`Multi‑Touch Systems that I Have Known and Loved
`Bill Buxton
`Microsoft Research
`Original: Jan. 12, 2007
`Version: June 12, 2014
`Keywords / Search Terms
`Multi‐touch, multitouch, input, interaction, touch screen, touch tablet, multi‐finger input, multi‐hand input, bi‐
`manual input, two‐handed input, multi‐person input, interactive surfaces, soft machine, hand gesture, gesture
`recognition .
` An earlier version of this page is also available in Belorussian, thanks to the translation by Martha
`Since the announcements of the iPhone and Microsoft's Surface (both in 2007), an especially large number of people have
`asked me about multi‐touch. The reason is largely because they know that I have been involved in the topic for a number
`of years. The problem is, I can't take the time to give a detailed reply to each question. So I have done the next best thing
`(I hope). That is, start compiling my would‐be answer in this document. The assumption is that ultimately it is less work to
`give one reasonable answer than many unsatisfactory ones.
`Multi‐touch technologies have a long history. To put it in perspective, my group at the University of Toronto was working
`on multi‐touch in 1984 (Lee, Buxton & Smith, 1985), the same year that the first Macintosh computer was released, and we
`were not the first. Furthermore, during the development of the iPhone, Apple was very much aware of the history of multi‐
`touch, dating at least back to 1982, and the use of the pinch gesture, dating back to 1983. This is clearly demonstrated by
`the bibliography of the PhD thesis of Wayne Westerman, co‐founder of FingerWorks, a company that Apple acquired early
`in 2005, and now an Apple employee
`Westerman, Wayne (1999). Hand Tracking,Finger Identification, and Chordic Manipulation on a Multi‐Touch Surface.
`U of Delaware PhD Dissertation: http://www.ee.udel.edu/~westerma/main.pdf
`In making this statement about their awareness of past work, I am not criticizing Westerman, the iPhone, or Apple. It is
`simply good practice and good scholarship to know the literature and do one's homework when embarking on a new
`product. What I am pointing out, however, is that "new" technologies ‐ like multi‐touch ‐ do not grow out of a vacuum.
`While marketing tends to like the "great invention" story, real innovation rarely works that way. In short, the evolution of
`multi‐touch is a text‐book example of what I call "the long‐nose of innovation."
`So, to shed some light on the back story of this particular technology, I offer this brief and incomplete summary of some of
`the landmark examples that I have been involved with, known about and/or encountered over the years. As I said, it is
`incomplete and a work in progress (so if you come back a second time, chances are there will be more and better
`information). I apologize to those that I have missed. I have erred on the side of timeliness vs thoroughness. Other work
`can be found in the references to the papers that I do include.
`Note: for those note used to searching the HCI literature, the primary portal where you can search for and download the
`relevant literature, including a great deal relating to this topic (including the citations in the Westerman thesis), is the ACM
`Digital Library: http://portal.acm.org/dl.cfm. One other relevant source of interest, should you be interested in an
`example of the kind of work that has been done studying gestures in interaction, see the thesis by Hummels:
`While not the only source on the topic by any means, it is a good example to help gauge what might be considered new or
`Please do not be shy in terms of sending me photos, updates, etc. I will do my best to integrate them.
`For more background on input, see also the incomplete draft manuscript for my book on input tools, theories and
`For more background on input devices, including touch screens and tablets, see my directory at:
`I hope this helps.
`Some Dogma
`There is a lot of confusion around touch technologies, and despite a history of over 25 years, until relatively recently
`(2007), few had heard of multi‐touch technology, much less used it. So, given how much impach it is having today, how is it
`that multi‐touch took so long to take hold?
`1. It took 30 years between when the mouse was invented by Engelbart and English in 1965 to when it became
`ubiquitous, on the release of Windows 95. Yes, a mouse was shipped commercially as early as 1968 with a
`German computer from Telefunken, and more visibly on the Xerox Star and PERQ workstations in 1982.
`Speaking personally, I used my first mouse in 1972 at the National Research Council of Canada. Yet, none of
`this made a huge dent in terms of the overal number deployed. It took 30 years to hit the tipping point. By
`that measure, multi‐touch technologies, multi‐touch got traction 5 years faster than the mouse!
