`VWGoA - Ex. 1008 - Part V
`Volkswagen Group of America, Inc., Petitioner
`Case No. IPR2015-00276

` 2
` H5‘~+;~»w»:+?v~7,-‘¥;~fi.‘w:
` T_sfis output‘ sééédi E
`V¢hi.cle speed —>
`’I3;9 Bhsic prific1pie—ofad:£pfiVé shifij;icfi’1it«
`.‘§hift’i charactefistics Beforc *(,- - -)
`. £1311-‘2:‘£t<’3r;(‘.——) adaptafionv
`it1iSTf[p9s$ib1e_‘td-c1<isethéI1oéku1§TatIowfillgihé speed and.i1c>w“en?gixi::}Ioaa go.od?‘shi£tV¥¢:>me
`fqttg‘rcsu1ting,injMd¢éc:§:ased fuel :consumpff§>n;A T
`ByTanTimprbvefi%interface desigrr~to%;the
`Engine Torque Riedieczian Durihg
`jéiigiiiéjmafiégéfiiéiiiijSYSt¢i1i,it‘isTP(5S§ibk> if6«6Xt6fid:th§ éngifié Ifiitqlfil reduction f‘l‘1§,K1‘,3fi'Q,I,1‘,-‘:‘?Itf',iA,SL—
`nsceséary to use a:PWMts‘i_gna1
`rr,e1afed'fixed_va1u;sTTorja5busfinterface,.'I‘he gngine fQ{q116’
`xieduttion is; c6:1t1fb1Ied_;‘difeCt1y
`'the5’IT(lU;"I'hé ‘aiivaixtagerof’s11Ch‘:an.jnterface is1'a111'ncIe pen’+g
`iienticalibraticmio the TCU data Trxvgra wid_e rangeévfitfidut _J§:1:ai:gi:1g1‘he; ehginéjmafiagérfiént,
`data:TA».ffi:théi?iid aiitagé 1i)s;th¢ ” "
`Q?‘-’4~T1 P0Ssibi1i1YAf9TTfl13T¢9»9i?‘Ti?1$Ii0i¥ °If.111@?1T§7°,:I1§i‘11$‘7?9_tIi€>I‘C1“¥:1i*«T.
`relductibn and the ptessurc. ‘control " Jithin the TC;U;‘;Ihe’improvcri:cntof this.'interfac;e§c;an:Tbe‘
`‘eggtendédhpiioj a :re'aT1~»totque[inte:faee, Vespecially whej1}usit1:g.Ta b§us.~jeommunicatio11jlihk,
`pr]¢sSui:eC“ojntifOi c;;1nJtse:Jini1$r:;wed’inTa simi.1.aIr: wjay: asTth::TsTHiftf:,p%¢ir;r
`Tc::i1trt>1.With angadaptive softwa:eas.trat¢gy. The requiisdinputsé for ‘the. ad.apfivejprc—:ssursr.»q<>n+
`Irbl are_cé11(;u1afed frd1nTavai1aBIc%signa1s i_I1._fhejtIafnsmissiOn cjontto1‘,.Thc main:r;e‘aso‘nAs for. the;
`§mp1¢1’n’e?‘ntAatioh ofthe’ adaptivZeTpr¢’ssur}¢ (‘@I’1f£iT’()'].,’c»1'»I('-V‘.“,t'I"iE':_' vafiations of vfhfi iaitfi’
`”<::$rnpon¢n:s§ 1i1:e[.[cTIil1t<:h:%si1,rfa:¢@s;—a:id:oi1 ~quality- as%we11& as tlif: czha _
`H A
`Output torque QY§r.theLljfefi111e 9f;‘th¢ car}:
`A A‘
`T'11.e*principIe_?Qf ’adapti&'e ptessureVcontroIj:is a comparison “of: a set V8l111'B'—fOI‘; the
`with: atiactual value; meaéuredbythavtransiirissic:ninputTsp¢ed course; At:ex7TspegificTdifference
`ofjthe at T altige f9‘tIh%e a¢tué1'va1i1e.’the
`Tewaluie. %¢or:ect:ec1 jby 4TaT cert in inerEiiien‘t in
`the »pQs1t1¥e or nTegat'we; di§rection.;'Th¢_‘oLr1g1nal daptatzionz timesand ihfillt
`.S11IT<rI?« Value 1'n¢I6-
`Ifient: ;wer:e_+fixedi;d11jrinTg: ‘ch: palibratitm phasej; For safety r,eas0I1s;,jt11e;ifQta1}devfatiOI1 of'the”
`A1‘;;r::ssjureT va1ue—'friohi a Tgiv;en[va1ue;is1iiv‘_
`d;;‘d”e;p‘snding‘ on the paitfctgar applicationi; Usually
`th:e1g*<:t>Lm=-.ctiir5n ivalueis are stored i:ijth§$T:no:ivi:1atfleL.memory t.;oi havdthc c9;r:e::tTva1u@s‘avai14
`,teI power-911; of the electrgnic
`safety functions )ex‘t'e”nd‘ ofver bieft“etf’ifiQnitoring of
`safety;and 1)iagnos:ic}Functions.
`A %thév;s¢1ecI<i:r%1évér‘ andT:E:mc:i¢:ns bqficexhifiéi
`by? thcvdriverzwith ;C&éfI£{SI20i1dii1g§ ttdrisr
`missionhatdwarej dcsign;t{1§ implementation (if a reverse gear irghihit, funcfiicn iS_p?oss1fb1e;Ti .6,»
`abov.eL?a{ c,er[tain”ve1_1i1c1e speed, -the position [Rig b1ocke d_ hydraulically by a sing1‘e.so1¢:noid ‘or
`by 21 {particular solencisid cofimbinatimigitiommarided by the e_lectr:o1:icTCU.’fun—ctién pre-'
` an chata¢f,é%iéii¢é1
`and road
`i'[C%aLd line
`, Galculated
`L §Gt;1aIT%vaI.ue{j

`coiirnon SYSTEMS
`vents the_TdesTi:ructien~ef the tiansxnissionfin the ev?ent,of;anT 1;Lnintentiona1 shift to the rewerse
`‘gear, Downshifi prevention is partofttheisafety:fnnctii)i1,:esp’eciallyduring manual shifting by
`the driverT1.HerieT the SyI1ChIT‘011O_l1S ’sp”e;ed*of the‘: new g6a[':iSZCéiC1I1‘at6d andTe0inpTared vvjlthflie
`engine SpeeC1.~171liT:h€—‘CaSe vot amlculatedisynchiononsspeed aboveinie
`;:Tc_naxin1u‘m' ienjgineaspee_d,_‘thet downshjffijis prohibited bylthe TCU;This***funefii)fl can be sup»
`A ported by an eoverfrnn; safeguard whicl/1 Ife1jeases,thei1iinp ihnjnfe mode in case iofeeXceedi11g‘the
`ad.inissable.riiaxiT1nnn:t—engine speed.
