`Firewall Products Today
`S.P. Cooper
`This paper was prepared for submittal to the
`DOE Computer Security Group Training Conference
`Milwaukee, WI
`May 2-5, 1995
`February 1995
`Liverm ore
`This is a preprint of a paper intended for publication in a journal or proceedings. Since
`changes may be made before publication, this preprint is made available with the
`understanding that it will not be cited or reproduced without the permission of the
`Google Ex. 1414, pg. 1
`This document was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of
`the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor the
`University of California nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express
`or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy,
`completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process
`disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.
`Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade
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`expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States
`Government or the University of California, and shall not be used for advertising
`or product endorsement purposes.
`Google Ex. 1414, pg. 2
`Firewall Products Today
`Stephen P. Cooper
`Computer Security Technology Center
`Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory1
`Email: spcooper@llnl.gov
`With an increased interest in connecting to the Internet, there is a
`corresponding interest in protecting an organization's network from others
`on the Internet. Internet firewalls help protect an organization's network,
`and the increased demand for firewalls have brought about a number of
`freeware and commercial products. But how does someone determine the
`best product or service for their organization?
`This paper discusses things that need to be considered in deciding to build
`or purchase a firewall system. It discusses many of the products, features,
`and services that are commercially available2 and what components they
`include such as software, hardware, consulting, or a combination thereof.
`This paper is not an attempt to evaluate the products. The aim is to provide
`an awareness of what is currently available and their capabilities. An
`appendix gives contact information for all of the vendors whose product
`information was used in developing this paper.
`As more computers and larger networks get attached to the Internet, it gets
`more difficult to protect an organization's information and resources from
`others on the Internet. An increasingly popular method of connecting to
`the Internet is through firewalls. A well constructed firewall can be quite
`effective in protecting an organization's information and resources, while
`still providing access to many of the services available on the Internet.
`A firewall is a combination of hardware and software components that
`provide a single point-of-control between a "trusted" network, such as an
`organizational network, and an "untrusted" network such as the Internet
`(see Figure 1). The firewall provides a certain level of control as to what
`occurs between the two networks. There are several ways to make your
`own firewalls, and there are a number of people and companies providing
`firewall consulting. Additionally, there have been a number of commercial
`firewall products being announced or released.
`1 This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National
`laboratory under contract No. W-7405-Eng-48.
`2 Reference to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or
`otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation or favoring by U.S.
`Department of Energy or the University of California.
`Firewall Products Today
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`Firewalls are not only for connecting to the Internet. They can be used
`between almost any two networks with different security policies. The
`firewall serves as a gateway between the networks and helps protect the
`networks from each other. For example, a network with sensitive research
`and development information or personnel information can be protected
`from the rest of an organization while still providing electronic mail
`exchange throughout the organization.
` Network
` Trusted
`Figure 1: A firewall helps controls the network traffic
`between networks with different security policies/needs.
`For a firewall to function, it must be able to make decisions on all of the
`data that passes through it. It passes the data that the policy says may pass
`and blocks the data that shouldn't. The actual implementation is much
`more difficult, because network applications are frequently designed for
`functionality, not security.
`Firewall Overview
`Security Policy
`A firewall is a tool for enforcing security policy. Cheswick and Bellovin
`[CHES94] state that "a security policy determines the limits of acceptable
`behavior, and what the response to violations should be." The firewall
`helps enforce the limits established by the security policy as it relates to
`network activity that passes through the firewall.
`Of course, a firewall can only be effective on the network traffic that
`passes through it. If there are other paths into your network, such as via
`modem pools, they must also fall into the bounds set by the security
`A firewall is an effective means for protecting a network. However,
`current firewall technology can only reduce, not eliminate, the threat to
`your information and resources. Firewalls, like the systems they protect,
`are built from complex combinations of software and hardware. They also
`require some level of system configuration and administration. Bugs in the
`software or mistakes in administration can open security holes through the
`firewall and leave a network vulnerable to attack. Additionally, users,
`intentionally or unintentionally, may open up security holes. For example,
`Firewall Products Today
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`a user may hook up a modem on the inside of the firewall, thus creating
`the possibility of bypassing the firewall.
