called the activity ratio. The dynamic
`power for the whole chip is the sum of (eq. 2) over all the
`nodes in the circuit.
`From this formula it is clear what we need to do to reduce the
`dynamic power. We can either reduce the capacitance being
`switched, the voltage swing, the power-supply voltage, the
`activity ratio, or the operating frequency. The power-saving
`techniques described in the following sections provide a
`number of ways to reduce these parameters.
`Low-Power Design Techniques
`Until relatively recently, power was an afterthought in the
`design process. Designers would optimize their design to
`meet performance and area constraints, and then talk with the
`packaging and system designers to figure out how they were
`going to deal with the power of the chip. Probably the most
`important low-power design method is simply to make low
`power a key objective in the design process. Once this is
`done, a lot of power can be saved by not doing "stupid"
`things - by simply not wasting power. For example, lowering
`the power supply from 5V to 3.3V, rather than using internal
`Funding for this research was provided by ARPA under contract
`* Shunt current that occurs when both devices are on is usually a
`small percent of the dynamic power (5-10%) and will be ignored
`in this paper.
`1994 IEEE Symposium on Low Power Electronics
`0-7803-1953-2/94/ $3.00 / © 1994 IEEE
`Exh. 2006

`voltage regulation, is an obvious design decision if low
`power is an objective. Removing circuits that dissipate static
`power and powering down
`inactive blocks are other
`examples of how wasted power can be saved.
`To help find wasted power we need a metric that allows us to
`compare two designs to see which is more efficient. The
`obvious choices for a low-power metric, power and energy,
`turn out to have serious flaws. Using power as the metric has
`the problem that CMOS circuits use energy mostly when
`they switch their outputs. One can always reduce the power
`by reducing the operating frequency, which is not a useful
`An alternative metric is the energy needed to complete an
`operation. This is an improvement over power because
`running the part slower does not directly change the energy
`used in an ope~ation, it simply spreads the same energy use
`over a longer bme. The problem with this metric is that the
`energ~ an operation requires can be made smaller by
`reducmg the supply voltage since the energy is roughly
`nCV2, where nC is the sum of capacitance times transitions
`that are needed to complete the operation. However, the
`lower supply voltage also affects performance, and
`dramatically increases the delay of the operation. Thus the
`lowest energy solution also will run very slowly.
`To avoid these problems, we use the metric of delay/op x
`energy/op. Smaller energy-delay values imply a lower energy
`solution at the same level of performance - a more energy(cid:173)
`efficient design. The following sections will discuss various
`low-power design techniques, and show how they affect the
`energy-delay product. The first three methods (voltage
`scaling, transistor sizing, and adiabatic circuits) only have a
`small effect on the energy-delay product and are really
`methods for trading speed for power. The next two sections
`describe ways of not using energy needlessly. Finally, the last
`two sections describe how reformulating the problem at the
`level can yield
`energy-delay product.
`Voltage Scaling
`In a given technology the energy per operation can be
`reduced by lowering the power-supply voltage. However,
`since both capacitance and threshold voltage are constant, the
`speed of the basic gates will also decrease with this voltage
`scaling. We can use a charge control model to estimate the
`delay of a gate by dividing the charge needed to transition the
`node by the transistor current. As other researchers have
`shown [3], using a quadratic model of a transistor leads to:
`- k
`d -
`Figure 1 plots energy / operation, delay and energy-delay as
`the supply voltage is scaled. At large voltages, reducing the
`supply reduces the energy for a modest change in delay
`Voltage (in Vth)
`Figure 1. Energy and Delay vs. Voltage
`(especially in the velocity saturated case, where the delay
`change is even less than shown in the figure). At voltages
`near th~ device threshold, small supply changes cause a large
`change m delay for a modest change in energy. While there is
`a minima at Vdd = 3Vth, it is pretty flat. Around this point
`changing the supply voltage does not strongly affect the
`energy-delay product, allowing one to trade delay for energy.
