`Gregory Francis Welch
`Curriculum Vitae—October 17, 2014
`Contact Information
`University of Central Florida
`Institute for Simulation and Training
`Computer Science, EECS
`College of Nursing
`110 Partnership III
`441 Harris Engineering Center
`432 & 612 University Towers
`3100 Technology Parkway
`4000 Central Florida Boulevard
`12201 Research Parkway
`Orlando, FL 32826-3298 (USA) Orlando, FL 32816-2362 (USA) Orlando, FL 32826-3281 (USA)
`+1 407 796-2823
`Professional Experience (Summary)
`2011–present University of Central Florida
`Florida Hospital Endowed Chair in Healthcare Simulation (2013)
`Professor, College of Nursing (2013)
`Professor, Computer Science, EECS
`Professor, Institute for Simulation & Training (IST)
`Co-Director, IST Synthetic Reality Lab (SREAL)
`1996–present University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
`Adjunct Professor, Computer Science (2012–present)
`Research Professor (Assistant, Associate), Computer Science (1996–2012)
`2011–present University College Dublin
`Visiting Professor, School of Information and Library Studies
`2010–present Keio University
`Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Media Design
`Northrop Defense Systems Division
`Senior Engineer, Airborne Electronic Countermeasures, Digital Systems Group
`NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (California Institute of Technology)
`Voyager Spacecraft Project, Flight Command and Data Management Section
`May 1997
`May 1995
`May 1986
`Ph.D., Computer Science
`University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
`Under the direction of Gary Bishop
`M.S., Computer Science
`University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
`B.S. with Highest Distinction, Electrical Technology
`Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
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`Gregory Francis Welch
`Activities and Honors
`• Keynote speaker, 22nd Annual Research Day, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society
`of Nursing, Theta Epsilon chapter, Winter Park, Florida, USA, April 8, 2014.
`• IEEE Computer Society award for “Outstanding Performance as Co-Chairman of the IEEE
`VR 2014 Conference,” April 3, 2014.
`• Keynote speaker, Society for Computer Science 2013 Workshop on Virtual Reality-Augmented
`Reality (GI VR-AR 2013), W¨urzburg, Germany, September 19, 2013.
`• IEEE Computer Society award for “Outstanding Performance as Co-Chairman of the IEEE
`VR 2013 Conference,” March 18, 2013.
`• Invited speaker/participant, National Research Council (NRC) Mapping Science Committee
`meeting, October 3, 2012, National Academies Keck Center, Washington, DC, USA.
`• Invited speaker/participant, Computing Community Consortium (CCC) Visioning Workshop
`on Spatial Computing, September 10–11, 2012, National Academies Keck Center, Washington,
`• Keynote speaker, ISUVR 2012 (International Symposium on Ubiquitous Virtual Reality), Dae-
`jeon, South Korea, August 23, 2012.
`• Awarded 2nd Prize Best ICDSC 2011 Paper at 5th ACM/IEEE International Conference on
`Distributed Smart Cameras, August 22–25, 2011.
`• Undergraduate advisee Joshua Morton awarded a Rodney F. Hood Undergraduate Research
`Award in support of his work on “Tremor Sensing and Quantification” (November 15, 2010–
`June 30, 2011).
`• Keynote speaker, JVRC 2010 (Joint Virtual Reality Conference), Fellbach, Germany,
`September 29, 2010.
`• Keynote speaker, WARM 2010 (5th Winter Augmented Reality Meeting), Graz, Austria,
`February 24–25, 2010.
`• Featured exhibit, Collaborations: Humanities, Arts & Technology (CHAT) Festival,
`“The Bathysphere: Motion Capture as Art,” with Prof. Francesca Talenti, February 16–20,
`2010, UNC-Chapel Hill.
