`Ex. GOOG 1014
`EX. GOOG 1014
`Patent and TEdemark Offfco
`Washington, D.C. iD231
`Lrl:;/l:J;r')".lEr:r t:u\i 1."1/'::| 7
`*giTH FLt:rr:rR LIHAFtS Tfil^lEF
`r:H l liAfit:r I L. f"t:r{, t:I6
`lylAT Tf Ei
`Llrl6 1 ,/ t:tt, rJ 5
`6/ 5/$El
`Ploase flnd b€low and/or attached an Offlce communlcatlon concemlng thls appllcatlon or
`Commbslonor of Patent lnd T'adomt*r
`PIO.goO (F.v. P/95)
`.u.s. GPo 1908-{374AE/80022
`r. Flla copy
`Ex. GOOG 1014
`Office Action Summary
`E Responsive to communication(s) tiled on Jun 17, 1997
`n This action is FINAL.
`! Sinc6 this application is in condition for allowanqe except ior formal matters, prosscutlon as to the merlts is closed
`in accordance with th€ practice undet Ex parte Quavle, 1935 C.D. 1 1 ; 453 O.G. 2t 3.
`A shortened statutory period for regponse to this action is sst to expire 3 month(s), or thirty days, whichever
`is longer, from the mailing date ol this communication. Failure to respond within the period for response wlll cause the
`application to become abandoned. (35 U.S.C. e 133). Extensions ot time may be obtained under the orovisions of
`37 CFR 1 .136(a).
`is/ars ponding in the applicstion.
`is/are withdrawn from consideration,
`is/are allowed,
`is/are rsjectod.
`is/ars objected to.
`are subisct to restriction or election requirem€nt,
`Dlsoosltion ot Clalms
`E Claift{s} /-24
`Ol th€ above, claim(s)
`E ctaim(sl
`8 clsim{s) 1,2,4-16, and 18-24
`m Claim(s) 3 and 17
`n claims
`Application Papers
`K See the attached Notice of Draftsperson's Patent Drawing Review, PTO-948.
`! Tho drawingls) liled on
`is/are obiected to by th€ Examiner.
`is Gpproved Bisapproved.
`n The proposed drawing correction, filed on
`n The sp€cification
`is objocted to by the Examiner.
`E The oath or declaration is obiected to by the Examiner,
`Priorlty undor 35 U.S.C. ! 119
`E Acknowledgement is made of a claim for forelgn priority under 35 U.S,C. 6 I 19(al-(d).
`E All ! Some' I None of the CERTIFIED copi€s of the priority documents have been
`E received.
`I received in this national stage application trom tho International Bureau (PCT RulB 17.2(a)),
`*Certified copies not received:
`I Acknowledgement is made of a claim for domestic priorlty under 35 U.S.C. 5 1 19(e),
`E] Notice of References Cited, PTO-892
`m Information Disclosure Statement(s), PTO-1449, Paper No(s). 4
`I lnterview Summary, PTO-413
`E Notice ol Draftsperson's Patent Drawing Review, PTO-948
`E trtotlce of Informal Patent Appllcation, PTO-152
`U. S, P.t.nt .nc Tr.d.h.d otth.
`PTO-326 (Fev. 9-95)
`Office Action Summary
`Part ol Paper No.
`Ex. GOOG 1014
`Serial Number: 081877 A88
`Claim Objections
`claim 1 is objected to because ofthe following informalities: on claim I' line 4'
`be --,--. Appropriate corection is required.
`Claim Reiictions - 35 ASC S 103
`The following is a quotation of 35 u.s.c. 103(a) which forms the basis for all obviousness
`rejections set forth in this OfEce action:
`se"tion tOZ oftttir titte, ifthe differenies between the subject matter sought to be patented and the-Prior art are
`such that the subject matter as a whole would have been obvious at the time the invention was made to a Person
`having ordinary skill in ttre art to which said subject matter pertahs. Patentability shall not be negtived by the
`manner in which the invention was made'
`over Parulski et al. (us PAT. 5,666,i59 hereinafter Parulski) in view of Kawamura et al. (uS
`P AT. 5,57 6,'1 59 hereinafter Kawamura).
`making telephone call, a camera module 68 for recording image, a memory unit 64' a control
`processing unit 62;
`Ex. GOOG 1014
`Serial Number: 08/877,488
`Page 3
`b) a computer, i.e., a server, including a receiver c for receiving data ftom the telephone unit 48;
`c) a transmission system connection.
`parulski differs from the claimed invention in not having a classification unit to ciassifr
`image data. However, Kawam'riteaches an image processing for classifing image data into
`specific goup such that the image data may be easily view when displayed' see col. 2 lines 13-64'
`Therefore, it would have been obvious to a pelson of ordinary skill in the art at the time the
`invention was made to modifi Parulski having a classification unit in the computer because of
`easily view as the image data classified'
`Regarding claim 16, Parulski teaches a combined telephone./camera 48 as shown in figure
`t having
`a) a camera module 68 for recording image;
`b) a memory unit 64 for storing image data;
`c) a cellular transceiver for transmitting data;
`d) a computer for receiving image data (see figure 1l)'
`Note while Panrlski does not specifically teaches to store tlre image in the computer, it is
`obvious to have the computer storing the image data in order to display' Parulski differs from the
`claimed invention in not having a classification unit to classifi received image data' However'
`Ex. GOOG 1014
`Serial Number: 081877,488
`Page 4
`modiff Parulski having a classificatiori unit in the computer because of easily view as the image
`data classified.
