`Paul F. Tsuchiya, Bellcore, tsuchiya@thumper.bellcore.com
`Tony Eng, MIT, tleng@athena.mit.edu
`The two most compelling problems facing the IP Internet are IP address depletion and
`scaling in routing. This paper discusses the characteristics of one of the proposed
`solutions—address reuse. The solution is to place Network Address Translators (Nat) at
`the borders of stub domains. Each Nat box has a small pool of globally unique IP
`addresses that are dynamically assigned to IP flows going through Nat. The dynamic
`assignment is coordinated with Domain Name Server operation. The IP addresses inside
`the stub domain are not globally unique—they are reused in other domains, thus solving
`the address depletion problem. The pool of IP addresses in Nat is from a subnet
`administered by the regional backbone, thus solving the scaling problem. The main
`advantage of Nat is that it can be installed without changes to any existing systems,
`although FTP will fail in some but not all cases. This paper presents a preliminary design
`for Nat, and discusses its pros and cons.
`1.0 Introduction
`The two most compelling problems facing the IP Internet are IP address depletion and scaling in routing.
`Numerous solutions have been proposed, such as increasing the size of the IP address, using completely
`flat IP addresses, changing the structure of IP addresses, and even abandoning IP and switching to OSI
`[Ch]. Unfortunately, all of these solutions require changes to routers, hosts, or both.
`Among the proposed solutions is the notion of address reuse. This solution takes advantage of the fact that
`a very small percentage of hosts in a stub domain1 are communicating outside of the domain at any given
`time. Indeed, many (if not most) hosts never communicate outside of their stub domain. Because of this, IP
`addresses inside a stub domain, that usually need not be globally unique or known externally, can be
`dynamically translated into a small pool of IP addresses that are globally unique when outside
`communications is required.
`1. A stub domain is a domain, such as a corporate network, that only handles traffic originated by or destined to hosts
`in the domain.
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`This solution has the disadvantage of taking away the end-to-end significance of an IP address, and making
`up for it with increased state in the network. There are various work-arounds that minimize the potential
`pitfalls of this. Indeed, connection-oriented protocols are essentially doing a kind of address reuse at every
`The huge advantage of this approach is that it can be installed incrementally, without changes to either
`hosts or routers2. Depending on how Nat is implemented, changes to the Domain Name System (DNS)
`server in the stub domain may be required. This solution can be implemented and experimented with
`quickly. If nothing else, this solution can serve to provide temporarily relief while other, more complex and
`far-reaching solutions are worked out.
`2.0 Overview of Nat
`The design presented in this paper is called Nat, for Network Address Translator. Nat is a box or router
`function that can be configured as shown in figure 1. The upper configurations require no host or router
`modifications. The lower configuration requires a modification to the stub border router.
`Nat’s basic operation is as follows. The addresses inside a stub domain can be reused by any other stub
`domain. At each exit point between a stub domain and backbone, Nat is installed. Each Nat box is assigned
`a small pool of globally unique IP addresses (each Nat has a separate pool). These IP addresses are
`dynamically assigned to IP “flows” going through Nat.
`For instance, in the example of figure 2, both stubs A and B internally use class A network number
` Stub A’s Nat is assigned the (subnetted) class B subnet number, and Stub B’s Nat is
`assigned the class B subnet number The class B subnets are globally unique—no other Nat
`boxes can use them.
`When stub A host wishes to exchange packets with stub B host (“al.nxb.com”), it
`sends a Domain Name System (DNS) query to the DNS in stub B (1). DNS knows that the internal address
`for “al.nxb.com” is, but let’s assume that there is no external address assigned for
`“al.nxb.com”. DNS would then send a query to Nat asking to have an address assigned (2). Nat finds an
`2. A few unusual applications may require changes, and hosts that communicate outside their domain to hosts that do
`not have permanent assignments must use DNS.
`3. If a backbone assigned subnetted portions of a class B, then it could represent multiple stubs by advertising a sin-
`gle class B address externally.
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`Stub border
`Stub border
`Nat (implemented as
`function in router)
`Stub border
`Figure 1: Nat Configurations
`unassigned address in its pool,, and returns it to DNS (3), that in turn uses this address to
`answer the original DNS query (4). Alternatively, the DNS box could not query the Nat box, but rather
`send the answer ( back towards stub A’s DNS. The Nat box would intercept the DNS answer,
`assign a temporary address (, and modify the DNS answer to return to the DNS
`server in stub A. This latter approach requires no changes to DNS, but constrains the configuration of Nat
`boxes to one clique (see section 3.4). This constraint will not affect most domains.
