`I*3FI170RIi 'H:E E5 .1’,/“xT7H‘:‘\‘T 'i"R.I.,éX_I, AND .:’sl’I3fiAIV. BCMXRD
`\WI ‘ER G.¥:~lCC) L. I
`(I . ,
`PCS G.E*}O1’H‘:’8I.(:AVL AS,
`Patent Owxzer.
`Case I1’R2(}'§5—O{}309
`P}tiIITf}(}Z‘\§ l*~"()R 1[:\-"]'i;;€R.
`.r”/1R'i”I*-3L§~‘ }{}'§\r’IE—§\‘iv’ C)?
`(‘IIL,AI3\>/IS 1-22 0%
`UNI)}§§lR 3:3 E§.S—,C.
`3122 AN}? 37 C.I:*‘.R.
`PGS Exhibit 2003
`WesternGec0 v. PGS (IPR2015-00309, 310, 311)
`IPR2015-00309» '
`00310, -0831 ‘E
`s EXHIBYF 2093
`, ,
`PGS Exhibit 2003
`WesternGeco v. PGS (IPR2015-00309, 310, 311)
`Petition fer Inter Parzes Review 0%”U.S. P’atent1\§0. 6906798}
`OVER‘/’V§ME’W GP THE PETITION ................................................................ ..I
`42.8{a)(§) .................................... ..8
`~ 37 CI-’.R. § 42.103 ................................................. ..9
`REQUIREMENTS FOR INTER PARTES REVEEW’ .................................... ..9
`(}mLmds fur Smnding 37 (.:.F.R.
`42.1(}4{a) ....................................... .. 9
`Idc:ntifi<:ati<i>n of Claims for Which Review Is Requested emd Relief
`Rc:qu<:sI:€,d— 37 C.F.R.
`zxmi 42.22 >21)
`......................... .. 9
`Prior Art Patents and Prixzted PL1biic:1ti0ns .............................. .. I0
`St2:tut<>ry (}r0u11ds of'Ch2111cngc — 37 C.F.R.
`42.1 O4(b) <2‘ ..... .. 10
`THE ‘98I PATENT ..................................................................................... ..1 1
`Ovc:rvicw of the “J81 Patent; .............................................................. .. 1 I
`Prosecution Hist<)ry of the ‘Q81 Parerwxt .............................................. .. I2
`CLAIR/I CONSTRUCTION ........................................................................ .. 13
`“w2.vch:t tinxc” ................................................................................... .. 14
`VII. LEVEL OF ORDINARY SKELL IN THE ART ......................................... ..15
`4-2.104(b){4)~{5) and 43.?;2(a)(2) ........ A5
`Claérns 1, 2, 7, and ‘ILL 21 age zzzxticipatcci by Dc {ioli ......................... .. 15
`C1ai1“:1s ‘L22 2117:. 0bvi(>us if: \*i»::w of the combincci teachings of Beashsy
`and ’}iEmoshi:<: .................................................................................... .. 28
`T110 proposed g:::0ur1ds based on Bcask<y and Timoshizx are not
`résdundaxxt to the gm1;:nc3:% §:~21$c<:§.
`(‘"311 Dc f<(’_'>:K. .......................... .. 28
`Cizfitfzz ‘E .................................................................................... .. Z9
`Claim 7 .................................................................................... .. 34
`Claims 2—6 and 8-‘£0 ................................................................. .. 35
`(.:1z1.i:n:; 12 and EU ....................................................................... .. 35
`Ciaims 3 and 9 ......................................................................... .. 36
`(jlaims 4 and ......................................................................... .. 36
`WesternGeco V. PGS (IPR2015-00309, 310, 311)
`PGS Exhibit 2003
`PGS Exhibit 2003
`WesternGeco v. PGS (IPR2015-00309, 310, 311)
`Petition for Inter Parres Review of U.S. Patent No. 6,906,981
`Ciaim 5 ..................................................
`............................... .. 36
`CE21inf1 6» ..................................................................................... .. 37
`Ciaims 11-20 ........................................................................... .. 37
`Cizaims‘ Z1 zmd
`.................................................................... .. 42
`Cklisins 1-22 are obvious in vicxv of the combined teiachings of Beasley
`and Edi:1g{on ...................................................................................... .. 43
`The propcmcd grounds based on Beasley and Edirzgnjm are not
`IfCdUfid£iflIZ C0 the grcmunds based on Dc Kok or the grounds based
`on Beasiej and Tirx1<>s§*1in.......................................................... .. 43
`Claim I ................................................................................... .. 45
`CE:11'n1 7 .................................................................................... .. 50
`Ciaixns 2~6 and 8410 ................................................................. .. 5}
`Ciaims 2 and 10 .....................................................
`................ .. 51
`Cizxinus 3 zmd 9 ......................................................................... .. 52
`(ifiaixns 4 zmd 8 ......................................................................... .. S2
`Claim} 5. ................................................................................... .. 53
`Ciaim 6. ................................................................................... .. 53
`Ciainxs '11-20. .......................................................................... .. S4
`C§21ims 21 Ami
`.................................................................... .. 58
`CONCLUSEON ............................................................................................ .59
`WesternGeco V. PGS (IPR2015-00309, 310, 311)
`PGS Exhibit 2003
`PGS Exhibit 2003
`WesternGeco v. PGS (IPR2015-00309, 310, 311)
`Petition for Inter Pcmes Review of US. Patent No. 6,906,981
`'\W<:stc1::1(}Tcc<> L.L.C. {“\7\7cstcrr1” or “Peti?:i<i)ne1t”} rcspectfxfllfc requestg z’2zZe7*
`%;'>m”/ex revimv {“IPR”) for ciaims 1-22 of
`Paizcflt ’2‘~§o. 6,9€L)6,_981 “the ‘981 patent,”
`1001) in a<:co:cda:ncc with 35 U.S.C.
