TiltType: Accelerometer-Supported Text Entry
`for Very Small Devices
`Kurt Partridge, Saurav Chatterjee,
`Vibha Sazawal, Gaetano Borriello†
`Computer Science and Engineering
`University of Washington
`Box 352350
`Seattle, WA 98195-2350 USA
`Roy Want
`Intel Research
`2200 Mission College Blvd.
`Santa Clara, CA 95052-8119
`TiltType is a novel text entry technique for mobile devices.
`To enter a character, the user tilts the device and presses one
`or more buttons. The character chosen depends on the button
`pressed, the direction of tilt, and the angle of tilt. TiltType
`consumes minimal power and requires little board space,
`making it appropriate for wristwatch-sized devices. But be-
`cause controlled tilting of one’s forearm is fatiguing, a wrist-
`watch using this technique must be easily removable from its
`wriststrap. Applications include two-way paging, text entry
`for watch computers, web browsing, numeric entry for cal-
`culator watches, and existing applications for PDAs.
`Input/output devices, interaction techniques,
`wearable computing, mobile devices, text entry, accelerome-
`ter applications, wristwatch computers.
`Among text-entry devices for the desktop, the keyboard has
`no rival. But among mobile devices, it is far from domi-
`nant. Mobile devices are small, and users type much more
`slowly on small keyboards than they do on full-sized ones
`(see [12] for one study). Some mobile devices do use a
`physical keyboard or a soft keyboard, but most PDAs also
`recognize handwriting, and most cellphones use the phone’s
`twelve-key keypad for text entry.
`Still smaller devices, such as wristwatches and small one-
`way pagers, use a different text entry technique called navi-
`gate/select. Navigate/select is nothing like a keyboard. The
`user first scrolls through a sequence of characters to find the
`desired one and then selects it. Navigate/select tends to be
`†Gaetano Borriello is jointly affiliated with Intel Research, Seattle, and
`the University of Washington.
`Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for
`personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are
`not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that
`copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy
`otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists,
`requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.
`UIST’02, October 27-30, 2002, Paris, FRANCE.
`Copyright 2002 ACM 1-58113-488-6/02/0010…$5.00.
`Figure 1: TiltType prototype for text entry. (a) Labels
`indicate characters that can be entered by tilting in that
`direction. (b) TiltType is small enough to be worn on
`the wrist. (c) Two hands are necessary for text entry.
`slow and tiresome because the user must constantly monitor
`the display during the navigation step. The widespread use
`of navigate/select among very small devices is unfortunate,
`because better text entry would benefit several applications
`including instant messaging, calendaring, web browsing, and
`general purpose computing (e.g. on the Linux Wristwatch).
`We have constructed a watch-sized text entry device called
`TiltType (see Figure 1). TiltType uniquely combines two
`kinds of input: tilting and button pressing. Tilt is particu-
`larly suited to small devices (although not limited to them)
`because tilt sensors can be compact. Button pressing pro-
`vides natural haptic and audio feedback, which tilting lacks.
`Used together, tilting and button pressing enable a greater
`expressiveness than either technique alone.
`Our prototype requires two hands to operate. Strictly speak-
`ing, one-handed text entry is possible while the device is
`strapped on a wrist. But this approach is fatiguing because
`tilting the device requires tilting the whole forearm. There-
`fore, watches that use TiltType must be easily removable
`Volume 4, Issue 2

`from the wrist. Our prototype uses Velcro, although a fin-
`ished product would probably use a more rugged locking
`To enter a character, the user either tilts the device in one of
`the eight compass directions (North, Northeast, East, etc.) or
`keeps it level. When the user presses a button, the device
`tentatively displays the character corresponding to that tilt
`direction and button.
`If the user changes the tilt direction
`while holding the button, the displayed character changes to
`the character assigned to the new tilt direction. Releasing the
`button commits the displayed character to the screen.
`Using nine tilting directions and three of TiltType’s four but-
`tons allows twenty-seven character entries. The English al-
`phabet just fits, with one entry left for a space character.
`In addition to the normal tilt angles, the device responds to
`“extreme” tilt angles that are close to vertical. Extreme tilt
`angles make more positions available for symbols of other
`languages, and allow “0” to be entered using the same but-
`tons that the other numerals use.
