`United States Patent
`[11] Patent Number:
`Dugan, Jr.
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Mar. 12, 1996
`4/1992 Gabor .................................... .. 395/131
`s/1993 Needle et al.
`9/1993 Yanker ..... ..... .
`.. ... 395/131
`12/1994 Andrew etal. .
`. 395/161X
`6/1995 Maeda ..................................... 395/161
`IBM Publication SH20—5621—O4 entitled “Graphics Pro-
`gram Generator” Program Reference, Feb. 1990.
`Primary Examiner—Rayrn0nd J. Bayerl
`Attorney, Agent, or Fz'rm——-William A. Kinnaman, Jr.
`Methods and apparatus for aiding the user of graphics
`systems to visibly distinguish areas (images) on a display
`screen generated from raster data from areas on the same
`screen generated from vector data. An example of where the
`invention may be applied is in graphical systems in which
`geographic information is displayed with the graphic data
`being made up of both vector data (such as a set of points
`defining a road input to the system by the user via a
`digitizing tablet) and raster data (such as a photo image of
`the same road that is digitized via a scarmer). The brightness
`of each data type (vector or raster) image being displayed
`may be modified by the user. In one embodiment of the
`invention, in response to user interaction with the system,
`the brightness of the raster data, the vector data, or both (and
`hence their images once displayed), may be modified by
`adjusting entries in color tables (or specific entries of a
`single color table) maintained for each data type. By chang-
`ing the color specification entries in the color table(s), the
`vector and raster data subsequently output to a display can
`be distinguished based on the shift in brightness of the image
`appearing on the screen in response to the user action.
`36 Claims, 9 Drawing Sheets
`Inventor: Robert F. Dugan, Jr., Kingston, N.Y.
`International Business Machines
`Corporation, Annonk, N.Y.
`Appl. No.: 474,526
`Jun. 7, 1995
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Continuation of Ser. No. 932,865, Aug. 20, 1992, aban-
`[5 8]
`Int. Cl.5 ............................. .. G06T 5/00; GO9G 5/O6;
`GO9G 5/10
`U.S. Cl.
`........................ .. 395/132; 395/131; 395/161;
`345/199; 345/147; 345/153
`Field of Search ................................... .. 395/132, 131,
`395/161, 143, 135; 345/199, 153, 135,
`147, 115, 113
`References Cited
`........................ .. 364/900
`7/1984 Irnsand et al.
`2/1987 Wiedenman et al.
`4,716,546 12/1987 Beausoleil et a1.
`2/1989 Burke et al.
`. .. .
`. . . .. 340/744
`3/1989 Lumelsky
`8/1989 Takashirna .. . . ... ..
`. .... 345/199
`4,965,574 10/1990 Fukushima et al.
`................ 345/147 X
`2/1991 Schneyderberg Van Der Zon . 395/161
`Run GIS
`Inputs RASTER
`Data Uslng a Scanner.
`Camera, or other
`Input Devlce.
`User Inputs VECTOR
`Data Using a Mouse
`Dlgitlzer or other
`Input Device.
`to Allocate Fixed Number
`to Allocate Fixed Number
`of Color Lookup Tabla
`at Color Lookup Table
`Slots for VECTOR Data.
`Slots for RASTER Data-
`Dlspluy over lapping
`Date on the Screen.
`Two Silder Bars on the Screen.
`One controls Brightness of
`Vector Data. One Controls
`Brightness of Raster Date,
`User Adjusts Slider Burs to
`Suit Vlewlng Needs.
`To Concentrate on VECTOR
`Data Sllde Vector Bar
`Brighter and Raster Bar
`To Concentrate on RASTER
`Doro Slide Raster Bar to
`Brlghter and Vector Bar to
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 12, 1996
`Sheet 1 of 9
`Page 2 of 22
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 12, 1996
`Sheet 2 of 9
`pmoa ART
`FIG. 2
`Page 3 of 22
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 12,1996
`Sheet 3 of 9
`VM/ 1__.4 370/390;
`398 399
`- 5080
`. PS/2
`. 3277-GA
`- 3270 PC/AT-3005
`FIG. 3
`Page 4 of 22
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 12, 1996
`Sheet 4 of 9
`FIG. 4
`draw_ image
`(the Image)
`(SLOT 250)
`drow_|ine (0,0,|OO,|OO)
`draw- point
`(90, 90)
`FIG. 7
`Page 5 of 22
`Page 6 of 22
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 12, 1996
`Sheet 6 of9
`FIG. 6
`Page 7 of 22
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 12, 1996
`Sheet 7 of 9
`Page 8 of 22
`U.S. Patent
`Dian 12,1996
`Sheet8 0f9
`Initial Position of Slider
`Bar at Middle of Slider Slot
`— /
`Slider ear’
`Slider Slot
`User Offsets Slider Bar
`from Normal Position
`Calculate Offset from
`Normal Position
`If Offset is towards DIMMER
`side then Make all Colors
` Dimmer.