`3} 1-31‘) zxfld 37 €[}.P'.R.
`42.100 ct seq.
`The prior art: cited in this Petition dc1m>znst1'a€6s
`that the seismic surveying 1’1’lCfhOd
`recited in claims 1-22 of the ‘983 patent was *~:2:i»c1€}.y known and used well bu3f<:>17c the
`3981 p21t<:m.’s puzportcd pzciority date and, accmdingly, clainle; L22 of the ‘Q81 pzuiccnt
`should not have issucci.
`The ‘981 patent is directed to Seismic survcyixlg, 3 wcH—1<::1own rnethod of
`mapping ge<,>1c,)ggI<:2J f‘orm211;ions with :;<.>u:1c§ wave rcflcx:ti<“>:1s. A basic (;>vc~:Wiew of Ehf:
`principles and el.emcm:;~: of seisxnric stxjrveaaymg are pxovizicd in an article ifitkid “How
`Modem ’1f‘e<:hniquc:s kfxnptrmwz Seismic h1t:crpr::I:ati<‘>::” thzui appczzméd in the ;\.p:'fl, 1994
`iSSi1€ of W}2rzia’ 021:’ m;1g2zzi::1<:.
`“\7<?’<3ric1 Oi} A.:ftic}.c,” Fix. 1€}{}8.) This Fstdcrai Cfi‘CL1i§h2iS
`emphasized the importance of cozxsidcring such backgr<_>un::i inf<>rm:aJ:i<):1 as part: of
`the cfiavicmsness d€tC’Cfi1ir121i:i<‘)11, stating:
`In reco xizingz the mic of <:<:>m.111(m 1«;.m>wktd<>~e ané <:c)mmm1 scngc, we
`hmre cm'1ph:;.:—:iz<:<i {hat émp<>:*m:1C<i of 3 faczuzz} €<imn<§2:ti<>n
`to su;:>p<V>2<t
`f§21f,i‘:i£7S <:E21i.m a‘r3c>ut: what one 06 <‘>rdin:u."j; skflf in the xrclcrvzzm art womid
`have kn<i>wn.
`U) '
`‘S223, e.;0., Mzkzifi za Dz'eZ-“~
`If/:’}1l.s‘0I2, ffza, 679 1‘ .3d “I372 1377
`Ecé. Cir. 2332); fv"e;;;2‘£n:';i L???/‘2 'i"m3.»~.,
`I;g,f«i2{7;3}<1, £225.; 587 F.3d T324,
`1328 (Fed. Cir. 2009). One.
`form of cvéden<:c to }%31'(')\r’idC such 21
`WesternGeco V. PGS (IPR2015-00309, 310, 311)
`PGS Exhibit 2003
`PGS Exhibit 2003
`WesternGeco v. PGS (IPR2015-00309, 310, 311)
`Petition for Inter Panes Review 0fU.S. Patent No. 6,906,981
`foundatioxl, perhaps the most reliable because not 1itigati<>n«generatcd, is
`<:i<">Cu:nsntar}; evidence c<>115is€ing of prior art: in the meg}.
`Ifiaizdazé’ 2:. Rm, 108 USPQ2d 1727, [1732-1733 Fed. Cir. 2013).
`./X5 explained in the ‘\7{5<):id Oi} ..3m:ti1'cEt:, 1fc:fleCti<>n s€ismo1c>gj.r wag fixst zxppfieci in
`the 19205. Six. 1008, at 85.) Rcfl<*:c:€;i(>:1
`scism<;>Ec_>gy uses induced zzcoustic 5:cflc<;ti0r1s
`of rock }ajx;e1fs.
`Vibr21tior1s are gcncmtczd in the earth with acc)ustic s<>urc::s, and
`rttffectiozls are recorded with receivers. Uni.) M<:>s'c ma:i:1<3. acqtzisition s<i>Lm<i sourcczs
`are air guns that repeatedly displace: wafer xwhxmes, and marine. rcceixrers are prc.~.;:surc:
`sensitive devices caflcd ‘h};dr0ph<m(:s.’
`17x. 1008, at 86.) 011 land, sources include
`eXp}<>sivcs or t'1:uci<. mounted vibrators, and receivers are ‘geoph<,;mes’ that detect slight
`ground tr1o\*c::r1cn::s.
`(Lid) Ragardicss <>f\:s5E3et}1c: it is 2; 3;md—b2:sed grsophcyne 0:‘ 21
`marin<~:-based hydmph<;)nc, the basic: pri.n<:ipE,e of opcrmiofl is that satne ~ each rccc:i<.«'r:r
`converts prcssu1:<*: my ground ciistu3'b21nccts to elcctriczxl impxflms, ar1d the <§§.git23zH}-*
`recorded c§ec:n:i<:211 ptfises <j>f gm array or g.t:<:>up of receivers; are trzmsmitted, via cable or
`EE:1en1rctry, to recording <:<.>mputcrs. M.)
`WesternGeco V. PGS (IPR2015-00309, 310, 311)
`PGS Exhibit 2003
`PGS Exhibit 2003
`WesternGeco v. PGS (IPR2015-00309, 310, 311)
`Petition for [mer Parley Review of US. Patent No. 6,906,981
`Figure 1 of the \‘{:‘<)r1d Oil Article, reproduced b<:I<>w, is a sixnplificd diagmtn of
`the seismic principk: used in both land and tnarimc surveys.
