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`British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
`A. catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Preece. Jenny.
`Human-computer interaction 1' Jenny Preece lwith] Yvonne Rogers .
`let alr].
`Includes bibliographical references and index.
`ISBN 0A20|~62769-8
`l. Human—computer interaction.
`1. Title.
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`How to use this book
`About the Authors
`The Story of this Book and Acknowledgements
`1 What is HCI?
`Technological change: Different design needs
`The challenge of HCl
`The goals of HCI
`HC1 and its evolution
`The importance oil-1C1: Productivity
`1.6 When things go wrong
`2 Components of HCI
`HCI as interdisciplinary practice
`Disciplines contributing to HCI
`A conceptual model for I-lCI
`Designing HCI
`Interview with Terry Winograd
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`3 Cognitive Frameworks for HCI
`A cognitive perspective
`Broadening the cognitive framework
`4 Perception and Representation
`Visual perception
`Graphical representation at the interface
`5 Attention and Memory Constraints
`Focusing attention
`Memory constraints
`6 Knowledge and Mental Models
`Knowledge representation and organization
`Mental models
`The utility of mental models in HCI
`Interface Metaphors and Conceptual Models
`Verbal metaphors
`Virtual interface metaphors
`Classification of interface metaphors for applications
`Ubiquitous computing
`Conceptual models
`8 Learning in Context
`Learning as an active process
`Gaining expertise
`Psychoiogy of programming
`Collaborative and situated learning
`9 Social Aspects
`Analysing conversation
`Group communication
`Group working in context
`10 Organizational Aspects
`The nature of organizations
`The impact of information technology on organizations
`1‘- '
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`Interview with Marilyn Mantei
`. Wfififi’fi .
`AR lll Humans and Technology: Technology
`Interview with Ben Shneiderman
`1 1
`Input devices
`A sample of input issues: Keyboards
`Pointing devices
`11.4 Matching devices with work
`11.5 Matching devices with users: Input for the disabled
`11.6 Matching devices with environments of use
`11.7 Developments in input
`12 Output
`Devices and output
`Visual output
`12.3 Dynamic visualizations
`Sound output
`Speech output
`12.6 Developments in output
`Interaction Styles
`Interaction styles
`Command entry
`13.3 Menus and navigation
`Form-fills and spreadsheets
`13.5 Natural language dialogue
`13.6 Direct manipulation
`Cognitive issues in direct manipulation
`14 Designing Windowing Systems
`General issues
`Basic window components
`Common tasks in windowing systems
`Issues in windowing systems for CSCW
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`15.3 Hypertext and hypermedia
`Designing hypermedia for training in HCI
`16 Designing for Collaborative Work and Virtual
`Computer supported cooperative work
`16.2 Virtual environments and virtual reality
`16.3 Design trade-offs: An environment for learning about motion
`Interview with Roy Kalawsky
`Q Kmfix afiwafififi‘s’emfimfi
`PART W Interaction Design: Methods and he niques
`Interview with Tom Moran
`17 Principles of User-Centred Design
`The design of software systems
`Two examples of user-centred design
`The scope of human—computer system design
`18 Methods for User-Centred Design
`Soft systems methodology
`Cooperative design
`18.3 Multiview: A user-centred approach
`18.4 An HCI design approach
`19 Requirements Gathering
`Functional requirements
`19.2 Data requirements
`Usability requirements
`Relationship between requirements and usability
`20 Task Analysis
`Goals, tasks and actions
`20.2 Hierarchical task analysis
`Cognitive task analysis
`20.4 Modelling ‘how to do it’ knowledge
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` I
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`21 Structured HCI Design
`A framework for design
`21.2 Conceptual design example: Euroc'hange
`From logical to physical design: Task allocation
`Physical design
`Completing the design
`22 Envisioning Design
`Holistic design
`Sketching and metaphor
`Scenarios, storyboards and snapshots
`PART V Interaction Design: Support for designers
`Interview with Bill Verplank
`23 Supporting Design
`Supporting the design process
`Supporting designers
`Supporting design teams
`23.4 Different kinds of support
`24 Guidelines: Principles and Rules
`Principles and rules
`24.2 Where do guidelines come from?