`• Keynote speaker, RAVE 2009 (Real Action, Virtual Environments), Barcelona, Spain, March
`4, 2009
`• Keynote speaker, D2D 2008 (Digital City Monitoring and Emergency Management), Shenzhen,
`China, October 25, 2008
`• Keynote speaker, 14th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (EGVE 2008),
`Eindhoven, The Netherlands, May 29, 2008
`• Excellence in Teaching award, UNC-Chapel Hill, Computer Science Student Association, for
`3D Computer Modeling and Animation, Spring 2007
`• Best Paper, ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology 1999 (VRST 99)
`• Internationally-recognized Kalman filter web site (http://www.cs.unc.edu/~welch/kalman/)
`• Boards and Committees
`– Steering Committee, International Symposium for Mixed & Augmented Reality (ISMAR)
`– Advisory Committee, IST Modeling & Simulation Graduate Program
`– Information Technology Resource Advisory Committee, UCF
`– Senior Advisor, TrakMark Working Group—SIG MR and VR Society of Japan (past)
`– Board of Directors, HiBall Tracker, Inc. (past)
`– UNC-Chapel Hill Committee on Student Conduct (past)
`SCEA Ex. 1011 Page 2
`Gregory Francis Welch
`– UNC-Chapel Hill Computer Science Committee on Curriculum and Planning (past)
`– UNC-Chapel Hill Computer Science Committee on Publications (past)
`• Reviewer, Committee, and Editorial Activity
`– Associate Editor of Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments
`– Associate Editor of Frontiers in Virtual Environments
`– Editorial Board of Journal of Virtual Reality
`– ACM: International Conference on Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH);
`Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST); Symposium on Inter-
`active 3D Graphics; Multimedia; User Interface Software and Technology (UIST); Trans-
`actions on Mathematical Software;
`– IEEE: Computer Graphics and Applications (CG&A); International Symposium on Mixed
`and Augmented Reality (ISMAR)—Area Chair; Virtual Reality (VR); Transactions on
`Vizualization and Computer Graphics; Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Sys-
`tems; Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
`– International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization, and Transmission (3DPVT)
`– IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers
`– EURASIP Journal of Applied Signal Processing; Transactions on Automatic Control
`– Journal of Optimal Control Applications and Methods
`– Eurographics Workshop on Virtual Environments
`– New Immersive Displays for the Near Future (Laval Virtual 2011 Symposium)
`• Professional Associations
`– Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
`– Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Computer Society
`– Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSIH)
`– International Nursing Association of Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL)
`– Southern Nursing Research Society (SNRS)
`• Developer of popular Mac OS X Mail plugins MailFollowUp and MailRecent
`• Consultant on Virtual Reality, human position and motion estimation, and sensor fusion
`• Event Organization
`– Dagstuhl Seminar on “Virtual Realities” (Seminar 13241), co-organized with Guido Brun-
`nett (TU Chemnitz, Germany), Sabine Coquillart (INRIA Rhˆone-Alpes, France), and
`Robert van Liere (Center for Mathematics and Computer Science, Netherlands), June
`10–14, 2012, The International Conference and Research Center for Computer Science,
`Dagstuhl, Germany.
`– IEEE Virtual Reality 2013 (VR 2013), Co-General Chair with Ben Lok (University of
`Florida), March 16–23, 2013, Orlando, FL, USA.
`– 11th International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2012), Co-
`General Chair with Blair MacIntyre (Georgia Tech), November 5–8, 2012, Atlanta, Geor-
`gia, USA.
`– Joint Virtual Reality Conference 2011 (JVRC 2011), International Program Committee
`Co-chair with Sabine Coquillart (INRIA Rhˆone-Alpes, France) and Anthony Steed (Uni-
`versity College of London, UK).
`– 10th International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2011), Program
`Committee Co-Chair with Gerhard Reitmayr (Graz University of Technology) and Jun
`Park (Hongik University).
`SCEA Ex. 1011 Page 3
`Gregory Francis Welch
`– VR 2011 Research Demos Co-Chair, IEEE Virtual Reality 2011 (Singapore), with Dirk
`Reiners (University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA), Henry Duh (National University of
`Singapore), and Jiung-Yao Huang (National Taipei University, Taiwan).
`– VR 2010 Research Demos Co-Chair, IEEE Virtual Reality 2010 (Waltham, MA, USA),
`with Yoshifumi Kitamura (Osaka University, Japan), Laura Monroe (Los Alamos National
`Laboratories, USA), Dirk Reiners (University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA), and Simon
`Richir (Laval Virtual, France)
`– Dagstuhl Seminar on “Virtual Realities” (Seminar 08231), co-organized with Guido Brun-
`nett (TU Chemnitz, Germany) and Sabine Coquillart (INRIA Rhˆone-Alpes, France),
`June 1–6, 2008, The International Conference and Research Center for Computer Sci-
`ence, Dagstuhl, Germany
`– VR 2007 Local Arrangements Co-Chair, IEEE Virtual Reality 2007 (Charlotte, NC,
`USA), with Zachary Wartell (UNC-Charlotte, USA), Sabarish Babu (UNC-Charlotte,
`USA), and Regis Kopper (Virginia Tech, USA)
`– Workshops/Tutorials Chair, 5th IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and
`Augmented Reality (Santa Barbara, CA, USA)
`– Co-Chair with Chris Jaynes (University of Kentucky) of IEEE CVPR 2006 International
`Workshop on Projector-Camera Systems, (ProCams 2006), New York, NY, USA.