`All of? those; i3un§;ti{3I1S} can be extended and have 'to1beT.;definei1 during the, development
`Stage bythe automobileitra1isimi;ssi.on‘ and BlefifronicTCUiIIlE11311fafi‘L11i“€IS-*Toiincrease avail.-
`a1bflity;dftheiAT systemgevenindth Ttheifeilure Of éertain lsigI1}':iIs,Tiftiisi possible ‘dtoiprnviide a sul3‘—‘
`stitute operation with better drivabiiity than in lZiT1€_5»1irnfihDlI1t%f'Ifl0,(i€i»,'Il1iS
`can be done by
`tsuhstitute functions; TlieTel’ect1‘onicyT_CU‘ falls back oTn;Tsubstifute véilnestor signals infthe ease
`[of a bre’akdownTLof.icertain int‘eIfé1'C€:$_.Tl1_efrei
`isgfor example, tl;’e«Tpossibility‘.to inn with a pro-
`graiinmabjet fixed thjrntftle value with;-af breakdown of theithrettle position sig1ia1.iTl:is.resu1ts
`iintaredudction. of theishift’ .clT1’atacte1fistiCs £0 Shift po‘iTn'tTs.T .S1”1iftir1giilnto ’nTlT1n gears Tispossible, how-
`'€¥E‘.T13}T.Vith reducedshiftaconifoift. A further method isto_.i.1’se se<:TeTndary.e¥signals in ease the o'rig~
`inzil signals break down. For example, the calculation’ 'of._Vehicljeé S1§€=e’d- can be:ftoII1 wheel ’
`~speedf‘during' breakidown of the; transmission output‘ speed signal. This Ateelinique [usually
`nejquireseaeonnejetion betweenABS and transniission control.—’I'he ‘thitd variant i’sltl1e _eancelg
`ing of¢eIIain:fiInc.fi0n_s:‘ifthe:nes:essar5*»iinputsignals.are missed- For example, in the case eta
`kickdowii switch failure, the kickdown function is —C'aLI1_C6l6d, 'IT’his resultsisineno‘ downshift after
`0Pe1‘3.fi0I1..0ffl16-kiCkd0WI1.» Dowiishifts are .nevert1ie1ess still I1ossi.blleeivii1 the full-thmttlei’
`opening point according to‘_the'fu11i-{load shift _cli'araCtefTiSti‘c;
`e The availability: and driveiibility. of auTtmii_cj;b‘iIesT €qflfpped.- Withfe1ec‘tioi1§i[¢;’I’C2U in ¢aTTg¢ pf
`system faililrzes be;improy_ed Sigifificantlyewitli Ttheiimpiementiation of substifiite functioiis
`This resultsiiine —considerabfl_e;_increase:in' acceptance ‘bye the drivegs ‘of automobiles‘ with "elec- ‘
`i1;3I3.3T Adaptation to DriVer”s:BTehaviori a{ld:_Traffici’Siitiia‘tions
`In Certain driving conditions; some disadxsaniiagesn of the conventionalATl can be ‘pre\Tzent_ed by
`?usiiigTTself’-learning sna<ti=;giiT:js‘.° This is‘ es_peciauygva1id‘iw'hen riI11]2I"4'3T‘T§‘/,lT‘TiTTlg’ the jcjoiripicmiise in the
`Teshiftmaracteristies r;egarding- gear se1e"ction’unde1* particular di:'isTri;i1g conditions and under
`:diHiculti'environmental?g:nnditions. The.:iniention-of‘ the seljfélearning f,I1nTction_s' is to provide
`the appropriate shiftecharacteristic suitable to the‘ driver under
`drifvingT.VconditSioTns.i Addi-
`tionally, the be1iavi'orofTTthe.icar under*sT‘p eeial condinoins scan be improxred by7‘suitan1e"func-
`--eons. Available iiipui signals T of the car, ‘provided {by the isiateedi elecjntioiiici
`inte1'fa’ces_iand <;ornir1unicatioi_i._:links_; are ’13I0,C_1€fSS€d byf tlieiT€TU with specific algorithmsfilhei
`self-learning functions f<:anT The divided i Ii1'to%T2i longrespectivelyniediuillgietmeiE1ii%1pf&tion_for‘
`idrivefs style detection-and intoi a ‘short-itexin adaptation whichireacts to the present rdrivinigi.