`Whenever we discuss firewalls, we want to stress that user education and
`host-based security are important elements in enforcing security policy. As
`demonstrated in Figure 2, the firewall serves as the first line of defense.
`With the additions of good host security and user education, we can vastly
`reduce the threat to our information and resources.
` and
`Figure 2: The firewall works together with host security and
`user education to reduce the threat to information and resources.
`We have been looking at firewalls for the protection of inside information
`and resources. Firewalls are also useful for controlling the access to
`external services and networks. For example, some organizations limit
`who may send mail or transfer files outside of an organization.
`Firewall Components
`A firewall system consists of a number of hardware and software
`components. What components are included may vary depending on who
`is building or supplying the firewall. A router is used to connect two
`networks together. Its primary purpose is to limit the traffic crossing a
`network boundary to that whose destination is across the boundary.
`Screening routers, also known as packet filtering routers, have more
`control over the traffic that passes through them. By defining a screening
`table or access control list (ACL), packets can be dropped based on the
`protocol type, source or destination address or port, direction of
`connection, etc.
`For some sites and policies, a screening router is sufficient for firewall
`protection. However, there are limitations that quickly make the screening
`router insufficient for certain sites. One of the limitations is the difficulty
`of getting the screening tables correct on some routers. A mistake here can
`leave your network wide open.
`The application gateway, also called a Bastion Host, offers a higher level
`of control. The application gateway is a host machine that runs programs
`that forward and filter connections for services such as TELNET and FTP.
`The application gateway usually serves as the host that is logically
`exposed to the less trusted network. The firewall is set up so that
`application protocols cannot get to an inside host unless they pass through
`the appropriate application proxy on the gateway. Furthermore, the
`protocol cannot get through unless the proxy exists to pass it through. The
`Firewall Products Today
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`proxy may perform secure authentication during a connection
`establishment or perform extra logging. The purpose of secure
`authentication is to avoid sending reusable passwords over the network
`where they can be snooped. There are several forms of secure
`authentication systems available. Some require each user to have a special
`card which may cost as much as $50.00 each or more. There is free
`software, such as S/Key from Bellcore, which uses a challenge/response
`mechanism. A firewall may support one or more secure authentication
`Firewall Configurations
`The firewall components are combined into a number of possible
`configurations (see Figure 3). As mentioned earlier, the screening router is
`suitable for some small sites but is often missing features such as logging
`and secure authentication.
`Dual-homed Gateway
`Screened Host Gateway
`Screened Subnet Gateway
`Figure 3: Firewall systems come in
`several configurations
`The dual-homed gateway is an application gateway with two network
`interfaces and IP forwarding disabled. All traffic must pass through some
`kind of proxy or filter implemented in software on the gateway. This
`system is relatively simple to build and requires a minimum of hardware.
`Because of that, it is a popular configuration for commercial vendors of
`firewall software or systems.
`The screened host gateway combines a packet filtering router with an
`application gateway. The application gateway may be on the inside or on
`the outside of the router. If on the inside, the router only permits traffic to
`that host from the outside. If on the outside, the router only permits certain
`traffic from that host. The router may pass through traffic for applications
`that are considered trustworthy. The problem with this configuration is
`that it shares some of the disadvantages of using a screening router as the
`firewall, such as the difficulty in managing it and properly setting up its
`tables. The Checkpoint Firewall-1 offers an option that integrates the
`management of Cisco routers into the firewall management.
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`The screened subnet gateway uses a second screening router to create a
`small isolated network between the trusted network and the untrusted one.
`The routers direct traffic such that the application gateway(s) on the
`screened subnet are the only ones accessible from either side of the
`network. This offers the ability to have multiple application gateways on
`the screened subnet. On large networks, this could be useful for dividing
`the proxy work such as using FTP on one, mail on another, etc. It also
`offers the capability to hide network addresses on one side of the firewall
`from the other side. This makes probing more difficult. On the down side,
`it further adds to the difficulty of administration.
`Other configurations are possible. Also, application gateway and screening
`router features offered by the respective vendors are moving closer. Some
`dual-homed gateway firewalls include packet filtering features. Some
`router vendors are adding better logging and secure authentication features
`to their screening routers.
