`1543357 % A1
`(51)5 G 01 v 1/00
`H ABTOPCHOMV cB1nnE‘rEn1=c1'ay
`(21) #359110/2h-25
`(22) 07-$1.88
`(46) 15.02.90. San. M 6
`(71) Kmeacxoe reownawueckoe oTneneHMe
`'YKpawHcKoro HayuHo-mccnenoaa1enbc-
`Koro reon0ropa3aen0uH0r0 MHCTMTyTa.
`(72) m.B.TMMOmMH M A.".qHHHK ’
`(53) 550.83“ (088.8)
`(56) Fypamu M.M. Ceficmnuecxan passen-
`Ka. M.: Henpa, 1970, c. 32%-356.
`Memfiefi B.H. Meropwxa MHoroKpaT-
`HNX nepekpmrmfi B ceficmopasaenke. M.:
`Heapa, 1935, c. 94-103.
`Aaropcxoe camnerenbcjao CCCP
`1» 1233065, Kn. G 01 v 1/00, 03.02.84.
`.(57) H306D€TeHMe
`ceficnmuecxofi paaaenxu Mecropomneuufi
`noneaHux Hcxonaermx.
`llenb l«13o6peTe-
`HHR - noamweune npOM3BOnMTEflbHOCTM
`HNOMGRHHX ceficnwueckmx wccnenoaannfi.
`flnn Kamnoro nonomeHHn npuemwofi ycfa~
`HOBKM H cepwm as P nyHKToB Bo36ymne-
`HMH reHepMpywT flOCnEflOB8TenbHOCTb M3
`P cnyuafiHMx uwcen. OHM orpaHwueHu c
`ceficMorpaMM, nonyueuuux or pasnmx
`nyHKToB ao36ymneHMn, H c gpyrofi - no-
`noaunofi nnHTenbHocTH onHofi ceficMo-
`FDaMMH. 3Tm cnyuafinwe umcna ucnonb3y-
`m7 8 Kaqecrae aanepmek aanycxa MC-
`TOHHMKOB, pacnonomeHHux B P nyuxrax
`ao36ymneHM9, npwuem permcrpaumn KO‘
`ne6aHMfi OT Bcex 3TMx MCTOHHHKOB npo-
`Haaonnrcn HenpepunHo. Momenrm 3anyc-
`xa ucwounmxoa 3aHOMMHawTCH H HCHOHb’
`3yDTCfl nnn pasneneuma BOHHOBHX nonefi
`npw o6pa6oTKe pesynbraroa. npm cym-
`peKpmTmfi pe3yflbTaTM Boaneficrema or
`onHoro McTouHMxa eo36ympeHwn cyMMMpy-
`nTcn cuH¢a3Ho, a OT paanmx - HCCMH‘
`flDCKOHbKy 3anepmKn aanycxav
`mcrounnxoa cnyuafiHm M Hesaamcmmu.
`2 MN.
`H305peTeHMe OTHOCMTCH K npdcrpau-‘
`.cTseHHofi ceficmmqecxofi passenxe no-
`neanmx ncxonaemwx.
`Hehbm H306peTeHMfi nannercn noauwe-
`HMS nDOH3BOnHT€flbHOCTM pafior.
`Ha mHr.1 H 2 noKa3aHa cxema peanu-
`aauun cnoco6a.
`Ha ¢Mr.l noKa3aHu npumnnn 1 H 2,
`Ha Kordpux Ha paccronuun ay npyr OT
`npyra pacnonaramrcn nyHKTbl 3.1 - 3.P
`Boafiywnenmn, npomwnn H H S perucTpauuH
`ceficnmuecxmx Konefiaunfi, efinwan KOT0'
`pMx1Hax0nHTCH ceficmoctanumn 6 M 7 M
`Ha KOTODHX pacn0noMeHm nyHKTN 8.! M
`8.N npmema ceficmmuecxwx Kone6aHMfi
`Ha DBCCTOHHMM Ax npyr or npyra. Upo-
`mmnu perwcrpaumu pacnonoweHu Ha pac-
`CTORHMH fi:»A npyr.oT npyra (A - pnmna
`perncTpmpyeMofi ceficmmuecxofi BonHu).
