`International Bureau
`(51) International Patent Classification 6 =
`G06F 3/147
`(11) International Publication Number:
`(43) International Publicatlon Date:
`WO 99/18495
`15 April 1999 (15.04.99)
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`30 September 1998 (30.09.98)
`(30) Priority Data:
`2 October 1997 (02.10.97)
`(71) Applicant:
`[SE/SE]; S—126 25 Stockholm (SE).
`(72) Inventor: HEDBERG, Anders; Kamnarsvagen 7G—206, 8—226
`46 Lund (SE).
`(74) Agents: STROM, Tore et al.; StrOm & Gulliksson AB, P.O.
`BOX 4188, 8-203 13 Malmo (SE).
`(81) Designated States: AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR,
`BY, CA, CH, CN, CU, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, GB, GE,
`GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ,
`LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW,
`MX, NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, TI,
`TM, TR, ”IT, UA, UG, UZ, VN, YU, ZW, ARIPO patent
`(GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, SD, 52, UG, ZW), Eurasian patent
`(AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European patent
`(AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, Fl, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT,
`LU, MC, NL, PT, SE), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI,
`CM, GA, GN, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`Without international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt of that report.
`to movements in the space for displaying said screen image (7) in different magnifications, and/or in different parts (8).
`(57) Abstract
`In a hand—held display device ( 1) for use with an electronic device (13) to display a complete or a determined part (8) of a screen
`image (7), there are included control circuits, a display screen (2) and control buttons (3) connected to said control circuits. Further, a
`gyroscope (6) is incorporated in said display device (I) and connected to said control circuits, whereby said display device (1) is responsive
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`Bosnia and Herzegovina
`Burkina Faso
`Central African Republic
`cote d’Ivoire
`Czech Republic
`United Kingdom
`Democratic People’s
`Republic of Korea
`Republic of Korea
`Saint Lucia
`Sri Lanka
`Republic of Moldova
`The former Yugoslav
`Republic of Macedonia
`New Zealand
`Russian Federation
`Codes used to identify States party to the PCT on the front pages of pamphlets publishing international applications under the PCT.
`Trinidad and Tobago
`United States of America
`Viet Nam
`SCEA EX. 1005 Page 2
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`WO 99/18495
`Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates to a hand—held display
`device and a method for its use with an electronic device
`to display a complete or a determined part of a screen
`Description of the Prior Art
`Several electronic devices, such as a mobile tele—
`phone, a PDA (Personal Digital Assistent), an organizer, or
`a PC (personal computer) etc. are provided with a display
`or a monitor for displaying different kind of information.
`A typical personal computer system, notebook, or hand—held
`computer consists of a system unit, storage means, a
`display, keyboard and a mouse or other interactive input
`devices such as a digitizing tablet,
`to control
`the computer.
`The primary attributes of a display is the size of
`the display screen;
`the resolution of the display; and
`whether the display is monochrome or in colour. The size of
`a display screen can vary from,
`for example,
`5 to 25 inches
`in diagonal dimension. The quality of output or the resolu—
`tion of a common display or monitor is for example 640x480,
`800x600, or 1024x768 pixels.
`There is a variety of displays available from differ—
`ent vendors. These displays are designed to accomplish par—
`ticular functions. An engineer needs a large high—resolu—
`tion monitor for CAD—applications and a smaller monochrome
`35 monitor for the display of text and graphic information. A
`full—page colour monitor can be utilized for both landsdape
`and portrait presentations. Also, hand—held data entry de—
`vices or computers are provided with a small display. A
`SCEA Ex. 1005 Page 3
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`WO 99/18495
`common hand—held data entry device has a limited keyboard
`and some kind of storage capability for the data. Another
`hand—held data entry device combines a hand—held optical
`wand with a keyboard. Stock clerks use such devices in
`stores to collect and enter reorder data.
`For some purposes small flat—panels are required to
`save space. Flat—panels are used in conjunction with small
`size electronic devices such as notebooks, hand—held com—
`puters, mobile telephones etc.
`Many vendors offer or are just about to offer hand—
`held computers. These computers are provided with flat—
`panels having for example a 640x240 resolution touchscreen,
`or 480x240 resolution touchscreen. Such panels or display
`screens cannot be too limited in size and resolution to be
`useful for their intended purpose, i.e.
`to present general
`software applications such as word processing, desktop pub—
`lishing, spreadsheet, databases,
`internet applications etc.
`The limitations are set in view of the sight properties of
`a human being.
`Consequently, a problem associated with prior art
`computer configurations is that access is needed to several
`types of computers provided with different displays suit—
`able for different kinds of applications. As described
`above, a very small sized flat—panel of a hand—held data
`entry device, a mobile telephone, or a computer etc.
`is not
`at the same time capable of display full—screen documents
`in a proper and readable way.
`JP—A—7 234 664 discloses a document
`image display,
`which reads out the contents of a document using a scanner
`and the image of the document is stored in a page memory.
`An area of the document specified by an operator is read
`from the memory and then magnified. The magnified area,
`stored in a working memory,
`is then displayed on an opera—
`tion display.
