`Ex. GOOG 1017
`EX. GOOG 1017
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`Patent and Trlifemark Ottlce
`Washingion, D.C. 20?31
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`Please flnd below andior attached an Olllce communlcatlon concemlng th|3 appllcatlon or
`Commls3lonor ol Patgttlr and Trademarks
`PTO-eoc (Rsv. 2/9s)
`l- Fil. CoPY
`Ex. GOOG 1017
`Notice of Allowability
`All claims being allow6bl6, PROSECUTION ON THE MERITS lS (OR REMAINS) CLoSED in this application. lf not included
`herewith {or previously mailed}, a Notic€ of Allowance and lgsue Fee Due or other approprlate communlcatlon wlll be
`mailed in due course.
`8 This communication is rosponsivo to 8/30/1999
`m The allowed claimlsl islate 1,2, +16, and 18,28
`n The drawings {il6d on
`are acceotable,
`B Acknowledgement is made ol a claim tor foreign priority under 35 U,S.C. 5 11g(a)-(dl.
`m All n Some' ! None of the CERTIFIED copies of the priority documente hav€ been
`X received.
`! recelved in Application No. (Series Code/Serial Number)
`! received ih this national stage application from th€
`International Bureau (PCT Rul6 17.2(a)).
`*Certified copies not r6caived:
`i Acknowledgement is mad6 of a claim for domostic priority undsr 35 U.S,C. $ 119{6).
`A SHORTENED STATUTORY PERIOD FOR RESPONSE to comply with the requjrements noted below is set to EXPIRE
`THREE MONTHS FROM THE "DATE MAILED" ol this Office action. Failure to timely comply will result in
`ABANDoNMENT of this application. Extensions of time may be obtained under the provislons of 37CFR1.136(a).
`that the oath or declaration is dslicient. A SUBSTITUTE OATH OR DECLARATION lS REOUIRED'
`! because the originally filed drawings wero declaled by appllcant to be informal.
`E including changos requked by the Notice of Draftsperson's Pstent Drawlng Review, PTO-948, attach€d hefeto or
`to Pgpor No. 5 .
`! includlng changes required by the proposed drawing correction filed on
`approv€d by the examiner.
`n including changes required by the attached Examiner's Amendment/Comment,
`ldentifying Indlcla such as dre appticatlon numbsr (sss 37 CFB 1.84(c)) should bo wrlttsn on ths rsvetse side of ths
`drawings. Tha drawings should b6 ffl6d as a sspsrats papsr wlth a transmlttal letttst sddtsssod to th€ Official
`n Note the attached Examiner's commont regarding REOUIREMENT FOR THE DEPOSIT OF BIOLOGICAL MATERIAL.
`Any responss to this lett€r should include, in th6 upper right hsnd corner, the APPLICATION NUMBER (SERIES
`CObE/SER1AI NUMBER). tf appticant has received a Notice ot Allowanca and lssue Fee Due, the ISSUE BATCH NUMBER
`snd DATE ol th6 NOTICE OF ALLOWANCE should slso be includ€d.
`, which has been
`E Notics ot Releronces Cited, PTO'892
`n Inlormation Disclosuro Statemont(s), PTO-1449, Paper No(si'
`! Notice of Draltsperson's Patent Drawing Review, PTO-948
`E Notice of In{ormal Patent Application, PTO'152
`E Intervi6w Summary, PTO'413
`E Examinor's Amendment/Commont
`! Examin6r's Comment Regarding Requiremont {or Deposit of Biological Matorlal
`E Examiner'9 Statement ot Reasons for Allowance
`U. $. P.i.nt lnd To.Lru OfihG
`PTO-37 {Rev. 9-951
`Notice ot Allowsblllty
`Part of Paper No.
`Ex. GOOG 1017
`Serial Number: 081 87 7,488
`Emminer's Amendment
`1. An examine/s amendment to the record appears below. Should the changes and/or
`additions be unacceptable to applicant, an amendment may be filed as provided by 37 cFR 1.312.
`To ensure consideration of such an amendment, it MUST be zubmitted no later than the payment
`ofthe issue fee.
`Autlorization for this examiner's amendment was given in a telephone interview with
`Melvin A. Robinson @eg. No. 31,870) on10/1211999.
