
`VOL. 20 N072
`C O N T E N T 8
`Performance Analysis of ATM Switching Fabric with Hybrid Shared and Dedicated Output Buffers ----------------Youn Chan Jung. Chong Kwnn Un
`Development of Expert System for Automation of Steam Generator Tube Inspection in Nuclear Power Plants
`---------------------------------Bmdae Choi. Soon Ju Kang. Seong‘Su Choi. IleeCon Woo
`A study on the improvement of Cell Level Traffic Monitoring Control Algorithm in an A’Dvl Network
`----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Myung Chul Choi. Jae Jo Lee. Won 'I‘ae Lee. Kwan Ho Kim. Young Chul Lee
`IP Address Reuse Through Transparent Port-Address Translator --------------------------------------------------------Il Hwan Kim, Heon Young Yeom
`Design of TMN-DCN for Integrated Network ManagementYoung M. Kim. Young H. Cho. Myeong K. Song. Wang C. Song. Dong C, Kim. Chang E. Kong
`Class Library Implementation for Concurrency of CH----------------------------Joon Lee. Sung Keun Kim. Chae Woo Yoo. Hoe Bong Song
`33l 0
`A Distributed Error Control Scheme for Multicasting Data
`MyongiLyol Song, JurrHo Lee. Jai~Yong Lee. Sang-Bae Lee
`Protocols and Signalling Traffic Analysis of Wireless Personal Communication Networks for High Speed Communications
`~~Chung Ho Cho. I-Iyeong Seol: Lim
`“Dong Yong Kwak. Hong Shik Park
`A Connection Admission Control Algorithm Using CDV Measurement ------------------------------------------
`Design Si Implementation of an Image Retrieval System Supporting Browsing and Full-Text Search ------TaeAJin Park. Young-Ken Ko. Yoon—Chul Choy
`A Study on the Receiver Performance Degradation due to the Intermodulation Spurious and the Design of the 3rd order Intercept Point
` NamsSco Kim
`The Design of the Circular Polarized Antenna using the Quarterwave Plate --------Seung Hyeub Oh. Kyoung Il Mm. Young Lee Choi. Sang Chnl Han
`‘A Wideband Channel Simulation Algorithm for the Suzuki Fading Channel with the Spatial Correlation
`................................................................................................Jin Weon Chang. Yang Soc Park. Ku Yong Ha. Hyung Myung Kim
`A Study on the Information Leakage Criterion and the Design of S-boxes
`W'Ju Ho Lee. Hyung Myung Kim
`Analysis of the Relative intensity Noise at the Output of a Dispersive Fiber ~
`------------------------------BooCyoun Kim
`A Bimry Error Control Line Code with the Property of Minimum Bandwidth 4-
`------ deong Goo Kim. See In Lee, Chang Ki Jeong. Eon Kyeong Joo
`A Study on Broadband Design and Fabrication of Power Dividing Circuits for CATV System.
`'Dong ll Kim. Tae Gyun Kim. Do Hoon Ha. Se—Mo Chung
`Fast Rayleigh Fading Compensation for Mary QAM using PSAM --------------------------------------------------------Tae Byeong Chae. Sung 11 Bang
`Conversion of the range data into the CAD format --------------------------------------------------------------------------Hack Joon Shim. Sang Uk Lee
`A Non-iterative Fractal Image Coding Technique Using Novel Codeboolcs ------------------------Chang Su Kim. Hoon Faek. Sang Uk Lee
`Implementation of C/A code correlator and development of position information extraction algorithm in GPS System
`""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""ll‘Jin Lee. Jong‘Yong Park. Joon-Tae Kim. HeungCyoon RYU
`A Design and Fabrication of the GaAs FEI‘ Active Single Microstrip Patch Antenna with Injection locking technique -
`---- Du Han 113e, Ui Seek Hung
`An adaptive image sequence coding scheme employing the entropy constrained lattice vector quantizer
`~Jong Seek Lee. Sang Uk Lee
`New Approaches to Robust Corner Point Detection Using Constrained Regidarimtion and Mean Field Annefling techniques
`-----------Kwanghoon Soho
`AN UNBIASED IIR LMS ALGORITHM ..............................................................................................................Seung Hyon Nam
`An Application of Zero Crossings in Nonparametric Detection of Signals
`-------------------------------------------------------------------------Jinsoo Bae, Hong Gil Kim. Min Sou Lee. Youngkwon Ryu, Taejoo Chang. lickho Song
`An Effective Test Case Generation Method with Fault Detection Capability----------------------------------------------Gwang-hyun Kim. Dong‘ho Lee
`A Study on the Improvement of the Learning Speed of EP Algorithm using Fuzzy Logic and the Control of Nonlinear Dynamic System
`....................................................................................................Hyeon-Seob Cho. Sang-Dong Na. Chul~Soo Bai. Seong—thm Jung
`Performance Degradation Analysis of a DS’CDMA Mobile Station using the Non‘linear Power Amplifier
`................................................................................................thong—[10hr Nam Kim. Nam-300 Kim. Jacseok Kim '
`Generation Method of Control Flow Graph Accounting Conditional Context Variable in Protocol Conformance Testing
`Byeong I-lo Oh. Sung Hoe Woo. Sang Ho Lee
`-----------Su-ll Boo. Cheoi-Sung Kim
`On the performance analysis and the capacity of a broadband CDMA system in forward link
`A-Kwang-Hyeon Park. Won‘Sup Chung
`implementation of Modulation and Demodulation Circuits of Chaos Frequency Shift Keying -
`-------------------Jae~Bong Lira. Jun-Seek Park. Chuleong Kim
`Design of Narrow—band Waveguide Bandpass Filters for the MDR System -
`Receiver Performance Improvement by Signal Oversampling in Intensity Modulation/Direct Detection Digital Fiber Optic Communication Systems
`..............................................................................................................................Soo-Jeong Eon. Yoan Shin. BooGyoun Kim
`Ultra'high Speed Photodetector using aCei H Thin Film Photoconductor for Picosecond Optical Signal at 0.8km Wavelength """""""""" Kyoo N31“ Chm
`33 77
`339 l
`Google Ex. 1403, pg. 1
`Google Ex. 1403, pg. 1