`– 3DPVT 2006 Organizing Committee, Third International Symposium on 3D Data Pro-
`cessing, Visualization and Transmission (Chapel Hill, NC, USA)
`– EDT 2006 Co-chair, IEEE Virtual Reality 2006 International Workshop on Emerging
`Display Technologies (Alexandria, VA, USA), with Mark Bolas (USC and Fakespace Labs)
`and Andreas Simon (FH-Aargau)
`– ICAT 2005 Program Co-Chair, 15th International Conference on Artificial Reality and
`Telexistence (Christchurch, New Zealand), with Sang Chul Ahn (KIST, Korea), and
`Haruo Noma (ATR, Japan)
`– ProCams 2005 Posters Chair, IEEE CVPR 2005 International Workshop on Projector-
`Camera Systems (San Diego, CA, USA)
`– EDT 2005 Co-chair, IEEE Virtual Reality 2005 International Workshop on Emerging
`Display Technologies (Bonn, Germany), with Mark Bolas (USC and Fakespace Labs) and
`Andreas Simon (Fraunhofer IMK)
`– I3D 2001 Registration Chair, ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics (Chapel Hill,
`• Panel Participation
`– Greg Welch (UCF), Charles Hughes (UCF), Linda Gibson-Young (UCF), Chait Ren-
`duchintala (UCF), Peter Kincaid (UCF), Sarah Matthews (FL DOH), Tom Herring (FL
`DOH), “Technology & Public Health Use Now and in the Future,” 2014 Florida Public
`Health Educational Meeting, Orlando, FL, August 1, 2014.
`– Betty Mohler (Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics), Greg Welch (UNC-
`CH), Daniel Thalmann (Nanyang Technological University and EPFL), and Victoria In-
`terrante (University of Minnesota), “Avatars in Virtual Environments,” IEEE Virtual
`Reality 2011 (VR 2011), Singapore, March 21, 2011.
`– Randy Harrell (CISCO), Jaron Lanier (Microsoft), Frantz Lohier (Logitech), Greg Welch
`(UNC-CH), William C. Wickes (Hewlett Packard), and Zhengyou Zhang (Microsoft Re-
`search), IMMERSCOM 2009 (2nd International Conference on Immersive Telecommuni-
`cations), May 29, 2009.
`– Henry Fuchs, Bernd Fr¨ohlich (Bauhaus-Universit¨at Weimar), and Greg Welch, “Dis-
`play Technology,” 14th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (EGVE 2008),
`SCEA Ex. 1011 Page 4
`Gregory Francis Welch
`Eindhoven, The Netherlands, May 30, 2008.
`– Barbara Hayes-Roth, Austin Henderson, Ramesh Jain, Lev Manovich, Greg Welch, and
`Gopal Pingali, “Experiential Telepresence: How Can Telepresence Research be Guided
`Towards Better End User Experience?” ACM SIGMM 2003 Workshop on Experiential
`Telepresence 2003 (ETP 2003), November 7, 2003, Berkeley, CA USA.
`• Student Activities
`– President, UNC-Chapel Hill Computer Science Student Association, 1994–1995
`– Graduated with Highest Distinction from Purdue University (among three-tenths of the
`baccalaureate graduates having the highest graduation indexes)
`– Outstanding Senior Design Project, “The Easy Chair: A Microprocessor-Controlled Wheelchair
`for Children With Muscular Disorders,” E.T., Purdue University, 1986
`– Distinguished Student, Purdue University, 1982–1986 (all semesters)
`– Residence Hall Counselor, Purdue University, 1985–1986
`– Tau Alpha Pi National Honor Society, Pi Alpha Chapter, 1986
`– Golden Key National Honor Society, 1984
`– Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society, 1983
`Invited Talks (Selected)
`• “Making the Virtual Real: Physical Manifestations of Dynamic Virtual People, Objects, and
`Places,” invited speaker at Qualcomm/Vienna University of Technology (Vienna Austria) and
`keynote speaker at the Graz University of Technology (Graz, Austria), September 15 & 17,
`• “Past and Current Research in Modeling and Reproducing Humans for Warfighter Training,”
`invited speaker, Central Florida Vets meeting, Orlando VA Medical Center (Orlando, FL),
`August 26, 2014.
`• “Patient Simulation for Nursing Education and Hospital/Clinic Training,” Keynote talk for
`22nd Annual Research Day, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, Theta
`Epsilon chapter, Winter Park, Florida, USA, April 8, 2014.
`• “Making the Virtual Real: Physical Manifestations of Dynamic Virtual People, Objects, and
`Places,” Harris Corporation, Melbourne, FL, February 18, 2014.
`• “Face-to-Face: Interactive Simulation Using a Mobile Physical-Virtual Patient,” work with
`Steven Talbert, Mary Lou Sole, and Karen J. Aroian, SNRS 28th Annual Conference, San
`Antonio, TX, February 15, 2014.
