Image Mosaicing for Tele-Reality
`Richard Szeliski
`Digital Equipment Corporation
`Cambridge Research Lab
`CRL 94/2
`May, 1994
`VALEO EX. 1031_001
`Richard Szeliski
`Digital Equipment Corporation
`Cambridge Research Lab
`CRL 94/2
`May, 1994
`VALEO EX. 1031_001
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`VALEO EX. 1031_002
`Image Mosaicing for Tele-Reality
`Richard Szeliski
`Digital Equipment Corporation
`Cambridge Research Lab
`CRL 94/2
`May, 1994
`While a large number of virtual reality applications, such as fluid flow analysis and molecular
`modeling, deal with simulated data, many newer applications attempt to recreate true reality as
`convincingly as possible. Building detailed models for such applications, which we call tele-reality,
`is a major bottleneck holding back their deployment.
`In this paper, we present techniques for
`automatically deriving realistic 2-D scenes and 3-D texture-mapped models from video sequences,
`which can help overcome this bottleneck. The fundamental technique we use is image mosaicing,
`i.e., the automatic alignment of multiple images into larger aggregates which are then used to
`represent portions of a 3-D scene. We begin with the easiest problems, those of flat scene and
`panoramic scene mosaicing, and progress to more complicated scenes, culminating in full 3-D
`models. We also present a number of novel applications based on tele-reality technology.
`image mosaics, image registration, image compositing, planar scenes, panoramic
`scenes, 3-D scene recovery, motion estimation, structure from motion, virtual reality, tele-reality.
`c Digital Equipment Corporation 1994. All rights reserved.
`VALEO EX. 1031_003
`1 Introduction
`2 Related work
`3 Basic imaging equations
`4 Planar image mosaicing
`4.1 Local image registration
`4.2 Global image registration
`4.3 Results
`5 Panoramic image mosaicing
`5.1 Results
`6 Scenes with arbitrary depth
`6.1 Formulation
`6.2 Results
`7 Full 3-D model recovery
`8 Applications
`8.1 Planar mosaicing applications
`3-D model building applications
`8.3 End-user applications
`9 Discussion
`10 Conclusions
`A 2-D projective transformations
`VALEO EX. 1031_004
`List of Figures
`Rigid, affine, and projective transformations
`2 Whiteboard image mosaic example
`Panoramic image mosaic example (bookshelf and cluttered desk)
`Depth recovery example: table with stacks of papers
`Depth recovery example: outdoor scene with trees
`3-D model recovery example
`VALEO EX. 1031_005
`1 Introduction
`1 Introduction
`Virtual reality is currently creating a lot of excitement and interest in the computer graphics
`community. Typical virtual reality systems use immersive technologies such as head-mounted or
`stereo displays and data gloves. The intent is to convince users that they are interacting with an
`alternate physical world, and also often to give insight into computer simulations, e.g., for fluid
`flow analysis or molecular modeling [Earnshaw et al., 1993]. Realism and speed of rendering are
`therefore important issues.
`Another class of virtual reality applications attempts to recreate true reality as convincingly
`as possible. Examples of such applications include flight simulators (which were among the
`earliest uses of virtual reality), various interactive multi-player games, and medical simulators,
`and visualization tools. Since the reality being recreated is usually distant, we use the term tele-
`reality in this paper to refer to such virtual reality scenarios based on real imagery.1 Tele-reality
`applications which could be built using the techniques described in this paper include scanning
`a whiteboard in your office to obtain a high-resolution image, walkthroughs of existing buildings
`for re-modeling or selling, participating in a virtual classroom, and browsing through your local
`supermarket aisles from home (see Section 8.)
`While most focus in virtual reality today is on input/output devices and the quality and speed of
`rendering, perhaps the biggest bottleneck standing in the way of widespread tele-reality applications
`is the slow and tedious model-building process [Adam, 1993]. This also affects many other areas
`of computer graphics, such as computer animation, special effects, and CAD. For small objects,
`say 0.2–2m, laser-based scanners are a good solution. These scanners provide registered depth and
`colored texture maps, usually in either raster or cylindrical coordinates [Cyberware Laboratory Inc,
`1990; Rioux and Bird, 1993]. They have been used extensively in the entertainment industry for
`special effects and computer animation. Unfortunately, laser-based scanners are fairly expensive,
`limited in resolution (typically 512 256 pixels), and most importantly, limited in range (e.g., they
`cannot be used to scan in a building.)