`§“‘%§”§x:f5i$%‘é? L ” L
` %z€é’%T%§f$I..£f§ ’ 5%.,
`In the example Sh()\.‘~.»’t1 in Fi§2)‘L1I,‘C 1 of the '\7€c>1*1ci Oi} V.#‘xrrick:, the Horizon E :*cfI<:<:*d.<;m
`£c3uh‘,s frmlrx an impadimce C()i1Uf?1S?Z b€f.w¢::cn I .,;iye:1‘s § and 2; Eikcgwise for Re.f§ecr%<,m 2
`emanating from Hort/,:<>m 2.
`‘£008, at
`R213’ paths are dctscrflaaid by Stlcfifs Law
`am! bend at czzch 321.§?C¥'i11t€1'f21C€
`(].rZ.js Su’%)sux7f:a.ce horizons are imaged
`repeatedly by s<>urcc—r<:cctivcr pairs
`sh00ti:1gpr<‘>grcss<:s to ezzch C<)f1S€CUff;V”C Ema
`Chwzcn the simiizxriticés if: their prim:}pELcs (>5 <V>pc:2:fim:1, it is not sxirpriséxxgg film’:
`both I21:1&—b2zscd and m;1z€ne—i'321::c:d seismic surx*C;*s \v<:z'<: 1~:m>vm 1:0 share ezomc
`common fl1CfTh£)d(f)1()g;i€S to impziove sigrtxal to nmsc mti(.,>s. The ‘X/aria? Oil Article:
`WesternGeco V. PGS (IPR2015-00309, 310, 311)
`PGS Exhibit 2003
`PGS Exhibit 2003
`WesternGeco v. PGS (IPR2015-00309, 310, 311)
`Petition for Inter Parzfes Review of US. Patent No. 6306,98}
`explains one such weH—know:1 method0}(>gy that was shared by both kmd-based and
`:"11211*i13e—b21sc:c§ seisxnic surveys: the common midpmm {( 1MP} gxzhczf. A CMP gather is
`21 <:c:>H€CIic,m of 2133 <:<3mbirm_tio:1s of .‘;>UfC€f-fCC‘CZ.éVCZ’ pairs which rczccytdea encrg;_g«* 5:701:51
`the same 2nidp<>int 1o<:a1:i<m, therefore c<>nmining crave} paths from rtetar to far offset
`1008, at 86.) Thc: \‘§’<)rId Oi} Articie c:xp1a.ir1s that ‘Tglhis reciurzdailcy
`increases the Sigma‘: to noise r21t;i<:> when trzxccs are pssoacssed and summed.”
`In 1Z(}\V€3d
`tnzzrine. sxxrveyizzg, 21 Vessel mws one or m<,>z‘<: of the seisznic energy
`s<)11rcz::s, and the: same, or 21 different xi/“«::s:~:cl toxxrsa one or more “st.re21me:ts,” which am
`series of seismic sensors affixcd :0 a cable. Restuming n<;m: To the: “)8? pzztem, Figure
`1 of ms: ‘98? patent, reproduced bcbw, shows two or more sources {$311, SA2), such
`as air guns, Ehat are fired to generate seismic emtrgjz thafa tmvcis thrcsgmgh the earth.
`grmlp of serzscm i_’2;z—2a’}, such as h“yd::<L>ph<>nes:¢., 1'c:<:Qrd the returning <:<:110:-3:9 21:5 3
`fxxzzcriozz of tixnc.
`’H){_}1, 1:ZZ2~2:37.}
`WesternGeco V. PGS (IPR2015-00309, 310, 311)
`PGS Exhibit 2003
`PGS Exhibit 2003
`WesternGeco v. PGS (IPR2015-00309, 310, 311)
`Petition for Inter Parres Review of US. Patent No. 6,906,981
`As noted in the W<>i:ici Oi} ,«\1‘i:i<:i.e, “Mt was common to use sfmchroxiizcd
`source arrzvys to increase, or focus, energy at each shot.”
`’1i’)08, at 86.) PC):
`example, as c):pi21inr:& in the backg:*<,>iir1d p<>rti<'f>n of US. Pzitcnt N<">. 6,545,944 to dc:
`i‘~:(’)k “De K<>l<:,”
`1003}, which was flied more thzm 21 year piiior to the earliest.
`filing date claimed bf the ‘981 patent, the use of rnuitipic sources firing; simuitiaiicousiy
`into the same recording systcnl was known to be an extractive option to i11C1'f39.S:’3. the
`field survey <:i"f>rs.s at rclatxfcciy low ifiCfCI1’1Ct1f‘£ii cost.
`1003, 2:27-30.) Dc Kok
`explains that: simuitzmcous firing is piirticiiiziriy cc0r1<;>rnic:21i \>’v’i”1Q1’1 additmnzii s<.,mr<.:e:;
`can easily and chcszzpiy be dcplogscd, such as airguri zirrays in 2. 1T}2}.1.‘ifiC situation.
`1003, 2:3€f)~33.}
`etxzpiainctnti in the <;icc121mti<m of Mic
`Ikeiizz, .Ph.D. “fhffi Ikclie cieciar:a:i<:>:1,”
`Ex. '1 Ui,)2:i3 the Si,1".f?iui?Z23.1".i€C)"{1S aci"iv3tic>n of I’T2“;.1li5I.i.piC s<:>m'z;c.s can I.‘23.iS€ <:ompiicati0i1s
`rsrizmiiig to iiuisct g:§€f1€i'2zi‘.i()I’1
`and <iistinguisi“2ing s<)ui‘c<:s from eziich €;)‘L‘i‘}C:‘.
`fix. 1{)€’[>2,
`W? 32553.)
`it was E<._>i1g-kmivm in fin: Ezmd seismic: c<>m:€::~:t
`that if two sources wci:<:
`as}*1}ch:"c)n<;)us, the in.ter§e:7i:ig»; signal ccmici be mzated
`“noises” and ciistinguishcci
`thifmigh simple C.i\/‘fir’ binningg. Sovic: Union Pzlixént No. 1,543,357 ti>'§C‘ii71oshi:1 at 3.1.