`The Firewall Lifecycle
`The firewall lifecycle includes preparation, specification and procurement,
`installation, maintenance, and, if you are properly paranoid, a lot of
`second-guessing and re-evaluation.
`When do you prepare for a firewall installation? You start when you plan
`to connect two networks with different security policies and needs. Or, if
`you already have two such networks connected together, you realize that
`there may be threats to the information and resources on one of the
`networks from the other. In other words, the roots of your information
`security requirements are in your business plan and based on a realistic
`risk assessment.
`Training is another important part of preparation. Even if you go with
`commercial information security products and services, information
`security is an integral part of your business and not something you can
`completely turn over to a third party. You need to have some knowlege of
`the issues so that you can effectively work with the vendor and monitor
`the vendor's performance. There are books and seminars available on
`firewalls and information security, as well as information available via the
`World Wide Web. Many vendors also offer training.
`The primary output of this phase is the security policy. It is important to
`remember that the security policy should determine the firewall
`requirements. The firewall is to help support the policy, not impose one.
`Specification and Procurement
`In this phase the security policy is mapped to the firewall requirements
`and configuration and a selection is made for the hardware and software to
`satisfy the requirements. Specification and procurement are put together
`because it is a tightly coupled cyclical process where you may need to
`update the specification for what is available. For example, some people
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`want their firewall to be a Windows NT box, but there are no currently
`available firewalls in that configuration.
`When specifying your firewall, you may want to consider what resources
`you have available. This includes personnel as well as hardware. You may
`have existing equipment that you want to use for your application gateway
`or screening routers. Your personnel may be familiar with a particular
`vendor's version of the UNIX operating system, upon which most
`application gateways are built.
`This is the phase where you want to decide whether to purchase
`commercial products or services or build you own. We will discuss those
`options later.
`This will vary depending on your network and firewall configurations. The
`important things are that you want to test it as much as possible, to verify
`that blocked services are blocked and allowed services get through. If you
`are replacing a previously unsecured or less secure network connection,
`you may want to check the previously "exposed" hosts with a security tool
`such as the Security Profile Inspector (SPI).
`The amount of maintenance a firewall requires depends on its
`configuration. The components, such as routers and application gateways,
`may require periodic system patches and updates. Most important are
`security patches that are put out by the system vendors. These are often
`referenced in CIAC bulletins. The bulletins should be monitored regularly
`for items that may pertain to your firewall.
`Another factor effecting firewall maintenance is the amount of auditing or
`logging requested. These logs have to be checked and purged. Some
`firewalls offer the option of sending the logs to another machine to be
`checked. The Internet Site Patrol includes a service where your logs are
`encrypted and sent offsite to their location for analysis and 24-hour
`incident response.
`Other maintenance items are the number and types of protocols you allow,
`the complexity and frequency of changes in your network, and the
`complexity of your configuration for dealing with the changes.
`As we have already shown under maintenance, a firewall is not something
`you install and forget. New and sophisticated threats are always surfacing.
`CIAC Advisory F-08 (January 23, 1994) discussed an Internet address
`spoofing attack that was capable of penetrating some firewalls. CIAC
`Advisory F-11 (February 14, 1994) discussed a vulnerability with the
`NCSA WWW server software (httpd). You need to be aware of these new
`threats and be sure you are protected. If you are using a commercial
`product or service, is the vendor keeping up with the threats and
`modifying your firewall in response? As your business changes and
`evolves, is your security policy and therefore your firewall staying in line
`with the changes?
`Firewall Products Today
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`A good way to stay current in firewall information is to subscribe to and
`monitor the firewall mailing list. This contains a lot of discussion and pros
`and cons of different protocols, configurations, and products. However,
`the list is fairly busy and likely to get more so.