` then sends a packet to “al.nxb.com” with destination address When this packet
`reaches stub A’s Nat, it assigns an externally unique address ( from the pool to, and
`translates the source address of the IP header with the new address4. This packet is routed through the
`backbones to the stub B Nat, which translates the destination address of the IP header to be the internally
`known address, and the packet is sent to “al.nxb.com”. Likewise, IP packets on the return path go through
`similar address translations.
`4. Note that both the IP and TCP checksums must be modified. This does not require a complete recalculation—only
`an incremental recalculation.
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`Stub A
`addr for “al.nxb.com”?
`“al.nxb.com” =
`s =
`d =
`s =
`d =
` =
`s =
`d =
`s =
`d =
`s =
`d =
`s =
`d =
`control packets path
`IP packet path
`s = source addr
`d = dest addr
`IP packet
`Figure 2: Basic Nat Operation
`Stub B
`Notice that this requires no changes to hosts or routers. For instance, as far as the stub A host is concerned,
` is the address used by “al.nxb.com”. The address translations are completely transparent.
`Depending on whether or not the Nat box intercepts DNS packets, only the Domain Name Server may
`require modification.
`Of course, this is just a simple example. There are numerous issues to be explored. In the next section, we
`discuss various aspects of Nat.
`3.0 Various Aspects of Nat
`3.1 Address Spaces
`Partitioning of Reusable and Non-reusable Addresses
`For Nat to operate properly, it is necessary to partition the IP address space into two parts—the reusable
`addresses used internal to stub domains, and the globally unique addresses. We call the reusable address
`local addresses, and the globally unique addresses global addresses. Any given address must either be a
`local address or a global address. There is no overlap.
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`The problem with overlap is the following. Say a host in stub A wished to send packets to a host in stub B,
`but the global addresses of stub B overlapped the local addressees of stub A. In this case, the routers in stub
`A would not be able to distinguish the global address of stub B from its own local addresses, and would not
`know whether to route the packets internally or externally.
`Initial Assignment of Local and Global Addresses
`Theoretically all stubs could use the same class A address locally. However, existing stubs already have
`unique addresses assigned internally. It is difficult and takes time to change all addresses in a stub.
`Therefore, at least initially, existing address assignments should be defined as local addresses. A block of
`unassigned class B addresses should be defined as global addresses. These would be assigned to Nat boxes
`(on a subnetted basis). A single class A address should also be defined as local. This class A would be
`given to new stubs, who would be expected to install Nat when they connect to the IP Internet. Over time,
`existing stubs should install Nat and transition their existing address to the class A address. Once the
`transition was complete, the stub could give back its old addresses, which would then become global.
`One assignment strategy for global addresses goes as follows. Each regional (bottom level backbone)
`would be assigned a global class B address. The regional would then subnet the class B address among Nat
`boxes that connected to it. If, for instance, each Nat box required an average of 250 global addresses in its
`pool (not an unreasonable estimate5), then the class B address could be subnetted among 250 or so Nat
`boxes. Even if most stubs had two connections to the regional (thus requiring two Nat boxes, and two
`pools of addresses), 125 stubs could be subnetted into one class B address. The regional could then
`advertise one class B address to other backbones, rather than 125 separate addresses, as it does now. This
`would shrink current routing tables from several thousand entries to tens of entries.
`3.2 Address Assignments
`Permanent Address Assignments
`Not all address assignments made by Nat should be dynamic. Any hosts that communicate outside the stub
`frequently should be given permanent assignments. Such hosts include DNS servers, email distributors,
`and anonymous FTP repository hosts. Indeed, stubs that implement security by limiting outside
`5. During one week of measurements of external TCP conversions at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory [Pa], the largest
`number of active simultaneous TCP connections registered was 57.
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`communications to a small number of “secure” hosts do not need dynamic assignment at all. Of course, the
`DNS servers must have permanent assignments, because it is through the DNS servers that dynamically
`assigned global addresses become known.