`From the 3 Vth point, there is a factor of about 4 in energy in
`either direction (from 1.5 V th to 6 V th) that can be traded for
`delay without greatly changing the energy-delay product.
`Below 1.5 V th the surplus performance would be better spent
`in some other way, like reducing the transistor sizes.
`Transistor Sizing
`Like supply voltage, sizing gates mostly presents the
`designer an opportunity to trade speed for power, rather than
`reducing their product. Since some of the load capacitance is
`caused by the gate capacitance of other transistors, one can
`reduce the energy of an operation by making all the
`transistors smaller. However, decreasing the size of the
`transistors also decreases their current drive, and thus makes
`the gates slower. This trade-off can be easily seen using a
`chain of uniformly loaded inverters. which are shown in
`Figure 2.
`Figure 2. Simple Inverter Chain
`Figure 3 graphs the delay, energy, and energy-delay of a stage
`as a function of the transistor's capacitance contribution to
`the total load. The load will be mostly load capacitance for
`small transistor, and will be mostly gate for large devices. For
`very small transistors, energy is dominated by switching the
`load capacitance, while the delay is inversely proportional to
`the transistor width, so increasing the transistors improves
`the energy-delay product. For large transistors, the gates are
`limited by self loading, so decreasing the transistor size
`improves the metric. The optimal operating point is when the
`transistor loading is the same as the wire loading.
`Obviously, real circuits are more complex. The gate and wire
`capacitance is different for different gates, nodes transition at
`1994 IEEE Symposium on Low Power Electronics

`product decreases by 'Y4, implying a 0.7 shrink of a chip can
`be run at the same performance for roughly 1/4 the power.
`The difficulty with ideal scaling is the requirement for Vth to
`scale along with the supply voltage. As was mentioned
`earlier, static power caused by leakage current through the off
`transistors will limit how low the threshold voltage can be
`scaled.t Even with constant voltage scaling, the reduced
`capacitance improves both the energy and the delay, so their
`product scales at least as 1'.
`Transition Reduction
`Another way to improve the energy-delay product is to avoid
`wasting energy - avoid causing node transitions that are not
`needed. One common approach to solve this problem is to
`make sure that idle blocks do not use any power. The key to
`selective activation is to control objects that dissipate a sig(cid:173)
`nificant amount of power. From our work analyzing power of
`digital systems, around 70% of the power comes from high(cid:173)
`transition count, high-capacitance nodes -
`like clocks and
`buses - which comprise less than 20% of the nodes in a given
`design. While doing selective activation of a set of 64 bus
`lines might make sense, trying to reduce the number of tran(cid:173)
`sitions in the adder that drives the bus does not.
`As long as the static power is small, the circuit only uses
`power when a node switches. Thus an idle section can be
`powered down simply by preventing its outputs from switch(cid:173)
`ing (generally by keeping its inputs stable). At the block level
`on a chip, the activation is usually done by gating the clock to
`the function blocks[lO). When the clock is turned off, none
`of the latch outputs change state, and thus the logic outputs
`are also stable. Gating the clock has the added advantage that
`it reduces the clock load that toggles each cycle, since the
`clocks in the inactive blocks are effectively turned off. On
`low-power processors, the caches, FPU, and integer unit can
`all be independently controlled [1]. Generally the perfor(cid:173)
`mance impact of the clock gating is small, so the energy-de(cid:173)
`lay product decreases by the energy saving.
`Reducing unnecessary toggles will reduce the energy-delay
`product, but it rarely changes it by more than a small integer
`factor (2 or 3). To get more significant reductions requires
`examining the problem from the system level.
`One can improve the energy-delay product by reducing either
`the energy or the delay. Voltage and transistor scaling allow a
`designer to trade excess performance for lower energy
`operations. The ability to trade delay for energy points out
`the strong connection between high-speed and low-power
`designs. One wants to start with a solution with a large
`t There has been some work to allow larger leakage currents and
`switch the power supply off to these sections using lower leakage
`(higher threshold) transistors. This might allow slightly lower
`threshold transistors in the active circuits but requires a sophisti(cid:173)
`cated power management system on chip [8].