`Benwumum ax H Ay onnoro nopnnxa c ae-
`nnumnofi A. nyHKTH 8.1 - 8.N npMeMa
`Kamnoro npomunn perucrpaumu HOAKHD’
`HeHu K ceficMocTaHuunM 6 H 7. Hpwemnan
`ycTaHoBKa, COCTaBn€HHafi M3 H€CKOnbKHX
`_fiyHKTOB npmema, MOMET 3aHMMaTb pas-
`Hue nonomeHMn 9 H 10
`(uanpmnep) Ha npo-
`mwne S EO36yRfleHMF.
`WesternGeco Ex. 1005, pg. 1
`flpmennan ycTaHoaka B nonoweumm 9 m
`MCTOHHMKM a nyHxTax aoafiymnenmn Ha
`npo®nne 1 o5pa3ymT onny noamumn cue-
`TEMH Hafinmnenufi, npMeMHMKM B nonomeHmM5
`10 H MCTOHHMKM Ha npommne 2 - npyryn
`noauuum H r.n. B COOTBBTCTBMM c M€TO'
`nukofi MHOFOKDBTHHX nepekpmrmfi.
`¥cTpoficTao nnn peanusaunm cnoco6a
`(qHr.2) BKnmuaeT ceficmuuecxme CT8HuMM10
`6 M 7, onua H3 KOTOpHx (ceficMocTaH-
`uun 7) aenyman. CéficMocTaHuMn 7 can-
`3aHa c FSHEDBTODOM 11 nocneno3aTenb-
`12.1 - 12.P Bosfiymneumn uonefiauufi.
`TeHepaTop 11 HMeeT AETUMK cnyuafiumx
`umcen, Hanpmnep myuoaofi reHepaTop,
`oenoaannufi Ha nanenuu panmoaKTmaHoro
`pacnana, Ha
`raaoaoM paapnne 3 rmpa-
`TpoHe M T.n.
`FeHepaTop 11 can3aH c pacnpenenM-
`Tenem 13, npencrasnnmmmm co6ofi o6uu-
`mufi, Hanpumep, M3 nnrmpaapnnnoro
`nhoMuHoro cuetuuua H Hafiopa Knwuefi
`nhn dnHononnpHoro HGHDHMEHHH c amxo—
`npMH. Hnrb paspnnoa cueTuMKa aaaeno-
`Mb nepexpuaamr aoamomnwe Ha npaxTm~
`KB aennumum P. K axonan Bcex Knmqefi
`npmcoenuHeH MCTOHHHK nocToHHHoro
`Hanpnmeunn, a R mx amxonam nonxnmueum
`¢bpMMpoaaTenH 1h nmnynbcos aanycka
`utrouauxoa 12.1 - 12.P.
`¢opMMpoaaTenb 1% cnrnanoa sanycxa
`vicrounmkoa npencrasnner co6oF1 num-
`depenuupymmufi ycMnMTenb c nocTaTou-
`fio M0mHHM,,HanpHMeD,'TMDMCTOpuM au-
`xonon, TOK KOTODOFO nocTaToueH nnh
`nonpusa aneKTponeToHaTopa mnu 3anyc-
`ma Heaapuauoro ucrouHnKa.
`Honknmuenue ucrounwxoe K euxonam
`¢opMMpoaaTenefi 1h Mamet 5HTb npou3-
`aeneno 3 Cnyuafiuon, HO MSBECTHOM
`nopsnxe, T.e. Honepa MCTOHHMKOB Ha
`npommne 1 H HOMEDB BHXOfl0B‘¢OpMMp0'
`aafenn lb, K KO70pHM OHM HOQKDDHSDT‘
`ca, Moryr OTHMHSTBCH npyr oT'npyra
`cnyuafinuu o5paaoM.
`Benyman ceficnuuecxan craHumn 7
`coenuueua co cxeMaMM ¢ODMHDOBaHMR OT‘
`MeToK MOMSHTOB cpafiarmaannn acex Mc-
`Cnoco6 ocymectannnw cnenynmmn 06-
`MHoFoKpa1Hord npocnemnaaumn rpanwu,
`T.e. aanucueamt Ceficmorpammu nnn
`xamnofi noswuwu cucremu Hafinmneunfi.
`no Komanne c ceficmoctanunw 7 a He-
`KoTopufi MOMEHT HauMHanTcn pafioru Ha”
`naHHofi noamuwm cmcremm Ha6nwneHnfi M
`aanycxaetcn reHepaTop 11.
`Run Kamnofi nosnuuw cmcrenm Ha6nm-
`fiOCn8nOBaTenbHOCTb cnyHafiHHx uwcen,
`pacnpeneneHHHx PBBHOBGDOHTHO 3 HHTep'
`rne Atuop - HHTGD”
`sane Atuop ~ T/2,
`Ban Koppennumm ceficmorpanm 01 paanux
`nyHKTOB ao36ymneHun; T — nnmna samu-
`cm ceficmorpammu or onnoro Mcrounuxa.
