`EX. GOOG 1047
`Page 1
` --oOo--
` Petitioner,
` vs. Case No. IPR2015-00283
` Patent 6,038,295
` Patent Owner.
` __________________________________
` Friday, October 16, 2015
`Reported by:
`CSR No. 4096
`Job No. 2152946
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Ex. GOOG 1047
`Page 2
` --oOo--
` Petitioner,
` vs. Case No. IPR2015-00283
` Patent 6,038,295
` Patent Owner.
` Deposition of PRASANT MOHAPATRA, Ph.D. taken
`on behalf of Plaintiff, at ASCENDA LAW GROUP, PC, 333
`West San Carlos, Suite 200, San Jose, California,
`beginning at 7:58 A.M. and ending at 12:11 P.M. on
`Friday October 16, 2015, before COREY ANDERSON,
`Certified Shorthand Reporter No. 4096.
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Ex. GOOG 1047
`Page 3
`A P P E A R A N C E S
` 725 Twelfth Street, N.W.
` Washington, D.C. 20005
` 202-434-5648
` sdavidoff@wc.com
` 725 Twelfth Street, N.W.
` Washington, D.C. 20005
` 202-434-5257
` khardy@wc.com
` 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
` Mountain View, CA 94043
` 650-253-4790
` trask@google.com
`2 3
`4 5
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Ex. GOOG 1047
`Page 4
` 333 West San Carlos Street, Suite 200
` San Jose, CA 95110-2730
` 408-389-3537
` tarek@ascendalaw.com
` 333 West San Carlos Street, Suite 200
` San Jose, CA 95110-2730
` 408-596-5647
` holly@ascendalaw.com
` --oOo--
`2 3
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Ex. GOOG 1047
` I N D E X
`Page 5
`No. Description Page
`Exhibit 1045 Excerpt of a Document entitled 25
` Interworking With TCP/IP, Volume
` I, Principles, Photocols And
` Architecture, Third Edition, by
` Douglas E. Comer
`Exhibit 1046 Excerpt of a Document entitled 39
` The Complete Idiot's Guide To
` Internet E-Mail
`4 5
`8 9
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Ex. GOOG 1047
`Page 6
` San Jose, California, Friday October 16, 2015
` 7:58 A.M.
` having been sworn by the Reporter,
` testified as follows:
` Q. Okay. Good morning, Dr. Mohapatra. How are
` A. I'm doing fine, thank you.
` Q. And I gather you have been deposed before,
`this is not your first time?
` A. Yeah, that's correct.
` Q. Okay. And you have done work as an expert in
`IPR proceedings before?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And have you worked on cases with Mr. Fahmi
` A. Yes.
` Q. About how many, if you know?
` A. My guess would be around eight to ten.
` Q. Okay. How many cases are you and Mr. Fahmi
`doing currently together?
` A. Three.
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Ex. GOOG 1047
` Q. Three. Okay. And your hourly rate, is that
`Page 7
`like $400 an hour?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And do you have a sense of how much
`time you have billed on this case so far?
` A. (No response).
` Q. How many hours you have worked?
` A. This one, I'd say less than ten.
` Q. Less than ten. And that includes your
`preparation for this deposition?
` A. Yeah, maybe around ten, I'd have to say yes.
` Q. Okay. And what did you do? I'm not asking
`for any conversations or anything.
` A. Yeah.
` Q. But what did you do to prepare for this
`deposition? Did you meet with Mr. Fahmi here?
` A. I met with Mr. Fahmi, yeah.
` Q. Just this morning or --
` A. No. On Tuesday, yeah, Tuesday.
` Q. Okay.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. You understand this IPR is about a
`patent where the inventor is Mr. Mattes, or Mattes,
` A. Yes.
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Ex. GOOG 1047
` Q. And it's we call the '295 patent?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And I assume you are familiar with that
`Page 8
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you put in an expert declaration in
`support of the patent owners response.
` Correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And in that, you give your view on what a
`person of ordinary skill in the art, what their level of
`skill would be.
` Correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that level of skill is as of June 1996.
` Is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And your definition is that a person of
`ordinary skill in the art is somebody who has a Bachelor
`of Science degree in computer science, electrical
`engineering or computer engineering.
` Is that right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And would also have approximately two years of
`practical work experience or postgraduate research in a
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Ex. GOOG 1047
`field such as computer networking and/or distributed
`Page 9
` A. Yes.
