A Survey of
`Image Registration
`of Computer
`Sctence, Colunzbza
`New York, NY 10027
`task in image processing used to match two or more
`Registration M a fundamental
`pictures taken, for example, at different
`times, from different sensors, or from different
`viewpoints. Virtually all
`large systems which evaluate images require the registration
`of images, or a closely related operation, as an intermediate step. Specific examples of
`systems where image registration is a significant component include matching a target
`with a real-time image of a scene for target recognition, monitoring global
`land usage
`using satellite images, matching stereo images to recover shape for autonomous
`navigation, and aligning images from different medical modalities for diagnosis.
`Over the years, a broad range of techniques has been developed for various types of
`data and problems. These techniques have been independently studied for several
`different applications,
`resulting in a large body of research. This paper organizes this
`material by estabhshing the relationship between the variations in the images and the
`type of registration techniques which can most appropriately be applied. Three major
`types of variations are distinguished. The first
`type are the variations due to the
`differences in acquisition which cause the images to be misaligned. To register images,
`a spatial
`is found which will
`remove these variations. The class of
`transformations which must be searched to find the optimal
`transformation is
`determined by knowledge about the variations of this type. The transformation class in
`turn influences the general
`technique that should be taken. The second type of
`variations are those which are also due to differences in acquisition, but cannot be
`modeled easily such as lighting and atmospheric conditions. This type usually effects
`intensity values, but
`they may also be spatial, such as perspective distortions, The
`thn-d type of variations are differences in the images that are of interest such as object
`movements, growths, or other scene changes. Variations of the second and third type
`are not directly removed by registration, but
`they make registration more difficult
`since an exact match is no longer possible. In particular,
`it is critical
`that variations of
`the third type are not removed. Knowledge about the characteristics of each type of
`variation effect the choice of feature space, similarity measure, search space, and
`search strategy which will make up the final
`technique. All registration techniques can
`be viewed as different combinations of these choices. This framework M useful
`understanding the merits and relationships between the wide variety of existing
`techniques and for assisting in the selection of the most suitable I echnique for a
`specific problem.
`Introductory and
`Categories and Subject Descriptors: A. 1 [General
`Vision and Scene Understanding; 1.4
`Survey; 1.2.10 [Artificial
`Image Processing; 1.5 [Computing
`Pattern Recognition
`General Terms: Algorithms, Design, Measurement, Performance
`Additional Key Words and Phrases: Image registration,
`image warping,
`template matching
`the copies are not made
`is granted provided that
`fee all o. part of this material
`Permission to copy without
`or distributed for direct commercial advantage,
`the ACM copyright notice and the title of the publication
`and Its data appear, and notie is given that copying is by permission of the Associatlon for Computing
`Machinery. To copy otherwise, or to repubhsh, requires a fee and/or specific permission.
`@ 1992 ACM 0360-0300/92/’ 1200-0325 $01.50
`ACM Comput,ng Surveys,VoI 24, No. 4, December 1992
`VALEO EX. 1028_001