`• “Physical-Virtual Humans for Healthcare,” the University of Texas at San Antonio, San Anto-
`nio, TX, February 13, 2014.
`• “Physical-Virtual Humans for Training and Teleportation,” Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Ap-
`plied Sciences, Bonn, Germany, September 20, 2013.
`• “Physical-Virtual Humans for Training and Teleportation,” Max Planck Institute, T¨ubingen,
`Germany, September 17, 2013.
`• “Interactive Shader Lamps: Projector-Based Graphics in Motion,” GI VR-AR (W¨urzburg,
`Germany), September 19, 2013.
`• “Physical-Virtual Humans for Training and Teleportation,” TU Chemnitz (Chemnitz, Ger-
`many), June 6, 2013.
`• “Physical-Virtual Humans: Challenges and Opportunities”, KIST (Seoul, South Korea) and
`KAIST (ISUVR 2012, Daejeon, South Korea), August 22–23, 2012.
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`Gregory Francis Welch
`• “Physical Manifestations of Virtual Humans,” Technische Universit¨at M¨unchen (TU Munich);
`Garching b. Munich, Germany; April 11, 2011
`• “Physical Manifestations of Virtual Humans,” Keynote talk at Joint Virtual Reality Conference
`(JVRC); Fellbach, Germany; September 29, 2010
`• “Crossing Realities: The Convergence of Physical and Virtual Worlds,” Microsoft Research;
`Redmond, WA; May 25, 2010
`• “Augmenting Realities with Virtual Worlds,” Keynote talk at 5th Winter Augmented Reality
`Meeting (WARM); February 25, 2010; Graz, Austria.
`• “Crossing Realities: An Overview of Related Work at UNC-Chapel Hill,” Joint Virtual Reality
`Conference (JVRC); Lyon, France; December 7, 2009
`• “Virtual Artifacts and Experiences in Real Environments,” second RAVE 2009 workshop (Real
`Action, Virtual Environments); Barcelona, Spain; March 4, 2009
`• “A Living, Breathing, Dynamic Digital City,” Keynote talk at D2D 2008 workshop (Digital
`City Monitoring and Emergency Management); Shenzhen, China; October 25, 2008
`• “Immersive Display Research at UNC-CH: A Sampling,” with Henry Fuchs; Max Planck Insti-
`tute, T¨ubingen, Germany; June 9, 2008.
`• “Motion Tracking as an Epic Battle Between Information and Uncertainty,” Keynote talk
`at 14th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (EGVE 2008); Eindhoven, The
`Netherlands; May 29, 2008.
`• “Hardware Information Optimization in the Design of Systems for the Sensing of Human
`Motion,” University of California at Riverside; Riverside, CA; USA, October 23, 2006.
`• “Improving, Expanding and Extending 3D Telepresence,” International Workshop on Advanced
`Information Processing for Ubiquitous Networks, ICAT 2005; Christchurch, New Zealand;
`December 8, 2005.
`• “Differential Imaging/Setups,” 1st Computer Vision for Interactive and Intelligent Environ-
`ments (CV4IIE) workshop, University of Kentucky; Lexington, KY; November 17–18, 2005.
`• “Multi-Projector Displays,” US Army sponsored workshop on “Displays for Immersive Edu-
`cation and Training,” Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California;
`Marina del Rey, CA; October 24–25, 2005.
`• “3D Telepresence for Off-Line Surgical Training and On-Line Remote Consultation,” 2nd CREST
`Symposium on Telecommunication, Teleimersion and Telexistence; University of Tokyo; De-
`cember 9–10, 2004.
`• “Inside the HiBall Tracking System,” Siemens Corporate Research, Imaging and Visualization
`Department; Princeton, NJ; October 25, 2000.
`• “Spatially-Augmented Visualization,” Walt Disney Imagineering, Virtual Reality Studio; Bur-
`bank, CA; September 1998.
`Graduated Ph.D. Advisees and Dissertation Titles
`• Jinghe Zhang, 2013: Uncertainty-Driven Adaptive Estimation with Applications in Electrical
`Power Systems
`• Peter Keitler, 2011 (TU M¨unchen, with Gudrun Klinker): Management of Tracking and Track-
`ing Accuracy in Industrial Augmented Reality Environments
`• Adrian Ilie, 2010: On-Line Control of Active Camera Networks
`• Hua Yang, 2008: Differential Tracking Through Sampling and Linearizing the Local Appear-
`ance Manifold
`• B. Danette Allen: 2007, Hardware Design Optimization for Human Motion Tracking Systems
`SCEA Ex. 1011 Page 6
`Gregory Francis Welch
`• Aditi Majumder, 2003: A Practical Framework To Achieve Perceptually Seamless Multi-
`Projector Displays
`• Ruigang Yang, 2003: View-Dependent Pixel Coloring—A Physically-Based Approach for 2D
`View Synthesis
`• Ramesh Raskar, 2001: Projector-Based Three Dimensional Graphics
`Graduated M.S. and B.S. Honors Thesis Titles
`• Krishna Kollu, 2012: Modeling the Neural Pathology of Parkinson’s Disease (B.S. C.S. Honors
`• Caitlyn Losee, 2011: The Bathysphere: Motion Capture and Immersive Projection (B.S. C.S.