`,situatijon,Tisuch asjhiils :01: c‘uivjes,i
`The core of the‘—adapfiize.istrategies
`the drivefis istyle deteeiienffhe driveTri?s:isjtTyle can be
`detec_t‘Ted; by monitori_ng1_ofTithe accelerator pedal imovementsifflfe mpjuts are operation speed,
`operation frequency,,a‘ d the rating.positio1niefztheTacceleratorepedal;These inputs a’re;pro-i
`cessed depending on Tpii
`‘itiejs‘with‘ fsTpecifal;a‘lgo£ithn_1'sT relafedito: the desired drivingliéhavion
`of the caiflhe calculaied drji.ver’_style iisireléned to certain shift 1naps.There§is £1 lafgeiehoiee of
`slhiftiinapst available, With the icurifently k'nov_(n applications; there are-mostly four different‘
`shift 'II1‘3pS,r1‘§“111’giI1g from 'f’Ll'e16C’0I'1QIni‘C to 'ex,tren1ely sporty‘ vehicleibehaivior. The calculated
`i(_1r'LVer’si st y1e;ean also depend on the acttial yehiele speed and the share nf eonstant dtilving
`a certain,
`eycle. These ;seIjf¥lejarTningi lfunctions
`be calibrated by?‘
`the car?manufactnrer,rdepending onihisphilosophy etnd—target market, In this wagthe numbei:
`’ of shift maps anid‘thespe'ed of the adaptation have the main influ'BI1Ce;Af1l1‘tl1€rf;pOSSibi1i’Cyi0
`match the driver’s_;styTfleeis by [ratings the accelerator pedal*ing vehiele start, for
`,ex2_in1ple, after tired iliiglitiesiop. Inthisi Way tl1e.»ope:ation’speet1 and f:equency.'of;T1tli3e: acCelera—

`, torpedalitbelow ta c—:e,rt’aii1,ve1fit:1e Spte.e<;l_ can be. interpreted and calculated as part’ of; the
`tdr‘iv__erT’s; style ’1‘*ating.tIr'1 the evenI1.0fikickd9wn,T_the shiftymaps cf thefirivefsv styleerating are
`S.1.I1it}~d‘owjn. by a. priQfitytTgdmmand.t’§fl‘:é dfiveti has the "1JT$ua1 behaviois oJiftT]T1‘;e*e_ar dtifi1=1g'kTi:¢k~
`QQWEL; gie,i1e1‘a11y*‘a dtOWnsfhift,T153r€1v;*idii;gT otthtetrbsafety fuliction is in i0I3£?fTcitii311’,
`To ;5rjey‘enjt:shiifthunting,Tthewtse1f41eé:ningfun‘ctions are;ca1*ried'qutjoiver a,IQngTrespective1y
`[medium term adaptation
`the éidaptatien Vti.1'_H€,1’l1‘2l‘1"tgiIigV1:‘I'QI'1’l severaitesectonvdst up tq one
`T ‘ T“
`* icing: pan fthe-'se1f+1ea:ni:Trgj fuitéticii1Ssis—‘t]:€ edrjivir1gT.condition.d‘e:ection.:ThereTT
`clat n:b&tY¢¢¢ ‘
`’ gcbnditiezig
`. T,
`disetdiranbtages of _a conventional eelsctroniietransmi Tl
`eofitrol is the
`vehicle sTp_ee'd by ‘crossing theiupshift charactefisticiwith :2; 1‘ed11_ctionvc§ff
`the tlerator pedal 1a’ng1“ fI’,hTjisj; reTs_:u1tse in Van:_uniflt_$I1&¢é gear especiallywlxen corner-
`ing mi when a13p:<:iriic’* ‘fig :wa‘;crIi$sing or an: ob$tac1¢,11x 15I§f5?%£BI1‘ie£1i:c§$€i gear shifts
`is pfOSSib1é
`to ‘use sq-c»alIedt1T1T’pshif , pifevention;teCornefing can be detected by the ac_c_e_1eratie11 Bf? the-car
`. along: the driving direction 1-elatedetortliee‘ vehicle -speed. The yehielezspeed ifieicalcuiated‘ from *
`the trattshjissibn Qutput’ speed.tjhétacee1eratji;on jc;at1.be1_C1etef<T:tefi}b}tt an_2icé:’e]eration Sensor or
`by; the diffeierige b_e,tweenT_ the _i1Q11t:TTfive11‘Wheelfspéeds, In this my ittifs pdss‘ib1e~ totTp:eiyjcnt the
`V u'pshi£t;when.¢ornering,t‘»resu1ti11g{ij; eeqnsiderableiim.pfbv¢=ménf in
`1e%stabiIi‘T .’
`‘ TheeT;C1etei;ti0n_ Ofja crossing %oCr.t obsta;:1e':apggroa¢h is Ipossiblet by the etecttiont Of“<3T31:aSf off
`condifi33n‘*of the ac(;_elerat'or pedal; AtFa:cefl¢a1‘n‘ gradient of. thébpedal ;p¢si1idn,ithet upsfiififiis
`i.prev.enTted:_fI‘1fisrTi§.—T:1} considerable advantage :6S§§Ci31!Y"WHt311fQV§1‘fEfl(ii1g .IdwsSpeedtfiehiC1i-:3,
`th st Ttegy ‘the cprr,ecjte_—gea:;is‘*Tav;;11gb1T
`T T
`fft11e».;d1:11x‘/_i11'g“ situation. detfec,t:1_on_T 1Ts _t_ e1 ecognition of‘uphit1I,driViTr_tg aTnd‘,fi111;é
`.;Thi's‘—isIp”_0sisiibl“eA by addiligy-s;peCi‘a1~_fl1I1CfiOhS*fC1thfii ad_apfiyej geat7shift_f_cTo11tro1,T .
`'niakes Sensetto suppbrtethe '€ngii16’bI*}1"ki1ig.6fféCt fdf abetterdece1-
`Idri‘vi‘ng can be dete’cte& 153y’.¢1;i’c(§1:1T}3.'a;1iiTs()iieoffth1%ottleTp’0s,itiQn Tana
`,T 7
`1ZIi13S11tift_7iSt PI‘8Verit_ed 1é111TCT1T,’TiI1TS;0It1c ,spTeCia1f.caS6S; 3+.‘C16Wfi9,h'ift'i:S.‘iiCfiv
`‘xiated by:tTh’e' teIeictron1c—ATCU;
`_A_jfIirtheT’r ‘s’
`T ToI1‘f0f"i]:i1‘e self—”1eé_1rni11gtTfu11c‘tioIis
`the enxyirenmentalttnonittrcitig with related
`atio11‘éanTbéa?ge1f;;1eg;:nj;rg j2Vinte1‘1 1’jf“‘gfaifi. The whee1‘s1§Tp.bf3t1ie
`. dfiven Wheels Is comxgaxged Iii tfei§ét3*v%iLue of a;é:ombinatio;n:ct giye11ewh@e1 tdrqtgl ' atidfvejhiizle
`speed. When tsgceedingttatset
`ofiwheel jslipg asgecialgshift ‘strategy =‘c_hosTe1i;; Far; e_xampjle,e
`’tI1e_vehiéIe starts Off’iJ1S'
`on’d*gTear_ .dr*a'niup_S'hjft.‘tak‘es'§ 1dWe1'
`iiueispeedss T
`"e’s1istérte’d a few 5_I.eaTfsxaTgT
`d?is%Tcu1‘jrei11t1*i_ ,one~¢t
`Tipped7;vetiic1es.;’I’hTe fut;1ré:»ds:3?<:l;OpInent‘cdmiernihg.