`SCEA EX. 1005 Page 4
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`WO 99/18495
`Summary of the Invention
`The present invention is directed to an improved dis—
`play device for use with an electronic device, which over—
`comes one or more of the limitations and disadvantages of
`the related art.
`It is an object of the present invention to provide a
`hand—held display device for use with an electronic device,
`said display device being suitable for the purpose of a
`hand—held data entry device as well as for both landscape
`and portrait presentations of a full—page word processing
`document. Further, it can satisfy the needs of an engineer
`working with CAD—applications as well as for the display of
`text and graphic information. Also, hand—held computers can
`be provided with a display device of the present invention.
`Consequently, another object of the present invention
`is to provide a hand-held display device for use with a
`computer to display a complete or a determined part of a
`screen image in a proper size with regard to the current
`needs or requirements of a user.
`Still another object of the invention is to provide a
`display device incorporated in an electronic device such as
`a mobile telephone, a PDA (Personal Digital Assistent), an
`organizer, a data terminal to display a complete or a
`determined part of a screen image in a proper size with
`regard to the current needs or requirements of a user.
`These objects are accomplished by a display device
`having movement sensitive means such as a micro gyroscope,
`strain gauge, piezo—electric, or equilibrium of force
`accelerometer etc incorporated in said display device,
`thereby being responsive to movements in the space for
`displaying the complete screen image in different magnifi—
`cations, or in different parts.
`Further, a method of displaying a complete or a de—
`termined part of a screen image in a proper size with re:
`gard to the current needs or requirements of a user is also
`SCEA Ex. 1005 Page 5
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`WO 99/18495
`provide by the invention, wherein said display device is
`activated by pressing an activation control button of said
`display device, and said display device is moved essen—
`tially in the plane of said display device, whereby differ—
`ent parts of a complete screen image are shown on said dis—
`play screen, and/or said display device is moved essen—
`tially in a direction perpendicular to the plane of said
`display device, whereby the magnification of said screen
`image is changing.
`Brief Description of the Drawings
`In order to explain the invention in more detail and
`the advantages and features of the invention a preferred
`embodiment will be described in detail below, reference be—
`ing made to the accompanying drawings,
`in which
`FIG 1 is a front View of a display device according
`to one embodiment of the present invention,
`showing a
`cutting of a complete screen image,
`FIG 2 is a schematical view of the complete screen
`image including the cutting in FIG 1, on a conventional
`CRT—device with a superimposed virtual display device
`according to the present invention,
`FIG 3
`is a View of a computer configuration provided
`with the display device according to the invention,
`rated by a user,
`FIG 4 is a front view of the display device of FIG 1,
`showing the complete screen image of FIG 2
`in a compressed
`shape, and
`FIG 5 is a front view of a mobile telephone provided
`with a display device according to the invention.
`Detailed Description of the Invention
`A display device 1 according to the present invention
`for use with an electronic device such as a mobile tele3
`phone, a PDA (Personal Digital Assistent), an organizer, a
`SCEA Ex. 1005 Page 6
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`WO 99/18495
`data terminal or a computer to display a complete or a de—
`termined part of a screen image is shown in FIG 1. Said
`display device is provided with control circuits, not shown
`in FIG 1. A display screen 2 and control buttons 3, such as
`touch control buttons, are incorporated in said display de—
`vice l and connected to said control circuits. For connec—
`tion with a computer or a network connection means 4,
`example an IR (infra red) or radio transmitter/receiver, or
`a connection cabel etc.
`is attached to the display device.
`Movement sensitive means 6 comprising a micro gyr0*
`scope, strain gauge, piezo—electric, or equilibrium of
`force accelerometer etc is incorporated in said display de—
`vice l and connected to said control circuits, said display
`device being responsive to movements in the space for dis—
`playing the complete screen image in different magnifica—
`tions, and/or different parts of a screen image.
`Power supply for the display device is provided by
`for example local batteries, sunlight power, kinetic
`energy, or the power supply of an attached computer.
`One of said control buttons 3 is an activation con—
`trol button provided for activation of said display device
`1 to be responsive for movements. Thus, said display device
`1 is activated by pressing said activation control button
`3, and then by moving said display device 1 essentially in
`the plane of said display device, different parts of a
`screen image are shown on the display screen 2.
`This is schematically illustrated in FIG 2, wherein a
`cutting 8, corresponding to the image shown on the display
`screen 2
`in FIG 1,
`is surrounded by a superimposed dashed
`virtual display device 9 corresponding to the size of the
`display device 1. When said virtual display device 9 is
`moved around on said screen image 7, different cuttings 8
`are covered. Correspondingly,
`these cuttings 8 are dis—
`played when the real display device 1 is moved in the plane
`of said display device.
`SCEA EX. 1005 Page 7
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`WO 99/18495
`As shown in FIG 3, a user 10 is moving said display
`device up and down,
`illustrated by an arrow 11, and to the
`left and right,
`illustrated by an arrow 12,
`to present
`different parts of the screen image 7.