`Fraction of load that is gate cap
`Figure 3. Energy, Delay vs. Transistor Width
`different frequencies, and not all gates are on the critical
`path. While this problem is difficult to solve precisely, the
`structure of the solution remains roughly the same as the sim(cid:173)
`ple inverter chain: making the critical path transistors much
`smaller than their loads will greatly increase the delay with(cid:173)
`out reducing the power, and making the transistors much
`larger than their loads will greatly increase the energy with(cid:173)
`out having a large effect on the delay.
`The energy-delay product is roughly constant as the percent(cid:173)
`age of gate loading changes from 20% to 80%, which is
`roughly a factor of 5 in speed and power. While using mini(cid:173)
`mum-sized devices can lead to lower power solutions [3],
`they do not lead to more energy efficient solutions.
`Adiabatic Circuits
`Adiabatic or charge-recovery circuits, are another method
`that allow a designer to explicitly trade performance for
`lower energy requirements [11][7]. These circuits resonate
`the load capacitance with an inductor, which recovers some
`of the energy needed to change the capacitor's voltage. The
`energy loss in switching the load can be reduced to rIr CV2,
`where 't is the intrinsic delay of the gate, and T is the delay
`set by the LC circuit. While this ease in trading energy for
`delay is attractive, the energy-delay product for these circuits
`is much worse than normal CMOS gates[6]. Thus adiabatic
`circuits become attractive only when you need to operate at
`delays beyond the range viable by voltage scaling and
`transistor sizing standard CMOS.
`Technology Scaling
`One way to greatly improve the energy-delay product, and
`thus save energy, is to improve the technology. In ideal
`scaling as first described by Dennard[5], all voltages and
`linear dimensions are reduced by a scale factor, 'Y (<1). Since
`the E-fields in the devices and wires remain constant, the
`device current * and device and wire capacitance all scale as
`'Y. Since the voltage also scales by 'Y, the energy of an
`operation scales as y. The delay of each gate also improves
`by'Y, since the delay is roughly 1u = CV/i. The energy-delay
`* This relations holds independent of whether the devices are veloc(cid:173)
`ity saturated or not.
`1994 IEEE Symposium on Low Power Electronics

`amount of excess performance that can then be traded for
`reduced power. A way of generating this performance is by
`exploiting parallelism.
`When an application has parallelism, one can build N
`functional units instead of one, and solve N problems at the
`same time. Doing this increases the performance by nearly N
`(there is some time needed to distribute the operands, and
`collect the results), and increases the power by slightly over
`N (again because of overhead). Thus using parallelism
`increases the energy/op by only the overhead while the
`effective delay/op drops by N minus the delay overhead. The
`energy-delay product of the parallel solution is much lower
`(roughly N
`the original sequential
`approach. This argument
`independent of how
`parallelism is extracted (pipelining, parallel machine, etc.),
`although the overhead factors will be different. For DSP
`large amount of parallelism,
`applications with a
`performance gains allow the resulting systems to run at very
`low power supply Voltage, use small transistor sizes, and still
`meet their performance targets (4].
`In some applications, the available parallelism is smaller and
`harder to extract. In processors the cost of issuing multiple
`instructions is not small, and does not yield a performance
`gain for all code sequences. As a result, as shown in Table 1,
`parallel execution neither helps or hurts a processor's ener(cid:173)
`gy-delay product (Watts/SPEC2). Fabrication technology
`seems more important for the energy-delay product than
`whether the machine is superscalar (21064, PPC604) or not.