`nt of} thefalrea_dyT knownTef1;n’cfior‘1s_‘is tan“iTmTpbrta1it
`area int‘/cdniroltdevelapmen Ihxs anbe sup er‘tTeTd‘bytaxitinereasingshaieofé1éi:trofic,u3f1i1;s:;in'd“
`t’i11t§317:f,5i(’3l€3i3‘.fk3If the céfiliiiiflfiifififién th; Iiiultiplé} i1S6eQf"Siéx1$0fSt£3if§>Vidi1tIETlié 116?-
`’ Atfpreset1t,=a1i iticreasing shatebfn1an1ia1 prQTgfan1s;wi't11 an AT canbe I
`tnated; Tfie driver
`in$_tr_u‘ct§ttheiAT_eto‘ aTgwitch.;draT,pi1s11‘bt1ftoi1 Tt1this’.II1aii1i1:e‘rf,fl‘1eet
`" Téan QpB1“§iTt'e thé‘
`AT abemanualegearbqx mdepeéideiifly
`ftrriapss with o1’i11§L,t,I1e V _.
`etfy ftitnctiirinsiii;
`:>pe‘fatien;eIhis thas1lec»1;t’o ea broadiat:
`.ce,;ésp,ec billy?
`the sportsear m’
`These fu1ic~
`” ’
`a1_1X_be;ca1ib17ated gmd applied by thetjear‘manufactur_er with? data reflertirrgitb his T_p_hilQS-
`d to ihef’tT2i1“get}n1atket{TIje'res11Itis‘th t reyenticxt ofxthe; known diSadvatntages,fdf fl'J.'_E5*f
`::;tione2;1tAT?¢c.:a’tro1 with01iI‘¢anC5¢1iii5§%i
`- .Tntag:é$.iflttdIi¥ing‘C€>mIQi:t¥~e%t11d safetja
`_Tc:01\t1fI§{QL.bfNfISTTTTTTTT T
`3:5; ‘iaaeriouse 3PI,5f1eiTcafion5t in V,ehiCl§:S,T1Inany appor-
`‘fheTeXTisteb,ce‘df e1¢¢:r1Tqi;i;:'con:i:o1
`tunitie_st'ex““t t 'fQT;1i§lKTh6S¢ ECUs'an‘d.ta;estab1ishtemmunicatibns between ‘tbemifhe mainTpax"t-A
`. net of the is“ the. engine managéiiiéflt
`Dfie‘-to the cofip1ifig‘;oi anginet

`ca betWcen:fE:c.St:
`'ti:_e‘Jvehi¢Ié ;piowertraii1,;it; Knejcessary‘ IQ haye
`or‘a[func.;tiona1?:c9uplinganxia11.intr::change of signalsgmltis essenfialfnr‘thczpressurtacona
`trolmsxdefthejxansmissionLconirglfco s‘;ensOt’_the‘F¢ngjI1e.1oad‘,fhe%engin?e_speed,ari’d the ihroitle
`posftfotrsfihe. engine; i:orqu¢:re,ducti_b‘n ci1un‘ng': shi‘fting?is'2t1so“important torestablish a ‘gofidrshiflg
`con1f6:t::andV a:vsatisifirct:c;;r1y 1ifE=fit1.T€*f0r' the cIutc§hés;By handing
`certair1sTsiT‘g:1a1s.1ike pésieiqu
`levcr st,ate, lQCkUPr,CQDd,ifi0n;,\C17'Sh1f oIhmVa_nds*Tto.~fl1e‘enginejmanageihcntgthésdrivingtomfcrt;
`TOf’the>vvehic1eA»ca1i be. finpreved Vsig1iificantly;'An;iiT rerface [to ABS ‘a’n‘d:‘traciti<)n;c<3inf1tci1‘is:useful,
`‘, _1fT-1c_arningfu’nctiQnsfi'in V e‘jh‘an_smissi0 C‘0iitr01‘W1’i‘enTusi11g.thbe Whee1"Sp‘e’ejt1S.7
`It%iS'pTéSSib16]to’ir:ip1éi113éiitbC<§r‘ta1I1 sliift straféglé ‘
`’th:<: tt”a1risth§is;si9i1controlés
`(BS; Aandv{[tras:tion :con;t,ro,i.;A link; to 'tf1q£‘1e.ct:onic; thxoittle 1c]ontr_o1 :2: Cruise -con-
`»poss.:ibleftwqptimize certain f11I1”Cti!,QI,1, for T Qftotaliveh c_1e,;,By £i'n'teIjfiacjes between
`’§he:ECUs;?a reduction of the; "seIiSo1fp”Xpen‘se ‘results By"a.‘mu1tip1eéusfe1via communications.
`,Suit;a‘b1.eTIiIiI<s inclu’d§:,¢speciai11y. 30:: bus bTonfig;urations for 1r‘ Tjbléafraevcémtiiunicatiom
`3§§1.s_= Syst;efII;sii:.1,paitic;11la:1: %haNVe;
`avdvantage ’f;h,e link+,u_p
`changing their"existin'g;ha17dWa1‘e.—Additiona1.Cdupling VreqLuir.ésé>o1n1yi a[ software; change. The
`interéhange ofrequiredfsjupgplementary’:sign;ils fcxinewbfunctibnsvisipossible withauit any prob-
`example of p‘6xf9¢xtfain1 m‘a_nagement!~
`fCQUpIifig the ipdwértrain;
`£0: achi3eVe;
`IQWLQI fu.¢1,é:on$umpti.o'mTvsimultaneozrslji improving ‘fhé d:ive.abilitjy,ii.s described; as vfQ1l0\VSe.
`vTh¢> .,11¢Wes.t; generatign of ;t~r,ansII1ifssionT‘Controllers has» Qvarcome {the firmer‘ :diIsa.dva1:tagc
`regarding ‘fuel. ‘effifciencyg A‘daptiye;'Vfuncti0ns
`cjooperatiojn :wfth':fo£ii‘efuIIy designficd totqtzie
`converter iclutcht con‘tr:51,f‘ whié:h .a11ows the c1uféhf*fQ beV cilbse;C15§>ven af *l:eiw~ gea1fsj,__h}1ver
`im;prc§v:ed: fué1.¢c:2sump%tic1:significantly.‘TBvasedi<Q:1 %th¢t:.‘driye:fs’ behavior,‘ »t;o;getherT iwi/tfh an:
`adaptive shift1sitrat¢gy[ as 1?.revi6:1S1¥ desi:'riE2ed;_par;t;of the T;C;U’;S, ‘adaptive/programsoftware:
`V1na3i‘se1%éc;t[ an ‘é.cOn6mVyj;or even ;stiper—c_cOno,I.1iy shift sVtrategy'TVWh¢n’é[Ver‘jpQsSib1e. There is,
`jhoweveg sti11..mote‘ p‘o ¢n'tial.fjo,:fue1ALecohbmy
`optiT:rii7zz‘ajti:ofx;c5£”t’I,j1 .fdrivétfai‘n;
`The rconceptvpa1'1édf Masférshift3° is: shown in. Fxg. 1.3511. 'Ih*egb‘a’sic ’ide’a}:is:_’t’é{ interflp1je’t_the?
