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`”2369996055 '7
`'Eic'eISIorHate.'” "
`LittleRo'ck, Arkansas 7
`CEV Exhib‘i't 1017_001
`CEV Exhibit 1017_001
`From (613) 952-8437
`Order # 060939600P05064024 Thu 16 Mar 2006 12:54:19 PM EST
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`Plenary Session A
`Sunday, October 13, 1996
`1:00 tun. - 4:00 pm.
`Salon A. Excelsior Hotel
`Moderators: Dr. W. Reed, Dr. MR. While
`12:50 pm. Announcements
`1:00 p.m. The Use ofOcular Fluids in Post Mortem Bovine Electrolyte Assessment and the Efi‘ect of
`Autolysis - GL Meerdink. GE Bordson, MS Hannah
`1:15 pm. Vitamin E Analysis: Efl‘eots ofHemolysis and Storage Conditions in Porcine Liver and Serum
`1M McCarthy. G Stevenson RJ Everson, CR Wilson, SB House:
`1:30 pm. Recycling Fonnalin and Solvent Wastes in a Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory - The Experience
`at the Wyoming State Veterinary Laboratory - WK Edwards
`1:45 pm. Neosporosis in a Horse Mimicking Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (13PM): Pathology,
`Parasite Characterization. Serum and CSF Analysis - AB Marsh. BC Barr, J Madigan,
`I Lakritz. R Nordhausen, PA Conrad
`2:00 pm.
`Serological Screening of Horses for Presence of Antibodies to Glaser-Dubovi Virus -
`EJ Dubovi. RW Renshaw, AL Glaser
`2:15 pm. Screening ofDiverse Samples for Salmonellae Using an Antigen-Capture ELISA - 'l' Blaha,
`A Kaesbohrcr, K Mueller
`2:30 [MIL Break
`3:00 pm.
`Serologic Comparison of Commercial Salmonella Choleraesuis Vaccines Using It Mixed
`Antigen ELISA Test for Salmonella Species - JR Kalb, M Roof
`3:15 pm. Correlation of Serologic Categorization for Salmonella Infection and Salmonella Positive
`Carcasses for Slaughter - M Roof, JR Kalb
`3:30 pm. US EPA’s Medical Waste Incinerator Regulations: The Latest Developments, Impacts. and
`Compliance Strategies for Veterinary Medical and Research Facilities - LG Doucet
`3:45 pm. Update ofBiological Waste Treatment and Dispute] Alternatives for Veterinary Medical and
`Animal Research Facilities .. LG Doucet, G Urbanowicz
`4:00 pm. MVLD Reuse ofDelegates meeting immediately follows this session
`CEV Exhibit 1017_002
`CEV Exhibit 1017_002
`From (513) 952—8437
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`AvianIAquttcultu re Session
`Monday, October 14, 1996
`8:00 run. - 12:00 noon
`Fulton, Convention Center
`Moderators: Dr. J. Britt. Dr. l.Heide1
`8:00 am. The Relationship of Chlamydia! Strains to Host Range and Disease - AA Andersen.
`KDE Everett
`8:15 run. A New Inherited Outlar Anomaly in White Leghorn Chickens - D Salter. W Payne.
`D Ramsey. I Render. M Blair
`3:30 am. Games and Pathology ofMucosal Surfaces Associated with Salt Encusrmion and Sodium
`Poisoning in Waterfowl Using Hypersaline Plays Lakes of Southeast New Mexico -
`CU Meteyer, RR Dubielzig, Fl Dein. LA Baeten. MK Moore
`8:45 am. Efl‘ects ofMoniliformin fiont Fusariurn Fujikuroi Culture Material and Deoxyttivalenol from
`Naturally Contaminated Wheat in Broiler Chicks - RB Harvey. LP Kubena. GE Rottinghaus.
`JR Turk. HH Comer
`9:00 am.