`Firewall Products
`Building Your Own
`There is free software available to help build a firewall. However, it is not
`trivial and it takes a certain amount of expertise in several areas, including
`computer network security, UNIX system administration, and
`TIS Firewall Toolkit
`A popular, free software toolkit for building firewall systems is the
`Firewall Toolkit from Trusted Information Systems, Inc. (TIS). This kit
`provides the tools for building a firewall, most specifically an application
`gateway. It includes proxies for TELNET, FTP, and http. It also provides
`tools for incorporating strong user authentication and for securing SMTP-
`based mail. Frederick Avolio of TIS, in a posting to the Firewall Toolkit
`users' mailing list, sums the expertise needed as follows:
`The FWTK is meant for individuals who:
`- know C
`- know TCP/IP
`- know UNIX as a system manager
`- have built C software packages on UNIX systems
`One of the advantages of the Firewall Toolkit is that it comes in source
`form and has been ported to a number of different UNIX operating
`systems and versions.
`Socks is a package used to build circuit relays. It replaces standard system
`calls so that their TCP/IP connections pass through the gateway machine.
`A disadvantage to this is that the network applications on the host
`machines have to be linked to the socks library in order to utilize the
`This is a package that allows you to build a packet filter out of a UNIX
`system. It requires that you have the kernel source code.
`This is a package that allows you to build a filtering router out of a PC
`with two network interfaces such as two Ethernet cards.
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`Related Software
`There is other free software available for firewall use. These include
`proxies such as xforward for X11 and a http proxy from CERN. A popular
`free secure authentication package is S/Key from Bellcore. These can often
`be used as add-ons or replacements for Firewall Toolkit components.
`Commercial Services
`Internet providers
`One possible source for firewall functionality could be the Internet
`provider that supplies your connection to the Internet. They may be able to
`provide some filtering capabilities customized to your needs. In fact, as
`competition heats up among the Internet providers, and threats continue to
`be publicized, security may be a value-added service offered by many
`Internet providers.
`There are many security and network consultants and consulting
`organizations that will build a firewall for you. Some may use or
`recommend a commercial product while others may construct one for you
`from the previously mentioned free software. Many of the consultants may
`also help you analyze your overall security needs and help you define
`Commercial Products
`With the rising popularity of the Internet, there have been a number of
`new commercial firewall products being produced or announced. Many of
`them attempt to make it easier to configure and maintain a firewall. One
`general goal is to approach a turn-key system. This goal is still far off due
`to a number of reasons. The first reason is that organizations have different
`security policies and needs. Their network configurations are different and
`contain a different mix of systems and protocols. This makes it very
`difficult to build a one size fits all firewall system. Here we'll look at some
`of the features provided by different firewall systems.
`Most firewall systems work with IP because it is the primary protocol used
`on the Internet. The filtering router capabilities handle IP, TCP, and UDP
`by source and destination addresses and source and destination ports. The
`application gateway capabilities do higher level application filtering for
`TELNET, FTP, and others. Some routers have filtering capabilities for
`other, usually Ethernet-based protocols. The KarlBridge, for example, has
`filtering capabilities for DECnet packets (address, Area, Object number,
`and Object name), AppleTalk Phase 1 & 2 NBP packets (file server name,
`printer name, and/or Zone name), and Novell SAP packets (Network
`number, Server name, and Service).
`Firewall Products Today
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`Hardware and Operating Systems
`All of the firewall vendors supply firewall software. They vary as to
`whether or not they include the hardware and/or operating system.
`Firewall-1 is a software product for Sun platforms. JANUS includes
`software and a hardened UNIX operating system targeted for a 486/33
`(minimum) platform with two network interfaces. The hardware is not
`Some firewall systems are commercializations of the TIS Firewall Toolkit.
`TIS, itself, has produced Gauntlet, a commercial version of its toolkit.
`Gauntlet includes a security modified version of BSDI UNIX and the
`hardware. BSDI UNIX is a popular operating system for commercial
`firewalls because it is a robust, well supported system and the sources are
`relatively inexpensive. The sources are modified by the vendor to make
`the system more secure.
`One thing to remember when considering firewall systems is that, as a
`choke point between networks, a firewall may also be a single point-of-
`failure if a hardware or software component fails. The cost, availability,
`and speed of repair may be an important consideration.
`Other features include better management interfaces. Firewall-1 provides
`an X-Windows based user interface for its management functions. It also
`provides the capabilities to generate router command lists for downloading
`to some makes of packet filtering routers. The use of an X-Windows user
`interface has raised concerns among some security professionals due to the
`increased complexity and security problems with the X-Windows system.