` Q. And if I refer to a person of ordinary skill
`in the art, will you understand me to be referring to
`your definition?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. I think that may make things a little
` Okay. How did you generally arrive at your
`criteria, criteria for a person of ordinary skill in the
` A. After reading the patent and since I have been
`involved in this area for so long in teaching, research,
`and professional services, I have a very general idea
`of, you know, at what level a person will be able to
`comprehend kind of the general idea of the context as
`with the technical content of the patent.
` Q. That patent, the '295 patent?
` A. Right. Yeah.
` Q. And why, if I could just ask on one particular
`part of your definition, you say someone who would have
`experience in computer networking or distributed
`systems. What is the common area of those two things
`have as it relates to the '295 patent?
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` A. So the reason I put that broad is is that
`especially in the academic world those are defined
`pretty broadly. It's very difficult to draw a line
`between computer networks and distributed systems. It's
`kind of a fuzzy line.
` So it would cover the breadth that those 280
`as they use the term here.
` Q. And that's my question. What was it you were
`trying to capture by using those two broad definitions?
` A. So for example, many large computer networks,
`or even small ones, one could also classify them as a
`type of distributed system. Similarly, if you have a
`distributed system that is networked, someone would
`classify it as a computer network system. So to cover
`the scope I used both the definitions.
` Q. And that scope is both general computing as
`well as networking, is that the scope you were trying to
` A. No. Networking as well as this system, that
`means the network of computer devices.
` Q. And in coming up with your definition of the
`person of ordinary skill in the art, were you
`understanding that that person would be able to
`implement the '295 patent having read its specification?
` A. It's not a clear question to answer, but
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`Page 11
`implementation is not the test of having knowledge about
`the area in general.
` Q. What do you believe the test is?
` A. I mean, for example, you know, if you give me
`a device now and say that since you have knowledge in
`this area can you build this, the answer may be no, but
`that doesn't mean that I don't know anything about that.
` So when you say implement, that's, you know,
`anything in there, somebody be able to build a system,
`not necessarily.
` Q. What --
` A. So what -- what is your definition of
`implementation? Is it like if you say implement this
`computer, one could mean that okay, build this entire
`computer. Is that what you mean by implementation?
` Q. Well, would somebody, a person of ordinary
`skill in the art under your definition be able to put
`the invention disclosed in the '295 patent into
` A. Yes.
` Q. So maybe a way to start that, I want to ask
`you some more questions about the person of ordinary
` Why don't I just give you a copy of the '295
`patent. And this has previously been marked in these
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`proceedings as Exhibit 1001, although I don't think we
`need to re-mark that.
` You recognize this take a look at?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And this is a copy of the '295 patent.
` Right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Let me ask you to turn to Figure 3 of the
` A. Yes.
` Q. And do you understand that Figure 3 is a flow
`chart showing the general process disclosed by the '295
`patent for recording, transmitting, and storing digital
` A. Yes.
` Q. And let me just take the steps one at a time.
` Do you see that the first step is recorded
` A. Yes.
` Q. And do you understand that to be a reference
`to a digital image?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Would a person of ordinary skill in the art
`have had an understanding of what was involved in
`capturing digital images?
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` A. Yes.
` Q. And what types of digital images would a
`person of ordinary skill in the art be familiar with?
` A. At that point of time it could be bitmapped or
`storing it in some form, some ASCII format.
` Q. What ASCII format do you have in mind?
` A. I wouldn't know what the format, what formats
`were used in 1996 timeframe.
` Q. Would a person of ordinary skill in the art in
`June of 1996 have an understanding of the JPEG format?
` A. I don't recollect.
` Q. If you'll take a look at column 6 of the '295
`patent on line 5?
` A. Column 6? Yeah.
` Q. Do you see that column 6 at line 5 reads "The
`digital images may be compressed using still picture
`image data compression methods such as JPEG"?
` A. Yes. Yeah.
` Q. Had you seen that, would you agree with me
`that a person of ordinary skill in the art --
` A. Yes.
` Q. -- as you define it would have --
` A. Yes.
` Q. Let me just ask the question so he gets it
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Ex. GOOG 1047
` Would you agree that a person of ordinary
`skill in the art in June of 1996 would be familiar with
`Page 14
`the JPEG image format?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Would you agree that a person of ordinary
`skill in the art would have been familiar with
`techniques for performing JPEG compression of images?