`Poisoning ofilatite Chicks by ingestion of Pyrota insulate - AC Barr". WL Wigle, W Flory,
`BE Alliedge. JC Reagor
`9:15 tun. Experimental Chronic Sclenosis in Adult Waterfowl: 1. Clinical Signs and Morphologic
`lesions - D O'Toole. MP Raisbock
`9:30 am. Experimental Chronic Selenosis in Waterfowl: 2. Toxicology - MF Raisbcck. D O’Toole.
`DA Sanchez
`9:45 am. Lead Toxioosis in an Eclectus Parrot and Other Birds - I-lL Shivaprasad, FD Galcy
`10:00 run. Break
`10:30 am. Ulcemive Enteritis in Toucans - RI. Walker. MA Anderson, Kl Loretz. LW Woods
`B Johnson. P Hess
`10:45 run. An Unusual Viral Encephalitis in an Ostrich - HI. Shivaprasad. MD McFarland, PR Woolwck.
`M Curtis. N Karabatsos. AD Alstad
`11:00 am. Mortality and Egg Production of 3 Flock Vertically Infected With Chicken Infections Anemia
`Virus - B Lucio-Martinez
`11:15 am. Cryptosporidiosis in 3 Tropical Freshwater Catfish (Plecostomus sPP) - TR Muench, MR White
`11:30 am. Field investigation of Internal Hydrocephalus in Channel Catfish Fry (Jctulururpane-rams) -
`TR Muench *. WR Sudlow. MR White
`11:45 am. Outbreak ofDennatophilosis Associated With Deep Body Site infection and Mortality in a
`Collection of Old World Tortoises - DA Bemis. EC Ramsey
`*Graduate Student Presentation
`CEV Exhibit 1017_003
`CEV Exhibit 1017_003
`From (613) 952-3437
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`Pathology Seuion
`Monday, October 14
`8:00 no. - 12:00 noon
`Caraway I, II. III, Convention Center
`Moderators: Dr. L. Pace, Dr. J. Andrews
`8:00 an; Vacnolar Nun-anal Degeneration in Young Rottweiler Dogs - WA Meier”, RA Enoch.
`RHiggins, J Miller, RRaoe, GK Willenberg. A Yaggy, 1F Zachary
`8:151:11. Pathologic Characterization ciaCetehenarAtaxiainlackRmechrfius-KPumichael.
`8:30 am. Necropsy ofthe Feline Heart: Valvular Circumference: and Venuicular Weight: in Non-ml
`Cats - 111 For]:
`8:45 am. Twine Deficiency in Captive Gray Foxes - CF Quiet. KP Carmichael
`9:00 am. WeinaOolonyofLfink: Histopaflologyandfilecflonwuwoopy-IAlumos-Vm
`lPDuhey, GLWalson, JSPauamMWEHMBYandnl
`9:15 am. Seminal Vesiculiu's and Orchitis Caused by Brae-elk: aberran- Biom- 1 in Young Bison Bulls
`meSoanakou-thymSI-lollaniTGidlewsld,D Saari,DEwall. Alensm.
`9:30 am. Twapueein Following Palaverwbral Vaccination in Deity Heifers - LL Andrews-Jooel",
`L Sizer. E Janovitz
`6-Week-Old Pig - B Dafl, RW Nordhamen, KS Latimer, FD Niagro
`10:00 no. Break
`10:30 sun. Equine Viral Artemis in Foals: Pathological. lmmmlfiuoohemical and Virus Isolation
`Findings-FMPien’,PA Wilkins, NMEIDubovi, AGlascI,DHSclflafcr,DLein
`10:45 a.m. Malignant Catarrhal Fever in Bison. Acute and Chronic (Bases - PC Schultheiss. BS Barlow,
`11:00 am. Diotophm male in Ruched Mink - NW Dyer
`11:15 am CopperToxicosisinUunas-TPMuflmwy,mSlankcr.SDFitzguald.MWElliom
`11:30 sun. Enhancedlmmunohistochenfieelnetecflon ofThreelnfectloul Agents inFomalin—Fixed,
`“Grimm Student Plantation
`CEV Exhibit 1017_004
`CEV Exhibit 1017_004
`From (613) 952—8437
`Order # 060939600P05064024 Thu 16 Mar 2005 12:54:19 PM EST