`Evaluating guidelines
`24.4 An example of applying conflicting guidelines
`25 Standards and Metrics
`Standards and standardization
`Software standards
`HCI standards
`25.4 House style guides
`25.5 Metrics
`26 Design Rationale
`Design space analysis
`Claims analysis
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`Prototyping to support design
`Software prototyping tools
`28 Software Support
`The user interface and software tooling
`Stand-alone tools
`lntegrated environments
`Support tools for group working
`Interview with Deborah Hix
` PART VI interaction Design: Evaluation
`Interview with Brian Shackel
`29 The Role of Evaluation
`29.1 What do you want to know and why?
`29.2 When and how do you do evaluation?
`30 Usage Data: Observations, Monitoring, Users’ Opinions
`Observing users
`30.2 Verbal protocols
`Software logging
`Users’ opinions: Interviews and questionnaires
`31 Experiments and Benchmarking
`Traditional experiments
`31.2 Usability engineering
`32 Interpretive Evaluation
`Contextual inquiry
`32.2 Cooperative and participative evaluation
`33 Predictive Evaluation
`Inspection methods
`33.2 Usage simulations
`Structured expert reviewing
`33.4 Modelling: The keystroke level model
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`Solutions to Questions
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`What is HCI?
`.1 Technological change: Different design needs
`.2 The challenge of HCI
`.3 The goals of HCI
`.4 HCI and its evolution
`.5 The importance of HCI: Productivity
`.6 When things go wrong 23
`Key points 26
`Further reading 26
`Aims and objectives
`to introduce you to the study of Human—
`The aim of this chapter is
`Computer Interaction [HCI], so that after studying it you are able to:
`describe what HCI is,
`discuss and argue about why HCl is important with reference to the
`way in which technology has developed during the past thirty years,
`describe some of the goals of HCI that are concerned with improving
`productivity and designing safe systems,
`describe how HCI has evolved to ensure that the needs of different
`kinds of users are taken into account in computer system design,
`outline the quantifiable benefits of good HCI design for both individuals
`and organizations,
`describe the role of HCI in the design of safety critical systems.
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`During the past twenty years technology has advanced to such an extent
`that almost everyone comes into contact with computers in one way or
`other. Unlike in the early days of computing, when only highly skilled
`technical people used computers, nowadays the range of knowledge and
`experience of different users is very broad. So, it is important that the way in
`which people interact with computers is intuitive and clear. However,
`designing appropriate HCI
`is not always straightfonrvard, as the many
`poorly designed computer systems testify. One of the challenges of HCI
`design is to keep abreast of technological developments and to ensure that
`they are harnessed for maximum human benefit.
`The main reason why many people in the business community are
`interested in finding out about HCI is because they want to increase the
`efficiency of their staff and, hence, make more money. Another important
`factor is safety; some kinds of computer systems can endanger life if they do
`not have good HCI.
`When computers first appeared on the commercial scene in the 19505, they were
`extremely difficult to use, cumbersome and at times unpredictable. There were a
`number of reasons for this:
`a They were very large and expensive machines, so that by comparison human
`labour (that is, ‘people time‘) was an inexpensive resource.
`They were used only by technical specialists — scientists and engineers — who
`were familiar with the intricacies of off-line programming using punch cards.
`Little was known about how to make them easier to use.
`None of these conditions holds today: computers have become much less expensive,
`users come from every walk of life, and we understand a great deal more about how
`to fit the machines to people‘s needs and their work.
