`Bruce J. Wecker <bwecker@hausfeld.com>
`Thursday, June 11, 2015 4:35 PM
`Palys, Joseph E.
`Larry Edelman; nchatterjee@orrick.com; svenkatesan@orrick.com; Modi, Naveen
`Re: Request for Initial Conference, IPR Actions 00228, 00226, 00222 and 00225
`Hello Joe
` I
` can get on. Is 2 pm pst ok? Thanks.
`Sent from my iPad
`On Jun 11, 2015, at 12:20 PM, Palys, Joseph E. <josephpalys@paulhastings.com> wrote:
`We would like to discuss your request. Please let us know if and when you are available this
`afternoon? We are generally available.
`Below is dial‐in information for the call.
`Dial‐In: 800‐308‐2601
`Passcode: 292‐551‐1996
`Joe Palys
`Counsel for Petitioner
`From: Larry Edelman [mailto:lawrence.edelman@comcast.net]
`Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2015 11:28 AM
`To: Palys, Joseph E.; Modi, Naveen
`Cc: 'Bruce J. Wecker'; nchatterjee@orrick.com; svenkatesan@orrick.com
`Subject: Request for Initial Conference, IPR Actions 00228, 00226, 00222 and 00225
`Boundary Solutions would like to schedule a conference with the Board
`regarding one matter. It intends to file a Motion to Amend claims on the
`due date set out in the scheduling order. Please let me know if CoreLogic
`has any objection to this and if you would like to discuss the matter.
`Thank you.
`Lawrence Edelman
`The Law Office of Lawrence Edelman
`130 San Aleso Avenue
`San Francisco, CA 94127
`CoreLogic Exhibit 1029
`CoreLogic, Inc. v. Boundary Solutions, Inc.
`Trial IPR2015-00228
`Page 1 of 10
`Mobile: 707 548 0448
`Fax: 415 239 5297
`This electronic mail transmission may contain confidential or privileged information. If you believe you
`have received this message in error, please notify the sender by reply transmission and delete the
`message without copying or disclosing it.
`This message is sent by a law firm and may contain information that is privileged or confidential. If you received
`this transmission in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete the message and any attachments.
`For additional information, please visit our website at
`Page 2 of 10
`Palys, Joseph E.
`Bruce J. Wecker <bwecker@hausfeld.com>
`Thursday, June 11, 2015 5:31 PM
`Modi, Naveen
`Palys, Joseph E.; Larry Edelman
`RE: Corelogic v. Boundary Solutions - IPRs
`Thanks Naveen.
`From: Modi, Naveen [mailto:naveenmodi@paulhastings.com]
`Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2015 2:30 PM
`To: Bruce J. Wecker
`Cc: Palys, Joseph E.; Larry Edelman
`Subject: Corelogic v. Boundary Solutions ‐ IPRs
`Thank you for the call earlier today, which Larry could not join. We understand that Boundary Solutions would like to
`file motions to amend in the above‐referenced IPRs. In our discussion today with you, you indicated that Boundary
`Solutions is considering amending at least some, but not all, of the claims. You indicated that you will be emailing us the
`details. We will get back to you after we receive the details.
`Naveen Modi | Partner and Global Vice Chair of Intellectual Property, Litigation Depa
`Paul Hastings LLP | 875 15th Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20005 | Direct: +1.202.551.1990
`+1.202.551.1700 | Fax: +1.202.551.0490 | naveenmodi@paulhastings.com | www.paulhastin
`This message is sent by a law firm and may contain information that is privileged or confidential. If you received
`this transmission in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete the message and any attachments.
`For additional information, please visit our website at
`Page 3 of 10
`Palys, Joseph E.
`Larry Edelman <lawrence.edelman@comcast.net>
`Friday, June 12, 2015 5:25 PM
`Modi, Naveen; Palys, Joseph E.
`'Bruce J. Wecker'; nchatterjee@orrick.com
`CoreLogic IPR Actions: Follow up
`Pursuant to your discussion yesterday with Mr. Wecker, I am providing more
`details regarding our plan to submit a motion to amend claims in the pending
`The patent owner is currently locating and retaining additional IPR counsel,
`so this information should be considered preliminary and subject to change.