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`Mierobioloy Session A
`Monthly, October 14
`8:00 mm. - 12:00 noon
`Solon A, Excellior Hotel
`Moderators: Dr. H. Whilford. Dr. K. Post
`8:00 am. Comparison ofTetracycline. Chlmtetmcycline and Oxyteu'acyclinc Antimicrobial Susceptibility
`PiofileeforSeveiai ImpmmeoitieuldBovineRecpimPnthogens-Lfiommn,
`L Hunga‘ford, TE Lucas, 1? Wolfi'
`8:15 am. DetecfionofDNAongentofHumn-Gnnflocyficfihfliohiosisinlxodos Scrapuiarisby
`8:30 am: Diagnosing Ehfliohia Canis Infection in Dogs Using Enzyme-Linked Immunoeorbam Assays
`forAmibodyand Antigen - “10101305113 Comet
`8:45 am. ' Nucleic Acid Amplification Assayofor Triuichomomfotus vLI-Ilmerman, DB Hard,
`VL Von Sultan. DS Lindsay
`9:001:11. DifiaenfiafiondCunpyWFmmeOMCampylobmSpociwbym-
`9:15 am. Evaluation ofAutomation PCRand Serologiool Methods forth: Detection and Monitoring
`oflawmin intracellula-isfixpoeed Pigs -Jl’ Knittel', DM Jordan, KJ Schwarlz. MB Roof,
`9:30 am. Evaluatingmm mmmmmdmmmmw Symboint)
`Inuoceflularie in Swine - DM 1m JP Knittel, u Hoffman, MB Roof. KJ Schwartz,
`DI Larson
`9:45 am. Prevalence ofPorcine Colonic Spirochetoois in o Multiple-Sim: Production System and
`Antimicrobial Sensitivity Patterns ofSepuIina Pilosiooli - GE Duhamel, M Kim“.
`MR Muhieecn. D Walt-1
`10:00 on. Break
`10:301m. SflmondhCuriageinRacingSledDog-GHWJAVMIFEwmmJSEfiks,
`10:453.:n: Rapidldmfifiafiond’LImflaMmomogeneshyhoorponfimofPCRinEnfichmem
`' m-quMMEMBmeW
`11:00am. RibotypiogofSaImmlIaPmahnWAmdfledSolmonelofis-chu
`11:15am WWDNAMHWWmTfimeemfionofhw—Lwdfidfingof
`Mycobacterium mmbemlnm-DGMLLCKeuy
`losi mBovineFeoesUsingPolymChainReocfionGCR)-SNSingh,
`CEV Exhibit 1017_005
`CEV Exhibit 1017_005
`From (613) 952-8437
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`”:45 am. Evaluation of Diagnostic Tests for Ovine Paratuberculosis - SM Stehman, MC Smith,
`C Rossitcr. C Gold, V Patten. S Shin. R Jacobson. D Lein
`"Graduate Student Presentation
`CEV Exhibit 1017_006
`CEV Exhibit 1017_006
`From (613) 952-8437
`Order # 060939600P05064024 Thu 16 Mar 2006 12:54:19 PM EST
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`Microbiology Session B
`Monday. October 14. 1996
`2:00 pan. - 6:00 pan.
`Solon A. Excelsior Hotel
`Moderators: Dr. J. Everman, Dr. C. Reggiardo
`2:00 pm. Concurrent Respiratory Infections in 221 Field Cases ofPRES Virus Pneumonia: 1992-1994
`DH Zcman. P Leslie~Steen C Gates
`2:15 pm. Application ofa Test for Differentiation of Strains ofPorcine Reproductive and Respiratory
`Syndrome Virus by Direct Examination ofDiagnostic Samples —‘ WL Mengeling, KM Lager.
`AC Vomit], MB Roof. RD Wesley
`2:30 pm. Difletentiation of RespPRRS Vaccine From Field Strains of Porcine Reproductive and
`Respiratory Syndrome Virus by RT-PCR and Restriction Enzyme Analysis - RD Wesley,
`WI. Mengeling, KM Lager, JG Landgmf. ML Frey
`Identification ol'Dual Infection in Piglets with Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome
`Virus - KM Lager, MB Roof. WL Mengeling. RD Wesley
`2:45 pm.