`The global address pool (or just pool), then, is partitioned into two parts, the static pool and the dynamic
`Choosing an Assignment
`When Nat intercepts a DNS response (or receives a request from DNS for an assignment6), or when a
`packet that does not have an assignment arrives from the stub destined for the backbone, Nat must choose
`an assignment from the dynamic pool. The task of choosing an assignment from the pool can be tricky. The
`goal is to 1) minimize prematurely destroying assignments while 2) maximizing address utilization and 3)
`minimizing complexity. The primary goal is the first one, provided of course that we can make significant
`efficiency gains in address utilization over current practice.
`The simplest algorithm for choosing an assignment is to choose the address that has not been in active use
`the longest. To do this, Nat would save the time that the last packet was seen for each of its assignments.
`When a new assignment is needed, Nat chooses the one with the oldest time. We call this algorithm IP-
`based, because it bases its activity estimate purely on the timing of individual IP packets.
`The IP-based algorithm assumes (incorrectly, of course) that the usage behavior of all assignments is the
`same. For instance, it would choose the assignment for a TCP connection that has been idle for two
`minutes but never issued a close, over a TCP connection that issued a close one minute ago and has been
`idle ever since. Clearly, it would be preferable to destroy the one-minute old closed connection over the
`two-minute old open connection7. Since the IP-based algorithm does not monitor connection status, it
`cannot know this.
`If applications where a valid assignment may remain idle for long periods of time exist, then the IP-based
`algorithm must maintain a large pool to insure that the oldest assignment is not still active. (If a limited
`6. Throughout this paper, reference may be made to either the intercept method of modifying DNS packets, or explic-
`it packet exchange between DNS boxes and Nat boxes, but not both. Unless otherwise stated, it should be understood
`that either method is possible.
`7. TCP does not have a keep-alive function, so a TCP connection can remain open without exchanging packets indef-
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`number of hosts have these kinds of applications, then a possible solution would be to give these hosts
`permanent assignments.)
`An alternative approach would be an algorithm that monitors connection status and partitions assignments
`into two classes—those that have seen an end-of-connection indication and those that have not. The ended-
`connection assignments would become available for re-assignment after a relatively short idle time, say
`one minute. The open assignments would become available for re-assignment after a long idle time,
`perhaps several hours. One way to implement this would be to consider the working idle time of an ended-
`connection association to be x times the actual idle time, and then compare all idle times directly. We call
`this the connection-based algorithm.8
`It is impossible to know which assignment algorithm to use without knowing how applications behave.
`Since Nat will initially be experimental, both algorithms can be experimented with. Since each Nat box can
`independently choose it’s own algorithm, multiple algorithms can be experimented with simultaneously.
`Incorrect Assignments
`The reuse of global addresses by Nat is not explicitly coordinated with the use of addresses by hosts.
`Through DNS packets, Nat can inform a host of an assignment. However, Nat cannot inform hosts when an
`address has been re-assigned. As a result, it is entirely possible for a host A to use an address that it thinks
`is for host B, but that in fact Nat has reassigned to host C.
`Note that even without address reuse, there always exists the possibility that a host uses the wrong address.
`For instance, DNS can be incorrectly configured so that the IP address it returns does not belong to the host
`named in the query. Usually, the application protocol or the human user will discover the error. Nat,
`however, increases the probability of misdelivering packets.
`Notice that a protocol such as X.25 is basically an address reuse scheme similar in some respects to Nat. In
`this case, the X.121 address corresponds to the Domain Name, and the Virtual Circuit Identifier (VCI)
`corresponds to the assigned IP address. X.25 for all practical purposes does not have the mis-addressed
`packet problem like Nat does, because the assignment of VCIs is explicitly coordinated by all components
`on the path, including hosts. It follows, then, that the problem of mis-addressed packets in Nat is not a
`problem with address reuse per se, but a problem of the style of implementation resulting from the decision
`to keep Nat transparent to hosts.
`8. Connection-less applications can only use the IP-based algorithm
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`All cases of mis-addressed packets are the result of hosts (or DNS) caching addresses longer than Nat. This
`comes about because Nat, through the modification of DNS packets, can give a host an address to use, but
`cannot later remove it. Nat should therefore always set the Time-to-Live (TTL) in DNS packets (or
`responses to DNS queries for an assignment) to a value slightly smaller than the minimum time that Nat
`will maintain an assignment [Lo]. This of course does not prevent a host from caching the assignment for a
`longer period of time. For instance, the host may start up an application that runs for a long time, sends
`very occasional UDP packets, always using the IP address that it was originally invoked with. A small TTL
`only prevents a DNS server from storing the query beyond this time, thereby preventing it from giving the
`assignment to another host after it has expired.