`(“Ti11ii<>s}1i11,” fix. ’1{){)5}, published more {ham decade prioi: to fix: eaifiicst iiiiing ciaizc
`claimed by the ‘981 paifciit, discloses usirig random riumbcts as {king cieiziiys fair
`soui:ces m disiiiiguish between scpazrazc s<m.5:<:cs ciuting CM13’ pi‘(’)CCSS.‘iI'1g. LIES. Pzit.
`No. 4,953,637 to IiCiiI1gt(;)I'1 {“Edingto11,” EX. 1{.706},, which was also flied more thzm 2i
`ciccacie prior to the earliest filing date ciaiiricai bv the ‘Q8? patemj, ciisci.»:>s<:s shomting at
`WesternGeco V. PGS (IPR2015-00309, 310, 311)
`PGS Exhibit 2003
`PGS Exhibit 2003
`WesternGeco v. PGS (IPR2015-00309, 310, 311)
`Petition for Inter Pczrres Review of US. Patent No. 6,9069%}
`least two seisnaéc energy somces subs:tandaH}; simu§ta.n<:0u.sIy wiith 21 cictcrrninablc time
`éelay between the: activation of each murce, and than shoc){:i:1g {he sources at lczmi a
`S€C(")nd time s1V1‘€3st21:1tia.Ily simu1t2me<ms}y with a differczm dctcrmimzbic time delay
`between the 21CI:ivatior1 of each souzrce {mm the de*:e1:minab.Ec time dclaf; uséd in at:
`1623.3? one prcVi<)us shooting.
`(EX. 1006, 2:141
`}-idi5.1gt<>n explaizls that “the
`determinable tim<—': deéays is pzteseiected, and
`selected so that the difference in time:
`deizxjq b€?_'\3V€i€,f1
`any two shooi:ings enables the sigma} received from. the fi1‘S?Z zzcfivzmsci
`source to be distinguishcci from the signal recesivczci fmm the SCC(T)f}d activated s<;>ut‘c<-2.”
`(Ex. E006, 2:} 5-20.)
`£’u1't:hr:tr, US. Patc:1:1t .1\5o. 3,924,849 to Beasley «:2: 3.1. (“Bca31cy,” Fix. I004)
`discioses a bmad toolbox of tCCh::1iqu<:s for scpzzrazixzg simulmnmus; :~5<;>:.1rcss. As
`explzxmcd in the Iiaclic &cc:1amt.§.c>::, it wzu; wcfi E«:nmm in $334: wsismiat s112"veyiz1g am" prior
`U} the earliest ffiizzg date cziaimzsci 1:33‘ 31¢: ‘G81 pzuxzrmf m mc<1>&c:: aignaés hr Eater
`scparatticm by m<”>difying the S<:>ur<:<: sigmmzrcxs. This i11c§ud€cix*ar§?§z3g the amplitude,
`frccgucncy, zmd/Yin: f3r3L1i1g time of the s<;}m’Cc': sigilzmlzx-3. Ex. ’1i3(.}2,
`33935.} More
`s<3phist'i<:21t¢d techniques, sucéx 21$ tihmzc c3£i:;<:IT{,:}:;«.-::*} in 17):: Kok, want §;3»c§j:c>:1ri
`diséixzguishifzg the twm s<.>ux*c<=:s zmci cfis:c§<;se.d timing taichzxiqmzs that wouid ::cfmf<>rc<:
`the %:wo signals to impmve their inf<,>rm21ti<>na§ c<>men,t. Spccificzxliy, unlxkc the ‘.981
`p.5i‘£C:‘1t, Dc Kok d%scio:»:<:s time cidzajjc e11c<)ding; ‘iechnziqucs which rely on pr<>g:<ammc:d
`time ddays in the fieid ;4_t_1_c_i_ pcjlzarity dc:cc;>ding in the proccssmg ccmcr.
`the ‘981 )2:t:<:s:1:: xi: aorta to have i:‘1v<::m::d the <:0nce t of ‘éfinu:
`WesternGeco V. PGS (IPR2015-00309, 310, 311)
`PGS Exhibit 2003
`PGS Exhibit 2003
`WesternGeco v. PGS (IPR2015-00309, 310, 311)
`i’eti1:ion for Inter Pcmes Review of US. Patent No. 6,906,981
`varyizzg seismic source signals. (liaitn I of the ‘981 patent recites:
`mcsthod for rzcismic siumcying, c<7mpi‘isi11g:
`towing 21 first s<-ztismic cmsrgy source and at kiast one seismic SCf1S{)1‘
`towing a second seismic cncirgy source at a scicctcd disiizmce {mm the
`first seismic energy source; zimi
`21cti:i2u:ii1g the first seismic ezicrgy source and the second seismic
`cncrgy S()U£1‘CC in 21 piuraiity of firing sequences, czach of the firing
`seqzicnccs including firing of the first: source and the second sauitcc arid
`recorciing signals generated by the ax least one Seismic sensor system, 21
`time interval between firing the first source aiid the second source varied
`bctiwccn successive ones of the fixing sequences, the ximes cf firing the
`first and secozid source. indcxcci so as ‘EJQ cnaiiic $Cp23.1f£3.’(€:
`idcm:ificati<.m of
`seismic iivctxits otiginzitiiig from the firs: S()Li}fC€
`and seismic evcmz:
`<.i>1'igiimi:iiig {mm the sc*:c<>ii1d S()U.1T(;C in Cié3fI('2Cfx’;?d seismic signals.