`2. One of my primary axioms is: Everything is best for something and worst for something else. The trick is
`knowing what is what, for what, when, for whom, where, and most importantly, why. Those who try the
`replace the mouse play a fool’s game. The mouse is great for many things. Just not everything.The challenge
`with new input is to find devices that work together, simultaneously with the mouse (such as in the other
`hand), or things that are strong where the mouse is weak, thereby complimenting it.
`3. A single new technology, no matter how potentially useful, is seldom the cause of a product's overall
`success. As with the mouse and multi‐touch, a whole new ecosystem was required before their full potential
`could begin to be exploited.
`4. Arguably, input techniques and technologies have played second‐fiddle relative to displays, in terms of
`investment and attention. The industry seemed content to try and make a better mouse, or mouse
`replacement (such as a trackball or joystick), rather than change the overall paradigm of interaction.
`Some Framing
`I don’t have time to write a treatise, tutorial or history. What I can do is warn you about a few traps that seem to
`cloud a lot of thinking and discussion around this stuff. The approach that I will take is to draw some distinctions
`that I see as meaningful and relevant. These are largely in the form of contrasts:
`Touch‐tablets vs Touch screens: In some ways these are two extremes of a continuum. If, for example,
`you have paper graphics on your tablet, is that a display (albeit more‐or‐less static) or not? What if the
`“display” on the touch tablet is a tactile display rather than visual? There are similarities, but there are real
`differences between touch‐sensitive display surfaces, vs touch pads or tablets. It is a difference of
`directness. If you touch exactly where the thing you are interacting with is, let’s call it a touch screen or
`touch display. If your hand is touching a surface that is not overlaid on the screen, let's call it a touch
`tablet or touch pad.
`Discrete vs Continuous: The nature, or "language" of touch input is highly shaped by the type of actions
`that are used in interacting with the touch technology. The same touch technology on the same device
`can assume a very different character, depending on whether the interface depends on discrete vs
`continuous actions. For example, the most common way of working with touch screens is with direct
`finger selection of items. For example, one might be asked to "push" the graphical OK button to conclude
`a transaction on an ATM, or "tap" on the keys of a graphical keyboard in order to enter text (in this latter
`case, multi‐touch supports the ability to hold the SHIFT key down while simultaneously tapping one or
`more alphabetic keys, in order to get upper case).
`In contrast, one can also design the interaction such that control is asserted by means of continuous
`actions, or gestures, such as the lateral stroke gesture that is commonly used in photo‐viewing applications
`to enable the user to go to the next, or previous, image in a sequence, depending on the direction of the
`stroke. An example of a multi‐touch continuous gesture is the common "pinch" gesture that enables one
`to zoom in or out of an image or map, for example.
`The discrete actions are typically accompanied by graphical cues, or feedback (feedforward, actually), that
`make them self‐revealing. Some contiuous actions share this property, such as dragging the handle of a
`graphical linear potentiometer to change the speaker volume for a video, but many do not ‐ such as the
`example of flicking through photos or pinching to zoom into a map. In these cases, the user needs to
`somehow know what can be done, how to do it, and when it can be done. The point is this: with the same
`multi‐touch device on the same hardware, the nature of the experience can vary greatly depending on
`which kind of interaction is used, where, and how.
`Location Specificity: How accuratley the user has to position a touch at a particular location for a
`particular action has a significant effect on the nature of the interaction. Typing the "e" key on a graphical
`keyboard requires a rather high level of accuity, but less than selecting the gap between the second and
`third 'l" in "allleu" in order to correct the spelling to "alleleu". On the other hand, some actions, such as
`the lateral flick frequently used to go to the next or previous image in a photo viewer is far less demanding
`on where it occurs. With full‐screen viewing, for example, it can be initiated pretty much anywhere on the
`screen. How demanding touch‐screen interaction is in this regard has a significant impact on not only
`overall user experience, but also its suitability for certain applications. In general, the more precise one
`must be in terms of where the touch occurs, the more visually demanding the task is. And, the more the
`interaction demands visual attention, the less acceptable that interface is for cases where the eyes (not to
`mention the hands) should be deployed elsewhere. For example, the design of most touch screen
`controlled devices that I have seen should be illegal to use while driving an automobile, and certainly
`should not be integrated into the console. Because of its importance, let me dive into this a little bit
`As primarilly deployed today, touch‐screens are relatively uniform flat surfaces. There is no tactile
`feedback like that provided by a piano keyboad, with its the cracks between the keys, or the different
`levels of the black and white keys, or the different shapes of the knobs of your old‐school car radio, which
`"told" you ‐ through touch ‐ that you were touching the volume control, tuning knob, or preset button.