` A. The context in which I defined the person of
`ordinary skill in the art and related to this patent
`doesn't have to -- may not have a deeper understanding
`of what you are asking because the patent actually
`doesn't involve much of image processing. It is more of
`the transferring and storing the images, but not in the
`processing side.
` Q. Well, the patent discloses the use of JPEG
` Correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And the '295 patent did not invent JPEG
` A. Correct.
` Q. So a person of ordinary skill in the art would
`have some understanding of what JPEG compression was,
`first of all?
` A. Yes, some understanding.
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`Ex. GOOG 1047
` Q. And an ability to put that into practice.
`Page 15
` Correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. When you say bitmap, did you have a particular
`format in mind?
` A. No. They -- they talk about could be
`bitmapped, no, I didn't have any particular format in
` Q. Other than bitmap, ASCII, and JPEG, are there
`other digital image formats that you believe a person of
`ordinary skill in the art would be familiar with?
` A. At that point of time, I don't know.
` Q. Having read the '295 patent, do you believe
`the '295 patent required an understanding of any image
`formats other than bitmap, bitmap, ASCII, or JPEG?
` MS. ATKINSON: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: My opinion as a general idea
`would be adequate, not more in details because the
`patent doesn't deals with image processing at all.
` Q. Sure. A person of ordinary skill in the art
`under your definition in order to put the '295 patent
`into practice would need some understanding --
` A. Some understanding.
` Q. -- of digital images?
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` A. Yes.
` Q. And my question is, does that understanding go
`beyond knowledge of the bitmap ASCII format and JPEG
`image formats?
` A. Very little. The question is not clear to me
`because when you say go beyond that, it could mean
`anything. So to me it means going beyond at a very high
`level, then the answer is yes.
` Q. At a very high level, what other image formats
`would a person of ordinary skill in the art have
`knowledge of?
` MS. ATKINSON: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: I wouldn't know at that point of
`time, yeah.
` Q. Are you offering an opinion that a person of
`ordinary skill in the art would have knowledge of the
`graphics interchange format or GIF format?
` A. Possible. So what I'm -- what I'm saying is
`I'm not restricting that beyond this, the person of
`ordinary skill in the art would have more knowledge.
`Certainly, you know, the person might have knowledge.
`How much and how far, I don't know.
` Q. Would a person of ordinary skill in the art in
`order to understand and be able to put the '295 patent
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`Page 17
`into practice need to have any understanding of digital
` A. Yes, they would -- they would have to have
`knowledge of digital video to some extent.
` Q. Which formats?
` A. My guess would be MPEG at least, the other
`versions of MPEG at that point in time. I don't know
`what other video coding schemes were used at that point
`of time, but storage of digital video would be something
`that they would be aware of.
` Q. If you look at the -- turning back to
`Figure 3?
` A. Oh.
` Q. Sorry, do you have that?
` A. Yeah.
` Q. Okay. And if you look at the second box in
`Figure 3 it says "Store Images As Digital Form."
` A. Yes.
` Q. Correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And would a person of ordinary skill in the
`art in your opinion have knowledge of how one would
`store images in a digital form?
` A. To some extent, yes.
` Q. To what extent?
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`Page 18
` A. To start with digital images would be stored
`in bits at the end of the day. And there are different
`formats associated with the storage of the images,
`depending on the format being used it is encoded in
`specific digital format or a specific binary format and
` Q. A person of ordinary skill in the art would
`generally have some knowledge on how to store digital
` Correct?
` A. What do you mean by how to store?
` Q. Well, would they have any knowledge, would a
`person of ordinary skill in the art have any knowledge
`on how to store digital image?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What? What knowledge?
` A. So the basic things about storage is memory
`allocation and indexing in the memory, and what type of
`memories, whether it is primary, secondary, attache. So
`those will be what he will need to be aware of.
` Q. Anything else?
` A. Well, they -- there are many other aspects of
`storage; for example, the process of handling the memory
`allocation and, you know, I how to define the addresses.
`So I'm not sure what specific information.
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`Page 19
` Q. My question is, what information would a
`person of ordinary skill in the art have --
` A. Uh-huh.
` Q. -- about storage of digital images.
` A. And --
` Q. And I believe you said that they would have
`knowledge of how digital images might be stored in
`different types of memory.
` Correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. My question is, is there any other knowledge a
`person of ordinary skill in the art would have about the
`storage of digital images.
` A. So along with the storage, the retrieval
`process, they will be aware of the retrieval approaches
`and any kind of -- anything that can be done in
`transferring the storage from one location to another
`location, there is a whole lot of things that the person
`will be aware of, because we are talking about somebody
`who has a degree in -- a full degree.
` And beyond that, two years of decent
`experience or research work. So there would be a whole
`lot of things that they will be aware.
` Q. So they would have a reasonably sophisticated
`understanding of what goes into storing images in
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`Page 20
`digital form?
` A. Yes.
` Q. The next step, turning back to Figure 3, do
`you see where I am?
` A. Yes.
` Q. The next step in Figure 3 is "Transmit Data
`Containing Digital Image To Server Via Transmission
` A. Yes.
` Q. And a person of ordinary skill in the art
`would have an understanding of how data could be
` Correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And what types of data transmission would a
`person of ordinary skill in the art be familiar with?
` A. The most common type is in TCP or UDP.
` Q. And to unpack that a little bit, you are
`referring to the transmission of TCP packets over the IP
` A. Yes.
` Q. So the most common form of transmission of
`data that a person of ordinary skill in the art would be
`familiar with would be transmission via TCP or UDP over
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` A. Yes.
` Q. And the transmission of TCP over IP is
`sometimes referred to as TCP/IP?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And a person of ordinary skill in the art in
`your view would be familiar with transmitting data using
` A. Yes.
` Q. And TCP/IP is the standard that is used for
`transmission for a large part of the data that is
`transmitted over the Internet.
` Correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And I assume a person of ordinary skill in the
`art would be familiar with how the Internet operated?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And would a person of ordinary skill in the
`art in your view be familiar with what a layperson might
`think of as the common functioning of the Internet in
`June of 1996?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So they would be familiar with Web browsing,
`for example?
` A. Given a layperson or a person of ordinary
`skill in the art?
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`Ex. GOOG 1047
` Q. A person of ordinary skill in the art --
` A. Yes.
` Q. -- would be familiar with --
`Page 22
` A. Yes.
` Q. -- Web browsing?
` A. Yes.
` Q. A person of ordinary skill in the art would be
`familiar with sending and receiving of e-mail?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And they would be familiar with the sending
`and receiving of e-mail using the protocols that were
`standard on the Internet at the time?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And am I correct that the Internet -- strike
` Am I correct that sending e-mail over the
`Internet involved the use of a protocol called SMTP?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that stands for simple message transport
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that is a protocol that is standardized in
`a document called RFC822?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And can you just explain what an RFC document
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`Page 23
` A. RFC documents are managed and coordinated by
`IETF, Internet engineering task force. And when
`somebody proposes a protocol, they publicize it as RFC,
`which is a request for comments to get feedback from the
`community. Community involves primarily the technical
`companies, academia, and the users.
` So based on the feedback and comments, the
`newer versions that are created until they get
`standardized through a standardizing body.
` Q. In June of 1996, RFC 821 was the RFC that
`governed mail, the standard for mail transport over the
` Correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. I think before I said RFC 822, but I think I
` A. Oh.
` Q. RFC, I'm correct, RFC 821 governs SMTP
` A. So --
` MS. ATKINSON: Objection, foundation.
` THE WITNESS: I don't remember the exact
`number. The way I'm interpreting is your RFC related to
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`Page 24
` Q. Let me ask you a question. I do not -- I'm
`not actually that familiar with these things, so let me
`ask you, would a person of ordinary skill in the art
`have been familiar with various reference texts that
`describe these technical protocols in -- that existed in
`June of 1996?
` A. Yes.
` MS. ATKINSON: Objection to form.
` Q. Is a common and well known reference text
`about the transmission of information over the Internet
`a book by Douglas Comer?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What's the name of that book?
` A. I...
` Q. It's not a memory test. I --
` A. Yeah, I don't know the name of the book, but I
`know which one you are referring to.
` Q. Is the book referred to, I referred to called
`"Internetworking With TCP/IP"?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And was that a text that you would expect a
`person of ordinary skill in the art in June of 1996 to
`be familiar with?
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` A. Yes.
` Q. I actually brought this book which will
`explain those acronyms. I have a copy of the whole
`book, but I was going to spare you that and just hand
`you some excerpts which I will mark.