`Dramatic decreases in the cost of computing resources have resulted from new
`technological advances, the most significant being the development of the silicon
`chip. The ability not only to miniaturize circuits but also to pack large numbers of
`them on to tiny, individual chips paved the way for the development of powerful
`computers with large storage capacity. In less than thirty years computers changed
`from being huge machines housed in large. air-conditioned rooms to much smaller
`machines, including some that can easily be carried around by children. Computers
`have also become more reliable and today’s machines do not suffer from overheating
`like their ancestors. Computing has entered a new era and is becoming ubiquitous.
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`that almost everyone comes into contact with computers in one way or
`other. Unlike in the early days of computing, when only highly skilled
`technical people used computers, nowadays the range of knowledge and
`experience of different users is very broad. So, it is important that the way in
`which people interact with computers is intuitive and clear. However,
`designing appropriate HCl
`is not always straightforward, as the many
`poorly designed computer systems testify. One of the challenges of HCl
`design is to keep abreast of technological developments and to ensure that
`they are harnessed for maximum human benefit.
`The main reason why many people in the business community are
`interested in finding out about HCl is because they want to increase the
`efficiency of their staff and, hence, make more money. Another important
`factor is safety; some kinds of computer systems can endanger life if they do
`not have good HCl.
`When computers first appeared on the commercial scene in the 19505, they were
`extremely difficult to use, cumbersome and at times unpredictable. There were a
`number of reasons for this:
`a They were very large and expensive machines, so that by comparison human
`labour (that is, ‘people time’) was an inexpensive resource.
`I They were used only by technical specialists — scientists and engineers — who
`were familiar with the intricacies of off-line programming using punch cards.
`Little was known about how to make them easier to use.
`None of these conditions holds today: computers have become much less expensive,
`users come from every walk of life, and we understand a great deal more about how
`to fit the machines to people‘s needs and their work.
`Dramatic decreases in the cost of computing resources have resulted from new
`technological advances, the most significant being the development of the silicon
`chip. The ability not only to miniaturize circuits but also to Pack large numbers of
`them on to tiny, individual chips paved the way for the development of powerful
`computers with large storage capacity. In less than thirty years computers changed
`from being huge machines housed in large, air-conditioned rooms to much smaller
`machines, including some that can easily be carried around by children. Computers
`have also become more reliable and today's machines do not suffer from overheating
`like their ancestors. Computing has entered a new era and is becoming ubiquitous.
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`experienced programmers being the only users, people from all walks of life e
`commerce, farming, education, retailing, defence, manufacturing and entertainment
`— began using computer systems.
`These changes in the technology have opened up a wide range of new
`possibilities for the way in which computers can be used. The sheer costliness and
`time required to run programs on the early machines dictated the kinds of
`commercial application in which computers could be used. Businesses such as
`banking and accounting, with large-scale record keeping activities, were the first to
`take up computing technology. Companies that were involved in activities with 'fast‘
`cycles, such as transaction processing for airlines and retailing, could not make use
`of these machines. They were not sufficiently fast or responsive, but this is not a
`problem with modern computers.
`Computers have also found a place in many private homes. in fact, such has
`been their pervasiveness that now just about everyone, young or old, able or
`disabled, skilled or unskilled, is using or is directly affected by computers in one way
`or another.
`i 1.1 g Technological change: different design needs
`For computers to be widely accepted and used effectively they need to be well
`designed. This is not to say that all systems have to be designed to accommodate
`everyone, but that computers should be designed for the needs and capabilities of
`the people for whom they are intended. Ultimately, users should not even have to
`think about the intricacies of how to use a computer. Just as knowledge of how the
`actual mechanics of steering an automobile is transmitted from the steering wheel to
`the wheels is of little concern to most motorists, so too should knowledge of the
`internal workings of a computer be of little consequence to its users. However, just as
`the shape and position of the steering wheel and its effect when turned has an
`enormous impact on the driver, so too will the design of the computer system have
`an effect on its user. The format of the input and the style of feedback affect the
`success with which any artefact is used.