`With touch screens, yes, you may know approximately where the graphical QWERTY keyboard is
`positioned, for example, and you may know about where the comma (",") key is located, but unlike a
`traditional car radio, you cannot feel your way to its location. The absence of tactile feedback means you
`need to use your eyes. A key message that I want to convey is that this is true even with touch screens
`that provide so‐called tactile feedback. The reason is that typically only provides feedback as to what
`action was just done, not what you are about to do. For our purposes, what I am describing as missing is
`not tactile feedback, but what might be better referred to as feedforward. (In reality, what I am calling
`"feedforward" is actually still "feedback", but it is feedback for the task of finding the appropriate control,
`not activating it. This just points out that we need to have a finer granualarity in our task analysis, as well
`as the types of feedback supported). Finally, the significance and impact of all of this is amplified by the
`fact that traditional mechanical controls a persistent in their location, and therefore one can not only feel
`them, one can commit their approximate location to muscle memory, through practice. With touch screen
`interfaces, multiple controls typically appear at different times at the same location, thereby creating a
`"moded" situation which most likely reduces the potential for such motor learning in many, if not most,
`Degrees of Freedom: The richness of interaction is highly related to the richness/numbers of degrees of
`freedom (DOF), and in particular, continuous degrees of freedom, supported by the technology. The
`conventional GUI is largely based on moving around a single 2D cursor, using a mouse, for example. This
`results in 2DOF. If I am sensing the location of two fingers, I have 4DOF, and so on. When used
`appropriately, these technologies offer the potential to begin to capture the type of richness of input that
`we encounter in the everyday world, and do so in a manner that exploits the everyday skills that we have
`acquired living in it. This point is tightly related to the previous one.
`Size matters: Size largely determines what muscle groups are used, how many fingers/hands can be active
`on the surface, and what types of gestures are suited for the device.
`Orientation Matters ‐ Horizontal vs Vertical: Large touch surfaces have traditionally had problems because
`they could only sense one point of contact. So, if you rest your hand on the surface, as well as the finger
`that you want to point with, you confuse the poor thing. This tends not to occur with vertically mounted
`surfaces. Hence large electronic whiteboards frequently use single touch sensing technologies without a
`There is more to touch‐sensing than contact and position: Historically, most touch sensitive devices only
`report that the surface has been touched, and where. This is true for both single and multi touch devices.
`However, there are other aspects of touch that have been exploited in some systems, and have the
`potential to enrich the user experience:
`1. Degree of touch / pressure sensitivity: A touch surfaces that that can independently and
`continuously sense the degree of contact for each toouch point has a far higher potential for rich
`interaction. Note that I use “degree of contact” rather than pressure since frequently/usually, what
`passes for pressure is actually a side effect – as you push harder, your finger tip spreads wider over
`the point of contact, and what is actually sensed is amount/area of contact, not pressure, per se.
`Either is richer than just binary touch/no touch, but there are even subtle differences in the
`affordances of pressure vs degree.
`2. Angle of approach: A few systems have demonstrated the ability to sense the angle that the finger
`relative to the screen surface. See, for example, McAvinney's Sensor Frame, below. In effect, this
`lgives the finger the capability to function more‐or‐less as a virtual joystick at the point of contact,
`for example. It also lets the finger specify a vector that can be projected into the virtual 3D space
`behind the screen from the point of contact ‐ something that could be relevant in games or 3D
`3. Force vectors: Unlike a mouse, once in contact with the screen, the user can exploit the friction
`between the finger and the screen in order to apply various force vectors. For example, without
`moving the finger, one can apply a force along any vector parallel to the screen surface, including a
`rotational one. These techniques were described as early as 1978, as shown below, by Herot, C. &
`Weinzapfel, G. (1978). Manipulating Simulated Objects with Real‐World Gestures Using a Force and
`Position Sensitive Screen, Computer Graphics, 18(3), 195‐203.].