`The application has been amended as follows:
`Claims 3 and l7 are canceled.
`Amend claims I and 16 as follows:
`1. {Amended} A communication system for recording and administering digital images,
`at least one telephone unit inoluding:
`a telephone portion for making telephone call,
`a digital pick up unit for recording images,
`a memory for storing digital images recorded by the digital image pick up unit,
`means for allocating classification information prescribed by a user of said at least
`one telephone unit to characterize diqital images obtained by said digital pick up unit.
`l rti
`Ex. GOOG 1017
`Serial Number: 08 I 87 7,488
`a processor for processing the digital images recorded by the digital image pick up
`a server including the following components:
`a receMng unit pr receiving data sent from said at least one telephone unit,
`an analysis unit for analyzing the data received by the receiving unit from the
`telephone unit,
`the data including classification information to characterize the digital images,
`a memory in wNch at least the digital images are archived, the archiving taken into
`consideration the classifiing information; and
`a transmission system coupled to said at least one telephone unit and to the said server to
`provide for transmission ofdata from said at least one telephone unit and to the said server, the
`data including at least the digital images recorded by the digital image pick up unit-and
`classifi cation information.
`fr t1
`I !4 1l^*a"A1 A method for recording and administering digital images, comprising the steps of:
`recording images using a digital pick up unit in a telephone unit,
`storing the images recorded by the digital pick up unit in a digital form as digital images,
`transmitting data includhg at least the digital images and classification information to a
`seryer wherein said classification inliormation is orescribable bv a user of the telephone unit for
`allocation to the digital images.
`{"^, f
`Ex. GOOG 1017
`Serial Number: 08187 7,488
`Page 4
`receMng the data by the server,
`extracting classification information which characterizes the digital images from the
`received dat4 and
`storing the digital images in the server, said step of storing taking into consideration the
`classifi cation information,
`Examiner's Statement of Reasons for Alla+ance
`The following is an examiner's statement of reasons for allowance:
`Applicant's invention is drawn to a communication system for recording and administering
`digital images which includes at least one telephone unit, a server, and a transmission system for
`transmitting the digital images from the telephone unit to the server so that the digital images may
`be archived in a simply, fast and in such way that the digital images may be easily tracked (i.e., the
`telephone unit comprises a digital image pick up unit for recording digital images in order to
`transmit the digital images as well as classification information included audio data, the time and
`date information ofthe recording or transmitting of image data, the identification ofthe telephone
`unit or the server, memory location at which the digital image should be stored, or other
`alphanumeric data which prescribed by a user ofthe telephone unit for characterizing the digital
`images to the server via the transmission system such that the server receives the digital images
`from the telephone unit and archives the digital images depends upon the extracted classification
`information that characterize the individual digital images).
`Ex. GOOG 1017
`Serial Number: 08/877'488
`NtUilt 2743
`Page 5
`Applicant's independent claims 1 and 27 each recite' inter alia' a communication system
`means for allocating classification information pertaining to the digital images as prescribed by a
`information and a transmission system operable to communicate data between the telephone unit
`and the server. Applicant's invention of claims 1and27 comprise a particular combination of
`elements which is neither taught nor suggest by the prior art'
`including at least the digital images and classification information to a server' wherein said
`classification information is prescribable by a user ofthe telephone unit for allocation to the digital
`received dat4 and storing the digital images in the sewer' sard step of storing taking into
`of claim 16, are neither taught nor zuggested by the prior art'
`by the Applicant in Amendments 4 B and C (papers no' 6' S and 10)
`'-lr'" ".
`Ex. GOOG 1017
`Serial Number: 08/877,488
`Any comments considered neoessary by applicant must be submitted no later than the
`payment ofthe issue fee and, to avoid processing delays, should preferably accompany the issue
`fee. such submissions should be clearly labeled "comments on statement ofReasons for
`Allowance. "
`Any inquiry concerning this commurication or earlier communications ftom the examiner
`normally be reached on Tuesday to Friday from 7 AM to 5:30 PM'
`Mr. Curtis Kuntz, can be reached on (703) 305-4708'
`Fillul- t00kllS
`Fi: ".;lInY Evsll:l,Igfl
`October 13,1999
`Ex. GOOG 1017