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`Electronic Patent Application Fee Transmittal
`Title of Invention:
`Provisional Filing Fees
`Fee Code
`Sub-Total in
`Basic Filing:
`Petitioners Ex. 1009 Page 28
`Total in USD (5)
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`Petitioners Ex. 1009 Page 29
`Electronic Acknowledgement Receipt
`Application Number:
`International Application Number:
`Confirmation Number:
`Title of Invention:
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`Customer Number:
`Filer Authorized By:
`Attorney Docket Number:
`Receipt Date:
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`File Size(Bytes)/
`Part /.zip
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`(if appl.)
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`Petitioners Ex. 1009 Page 30
`Miscellaneous Incoming Letter
`Drawmgs-only black and white lIne
`Fee Worksheet (PTO-875)
`This Acknowledgement Receipt evidences receipt on the noted date by the USPTO ofthe indicated documents,
`characterized by the applicant, and including page counts, where applicable. It serves as evidence of receipt similar to a
`Post Card, as described in MPEP 503.
`New Applications Under 35 U.S.C. 111
`lfa new application is being filed and the application includes the necessary components for a filing date (see 37 CFR
`1.53(b)—(d) and MPEP 506), a Filing Receipt (37 CFR 1.54) will be issued in due course and the date shown on this
`Acknowledgement Receipt will establish the filing date of the application.
`National Stage of an International Application under 35 U.S.C. 371
`lfa timely submission to enter the national stage of an international application is compliant with the conditions of 35
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`national stage submission under 35 U.S.C. 371 will be issued in addition to the Filing Receipt, in due course.
`New International Application Filed with the USPTO as a Receiving Office
`lfa new international application is being filed and the international application includes the necessary components for
`an international filing date (see PCT Article 11 and MPEP 1810), a Notification of the International Application Number
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`national security, and the date shown on this Acknowledgement Receipt will establish the international filing date of
`the application.
`Petitioners Ex. 1009 Page 31
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`Docket No.: 24123520402
`) )
`) Application No.: Unassigned
`) Filed:
`) Examiner:
`) Group An Unit:
`In re Application of
`Harold Lee
`Roger Dannenberg
`Harold Lee, a US. citizen. residing in Sherman Oaks. California.
`Roger Dannenberg. a US. citizen. residing in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania,
`hereinafter referred to as ASSIGNORS, have invented and own a certain invention
`For which the above-referenced application for Letters Patent of the United States has
`been executed on the following dates:
`Harold Lee
`Roger Dannenberg
`I g 22 3
`Date: ? Z
`Date: 7 I
`WHEREAS: THE WAY OF H. a California corporation. located at 15155 Camarillo
`St. Sherman Oaks. CA 91403 USA. (hereinafter referred to as ASSIGNEE), is desirous of
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`Petitioners Ex. 1009 Page 32
`Petitioners Ex. 1009 Page 32
`Docket No.2 24123520402
`acquiring the entire interest in, to. and under said invention and in. to. and under Letters
`Patent or similar legal protection to be obtained therefor in the United States and in any and
`all foreign countries.
`Be it known that in consideration of the payment by ASSIGNEE to ASSIGNORS of
`the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00), the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. and for other
`good consideration. Harold Lee, and Roger Dannenberg hereby sell. assign and transfer
`to ASSlGNEE and the successors and assigns of ASSIGNEE the full and exclusive right.
`title and interest in and to any invention(s) disclosed in or derived from the above-
`referenced patent application. including all such patent applications and patents claiming
`priority from the same and further including all title and interest for United States territorial
`possessions and for all foreign countries and further including all rights to claim priority. in
`and to any and all improvements which are obtained for said invention by said application
`or any continuation. continuation-impart. division, renewal. substitute or reissue thereof or
`any legal equivalent thereof.
`ASSIGNORS hereby covenant
`that no assignment.
`agreement or
`encumbrance has been or will be made or entered into which would conflict with this
`assignment and sale.
`ASSIGNORS further covenant that ASSIGNEE will. upon its request. be provided
`promptly with all pertinent facts and documents relating to said application, said invention
`and said Letters Patent and legal equivalents in foreign countries as may be known and
`accessible to ASSIGNORS and will testify as to the same in any interference or litigation
`related thereto and will promptly execute and deliver
`its legal
`representative any and all papers. instruments or affidavits required to apply for. obtain.
`maintain, issue and enforce said application. said invention and said Letters Patent and
`Petitioners Ex. 1009 Page 33
`Petitioners Ex. 1009 Page 33
`said equivalents thereof in any foreign country which may be necessary or desirable to
`carry out the purposes thereof.