`3TM cnyuafinue umcna nannmrca aanepmm
`KHMM AT3 aanycxa MCTOHHMKOB. 3anepm-
`Ka At; - 370 HHTepBan apemeuu, uepes
`Koropwfi 3KnnuaeTcn MCTOHHMK ao36ym-
`Ta Hauana Ha6nnneHMfi H3 naHHofi no3m-
`umm cmcremm Ha6nmneHMfi. no 3anepmKaM
`At; reHepaTop mopMMpyeT P BDEMEHHHX
`‘sanepmex AT; sanycka MCTOHHHKOB npyr
`q1H0qHTenbHo npyra: ATi=nt3;“
`rne at3J+,
`M At &;'- cocen-
`Hue aenuumnu Atg. AT; yme pacnpenene-
`HM no aaxony flyaccoHa.
`Banepmkm AT} OT reHepaTopa 11 noc-
`TynamT Ha pacnpenenurenb 13 W nanee
`Ha mopmupoearenm 1h cmruanoe sanycxa
`ncroquuxoe. Ha xamnufi HCTOUHHK noct
`Tynaew onun mmnynbc aanycka m 3anyc~
`MaeT aror ucrounnx. MOMEHTH cpa6aTu-
`BBHMR acex MCTOHHMKOB (ofiuuno or npm-
`HO oxono fiETouHMKoB wnn Ha HMX, nufio
`OT cxen owmerxm MOMeHTa aapusa) ne-
`penaDTcH Ha cTaHuMn 7 H TBM 3anoMM-
`HamTcn Ha onHoapeMeHHo perMcTpMpyeMux
`ceficmorpammax. PerMcTpauMn Kone6aHmfi
`ocymecTanneTcH OT acex P MCTOHHMKOB
`12 Henpepuauo c MOMeHTa Hauana Ha6nm-
`nennfi Ha nannofi nosnunn CMCTEMH H35"
`nmnennfi, nmemmefi P nyukroa ao36ymne-
`Hun. P HMflyflbCOB aanycka c aanepmKa-
`MM At3 nocTynamT Ha HCTOHHHKH ao36ym-
`genus a MHTBDBSHE speneum AtK,P é
`£At54T/2. nocne CDBGGTHBEHHR fiocnen-
`Hero so apemenu uctouuuxa perucTpa-
`uun nnntcn eme Tc, Tax uro ofimee ape-
`MH D9FMCTDauHH He 5onee 1,5 Tc.
`3ToM aonnoeue nonn acex P Mcrouuuxoa
`nepexnuaamTcn BO apeneuu n_cymecray-
`mr B cpene onnoapemewno. Enaronapn
`sromy B cpene COSABETCH cnomaoe He-
`Korepeurnoe cynnapnoe none nnMTenb—
`HOCTM kT, rne k a Ko3¢¢muMeHT, yum-
`Tmeammwfi ygnuuenue aanncn 3a cueT
`aanem-(ex (1<ks1,5.).