`Such historical examples are important reminders that it is human capability, not technology, that should
`be front and centre in our considerations. While making such capabilities accessible at reasonable costs
`may be a challenge, it is worth remembering further that the same thing was also said about multi‐touch.
`Furthermore, note that multi‐touch dates from about the same time as these other touch innovations.
`Size matters II: The ability of to sense the size of the area being touched can be as important as the size of
`the touch surface. See the Synaptics example, below, where the device can sense the difference between
`the touch of a finger (small) vs that of the cheek (large area), so that, for example, you can answer the
`phone by holding it to the cheek.
`Single‐finger vs multi‐finger: Although multi‐touch has been known since at least 1982, the vast majority
`of touch surfaces deployed are single touch. If you can only manipulate one point, regardless of with a
`mouse, touch screen, joystick, trackball, etc., you are restricted to the gestural vocabulary of a fruit fly. We
`were given multiple limbs for a reason. It is nice to be able to take advantage of them.
`Multi‐point vs multi‐touch: It is really important in thinking about the kinds of gestures and interactive
`techniques used if it is peculiar to the technology or not. Many, if not most, of the so‐called “multi‐touch”
`techniques that I have seen, are actually “multi‐point”. Think of it this way: you don’t think of yourself of
`using a different technique in operating your laptop just because you are using the track pad on your
`laptop (a single‐touch device) instead of your mouse. Double clicking, dragging, or working pull‐down
`menus, for example, are the same interaction technique, independent of whether a touch pad, trackball,
`mouse, joystick or touch screen are used.
`Multi‐hand vs multi‐finger: For much of this space, the control can not only come from different fingers or
`different devices, but different hands working on the same or different devices. A lot of this depends on
`the scale of the input device. Here is my analogy to explain this, again referring back to the traditional GUI.
`I can point at an icon with my mouse, click down, drag it, then release the button to drop it. Or, I can point
`with my mouse, and use a foot pedal to do the clicking. It is the same dragging technique, even though it is
`split over two limbs and two devices. So a lot of the history here comes from a tradition that goes far
`beyond just multi‐touch.
`Multi‐person vs multi‐touch: If two points are being sensed, for example, it makes a huge difference if
`they are two fingers of the same hand from one user vs one finger from the right hand of each of two
`different users. With most multi‐touch techniques, you do not want two cursors, for example (despite that
`being one of the first thing people seem to do). But with two people working on the same surface, this
`may be exactly what you do want. And, insofar as multi‐touch technologies are concerned, it may be
`valuable to be able to sense which person that touch comes from, such as can be done by the Diamond
`Touch system from MERL (see below).
`Points vs Gesture: Much of the early relevant work, such as Krueger (see below) has to do with sensing
`the pose (and its dynamics) of the hand, for example, as well as position. That means it goes way beyond
`the task of sensing multiple points.
`Stylus and/or finger: Some people speak as if one must make a choice between stylus vs finger. It
`certainly is the case that many stylus systems will not work with a finger, but many touch sensors work
`with a stylus or finger. It need not be an either or question (although that might be the correct decision –
`it depends on the context and design). But any user of the Palm Pilot knows that there is the potential to
`use either. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses. Just keep this in mind: if the finger was the
`ultimate device, why didn’t Picasso and Rembrandt restrict themselves to finger painting? On the other
`hand, if you want to sense the temperature of water, your finger is a better tool than your pencil.
`Hands and fingers vs Objects: The stylus is just one object that might be used in multi‐point interaction.
`Some multi‐point / multi‐touch systems can not only sense various different objects on them, but what
`object it is, where it is, and what its orientation is. See Andy Wilson’s work, below, for example. And, the
`objects, stylus or otherwise, may or may not be used in conjunction and simultaneously with fingers.