` (Whereupon, Exhibit 1045 was marked
` for identification)
` Q. I'm handing you a document marked as
`Exhibit 1045.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you recognize that as pages from the Third
`Edition of Internetworking With TCP/IP by Douglas E.
` A. I believe you.
` Q. I have a copy of the full book here if you
`want to look.
` A. No, that's fine.
` Q. Do you see anything that makes you think
`that's not what that is?
` A. No. That certainly is.
` Q. And if you look, I copied there the copyright
`page. And do you see that this is the edition that was
`published in 1995?
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` A. (No response).
` Q. It's on the second page.
` A. Yes. Yeah. Yeah.
` Q. So in June of 1996 you would expect a person
`of ordinary skill in the art would be familiar with this
` A. Yes.
` Q. And if you'll take a look on page 438?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you see that under the section 25.6 it says
`"To extend the interoperability of electronic mail,
`TCP/IP divides it mail standards into two sets. One
`standard specifies the format for mail messages --"
` A. Excuse me.
` Q. Sorry?
` A. Where are you reading?
` Q. I'm on page 438.
` A. Right. Which paragraph?
` Q. The second full paragraph that begins
` A. Okay. Thank you.
` Q. Do you see that the second sentence there
`reads "To extend the interoperability of electronic
`mail, TCP/IP divides its mail standards into two sets.
`One standard specifies format for mail messages, the
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Ex. GOOG 1047
`other specifies the detail of electronic mail exchanged
`Page 27
`between two computers"?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And if you look at the footnote, you see that
`it says that "Mail system experts often refer to the
`mail message format as 822 because RFC 822 contains the
` A. Yes.
` Q. Does that refresh your recollection that
`RFC 821 governs SMTP and RFC 822 governs the format of
`mail messages sent over the Internet?
` MS. ATKINSON: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: As stated here, I don't -- I
`haven't memorized the numbers, but the RFC as it says
`over here, RFC 822 refers to the mail message format.
` Q. There are two RFCs that primarily govern
`e-mail that's sent over the Internet.
` Correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. RFC 821 and RFC 822?
` A. Yes.
` Q. One of them covers how the message has to be
` Correct?
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` A. Yes.
` Q. And the other covers how the message is
`transported over the Internet?
` A. Yes.
` Q. A person of ordinary skill in the art would
`have been familiar with both of those RFCs?
` A. Yes.
` Q. There is also a standard called MIME, M-I-M-E.
` Correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that standard governs the -- well, strike
` That acronym stands for multipurpose Internet
`mail extensions.
` Correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that standard provides a standard that
`allows the transmission of non-ASCII data through
` Correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And a person of ordinary skill in the art
`would have been familiar with that standard as well?
` A. Not very familiar, because it was very new at
`that point of time.
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`Page 29
` Q. Do you recall when MIME was first
` A. I don't recall. But I would guess somewhere
`around '94 timeframe, '93, '94 timeframe, plus or minus
`one or two years.
` Q. Do you recall in your declaration you cited a
`paper by among others a man named Thimm?
` A. Yes.
` Q. T-h-i-m-m?
` A. Yes.
` Q. I'm going to hand you a copy of his paper
`which is marked as Exhibit 2007.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Can I just ask you to flip to the reference
`section? And do you -- are you there?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you see that the first reference is a
`reference to a document authored by Borenstein H. Freed?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that document is the RFC that's first
`standardized MIME.
` Correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And it's dated June of 1992?
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` A. Correct.
` Q. So by June of 1996, the MIME standard had been
`standardized in some form for four years.
`Page 30
` Correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And when you say the person of ordinary --
`well, strike that.
` The person of ordinary skill in the art, would
`they have the level of -- strike that.
` Would a person of ordinary skill in the art
`have had an understanding of the nature of the MIME
`protocol at least to the extent it's discussed in
`Professor or Mr. Comer's chapter here?
` MS. ATKINSON: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: Not much, because if we are
`going back to the 1995 timeframe, at that time frame
`mail delivery itself was a new concept.
` Q. If you look at -- I just want to make sure we
`have the timeframes right.
` A. Uh-huh.
` Q. Look at this first page of chapter 25.
` A. Right.
` Q. Do you see that Mr. Comer says, do you see
`where section 25.2 is?
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Ex. GOOG 1047