`Allocated to this Slider Bar
`If Offset is towards BRIGHTER
`side then Make all Colors
`Allocated to this Slider Bar
` B
`FIG. 9
`Page 9 of 22
`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 12, 1996
`Sheet 9 of 9
`Run ens
`inputs VECTOR
`Data Using a Mouse
`Digitizer or other
`Input Device.
`Inputs RASTER
`Data Using a Scanner,
`Camera, or other
`Input Device.
`to Allocate Fixed Number
`of Color Lookup Table
`Slots for VECTOR Data.
`to Allocate Fixed Number
`of Color Lookup Table
`Slots for RASTER Data-
`Display overlapping
`Data on the Screen.
`Two Slider Bars on the Screen.
`One controls Brightness of
`Vector Data. One Controls
`Brightness of Raster Data.
`User Adjusts Slider Bars to
`Suit Viewing Needs.
` T Concentrate on RASTER
`Dat'a Slide Raster Bar to
`Brighter and Vector Bar to
`To Concentrate on VECTOR
`Data Slide Vector Bar
`Brighter and ‘Raster Bar
`Page 10 of 22
`2. A “modeling coordinate system” is a coordinate system
`which maps out a space that can completely contain all of
`the spatial or geometric data that a user can process using a
`given modeling system, in terms of a user’s own units (e.g.,
`feet, miles, degrees, etc.).
`3. A “database coordinate system” is a coordinate system
`that accommodates the storage of data from a users model-
`ing coordinate system without the loss of accuracy.
`4. A “device coordinate system” is a coordinate system
`which maps out the available space on a given device (for
`example, a display device), into which data may be mapped.
`The data may, for example, be supplied via user interaction
`with a display device, may be mapped from (or to) a
`modeling coordinate system and/or database coordinate sys-
`tem, etc.
`5. A “vector” is a line with a starting position, length and
`6. “vector data” is defined as data consisting of lines from
`which intelligent information (e.g., length, direction, etc.),
`can be derived.
`7. A “raster” is a matrix covering the entire map in a
`8. “raster data” is defined as a type of discrete data
`consisting of points corresponding to picture elements (pix-
`els), where a database map image formed from the raster is
`a set of horizontal raster lines each made up of individual
`In present day modeling systems which are used, for
`example, for GIS, GPS, CAD and CAM applications, it is
`well known to represent geometric map data using vector
`and raster data structures.
`Such modeling systems typically operate under the con-
`trol of, or with the aid of, a digital computer. An example of
`one such system is the commercially available IBM 5080
`computer system on which the commercially available
`Graphics Program Generator
`(GPG) software may be
`executed (“IBM” is a trademark owned by the International
`Business Machines Corporation). The GPG software is
`described in IBM publication number SH20-5621-04,
`entitled “Graphics Program Generator Program Reference”,
`fourth edition, copyright 1990, hereby incorporated by ref-
`erence to describe a present day, commercially available
`system (the combination of the IBM 5080 hardware and
`GPG software) within which the invention may be applied.
`It is well known that computers that support modeling
`systems, computer graphics systems (such as the IBM
`5080), etc. may be used to process both vector data and
`raster data. The most common data structure used to repre-
`sent geometric map data is the vector, i.e., a line with a
`starting position, length and direction as defined herein-
`Vectors have no width, but may have attributes assigned
`to them. For example, in some GIS’s, vectors may have
`attributes such as street names, pipe serial numbers, etc.
`The vector data structure is the most popular geometric
`map data organization for several reasons. First, traditional
`cartographic methods use vector operations. As a result,
`there are a greater number of flexible, refined vector algo-
`rithms than there are raster processing algorithms.