`Another style of implementation, that requires changes to DNS and the involvement of DNS at both source
`and destination, but that reduces the probability of mis-addressed packets, is briefly described as follows.
`Instead of distinguishing assignments by only stub-side addresses, Nat distinguishes on both sides. In other
`words, if a packet does not have an expected source and destination address, it is dropped.
`When a host Ha wants to send packets, it queries its local DNS server Da. Rather than immediately send a
`query to the destination DNS server, Da queries the Nat box Na in its domain and gets an assignment Aa.
`This assignment is then conveyed in the query to the DNS server Db on the destination side. Db then
`conveys the address Aa to the destination Nat box Nb, which associates the source global address Aa with
`the destination global address Ab that it assigns. When Db answers the query, Da informs Na of the address
`Ab, so now both Nat boxes have both Aa and Ab associated with their assignments. As a result, hosts that
`previously used either Aa or Ab will now not be able to use them, and packets will not be mis-delivered
`(just dropped). To successfully communicate, these hosts will have to again query their DNS server.
`If a third host Hc wants to send packets to host Hb with global address Ac, DNS server Db will need to
`inform Nb of the new address Ac so that Nb will now associate both Aa and Ac with Ab. Note that if only
`one side has implemented Nat, the DNS server on the Nat side will need to query the DNS server on the
`non-Nat side to learn the expected IP address of the other side. This extra query is needed because DNS
`queries normally only carry the domain name of the query originator, not the IP address.
`This two-sided design involves more overhead and complexity than the one-sided design, and may turn out
`not to be necessary. Its inclusion in Nat is a matter for further debate and experimentation. Notice that with
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`permanent assignments, there is no possibility of mis-addressed packets, and so the two-sided technique
`has no effect there.
`3.3 Running Routing Algorithms Across Nat
`Of course, in order for Nat to be transparent to the border routers of the backbone and the stub, the border
`routers must believe that they are exchanging routing information with each other in the usual way. In
`other words, the stub border router must think that it is sending routing information about its internal
`(local) addresses to the backbone border router. Nat must intercept the routing information from the stub
`border router and replace the local address information with address information reflecting its global pool.
`However, global information that Nat receives from the stub border router must be passed through
`unchanged. Routing information from the backbone border router to Nat should always be passed through
`3.4 Multiple Nat Boxes and DNS Servers
`All of the previous descriptions assume that each stub has just one Nat box and one DNS server. However,
`each stub/backbone entry/exit point needs to have a Nat box. In many, if not most cases, an IP packet can
`potentially travel through more than one border router. For this to work in the context of Nat, every Nat
`box that might potentially handle the packets of a given connection must know the assignment.
`In addition, any given host may have multiple DNS servers (primary and backup, for instance). In what
`follows, we describe the mechanisms necessary to make multiple Nat boxes and DNS servers work.
`Need for Nat Cliques
`The Nat boxes of a stub are partitioned into one or more possibly overlapping groups, each with one or
`more Nat boxes. We call these groups Nat cliques. A Nat clique is a group of Nats such that a packet
`addressed with an assignment from one of the Nats in the clique can potentially be routed through any of
`the Nats in the clique. Therefore, the formation of a Nat clique depends on both intra-domain and inter-
`domain routing, primarily inter-domain.
`There can be many reasons why such cliques form. For instance, assume that a stub has two attachments
`each to both NSFNET and MILNET. Assume also that the addresses assigned to the Nat boxes
`corresponding to each backbone are hierarchically formed to imply routing through that backbone.
`Therefore, packets assigned by the NSFNET-attached Nats will go only through NSFNET, and packets
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`assigned by the MILNET-attached Nats will go only through MILNET. In this case, there are two Nat
`The Nats in a Nat clique are divided into two types—those that can assign and receive addresses for the
`clique, and those that only receive addresses for the clique. We call these clique-assigning Nats and clique-
`receiving Nats.9 Although it is not absolutely necessary, every Nat should be a clique-assigning Nat for at
`least some clique (for instance, for robustness in case all other Nats in a clique fail).