`Docket No.: 24123520402
`Petitioners Ex. 1009 Page 34
`Petitioners Ex. 1009 Page 34
`Our File No. 24123520402
`Harold Lcc
`Roger Danncnbcrg
`Prepared By:
`I875 Century Park East
`Suite 1150
`Los Angeles. CA 90049
`(310) 557-l5]l
`Petitioners Ex. 1009 Page 35
`Petitioners Ex. 1009 Page 35
`Field of the Invention.
`The present invention relates in general to methods and systems for providing a
`real-time or near real—time feedback for performing music by way of instructions,
`evaluations, and motivating reinforcements in the form of sounds and images. In
`particular, this invention relates to such a system and method that can evaluate and score
`a user’s performance without an intermediary digital signal processing device between a
`musical instrument or human voice and a computing device.
`Description of the Related Art.
`There is a long history of applying technology to music instruction. See, for
`example, Practica Musica by Ars Nova Software, lntonia by Jerry Agin. The Piano Tutor
`from Carnegie Mellon University, The SmartMusic system from MakeMusic, Inc., US.
`Pat. No. 5,690,496 “Multimedia product for use in a computer for music instruction and
`use,” US. Pat. No. 6,390,923 “Music playing game apparatus, performance guiding
`image display method, and readable storage medium storing performance guiding image
`forming program." However, these and like approaches do not truly capture the
`traditional method of learning music. For example, they may not present the sound of an
`expert performer of the student’s chosen instrument and they may not offer near real-time
`feedback as the student performs.
`Petitioners Ex. 1009 Page 36
`Petitioners Ex. 1009 Page 36
`Traditionally, a music instructor provides feedback in a number of ways both
`consciously and subconsciously, such as verbal language, body language, musical
`performance, facial expressions, gestures, etc. Therefore, feedback includes both aural
`and visual stimuli in real-time. '
`Recently, interactive games with musical themes were introduced to bring real-
`time feedback to musical performance. See, for example, “Dance, Dance, Revolution,”
`Rock Band,” and “Guitar Hero.” In “Dance, Dance Revolution”, users step on floor
`sensors in sequence with both music and scrolling representation of dance steps. Users
`‘ receive points for accurately timed and placed steps. In the related games “Rock Band”
`and “Guitar Hero,” game controllers simulating musical instruments create a simulation
`of performing in a rock band. These games also display a scrolling time-line that
`indicates whento press buttons and score users on their accuracy of pressing buttons in
`time to the music. However, these games use an apparatus or simulated musical
`instruments thereby providing feedback to motivate the users to become skillful at
`playing the game but provide no meaningful feedback for playing a real musical
`Further, a recently filed patent application, US. Pat. Application No.
`1 ”865,681,
`claims a method for evaluating live performance using a musical instrument as an input
`device, and not a game controller. However, this invention requires a separate device that
`resides outside of the invention to convert instrument live performance so that “live
`instrument performance data point has a note and a time tag.” Therefore, users are faced
`with buying another intermediary device or special sensors to take advantage of the
`Petitioners Ex. 1009 Page 37
`Petitioners Ex. 1009 Page 37
`In addition, as found in prior art, performance cues to assist musical performance
`are not necessarily synchronized to a prerecorded expert performance; for example, cues
`may simply be part of a MIDI score, where there is no prerecorded~ performance at all.
`This non-synchronized situation is commonly implemented in “MIDI files” which
`describe a sequence of notes (performance data) in relative terms. Absolute timings are
`generated off of the tempo and time signature setting data specified in the MIDI file.
`MIDI files are dependent on the sounds contained within and the sound processing power
`of the computing device playing back the MIDI file. Therefore, MIDI files not only may
`sound different from system to system, they also sound quite different than professional
`releases of the same music. Most importantly, MIDI files in and of themselves do not
`provide a facility to synchronize to a professionally recorded release nor to react to a
`user’s performance. Also in prior art, there may be synchronized performance cues to a
`prerecorded expert performance as in some karaoke systems. However the karaoke
`system does not allow for evaluation of the user performance based on frequency and
`timing dimensions and does not provide real-time feedback on performance accuracy,
`which includes dynamically playing or muting the prerecorded expert performance in
`accordance with the user’s performance accuracy. However, in contrast to prior art. the
`present invention may implement performance cues synchronized to an expert
`prerecorded performance of the user’s instructional material.
`It can be seen, then, that there is a need in the art for a system and method that can
`provide a real-time or near real-time feedback in the form of aural and visual stimuli. It
`can also be seen that there is a need in the art for a system and method that evaluates the
`user’s performance on the basis of an audio, electrical, optical, radio, Bluetooth(R),
`Petitioners Ex. 1009 Page 38
`Petitioners Ex. 1009 Page 38
`Ethernet, or other signal from the musical instrument, eliminating any need for special
`game controllers or any extension of a musical instrument with special sensors.