`3:00 pm. Characteriution of the Persistence Established by Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory
`Syndrome Virus - J-H Sur, FA Osorio, RW Wills. J Zimmerman, K-J Yoon, AL Doster,
`S Christian, J Galena—Wheeler, GA Palmer, MI McGinlcy
`3:15 p.m.
`Improved Diagnostic Interpretation ofUnpaired Set-a Submitted for Vesicular StomatitisWirus
`Serodiagnosis - JB Kata, KA Eernisse. JG Landgraf. Bi Schmitt
`3:30 pan.
`4:00 pm. Persistence ofVesicular Stomatitis Virus in Experimentally Infected Animals - R Allende‘
`FA Osorio
`4:15 pm. Detection ofFeline Coronavirus in Biological Samples by Polymerase Chain Reaction «
`MA Kennedy, LND Potgieter
`4:30 pm. An RT-PCR Assay to Detect Canine Coronavims and Porcine Transmissible Gastroenteritis
`Infections - C Hon. R. Macs. A Vilnis, D Taylor, C Benson, '1‘ Mullaney
`4:45 pm. Comparison ofl}; Si_tu Hybridization (15H) With Immunoliistochemistry ORG) for the
`Diagnosis of Bovine Coronavinrs in Fonnslin-Fixed Intestines - S Kapil, H Wu
`5:00 pm. Polymerase Chain Reaction for the Diagnosis ochrpes Simplex in Common Mannosets
`(Suricora Surlcorra) - C .luan-Sallés. JA Ramos—Vera. N Prats. .l Solé-Nicolés, J Segaiés,
`A Marco
`5:15 p.111. Development and Use ofan Indirect ELISA on Cell Monolayers for Detecflon ofBVD Virus
`in Cattle Serum Samples - IT Saliki, SR I-luil, RW Fulton
`5:30 pm. Application ofthe Indirect Immunoperoxidase Technique for Identification ofForeign Animal
`Disease Vimses - RA Beckett. S Vyclelingum, J Riva
`CEV Exhibit 1017_007
`CEV Exhibit 1017_007
`From (613) 952—8437
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`5:45 p.111. Bovine RcSpiratory Syncyfial Virus Associated Abortion in 3 Dairy Herd - P Buote, S Parish
`A McKnight, R Valdez, E Tmeblood, T Baszler. I Evermann
`‘5 '.
`'1 .
`3'5: ;-'-
`$3 :
`‘Graduatc Student Presentation
`CEV Exhibit 1017_008
`CEV Exhibit 1017_008
`From (613) 952-8437
`Order # 06093960DP05064024 Thu 16 Mar 2006 12:54:19 PM EST
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`Toxicology Session
`Monday, October 14, 1996
`2:00 pan. - 6:00 pm.
`Room 28, Conference Center
`Moderators: Dr. G. Oswefler, Dr. S. Hoooer
`2:00 pm Anhydrous Ammonia Fertilizer Poisoning in Cattle: Pei-acute Death Loss and Sequelse -
`TL Carson DI Till, WJ Quinn, SM Ensley
`2:15 pm. AField CaseofAcuteUrea(Ammonia)Toxicosis inCattle -MMPopiclamyk‘. SBHooser.
`RJ Evereon, MR White
`2:30 pm. A Potential FieldMethodforDetecting Pathologic Concentrations ofRoman Gas Cap HZS -
`DH Gould. DW Burner, BA Cummings
`2:45 pm. Chronic Selenosis in CaliforniaHorses -FD Galey. KH Plumlee, J Mans, 56 Buscombe.