`Regarding claim 2, Parulqki teaches a transmission system is wireless coupled to a
`telephone unit as shown in figure 1 1.
`Regarding claims 5-9 and 1,9-24, Kawamura teaches a time information detection unit for
`incorporating time information as a classification information. See col. 2 lines 39-5' Although
`Kawamura teaches to classifi image data based on time information, it is obvious to classifr
`image data into different categories, i.e., audio data, telephone number, memory location of image
`data and character information, because ofuser friendly so that a user can easily retieve and
`identiff the image data based on a particular classification information.
`Regarding claim 10, although Parulski does not specifically teaches the computer as
`shown in figure 1 I including a data bank system, it is well known that a computer is inherently
`having a memory for storing data such that a processor of the computer operates in associated
`with the memory to retrieve ot store data which serves as a data batk.
`Regarding claims I 1 and 12, Kawamura teaches a control unit 104 for contolling
`transmission rate of data and compression ratio control unit for controlling the image quality. See
`col. 3 line 59 through col. 4 line 19.
`claims 4 and 18 are rejected under 35 u.s.c. 103(a) as being unpatentable over as
`applied to claim I above, and firther in view of Ishii et al. (us PAT' 5,L82,765 hereinafter Ishii).
`Ex. GOOG 1014
`Serial Number: 08 I 8'/ 7,488
`Page 5
`Regariling claims 4 and 18, neither Parulski nor Kawamura teach a telephone comprising a
`speech recognition unit in a telephonq unit. However, it is well known in the art for the telephone
`speech input, for example see Ishii. Ishii teaches a speech recognition system as being applied to a
`wireldss telephor. as ,ho*r, in figure l. see col, 2 iine 46 through col. 3 line 25. Therefore, it
`would have been obvious to a person of ordinary skill in the art at the time the invention was
`made to modiff the combination of Parulski and Kawamura having a speech recognition system in
`a telephone unit because of easily to operate so that a user can input data and give an instruction
`without using hisArer hands.
`claim 13-14 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 103(a) as being unpatentable over Parulski et al'
`(US PAT. 5,666,159 hereinafter Parulski) in view of Kawamura et al. (US PAT.5,576'759
`hereinafter Kawamura) as applied to claim I above, and further in view of Morin et al (us PAT'
`5,748,84 I hereinafter Morin).
`Regarding claim i 3 and 14, neither Parulski nor Kawamura teach a telephone comprising
`a speech synthesis unit in a server. However' Morin teaches a server 20 comprising a speech
`converter 48a converting data using speech synthesis procedure as shown in figure I so that the
`server is multi modal and supports both speech and text input. Therefore, it would have been
`obvious to a person of ordinary skill in the art at the time the invention was made to modiff the
`Ex. GOOG 1014
`Serial Number: 08/877'488
`Art Unit: 2743
`Page 6
`combination of parulski and Kawamura having a speech synttresis unit in a server because of
`supporting sPeech inPut'
`PAT. 5,666,159 hereinafter Parulski) in view of Kawamura et al' (US PAT' 5'576'759
`P AT . 5,7 37,592 her einaft er N guYen'
`lntemet. See abstract and figwe l. Therefore, it would have been obvious to a person of ordinary
`skill in the art at the time the invention was made to modif the combination of Parulski and
`Kawamura using the lntemet" as per teaching of Nguyen, because of populmity and common in
`Allowable Subiect Mattet
`be allowable if rewritten in independent forrn inclucling all of the limitations of the base claim and
`any intervening claims.
`Ex. GOOG 1014
`Serial Number: 08/877'488
`, Conclusion
`disclosure. Ueda (Js PAT. 5,74s,898) teaches an image data communication system for rapidiy
`transmitting an image data to a tenninal fiom a server. see figure I and abshact' Logan et al' (US
`shown in figure 1.
`9. Any response to this action should be mailed to:
`Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks
`Washington, D.C'20231
`or faxed to:
`(703) 308-9051, (for formal communications intended for enfry)
`(703) 305-9503 (for informal or draft communications' please label
`Hand-delivered responses should be brought to crystal Park lI, 2121 Crystal
`Drive, Arlington. VA., Sixttr Floor (Receptionist)'
`Ex. GOOG 1014
`Serial Number: 08/877'488
`tutunis 2743
`Page 8
`10. Any inquiry concerning this communication or earlier communications ftom the examiner
`should be directed to George Eng whole telephone number is (703) 308-9555. The examiner can
`normally be reached on Tuesday to Friday from 7 AM to 5:30 PM'
`If attempts to feach the elaminer by telephone are unsuccessful, the examiner's supervisor,
`Mr. Curtis Kuntz, can be reached on (703) 305-4708'
`should be directed to the Group receptionistwhose telephone number is (703) 305-3900'
`Ex. GOOG 1014
`Natice sf Referances Cited
`5,737 ,592
`5.7 4A,841
`DOCU EIIT tlndudlig A st' Tlth, 3drc.. .td Pddmri PtqE l
`U. s. P .nl .nd T6d.turt Ofli6.
`PTO-892 (Rev. 9-95)
`Notlce of Rsteioncas Cited
`Part of Paper No'
`Ex. GOOG 1014