`This‘ tii.me—v3i'ia‘ci»:3ii W“’£iS iOi”1g~USCd in the prior art to SCp2l1‘,21f_C s.imuit2mc<..>us
`3<c>m'ces. For cxainpie, Dc i<Z.r.,>i< discloses more sophisticated time ciciay encoding
`i:<:chz1i.qucs tiiail those disclosed in the ‘Q81 pzitcm, thai: ncvcixhcizzss fu.Hj,r aiiticipzitc
`ciziimg E, 2,
`and '10» 21 of the ‘981 pzmczzt.
`in ziciigiiziezi, the <:0i*rii.)iiicd fj{:21Ci7;ii1gS of Bczisicjc zmd tiifiiaf (gs? Viflii“I”1(.f.1S§i"}i1?”3, mi?
`Ediiigmri rciicicr 2213 of the c:i23izns ii)? the ‘Q81 patcm: <.,>bvi<>us. Bezisicjfc is dirccicd 27:’)
`marine: mismic Sui‘V’€?}7S
`rhzzt imtimie firing; seismic scum-ccs Si111UiEaf1€(“}LiSi}" or {E62135
`simuit2ii1c<‘>usiy in wiiicii the “=s<.>mt<.:cs rna}; be 21fTf&,Il<£-§€<;‘i
`ta’: emit ciiccidcd wa'vcfick,is
`using any dcsitcsd type of c<’>ding” and disci<;>s€:s
`time scparatioii of the SCJLEICCS, bu?
`WesternGeco V. PGS (IPR2015-00309, 310, 311)
`PGS Exhibit 2003
`PGS Exhibit 2003
`WesternGeco v. PGS (IPR2015-00309, 310, 311)
`Petition for Im‘er Farms’ Review of US. Patent No. 6,906,981
`does not explicitly disciasez the type of asj:nc11r<'>n<>L1s rimc: separ2m<,_>n dairned in the
`‘981 patent.
`(Fix. 1004, 715466.) It wouki have been obvious to eznplojs the kn0W11
`time c::1coding techniqmis disciosczd in either of Ti‘fl10$11ifl or Fidington in the :~:ys1:cm
`Qf Bczxslcy E0 achieve the pziedictefble rcsuh: of distixxguishizxg sources; that are fimci
`either simultzxrxeously or near si1nL11ta11eoL1s]:§;.
`1:. MANDATORY NOTICES — 37 C.F.R. § 42.8(A)(.i)
`P<:t:iti0n€r provides the foilowing mzmciatmfy disdosuzves.
`Real Parties-In-Interest ~ 37 C.F.R. § 42.8(b)(1)
`\‘<7cs‘ccr:1(,}cc0, L.L.C., Schlumberger "l‘echno1ogy (Io1:pm'21t1\:m., Sclxiuznbcrger
`HOI<:§ings Cicurpormioxx; S<:h1L1:nbe1'ger B.V., Scbhxmberger, Limited, and Schiutnfxexrger
`Sewices, Inc. are the real parties-in—in.t<3:‘<:st.
`Related Matters-= 37 C.F.R. § 42.8(b)(2)
`The “J81 pzztcnt is as.se:.‘tec% in c<;>~—pmdi:1glitigatiog: c2:pti<.>nc:d as H57sis;f:2;“;2(§r3m
`LLC 2:.
`I’e;f7*0ZLezmz C.:€’1’}-5é’f“E»’Z.(,'(?.%',
`.[m: ex‘ (1.,/., S0-ué:hcm Disrmtt of Tz:x21:;, Case 1x70. éiti 3»cv‘—
`Lead and Ba<:i«:—-Up Counsel» 37 C.F.R. § 42.8{b)(3)
`Pc‘t:iti0:r1<—::" f,")f(.,)V’idC3 the Ezfilmvizxg dzssigzzarioxx of coun.::c}:
`I.<:21<;§ Cemizselz
`ESc<>tt. Z\«icK.c<>wr1 (Rcgism1ti<>:1 No. 42,866}
`B21c§«:‘L1p Counsel:
`Z\E<>. 57,($44}
`Service Information - 37 C.F.R. § 42.8(b)(/ii)
`Papers conccmiarzg this matter shouéd ha sewed as follows:
`WesternGeco V. PGS (IPR2015-00309, 310, 311)
`PGS Exhibit 2003
`PGS Exhibit 2003
`WesternGeco v. PGS (IPR2015-00309, 310, 311)
`Petition for Inter .Paz~*2‘es Review of US. Patent No. 6,906,981
`P<.>:~;t: O'é.3I<>n SpiVa}»<, 1940 Duke St, Alcxazzdriza, ‘$33 223%
`Telephone: 703-4’l2~6297
`Facsimihz: 703—4413—222(,}
`PAYMENT OF FEES ~ 37 C.F.R. § 42.103
`The undersigned authofizes the Office to charge the fees
`fbtrh in 37 C.k*‘.R.
`§%42.'15(:1} as ré‘%11irr::d by 37 CFIR. 5 42.103 for this Pc£‘it:ic>r1 far I’/W67” P417“tey Review to
`Deposit ,~\c<:<>um:
`15~{)03€}; anf; addi.ti<)nal fees that might be due are also
`Grounds for St2.ndit1g— 37 CFR. § ~’%2.,1{)4(a}
`1’ursL1am to 37 C.F.R.
`42.I{)4{a::, Pc1:itiion<*:: ];1C:‘€;“:b}-’ certifies rim? the ’981
`pafgcm is 21V2:zfl2.b}c Fcgr z'rzzerj?an‘e.s' review and that the Pcfiti<>nCr is :1<:>t basred or
`csmppcd from rc*gu<:.e:%i1‘;g z'22z‘erf>a;m:1s‘ rszview chaflczngizzag the giants of the ‘981 pzztaam
`on the g“i,'(")U.fldS idc:nt%f1edL hcéreéxt. This is because the ‘981 p21tc:1r has not been subject
`to 21 compieted <3:~:1:oppcé based proceeding of the AER, ami the Ccxumscxrclaim aexvcci on
`‘i§{;"'<:st<~.*:::: rc.:f%3,rmced a}:»<.>'ve in Scctizm H{}%} was: €~<::r:\*cs;E wii:§’1in the £334; 12 m.<>n:‘h<s.