`Honors Thesis)
`Student Advisees (All)
`Salam Daher (current, UCF); Jason Hochreiter (current, UCF, Co-Advised with Charles
`Hughes); Kangsoo Kim (current, UCF); Myungho Lee (current, UCF); Peter Lincoln
`(current, UNC, Co-Advised with Henry Fuchs); Ryan Schubert (current, UNC, Co-
`Advised with Henry Fuchs); Feng Zheng (current, UNC); Ryan Patrick (2013, M.S.,
`University of Nebraska–Lincoln); Jinghe Zhang (2013, Ph.D.); Krishna Kollu (2012, B.S.
`Undergrad. Honors); Caitlyn Losee (2011, B.S. Undergrad. Honors); Peter Keitler (2011,
`Ph.D., TU M¨unchen, with Gudrun Klinker, Extend 3D); Adrian Ilie (2010, Ph.D., Intel-
`ligent Development Corporation and UNC-Chapel Hill); Hua Yang (2008, Ph.D., Leap);
`Danette Allen (2007, Ph.D., NASA Langley Research Center); Vincent Noel (2006, M.S.,
`Google); Michael Noland (2006, M.S., Emergent); Aditi Majumder (2003, Ph.D., Uni-
`versity of California at Irvine); Ruigang Yang (2003, Ph.D., University of Kentucky);
`and Ramesh Raskar (2001, Ph.D., MIT Media Lab).
`Student Committees
`Chris Ellis (current); Remo Pillat (current); Rick Skarbez (current); Drexel Hallaway
`at Columbia University (current); Monika Schaeffer at Duke University (2011, M.S.);
`Brian Clipp (2010, Ph.D., URC Ventures); David Gallup (2010, Ph.D., Google); Andrew
`Nashel (2010, Ph.D., Cisco Systems); Tyler Johnson (2009, Ph.D., Scalable Displays);
`Seon Joo Kim (2008, Ph.D., postdoc, National University of Singapore); examiner for
`Philip McLeod at the University of Otago (2008, Ph.D.); Patrick Quirk (2006, M.S.,
`SportsMEDIA Technology Corporation); Kok-Lim Low (2005, Ph.D., National Univer-
`sity of Singapore); Lindsey McCarthy (2011, M.S. Dentistry); Michael Rosenthal (2005,
`Ph.D., Residency: Brigham-Harvard, Radiology); Benjamin Lok (2002, Ph.D., University
`of Florida); Nicholas Vallidis (2002, Ph.D., National Robotics Engineering Consortium);
`Gopi Meenakshisundaram (2001, Ph.D., University of California at Irvine); Mark Liv-
`ingston (1998, Ph.D., Naval Research Lab); and Hans Weber (Sports Media Technology
`SCEA Ex. 1011 Page 7
`Gregory Francis Welch
`Teaching Experience
`• 3D Computer Modeling and Animation, First Year Seminar, UNC-CH, 2003–2007. Created
`the course, which was chosen by UNC from among competing First Year Seminar proposals.
`Awarded Computer Science Student Association Excellence in Teaching award, Spring 2007
`• Introduction to Programming (Java), UNC-CH, 2002–2003
`• Team Software Engineering, UNC-CH, 2001 (Spring)
`• Exploring Virtual Worlds, UNC-CH, 1997–1998
`• NSF STC Center-Wide Lecture Series, coordinated within the Center, 1997
`• Computers: Power Tools for the Mind, UNC-CH, 1995
`Tutorials/Short Courses
`• Greg Welch. “Tracking: Beyond 15 Minutes of Thought” and “An Introduction to the Kalman
`Filter,” University of W¨urzburg, Interactive Intelligent Spaces Summer School, W¨urzburg,
`Germany, September 13–14, 2013.
`• Greg Welch and Gary Bishop. “An Introduction to the Kalman Filter,” ACM SIGGRAPH
`2001 tutorial, August 12, 2001, Los Angeles, CA USA.