`G. Brown
`2 1 Defimtlon
`22 Tran~f~=matlon
`23 Image Varlatlons
`24 Rectlticatlon
`31 Correlatmn and Sequential Methods
`32 Fourier Methods
`33 Point Mapping
`34 E1.ast,cModel-BasedMatch]ng
`35 Summary
`41 Feature Space
`42 SlmdarIty Measure
`43 SearchSpaceand Strategy
`44 Summary
`arises when
`A frequent
`or from different
`to be compared.
`to be
`one another
`so that
`ences can be detected.
`A similar
`for a. prototype
`occurs when
`in another
`To find
`the proper
`and template
`be found. All of
`and many
`by methods
`form image
`A transforma-
`tion must
`be found
`so that
`the points
`one image
`can be related
`to their
`in the other.
`The deter-
`on the types
`of this paper
`is to provide
`a frame-
`for solving
`and to survey
`the classical
`can be viewed
`of choices
`(1) a feature
`(2) a search
`(3) a search
`(4) a similarity
`ACM Computmg Surveys,
`24, No.
`4, December
`be used for
`that will
`in the images
`is the class
`the images.
`The search
`how to choose the next
`from this
`to be tested
`each test. Search
`to the
`egy until
`a transformation
`is found whose
`is satisfactory.
`As we
`the types
`of variations
`in the
`for each of
`these components.
`the two x-ray
`of chest
`at different
`in Figure
`1. Properly
`ing the
`is useful
`for detect-
`and measuring
`and other
`A standard
`to registration
`these images
`be as follows:
`images might
`be reduced
`to binary
`by de-
`of highest
`a standard
`edge detection
`and reduces
`of data
`to be evaluated.
`is thought
`in acquisition
`a small
`the search
`space might
`be a set
`of small
`the edges of
`the right
`a measure
`of similarity
`be computed.
`A typi-
`cal similarity
`be the cor-
`the images.
`the simi-
`larity measure
`is computed
`for all
`then the search
`is simply
`the translation
`the choice
`of using
`the outcome
`In fact,
`be unsatisfactory
`since the im-
`ages are misaligned
`in a more
`VALEO EX. 1028_002


`Figure 1. X-ray images of a patient’s chest, taken
`at different
`times. (Thanks to A. Goshtasby.)
`By establishing
`way than
`the images
`and the choices
`a framework
`for un-
`a methodology
`in the selection
`the appropri-
`ate technique
`for a specific
`the relationship
`the four
`this paper
`a frame-
`for understanding
`the existing
`and also a methodol-
`a specific
`has arisen
`The need to register
`in many
`fields. Registration
`is often
`at different
`or under
`from images
`the camera
`the objects
`the scene have moved,
`and (4)
`for model-
`case is shown
`the first
`An example
`the upper
`in Figare
`In this
`is a Magnetic
`of a patient’s
`From this
`cal structures.
`Since this
`is similar
`to what
`a surgeon
`see during
`image might
`be used
`image is a SPECT image of
`Figure 2. The top left
`a patient’s liver. The top right
`shows the same
`region viewed by MRI. A contour was manually
`drawn around the liver
`in the MRI
`image. The
`location of this contour in the SPECT image shows
`the mismatch between the two images. At
`the bot-
`tom right
`the MRI image has been registered to the
`SPECT image, and the location of the transformed
`contour is shown on the SPECT image, bottom left.
`A brief description of the registration method em-
`ployed is in Section 3.3.3. (Courtesy of QSH, an
`image display and processing toolkit
`[Noz 1988]
`and New York University
`I would like to thank B.
`A. Birnbaum, E. L. Kramer, M. E. Noz, and J. J.
`Sanger of New York University, and G. Q. Maguire,
`Jr. of Columbia University.)
`The upper
`a medical
`from single
`It shows
`of a Tc-99m (a ra-
`the functional
`age depicts
`some of
`to red
`can more
`and other
`the two
`are taken
`at different
`from different
`and at differ-
`is not
`to simply
`the two images.
`can be registered,
`the func-
`the SPECT
`be structurally
`as MRI, CT (computed
`and ultrasound,
`and images which
`show functional
`and metabolic
`such as SPECT,
`PET (positron
`ACM Computing Surveys,Vol 24, No. 4, December1992
`VALEO EX. 1028_003