`Donald Norman (1988, 1992), author of The Psychology of Everyday Things,
`and Turn Signals are the Facial Expressions of Automobiles, catalogues many
`examples of everyday things that do not present a clear and obvious image to their
`users. if you think about the complexity of most computer systems you can see that
`the potential for poorly designed l-ICI is very high. However, Norman identifies two
`key principles that help to ensure good HCl: visibility and affordance. Controls
`need to be visible, with good mapping with their effects, and their design should also
`suggest (that is, afford) their functionality. Box 1.1 contains more information about
`visibility and affordance.
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`In cars things are generally visible. There are good mappings between the controls
`and their effects, between the driver's goals and needs and the functions available.
`A control often has just one function. There is good feedback and the system is
`In general,
`the relationships between the user‘s goals,
`required actions and the results are sensible, meaningful and not arbitrary. With
`many video recorders, however, there is no visible structure. Mappings between
`controls and their effects are arbitrary, there is no correspondence between the
`user’s goals and the buttons and displays that make up the interface. Several of
`the controls have multiple functions. There is very poor feedback, so a user is
`often unsure whether the desired result has been obtained. In general, the system
`is not easily understandable.
`Norman (1992, p. 19) defines affordance as a ‘technical term that refers to
`the properties of objects , what sorts of operations and manipulations can be
`done to a particular object”. Doors, for example, afford opening, whereas a chair
`affords support. Affordances play a large part in the design of objects but what is
`important is ‘perceived affordance’ r what a person thinks can be done with the
`object. For example, does the design of the door suggest that it should be pushed
`open or pulled? Unfortunately, aesthetics sometimes conflict with good affordance
`and the appearance of the object takes precedence over its use.
`The management of British Rail were trying to decide which material to use for a
`partition on one of their platforms. Should it be glass or very thin plywood? Both
`were about the same cost. Thinking that glass would be the more attractive, they
`selected toughened glass. However, even toughened glass was not strong enough
`to deter the vandals in that area, and after replacing the smashed glass twice they
`eventually opted for the piywood. Although no stronger, the plywood remained
`intact but there were other problems. Can you think what they were? What kind of
`actions did the glass afford and what did the plywood afford?
`Within a very short time the plywood was covered with all kinds of graffiti,
`but despite being thin it was not smashed. The glass afforded smashng and
`the plywood afforded drawing and writing. Section 13.7 discusses
`affordance in more detail and contains more examples.
`Visibility and affordance, therefore, are very important principles in HCI
`design. (See Norman (1988, 1992) for further examples.)
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`They also need to consider the interaction that goes on between users and a
`computer system. During the technology explosion of the 19705 the notion of the
`user interface, also known as the Man—Machine Interface (MMI), became a
`general concern to both system designers and researchers. Moran defined this term
`as ‘those aspects of the system that the user comes in contact with’ (1981, p. 4),
`which in turn means ‘an input language for the user, an output language for the
`machine, and a protocol for interaction’ (Chi, 1985, p. 671).
`Computer companies became aware that if they could somehow improve the
`physical aspects of the user interface they would stand a better chance of being
`successful in the market-place. To exploit this new dimension, a greatly overused
`cliche evolved — calling a system 'user—friendly’. In practice, this often simply meant
`tidying up the screen displays to make them more aesthetically pleasing. While this was
`an improvement on earlier interfaces (which wasn't that difficult) , many companies —
`unfortunately— used the term simply as a marketing ploy, paying lip service to the real
`issues surrounding HCI. Most systems Were still not designed to match users’ needs and
`still required users to cope with what seemed more like 'user—hostile'
`Academic researchers, in contrast, were concerned about how the use of computers
`might enrich the work and personal lives of people. In particular, they focused on the
`capabilities and limitations of human users, that is, understanding the ‘people side' of
`the interaction with computer systems. At that time this primarily meant understanding
`people's psychological processes when interacting with computers. However, as the
`field began to develop it soon became clear that other aspects impinge on users and
`that these, too, should be included. For example, training issues, working practices,
`management and organizational issues and health hazards are all important factors
`contributing to the success or failure of using computer systems.