`• Greg Welch, Gerhard Reitmayr (Graz University of Technology), Vincent Lepetit (Swiss
`Federal Institute of Technology), and Brian Clipp (UNC-Chapel Hill), “Tracking for AR Track-
`ing Researchers,” International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2009)
`course, October 19, 2009.
`• Greg Welch and Gary Bishop. “An Introduction to the Kalman Filter,” ACM SIGGRAPH
`2001 tutorial, August 12, 2001, Los Angeles, CA USA.
`• B. Danette Allen, Gary Bishop and Greg Welch. “Tracking: Beyond 15 Minutes of Thought,”
`ACM SIGGRAPH 2001 short course, August 12, 2001, Los Angeles, CA USA.
`• “An Introduction to the Kalman Filter,” multi-day seminars offered periodically at UNC Chapel
`Hill, 1996–2009.
`Books, Chapters, and Sections
`• Sabine Coquillart, Guido Brunnett, and Greg Welch, eds., Virtual Realities: Dagstuhl Sem-
`inar 2008. Springer, 2011. 1st Edition., 2011, XIII, 251 p. 78 illus., Softcover.
`• Greg Welch and Larry Davis. Tracking for Training in Virtual Environments: Estimating
`the Pose of People and Devices for Simulation and Assessment. In J. Cohn, D. Nicholson, and
`D. Schmorrow, editors, The PSI Handbook of Virtual Environments for Training and Educa-
`tion: Developments for the Military and Beyond, chapter 30. Praeger Security International,
`• Greg Welch, Ruigang Yang, Bruce Cairns, Herman Towles, Andrei State, Adrian Ilie, Sasch
`Becker, Dan Russo, Jesse Funaro, Diane Sonnenwald, Ketan Mayer-Patel, Bonnie Danette
`Allen, Hua Yang, Eugene Freid, Andries van Dam, and Henry Fuchs. 3D Telepresence for
`Off-Line Surgical Training and On-Line Remote Consultation. In S. Tachi, editor, Telecommu-
`nication, Teleimmersion and Telexistence II, pages 113–152. IOS Press (English) and Ohmsha
`(Japanese), 2005.
`SCEA Ex. 1011 Page 8
`Gregory Francis Welch
`Refereed Journal, Conference, and Symposium Publications
`[70] Ning Zhou, Da Meng, Zhenyu Huang, and Greg Welch (2014). Dynamic state estimation of
`a synchronous machine using PMU data: A comparative study. IEEE Transactions on Smart
`Grid, to appear.
`[69] Feng Zheng, Dieter Schmalstieg, and Greg Welch. Pixel-wise closed-loop registration in video-
`based augmented reality. Proceedings of 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and
`Augmented Reality (ISMAR), Munich, Germany, September 2014.
`[68] Julian Abich and Lauren Reinerman-Jones and Gerald Matthews and Greg Welch and
`Stephanie Lackey and Charles Hughes and Arjun Nagendran. Good enough yet? a prelim-
`inary evaluation of human-surrogate interaction. In Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality.
`Designing and Developing Virtual and Augmented Environments, R. Shumaker and S. Lackey,
`Eds., vol. 8525 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer International Publishing, 2014,
`pp. 239–250.
`[67] Diane H. Sonnenwald, Hanna M. S¨oderholm, Greg Welch, Bruce A. Cairns, James E. Manning,
`and Henry Fuchs, “Illuminating collaboration in emergency health care situations: paramedic-
`physician collaboration and 3d telepresence technology,” Information Research, (19)2, June,
`[66] Arjun Nagendran, Remo Pillat, Adam Kavanaugh, Greg Welch, and Charles Hughes, “A
`Unified Framework for Individualized Avatar-Based Interactions,” Presence: Teleoperators and
`Virtual Environments, 23(2), Spring 2014.
`[65] Alberico Menozzi, Brian Clipp, Eric Wenger, Jared Heinly, Herman Towles, Jan-Michael Frahm,
`and Greg Welch, “Development of vision-aided navigation for a wearable outdoor augmented
`reality system,” in Proceedings of the IEEE/ION Position Location and Navigation Symposium
`(Monterey, CA, USA, May 2014), IEEE/The Institute of Navigation, pp. 760–772.
`[64] Jinghe Zhang, Greg Welch, Gary Bishop, and Zhenyu Huang, “A two-stage kalman filtering
`scheme for robust and real-time power systems state tracking,” IEEE Transactions on Sustain-
`able Energy, 5, 2 (April 2014), 629–636.
`[63] Adrian Ilie and Greg Welch, “Online control of active camera networks for computer vision
`tasks.” ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, Vol. 10, No. 2, Article 25 (January 2014),
`[62] Arjun Nagendran, Remo Pillat, Adam Kavanaugh, Greg Welch, and Charles Hughes, “AMI-
`TIES: Avatar-mediated interactive training and individualized experience system,” Proceedings
`of The 19th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST2013), Octo-
`ber 6-8 2013.