`Second, many GIS users have made substantial commit-
`ments to vector data organization for geographic map data
`because of the large number of vector data bases already in
`This application is a continuation of application Ser. No.
`07/932,865, filed Aug. 20, 1992, now abandoned.
`The invention relates generally to geometric modeling
`systems that, with the aid of a digital computer, may be used
`to capture, manipulate, analyze and report data. Examples of
`such systems include geographical positioning systems
`(GPS), geographic information systems (GIS), computer
`aided design (CAD) systems and computer aided manufac-
`turing (CAM) systems.
`More particularly, the invention relates to methods and
`apparatus used in geometric modeling systems for visibly
`distinguishing areas (images) on a display screen generated
`from raster data from areas on the same screen generated
`from vector data. An example of where the invention may be
`applied is in graphical systems in which geographic infor-
`mation is displayed with the graphic data being made up of
`both vector data (such as a set of points defining a road input
`to the system by the user via a digitizing tablet) and raster
`data (such as a photo image of the same road that is digitized
`via a scarmer).
`According to the invention, the brightness of each data
`type (vector or raster) image being displayed may be modi-
`fied by the user. In one embodiment of the invention, in
`response to user interaction with the system, the brightness
`of the raster data, the vector data, or both (and hence their
`images once displayed), may be modified by adjusting
`entries in color tables (or specific entries of a single color
`table) maintained for each data type.
`By changing color specification entries in each color table
`(or the color specification of assigned data type entries
`within a single color table), the vector and raster data that is
`subsequently output to a display can be distinguished based
`on the shift in brightness of the image appearing on the
`screen in response to the aforementioned user action.
`The invention is particularly useful in situations where, in
`an exemplary application, raster data may assume any color
`in a defined color spectrum; making vector data and raster
`data indistinguishable by, for example, reassignment of
`color designations.
`The invention may also be used in computer graphic
`systems which are not geometric modeling systems per se,
`to generally support graphics processing functions.
`The following terms and phrases are used herein and
`defined as follows:
`1. A “modeling system” is a system that may be used to
`process (capture and manipulate) real world data and events,
`and process abstract data based on real world data and
`events. Examples of modeling systems include, but are not
`limited to, geographical positioning systems (GPS), geo-
`graphic information systems (GIS), computer aided design
`(CAD) systems and computer aided manufacturing (CAM)
`Page 11 of 22
`existence. In addition, many of these same users have
`invested in vector based hardware such as tablet digitizers,
`vector plotters and DVST technology.
`Still further, since a vector description is a shorthand
`notation as compared to the alternative of providing the
`coordinates of every identifiable point between the end
`points of a line, vector notation greatly reduces the amount
`of data the must be stored in a computer to describe a line.
`On the other hand, raster data structures are also very
`useful for organizing geometric map data. Features are
`stored in such a data structure in terms of their component
`points (pixels). The map image is formed from the raster; a
`set of horizontal raster lines each made of individual pixels.
`Simply stated, the raster is a matrix covering all or a portion
`of the map in the data base. Almost all modern graphics and
`automatic data capture systems use raster technology.
`Since the number of well developed vector processing
`algorithms in existence today exceed the number of raster
`processing algorithms, raster data is often converted to
`vector format for processing purposes. On the other hand,
`for display purposes, vector data is often converted to raster
`format i e., is “rasterized” for output to matrix plotters, raster
`television systems and the like.
`Display systems are well known which can accommodate
`the concurrent display of both vector and raster data. One
`example of a display system that facilitates outputting and
`displaying both vector and raster data simultaneously is
`taught by Imsand et al in U.S. Pat. No. 4,458,330.
`In the Imsand et al reference, by way of example, a raster
`television system is used as an output display device and
`vector data is converted to raster format prior to being output
`to the display device.
`Once converted to raster data, there is no way taught or
`suggested in the Imsand et al reference for the user to
`distinguish which portion of the output was generated from
`the raster data and which portion of the output was generated
`from the vector data when both data types (with the vector
`data having been converted to raster format) are simulta-
`neously viewed.