`In a particular po—
`sition in the space the cutting 8 of the screen image 7 is
`presented on the display screen 2. Hence, it is possible
`for the user of the display device 1 to read text that does
`not actually fit into the small display screen 2, by moving
`the display device a short distance in space in the plane
`of said display device.
`By activation of said display device 1 by pressing
`said activation control button 3 and then moving said dis—
`play device back and forth, essentially in a direction per—
`pendicular to the plane of said display device,
`by an arrow 14,
`the magnification of said screen image 7
`changed or the image is zoomed. As shown in FIG 3 and in
`more detail in FIG 4, it is possible to zoom out as much as
`an overview of the complete screen image 7 is shown on the
`display device 1.
`It should be apparent that the present
`invention pro—
`vides an improved display device 1 and a method for use
`with an electronic device such as a computer 13 to display
`a complete or a determined part of a screen image 7 by
`moving said display device 1 in the space, wherein differ—
`ent parts of the screen image 7 are shown in different
`magnifications on said display screen 2. Although the
`invention has been described in conjunction with a specific
`embodiment thereof,
`this invention is susceptible of
`embodiments in different forms, with the understanding that
`the present disclosure is to be considered as an exempli—
`fication of the principles of the invention and is not
`intended to limit the invention to the specific embodiment
`For example,
`in another embodiment of the invention
`the different parts: display screen, movement sensitive
`SCEA Ex. 1005 Page 8
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`WO 99/18495
`means, control buttons, electronic circuits and/or
`connection means, of said display device can be
`incorporated as a single unit or as separate parts in an
`electronic device such as a mobile telephone, a PDA
`(Personal Digital Assistent), an organizer, data terminal,
`or a hand—held computer, wherein the operations described
`above are performed in a similar manner. Consequently,
`conventional keypad of the particular electronic device may
`comprise control buttons for the display functions of the
`invention. Further,
`these kinds of electronic devices,
`provided with a display device of the invention, can work
`as stand alone devices with no need for connection means,
`as well as devices having a connection with another
`electronic device or network.
`In a particular embodiment of the invention said dis—
`play device is incorporated in a mobile telephone unit pro—
`viding both computer and telephone facilities,
`shown in FIG
`5. The conventional transmitter/receiver units of the
`mobile telephone may be utilized as connection means for
`connection with other electronic devices or networks.
`Different kinds of technologies can be utilized for
`the display screen 2, such as LCD (liquid crystal display),
`gas plasma, EL (electroluminescent), TFT (thin film
`transistor) etc.
`SCEA Ex. 1005 Page 9
`SCEA Ex. 1005 Page 9


`WO 99/18495
`1. A hand—held display device (1)
`for use with an
`electronic device (13)
`to display a complete or a deter—
`mined part of a screen image (7), provided with control
`circuits, a display screen (2) and control buttons (3)
`connected to said control circuits,
`c h a r'a c t e r i z e d
`by movement sensitive means
`incorporated in said display device (1) and connected to
`said control circuits, whereby said display device (1)
`responsive to movements in the space for displaying said
`screen image (7)
`in different magnifications, and/or in
`different parts (8).
`2. A display device according to claim 1,
`c h a r a c t e r i z e d
`by movement sensitive means
`comprising a micro gyroscope, strain gauge, piezo—electric,
`or equilibrium of force accelerometer.
`3. A display device according to claim 1 or 2,
`c h a r a c t e r i z e d
`by connection means
`connection with an electronic device (13) or a network.
`4. A display device according to claim 3,
`c h a r a c t e r i z e d in that said connection means
`is a light or radio transmitter/receiver, or a connection
`5. A display device according to any of the preceding
`c h a r a c t e r i z e d
`by being incorporated in
`a mobile telephone, a PDA (Personal Digital Assistent), an
`organizer, data terminal, or a hand~held computer.
`6. A display device according to any of the preceding
`c h a r a c t e r i z e d
`by an activation control
`button (3) provided for activation of said display device
`to be responsive for movements.
`SCEA Ex. 1005 Page 10
`SCEA Ex. 1005 Page 10


`W0 99/18495
`7. A display device according to any of the preceding
`claims, c h a r a c t e r i z e d
`in that said display
`screen (2)
`is an LCD—display, a gas plasma display, an EL
`(electroluminescent) display, or a TFT (thin film transis—
`tor) display.
`8. A method of displaying a complete or a determined
`(8) of a screen image (7) provided by a an electronic
`device (13) connected to a hand—held display device (1)
`according to any of the preceding claims,
`c h a r a c t e r i z e d
`by the steps of
`activating said display device (1);
`moving said display device (1) essentially in the
`plane (11,12) of said display device (1), whereby different
`parts (8) of a complete screen image (7) are shown on said
`display screen (2); and/or
`moving said display device (1) essentially in a di—
`rection (14) perpendicular to the plane of said display de—
`vice (1), whereby the magnification of said screen image
`is changing (FIG 3).
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`WO 99/18495
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`WO 99/18495
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