`[61] Amela Sadagic, Mathias K¨olsch, Greg Welch, Chumki Basu, Chris Darken, Juan P. Wachs,
`Henry Fuchs, Herman Towles, Neil Rowe, Jan-Michael Frahm, Li Guan, Rakesh Kumar, and
`Hui Cheng, “Smart instrumented training ranges: bringing automated system solutions to sup-
`port critical domain needs,” The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation: Applications,
`Methodology, Technology, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 327–342, 2013.
`[60] Adrian Ilie and Greg Welch, “Automated camera selection and control for better training
`support,” in Foundations of Augmented Cognition (D. Schmorrow and C. Fidopiastis, eds.),
`vol. 8027 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 50–59, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
`[59] Feng Zheng, Ryan Schubert, and Greg Welch, “A general approach for closed-loop registration
`in AR,” in Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality 2013, (Orlando, FL, USA), March 16—23 2013.
`SCEA Ex. 1011 Page 9
`Gregory Francis Welch
`[58] Arjun Nagendran, Remo Pillat, Charles Hughes, and Greg Welch, “Continuum of virtual-
`human space: Towards improved interaction strategies for physical-virtual avatars,” in Proceed-
`ings of 11th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its
`Applications in Industry (VRCAI 2012), IEEE, December 2012.
`[57] Ryan Schubert, Greg Welch, Peter Lincoln, Arjun Nagendran, Remo Pillat, and Henry Fuchs,
`“Advances in shader lamps avatars for telepresence,” in Proceedings of 3DTV-Conference 2012:
`The True Vision: Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video, (ETH Zurich, Zurich,
`Switzerland), October 15–17 2012.
`[56] Ning Zhou, Zhenyu Huang, Yulan Li, and Greg Welch, “Local Sequential Ensemble Kalman
`Filter for Simultaneously Tracking States and Parameters,” in Proceedings of 2012 North Amer-
`ican Power Symposium, (Urbana-Champaign, IL USA), September 9–11 2012.
`[55] Ning Zhou, Zhenyu Huang, Greg Welch, and Jinghe Zhang, “Identifying the optimal measure-
`ment subspace for the ensemble kalman filter,” IET Electronics Letters, vol. 48, no. 11, May
`[54] Diego Rivera-Gutierrez, Greg Welch, Peter Lincoln, Mary Whitton, Juan Cendan, David A.
`Chesnutt, Henry Fuchs, and Ben Lok. Shader lamps virtual patients: the physical representation
`of virtual patients. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 19 - NextMed, Studies in Health Technology
`and Informatics, IOS Press, 2012.
`[53] Greg Welch, Diego Rivera-Gutierrez, Peter Lincoln, Mary Whitton, Juan Cendan, David A.
`Chesnutt, Henry Fuchs, Ben Lok, and Rick Skarbez. Physical manifestations of virtual patients.
`In Simulation in Healthcare, Volume 6, Issue 6, December, 2011.
`[52] Adrian Ilie and Greg Welch. On-Line Control of Active Camera Networks for Computer Vision
`Tasks. Proceedings of 5th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras,
`August 22–25, 2011. Awarded 2nd Prize Best ICDSC 2011 Paper.
`[51] Jinghe Zhang, Greg Welch, and Gary Bishop. LoDiM: A Novel Power System State Estimation
`Method with Dynamic Measurement Selection. In Proceedings of 2011 IEEE Power & Energy
`Society General Meeting, (Detroit, MI, USA), 26–29 July 2011.
`[50] Jinghe Zhang, Greg Welch, Gary Bishop, and Zhenyu Huang. Reduced Measurement-Space
`Dynamic State Estimation (REMEDYSE) for Power Systems. Proceedings of PowerTech, 2011
`IEEE Trondheim (Trondheim, Norway), 19–23 June 2011.
`[49] Jinghe Zhang, Greg Welch, and Gary Bishop. Power System State Estimation with Dynamic
`Optimal Measurement Selection. Proceedings of 2011 IEEE Symposium on Computational In-
`telligence Applications in Smart Grid, (Paris, France), 11–15 April 2011.
`[48] Peter Lincoln, Greg Welch, and Henry Fuchs. Continual Surface-Based Multi-Projector Blend-
`ing for Moving Objects. Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Reality 2011, (Singapore), 19–23
`March, 2011.
`[47] Greg Welch, Diane H. Sonnenwald, Henry Fuchs, Bruce Cairns, M.D., Ketan Mayer-Patel,
`Ruigang Yang, Andrei State, Herman Towles, Adrian Ilie, Srinivas Krishnan, and Hanna M.