`»ac¢¢1¢ i:20Sifi9n%.a‘s:an;
`? Ihatéflécéléiafibn r5eq11em"i a,reques:%
`forfiwhxejel. 1iorque_;has;t9— biaconv
`:h H
`% C T
`1 open throt:-T
`t1e‘an‘dfIoW:rpin va1ues.Injord’ar_ to
`15‘ necessary to; uségan1E1ec’tfon1Githroft1‘e con-
`trgjol system. The comrnmribation between VtheT Te1ecff1io11icTT.thrott16,1.the jenginc,j afid uansrnission
`is? Fi‘gg113.;12}:.;
`MaStershift:, :<':70nTCe’pt‘fOIf"drivetiafn.opt’in1iZatiOrl*
`~driving dynamic »inteTrpirétatiqrLof 9'-medal pqsmén:
`%Besr:me:ecqn1omy:with _exce;1ent
` A
`Operafion of enjg fne_— at high fqrque
`‘(dpén ~thr&>ttl‘e):an’d Jew’ speed
`Information eX¢1iELng_e: b§tWeen‘”
`:elé_ctroinic‘ ‘throttle, cofitrol
`relecifcnbtransfniséiorr éontfcjl; and
`ielectrenicjzengine controi
`‘FIGURE 13.11 7Drivetrain—'o_peIaliion~.

`FTGURE 13.12 Maété hxf llog1c§iI;striik:fim:faiildlAc6ni;fiuniCariQIl‘?b:%l‘l>?6&n‘différenfcon-—
`V Ifrljsilch 2i.systef’rr,‘§a wel_1V-définlled ~é0ofdi11f1fiOh b¢tvq¢én theengine térqu$f;lmaijily givelxby
`tlhrottléVpos ‘itid1,1.j(aiM1‘* mass),_fuel mass;-_jand’»igniti(jn angle‘-on ‘
`* ~d;se1efct;io,n; 55% the
`T "
`apprépriétel gearingluditig‘torque*cOny¢rtci?*c1u1§ch. oA1:1V;Ihe§_t:l:sE‘£
` Vé.«.Depend~
`ing on the typevl9f.§:ngii1¢,’fuel Consumptibn can lJvf_:[lfed1I_C€3d Tfiiril‘
`‘men: With;thiS
`‘ optimizedTMast'elrshi
`'”Qnc’ejpt._‘Becau$¢. ther :aVer_'a'g‘eléngine»c:p‘eraI1Q11_I3~aEJi1
`:2 QIque1eCv=
`els. ¢0m}?are.d Ttostandard;€syst§ii1s;iagreavter number cflgéar Shift$’».m8Y 9CCDI4TlfiSl7~
`important ’
`fit: g11z11rl_ant«é;€i>.0P t:ixna
`ftT¢i1mfoft:Figiir¢13l13"shOwshowthatcanbaactz, '
`the addifiohail’ dégree of lfr"ee5dbm[giVenj by théf electronic jt'hrot’t1e::Acor1tto1.’ It 1i'sj possible; to
`csp<:rate~the; :thro:t1e= angle: dutiliggfihsi gear‘ shift" in Such ‘a way as “to” achieve: constjantrwheel —
`tbrquejbeferelléndl fivwfishifts:
`1‘dévé1Q15IfIi¢,iit’W§:kTl\>?i1lbé'=£io1icént:ati:d?Qnjrétlé-;slgn‘df 'ha:dwat6 cfimjmnanfs for
`cost reducuon, limprpvemcnt T*of—yie1d. ‘torcducejfual: consumpltidlngand. improvement of drive}
`Tab‘llty,Aggo¢:1lappma¢:h»to.1_meet .<:osfé;"targjé‘tsj,c>n the e1e¢tmnic lhardwarfe‘ Sid§'i}YOuldl,bE}'fG{iIlf{E+
`lgra etfwol more lindividi1a1.C0iiirC11lir16fiI1V
`<;cmm:mlh§msifig:, Raga digrig uijeélertztzénic
`<%<?1111?<?fl¢Iif$; 1°11‘? Cdfild Cbfifiiiué :lI$i.fl8fiW9iS61?aI*?1f¢‘1Ifi¢ifG¢0flft01fei$m5T Wiéilld haié fl1¢*aidYai1*
`;ta_ge thatthef Software developrfie1it,andl’a1:plicafiongonld ll§e‘ dOne j'nVc1iv’idua1Vly f_otitwo{Tdifferefit
`systems; for: ‘Example engimyand ltxans‘missiioii icontfo11er§;TAng’thef;approachcould
`ate? mount’
`1115 TCU‘ On the tfa_ns;‘nissiorl’h<3using;itseIfi"I11is cQijld~ Ig=;:ljgj1»1:giaf» jsignificaritT reduction in the
`AexpeI.1lseff’0r the vwirihgl.haf;nt:SS- Hare, hQW6.V7Qf5 *fi1elpi*.db.1:e1rh mi hézstilekarigbient ltenxperzaturcs gm?