`G. Brown
`and MRS (magnetic
`has led to improved
`less other medical
`al. 1990].
`In this
`ods from three major
`and charac-
`and Pattern
`such as segmentation,
`and disease
`and biomedical
`of microscopic
`ages of blood
`and chromosomes.
`Sensed Data
`for civil~an
`and military
`phy, oil and mineral
`For more
`reader may
`to each
`[ 1991]
`or Horn
`and Jain
`et al.
`and Petra
`et al.
`[ 1992]
`in medical
`[ 1991]
`and Jensen
`and Thomas
`et al.
`in remote
`to the development
`of registra-
`areas which
`own specialized
`and manufacturing
`and astronomy.
`in this paper
`include many
`from the
`of prob-
`lems mentioned
`and a good range
`of distortion
`_ sensor
`ACM Computmg Surveys, Vol 24, No. 4, December 1992
`from sensor
`or platform
`such as movements,
`or growths
`and cloud
`2 contain
`1 and
`in registration
`for each
`of the four
`classes of problems
`and pattern
`The four
`are (1) multimodal
`plate matching,
`(,3) viewpoint
`(3), and (4)
`the typical
`tive of registration
`is to align
`the images
`so that
`the respective
`in sensors,
`in viewpoint,
`can be de-
`the usual
`is to find
`the optimal
`and orientation,
`if one exists,
`a template
`in another
`as part
`of a larger
`of object
`Each class of problems
`is de-
`the characteristics
`of methods
`class. Registration
`by no means
`are combinations
`for example,
`are taken
`from different
`each class of problems
`are often
`in other
`as well. Similarly,
`are listed
`give an idea of some of
`the more common
`used by researchers
`for solving
`are developed
`to match
`for a wide
`of possible
`is not
`for which
`of problems
`are best
`One of
`the objectives
`these tables
`is to
`to the reader
`the wide
`in problems
`and their
`has been the cause for
`the de-
`VALEO EX. 1028_004


`Table 1. Reglstratlon Problems — Part I
`Registration of images of the same scene acquired from different sensors.
`Class of Problems:
`Integration of information for improved segmentation and pixel classification.
`Often use sensor
`of Methods:
`using subject frames and fiducial markers can simplify problem.
`Image Analysis
`Field: Medical
`information from radionucleic
`information from CT or MRI with functional
`Integrate structural
`scanners such as PET or SPECT for anatomically locating metabolic function.
`Fteld: Remotely Sensed Data Processing
`infrared, visual,
`Integrating images from different electromagnetic bands, e.g., microwave, radar,
`or multispectral
`for improved scene classification such as classifying buildings,
`roads, vehicles, and type of
`Find a match for a reference pattern in an image.
`Class of Problems:
`Recognizing or locating a pattern such as an atlas, map, or object model in an image.
`of Methods: Model-based approaches, preselected features, known properties of objects,
`higher-level matching.
`Field: Remotely Sensed Data Processing
`of well-defined scenes such as airports;
`known features such as runways,
`terminals, and parking lots.
`locating positions and orientations of
`Field: Pattern Recognition
`Problem: Character recognition, signature verification, and waveform analysis.
`Table 2. Registration Problems — Part II
`Registration of images taken from different viewpoints.
`Class of Problems:
`Depth or shape reconstruction.
`to account for perspecl:ive distortions; often use
`Need local
`of Methods;
`assumptions about viewing geometry and surface properties to reduce search; typical approach is feature
`correspondence, but problem of occlusion must be addressed.
`F6eld: Computer Vision
`Stereomapping to recover depth or shape from disparities.
`Field: Computer Vision
`image sequence analysis may have several
`Tracking object motion;
`slightly, so assumptions about smooth changes are justified.
`images which differ only
`Registration of
`images of same scene taken at different
`of Problems:
`Detection and monitoring of changes or growths.
`Typzcal Applications:
`Need to address problem of dissimilar
`images, i.e., registration must
`of Methods:
`distortions due to change, best if can model sensor noise and viewpoint changw;
`frequently use Fourier
`methods to minimize sensitivity to dissimilarity.
`times or under different
`Image Analysis
`Field: Medical
`of images before and after radio isotope
`Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA)—registration
`injections to characterize functionality, Digital Subtraction Mammography
`to detect tumors. early cataract
`Fzeld: Remotely Sensed Data Processing
`Problem: Natural
`resource monitoring, surveillance of nuclear plants, urban growth monitoring.
`ACM Comput]ng Surveys,Vol 24, No 4, December
`VALEO EX. 1028_005