`We currently expect to seek amendment of no more
`than four claims. Some of the amendments may change identical limitations in
`an identical fashion. We expect to propose only one set of substitute
`language for each amendment. A more detailed explanation should be forthcoming
`in a few days, once additional IPR counsel is retained, and has had opportunity
`to review the file.
`Please let me know if you will oppose our request for the board to allow our
`motion to amend to be filed.
`On another subject. We would like to schedule Dr. Goodchild's deposition
`during the week of July 13 or July 20. Please advise me regarding his and
`your availability for his deposition.
`Thank You.
`Lawrence Edelman
`The Law Office of Lawrence Edelman
`130 San Aleso Avenue
`San Francisco, CA 94127
`Mobile: 707 548 0448
`Fax: 415 239 5297
`This electronic mail transmission may contain confidential or privileged information. If you believe you have received
`this message in error, please notify the sender by reply transmission and delete the message without copying or
`disclosing it.
`Page 4 of 10
`Palys, Joseph E.
`Bruce J. Wecker <bwecker@hausfeld.com>
`Tuesday, June 23, 2015 5:19 PM
`Palys, Joseph E.
`Larry Edelman; Modi, Naveen; Candice P. Elder
`RE: Corelogic v. Boundary Solutions - IPRs
`Hi Joe:
`Any word on Dr. Goodchild? If we can’t get him in early/mid‐July, we may want to adjust the schedule for our
`response. Is June 29 ok for the board call re the amendment? Thanks.
`From: Palys, Joseph E. [mailto:josephpalys@paulhastings.com]
`Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 3:59 AM
`To: Bruce J. Wecker
`Cc: Larry Edelman; Modi, Naveen
`Subject: RE: Corelogic v. Boundary Solutions ‐ IPRs
`Hello Bruce,
`Larry’s email indicated that a more detailed explanation would be forthcoming and that the information was subject to
`change. At this time, we are still unclear as to the scope of the amendments sought. Nonetheless, Petitioner will not
`oppose Patent Owner seeking leave to file a motion to amend, subject to the Board’s determination on that issue. Of
`course, Petitioner reserves its rights to oppose any motion to amend filed by Patent Owner.
`Regarding Dr. Goodchild, we are checking on his availability in early July. How long do you expect to take for his
`deposition? We are planning to make him available for a day.
`From: Bruce J. Wecker [mailto:bwecker@hausfeld.com]
`Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 3:49 PM
`To: Modi, Naveen
`Cc: Palys, Joseph E.; Larry Edelman
`Subject: RE: Corelogic v. Boundary Solutions - IPRs
`Hi Naveen and Joe:
`Just checking on your response to Larry’s email. We need to know soon in order to contact the Board. If you can’t get
`Goodchild in early July, we should also discuss a schedule modification to accommodate his deposition.
`Bruce J. Wecker
`Of Counsel
`Page 5 of 10
`600 Montgomery Street
`Suite 3200
`San Francisco, CA 94111
`415-633-1907 Direct
`415-633-1908 Main
`415-358-4980 Fax
`This electronic mail transmission from Hausfeld LLP may contain confidential or privileged information. If you believe you have received this
`message in error, please notify the sender by reply transmission and delete the message without copying or disclosing it.
`From: Modi, Naveen [mailto:naveenmodi@paulhastings.com]
`Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2015 2:30 PM
`To: Bruce J. Wecker
`Cc: Palys, Joseph E.; Larry Edelman
`Subject: Corelogic v. Boundary Solutions ‐ IPRs
`Thank you for the call earlier today, which Larry could not join. We understand that Boundary Solutions would like to
`file motions to amend in the above‐referenced IPRs. In our discussion today with you, you indicated that Boundary
`Solutions is considering amending at least some, but not all, of the claims. You indicated that you will be emailing us the
`details. We will get back to you after we receive the details.
`Naveen Modi | Partner and Global Vice Chair of Intellectual Property, Litigation Depa
`Paul Hastings LLP | 875 15th Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20005 | Direct: +1.202.551.1990
`+1.202.551.1700 | Fax: +1.202.551.0490 | naveenmodi@paulhastings.com | www.paulhastin
`This message is sent by a law firm and may contain information that is privileged or confidential. If you received
`this transmission in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete the message and any attachments.