`The reason for having two types of Nats is as follows. Consider the previous example, but modify it so that
`it is possible to alternate route packets with the MILNET-derived assignments through NSFNET, but it is
`not possible to alternate route packets with the NSFNET-derived assignments through MILNET. In this
`case, the NSFNET Nats must be aware of the MILNET assignments, in case such packets are alternate
`routed through them, but the MILNET Nats do not need to be aware of the NSFNET Nat assignments.
`There are therefore two cliques. The “NSFNET” clique has just the two NSFNET-attached Nats, and both
`are clique-assigning Nats. The “MILNET” clique has all four Nats, but the MILNET-attached Nats are
`clique-assigning Nats, and the NSFNET-attached Nats are clique-receiving Nats.
`Operation of Nat Cliques and DNS Cliques
`Nat cliques and DNS cliques require the following configuration information. The DNS server contains a
`list for each Nat clique (in the case where interception is not being used). Within each list is the IP address
`of the clique-assigning Nats in the clique. Each Nat contains a list for each Nat clique for which it is a
`clique-assigning member. This list contains the IP address of every Nat in the clique (both clique-assigning
`and clique-receiving). Clique-assigning Nats must also contain a list for each DNS clique (in the case
`where interception is not being used). A DNS clique is a group of DNS servers that can potentially answer
`a query for the same hosts. Although it is only necessary as a configuration-correctness mechanism, each
`Nat may contain a list for each Nat clique for which it is a clique-receiving member. This list contains the
`IP address for every clique-assigning member of the clique. All of the configuration information must be
`stored in non-volatile memory (or be learnable upon booting).
`Every Nat box has one or more unique pools of global addresses from which it can make assignments. By
`not having Nat boxes share global addresses, we eliminate the need for coordination of address assignment
`9. If Nat intercepts DNS packets, then there can be only one clique, and all members of the clique must be clique-as-
`signing Nats. This is because a DNS packet can be routed through any Nat box, and so all Nat box must be prepared
`to make assignments.
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`where one Nat box has to check with others to make sure that a particular assignment can be made. This
`has the negative effect of requiring a larger pool in each Nat box than what otherwise would be necessary
`(to insure that any Nat box doesn’t run out of addresses to assign). However, the increase is not that much
`(certainly not linear with the number of Nat boxes), since assignments can be spread over the Nats in a
`The reason that a Nat box may have multiple pools is because a backbone may assign multiple address
`prefixes to a single stub for the purposes of policy routing. For instance, assume that a regional backbone is
`attached to both MILNET and NSFNET. If the regional network maintains two address prefixes, and
`advertises one of them to MILNET and the other to NSFNET, then packets with the MILNET-advertised
`address will be routed through MILNET and vice versa. By receiving multiple addresses in a query, a host
`(or user) has the power to choose the backbone network [Ts1].
`When a DNS server receives a DNS query, it sends a Nat-assignment query to one clique-assigning Nat in
`each Nat clique. It should round-robin the queries among the clique-assigning Nats in each clique to evenly
`spread the assignment load. The Nat receiving the query makes an assignment, returns the assignment to
`the DNS server, sends an assignment notification message to all DNS servers that are members of the DNS
`cliques that the requesting DNS server belongs to, and sends an assignment notification message to all of
`the Nats in its cliques indicating the new assignment. On rare occasions, the Nat receiving the query may
`have no addresses available for assignment. In this case, Nat returns a NULL assignment, and the DNS
`may either query another Nat box in the clique, or return a failure in its DNS response.
`When the assignments are returned to the DNS servers, they have expiration times associated with them.
`(If interception is used, then Nat sets the TTL in the DNS response itself.) The assigning Nat boxes must
`not reassign the address until the expiration time has elapsed. The DNS servers must not set the TTL
`(Time-to-Live) field in the DNS response to longer than the shortest expiration time. If the DNS servers
`choose to cache the assignment, they must remove the cache entry by the shortest expiration time. Note
`that it is not necessary for the DNS servers to cache the entry, because if another query for the same host
`comes, the DNS server will query Nat boxes and receive the same assignments.
`When Nat boxes receive assignment notifications, they keep the assignments until notified otherwise. This
`will occur when the assigning Nats reassigns the addresses.