`Beausoleil et al in U.S. Pat. No. 4,716,546, teaches a
`system capable of displaying both vector and raster data on
`a display subsystem cathode ray tube. The Beausoleil et al
`reference specifically teaches a display memory orgar1iza—
`tion optimized for the writing and displaying of vectors on
`the display system where the refresh memory system is
`directed to a raster scan organization with the display being
`divided into pixels which are updated line by line.
`Once again, although capable of displaying both vector
`and raster data simultaneously,
`the user has no way of
`distinguishing whether the data being displayed was origi-
`nally vector or raster data.
`In addition to the cathode ray tube display systems taught
`in the above referenced patents in which a beam is caused to
`trace a repetitive pattern of parallel scan lines and the
`information is presented by intensity modulating the elec-
`tron beam at the appropriate points along each line (i.e., a
`raster display system), stroke written cathode ray tube
`displays are known which trace the shape of figures to be
`presented by deflection of an electron beam in a manner
`which connects a successive sequence of strokes, which may
`be straight or curved.
`Further yet, hybrid cathode ray tube displays are also
`known which include a conventional stroke vector generator
`and a conventional raster symbol generator to sequentially
`supply a CRT with a picture that includes both raster and
`stroke vector information.
`One such hybrid display system, taught by Grothe in U.S.
`Pat. No. 4,631,532, includes apparatus for superposing a
`raster symbol display and a vector symbol display on a
`single cathode ray tube. In an improvement to Grothe as set
`forth by Grothe et al in U.S. Pat. No. 4,635,050, a masking
`technique is taught in which the display is energized by the
`stroke vector signals and responds preferentially to a priority
`symbol allowing a portion of the display to be masked
`within selected regions.
`According to the Grothe et al reference, the display is
`sequentially and alternately energized by the stroke vector
`positional signals and the raster symbol character signals,
`thereby providing a display comprised of a raster symbol
`character display superimposed on a stroke vector display,
`with the raster disposed to preferentially mask stroke vector
`characters of lesser priority.
`By masking the stroke vector signal at the point of
`intersection with a raster scan line, the stroke vector display
`may be blanked in selected areas, with a raster scan option-
`ally superimposed thereon (and vice versa).
`Although the Grothe and Grothe et al references teach
`display systems which facilitate the concurrent visualization
`of vector and raster type data, there is no way of distin-
`guishing between the two data types other than to use the
`computationally intensive and hardware oriented blanking
`scheme taught in Grothe et a1 (i.e., to suppress one data type
`on a priority basis while allowing the other type to be
`displayed in instances where an overlap occurs). The blank-
`ing scheme requires special purpose hardware which is
`expensive and not easy to retrofit into systems not designed
`to support the blanking and clipping processes.
`Burke et al, in U.S. Pat. No. 4,808,988, in the context of
`describing a digital vector generator for a graphics display
`system, teaches the use of a color map to convert video data
`output to a display to a predetermined three color RGB
`(Red/Green/Blue) representation with 8 bits maximum per
`color. The color map allows a particular intensity and hue to
`be assigned sequentially to each pixel being illuminated on
`the display surface.
`The aforementioned IBM 5080 computer system is a
`commercially available example of a computer system hav-
`ing a graphics subsystem that utilizes a color map to specify
`colors for both vector and raster data being output to a
`Since many types of graphics data (such as GIS graphics
`data) consists of both vector and raster information (where
`both types of information can cover the same geographic
`region in the GIS example); it would be desirable to be able
`to visibly distinguish areas on a display screen generated
`from raster data, from areas on the same screen generated
`from vector data.
`Visually, the images of raster and vector data displayed on
`a screen do not always complement each other. Often it is
`hard to tell where an image generated from vector data
`leaves off and an image generated from raster data begins. '
`By having the capability to visually separate graphics data
`images to distinguish vector data images from raster data
`images, a user could, for example, check the accuracy of
`vector data against raster data (for instance, answer ques-
`tions like “Did the road that was digitized from a map
`actually follow the image photograph of the road?); create
`vector data using the raster data as a reference (for instance,
`digitize a road directly on a graphics screen using an image
`photograph of the road); and create a frame of reference, a
`particularly useful tool in geographic areas where there is
`not a lot of vector data (in this case raster data can provide
`an excellent frame of reference).