`S¨oderholm. Remote 3D Medical Consultation, in Virtual Realities: Dagstuhl Seminar 2008
`(S. Coquillart, G. Brunnett, and G. Welch, eds.), Ch. 8, pp. 139–160, Springer, 2011.
`[46] Peter Lincoln, Greg Welch, Andrew Nashel, Andrei State, Adrian Ilie, and Henry Fuchs.
`Animatronic Shader Lamps Avatars. Virtual Reality (Springer), special issue on Augmented
`Reality, pp. 1–14, 2010. This is an extended version of [42].
`SCEA Ex. 1011 Page 10
`Gregory Francis Welch
`[45] Jinghe Zhang, Greg Welch, Gary Bishop, and Zhenyu Huang. Optimal PMU Placement Eval-
`uation for Power System Dynamic State Estimation. In Proceedings of IEEE PES Conference
`on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT 2010), Chalmers Lindholmen, G¨oteborg,
`Sweden, October 10–13, 2010.
`[44] Jinghe Zhang, Greg Welch, and Gary Bishop. Observability and Estimation Uncertainty Anal-
`ysis for PMU Placement Alternatives. In Proceedings of the 2010 North American Power Sym-
`posium (NAPS 2010), Arlington, TX, U.S.A., September 26–28, 2010.
`[43] Amela Sadagic, Greg Welch, Chumki Basu, Chris Darken, Rakesh Kumar, Henry Fuchs,
`Hui Cheng, Jan-Michael Frahm, Mathias Kolsch, Neil Rowe, Herman Towles, Juan Wachs, and
`Anselmo Lastra. New Generation of Instrumented Ranges: Enabling Automated Performance
`Analysis. In Proceedings of 2009 Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education
`Conference (I/ITSEC-2009), Orlando, Florida, U.S.A., November 30–December 3 2009.
`[42] Peter Lincoln, Greg Welch, Andrew Nashel, Adrian Ilie, Andrei State, and Henry Fuchs. An-
`imatronic Shader Lamps Avatars. Proceedings of 8th IEEE and ACM International Symposium
`on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR’09), October 19–22, 2009.
`[41] Hua Yang, Greg Welch, Jan-Michael. Frahm, and Marc Pollefeys. 3D Motion Segmenta-
`tion Using Intensity Trajectory. Proceedings of the 9th Asian Conference on Computer Vision
`(ACCV 2009), September 23–27 2009.
`[40] Peter Lincoln, Andrew Nashel, Adrian Ilie, Herman Towles, Greg Welch, and Henry Fuchs.
`Multi-View Lenticular Display for Group Teleconferencing. Proceedings of IMMERSCOM 2009,
`27–29 May 2009.
`[39] Greg Welch, Diane H. Sonnenwald, Henry Fuchs, Bruce Cairns, Ketan Mayer-Patel, Hanna M.
`S¨oderholm, Ruigang Yang, Andrei State, Herman Towles, Adrian Ilie, Manoj K. Ampalam,
`Srinivas Krishnan, Vincent Noel, Michael Noland, and James E. Manning. 3D medical collab-
`oration technology to enhance emergency healthcare. J Biomed Discov Collab, 4:4, 2009.
`[38] Tyler Johnson, Greg Welch, Eric Laforce, Herman Towles, and Henry Fuchs. A distributed
`cooperative framework for continuous multi-projector pose estimation. Proceedings of IEEE
`Virtual Reality 2009, Mar 14–18, 2009.
`[37] Greg Welch. HISTORY: The Use of the Kalman Filter for Human Motion Tracking in Virtual
`Reality, Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 18(1), 2009.
`[36] Hanna M. S¨oderholm, Diane H. Sonnenwald, James E. Manning, Bruce Cairns, Greg Welch,
`and Henry Fuchs. Exploring the Potential of Video Technologies for Collaboration in Emergency
`Medical Care. Part II: Task Performance, Journal of the American Society for Information
`Science and Technology (JASIST), 59(14):2335–2349, 14 August 2008.
`[35] Diane H. Sonnenwald, Hanna M. S¨oderholm, James E. Manning, Bruce Cairns, Greg Welch,
`and Henry Fuchs. Exploring the Potential of Video Technologies for Collaboration in Emergency
`Medical Care. Part I: Information Sharing, Journal of the American Society for Information
`Science and Technology (JASIST), 59(14):2320–2334, 14 August 2008.
`[34] Marc Pollefeys, David Nist´er, Jan-Michael Frahm, Amir Akbarzadeh, Philippos Mordohai,
`Brian Clipp, Chris Engels, David Gallup, Seon Joo Kim, Paul Merrell, C. Salmi, Sudipta Sinha,