`EX. PGS 2001
`Varg A New Image of an Old Field
`Varg A New Image of an Old Field
`The Varg field is located in Production License 038 in the Southern North Sea. This article explains how a significantly improved
`image of the Varg oilfield has been achieved through innovative acquisition and processing of 3D seismic data including use of
`multidirectional streamer seismic.
`Figure 1 Location of Production License 038, Varg and Varg South
`History of License 038 Southern North Sea
`Production License 038 is today owned by Pertra (70%), and the Norwegian state through Petoro (30%). Pertra is a wholly owned subsidiary of
`Petroleum GeoServices (PGS). License 038 includes both the Varg oilfield and the Varg South structure (previously called Rev). Oil and gas was
`found on Varg South in 2001, but this structure needs more appraisal before decisions about development can be taken.
`Norwegian authorities approved the plan for field development and operations for the Varg field in 1996. It was decided to use an FPSO (Floating
`Production Storage and Offloading) vessel to produce the oil. The License Group sold the FPSO to PGS in 1999, and leased it back for a three
`years period. Through this transaction PGS came one step closer to its goal of becoming one of the world’s largest and most reliable operators of
`advanced FPSO vessels in harsh weather conditions.
`December 2001 Norsk Hydro offered their share of License 038 to PGS. Later, Statoil did the same. PGS accepted both offers, and hence
`currenlty owns 70% of License 038.
`This is the first time a service company has owned and operated an oil field in the North Sea representing a new and interesting business model for the oil industry.
`Why did PGS want to take on the role of operator?
`The FPSO rental agreement between PGS and the License was approaching a decision point and PGS had to evaluate other missions for the
`vessel. As License owner it would be simpler for PGS to find the optimal time for transferring the FPSO vessel to other fields. In addition, PGS felt
`there was a commercial upside by applying its knowledge and technology to increase and extend oilproduction of the Varg field and also to
`develop the prospects in License 038.
`Geological setting of the Varg Field
`The reservoir of Varg consists of shallow marine, Late Jurassic sandstones, deposited adjacent to a structural high generated by salt movements
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`Varg A New Image of an Old Field
`from Late Jurassic onwards (Figure 2). The reservoir is located below a high velocity Cretaceous chalk layer and thin Upper Jurassic shales. The
`reservoir sands vary in thickness, but are typically 3040m thick, intermingled by shale. The base of the reservoir rests on Triassic rocks. The
`combination of relatively thin sands and complex faulting due to salt related tectonics makes the reservoir challenging both to interpret and produce.
`Click to zoom
`Figure 2 The seismic expression of Varg. The reservoir is located within the red box
`Saga placed altogether 8 production wells on Varg, commencing oil production in December 1998. On average the field produced 20,500 barrels
`of oil per day (bopd) in 1999 and 30,000 bopd in 20002001. Production never reached the expected plateau, because faulting and segmentation
`of the reservoir was much more complicated than expected. The inadequate mapping of the reservoir was mainly caused by poor seismic quality.
`Although the production has gradually decreased to 1300014000 barrels/day in October 2002, this is significantly higher than previously
`New seismic data Varg2002
`License 038 was originally covered with 3D seismic (ST8802) acquired in 1988. State of the art acquisition technology of the time was applied,
`using two sources and two 3000 m streamers. Acquisition direction was EastWest (azimuth of 90180 degrees). The nominal spacing of common
`reflection points was 12.5 m in the inline direction and 37.5 m in the crossline direction. The seismic was first processed applying DMO/stack/post
`stack time migration. The resulting seismic suffered from poor imaging and low resolution at the reservoir level, leading to a series of reprocessing
`efforts in 1995, 1996, 1998 and 1999. Prestack depth migration was applied for the last three cases. Although the quality improved from the
`original poststack time migrated seismic, it was still difficult to map the reservoir (Figure 3).
` Figure 3 – Best prestack depth migration examples from ST8802.Left is EW line across
`Varg (reservoir within black box) and right is EW line across Varg South.
`When Pertra took over responsibility for License 038 in early spring 2002 it was realized that the field needed improved seismic to increase the
`understanding of the reservoir and thereby extend the life of the field. Based on the earlier reprocessing efforts which had not given the required
`data quality, it was decided to carry out survey planning to evaluate the potential of a new 3D survey. The objectives of this would be to improve
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`Varg A New Image of an Old Field
`the structural imaging and the resolution of the reservoir of both Varg and Varg South.
`The survey planning comprised 1D, 2D and 3D seismic modeling applying existing well data and interpreted horizons to generate a seismic model
`of the field with realistic geometry and velocity. All relevant acquisition parameters were evaluated in a comprehensive survey planning study. The
`main recommendation from this study was to acquire new data in two directions oriented at 60 degrees angles to the old acquisition direction, i.e.
`with azimuths of 150/330 and 30/210 degrees (Figure 4).
`The seismic modeling showed that acquisition in more than one direction would give better illumination of the target. It was also recommended to
`sample the subsurface denser in the crossline direction by decreasing the crossline distance from 37.5 to 25 meters.
` Figure 4: Shooting directions for the new 3D survey on Varg. The blue box represents
`the area of full fold.