`BE Nome. LA Meiton. B Weitkamp. JS Hookstra
`3:00 p.m. Myocardial Changes in Horses and Cattle Caused by Experimental OleanderToxicosis -
`B Johnson. H) Galey. DM Holstege, 1. Siemens. F Brown
`3:15 p.121. FatalTaxesExposure in Alpacas -J Hayes. D Gerken.PLong, CBrownie
`3:30 pun. Break
`4:00 pm. Suspected Black Widow Spider Bite in a Dog - DF Gerlten, S Martin
`4:15 p.m. Efl'ecls ofFenoxycarb on Sheep- AC Bar-r", B Abbiu, RA Fiske. IT Jacques, HR Maynard.
`JC Reogor
`4:30 p.131. Lasaleoid Toxieosis in Neonatal Calves - JE Benson', SM Ensley, TL Carson, PG Halbur
`4:45 pm. Pemoline Toxicosis ina German Short-HairedDog - SP Cudia. RH Poppenga, WI Birdsall
`5:00 pm. Screening Procedure for the Simultaneous Determination of Indandione and
`4-Hydroxycoumrin Anticoagulant Rodenticides Willi in-SeriesUVand Fluorescence
`Detection - WI Birdsall, RH Poppenga. MR Cummings
`5:15p.111. PanelsforAnalyticalToxicology-HM Stahr,GDOsweiler, PJlineman. TL Carson
`5:30 pm. A Novel Procedure forDetermination ofDialkylphosphates Residues in Urine: Indicators of
`Organophosphorus Insecticides - MB Medlin, AV Jain. J DeHaseth
`*Gradunte Student Presentation
`67 .
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`CEV Exhibit 1017_009 i
`CEV Exhibit 1017_009
`From (613) 952-8437
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`Plenary Session 3
`Tuesday, October 15. 1996
`8:00 a... - 11:00 am.
`Salon A, Excelsior Hotel
`Moderators: Dr. W. Yates. Dr. S. Kapil
`8:00 am. Pathologic Features of Emotie Tuberculosis in Free-Ranging White-Tailed Deer -
`51) Fitzgerald. SM Schmitt, TM Cooley, CBlurring-Farm, L Sullivan
`8:15 am. Paratubermtlosis in Exotic Species - B Manning‘
`8:30 am. Tubercuiosis in Michigan White-Tail Deer (Odomfleus Virginian”) - JB Payout, 11. Jamagin
`8:45 am. Diagnosis of'I‘ulterculosis in Formalin-Fixed Erwin-Embedded Tissue: by Polymerase Chain
`Reaction (PCR) -JMiller. A Jenny. I Rhyatt, D Saari, D Suarez
`9:00 am. ESE Surveillance in the United States: An Update - AL Jenny. A: Davis. WD Taylor,
`Li) Miller, M Feltadu
`9: 15 am. Oubreak of Severe Acute Bovine Virus Diarrhea (BVD) in Wisconsin - D Sookelt. D Bolin,
`I Ridpalh. S Bolin
`9:30 am. Evidence of Vertical Transmission ofNeospor-a Infection in Dairy Cattle — ML Anderson,
`JP Reynolds, JD Rowe, KW Sverlow, AE Paolrhatn. BC Burr. PA Conrad
`9:45 a.rn. Use of Multiplex PCR to Detect Escherichia Cali 0151:}?! in Bovine Fool: — 56 Kim,
`PL McDonough. CA Rossiter. SM Steltman. SI Shin. DH Loin
`10:00 am. Break
`10:30 run. Comparison of Culture Methods for the Detection of E. Cali 0157517 From Bovine Fecal
`Samples - PL McDonough. SJ Shin. SK Kim. CA Rossiter. MK Westerdahl, RB Rebhun
`DH Leia. SM Stehman
`10:45 am. Climatologic Influences on Amplasmosis Incidence in Oklahoma Cattle: A ill-Year
`Retrospective Study - SJRodgers, RD Welsh. KMKocan, 'I'WLelteubouer,
`PL Claypool. DD Dime
`11:00 am. Pope Award and MVLD House ofDelegates immediately follows this session
`*Graduate Student Presentation
`CEV Exhibit 1017_010
`CEV Exhibit 1017_010
`From (613) 952—8437
`Order # 060939600P05064024 Thu 16 Mar 2006 12:54:19 PM EST
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`Poster Session
`October 13, 14, 15, 1996
`Salon B, C, Excelsior Hotel
`Authors will he at posters on Monday, Octobcr 14, 1:09 pan. - 2:00 pan.