`The term human—computer interaction (HCI) was adopted in the mid-19805
`as a means of describing this new field of study. This term acknowledged that the
`focus of interest was broader than just the design of the interface and was concerned
`with all those aspects that relate to the interaction between users and computers.
`Also, unlike the term man—machine studies, it did not imply gender bias. Although
`there are still no currently agreed definitions of HCI,
`the following definition
`embodies the spirit at that time: ‘[a] set of processes, dialogues, and actions through
`which a human user employs and interacts with a computer' (Baecker and Buxton,
`1987, p. 40). A more recent and broader characterization is provided by the
`following definition: ‘human—computer interaction is a discipline concerned with
`the design, evaluation and implementation of interactive computing systems for
`human use and with the study of major phenomena surrounding them’
`SIGCHI, 1992, p. 6).
`Question 1.1
`What is the difference between the tenns ‘user interface” and ‘ human—computer
`interaction' ?
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`Input devices 212
`11.2 A sample of Input Issues: Keyboards 214
`11.3 Pointing devIces 217
`1 1.4 Matching devIces wIth work 221
`11.5 Matching devices with users: Input for the disabled 224
`11.6 Matching devices with environments of use 227
`11.7 Developments in input 230
`Key points 235
`Further reading 236
`Aims and objectives
`The aim of this chapter is to introduce you to various kinds of input devices
`and discuss some of the factors that need to be considered when selecting
`an input device. After studying this chapter you should be able to:
`discuss the properties of different input devices in relation to different
`design needs,
`apply your understanding of user, work and environment characteristics
`to select appropriate input devices and techniques,
`envision the design impacts of emerging input technologies.
`Environmental conditions, safety hazards, the variation in tasks and their
`relationship to other work all have to be taken into account when selecting
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`characteristics like culture and gender. Knowing the scope of different
`kinds of devices is important too, because ultimately you have to match the
`technology with the user and work needs, not forgetting the work
`Input devices
`Input is concerned with recording and entering data into the computer system and
`issuing instructions to the computer.
`In order to interact with computer systems
`effectively, users must be able to communicate their intentions in such a way that the
`machine can interpret them. Therefore, we can define an input device as: a device
`that, together with appropriate software, transforms information from the user into
`data that a computer application can process.
`One of the key aims in selecting an input device and deciding how it will be
`used to control events in the system is to help users to carry out their work safely,
`effectively, efficiently and, if possible, to also make it enjoyable. The choice of input
`device should contribute as positively as possible to the usability of the system. In
`general, the most appropriate input device will be the one that:
`0 matches the physiological and psychological characteristics of users,
`training and their expertise. For example, older adults may be hampered by
`conditions such as arthritis and may be unable to type; inexperienced users may
`be unfamiliar with keyboard layout.
`is appropriate for the tasks that are to be performed. For example, a drawing task
`requires an input device that allows continuous movement; selecting an option
`from a list requires an input device that permits discrete movement.
`is suitable for the intended work and environment. For example, speech input is
`useful where there is no surface on which to put a keyboard but is unsuitable in
`noisy conditions; automatic scanning is suitable if there is a large amount of data
`to be gathered.
`Frequently the demands on the input device are conflicting, and no single optimal
`device can be identified: trade-offs usually have to be made between desirable and
`undesirable features in any given situation. Furthermore, many systems will use two
`or more input devices together, such as a keyboard and a mouse, so the devices
`must be complementary and well coordinated. This means that not only must an
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`'Dam these hooves! I hit the wrong switch again!
`Who designs these instrument panels, raccoons?’
`(© 1986 United Feature Syndicate, Inc. Reprinted by permission.)
`input device be easy to use and the form of input be straightforward, there must also
`be adequate and appropriate system feedback (Norman, 1988) to guide, reassure,
`inform and, if necessary, correct users’ errors. This feedback can take various forms.