`The fourth button is used for backspace and other special fea-
`tures. Because backspace is a common operation, we made
`it easiest to perform, by a press and release, regardless of tilt
`angle. By using this fourth button as a shift key, the user
`accesses other character sets such as numbers and punctua-
`tion, and invokes other features such as capitalizing the next
`character and clearing the screen.
`Figure 2 shows the mapping of the most common charac-
`ters. The remaining printable ASCII characters can be en-
`tered by other tilt/button combinations. In the hope of short-
`ening learning time, we placed the letters in alphabetic order.
`The Future Work section below describes our ideas for con-
`structing an alternative mapping designed for speed.
`Figure 3 shows how TiltType maps tilt into characters. In
`Figure 3a, the user enters a “C” by pressing the upper left
`button and tilting the device forward and right for a total tilt
`of about 30 degrees. Assume for the moment that all acceler-
`ation is due to gravity. Gravity acts as a constant downward
`force ending on the surface of a sphere surrounding the ori-
`gin. Projecting the gravity vector into TiltType’s plane gives
`the point whose X and Y coordinates are reported by the ac-
`celerometer. The radial distance to the point is proportional
`to the sine of the tilt angle. The set of valid points forms a
`disc, with points on the perimeter corresponding to a full tilt
`of 90 degrees.
`Figure 3b shows the role of fixed thresholds in mapping
`the coordinate space to character cells. We chose Cartesian
`thresholds instead of radial thresholds to simplify the compu-
`tation. This approach distorts the mapping somewhat. Only
`about 15 degrees of tilt is needed to select a side character
`2) degrees is necessary to
`such as “F”, but over 21 (or 15
`Volume 4, Issue 2
`Figure 2: Mapping of positions to the most common
`characters. Special characters include the space char-
`acter, zero, and caps lock. Zero is selected by an
`extreme downward tilt (see text).
`select a corner character such as “C”. The extreme positions
`need at least 60 degrees of tilt in a side direction. The Carte-
`sian thresholds make extreme positions unreachable if a cor-
`ner is tilted too far down.
`Fixed thresholding is not the only way to map acceleration
`into characters. We tried out another approach in which the
`tilt at the time of each button press marked the center of the
`character grid. Thresholds were set relative to this point. But
`this method proved confusing. As users searched for charac-
`ters, they expected that leveling the device would select the
`character in the center position. They also expected that re-
`peated presses of the same button at the same tilt angle would
`enter the same character, whether it was in the center position
`or not. For these reasons, we implemented fixed thresholds.
`To accommodate users that prefer a slight offset to all tilts,
`we added a recalibration operation that permanently changes
`Figure 3: Characters are chosen by projecting the ac-
`celeration vector into the plane of the device and com-
`paring the projection’s coordinates to fixed thresholds.
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`the origin’s position.
`Earlier we assumed that gravity was the only force. In reality,
`additional acceleration can be externally imposed, such as
`when the user is inside a moving vehicle. We used TiltType
`on a bus and found that the error rate did increase, but text
`entry was not impossible.
`Additional acceleration also occurs when the user translates
`or rotates the device. Rapid translational acceleration can
`significantly affect the measurements. Movements over a
`large distance during normal use are unusual, but intense
`forces over a small distance can occur when the user releases
`a button. We overcome this problem by buffering the mea-
`surements and using the values recorded a few milliseconds
`before the button release takes place [1].
`Rotational acceleration does become noticeable at faster text
`entry speeds. But this effect is exaggerated in our prototype
`because the accelerometer is located in a corner of the board
`to simplify design. An accelerometer at the device’s center
`should be less affected by angular acceleration.
`We have not run controlled experiments, but we did demon-
`strate TiltType at a public open house. TiltType was well
`received. Of the fifty or so people who tried it (mostly chil-
`dren between ages eight and sixteen), all but one were able
`to enter a few characters, and many were able to enter their
`name. Initial text entry speeds were slow, but this generally
`did not appear to dampen their interest.
`We made several observations in our own use of the device.
`We tended to tilt the device well beyond the thresholds to
`avoid ambiguities at the boundary. A few degrees of differ-
`ence in the thresholds therefore did not seem to affect our
`performance. We also noticed that few errors arose from ac-
`cidentally entering extreme characters. The large difference
`in tilt angle between the extreme and normal characters made
`this unlikely.