`Von wmebmd chalam Binding 1::wa Dog: And InDogs With Von Willebmnd‘s
`EquiMOImwshmniuis: AWOITwoCammePuumRicn-
`IARamm-VmBOIfiLJSegalbs, RWDunnan
`ACmpatim 01"ch AmylForThe DctectionOfSwine Influenu Virus me
`Nasal SwabsAndLungs-SLSmmILVMLBLLm BHJankgKFLechIenberg,
`JG Landgraf, BJ SchnfitDRKinku'. JKMcNfillen
`UWs-AWSWUfifizing Immhiflochemim-RYReams, GMosm‘,
`Diagnosis 0!W311! Two Smwuupards (Penman niacin) UsingPCR-
`Wm Blot Analysis For Diainmfishing Vaccine And Infection Status With Bonita
`Burgdorfiri (Lynn’s Dianne} In Dogs - D'I' Gauthiar, L5 Mansfield
`AnWWDW Tomoplasmmis In Slender-Tailed Mathis (Suricata
`Suficmaj-CJMWNM SMMDominm,A3thJFMofin
`WWWMWWVWWW Stillbinhs,
`AMPlemammnhs Ill-Georgia. Winter 1995-1996: NecropsyFindings -EWHovmlh.
`BL 6mm“, KVBrock
`MEDIARmnd-Robinmhbomym: MlflficlementAnalywsOanineSemm-
`AnElJSAForT‘heDetwfionOmein: Anfibodics Specific For Brucella canis-BMMarlin,
`CEV Exhibit 1017_011
`CEV Exhibit 1017_011
`From (513) 952—8437
`Order # 06093960DP05064024 Thu 16 Mar 2006 12:54:19 PM EST
`Page 13 of 14
`Model OfThe Hemorrhagic Disorder In Noncytopatilic Type Ii Bovine Virus Diarrhea
`Viral Infection - PH Waiz, BA Stefioek, JC Baker. RK Macs, DM Bezek. TG Bell
`Diagnnns OfPseudombies Virus Infection In Dogs By Use Of Immunohistnchemistsry
`And In Situ Hybridization - J-H Sur, M] Qiimga, GA Palmer, FA Osorio, JM Nieto
`Post-Vaccine! Encephalitis In Dogs Vaccinated With Canine Distemper Vaccine - R Mans,
`M Vandimlde, A Zmbriggen. T Mullaney, JPeuerson. C Benson
`Immmoglobuiinnespom To Salmonella enteritidisfifi) (hilerMemblnnerteins:
`DwelnpmentOfADiagnoflicfliSAToAidInThePredicfionOISE Sheddinngggs -
`SEBaker. CWMaddoigPADunn, AECIstto
`InufinnlLymphnnmmnWithPiamcywidDifiaenfiation In AnAfriennI-Iedgehog
`“(alerts albimtris) - IA Ramos-Van. MA Miller
`A Simple FlowWe Mefllodl-‘orThe Evaluatinn 0f Slreptnmccus Mia-Plum
`ByBloodGrsnulocytesAndMonocwammMneAnden-PBW SQuessy,
`Bacteriological And Hinepntholngical Findings 0n Chicken Livers Condemned For Hepatitis -
`Sphervei®: ANmGemfimOfVfiefimyWW-AGNMJWM
`Disseminated Adinomyces Ringling; Infection In A Flee-Ranging White-Tailed Deer -
`SE 'Ihrnquist, WHFaies
`OfisinAMSpMOELmefiammcyMgemhAnEpimmicOfumifln Sheep-
`MWiedmmTArfikJLBnmJNm.FdelPim.-MC SmithHurley, CABarr
`A Multiplex PCR. Method To Distinguish CanadobncterJejmi and Campylobacrer Cali -
`IV Wesley, KM Harmon
`BveluaflonnfaProprielnry CiayontheBinnvailabilityonenralemnein Swine -LWPaee,
`'Graduate Student Presentation
`CEV Exhibit 1017_012
`CEV Exhibit 1017_012
`From (613) 952-8437
`Order # 06093960DP05064024 Thu 16 Mar 2006 12:54:19 PM EST
`Page 14 of 14
`Interstitial Pneumonia And Lymphadenopathy Associated With
`QreoviraJ Infection In A SiJ;·Week-Old Pig
`B. Daft\ R. W. Nordbausen" K.S. Latilner'. P.O. Niagro'
`Circovirus inCection was diagnosed in a Yorkshire pig submitted for investigatioD of
`. respil'lltOly disease in pigs 8 to IS weeks of age from • herd of about SO Yorkshire and La.aclnu:e