`The image-based ranging techniques which we develop in this paper have the potential to
`overcome these limitations. Imagine walking through an environment such as a building interior
`and filming a video sequence of what you see. By registering and compositing the images in the
`1The term telepresence is also often used, especially for applications such as tele-medicine where two-way inter-
`activity (remote operation) is important [Earnshaw et al., 1993].
`VALEO EX. 1031_006
`2 Relatedwork
`video together into large mosaics of the scene, image-based ranging can achieve an essentially
`unlimited resolution.2 Since the images can be acquired using any optical technology (from
`microscopy, through hand-held videocams, to satellite photography), the range or scale of the
`scene being reconstructed is not an issue. Finally, as desktop video becomes ubiquitous in our
`computing environments—initially for videoconferencing, and later as an advanced user interface
`tool [Gold, 1993; Rehg and Kanade, 1994; Blake and Isard, 1994]—image-based scene and model
`acquisition will become accessible to all users.
`In this paper, we develop novel techniques for extracting large 2-D textures and 3-D models
`from image sequences based on image registration and compositing techniques and also present
`some potential applications. After a review of related work (Section 2) and of the basic image
`formation equations (Section 3), we present our technique for registering pieces of a flat (planar)
`scene, which is the simplest interesting image mosaicing problem (Section 4). We then show how
`the same technique can be used to mosaic panoramic scenes obtained by rotating the camera around
`its center of projection (Section 5). Section 6 discusses how to recover depth in scenes. Section
`7 discusses the most general and difficult problem, that of building full 3-D models from multiple
`images. Section 8 presents some novel applications of the tele-reality technology developed in this
`paper. Finally, we close with a comparison of our work with previous approaches, and a discussion
`of the significance of our results.
`2 Related work
`While 3-D models acquired with laser-based scanners are now commonly used in computer ani-
`mations and for special effects, 3-D models derived directly from still or video images are still a
`rarity. One example of physically-based models derived from images are the dancing vegetables in
`the “Cooking with Kurt” video [Terzopoulos and Witkin, 1988]. Another, more recent example, is
`the 3-D model of a building extracted from a video sequences in [Azarbayejani et al., 1993], which
`was then composited with a 3-D teapot. Somewhat related are graphics techniques which extract
`camera position information from images, such as [Gleicher and Witkin, 1992].
`2The traditional use of the term image compositing [Porter and Duff, 1984; Foley et al., 1990] is for blending
`images which are already registered. We use the term image mosaicing in this paper for our work to avoid confusion
`with this previous work, although compositing (as in composite sketches) also seems appropriate.
`VALEO EX. 1031_007
`3 Basicimagingequations
`The extraction of geometric information from multiple images has long been one of the central
`problems in computer vision [Ballard and Brown, 1982; Horn, 1986] and photogrammetry [Moffitt
`and Mikhail, 1980]. However, many of the techniques used are based on feature extraction,
`produce sparse descriptions of shape, and often require manual assistance. Certain techniques,
`such as stereo, produce depth or elevation maps which are inadequate to model true 3-D objects.
`In computer vision, the recovered geometry is normally used either for object recognition or for
`grasping and navigation (robotics). Relatively little attention has been paid to building 3-D models
`registered with intensity (texture maps), which are necessary for computer graphics and virtual
`reality applications (but see [Mann, 1993] for recent work which addresses some of the same
`problems as this paper.)
`In computer graphics, compositing multiple image streams together to create larger format
`(Omnimax) images is discussed in [Greene and Heckbert, 1986]. However, in this application,
`the relative position of the cameras was known in advance. The registration techniques developed
`in this paper are related to image warping [Wolberg, 1990] since once the images are registered,
`they can be warped into a common reference frame before being composited.3 While most current
`techniques require the manual specification of feature correspondences, some recent techniques
`[Beymer et al., 1993] as well as the techniques developed in this paper can be used to automate
`this process. Combinations of local image warping and compositing are now commonly used for
`special effects under the general rubric of morphing [Beier and Neely, 1992]. Recently, morphing
`based on z-buffer depths and camera motion has been applied to view interpolation as a quick
`alternative to full 3-D rendering [Chen and Williams, 1993]. The techniques we develop in Section
`6 can be used to compute the depth maps necessary for this approach directly from real-world
`image sequences.
`3 Basic imaging equations
`Many of the ideas in this paper have their simplest expression using projective geometry [Semple
`and Kneebone, 1952]. However, rather than relying on these results, we will use more standard
`methods and notations from computer graphics [Foley et al., 1990], and prove whatever simple
`3One can view the image registration task as an inverse warping problem, since we are given two images and asked
`to recover the unknown warping function.