`.e;1e_clIOfll‘0‘,COn1pQIléntSi‘has tolbc solvcd;TQday7$:stand<alo11e acbtuatorsgc,ou1d‘15eTji11tegratedjute 3
`'c;,ommon';housingj the s_olution.$howi1 by~~Chrysl¢r C<j1ip,.ilzb1 »iAt’s;_A;{_i94 ft"rans11iiss’i‘on'.-
`‘ The. impt::&e;:1ent"‘lof {the}-lyield
`a‘JjmLaix1 tiipic fcflldesiugncrs Df1 ATSi ’Qi1}'p11_mps‘and torque:
`£:<mver*I_‘e.rS 3a.f6 a—n1aj§_>r‘si0urr:el of fiegdrgy 1osses;A iinptafyénientgf yield. will be p<;>s+‘
`:sil3_lc as so1OIi[as torque'conVerte:‘clutche§ aIa.aYailab1e;w1tl;’tI:e7capabi1ity fofrlcontinuousaslipl
`o'pcratiorl._'Il1e _Lorque Tconyertenclutch
`fl_1en»:Vbje, Operatpdl in IQW?ge’ai"_$- *an'dl at’ low efnginé
`lspeedswlthoutl facing prdblenis 'from.»d:ivétr.ain oscillatidns aiiidloflnogséjemisslon. Z‘

`’I‘l1e*driveabili'ty[i‘s the most importantfisaturc for; t1l1¢.Td:i,v’§*;r,s?l a:;cep;tang¢:‘ofjlATs.»Irl addi—;
`tion to the ‘self-Vadalptilvé. 1f1incti‘ons”desQrib'éd;jthe.ih1p1em¢11tgtion§t:fshift‘St_’r_a_tfegies benefiting;
`from =co_n’crol algorithms using fuzzy theory lnay further [improve dtiyeabifity:

`F1GURIi13—1 3v ~CQn$h:r1;t tréction torque by dpera£i“o:rwfit3xroft1s> cpizning during gfiarshiftk
`TAT; A1it<j1fiafic tr2¥nsinissi($n’..
`ATE .AutJ0mat7i_ctrainsinissiollfltiid,
`CAN i€§0 If£fQ11er,areanetwofk;
`Continugusly -variable
`EEPROM fE1éct1i‘ifcal14y éxasablé prog;'ammab1¢ read-only menleryf A
`" EPI_{0M_ E:a$a:bigpr/0gramn1aT51e.rea‘Ei-onljk‘memoxy.
`‘ PWM_ Pulsa-widthmo.du1_ati‘on.;‘
`RAM Ran¢19m;a¢c¢SsTmemoLr>%
`,R édi‘0;Aftequ.%:ncy interfefencaé
`Too} Tbrgue converter c’1utch.;
`»:TCU Traismissifiin central? unit.
`L 7E~Ku¢u1§ay and LQrenZ,TK,,T“Das nelic Eiinfggxxg-Autoiiiatikgetriebe'§11tLV8—MQt01:’enin der 7erTBai1‘+
`r’eihe*vpI11 BMW: ATZ Auromogaitrechnisczmzeizxglym 94g Hefty/8A,j1992.
`9» ,K?:N911ff5T§“R9§§Et.;deV‘310Pi1‘i§1tV0fAT-G0I1tIQ1%LTa€18PfiV9ifillciignsflanfl actuators,” iS1a:1pt>sium Neg
`v9B13,2fiéi1z(Inc¢d—Tecknqlagies iil,1‘1il!0!71(51{iv§€'Pf61'}1€lSi€}}1
`Syjs;ét;z_s; Sotfiety TcfAutomofiva‘En’gineers of‘
`Japan Inc.;1993‘, pp. 4249;


`Eleftherakis ajIIi;l,_Khfi1i_LA.,.“Deve10pm¢ni Qf 'c1:§A1:iE}>‘prat_§j;tyfi;é,g:T¢Qntaxtfifiantfi§f3tIaflmiés§ioij.sf’7
`SAE Paper 900561, Societ3r[Tof Autpmouve Engine6IS).Warreridalefla,
`4:. 1.>giA1defe1d,T*‘LNunge:I¢alT¢a1cti1atimt ‘cmelecitsmmagnetib actuat01"$”Ar£?f:£sJ}‘fL‘lr Eleicrratechnfiq ‘r3d1i,61,.
`'4 f
`Hasuuaka, Tak.a.g:i.,
`anti Wfiéfi‘ 6411131; 0:1 ef1fec;ti:o-[1i3*dra11liCj<i0i,1tr‘c1TTfo: auiom atic frafistfiise .2
`Vsi:ms§’‘SA:ETPaper 89 2000, SQci;§ty .o£:AuIon1cn:ive En;girie‘ers, Warrenc1a]e,Pa,
`6»; .P;1C. “Bri1ici1§1esV%o£and §c >w§f§Ic9ttbhics;*’ J. Wfley,‘NewjYo:k, 1989» 1
`‘?Mef11<_a‘d; gudfipparatus; to’—CQnverf anTE1c:;c A‘caiflfaiuegintbla.Me¢hanica1LI§osTfiQn by Using an Ele<:.~I:
`E,1éI11jet1,t Subjectrtgéljlysftgrggisf
`ft__e1_1itb _W7.'143:’MarchM18;1986; ‘
`8‘. K I¥IeA1ffer,f‘E1¢ctroriisch¢:Getriébesteuerux1g Von1Eqsch,’?ATI?ZAy3Qmobiftegfiniycha Zefrgchfifi 9%
`Héfi 9; 1992; ppZ.:4*’-12~449L L *
`7 7

`9. A;Wé1tér, at 31.; “]3ié;Ada'ptive Gctriegestcuarung Tffir{A1fi1t0n1at_ikgctri_ébe déré jB1EiIWi_FaThxzéuTge mit ’
`Ayiombbiltechnisclze Zeiz37cEarEj&:94§A1992,Tpp;428—436;3
`=Sfre1"B ‘and_ R-.fL,60nhar_d_, “Hierarchical‘cohfrol:stfat§gy i6rjjower_traif1 func§ion§"”g¥X17¥‘I?£§£ta
`Congress: Lond:on,1992;.