`User Authentication
`Firewalls that provide some inbound access, such as an employee
`telecommuting via TELNET from home, incorporate some type of secure
`authentication in their system. This prevents the use of reusable passwords
`across an unsecured network. There are several different authentication
`systems available. Firewall products may support one or more of the
`systems, so this is a consideration when selecting a firewall product.
`Some organizations need to communicate securely and privately over an
`untrusted network such as the Internet. There are some router products
`available where a secure, encrypted channel is established with a similar
`router. LanGuardian examines outgoing packets and encrypts them if they
`are destined to certain addresses where another LanGuardian decrypts the
`message. Packets destined to public places are not encrypted. Network
`Systems' Data Privacy Facility takes this further, by encrypting packets
`based on source and destination address and port, security label, protocol
`type, and packet length. With it, multiple sleeves may be established
`between sites with more control over the packet flow.
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`Firewall Validation
`A critical part of building or purchasing a firewall is verifying that it
`works and is secure. There are two parts to this. First the hardware,
`software, and operating system components have to be capable of being
`secure if properly configured. Secondly, once installed and configured, the
`firewall has to be secure and support the security policy.
`How can a firewall vendor provide assurance that the components they are
`providing are secure? The philosophy behind TIS's Firewall Toolkit is that
`the source is available and is small enough for inspection. They have
`continued this philosophy with their commercial firewall system, Gauntlet.
`Secure Computing (SCC) has taken a different approach for its announced,
`but not yet released Sidewinder product. They have broadcast a challenge
`on the Internet where there are prizes for those who can break into their
`An installed firewall is much more difficult to validate. That is because the
`interaction of components adds much more complexity. A proxy may be
`very secure, but it is useless if a router is configured to bypass the
`application gateway for the application protocol. In the case of testing by
`the vendor, that test configuration and environment probably differs from
`the one at the customer's site. One possibility for installed firewall testing
`is through white hat vulnerability services. This is where you arrange for a
`trusted party to attempt to break into your network and provide you with
`their results. There are some security consultants who can provide this
`service. White hat testing is also available from the Computer Security
`Technology Center through CIAC or the Secure Systems Services project.
`Firewall vendors often provide related services, either as part of their
`product or as additional consulting. This includes help in evaluating
`security needs and in developing security policy. It also includes training
`in information security and in the use and maintenance of their products.
`As mentioned earlier, the Internet Site Patrol offers a unique firewall
`monitoring service. With this service, the firewall encrypts and sends
`logging information to their site for 24-hour analysis and incident
`Some firewall products are actually services in which the vendor builds a
`firewall system for you. Digital Equipment Corporation's SEAL
`(Screening External Access Link) is such a service.
`There are many things to think about when building or purchasing a
`firewall system. The rate of growth of the Internet and the security service
`and product industry mainly serves to add to the confusion. There are
`many good products out there. You just have to pick the product or service
`that best fits your requirements and budget.
`Firewall Products Today
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`References and Resources
`Here are some resources used for this paper and useful for getting started
`on firewalls. The firewall mailing list is a good source for up-to-date
`information and discussion on firewall related security issues. There is
`also some discussion and critique of commercial products. Some of the
`commercial vendors maintain their own mailing lists.
`The Computer Security Technology Center and the Computer Incident
`Advisory Capability will continue to monitor the technology and products
`for information security. In addition, the Secure Systems Services project
`can provide consultation for information security needs. For more
`information, see the CIAC home page at http://ciac.llnl.gov.
`[CHES94] Cheswick, William R. and Steven M. Bellovin. Firewalls and
`Internet Security: Repelling the Wily Hacker, Addison-Wesley, 1994.
`Firewalls and Internet Security has become the de facto reference book for
`firewalls and contains much useful information and an extensive
`[WACK94] Wack, John P. and Lisa J. Carnahan. Keeping Your Site
`Comfortably Secure: An Introduction to Internet Firewalls. National
`Institute of Standards and Technology, Draft 1994.
`Firewalls Mailing List. E-mail subscription requests to firewalls-
`request@greatcircle.com with "subscribe firewalls" as the message body.