`The recommendation was followed and acquisition of the dual azimuth 3D survey Varg2002 was carried out in MarchApril by PGS’ S/V Ramform
`Viking, using 2 sources and 8 streamers, spaced 100m apart. The fullfold survey area of approximately 200 km2 was covered twice, one for each
`shooting direction. Although field installations and weather lowered the acquisition efficiency, it was still possible to acquire data in 61% of available
`time. Since acquisition was carried out in two directions, it was possible to use periods when weather (waves, currents) prevented acquisition in
`one direction to acquire data in the other direction because this was less influenced. Acquiring two surveys also minimized the need for infill since
`the areas were overlapping each other and it would be possible to exchange data for binning purposes. Also, since mobilization and demobilization
`expenses were incurred only once, the total cost of covering the area twice became considerably less than the cost of two independent surveys.
`Subsequent to the acquisition, field data from all three data sets went through careful quality control and preprocessing. A major difference
`between the old and new surveys was type of streamers with the old survey being acquired with analogue streamers and the new survey with
`digital. The old seismic showed systematic variations in recorded amplitudes between hydrophone groups and these differences were corrected in
`the preprocessing. Similarly, amplitude variations from shot to shot were more evident in the old data and were therefore compensated for.
`Multiples were removed by predictive deconvolution in the taup domain, using the same parameters for both the new and old data sets.
`The Varg fieldinstallations caused holes in the two new data sets, elongated in the shooting direction. By "borrowing" data from the other two
`datasets (the other direction and the old one), these holes were minimized (Figure 5).
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`Varg A New Image of an Old Field
`Click to zoom. Figure 5: Minimizing the effect of field installations on acquisition by borrowing traces. Left: coverage from acquisition in NESW
`direction. Center: traces borrowed from the survey acquired in NWSE direction. Right: data borrowed from the old survey shot in EW direction.
`The colour bar shows the number of traces. Note: All figures are after data decimation.
`After the preprocessing the data sets were prestack depth migrated. The velocity model from the last prestack migration before Pertra became
`operator served as starting point. To speed up the processing, data reduction was necessary subsequent to appropriate temporal and spatial anti
`aliasing. After the first migration, residual moveout analyses and corrections were performed for each survey. At last, each data set was stacked
`and final poststack processing applied.
`The three datasets were examined for differences and errors, using PGS’ methodology for 4D analysis. Spatial crosscorrelation was used to
`check consistency in trace positioning between the data sets. This type of 4D quality control was used at several stages of the processing flow,
`both before and after prestack depth migration. Time, phase and amplitude differences between the data sets were found to be insignificant and
`all three datasets could therefore be accumulated into a new, combined dataset.
`Comparison of the data sets
`Comparing the best prestack depth migration of the ST8802 data, from 1998, with PGS prestack depthmigration in 2002 of the same data,
`shows that PGS reprocessing in itself has caused a large improvement of data quality.
`Comparison of the single datasets shows that illumination really differs for different acquisition directions. For instance, some events are best
`imaged by a certain shooting direction (Figure 6). It also shows that acquisition footprint effects at base Cretaceous level are significantly less on
`the new data than on the old data.
`Click to zoom. Figure 6: Note how event (possibly salt flank) within red ellipse is much better imaged on the right hand section (acquired in NW
`SE direction) than the left hand section (acquired in EW direction)
`Comparing one single dataset with the combined data set showed
`the S/N ratio was much better for the combined data set than each single data set (Figure 7)
`the acquisition footprint was much less on the combined data set than on each single data set (Figure 8)
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`Varg A New Image of an Old Field
`Click to zoom. Figure 7: Comparing seismic acquired in one direction (left hand side, EW acquisition) with seismic composed of all three
`directions (right hand side) shows that the S/N is much improved on the latter.
` Click to zoom. Figure 8: Comparison of acquisition footprint on base Cretaceous amplitude maps for the old seismic (left) and the new, combined
`survey (right). The amplitude map at the left reflects the EW acquisition direction very clearly, while the acquisition footprint is much less visible on
`right hand map.
`Interpretation of new data
`The new, combined data set and the single acquisition data sets are currently being interpreted. The objective of this work is to evaluate the
`potential of increasing oil production from the Varg field. One of the existing production wells may only produce from an upper reservoir zone that is
`separated from a lower zone by a sealing shale. If this is the case, a side track from the existing production well (Figure 9) may be drilled down into
`the lower zone and produce it.
`Click to zoom. Figure 9: Seismic sections displaying reservoir of Varg Field. Yellow vertical trajectory – existing exploration well. Upper yellow
`trajectory –existing production well. Lower yellow trajectory – planned production well to be side tracked from existing Grey horizon shows top of
`intrareservoir shale. Red grid shows top of reservoir. Picture from PGS’ holoSeisTM system.
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`Further work
`Varg A New Image of an Old Field
`The data quality of the new seismic is much improved compared to the data existing before Pertra became operator. However, the processing
`route followed in this project was a fast track route to provide the License with provisional data in short time. Further processing work is ongoing to
`exploit the potential of the new high density data in its full.
`A new, much improved 3D seismic data set has been generated in very short time for License 038. Improvements come from both processing and
`Acquisition of new seismic data in two different directions combined with existing data acquired in a third direction have provided a total data set which has
`improved coverage and illumination of the reservoir.
`Application of modern prestack depth migration processing has improved the old data significantly
`The results that have been achieved are caused by application of improved acquisition and processing technology, but the good results must also be credited
`the synergy of an integrated oilfield service company:
`Survey planning competence was closely connected to the customer (Pertra) and the acquisition unit
`Flexibility in acquisition time could be used to fit the Varg survey into slots in the acquisition program
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