`We found that we committed many symmetry errors in which
`the device was either tilted in the wrong direction, or tilted
`properly while the wrong button was pressed. With practice
`these errors seemed to occur less often.
`The “tentative character” visual feedback helped us learn the
`character mapping, but was difficult to see at some tilt angles.
`Not surprisingly, we found that memorizing the character po-
`sitions boosted our text entry speeds. Using only kinesthetic
`and haptic feedback, we could then enter text without having
`to look at the screen. We still needed to check for errors, but
`several characters could be checked at the same time when
`the device was examined at a normal viewing angle.
`We did not feel any fatigue from using TiltType. The lack
`of fatigue may be due to its small mass and the small range
`of muscle movements. The buttons on the prototype require
`only one newton of operating force, which makes them more
`comfortable than conventional watch buttons. As can hap-
`pen with conventional keyboards, overuse of TiltType might
`cause Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI), although we do not have
`the long-term data necessary to speculate on the nature or
`probability of injury.
`TiltType measures 4.0 cm x 3.7 cm x 1.4 cm. The dis-
`play is anchored to a printed circuit board that also houses
`an ADXL202E MEMS accelerometer, a PIC16F877 micro-
`controller, a potentiometer for adjusting the screen contrast,
`four buttons, and a connector for serial communication to
`a PC or PDA. TiltType is powered by two 3V lithium coin
`cells. The display, an Optrex DMC-50448N character LCD,
`was chosen for its small size and simple interface. Despite
`having only eight columns and two lines, it worked well for
`our conceptual evaluation. All these parts are available from
`Digikey except the accelerometer, which can be obtained di-
`rectly from Analog Devices.
`The microprocessor reads the accelerometer about twenty
`times a second. The samples are not averaged, but capaci-
`tors on the accelerometer filter out noise above 100 Hz.
`The accelerometer consumes 1.6mW with a 33% duty-cycle.
`A more sophisticated design could further reduce its awake
`time for greater power savings.
`TiltType was inspired by Unigesture [11], another text-entry
`device that uses an accelerometer. Unigesture’s goal is to
`enable one-handed text-entry on PDA or cellphone-sized de-
`vices. Unigesture does not use buttons.
`Instead, a tilt-
`ing gesture is mapped to a group of characters, and a se-
`quence of gestures is mapped to a specific word by T9-
`style dictionary lookup. Unigesture was inspired by non-
`text-entry accelerometer-based user interfaces developed by
`Rekimoto [10], Harrison et al. [3], and Levin and Yarin [7].
`Bitman [6] is a toy that also uses tilt for text-entry. However,
`it uses a simpler, navigate/select interaction technique. One
`tilt dimension is used to scroll linearly through the alphabet;
`the other is used to switch between upper and lower case.
`Other kinds of wearable keyboards have been developed for
`mobile users. The Twiddler is popular in the wearable com-
`puting community.
`It uses one-handed chording combina-
`tions of twelve buttons to enter characters. However, it is
`about the size of a stapler, which is too large for many users.
`L3’s WristPC keyboard provides a full QWERTY keyboard
`on a forearm, but is larger still.
`Some systems [2, 4] allow “virtually typing.” The user makes
`typing motions onto any surface, and the system determines
`what keys would have been pressed had there been a key-
`board present. These systems are bulkier than watches and
`do not include their own displays.
`Volume 4, Issue 2

`Some PDA touch-screen techniques, such as Graffiti™ and
`Quikwriting [9], could also work on a watch. Some adjust-
`ments would be necessary, as there is little room to carry even
`a shrunken stylus, and using one’s finger would block the dis-
`play. An interface that combined a touch-sensitive display
`with an accelerometer and buttons would be more expressive
`than TiltType, and might enable new interaction techniques.
`In another PDA input technique, Dasher [13], users choose
`a path through a scrolling field of characters whose target
`sizes are adjusted according to the probability of that char-
`acter being entered next. It would be interesting to see if an
`accelerometer could be used as a control input for Dasher.
`Other forms of text entry could be adapted for very small
`devices. Morse code is feasible, although its learning curve
`intimidates many users. A few devices (such as the Sam-
`sung Watch Phone) use speech recognition, although speech
`is sensitive to noise and non-private. Speech recognition also
`requires a relatively large amount of processing power, which
`takes its toll in either battery size or battery lifetime.