`Catherine Fulmer maintains a WWW page of commercial vendors at
`Firewall Products Today
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`Appendix A: Firewall Products and Vendors
`Information regarding the following products was used to develop this
`paper. Due to the fact that some products are available through multiple
`vendors, the list is organized alphabetically by product name. Due to the
`rapid expansion in the firewall industry, the information presented here is
`sure to be obsolete as soon as it is written.
`Black Hole
`Company: Milkyway Networks Corporation
`WWW: http://www.milkyway.com/
`Contact: Send electronic mail to info@milkyway.com or call (Canada)
`Company: Harris Computer Systems
`Contact: Send electronic mail to nhnews@csd.harris.com or call 305-974-
`1700 Ext. 5144 for Sales or Ext. 5124 for Marketing.
`Comments: Custom software, hardware, and operating system. The
`operating system and hardware are "NCSC B1-level evaluated and ITSEC
`FB1 E3 secure."
`Data Privacy Facility
`Company: Network Systems Corp.
`WWW: http://www.network.com
`Contact: Phone 612-424-1488.
`Comments: Packet-based encrypting router.
`Eagle Network Security Management System
`Company: Raptor Systems
`WWW: http://www.delmarva.com/raptor/raptor.html
`Contact: Call 617-487-7700.
`Comments: Software package that runs on an IBM, Hewlett-Packard, or
`Sun Microsystem workstation.
`Company: Checkpoint Software
`WWW: http://WWW.CheckPoint.com
`Contact: Send electronic mail to sales @CheckPoint.com. Also available
`through multiple distributers.
`Comments: Software that runs on Sun workstations. Provides packet
`filtering as well as application gateway capabilities.
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`Company: Trusted Information Systems, Inc. (TIS)
`WWW: http://www.tis.com/
`Contact: Send electronic mail to etsec@tis.com, call 301-854-6889, or fax
`Comments: TIS provides the free Internet Firewall Toolkit. Gaunlet is
`based on the toolkit and is built on a UNIX operating system modified to
`increase security.
`InterLockSM Security Services
`Company: Advanced Network & Services, Inc.
`Contact: Send electronic mail to info@ans.net or call 800-456-8267
`Comments: Annual service including hardware, software, initial
`configuration, and maintenance. Runs on an IBM RS/6000 320 running
`modified AIX 3.1.5
`IRX Router
`Company: Livingston Enterprises
`Contact: Phone 800-458-9966 or e-mail info@livingston.com
`Comments: Packet filtering router with logging and some application
`gateway features.
`JANUS™ (JANOS, BorderWare) Firewall Server
`Company: Border Network Technologies
`WWW: http:///www.border.com
`Contact: Multiple resellers available. Contact Border Network
`Technologies (Canada) at 416-368-7157, or sales@border.com.
`Comments: Software and operating system with GUI administration
`interface. Operating system is a hardened UNIX system for Intel 486/33
`(minimum) platform with two network interfaces. Harware not included.
`Company: Karlnet Inc. (US) or Sherwood Data Systems Ltd. (UK).
`WWW: http://www.gbnet.net/kbridge/
`Contact: In U.S. phone KarlNet Inc. at 614-263-KARL or e-mail
`sales@KarlNet.com. In U.K. phone Sherwood Data Systems Ltd. at 44-
`(0)1494-464264 or e-mail sales@gbnet.com.
`Comments: Software that runs on a 286/386/486 clone to build a multi-
`protocol filtering router. Also available with hardware. Shareware demo
`versions are available via anonymous FTP.
`Company: SmallWorks of Travis Co.
`Contact: Phone/fax to 512-338-0619 or e-mail info@smallworks.com
`Comments: Software for Sun SPARC systems running SunOS 4.1.X.
`Provides packet filtering, logging, and forwarding. Available in both
`binary and source distributions.
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`Company: IBM
`Contact: Phone 919-254-7416 or 919-254-6898, fax 919-254-4239, or e-
`mail sbaumann @ vnet.ibm.com
`Comments: Firewall software for IBM Risc System/6000 computers with
`AIX 3.2.5.
`Company: Livermore Software Labs
`Contact: Phone 800-240-5754 or e-mail portusinfo@gw.lsli.com