`G. Brown
`of methodologies
`it difficult
`to classify
`and compare
`each technique
`is often
`for specific
`and not
`for specific
`of problems
`or data. However,
`of a certain
`In Figure
`3, an ex-
`of several
`of the major
`are shown.
`In the top left
`3, an example
`is shown
`in which
`are misaligned
`by a small
`to a small
`in the
`a search
`to match
`the class of small
`in Figure
`are a rotational,
`and a
`to terrain
`In general,
`used to register
`one of
`best ways
`to categorize
`and assist
`in selecting
`type depends
`on the cause
`the misalignment
`which may
`or may
`the images.
`This will
`be discussed
`in more
`in Section
`A few definitions
`survey may prevent
`see Table
`are be-
`The distinctions
`to be clarified
`and global/local
`In addition,
`we will
`what we mean
`by transformation,
`in the
`is a mapping
`A transformation
`of points
`in one image
`to new loca-
`to align
`be global
`A global
`is given
`by a single
`which maps
`the en-
`(to be described
`24, No
`4, December
`Rigid Body
`Horizontal Shear
`Terrain Relief
`- Global
`Figure 3. Examples of typical geometric transfor-
`and polynomial
`map the im-
`on the
`age differently
`and are thus much more difficult
`to express
`In this
`we classify
`is global
`local according
`to the
`it uses. This
`case in other
`to the
`of pixels
`images. We
`in values
`as valunzet-
`to differences
`are differences
`in intensity
`try, but we use this more general
`term in
`to include
`the wide variety
`of exist-
`ing sensors whose values
`are not
`such as many medical
`sensors which
`VALEO EX. 1028_006


`Tech niques
`Table 3.
`Important Dlstlnct[ons for
`Image Registration
`of locations of points in one image to new locations of points in another.
`a mapping
`that maps each point
`in the first
`image to new location
`map is composed
`of a single
`in the second image. The equation is a function of the locations of the first
`image, but it is the
`same function for all parts of the image, i.e., the parameters of the function do not depend on
`the location.
`location—the map is composed of several
`mapping of points in the image depends on their
`smaller maps (several equati ens) for each piece of the image that
`is considered.
`and their
`of pixels
`in the values
`the true measurements.
`have corrupted
`the images differ similarly
`the entire image. For example, variations due to
`additive white noise affect the intensity values of all pixels in the same way. Each pixel will
`be affected differently, but the difference does not depend on the location of the pixel.
`the variation between images depends on the location in the image. For example, distortions
`due to perspective depend on the depth of the objects projected onto the image. Regions in the
`image which correspond to objects which are farther away are distorted in a different way
`than regions which correspond to closer objects.
`the images
`to the set of calculations performed to determine the parameters of
`registration transformation.
`If a local
`the image to compute the parameters of the transformation.
`uses all parts of
`is being calculated,
`then each set of local parameters is computed using the
`entire image. This is generally a costly method but has the advantage of using more
`local parts of the image for each set of local parameters m determining
`uses only the relevant
`a local transformation. By using only local parts of the image for each calculation,
`the method
`is faster. It can also have the advantage of not being erroneously influenced by other parts of
`the image.
`from hydrogen
`Some of the
`or altered
`the image. What
`is a distortion
`and what
`is not
`on what
`under which
`the images
`are taken.
`This will
`be discussed
`in more
`2.3. The variations
`in the image
`be due to changes
`in the
`by a sensor
`and its
`and viewpoint.
`We would
`some of
`via regis-
`others may
`be difficult
`as the
`tion changes),
`or we are not
`we would
`When we describe
`a set of variations
`or not
`the variations
`can be re-
`by a global
`or a local
`is not
`the distortions
`to remove
`and because we do not
`the images,
`to remove
`some of
`the variations,
`is critical
`the understanding
`of regis-
`to recognize
`ence between
`are global
`amd whether
`is global
`For example,
`images may have local vari-
`a registration
`use a global
`to align
`some of
`the variations
`are differ-
`to be detected
`of variations
`be ex-
`in more
`in Section
`The final
`and distinction
`are with
`to the reg-istra-
`to the
`to determine
`the transformation.
`a computation
`is described
`as global
`to whether
`from the
`or whether
`ACM Computing Surveys,Vol. 24, No. 4, December 1992
`VALEO EX. 1028_007