`Page 12 of 22
`5 ,499,325
`In view of the prior art as exemplified by the aforemen-
`tioned references, it would also be desirable to be able to
`visually separate images generated from raster data from
`images generated from vector data, on the same display
`screen, without having to use computationally intensive
`processes that consume system resources (in particular, CPU
`time), or require the use of expensive hardware to implement
`hardware oriented blanking and clipping techniques.
`Furthermore, it would be desirable to be able to provide
`a technique for visually separating images generated from
`raster data, from images generated from vector data (on the
`same display screen), which do not clip or blank out any data
`from the screen, leaving all displayed data visible while
`distinguishing the two data types.
`Still further, it would be desirable to be able to accomplish
`the aforementioned visual separation quickly and eficiently,
`in real time under user control, utilizing the existing display
`hardware configuration in a given modeling system or
`computer graphics system. In particular, it would be desir-
`able to be able to accomplish the desired visual separation
`utilizing techniques that only need to modify color table
`entries for a given data type (vector or raster data),
`response to user generated requests to change the brightness
`of a particular data type. Such techniques are easily imple-
`mented in software, are not computationally intensive and
`do not require the addition of expensive special purpose
`hardware to the underlying system.
`Accordingly, it is an object of the invention to be able to
`provide methods and apparatus for visibly distinguishing
`areas on a display screen generated from raster data (raster
`data images), from areas on the same screen generated from
`vector data (vector data images).
`It is a further object of the invention to be able to provide
`methods and apparatus for performing the aforementioned
`visual separation without having to use computationally
`intensive processes
`system processing
`resources or require the use of expensive hardware to
`implement blanking and clipping schemes.
`Furthermore, it is an object of the invention to be able to
`provide a methods and apparatus for visually separating
`images generated from raster data, from images generated
`from vector data (on the same display screen), which do not
`clip or blank out any data (i.e., suppress any displayed
`images) from the screen; as opposed to the use of techniques
`which suppress image generation to distinguish data type
`resulting in visual data loss.
`Further yet, it is an object of the invention to be able to
`provide methods and apparatus which accomplish the afore-
`mentioned visual separation quickly and efiiciently, in real
`time under user control, utilizing the existing display hard-
`ware configuration in a given modeling system or computer
`graphics system.
`A still further object of the invention is to be able to
`accomplish the desired visual separation of vector and raster
`data type images utilizing techniques that are not computa-
`tionally intensive, that are amenable to software implemen-
`tation and do not require the addition of expensive special
`purpose hardware to the host system.
`According to the invention, the aforementioned objectives
`may be achieved by using methods and apparatus which
`allow a user to control the brightness of each type of data
`image (vector and raster data images) appearing on a display
`device, via modification of the value of data type oriented
`color specification entries in the existing color table(s) in a
`given modeling or computer graphics system.
`In accordance with one embodiment of the invention, a
`method is set forth for enabling images on a display screen
`generated from raster data to be visually distinguished from
`images on the same screen generated from vector data (in the
`context of a modeling system that includes dedicated color
`table entries for specifying the color of raster data and vector
`data), comprising the steps of: (a) controlling the brightness
`of raster data images on the screen in response to a first
`control signal generated by a first control means; and (b)
`controlling the brightness of vector data images on the
`screen, in response to a second control signal generated by
`a second control means.
`According to a further aspect of the invention, the afore-
`mentioned step of controlling the brightness of raster data
`images in response to the first control signal includes the
`step of modifying all color table entries specifying the color
`of raster data in the system by a first adjustment factor.
`Likewise, the aforementioned step of controlling the bright-
`ness of vector data images in response to the second control
`signal includes the step of modifying all color table entries
`specifying the color of vector data in the system by a second
`adjustment factor.
`According to a another aspect of the invention,
`aforementioned first adjustment factor is added (subtracted)
`to the red, green and blue components of each color table
`entry specifying the color of raster data in the system to
`increase (decrease) the brightness of raster data; while the
`aforementioned second adjustment factor is added (sub-
`tracted) to the red, green and blue components of each color
`table entry specifying the color of vector data in the system
`to increase (decrease) the brightness of vector data.
`A preferred embodiment of the invention contemplates
`the aforementioned first and second adjustment factors being
`variable quantities which depend on the magnitude of the
`first and second control signals, respectively. In accordance
`with an alternate embodiment of the invention, the first and
`second adjustment factors are fixed quantities.