`For additional information, please visit our website at
`This message is sent by a law firm and may contain information that is privileged or confidential. If you received
`this transmission in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete the message and any attachments.
`For additional information, please visit our website at
`Page 6 of 10
`Palys, Joseph E.
`Larry Edelman <lawrence.edelman@comcast.net>
`Monday, August 10, 2015 7:01 PM
`Palys, Joseph E.
`'Bruce J. Wecker'
`RE: Date for Goodchild Deposition: FW: IPR2015-00219, IPR2015-00222,
`IPR2015-00226, and IPR2015-00228
`Joe, the dates look fine. I checked with Bruce, being mindful that you will opposed his admission, and the 11th works for
`him. I appreciate your preparing the joint notice.
`From: Palys, Joseph E. [mailto:josephpalys@paulhastings.com]
`Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 11:23 AM
`To: Larry Edelman <lawrence.edelman@comcast.net>
`Cc: Modi, Naveen <naveenmodi@paulhastings.com>; 'Bruce Wecker' <bjwecker@comcast.net>
`Subject: RE: Date for Goodchild Deposition: FW: IPR2015‐00219, IPR2015‐00222, IPR2015‐00226, and IPR2015‐00228
`Our expert is not available at that time, but is available the following week on September 11 in Seattle. Please confirm
`that date works for you.
` A
` notice to the Board needs to be filed signifying the parties agreement to move due dates 1‐3 to accommodate the
`change in schedule. If you are agreeable to the Sept. 11 date, we can prepare and file a joint notice to move the dates
`as follows:
`Due date 1: move from August 20 to September 21
`Due date 2: move from November 20 to December 21
`Due date 3: Removed from schedule based on Patent Owner's representation that no amendments will be filed
`Please know that once we agree on a date for Dr. Goodchild’s cross examination, we will likely not be able to move it
`again as he has an extremely busy schedule. In addition, as you know, we have informed the Board that we plan to
`oppose Bruce Wecker’s pro hac vice admission. Therefore, our agreement will not be contingent on Mr. Wecker taking
`the deposition of Dr. Goodchild.
`From: Larry Edelman [mailto:lawrence.edelman@comcast.net]
`Sent: Friday, August 07, 2015 8:52 PM
`To: Palys, Joseph E.
`Cc: Modi, Naveen; 'Bruce Wecker'
`Subject: Date for Goodchild Deposition: FW: IPR2015-00219, IPR2015-00222, IPR2015-00226, and IPR2015-00228
`Page 7 of 10
`Joe, just following up. Bruce Wecker will be available the last week in August or the first week of September. Do any
`days during that period match up with Dr. Goodchild’s availability? Let me know. Thanks,
`From: Larry Edelman [mailto:lawrence.edelman@comcast.net]
`Sent: Friday, July 31, 2015 12:39 PM
`To: 'Palys, Joseph E.' <josephpalys@paulhastings.com>
`Cc: 'Modi, Naveen' <naveenmodi@paulhastings.com>
`Subject: RE: IPR2015‐00219, IPR2015‐00222, IPR2015‐00226, and IPR2015‐00228
`Joe, the below correctly reflects our conversation.
`From: Palys, Joseph E. [mailto:josephpalys@paulhastings.com]
`Sent: Friday, July 31, 2015 10:55 AM
`To: Larry Edelman <lawrence.edelman@comcast.net>
`Cc: Modi, Naveen <naveenmodi@paulhastings.com>
`Subject: RE: IPR2015‐00219, IPR2015‐00222, IPR2015‐00226, and IPR2015‐00228
`Further to our discussion today on the phone, we understanding the following:
`1. Patent Owner confirms that it will not file a motion to amend in any of the above identified IPR cases.
`2. Patent Owner is not available to take the deposition of Dr. Goodchild scheduled for August 6. Petitioner will
`look into alternative dates based on Dr. Goodchild’s availability. Patent Owner agrees to pay for costs (e.g.,
`cancellation fees) resulting from the rescheduling of the deposition.
`3. The parties will work together to extend the due dates for Patent Owner’s Response and Petitioner’s Reply as
`4. Petitioner maintains its objections to the pro hac vice admission of Mr. Wecker.
`Please let us know by 5 pm ET today if you disagree with any of the foregoing representations.
