`Ex. GOOG 1012
`EX. GOOG 1012
`Heinz Mattes
`Hon. Assistant Commissioner for Patents
`Washington D.C. 20231
`11 <n
`ti cn
`In response to the Office Action dated June 5, 1998, amend the above-idenffie&-rr
`application as follows:
`In claim 1, line 4, change)Ealll'to -call'-.
`In the office Action, the Examiner objected to claim 1 on the basis ofpunctuation,
`rejected claims 1,2,5 - 12,16 and 19 - 24 as obvious over Parulski in view of Kawamura,
`rejected claims 4 and 18 as obvious over Parulski in view of Kawamura in further view of
`Ishii, rejected claims 13 and 14 as obvious ovel Parulski in view of Kawamura further in
`Ex. GOOG 1012
`view of Morin, rejected claim 15 as obvious over Parulski in view of Kawamura firther in
`view of Nguyen, and indicated that claims 3 and 17 would be allowable if redrafted in
`independent form.
`Claim objection
`The correction suggesied for claim t has been entered, as set forth above'
`35 U.S.C. S103
`The parulski reference discloses a telephone with a digital camera that can be attached
`to the telephone or provided as a combinbtion unit. The telephone contains a small screen fot
`displaying the registererl digital image as well as a keypad for inputting a telephone number,
`a processor (cPlI), and a storage for storing the digital images. Parulski firther describes the
`transmission of the digital images via a radio telephone network to one or a plurality of
`telefax devices at which the output of the transmitted images occurs directly as a telefax. The
`telefax devices that receive the transmitted image data are not servers, but soiely serve as
`output devices.
`Parulski does not once suggest that other data could be added to the image
`information or that the data be such that certain sequential or structural aspects could be
`potentially infened from it.
`The present invention is based on the problenr of creating a communication system
`for recording and administering digital images wherein the administering and archiving of
`digital images occurs simply, rapidly, and synoptically. Because ofthe pure output ofthe
`transmission ofdigital images via the telefax device in Parulski' this reference does not
`Ex. GOOG 1012
`involve an administering ofdigital images. A different objective thus underlies the invention
`as compared to Parulski. In Parulski there is no reference to a server. Accordingly, the
`arrangement of the server accordirig to the invention is not indicated in Parulski, either.
`In the Kawamura reference, the images registered by a digital camera are to be
`reduced for indexing. The reference discloses a system for classiffing image data based on
`the time that the images are registered. Registered images are analyzed and grouped with
`respect to the time of their registering, or as to whether the images are registered during a
`continuous photography mode. Images hre also grouped by the attitude (landscape or poltrait
`position) ofthe camera The images classified using this systern are reduced and recorded
`within one image. It is the continuous photography mode that determines the grouping of the
`images. . ln the reference, storage of the images is local to the camera. The images are
`recorded in a memory card. However, Kawamura does not suggest a communication system
`which has a telephone unit with a digital camera and a communication network for
`transmitting the digital images to a selver.
`The present invention is thus based on a different problem than Kawamura.
`A communication system, or respectively, a method for registering and administering
`digital images is created by the present invention with which it becomes possible in the most
`widely varying fields of application to register images at an arbitrary location by a user, to
`transmit the stored images to a server ov€r a commrmication network via a telephone unit in
`which the images afe stored, and to enable an automatic archiving in the server of the image
`data registered at a completely different location rapidly and in uncomplicated fashion.
`Ex. GOOG 1012
`Such a scenario is not even suggested in Parulski or in Kawamura' Based on Parulski'
`there is no indication of expanding, the telephone described in Parulski into a communication
`Kawamuta. The invention is thus inventive relative to Parulski and Kawamura in
`The Ishii reference teaches speech recogrition unit for dialing a telephone by voice
`input of the number to be dialed. This refelence has nothing to do with registering digital
`is no convincing showrng as to why one of ordinary skill in the art would tum to this
`in combination with Parulski and Kawamura'
`The Nguyen reference relates to database management over the Intemet using SQL
`queries. By providing output in HTML format' the user may view the output reports on the
`Internet. There is no teaching or incentive to combine this reference w.ith a digital registering
`apparatus or a telephone apparatus' There is nothing in the art which would lead one of
`ortlinary skill to combine this reference with Parulski and Kawamura'
`Ex. GOOG 1012
`Thus. the invention as defined in the claims is not taught or suggested by the
`combined teachings ofthe cited art. Accordingly, early favorable reconsideration ofthe
`claims is hereby requested. The claims 3 and 17 are not now being redrafted in independent
`form, although Applicant noles the indication of allowable subject matter.
`in A. Robinson @eg. No. 3l,870)
`A Pro fessional Corporation
`85th Floor Sears Tower
`Chicago, lllinois 60606
`Telephone: 312-876-0200 ext. 1044
`I hereby certifi that this conespondence is being deposited with the united states
`Postal Service as First Class Mail in an envelope addressed to:
`The Assistant Commissioner for Patents
`Washingto4 D.Q.20231
`on September 8, 1998.
`Ex. GOOG 1012