`; KURT is fesponsiblé at Rdbiert Bosich *GhiEH fft)'r.'t‘I“i¢' éiévelopnient of é1‘ectronic‘;¢on+;
`:.t1_*{3lf'unit's for atutomatic t:ansmissicinsTand,A=aIso far the 5d5,_Yeld_pI1:1ent of."_a‘ctuato):s1.i Hé‘wa$_. edujje
`. ‘catgzd in;glgpitqnjésxeiggihgering ‘aft thgaj :Univer sity'TQfTStuttgatt:and holds a Dr.f1ng;it_1 fthe(fiéAldV
`» of12asis:§[sejrir1ie{on<i\iiitbfr: research» He has lécaénjin this fiefdéiai ‘a1itotnfotiv’e Vcompomeliti devfemptf
`1n‘ent.‘,fé>;r :10 ycarsgj
`WoLEGANqT'rs:sponsib1eA at§BbS9h1for,sySten;£s;‘a1;clfisO ware developmejnt of élec;
`t‘;qnic‘¢ox1trd1.?1:;sits;for atitofiiatic. t:r‘ansn1is§i0I1S.‘He§ w1aS’ed11_ca T
`1je_c_t[ronicTs~ gaxiginee;-ing ait’
`the; Ufiiirérsity *off‘St1i£t;gfla‘r’IL Hehafs been-Lworkifig{.in i1:h*e~ aI’ea ojf7 tfafisn i’S.S“i‘Qr1VCQI1fifOI.i1i1it«déVe1r'
`op_ment' foréight yeégré,’
`§ectiOnA'1nanagef’fo: ’tI1A:e’1‘ti’r‘;3”SfiT:’g‘f‘f1—fifiéiécitrgfillydtiaulicfafitiifiifoié ilséd
`iny“d]¢reHtF0ni¢,a11y c9n’tm11<:d[automatic' Vtnansmissionséiflé-:was1[educaiLadin meChani¢aTl;?§ngifi@¢t+v
`ing at the»§University. o.f:-Stuttgart and has worked on ;CGIIlpCn€fltS:iCI1giD€‘€i’iIJg,f0Ii-

`Richard Vaieniine
`-— v_ f
`a,simp1e_ throttle laftchinggdeviceisto a sophisti-
`A vehic1eispecd,contro1 jsystém —can§range
`cated digital c 1,Gnt_ro11er.V that co:1StéI:1t1jf.1J7iaiI1tafi11sIa set jspeed;11Ii§1er \;aIying:dri\(ingV c:fonc'ii1:i0i1s
`The) next générfltién» Of%'e1ectroni¢T‘SJ2eTed iéonfi::i1’systerns wi11>1>.robab1$'iSti1I’»use%a Sé3par_£i1i'€11iT9d-1
`ule-.(b1ac1§ .b0X.)sfth;e; same as present¢dTay; s‘yste1‘n_s.;'but will sh.are;datai,?ffI<2m§th’,e enginé,ABS; and
`transmission ic_{)j1‘1’frO1§Isysfe-m§S.iF11fU1‘ii§’Cf
`[c‘r1iiSe°C;0ntro1 SySt6fI1S':1fhfiT;ifiCl11d€:,5 radar; Vsensers? to;
`measure the rate :cf“c1osu;r¢ mother Vehifiles fa"11d’adjust‘the« ‘speed to n1aii1tai_r1.ra~ cofistant :diTs-
`_tanc{e’ gagrc;p.ossib1e? but need _signi‘fic:a11fi;e0$t- 1‘§<i11Qt1;QI1SV f0_r widespread pfivateiwehiclc ufsag_e..
`TTIC;-3_0bj6CtiVei 0fL.Aan aufomaiic ‘véhicle icruise c[Ontrfi§)1?isA __tjo sustain a__s1:eady,' speea under]
`i\?a1‘ying;‘road Conditions, thusijallqwiiig? th’e~ vehicle ope;-am: ‘to relaxyfrom constant foot th1:p"t»~
`tle iI_1é1nipu1aiti<‘3n,lI11Tsome cas;es_,jf11e cruis8£ontrQl systemjniay actuallyimprove’ihe~véhic1e’5
`fueL_ efficiency value‘ by 1irniV1_;i_ng, t1Ir<i[tt1e;,:_éf9ci:111:Tsi€;n$
`to lsrnall 'stép‘s.,By‘ 1f1§ing< the? power —a*i1‘£i.
`A speed of a,niiCIQ99fltIO11GI‘ device‘ a11d.fuzzyTl_,c;gic’software‘ des,igng_ an §:XQeI1_entV.pr11ise fcontriol,
`‘system can be :designed,..
`1v4.1f.f.1 Funfcitional .Elements_
`C['hejcnii§e, contrc1syjstem,isia closed-troop Spejejéci 'cG11tt0I as showll Fig,-14g1.7111_e key input
`signalsfzfie the dri\é6,i’S Spéedi Sétpoint and the Yé1iiC16’S%acti1;a1; sp€ed;Othet
`are; the faster+accc$b€s1ower—coastLdfiver
`adjTus,t1:c1e3r1ts,Virz=;sumVe‘,Tdnfoff, brfake2sw—itch,’andTAeng _ine
`::ontro1~messag;es§The; key outpu_t'sfigna1s are, the ithT1:‘otflcT control servo actuatnr values. Addi-
`fional output signals include cruise ON —ser‘$;iir:eT'i11dicators, plus rnesjsa”ges>to‘f11eTengine
`and/or transmiésfoxi <1ontro1Vs‘ysten1,andjpfiissibly;datafmt diagnostics,
`114."1.2. Performance Expecfaficms
`T'I‘1:1t=;id“s;a1M cruise system f_eét;tures.wou1fi1 include th6'.fi:)l1QWi~11g specifications:
`:i0,.51n1!h:<;c>13trol at Iess'the_n1‘5Vpereent g1-ade,bancT1_i1 m/h—eentro‘1 or
`5 Speed gzerformaizce:
`Vt;hic1e,limit overs pcrcentgrade;
`9 Reliability: Circu'1tT Vdesifgned ta ‘Wifl§StHI1C1 —C§‘£’€1‘VO1:tag6~'t1‘a1'ISvi6I1tS;IBVEEISG voltages,» and
`power dissipafionéiqf compqnevnts kept :t0_f

`éégsi§fit’Tl ’
` _,8‘t;tfir1SCt'v%‘itch ..
` ‘
`.; _Condmonlng ~-
`j Po.°,m9{né1r:l
`‘ ‘ —Act'u'a'tiOr~
`lFilGfUREi4.1 Cniis‘e«¢ont§Ql‘sj}stéh1.l
`_ HByc;ha_nglng.'EEl?iRQMN lvla"a: si1f';1pl6’s§:rial dat'a.Ti1}lterfa¢e iér. ;§verV§the ;
`:l:'lfifWQf—kj,"‘th§)V cvruisel $oftw_a;1-eflfcan
`Vup_g‘r:aVde;d. .optimized for sp._je:cific:3j\zehiclE§—;
`. J2ri1eszr~u€lzzp;aIziZi§§;»rT.
