`Exhibit 1019
`Exhibit 1019
`Monoclonal Antibodies:
`Principles and Practice
`Production and Application of
`Monoclonal Antibodies in Cell Biology,
`Biochemistry and Immunology
`Second Edition
`Department of Pathology and Immunology,
`Monash University, Alfred Hospital,
`Prahran, Victoria, Australia
`Harcourt Brace Javanovich, Publishers
`London Orlando
`Exhibit 1019-01
`24/28 Oval Road
`London NW1
`United States Edition published by
`Orlando, Florida 32887
`Copyright © 1986 by
`Academic Press Inc. (London) Ltd.
`A ll Rig/{his Reserved
`No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by photostal, microfilm, or
`any other means. without written permission from the publishers
`British Library Cataloguing in Publication Dala
`Goding, James W.
`Monoclonal antibodies: principles and
`practice: production and application of
`monoclonal antibodies in cell biology,
`biochemistry and immunology. —— 2nd ed.
`1. Immunoglobulins
`2. Gammopathics,
`I. Title
`ISBN 0-12-287021-2
`Exhibit 1019-02
`Preface to Second Edition
`List of Abbreviations
`2 Theory of Monoclonal Antibodies
`The Clonal Selection Theory
`Structure of Antibodies
`Properties of Individual lmmunoglobulin Classes
`Biosynthesis and Assembly of lmmunoglobulins
`Antibody Genes
`Control of the Immune Response
`2.7 Myeloma
`Cell Fusion and Selection of Hybrids
`2.10 Differences Between Conventional and Monoclonal
`3 Production of Monoclonal Antibodies
`Choice of Normal Lymphocyte Donor
`Immunization Protocol
`Choice of Myeloma Cell Line for Fusion
`Equipment Required for Fusion and Growth of Hybridomas
`Exhibit 1019-03
`Preparation of Spleen Cells
`Preparation of Myeloma Cells
`Preparation of HAT and HT Medium
`Fusion Protocol
`Early Growth
`3.10 Screening Assays
`3.11 Cloning
`3.12 Large-scale Cultures
`Storage of Hybrids in Liquid Nitrogen
`3.14 Growth of Hybridomas in Animals
`3.15 Mix-ups of Cells
`3.16 Mycoplasma Contamination
`Purification, Fragmentation and Isotopic Labelling
`of Monoclonal Antibodies
`Determination of Antibody Class
`4.2 Methods Used in Antibody Purification
`Purification of Monoclonal lgC
`Purification of lgM
`Fragmentation of Monoclonal Antibodies
`Radiolabelling of Monoclonal Antibodies
`Conditions for Stability and Storage of MonOclonaI Antibodies
`Analysis of Antigens Recognized by Monoclonal
`Determination of the Biochemical Nature of the Antigen
`Cellular Distribution of Antigens Detected by Monoclonal
`Radioiodination of Soluble Protein Antigens
`Radiolabelling of Soluble Proteins with Tritium by Reductive
`Radiolabelling of Cellular Proteins
`Solubilization of Membrane Proteins
`Isolation of Radiolabelled Antigens by Immunoprecipitation
`Electrophoretic Methods for Analysis of Protein Antigens
`Topographical Analysis of Proteins by Monoclonal
`5.10 Use of Antibodies in the Production and Identification of
`Cloned DNA Sequences
`Affinity Chromatography Using Monoclonal Antibodies
`Preparation of Immobilized Antibodies
`Use of Antibody Affinity Columns
`Exhibit 1019-04
`Principles of lmmunofluorescence
`The Fluorescence-activated Cell Sorter
`Conjugation of Antibodies with Fluorochromes
`The Avidin--Biotin System
`Staining Cells with Fluorescent Antibodies
`Nonspecific Fluorescence
`Lack of Staining
`8 Generation of Conventional Antibodies
`Strategies for the Preparation of Highly Specific Polyclonal
`Preparative SDS-polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis
`Purification and Fragmentation of Rabbit, Sheep and Goat
`Specific Antibodies from Nonspecrfic Antisera
`Exhibit 1019-05