`Nat assignment notifications must be reliable, because there is no refreshing (or timing out) of assignments
`by receiving Nats. Therefore, assignment notification messages must be acknowledged, and resent if no
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`acknowledgment is received. Of course, if a receiving Nat has crashed, then no acknowledgment can be
`sent. Therefore, Nat boxes must be able to mark other Nat boxes as down after a number of attempted
`assignment notifications. Also, when Nat boots (comes up after crashing), it must contact all assigning
`Nats in its cliques and receive all current assignments. This must also happen if Nats in a clique have been
`partitioned from each other, and the partition heals. Note that each Nat must have enough memory to hold
`all of the assignments of all of the Nats in all of their cliques.
`Private Networks that Span Backbones
`In many cases, a private network (such as a corporate network) will be spread over different locations and
`will use a public backbone for communications between those locations. In this case, it is not desirable to
`do address translation, both because large numbers of hosts may want to communicate across the
`backbone, thus requiring large global address pools, and because there will be more applications that
`depend on configured addresses, as opposed to going to a name server. We call such a private network a
`backbone-partitioned stub.
`Backbone-partitioned stubs should behave as though they were a non-partitioned stub. That is, the routers
`in all partitions should maintain routes to the local address spaces of all partitions. Of course, the (public)
`backbones do not maintain routes to any local addresses. Therefore, the border routers must tunnel through
`the backbones using encapsulation. To do this, each Nat box will set aside one global address from the pool
`for tunneling. When a Nat box x in stub partition X wishes to deliver a packet to stub partition Y, it will
`encapsulate the packet in an IP header with a destination address from the pool of Nat box y that has been
`reserved for encapsulation. Then Nat box y receives a packet with that destination address, in decapsulates
`the IP header and routes the packet internally.
`3.5 Header Manipulations
`In addition to modifying the IP address, Nat must modify the IP checksum, the TCP checksum, places in
`ICMP and FTP where the IP address appears, and perhaps other places where the IP address appears10.
`The checksum modifications to IP and TCP are simple and efficient. Since both use a one’s complement
`sum, it is sufficient to calculate the arithmetic difference between the before-translation and after-
`translation addresses and add this to the checksum. The only tricky part is determining whether the
`10. The author knows of no other such places off hand, but there are undoubtedly some. Hopefully, most such appli-
`cations will be discovered during experimentation with Nat.
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`addition resulted in a wrap-around (in either the positive or negative direction) of the checksum. If so, 1
`must be added or subtracted to satisfy the one’s complement arithmetic. Sample code (in C) for this is as
`int16 nat_newChk(checksum,oldaddr,newaddr)
` int16 checksum;
` int32 oldaddr, newaddr;
`int16 newCheck, oldCheck;
` int32 chk32,diff32;
` int16 crossing;
` int32 carry1, carry2;
` /* diff32 could be pre-calculated when assignment is made */
` diff32 = (((newaddr >> 16) & 0x0000ffff) + (newaddr & 0x0000ffff)) -
`(((oldaddr >> 16) & 0x0000ffff) + (oldaddr & 0x0000ffff));
` checksum = ~checksum;
` chk32 = (0x0000ffff & checksum);
` chk32 += 0x00020000;
` chk32 += diff32;
` crossing = (chk32 >> 16) - 2;
` chk32 += crossing;
` checksum = 0xffff & (int16)chk32;
` return (~checksum);
`} T
`he arguments to the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) PORT command include an IP address (in ASCII!). If
`the IP address in the PORT command is the same as that of the host sending the PORT command, then Nat
`must substitute the (local) IP address in the FTP PORT command with the (global) assigned IP address.
`Because the address is encoded in ASCII, this may result in a change in the size of the packet (for instance,
` is 12 ASCII characters, while is 14 ASCII characters). If the packet size is
`changed in transit, then the subsequent TCP sequence numbers (which are in units of bytes) will be wrong,
`and TCP will fail.
`In some cases, it may be possible for Nat to choose a global IP address that has the same number of ASCII
`characters as the local IP address. It is possible, however, for the character size of the local IP address to be
`smaller (or larger) than the smallest (or largest) possible IP address from the pool. In this case, FTP will
`fail. In general, in order to run FTP outside of a stub, it will be necessary to either limit outside FTP to a
`few internally widely available hosts, or set up an FTP application gateway.
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`If the IP address in the PORT command is different from that of the host sending the PORT command, but
`the IP address is local to the stub domain, then Nat can create an assignment for the IP address and
`substitute that. Since the address is encoded in ASCII, the TCP checksum cannot as easily be incrementally
`recalculated, and should therefore be recalculated from scratch. If the IP a