`sows. Two ll-week-old and one 6-weeIt-oid pig were submitted from a group of 150 of similar
`age. Baeterial pIeuropnewnoIti was diaposed in the older pigs. One of the older pigs also bad
`severe icterus and anemia of undetermined etiology. Serology for exposure to pseudorabies virus,
`porcine n:pl"Ol.lln:liw and respiratory sywlromc virus and swine inflUcn.z1l. virus was nqative in all
`Tbe 6-week-old pig was stunted ami tachypoeic. Gross fI.ndirjgs were a volwniDous. meaty
`111118 with patchy consolidation IIld tracheobroodllallympbadenopalhy. Mictoscopically, nearly
`diffuse subacute interstitial pneIII1IOlIia with patchy areas of broochopneumonia were evident.
`TraclIeobl'Ol'lllhiailymph node an:hitedUre was obscured by Iympbohistiocytic hyperplasia with
`Intracytoplasmic sillgle to multiple, found, variably sized, amphophilic to
`many synctial c:ells.
`basopbilic in!;lusions were in syneytial c:cIls and mac:rophages.Few eytDplasmic iDdusions were
`also in peribronc:bia.l lylmphocytic aggreptes and in other visceral lymph nodes. Slight non(cid:173)
`suppuratiw maningitis and slight multifoca1 Iympbohistiocytic hepatitis were also noted.
`Hemophilull prasuls was isolated from the Il1111. Virus isolation perfonned OIl Iq was negative.
`Tl'II1SIl'Iission cJecuon microscopy of cytoplasmic inclusions within syncytia showed
`paracrystalline arrays of tightly-pac:ked, 12·15 om in diameter particles sussestiw of c:ircovirus.
`A porc:ine Circ:ovirus (pCV)-5pec:ific probe and a "generic" c:irc:ovims probe detected DNA in
`paraftin-embedded lung and lymph nod" by in-si1U hybridization. The p/'Qbes also detected.
`cirooviral specific sequences in the a1fected pig by Southern blot hybridizlltion, but not from
`cootrol pigs. Microscopic lesions, nu.merous viral inclusioas and abscoce of other common
`etiologies that may cause interstitial pnewnonia in pigs suggested that circ:ovirus was a signifiClUlt
`flactor in this pig's interstitial pneumonia ami lymphadenopathy.
`Porcine c:ircovirus was first described as a c:ontaminant in a tissue culture cell line deriwd
`fJom porcine kidlleyl. Sinc:e then, antibodies to PCV have been demonstrated in pigs in Germany,
`Canada and the United States. However, the literature does not contain reports of PCV-associated
`disease in pigs; Circovinlsses are a recently emeTsinl llamiIy of viruses IaIOWD to cause disease in
`pllllts ami animals. Diseases in animals include chicken anemia, psittacine beak· ami feather
`disease, ami cin:oviral inCection in pipms. Recently. circoviral disease in canaries and finches bas
`also been described.
`ICalifomla VetDiqLabolatoIYSystem, School orVetMedil:ine. Uaiv oCcaJifomia, Davis, CA 95617
`~Ilt of Vet Pathology, College of Vet Medicine, Univ of Georgia, Athens. GA 30602
`'Dept of CUnicallllVCSligalion. Dwight David EisenhoWlll' Anny Medical Cen1er, Fort Gordon. GA 30905
`CEV Exhibit 1017_013