`B pe3ynb1aTe nnn nepsofi noanuum
`mcrounnxoa M npuemuofi cncrenu nony-
`WesternGeco Ex. 1005, pg. 2
`¢ 0 p M y n a
`H 3 o 6 p e T e H H n
`uaercn onHa cnomnan ceficMorpaMMa;
`flocne 3Toro npMeMHan CMCTeM3 H McTog-
`HHKM cnamramTcn anon: npomnnefi 4 M 5
`Ha 0nMH war a cnenynmym noanuwm H
`Becb npouecc eosfiymnenmn H perHcTpa-
`aaHun'aonHoaHx nonefi ofiecneuusaercn
`aoamomnocrb pa3neneHMn aonnoaux no-
`nefi OT pa3Hmx HCTOHHHKOB npm o6pa5oT-
`Ke nawnux no cnoco6y OFT M nocTpoe-
`HHM ceficmnueckmx nsofipamenmfi nm¢paK-
`unoHHmM Mevonom. 370 nOCTMFéeTCH
`npu eocnponaaenenmm cmarux sanwcefi
`aa cue? aaona apemehnux aanepmex,
`no anaky aanepmkam, npmMeHeHHuM M
`3afiOMHeHHHM npw perucrpaunu Kone6a-
`Fenepwpoaauue pasnwuuux peanuaa-
`uufi cnyuafiHHx umcen (M BDGMSHHHX sa-
`ao36ymneHMn Kone6aHMfi
`o6ecneuuaaeT HeKOFeDeHTHOe cymmupoaaé‘
`Hue aonnoaux nonéfi cocenHMx no npHeM-
`HHM npommnnm cmarux ceficMorpaMM MHo-
`FOKDETHOFO npocnewnaannn rpanmu H
`Ten caMuM coanaer soanomuocrm nnn
`paanenennn npn o6pa6oTKe naunux Ha6-
`nnneHufi eonnosux nonefi or Bcex Mc-
`TOHHHKOB, pasnemennux Ha Manyuaenofi
`nnomanu. Hpn Hecofinmnennn 3Toro 5y-
`nyv Ha6nmnaTbcn nonexn or Mcrounnkoa,
`pacnonoweHHux Ha npyrux npowunnx
`Cnoco6 npocTpaHcTaeHHofi ceficMo-
`pasaenxm no MeTony MHOFOKpaTHHX ne-
`peKpuTwfi. axnmqanmmfi pa3MeueHMe nyH-
`KTOB npMeMa‘ceficMMuecKMx Konefianufi
`Ha OAHOM HRH HeCKOflbKHX napannenbnux
`npownnnx M nyHKTOB sosfiymnennn, pac-
`nonomeHHmx Ha nonepeunux npomnnnx
`no P HyHKTOB Ha Kamnom H3 HHX, sa-
`nycx HCTOHHHKOB, perucrpauum ceficMu-
`uecxnx Konefianufi nocnenosaTenbHo'3o
`epenenn or Kamnoro nyuxra Bo35ymne-
`HHR M o5pa6oTxy ceficMorpaMM, 0 T -
`n n q a n m Myfi c n Ten, uro, c
`uenbm noeumenmn np0H3BOnHTenbHOCTH
`pa6oT, mopmmpymr nocnenoaarenbuocrb
`cmrnanoa, cooTeeTcT3ynmMx cnyuafi-
`Hbw uwcnam, pacnpeneneHHuM Heaaau-
`CHMO H naanoaeponrno Ha orpesue, or-
`DBHMHEHHOM cnena aenuuuuofi uHrepaa-
`na Koppennunm ceficmorpamn or paanux
`nyHKTo3 aoafiymneuun, a cnpaea - no-
`25 noaunofi nnmrenbuocwu ceficMorpaMMu
`or onHoro nynxra aoafiymnenmn, aa-
`nycxanr mcroqnmxm, mcnonbsya rpynnu
`‘ma P cnruanos nocnenoaaTenbHocTM 3
`ixauecrae aanepmex aanycua McTom-m-
`30 K08 B P nyHKTax aoafiymnenun Ha Kannon
`H3 npomunefi, npnqem perncTpauun Kane-
`6aHHfi or Bcex P nynuros Kamnoro npo-
`munn Bo36ymneHun npowasonurcn Henpe-
`Duane, a MOMCHTH sanycxa HCTOHHHKOB3
`aanonnnawrcn H ncnonbaynrcn npn o6pa-
`35 6oTKe.
`WesternGeco Ex. 1005, pg. 3
`Cocraanrenb C.Konecoa
`KODDGKTOD A.06pyuap
`Tmpam 41h
`8aKa3 399
`BHHMHM FocynapcTaeHHoro KOMMTeTa no M3o6peTeHMnM M OTKpHTHfiM npn_FKHT CCCP
`113035, Mocxsa, W-35,-Paymcxan Ha6., A. h/5
`HpoM3aoncTBeHHo-Magarenbcxmfi KuM6nHaT ”HaTeHT”,
`r.Ymropon, yn. FarapwHa,IO1
`WesternGeco Ex. 1005, pg. 4
`[coat of Arms of UNION OF SOVIET
`the USSR]
`(19) SU(11)
`(51)5 G01 V 1/00
`[ stamp: ]
`(21) 4359110/24-25
`(22) 01/07/88
`(46) 02/15/90. Bulletin No. 6
`(71) Kiev Geophysical Branch of the Ukrainian
`Research Institute of Geological Exploration
`(72) Yu.V. Timoshin and A.I. Chizhik
`(53) 550.834 (088.8)
`I.I. Gurvich Seismic exploration. M., Nedra,
`1970, p. 324-356.
`V.I. Meslibey Multifold reflection technique in
`seismic exploration. M., Ncdra, 1985, p. 94-103.