`Identification of Ciaims fer Which Review Is Requested anfi Reiief
`Requested-~ 3'7 C.F.R. §§ 42.104(b)(1) and 42.22(a)(1)
`Put$ua:1t to 37 ("..F.R. §42.'E()4{b:; zmd E); Pctitioxlc-1.‘ requests‘ z'2zZe2jj>zzr5a2.v
`review of daixns 122 of the ‘981 patcmf, and that the Patent Triai and Appczai Board
`{“1’"{C.~‘fi‘3”) dctcrrninc the samc to be unpatemabée.
`WesternGeco V. PGS (IPR2015-00309, 310, 311)
`PGS Exhibit 2003
`PGS Exhibit 2003
`WesternGeco v. PGS (IPR2015-00309, 310, 311)
`Petition for 1'm‘erParres Review of B38. Patent No. 6,906,981
`Prior Art Patents and Printed Publications
`Petitmxzcr relics upcpm fhe f<.>Ei<>wi.ng p2.tc:1t:s and prmted pubhczitiozxsz
`Exhibit 1003 —
`Patent N0. 6,545,944 to dc: Kok (“Dc I<Zo§«:”}, filed Z‘vIaj;=
`ECL 2001 and issued Apri} 8, 2003. De Kok is available as: prior art under‘ 35 U.S.C.
`Exhibit 1804 —~ U ‘Patent Ncjy. 5,924,049 to Beasley at 221. (“Beasieja”}, filed
`Jzmuary 30, 1998 and issucdjuiy 13, 1999.
`.B6:asiey is 21V'E1fl21}'fi)1C as prior art under 35
`Exhibit 1005 — S<)vi<:t Union Patent No. 1,543,357 to '{‘i1nQs.hi:1 at 211.
`{“'Tin1osh,i11”}, fflsd jaxluary 7, 1988 and published February 15, ‘l 990. Tir:1Gs}1i:1
`avziflablc as prior art Lmdet‘ 35 U.S.C.
`Exhibit 1006 — E13. Patent
`4,953,657 to E3Zdi;":gE([>n <“EdiI1gf'()i’1“:}, rfleci
`February 14, 1989 and issued Septczznbcr 4, ‘I990.
`fFiciiz3gt<>:1 is zzmflablc as pri(::r 21::
`under 35 U.S.{I.
`Statutory Gmunds 0f Challenge —— 37 C.F.R. § 42.1(}4(b) (2)
`Pctitianer requests cmceflatiszm Of tbs: ch211}e:1g<:d dzxims under ‘ihcr, f<)EE<mri:1g
`st2;u:ut<;>:."y gxfcmnds:
`Gmund I -«~ Clzaizm; E, 2, 77, 10- 21 are zxaltécipatgcé bf; Dc: Kok (LIX. ‘i€){)3} umicy
`35 Lf.S.C.
`Ground 2 —~ Claims 122 are <>bVic.>us over Beasley Ex. }{j}{_}‘*4!) in View of
`ECKFS) under 35
`WesternGeco V. PGS (IPR2015-00309, 310, 311)
`PGS Exhibit 2003
`PGS Exhibit 2003
`WesternGeco v. PGS (IPR2015-00309, 310, 311)
`Petition for [mer Panes Review of US. Patent N0. 6306,98?
`Ground 3 «- Claims ‘L22
`obvious mic}: Beasley (Ex. 1(T){)4) in View of
`1006) u:1<;§c: 35 U.S.C.
`‘I O3{;1}.
`Pu.;:suant to 37 (jI.17.R.
`42.204{b}{f%), an cxpianatimx of how Claims 1-22 of the
`‘981 patient are unpzxtcmablc under the st21tut(>:fy §;‘<;>und.s éd:entifi¢::d above, that the
`Petitioner has at least 21 rczxmnable §ikeiih<;)<,>d of prevailing on these ggzrcnxnds, including
`{he idemification Qfwhcre each clcxncmt of the claim is Found in the prior art, £3
`ptC)VidC& in Section VIII, below, in the form of claims charts. Pursuzmt to 37 C.F.R.
`42.Z04{b}(5}, tine exhibit numbers of the supp<>rt.ing evidence relied upon to suppmsi;
`the challenges and the relcvzmccz of the: cvicience to the chaficxages rzxiscd, i:1c1udiz1g
`idc11tif§;fmg specific p01‘ti0ns of the C\~'id(*:f1CI:'i that suppozfi: the chaficngcs, am: prrwidcd
`in E:/CtCiTi(’)I'E VUT, bCi}(T')\‘x»’} in the form of claim Ch21i"€S.
`Ovezrview of the ‘981 Patent
`As noted above} the ‘981 patent employs the c<}m:n<>n1}7 used techzixiquc k.n<>wn
`as “simulmzlcoua ;~:hom:'mg,” in which zr1uh:ip'ie seismfec <;é11e:‘g}‘ souzfces are fired
`sin1u1t:at1c<)L1s1y 0:‘ ncar—sirm1}.t;M1e<'>us1y.
`’I“h.<;: recorded dam c<,m.rai:1s i11t:::::fc:rcm:<.=:
`because the shots; <L>xj*c:'12p with <i>m: an<4>the:*, 2'es11§:éL:2g in xmxed Glam that: includczs
`rcficctionsa 1Cf’(.‘>1’,‘i"i czach fired S()UfC(:.