`G. Brolvn
`from small
`can be computed
`only makes
`This distinction
`is used
`a local
`sense when
`a global
`is required
`only one set of
`are computed.
`is again
`from the type
`tion methods
`be more
`and slower
`in order
`to determine
`from the
`to find
`is in order.
`this paper
`the registration
`images which
`viewed were
`the advent
`are two dimensional.
`cheaper memory,
`come more
`and more
`to acquire
`and the latest
`3D medical
`2D and 3D cases, but
`in this
`2D techniques
`though many
`the 2D techniques
`can be
`to higher-dimensional
`are several
`to be considered
`dealing with
`the immense
`of data
`and the associated
`3D case. Furthermore,
`from the
`a 2D image
`are no longer
`to over-
`come the unique
`of 3D registra-
`are not surveyed
`in this
`is given.
`is defined
`as are
`the most
`used transformations.
`and distortions
`and their
`to solving
`the registration
`lem are
`of geometric
`by the projection
`of a flat plane,
`is detailed.
`In Section
`the major
`are described
`3 of
`to registration
`24, No
`4, December
`on the
`In Sec-
`is searched.
`the traditional
`and se-
`the correlation
`are described.
`a single
`class of
`used for affine
`cases where
`Fourier methods
`in Section
`If an affine
`is not
`to match
`a more
`The primary
`in this case
`point mapping
`to define
`a polynomial
`These tech-
`are described
`in 3.3. However,
`the source of misregistration
`is not global,
`are misaligned
`a local
`of 3.3,
`based on piecewise
`the most
`cases, where
`a local
`of misregistration,
`on specific
`tion models
`such as an elastic membrane
`are used. These
`are described
`in Section
`3 are
`in Section
`The methods
`as examples
`the last
`4 offers
`a framework
`the broad
`of possible
`of variations
`to be corrected,
`can be designed,
`based on the
`class which will
`be suffi-
`to align
`class may
`be one of
`the classical
`ones described
`in Section
`2.2 or a specific
`a feature
`space and simi-
`to remaining
`VALEO EX. 1028_008


`to find the best match.
`and are most
`are chosen
`the cost of computations
`and guide
`to the
`best match
`4, several
`of a registration
`in particular,
`to the
`the variations
`the images
`as categorized
`in Section
`2.1 Definition
`as a
`can be defined
`If we
`and with
`to intensity.
`of a
`these images
`as two 2D arrays
`size denoted
`Iz where
`y) and
`each map
`to their
`other measure-
`the mapping
`can be expressed
`y) =g(I1(f(x,
`is a 2D spatial-coordinate
`a transformation
`which maps
`and y,
`to new spatial
`x‘ and
`g is a ID intensity
`problem is to find
`The registration
`the images
`are matched
`so that
`of determining
`the matching
`the parameters
`to expose
`est between
`is not
`a simple
`by sensor
`1976]. An
`an intensity
`is used
`is in the case where
`is a change
`as optical
`1977]). Another
`is mirror-like)
`in viewpoint
`is a change
`and when
`to the light
`or surface
`case, although
`is impossible
`to determine
`the reflectance
`of the objects
`in the scene and their
`and distance
`from the sensor. Notice,
`in these two examples,
`the intensity
`are due to changes
`in the acquisi-
`in the
`case by the change
`in sensors
`and in
`by the
`in reflectance
`In many

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