`USSR Inventor's Certificate No. 1233065, cl. G
`01 V 1/00, 02/03/84.
`(57) The invention relates to methods of seismic
`exploration of mineral deposits. The aim of the
`invention is to improve the efficiency of areal seismic
`surveys. A sequence of P random numbers is
`generated for each position ofthe receiving
`device and a series ofP excitation points.
`They are botmded on one side by the
`correlation radius of seismograms obtained
`from the different excitation points, and the
`other — by one-half of the seismogram’s
`duration. These random numbers are used as
`launch delays for sources positioned atP
`excitation points while the seismic waves from
`all of these sources are recorded continuously.
`Launch times ofthe sources are stored in the
`memory and are used for the separation of the
`wave fields in processing the results. In
`performing summation by using the multifold
`reflection technique, the signals from one
`excitation source are summed in-phase, while
`those from different sources — out-of-phase,
`since the launch delays of the sources are
`random and independent.
`2 illustrations.
`This invention relates to spatial seismic exploration
`of mineral deposits
`The aim of the invention is improved efficiency of
`Figures I and 2 show a diagram ofthe embodiment
`of this method.
`Figure 1 shows profiles 1 and 2, comprising
`excitation points 3.1 — 3.P positioned at a distance
`Ay from each other; profiles 4 and 5 for recording
`of seismic waves, in near proximity of which are
`positioned seismic stations 6 and 7, and which also
`comprise seismic wave receiving points 8.1 and
`8N at a distance Ax from each other. The
`recorded profiles are spaced at a distance of h
`>> 2» from each other (X is the length of recorded
`seismic wave). The values of Ax and Ay are of
`the same order as the value of 1. Reception
`points 8.1 — 8.N of each recorded profile are
`connected to seismic stations 6 and 7. The
`receiving installation, comprising several
`reception points, may occupy different positions,
`9 and 10 (for example) on the shooting line 5.
`WesternGeco Ex. 1005, pg. 5
`The receiving installation in position 9 and
`sources in the excitation points on line 1 fonn one
`position of the acquisition area; receivers in position
`10, and sources on line 2 - another position, and so
`forth, according to the multifold reflection
`The hardware for embodiment of the method
`(Fig. 2) includes seismic stations 6 and 7, one of
`which (seismic stations 7) is the leading one.
`Seismic station 7 is connected to the generator 11 of
`launch sequence pulses for wave sources 12.1 - l2.P.
`Generator 1
`1 includes a random number generator,
`such as a noise generator based on the radioactive
`decay phenomenon, on the gas discharge in a
`thyratron, etc.
`Generator 11 is connected to the distributor 13,
`embodied in the form of a conventional electronic
`commutator switch comprising, for example, a five-
`bit binary counter and a keyset for unipolar voltage
`with outputs. Five bits ofthe counter certainly cover
`the practically possible values of P. A DC voltage
`source is connected to the inputs of all the keys, and
`lunch pulse generators 14 for sources 12.1 - l2.P are
`connected to their outputs.
`The source lunch pulse generator 14 is a
`differentiating amplifier with a sufficiently powerful,
`for example, thyristor-type output, the current of
`which is sufficient to trigger the electric detonator or
`to run the iioii-explosive source.
`The sources may be connected to the outputs of
`generators 14 in a random but known order, i.e. the
`numbers of sources on line 1 and the output numbers
`on generator 14, to which they are connected, may
`differ from each other randomly.
`The leading seismic station 7 is connected with
`the circuits that form the trigger moment tags for all
`The method is perfomied as follows.
`Observations carried out by the method of
`multifold coverage of boundaries, i.e. seismograms,
`are recorded for each position of the acquisition
`area. On command from seismic station 7, at some
`point operations begin on the current position of the
`acquisition area and generator 11 is launched.
`For each position of the acquisition area,
`generator 11 generates a sequence of random
`numbers distributed with equal probability in
`the interval Atm, to T/2, where A tee, is the
`correlation interval for seismograms from
`different excitation points, T is the length of a
`seismogram record from a single source.
`These random numbers are the source trigger
`delays AtT. The delay AtT is the time interval,
`after which the excitation source is triggered,
`relative to some starting moment of
`observations for this position in the
`acquisition area. Based on delays AtT, the
`generator generates P time delays A T, for
`launch of sources relative to each other: AT1
`: AtT 1,1 - AtT) 1, VVhCI'C AtT 1+1 and A111 are
`neighboring values of At~1~. A T, already
`follows the Poisson distribution, i = l-P.