`Different vs The Same: When is something the same, different or obvious? In one way, the answer
`depends on if you are a user, programmer, scientist or lawyer. From the perspective of the user interface
`literature, I can make three points that would be known and assumed by anyone skilled in the art:
`1. Device‐Independent Graphics: This states that the same technique implemented with an alternative
`input device is still the same technique. For example, you can work your GUI with a stylus, touch
`screen, mouse, joystick, touchpad, or trackball, and one would still consider techniques such as
`double‐clicking, dragging, dialogue boxes as being “the same” technique;
`2. The Interchange of devices is not neutral from the perspective of the user: While the skill of using a
`GUI with a mouse transfers to using a touchpad, and the user will consider the interface as using the
`same techniques, nevertheless, the various devices have their own idiomatic strengths and
`weaknesses. So, while the user will consider the techniques the “same”, their performance (speed,
`accuracy, comfort, preference, etc.) will be different from device to device. Hence, the interactive
`experience is not the same from device to device, despite using the same techniques. Consequently,
`it is the norm for users and researchers alike to swap one device for another to control a particular
`3. Feedback: The presence or absence of graphical feedback, or the design of the feedback,
`accompanying that same action, with the same effect, can result in a very different experience or
`interaction language. For example, with finger gestures, one might leave some kind of temporary
`ink trail during the action, like the cloud trail of a jet plane, for example. Furthermore, leaving a
`different trail depending on if one or two fingers are used in the gesture, may be useful in imprinting
`upon the user, that that same gesture means two different things, depending on the number of
`fingers. Despite the functional effect of the action being identical, with or without the feedback, the
`effect of the interface design can be significantly different. The reason is that design is not just
`about individual actions, but other things, such as learning, as well.
`If you take the complete set of all of the possible variations of all of the above alternatives into consideration,
`the range is so diverse that I am inclined to say that anyone who describes something as having a touch‐screen
`interface, and leaves it at that, is probably unqualified to discuss the topic. Okay, I am over‐stating. But just
`perhaps. The term "touch screen interface" can mean so many things that, in effect, it means very little, or
`nothing, in terms of the subtle nuances that define the essence of the interaction, user experience, or
`appropriateness of the design for the task, user, or context. One of my purposes for preparing this page is to
`help raise the level of discourse, so that we can avoid apple‐bannana type comparisons, and discuss this topic at
`a level that is worthy of its importance. And, having made such a lofty claim, I also state clearly that I don't yet
`understand it all, still get it wrong, and still have people correct me. But on the other hand, the more explicit we
`can be in terms of specifics, language and meaningful dimensions of differentiation, the bigger the opportunity
`for such learnig to happen. That is all that one can hope for.
`Some Attributes
`As I stated above, my general rule is that everything is best for something and worst for something else. The
`more diverse the population is, the places and contexts where they interact, and the nature of the information
`that they are passing back in forth in those interactions, the more there is room for technologies tailored to the
`idiosyncrasies of those tasks.
`The potential problem with this, is that it can lead to us having to carry around a collection of devices, each with
`a distinct purpose, and consequently, a distinct style of interaction. This has the potential of getting out of hand
`and our becoming overwhelmed by a proliferation of gadgets – gadgets that are on their own are simple and
`effective, but collectively do little to reduce the complexity of functioning in the world. Yet, traditionally our
`better tools have followed this approach. Just think of the different knives in your kitchen, or screwdrivers in
`your workshop. Yes there are a great number of them, but they are the “right ones”, leading to an interesting
`variation on an old theme, namely, “more is less”, i.e., more (of the right) technology results is less (not more)
`complexity. But there are no guarantees here.
`What touch screen based “soft machines” offer is the opposite alternative, “less is more”. Less, but more
`generally applicable technology results in less overall complexity. Hence, there is the prospect of the multi‐touch
`soft machine becoming a kind of chameleon that provides a single device that can transform itself into whatever
`interface that is appropriate for the specific task at hand. The risk here is a kind of "jack of all trades, master of
`nothing" compromise.
`One path offered by touch‐screen driven appliances is this: instead of making a device with different buttons and
`dials mounted on it, soft machines just draw a picture of the devices, and let you interact with them. So, ideally,
`you get far more flexibility out of a single device. Sometimes, this can be really good. It can be especially good if,
`like physical devices, you can touch or operate more than one button, or virtual device at a time. For an example
`of where using more than one button or device at a time is important in the physical world, just think of having
`to type without being able to push the SHIFT key at the same time as the character that you want to appear in
`upper case. There are a number of cases where this can be of use in touch interfaces.
`Likewise, multi‐touch greatly expands the types of gestures that we can use in interaction. We can go beyond
`simple pointing, button pushing and dragging that has dominated our interaction with computers in the past.