`Still another embodiment of the invention is directed to a
`method for distinguishing raster data display images from
`vector data display images in a modeling system in which
`both raster data and vector data display images are simul-
`taneously viewable in the same display window,
`in the
`context of a system that includes a cathode ray tube (CRT)
`having a defined display window, a color table for storing
`color specifications assigned to data to be displayed on said
`CRT (wherein each color table entry is dedicated to speci-
`fying the color intensity of either raster data or vector data),
`a color manager for modifying color table entries in
`response to user input control signals, control means for
`inputting the control signals, a graphics manager for pro-
`cessing vector commands, and an image manager for pro-
`cessing raster commands.
`the novel
`According to this aspect of the invention,
`method comprises the steps of: (a) predefining a first set of
`color table entries as vector data entries and predefining a
`second set of color table entries as raster data entries; (b)
`increasing the color intensity of the first set of color table
`entries via the color manager in response to a first control
`signal input to the color manager by the user via the control
`means; (c) decreasing the color intensity of the first set of
`color table entries via the color manager in response to a
`second control signal input to the color manager by the user
`via the control means; (d) increasing the color intensity of
`the second set of color table entries via the color manager in
`Page 13 of 22
`response to a third control signal input to the color manager
`by the user via the control means; and (e) decreasing the
`color intensity of the second set of color table entries via the
`color manager in response to a fourth control signal input to
`the color manager by the user via the control means.
`Further steps
`in the embodiment of the invention,
`described immediately hereinabove include (a) periodically
`refreshing the CRT to display vector and raster images
`corresponding to the vector and raster commands processed
`by the graphics manager and image manager; and (b)
`updating the display to adjust the brightness of display
`images starting with a refresh cycle following the color
`intensity in said color table having beenhmodified for at least
`one data type, thereby allowing a user to distinguish between
`vector data images and raster data images being displayed.
`According to a preferred embodiment of the invention,
`the methods contemplated herein are easily implementable
`in software, with a visible control in the form of a dial
`widget or slider bar appearing next to the graphic field of
`view. By changing all of the color table entries for each data
`type in response to user inputs (via the dial widget or slider
`bar), the raster and vector data can easily be distinguished as
`presented on the display screen.
`Further aspects of the invention are directed to apparatus
`for distinguishing raster data display images from vector
`data display images in a computer graphics system in which
`both raster data and vector data display images are simul-
`taneously viewable in the same display window.
`According to a preferred embodiment of the invention,
`such apparatus is incorporated into a system that includes a
`cathode ray tube (CRT) having a defined display window, a
`vector command processor and a raster command processor,
`where (in the system) a first set of color specifications are
`defined for raster type data and a second set of color
`specifications are defined for vector type data.
`The novel apparatus in the context of this system com-
`(a) color specification storage means, for storing
`color specifications assigned to data to be displayed on the
`CRT, wherein each entry stored in the color specification
`storage means is dedicated to specifying the color intensity
`of either raster data or vector data and further wherein the
`color specification storage means is initialized with the first
`and second sets of color specifications; (b) user input control
`means for inputting a user request to the system, in the form
`of at least one brightness control signal,
`to change the
`brightness of at least one type of data image displayed on the
`screen; and (c) color specification modification means, for
`modifying color specification storage means entries in
`response to the at least one brightness control signal, opera-
`tive to modify all
`the entries in the first set of color
`specifications stored in the color specification storage means
`whenever the at least one control signal indicates that the
`brightness of raster data is to be modified, and operative to
`modify all the entries in the second set of color specifications
`stored in the color specification storage means whenever the
`at least one control signal indicates that the brightness of
`vector data is to be modified.
`Still other aspects of the invention are directed to more
`general methods for selectively controlling the brightness of
`raster data images and vector data images on a display
`device in any color graphics system that includes dedicated
`color table entries for specifying the color of raster and
`vector data types.
`The invention features the ability to easily and indepen-
`dently control the brightness of raster and vector data images
`appearing on a display screen to assist a user in visually
`distinguishing between these two data types in modeling
`systems and computer graphics systems where images gen-
`erated from the two data types can be simultaneously
`As indicated hereinbefore, an example of one such system
`is the IBM 5080 running GPG software. This GIS allows
`both raster data and vector data to be placed into a frame
`buffer before generating the corresponding raster and vector
`data images on a CRT, thereby allowing both types of da