`Values of delays A T1 from generator 11
`are supplied to distributor 13 and further to
`the source trigger signal generators 14. Each
`source receives one trigger signal, which
`launches this source. The triggering moments
`of all sources (usually collected by the
`receivers installed near or directly on the
`sources or by the explosion marking circuits)
`are transmitted to station 7 and are stored
`there on the simultaneously recorded
`seismograms. The waves are recoded from all
`P sources 12 continuously from the start of
`monitoring in this position of the acquisition
`area comprising P excitation points. Ptrigger
`pulses with delays AtT are supplied to the
`excitation sources in the time interval A too, i
`AtT ST/2. After triggering of the last source,
`recoding continues for another Tc, so that the
`total time of registration is not more than 15
`Te. In this case, the wave fields of all P
`sources overlap in time and exist in the
`medium concurrently. Due to this, a complex
`incoherent cumulative field with a duration of
`kT is created in the environment, where k is
`the coeffieient that reflects the extension of
`recording by the delays (1 < k S 1.5).
`WesternGeco Ex. 1005, pg. 6
`As a result, one complex seismogram is
`derived for the first position of the sources and
`receiving system. Thereafter, the receiving
`system and the sources are shifted along lines 4
`and 5, one step towards the next position, and
`the process of excitation and recording of
`waves is repeated again, and so forth.
`Due to the incoherence of the summation of
`wave fields, it is possible to separate the wave
`fields from different sources during data
`processing by the CDP method and to perform
`seismic imaging by the diffraction method.
`This is achieved when restoring the compressed
`records by introducing the time delays of equal
`magnitude but opposite sign to the delays
`applied and stored during wave recording.
`Generation of different random numbers
`(and time delays) for different positions on the
`wave excitation profiles (sources) results in
`incoherent summation of compressed
`seismograms in multifold coverage of
`boundaries for wave fields of the adjacent
`receiving lines, thus creating the opportunity
`for separation of wave fields from all sources
`positioned 011 the exposed area, iii the course of
`processing the observation results. Failure to do
`so will result in interference from sources
`positioned in other excitation profiles.
`This is a method of spatial seismic
`exploration using the multifold reflection
`technique, comprising placement of seismic
`wave receivers in one or several parallel lines
`and placement of excitation points on
`transverse lines, with Ppoints on each of the
`above, triggering of sources, recording of
`seismic waves sequentially in time from each
`excitation point, and processing of the
`seismograms,charaeterize din
`t h at , in order to improve the efficiency of the
`operation, a sequence of signals is formed
`corresponding to random numbers distributed
`independently and with equal probability in the
`interval bounded on the left by the magnitude
`of the correlation interval of seismograms from
`different excitation points, and the right — by
`one-half of the length of the seismograrn from
`one excitation point; sources are triggered using
`in sequence groups of P signals as source
`triggering delays for P excitation points on
`each of the lines, While the Waves are
`continuously recorded from all P points of each
`excitation profile, and source triggering times
`are stored and used in processing.
`WesternGeco Ex. 1005, pg. 7
`Editor A. Lezhnina
`Compiled by S. Kolesov
`Tech. Editor M L.Serdy11koVa
`Proofreader A. Obruchar
`by Subscription
`Order No. 399
`VNNIIPI State Committee for Inventions and Discoveries at GKNT USSR
`113035, Moscow, Zh-35, 4/5 Raushskaya Embankment
`Publishing and Production Plant Patent, Uzhgorod, 101 Gagarin Str.
`WesternGeco Ex. 1005, pg. 8
`City of New York, State ofNew York, County of New York
`I, Artem Furman, hereby affinn that the following is to the best of my knowledge
`and belief, a true and accurate Translation from Russian to English of the document
`“SU l543357Al”.
`‘ 1"
`Artem Furman
`TransPerfect Translations International, Inc.
`Sworn to before me this
`March 11, 2014
`otary Public
`4 ..«... .: ..«;
`; Notary Public-=State of New York
`No. 01DR6262048
`’ Qualified in NEW YORK County V
`My Commission Expires MAY 21, 2016 ’
`Stamp, Notary Public
`‘N--EFAEZE PARK AVENUE, 3€:"3"H FLOOR, NEW YORK. NY i(50’is§ T 4-l 212.689 5555
`F H ?.‘i2.68‘9.'3'€.’E5?
`WesternGeco Ex. 1005, pg. 9