`VALEO EX. 1031_008
`3 Basicimagingequations
`Figure 1: Rigid, affine, and projective transformations
`results we require in Appendix A. Throughout, we will use homogeneous coordinates to represent
`points, i.e., we denote 2-D points in the image plane as
` , with
` being the
` have Cartesian coordinates
` .
`corresponding Cartesian coordinates [Foley et al., 1990]. Similarly, 3-D points with homogeneous
`Using homogeneous coordinates, we can describe the class of 2-D planar transformations using
`matrix multiplication
` !#" $
` ! !
`% "'&
`The simplest transformations in this general class are pure translations, followed by translations and
`rotations (rigid transforms), plus scaling (similarity transforms), affine transforms, and full projec-
`tive transforms. Figure 1 shows a square and possible rigid, affine, and projective transformations.
`2D matrix,
`Rigid and affine transformations have the following forms for the&
` !
`rigid-2D "
` ! &
`affine-2D " $
`cos( )
`sin( *+
`cos( *-,
`with 3 and 6 degrees of freedom, respectively, while projective transformations have a general&
`similarity (7 dof), affine (12 dof), and full projective (15 dof) transforms. The&
`matrix with 8 degrees of freedom.4
`In 3-D, we have the same hierarchy of transformations, with rigid (6 degrees of freedom),
`3D matrices in this
`2D matrices are equivalent if they are scalar multiples of each other. We remove this redundancy by setting
`VALEO EX. 1031_009
`4 Planarimagemosaicing
`case are 4 4. Of particular interest are the rigid (Euclidean) transformation,
`is a 3 3 orthonormal rotation matrix and
`viewing matrix
`1 0
`0 1
`is a 3-D translation vector, and the 3 4
` "
` !
`ˆ "
` "
`0 0 1
`which projects 3-D points through the origin onto a 2-D projection plane a distance
` along the
`axis [Foley et al., 1990]. The 3 3 ˆ matrix can be a general matrix in the case where the internal
`is always zero for central projection.
`camera parameters are unknown. The last column of
` onto a 2-D screen
`The combined equations projecting a 3-D world coordinate
`location% "
` can thus be written as
`% "
" &
`where &
`where &
`This equation is valid even if the camera calibration
`cam is a 3 4 camera matrix.
`parameters and/or the camera orientation are unknown.
`4 Planar image mosaicing
`The simplest possible set of images to mosaic are pieces of a planar scene such as a document,
`whiteboard, or flat desktop. Imagine that we have a camera fixed directly over our desk. As we
`slide a document under the camera, different portions of the document are visible. Any two such
`pieces are related to each other by a translation and a rotation (2-D rigid transformation).
`Now imagine that we are scanning a whiteboard with a hand-held video camera. The class of
`transformations relating two pieces of the board is more general in this case. It is easy to see that
`this class is the family of 2-D projective transformations (just imagine how a square or grid in one
`image can appear in another.) These transformations can be computed without any knowledge of
`the internal camera calibration parameters (such as focal length or optical center) or of the relative
`camera motion between frames. The fact that 2-D projective transformations capture all such
`possible mappings is a basic result of projective geometry (see Appendix A.)
`VALEO EX. 1031_010
`4 Planarimagemosaicing
`Given this knowledge, how do we go about computing the transformations relating the various
`scene pieces so that we can paste them together? A variety of techniques are possible, some more
`automated than others. For example, we could manually identify four or more corresponding points
`between the two views, which is enough information to solve for the eight unknowns in the 2-D
`projective transformation. Or we could iteratively adjust the relative positions of input images
`using either a blink comparator or transparency [Carlbom et al., 1991]. These kinds of manual
`approaches are too tedious to be useful for large tele-reality applications.
`4.1 Local image registration
`The approach we use in this paper is to directly minimize the discrepancy in intensities between
`pairs of images after applying the transformation we are recovering. This has the advantage of not
`requiring any easily identifiable feature points, and of being statistically optimal once we are in the
`vicinity of the true solution [Szeliski and Coughlan, 1994]. More concretely, suppose we describe
`our 2-D transformations as
`Our technique minimizes the sum of the squared intensity errors
`4 $
`3 $
`1 $
`0 $
`1 " $
`6 $
`6 $
` "
` )
` 2 "
` (pixels
` and
`over all corresponding pairs of pixels which are inside both images
` into the reference frame of
`using &
`transformation &