`The best way that I can relate this to the everyday world is to have you imagine eating Chinese food with only
`one chopstick, trying to pinch someone with only one fingertip, or giving someone a hug with – again – the tip of
`one finger or a mouse. In terms of pointing devices like mice and joysticks are concerned, we do everything by
`manipulating just one point around the screen – something that gives us the gestural vocabulary of a fruit fly.
`One suspects that we can not only do better, but as users, deserve better. Multi‐touch is one approach to
`accomplishing this – but by no means the only one, or even the best. (How can it be, when I keep saying,
`everything is best for something, but worst for something else).
`There is no Free Lunch.
`Feelings: The adaptability of touch screens in general, and multi‐touch screens especially comes at a price.
`Besides the potential accumulation of complexity in a single device, the main source of the downside
`stems from the fact that you are interacting with a picture of the ideal device, rather than the ideal device
`itself. While this may still enable certain skills from the specialized physical device transfer to operating the
`virtual one, it is simply not the same. Anyone who has typed on a graphical QWERTY keyboard knows this.
`User interfaces are about look and feel. The following is a graphic illustration of how this generally should
`be written when discussing most touch‐screen based systems:
`Look and Feel
`Kind of ironic, given that they are "touch" screens. So let's look at some of the consequences in our next
`If you are blind you are simply out of luck. p.s., we are all blind at times ‐ such as when lights are out, or
`our eyes are occupied elsewhere – such as on the road). On their own, soft touch screen interfaces are
`nearly all “eyes on”. You cannot “touch type”, so to speak, while your eyes are occupied elsewhere (one
`exception is so‐called “heads‐up” touch entry using single stroke gestures such as Graffiti that are location
`independent). If the interface for your MP3 player uses touch‐screen finger‐activated graphical tape‐
`recorder type controls, you cannot Start, Stop, or Pause, for example, eyes free. Unlike older mechanical
`controls, you can't "fee" the touch‐screen buttons, so you must first take it out of your
`pocket/purse/briefcase before you can do what you want. Likewise, unless that device also supports
`speech recognition, you risk a serious accident if you operate it while driving. Yes, you could use some
`gesture‐based control technique, which could reduce or eliminate the visual demands of the task, and this
`could be useful in many cases; however, when driving, this would still divert the hands from the wheel,
`and is still a dubious design solution.
` Handhelds that rely on touch screens for input virtually all require two hands to operate: one to hold the device
`and the other to operate it. Thus, operating them generally requires both eyes and both hands.
` Your finger is not transparent: The smaller the touch screen the more the finger(s) obscure what is being pointed
`at. Fingers do not shrink in the same way that chips and displays do. That is one reason a stylus is sometimes of
`value: it is a proxy for the finger that is very skinny, and therefore does not obscure the screen.
` There is a reason we don’t rely on finger painting: Even on large surfaces, writing or drawing with the finger is
`generally not as effective as it is with a brush or stylus. On small format devices it is virtually useless to try and take
`notes or make drawings using a finger rather than a stylus. If one supports good digital ink and an appropriate
`stylus and design, one can take notes about as fluently as one can with paper. Note taking/scribble functions are
`notably absent from virtually all finger‐only touch devices.
` Sunshine: We have all suffered trying to read the colour LCD display on our MP3 player, mobile phone and digital
`camera when we are outside in the sun. At least with these devices, there are mechanical controls for some
`functions. For example, even if you can’t see what is on the screen, you can still point the camera in the
`appropriate direction and push the shutter button. With interfaces that rely exclusively on touch screens, this is
`not the case. Unless the device has an outstanding reflective display, the device risks being unusable in bright
`Does this property make touch‐devices a bad thing? No, not at all. It just means that they are distinct devices with their
`own set of strengths and weaknesses. The ability to completely reconfigure the interface on the fly (so‐called “soft
`interfaces”) has been long known, respected and exploited. But there is no free lunch and no general panacea. As I have
`said, everything is best for something and worst for something else. Understanding and weighing the relative implications
`on use of such properties is necessary in order to make an informed decision. The problem is that most people, especially
`consumers (but including too many designers) do not have enough experience to understand many of these issues. This is
`an area where we could all use some additional work. Hopefully some of what I have written here will help.
`An Incomplete Roughly Annotated Chronology of Multi‑Touch and Related Work
`In the beginning .... Typing & N‐Key Rollover (IBM and others).