`As with other techniques, TiltType could benefit from macros
`and word completion, such as developed by POBox [8].
`Important metrics in the evaluation of any text-entry system
`are typing speed, error rates, and learning times. We plan to
`conduct user studies to measure these quantities. Data from
`these studies will also be useful in constructing a model of
`timings for moving between various positions. For example,
`pressing different buttons while in the same tilt position is
`probably faster than pressing buttons while changing tilt po-
`sitions. Changing tilt angle along one axis may be faster than
`changing it along two. Using this model, a more optimal
`keyboard mapping can be designed that maps more common
`English letter sequences onto more rapidly typed TiltType
`A trade-off exists between the number of buttons and the
`number of tilt positions. We chose four buttons because
`many watches have four buttons, and because this design fit
`the number of characters in the English language. But us-
`ing more buttons and fewer tilt angles might lead to faster
`text entry or lower error rates. We also chose two concen-
`tric zones, the normal positions and the extreme positions,
`but more concentric zones may also be possible. A general
`study modeled after those carried out for marking menus [5]
`would help clarify these tradeoffs.
`We thank our paper shepherd Ken Hinckley and the anony-
`mous reviewers for
`their helpful and detailed sugges-
`tions. We also thank James Landay, Ken Fishkin, Anthony
`LaMarca, and David Koizumi for their ideas and comments.
`Issues and
`1. W. Buxton, R. Hill, and P. Rowley.
`techniques in touch-sensitive tablet input. Computer
`Graphics, 19(3):215–224, 1985.
`2. M. Fukumoto and Y. Tonomura. Body coupled Fin-
`geRing: Wireless wearable keyboard.
`In Conference
`Proceedings on Human Factors in Computing Systems,
`pages 147–154. ACM Press, 1997.
`3. B. L. Harrison, K. P. Fishkin, A. Gujar, C. Mochon,
`and R. Want. Squeeze me, hold me, tilt me! An explo-
`ration of manipulative user interfaces.
`In Conference
`proceedings on Human Factors in computing systems,
`pages 17–24. ACM Press/Addison-Wesley Publishing
`Co., 1998.
`4. B. Howard and S. Howard. Lightglove: Wrist-worn
`virtual typing and pointing. In Proc. 5th IEEE Interna-
`tional Symposium on Wearable Computers, pages 172–
`173, 2001.
`5. G. Kurtenbach, A. Sellen, and W. Buxton. An emprical
`evaluation of some articulatory and cognitive aspects of
`’marking menus’. Journal of Human Computer Inter-
`action, 8(1), 1993.
`6. R. Kuwakubo. Bitman.
`7. G. Levin and P. Yarin. Bringing sketching tools to key-
`chain computers with an acceleration-based interface.
`In Proc. of ACM SIGCHI 99, 1998.
`8. T. Masui. POBox: An efficient text input method for
`handheld and ubiquitous computers. In Proceedings of
`the International Symposium on Handheld and Ubiqui-
`tous Computing (HUC’99), pages 289–300, 1999.
`9. K. Perlin. Quikwriting: continuous stylus-based text
`entry. In Proceedings of the 11th annual ACM Sympo-
`sium on User Interface Software and Technology, pages
`215–216. ACM Press, 1998.
`10. J. Rekimoto. Tilting operations for small screen inter-
`In Proceedings of the 9th annual ACM UIST,
`pages 167–168. ACM Press, 1996.
`11. V. Sazawal, R. Want, and G. Borriello. The unigesture
`approach: One-handed text entry for small devices. In
`MobileHCI. to appear, 2002.
`12. A. Sears, D. Revis, J. Swatski, R. Crittenden, and
`B. Shneiderman. Investigating touchscreen typing: The
`effect of keyboard size on typing speed. Behavior & In-
`formation Technology, 12(1):17–22, 1993.
`13. D. J. Ward, A. F. Blackwell, and D. J. C. MacKay.
`Dasher—a data entry interface using continuous ges-
`tures and language models. In Proceedings of the 13th
`annual ACM UIST, pages 129–137. ACM Press, 2000.
`Volume 4, Issue 2

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