`Petitioners Ex. 1009 Page 39
`Petitioners Ex. 1009 Page 39
`To minimize the limitations in the prior art, and to minimize other limitations that
`will become apparent upon reading and understanding the present specification. the
`present invention discloses a device that provides real-time or near real-time feedback in
`the form of aural and visual stimuli. It can also be seen that there is a need in the art for a
`system and method that evaluates the user’s performance on the basis of an audio,
`electrical, optical or other signal from the musical instrument, eliminating any need for
`special game controllers or any extension ofa musical instrument with special sensors. A .
`system in accordance with the present invention comprises a data processing unit for
`causing the system to present performance cues for a musical performance, to evaluate
`and score a user’s performance with the expected notes, an audio processing unit
`connected to the data processing unit for causing audible feedback of the system, a video
`display connected to the data processing unit for causing video playback oftlie system.
`and a musical instrument that may include the human voice connected to the data
`processing unit.
`Such a system further comprises means for providing feedback by playing an‘
`audio indication, wherein the prerecorded expert performance track of the appropriate
`note or set of notes is played when the user performs musical events in the expected
`notes; and/or displaying a visual indication of success or failure; and/or providing a score,
`wherein a change in score is an indication of how closely the user performs musical
`events in the expected notes.
`Moreover, such a system further comprises a means for scoring by detecting the
`performed musical event, note, notes or musical signal in such a way that performed
`Petitioners Ex. 1009 Page 40
`Petitioners Ex. 1009 Page 40
`parameters are found, the performed parameters further comprising attributes such as a
`set of performed frequencies, a performed note onset time, and a performed note
`duration, and by evaluating the accuracy of performed note by comparing the performed
`parameters with expected parameters from expected notes, forming a decision as to a
`score from the evaluation in response to a level of difficulty and accuracy of performed
`musical event, and adding up the score incrementally until the end of the instruction
`It is an object of the present invention to provide a system that provides a music
`instruction method that encourages students to practice, an essential step in achieving
`mastery of an instrument. It is another object of the present invention to provide a game
`that people who are not necessarily interested in achieving instrument mastery will still I
`want to play, thereby learning the essentials of an instrument incidentally. It is still
`another objective of the present invention to provide an interactive music game that is
`simply fun to play on its own merits, regardless of music instruction value.
`Other features and advantages are inherent in the system and method claimed and
`disclosed or will become apparent to those skilled in the art from the following detailed
`description and its accompanying drawings.
`Petitioners Ex. 1009 Page 41
`Petitioners Ex. 1009 Page 41
`Referring now to the drawings in which like reference numbers represent
`corresponding parts throughout:
`FIG. 1
`illustrates the overall system configuration of one embodiment of the invention.
`FIG. 2 illustrates the main data for a session.
`FIG. 3 shows a schematic layout for the elements of the main interface screen during an
`instruction session.
`FIG. 4 shows an example of a possible screen display configuration for guitar
`FIG. 5 shows an example of a main instruction session interface with cues for the guitar.
`FIG. 6A shows an example of a main instruction session interface showing cues on a
`guitar neck as an example of utilizing graphic shapes, sizes, opacity and/or colors to
`communicate performance cues for placement, timing, tempo and duration.
`FIG. 6B shows an example of how a graphical representation of the user fingering may
`enhance performance cues
`FIG. 7 shows an example of a main instruction session interface with cues for the voice.
`FIG. 8 shows an example of a main instruction session interface with cues for keyboard
`FIG. 9 shows an example of a main instruction session interface with cues for a drum kit.
`Petitioners Ex. 1009 Page 42
`Petitioners Ex. 1009 Page 42
`FIG. 10 is a flow chart of the overall instruction session control.
`1 1 illustrates synchronized performance cues to prerecorded music.
`FIG. 12 is a flow chart of the fundamental frequency detection procedure.
`FIG. 13 shows a typical audio spectrum from a musical tone.
`FIG. 14 shows spectral templates for A3 and C4.
`FIG. ISA shows the determination of the best matching note and match score.
`FIG. ISB illustrates a method for scoring continuous musical gestures.
`FIG. 16 illustrates a method of providing feedback.
`FIG. 17 illustrates a method to provide feedback.
`FIG. 18 shows an example of a performance statistics screen that summarizes a user’s
`particular session.
`FIG. 19 shows an example of a rewards session of a virtual store that a user may achieve
`by attaining high scores.
`FIG. 20 illustrates a method to set overall scoring levels for instruction sessions.
`FIG. 21 illustrates a method to report user skill level over time.
`FIG. 22 illustrates a method to track skill level by music genre.
`Petitioners Ex. 1009 Page 43
`Petitioners Ex. 1009 Page 43
`FIG. 23 illustrates how frequencies are related to note