`From: Larry Edelman [mailto:lawrence.edelman@comcast.net]
`Sent: Friday, July 31, 2015 2:19 AM
`To: Palys, Joseph E.
`Subject: RE: IPR2015-00219, IPR2015-00222, IPR2015-00226, and IPR2015-00228
`Joe, I need to talk to you tomorrow about the scheduling of the deposition, and other related matters. FYI, we have
`decided not to file a motion to amend, and I hope that will obviate your need to oppose Bruce’s motion for
`admission. Will call about noon your time.
`Page 8 of 10
`From: Palys, Joseph E. [mailto:josephpalys@paulhastings.com]
`Sent: Monday, July 27, 2015 1:26 PM
`To: 'trials@uspto.gov' <trials@uspto.gov>
`Cc: Modi, Naveen <naveenmodi@paulhastings.com>; Larry Edelman <lawrence.edelman@comcast.net>
`Subject: IPR2015‐00219, IPR2015‐00222, IPR2015‐00226, and IPR2015‐00228
`Petitioner would like to file an opposition to Patent Owner’s motion for pro hac vice admission of Bruce Wecker in each
`of the above identified cases. Out of an abundance of caution, Patent Owner requests the Board’s permission to file its
`opposition before the Board decides the motions. Should the Board wish to discuss this issue, counsel for both parties
`are generally available on Friday, July 31, 2015.
`Joseph Palys
`Counsel for Petitioner
`Joseph Palys | Partner, Litigation Department
`Paul Hastings LLP | 875 15th Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20005 | Direct:
`+1.202.551.1700 | Main: +1.202.551.1700 | Fax: +1.202.551.1705 |
`josephpalys@paulhastings.com | www.paulhastings.com
`Joseph Palys | Partner, Litigation Department
`Paul Hastings LLP | 875 15th Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20005 | Direct:
`+1.202.551.1700 | Main: +1.202.551.1700 | Fax: +1.202.551.1705 |
`josephpalys@paulhastings.com | www.paulhastings.com
`This message is sent by a law firm and may contain information that is privileged or confidential. If you received
`this transmission in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete the message and any attachments.
`For additional information, please visit our website at www.paulhastings.com
`This message is sent by a law firm and may contain information that is privileged or confidential. If you received
`this transmission in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete the message and any attachments.
`For additional information, please visit our website at www.paulhastings.com
`Page 9 of 10
`Palys, Joseph E.
`Bruce J. Wecker <bwecker@hausfeld.com>
`Thursday, June 18, 2015 2:46 PM
`Palys, Joseph E.
`Larry Edelman; Modi, Naveen
`RE: Corelogic v. Boundary Solutions - IPRs
`Thanks Joe. Our schedule is open the weeks of July 15 and July 22 (earlier part of the week). Also July 10 could work. I
`think one day may be enough but am checking with others.
`From: Palys, Joseph E. [mailto:josephpalys@paulhastings.com]
`Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2015 3:59 AM
`To: Bruce J. Wecker
`Cc: Larry Edelman; Modi, Naveen
`Subject: RE: Corelogic v. Boundary Solutions ‐ IPRs
`Hello Bruce,
`Larry’s email indicated that a more detailed explanation would be forthcoming and that the information was subject to
`change. At this time, we are still unclear as to the scope of the amendments sought. Nonetheless, Petitioner will not
`oppose Patent Owner seeking leave to file a motion to amend, subject to the Board’s determination on that issue. Of
`course, Petitioner reserves its rights to oppose any motion to amend filed by Patent Owner.
`Regarding Dr. Goodchild, we are checking on his availability in early July. How long do you expect to take for his
`deposition? We are planning to make him available for a day.
`From: Bruce J. Wecker [mailto:bwecker@hausfeld.com]
`Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 3:49 PM
`To: Modi, Naveen
`Cc: Palys, Joseph E.; Larry Edelman
`Subject: RE: Corelogic v. Boundary Solutions - IPRs
`Hi Naveen and Joe:
`Just checking on your response to Larry’s email. We need to know soon in order to contact the Board. If you can’t get
`Goodchild in early July, we should also discuss a schedule modification to accommodate his deposition.
`Bruce J. Wecker
`Of Counsel
`Page 10 of 10