`L011? cruise-.i9OIitr£§1 can be ’adjysted: "tic. match the
`?.driver’s preferences withinlihé constraints offthe \'f(?»11l._(,‘l(.°',’-'jS‘pV’:6_1‘,f()1TI1,1‘aI1(%'€:;
`1?ELv0rfcé£il@.ipfi‘iEé‘. Q‘-pery‘ _ "I“he;i1’s‘g°;* cf*integt;;:e;1, ‘actlizitoy .r;1rixk5rf§,and ;a high;
`red cc cémpcfientcountsgfiicreaseireliability; andlTde:>r‘el:tse1t1:e?cr’u:s;é'
`.contro1mod111e’s foqtprirlt
`;1”4.1l.3: » Safety cohsiideratiems»graiisafgl
`Severallllsafetyfffficfors need 120 be;fco1isidere,d. for ,3 vgihiclav slpeedi ~controlTdiéSilg11, Thé lniosi‘
`b2iSi'oT‘iS}lflji11ethQd‘ designed jihtoilie. th1jO£tle'CO11tI0.1:CiIQ11" [N102 igsurc alfiililslafermodie {0fiVGP‘€.r“—:
`atf1oIili1j?thei‘e\?elnt thatthefmi¢r0Confr0l1e1?:'Qrjétcttiafiifii
`llsliould fail.*I‘his—€éle’ctro;iijcIfai15'
`safe; c;ir};uitfsl1utS o‘_ff3tl1;e ’contro1_SefvQSlso.tl_1at{E6 tlitxfiatli
` 1inkzge Willbe 1"lé1e§:$é d$vliefi.thel’
`‘brak&»sWit¢h‘o1‘ cruise off swit¢ activated, 120‘ matter .
`‘ <2¢Iiditio.n 19$ the
`,fiCfl1aTQIf control fransistcrs. '(TI11i‘s‘ assumejs: the Eaetuatars
`Iriechanically-.;in gofid shape ‘and’
`will ré1ea'se.)
`Qtkieflsaietyrrélated it'ems]inc’1ude_ ‘prc$g‘ram~code+tolA def:cgc};:2gTb:1p1txi1a1 operating;<;onditions
`:a::1d‘p1?es.e_rvix;g.intG mamoxy.the d.atajPQifitsllassociated W7ith:t;h§: abnomjiall condfignlfor ;1ater
`idifl/g‘Ii"0'S,fi.CS.AbflOIIn31;COHdlfiOnS,fOr'r5X3I'l1p1C,‘C0uIfl be an in’eem11tfent‘;vehiclegspaed senslor,
`{or errafié‘ driver switch _sVilg’nal‘s”. A testgcould also be made :durihg;the.liniltZia1 ignitiori flkcy on
`time t11el«c1-uistfis activated to
`tl1s‘—iI11}egfii;§§ Qf‘th<§. :(i_‘1f1,‘1'1f:SeZ sVyst:eI11f;W_ith;;any
`faults resultingiin a Iwarxiingindicatpr ft: the. dr:Ver;’O.hyi:§u$Il
`‘jt}1LiTemo_s:t serion’sl~ffafi,1t7f0_avoid
`is 1'I:1nvaivfv.ay_Iacceleration; Cpntinuous ;mf0,nitoring iofflthe: [and key C.0nt_t0_l1e1éments will
`help n1iIfi11iizé'*;the pofential for this “_typJe‘ of fault.
`T Cgntrojfl

`forecrllise control applieat‘ion_s requires high.f11ucfio11ality, The
`- a :p1',e'cise iil‘C_€3i1ii1ia2l'::irnel5l:21se=11°‘C>_ir1 -lthe [speed "1,T1$§.:S1,l'1f1BI‘II6rlt»,1Ca]CJfiE1fiQ1‘lS"'
`.-1 AiD inputs
`1 0
`Q-x timer input capture
`cl serial datap.Qrt;(MUX p_.or__t),
`~ lowepewef VCMQST technology
`14§.2.,1 . lnpgf
`The speed sensjerl is_'_o1l’e. of flilfemestj critical p‘21I1.'fS1TiI11 [the ‘sy;sft”em_,: because thelnlierocoxltrtillleri
`caleulates fhe.vehi¢le_speed: 53:91:11 the speed SC11S:01‘:7S.5ignra1‘ tolwithin V; mlh.Any Vspeiedclrneter
`cable Whip :01‘ oscillation :eazt1causel.ermrsl to be introduced into the speed ;calcu1ation.,An
`averaging;lr0i1tin.e in the asplejefcl fcalculafidlisl e?an‘11iiniinize ethifs: eifectl Thespeedometiereisellsore
`_dI1V:eS.‘[hC*1'I11C1fOCOl‘L1f1TOll6f?g_ timer‘input capture line orihe: eXternal’.inteIrilptllihe.Tlie
`‘the:t1»_cgl1'cul‘at’es the ;yehicl‘e’s:.speed fro1n.“the‘elfrequenc_y of thejsensor signals and the MCU
`.inte‘rlials timel:ase;.'Il1evehicl%:¥’§ ;S'p€55d.=..‘1/1E,i;'1l§1'€§
`is coigitinuelllg“/up,clated and stored into
`llge by- the 5383?: Speed‘ cOrltrQ1:epr0g:r:al:}.‘—S‘pele<:l sellsQrs:t:adi3:ienally' h2‘n_1e:beefi‘a: sinlfple ae
`:generat[or located in ‘tl1eftr—ansnfis’sion_er speeliQ1netere;cable."[lle:ac generate: produces ‘all ac;
`:voltage waveform-’with'_itsLfifiqufincy profpprtionalto theesenserfs rpm arldevehiele .speed, 10pt'ie—e
`‘cIa1’fs’en‘sOrs. in fhe; speedometer head can also Be’l1incorpor*én:e;1l. Usually jthesjpeed sensor pm-
`eciuccs a_ numbelf-10fel3iI1S6S'01‘ cycles per km or; 313i1e§eWith theLinjereasirlg;lABS [system usag¢}i&%
`vbacikup speed lsensdr value ceilld be olbitaineid ffclfh the ABS Wheel:speed_Se1lsQrs.The{;ABS:
`speed ‘data could b:e~ob.t’aineid byewayofila MUX; :l1etw’ork:. j
`The user command switch sl'gnals 1cDu1fl.$ifl1&fi be single jMCU;iI1pl1t[1lneS;t0 each isvivitchl
`Qhlifiiit-f".O1'-. amote eon]1p1_eX_ analegiresistore d1i—Szi"d'i’;1?rtWyp.e_. toféji
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