`Table 1 Energy-Delay for some Recent Processors
`R4600 PPC 604 PPC 603
`Redefine the Problem
`So far we have looked at ways to more efficiently implement
`the tasks needed to complete some operation. Yet this
`discussion missed the most important method of reducing
`system energy - reduce the number/complexity of tasks that
`the operation requires. It is at this level that the designer can
`make the largest changes to the energy-delay product, since
`simplifications often reduce both the energy and the delay of
`the operation. The key point to realize is that the energy(cid:173)
`delay product measures the energy to complete some user
`operation and the delay to complete that operation. If we can
`simplify the operation, we reduce the number of primitive
`steps required, and thus reduce both the energy and the delay.
`As a simple example of the saving that is possible. consider a
`operation that is implemented as a program on a micro(cid:173)
`controller. The initial code for this operation takes N micro
`instructions to execute. so the energy for the operation is N
`times the instruction energy, and the delay is N times the
`instruction delay. If another approach can perform the same
`operation in M instruction, the energy-delay product will
`change by (M/N)2, since both the delay and energy decrease
`by (M/N).
`This strategy works for hardware designs as well, with
`similar quadratic gains. Often a reformulation of a problem
`can lead to a solution that requires less computation to
`accomplish the same task [2][9]. Orders of magnitude gains
`are possible at this level. Unfortunately the optimizations
`used tend to be tied to the specific application that is being
`optimized. The good news is that this process is similar to the
`ones used to increase system performance. The bad news is
`that these system level optimizations generally require some
`creative insight.
`Good design has always required one to make careful trade(cid:173)
`offs. and low-power design simply means one needs to con(cid:173)
`sider energy dissipation in addition to the normal concerns of
`speed. area. and design-time. The energy-delay product is a
`useful guide for making these trade-offs. It allows a designer
`to find optimizations that provide the largest reduction in
`energy for the smallest change in performance. It also makes
`clear the strong coupling between performance and power
`which is the reason that many high-performance techniques
`are useful for low-power design.
`[1] R. Bechade, et aI., "A 32b 66MHz 1.8W Microprocessor, ISSCC, Feb
`1994, pg 208-209.
`[2] B. Brandt. B. Wooley, "A Low Power, Area-Efficient Digital Filter for
`Decimation and Interpolation," IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, SC29,
`June 1994.
`[3] A. Chandrakasan, et al. "Low-power CMOS digital design." IEEE Jour(cid:173)
`nal of Solid-state Circuits Vol 27 pg 473-484.
`[4] A. Chandrakasan, et al, "A Low Power Chipset for Portable Multimedia
`Applications," ISSCC, Feb 1994, pg 82-83.
`[5J R. Dennard et aI., "Design of Ion Implanted MOSFET's with Very Small
`Dimensions," IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, SC9, pg 256-267,1974.
`[6J T. Indennaur, et aI., "Evaluation of Charge Recovery Circuits and Adia(cid:173)
`batic Switching for Low Power CMOS Design," Symposium on Low-Power
`Electrouics, Oct 1994.
`[7] 1. Koller, W. Athas, "Adiabatic Switching, Low Energy Computing, and
`the Physics of Storing and Erasing Infonnation," Proceedings of Physics of
`Computation Workshop, Oct. 1992.
`[8] D. Takasbima, et aI., "Standby/Active Model Logic for Sub-IV Operat(cid:173)
`ing ULSI Memory," IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, Vol 29, pg
`[9] E. Tsem, et. aI., "Video Compression For Portable Communication Using
`Pyramid Vector Quantization of Subband Coefficients," IEEE Workshop on
`VLSI Signal Processing, Oct 1993.
`[IOJ N. Yeung et al., "The Design of a 55 SPECint92 RISC Processor under
`2W," ISSCC, Feb 1994, pg 206-207.
`[111 S. Younig. T. Knight. "Practical Impl"",,,,,tation of Cha.rse Recovenns
`Asymptotically Zero Power CMOS," Proceedings of the 1993 Symp. on
`Integrated Sys., MIT Press, pg. 234-250, 1993.
`1994 IEEE Symposium on Low Power Electronics

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