`In order :0 obi:ai:1 uscfui inf<‘>rrn2mLr.,m fknm the
`1,‘€C()3TC.:i(iC%, data, one nms: sepamm out the ciaita received {mm ctacfh ind.ivieiu.21§ S(,)U3;‘CC.
`With pf()‘p(:f S€*.p2if3EiOfl,
`simu11:a:1eous si1<><>ti:1g2; aflows for grczuter shot dexxsity, 2152.,
`more simts during :3. given survey cifuracigm, which results in more robust seismic dam.
`WesternGeco V. PGS (IPR2015-00309, 310, 311)
`PGS Exhibit 2003
`PGS Exhibit 2003
`WesternGeco v. PGS (IPR2015-00309, 310, 311)
`Petition for Inter Pczrzes Review of US. Patent No. 6,906,981
`The ‘98’I pzzrcm proposes 1:0 scpmrzxtc recorded sigmais by time <:m:c>dmg ‘rho
`siga:1aIs 215: thczy arc gencyzlted. In particuJ2=.r, the ‘981 patcm discloses firing a first
`acduxcc, mzzking 2: tccording of the signal dctccticd by the :3cz1:~:0rs that is mdexcd to 21
`known tirm: reference with respect to time of fixing the firs: source, fixing 23 second
`source at 2; Emown, sclcctmi time delay after the fircizlg of the first: source, while signal
`recording conI:inuCs.
`(Ex. 1001, 5:61-64.} The ‘981 pzmcm; defines :1 “firing sscquencc-3”
`as firing the first murcc, w21iti:1g the prccictcrznincd delay and firing the seccimd source
`’E.00’} , 5:65—6:2.} The ‘$83 pat-arm: discloses that the firing segxzerzce,
`and camtcmpoztzmemus signal rc:c:<:>rcfing, are repcatrzd in a seccmd firing sequcaizce.
`1{’,T0'1:, 6:24.} The second fimag sequence indudcs fixing the first source, waiting a
`diffcrcm selected timc ddzly and Fh{31’1 firing the s<3<:,<>nd sourcc, \re=}1ik: recotdizlg
`sseiszmic sigmm.
`I001, (.$:4~7.) The }<n0wn_, sdcactaezci time delay b€‘£TW€€..‘:‘1
`firing Ehc
`fits: s<mrx:c::t zzmd fiifmgg the se{:<md Sff}1E3.‘{Z(;': is d.‘§{f€3‘&‘.1'”i.€
`for ezgch $Ur€QC£Si‘Er»€
`?.()€,}E, 6:719.)
`Prosecution History ef the ‘981 Patent
`Dwzing p::0sCccuti<m, it: an atitcmpti 2:0 di3§i:1g;L1ish the pCiI(iit‘}g clzmns fr<..>~m the
`prior art, the :Xp;>§icm1t cmphzzsizcd the i:npc>r1:2m<:c of xraryizxg time: ciclzays by stating
`that “M11 iInp<>1:tant clcmcni of the Appliczmffi im*cm”i0n
`that 21 time izltctmral
`bcmrcczz fixing the first source and firing the :=.cc<md s<T>u3:<:(: is \:21r%cc.i bmfwccn
`successive ones of the firing sequences.” (Ex. 1007, at 31.) Appiic21nt expiaiiled that
`varying the time dciays: was an gdvarxragc ‘t:)ccm15c: “the, detected seizamic sigimls cam be
`WesternGeco V. PGS (IPR2015-00309, 310, 311)
`PGS Exhibit 2003
`PGS Exhibit 2003
`WesternGeco v. PGS (IPR2015-00309, 310, 311)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review of US. Patent No. 6,906,981
`identifieci with respect which caused the pzirticuiar csvcnts in the detracted seismic:
`1007,, at
`In an ;";z.z‘e7"]>4z¢~K'e.i‘ review, claim rcmis. in an Llflfixpiiffld patent are interpzfieci
`acc<;>rding to their broadest 1.‘€2iSO1’t21ii)i€
`interp1'eta‘i:ion (“BRI”) in View of the
`specificzidzyzi in which th<-gy appear.
`42]} 00%}; Office Patcm: Triai Practice
`Guide, 77 Fed. Rég. 48,756, 48,766 (Aug. 14, 2012).
`in detetininizig the EERL claim
`terms receive their m:diinary and custc.)ma1fy meaning as would be L1r1d<:i:st:ood by one
`of ()!‘difi2?:.t.'}»’ skiii in the art in the ccmtext of the entire diaciosurc.
`[17 re Tmrizs‘/o;,"g2':‘ ']‘‘m{;:,.
`}m:, 504 F.3d 3249, 125?’ (Fed. Cir. 2(){}7).
`The USPTO rcquirezs BR},
`the pateziteéé is given opportunity to amend fhétit‘
`claims in this procceifiiig. 525, <?.{:ig., Office Patent: 'i3;i211 Pmciiicc Guide, 77 Feci. Reg.
`48,764 (Aug. ‘i 4, 2&2}. As rcqiaircci by i”_i’lCSC micez, this i’6tiri<m appiies the BR! of
`ciaim terrns, zzithough BR? may be, and often is, different from 2 ciaim c:<,msm1cti0n in
`ciistzsiici: <:ou1::. 56:2, e.‘g., In re '}i“i”cIii.s‘ ’fa:v:czs* fie/zZz'zgg.s' Cm;‘2., 498 i7.3d. 129%), 1297 {Ric}. Cir.