`It can be a visual display on a screen: a piece of text appears, an icon expands into a
`window, a cursor moves across the screen or a complete change of screen
`presentation occurs. It can be auditory: an alarm warning, a spoken comment or
`some other audible clue such as the sound of keys clicking when hit. It can be tactile:
`the feel of a button being depressed, or a change in pressure, such as ‘occurs when
`using a joystick. in many cases feedback from input can be a combination of visual,
`auditory and tactile responses. For example, when selecting an icon on a screen, the
`tactile feedback from the mouse button or function keys will
`tell users that they
`instructed the system to activate the icon. Simultaneously, visual feedback will show
`the icon changing shape on the screen. This is coordinated with the sound of the
`button clicking or the feel of the key resisting further pressure. in this chapter the
`various types of device are discussed in terms of their common characteristics and
`the factors that need to be considered when selecting an input device. In Chapter 12
`we return to the issue of feedback.
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`Figure 11.5 Touch screen (photographed in Milton Keynes central library).
`Touch screens
`Touch displays allow the user to input information into the computer simply by
`touching an appropriate part of the screen or a touch—sensitive pad near to the
`screen. In this way the screen of the computer becomes a bidirectional instrument in
`that it both receives information from a user and displays output from a system. Using
`appropriate software, different parts of a screen can represent different responses as
`different displays are presented to a user. For example, a system giving directions to
`visitors at a large exhibition may first present an overview of the exhibition layout in
`the form of a general map. A user may then be requested to touch the hall that he
`wishes to visit and the system will present a list of exhibits. Having selected the
`exhibit of his choice by touching it, the user may then be presented with a more
`detailed map of the chosen hall.
`The advantages of touch screens, as in Figure 11.5, are that they are easy to
`learn require no extra workspace, have no moving parts and are durable. They can
`provide a very direct interaction. Ease of learning makes them ideal for domains in
`which use by a particufar user may occur only once or twice, and users cannot be
`expected to spend time learning to use the system. (in Chapters 21 and 22 you will
`he introduced to the Eurochange system in which a touch screen is used) However,
`some less favourable reports claim lack of precision high error rates, arm fatigue
`from reaching to the screen, fingers obscuring detail on the screen and screen
`smudging. A survey by Muratore (1987)
`implied that of various cursor control
`devices studied, touch screen was the fastest but least accurate. Problems with arm
`fatigue and fingers obscuring the screen can be eased by the use of a remote off-
`screen touch pad, which can be positioned horizontally. In general, touch screens
`are thought to be good for large targets and untrained users, but inappropriate for
`frequent high resolution tasks or expert users. For recent developments in touch
`screens, see Section 11.7.
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`fferingthe mostcomprehensiveaccountofthe multi—
`disciplinary field of HCl, this book illustrates-the powerful
`N _
`benefits of a user-oriented approach to the design of modern
`computer systems. It balanCes the technical and cognitive issues
`required for understanding the subtle interplay between people and
`computers, particularlyIn emerging fields like multimedia, virtual
`environments andcomputer supported cooperative work(CSCW).
`A 'uanue feature Is the mclusron of Interwews With many leading
`authorities in l-lCl, prbv‘iding personal insight into their work and
`conveyi'ngthe excitement of current research activity:
`Human-Computer Interaction is flexibly structured to allow a variety
`of learning paths for students in computer science, enginEering,
`psychology and cognitive science. Programmers and system designers
`will appreciate its emphasis on the design of interactive systems.
`The book has been developed from successful modules offered by the
`UK Open University team chaired by Jenny Preece. ljer co-authors are
`YvonneRogersofthe UniversityofSussex, Helen Sharp, David Benyon
`and Simon Holland (all at the Open” University) and Tom Carey of the
`University of Guelph, Canada
`I “ll"Hxlllllllllll2“?"lll
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`VV Addison Wesley Longman Limited
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`SCEA EX. 1011 Page 20 _
`SCEA Ex. 1011 Page 20

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