`2{f){I>7}. Thus, the ciaim 3iI1i"<2fp1f<3\723.i.i€)I1S prcscntcci in this i’Cti°ii0n, iflfiiiliifiiig where
`Pci:it:io.m:<: docs rm: pr<>p(>sc an express c<’>i1sEm<:i:i0ri, dc; not riccessziriiy xrefiiect the
`ciaiin C(")f1Si'1'LlCi’Ji{‘)1’}S rhziii i3‘ctit:ion<:1* i)<:iic\*cs e;i‘1<;>ui<.i be aafiipteci by 21 ciistrict COUICE
`umiczr Pi3z'[/Efix‘ 2». i¥?~”i7'.2' Cr)7;'>., 415 i*‘.3d T393 i*“é:ci. Ciif. EQQS}.
`WesternGeco V. PGS (IPR2015-00309, 310, 311)
`PGS Exhibit 2003
`PGS Exhibit 2003
`WesternGeco v. PGS (IPR2015-00309, 310, 311)
`Petition for Inter Partes Review of US. Pateni No. 6,906,981
`A. “Wavelet time”
`This phrase: appczirs in ciaim 6. Clziim 6 recites “the time i1‘1tC1'V2i‘i is at icasii as
`ic>iig as a wavekc-ii time of the fuss: source.”
`.M.t}ic>ugh the specifiC2i:i<>n of the ‘981 patezit uses the phrasc: “w2iVe1<:t time,” 21
`“wavelet” is not cieariy defined in the ‘981 Sp€LTif1C£lE'i(,)fi. R): emmpie, the ‘(J81 patent:
`states “i[va]1though the time dciziy mi*i»':s f:?mm seqi.iei‘2cs to scqmiiice, the time dczlay
`between firiiig the first source and the sctcmid snurce in each firing scqucmsc is
`preferabijgr scicctcd to be zit; ieast as i<;.>ng as the. ‘wzivciiet’ time of the seismic energy
`geneivaiicd by the firs? S(‘)Ui'C<3 to avoid imzerfeircncz: bctwcciz the firsii and :ac’:ct_>ndv
`discussed in the iiiciic dc:c:122.i'zzti<;n., one haviiig <)rd.i.z12i:y skill in the art at this
`time: of ihc: z:m:ii<::st fiiing daze <:7£2iim<:td by the ‘Q83, patent wouid Llf1(,i{3i‘S€23.‘f7££i
`the piimse.
`“\>«‘2‘WCiC¥i time” to mcszm “the: dumti<;ii of the SOL}I‘CC sig;imiti.irc.” Fizxz. £002,
`The specificatiori of the ‘981 patent i:'idi,c21i:€.s
`that time ciciays at £625: as long
`w2'iv<:icii tirms: sinouki be used ‘so 21v<>id iiziicrfczczicc b€:we<::n the ssources. By \’£—"&iiZiI}g
`“the: €iL1I,‘21‘€Zi()¥1 of the :‘;0u3:cc sigi12m;1::e,” this inrerfeitence i}(:’¥Z\"V{’3€‘tI1 the s0u::c<: Sig1’12fi7u1ffi5
`w<>ui<_i be avoidtsci.
`(f):1iy the iiitcrfeitcsmce i)€Z'f,\VCiCf}
`the T,'{‘3fl{3Cf€ii
`\V2i‘¥’Cf1€i£i$ would
`i:<:m21in to be decoded. As iwted by Di‘. Iigciic, 2: pcrsoii of ordinzzify skill in the 211%‘:
`wi;>u.Ed iixicierxtand then? it is incrcdibifx difficiih: re} dc¥:c<;)d<;: simuit2:m:<>us ;~:hc'>0ti:1g dzitzs.
`(fix. ‘i 002, 3] 63.)
`when the s<>i1_i:«::c sigiiziturcs iiitcrfcrc.
`WesternGeco V. PGS (IPR2015-00309, 310, 311)
`PGS Exhibit 2003
`PGS Exhibit 2003
`WesternGeco v. PGS (IPR2015-00309, 310, 311)
`Petition fOi‘1}VzZ6I” Parfes Review ofU.S. ?a¥;ent N0. 6906,98}
`Acc<>:’di:1g}.3r, the broadest :ceas0r1a‘r_>le interpzfetatioxl of the phrase “wz1xrc}e2i
`tim.e.” is “the du2:21ti0n of the source signature.”
`The levee} of <_}rdinm7_v skill in the art is evidenced by the prior 2m: 59:: If; my
`GP/‘1(.‘ D251, 57 F.3d 1573, 1579 Fed. (Cir. 199.3) (determining that the Board did not
`err in zidopting the approach that the level of sliifi in the art was beet determined by
`refezences of reccintd). The prim‘ art discussed herein, and in the de<:}2zmtion of Dr.
`Ikefle, dCII}.OflS‘fI§itCS that 9. person of <>rd.i11ary ekifl in the art, at the time the “)8?
`patent was filed, was an engineer, seismologisr, or technicai equivalexit, experienced in
`seismic data. acquisition systezns, aware of various aspects of seismic acquisition and
`seismic data pmcessing pertaining to mad or £:i‘:;1ti1‘it€: seismic: surveys.
`(fix. 1002,
`UNPATENTABLE - 37 C.F.R. §§ 42.m4(B)(4)-(sf) AND 42.22(A)(2)
`Pei?it1'<>r1e:: pmvides in the following dimzussicm and claim chzmts 21 <.i<;:m1’3cd
`c<>mp;11Ԥ,s021 of the claimed subject r:121t:ter and the prim zm: sgaeeifyixag where each
`eiemem of the chaflezged claims are {mum} in the prim: art: references.
`Claims 1, 2, 7, and 19- 2} are anticipated by De Kok
`De Kok disebses Iiime defaj; c:n<:<>ding t.ech:1iq_ues which rely }_';g_;j_h on
`picogmznmed time dezizays: in the field ggfi pc>1a:7ity dec<‘>&éng in the }:>r<><:es5i::1g ccmier.
`In this respect, the technique discicxsed in De Kok is meme s<;>phisticated than the
`WesternGeco V. PGS (I