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`Google Ex. 1403, pg. 2
`Google Ex. 1403, pg. 2


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`Google Ex. 1403, pg. 3
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`Google Ex. 1403, pg. 3


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`Google Ex. 1403, pg. 4
`Google Ex. 1403, pg. 4


`3%? 95-12'12-4
`$45”: Era—$3: signal 15-1 1P 3&9] 2H*l%
`1’95 éifiifi‘
`IP Address Reuse Through Transparent Port—Address Translator
`ll Hwan Kim*, Heon Young Yeom** Regular Members
`eT-rt—g‘zh‘i‘ was: ensue em a
`QlEiLil EB:— er° 2r: inn—tie 1122i
`not 0131 an. zienizi suitors ens steal—sot Elltll so see as Texas! 7&2] Zi%t3$}°ll are rrv
`we: ers- All/WP] use 52::ng its as air/mat 21ers} urea] a ,
`e seam—e ziei era‘s 11AM one more Ur°l7l. neat 2104
`new si es Eieé’e urea»:— Aixiaiz. : an E! wear «3- teen are use statute as. ¢d=91
`1l% error are lP—‘r-fiefil nits-soil not. owe 4 ate- eaten meat rJlSH flew.
`The address space of IP. a standard lntcmet Protocol. is being exhausted by explosively increasing number of demands and the
`inefficient address allocation scheme based on the network class partitions. Among the short term solutions that have been sug-
`gested so far. IP address reuse through automatic translation between local and global addresses is considered as an appropriate
`solution prior to a new protocol is adapted.
`in this paper. we suggest a port-address translator which improves the one-to—one translation of local-global address translator
`by enabling several
`local nodes to share a globally unique address, and discuss various problems and their solutions we have
`encountered in designing turd implementing the translator: Also, the problems and the effectiveness of address reuse by automatiA
`oaddress—address or ponAaddress translator is investigated.
`“finish—n newline Hitl§7il mi
`mm : 95139—0407
`fifi’afi‘fi: 1995s: 4H 73
`Google Ex. 1403, pg. 5
`Google Ex. 1403, pg. 5


`22.121211122111112 '95-12 Vol.20 No.12
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`Google Ex. 1403, pg. 6
`Google Ex. 1403, pg. 6


`fiX/%‘§Q Eli-$31“. QQfl-E'
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`5&3an ii}.
`Google Ex. 1403, pg. 7
`Google Ex. 1403, pg. 7


`flifififlfil‘dfi '95-12 Vol.20 No. 12
`Border between normal
`network and stub network
`172. 16.0.0
`N t
`Global Network
`Inner network using
`Address Translator 1r
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`Google Ex. 1403, pg. 8
`Google Ex. 1403, pg. 8


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`peer entity {.1 ”1131 ”13478101131131.8111 315:11%|
`7.53171 7&1117‘1 en: 51.11.
` destination IP = D .
`(G, 3000) —> (D, 23)
`destination port = 23'
`telnet client port = 3000
`Proxy Server
`Proxy Server IP = G
`telnetd server port: 23
`source IP = S
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`21%| 4. proxy ”131i ~14} telnet session
`Google Ex. 1403, pg. 9
`Google Ex. 1403, pg. 9


`fiaifimtfi 195-12 Vol.20 No.12
`(S. 1000)°11*1 (D, 23)}? 71-
`1% 4-37 $131
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`Google Ex. 1403, pg. 10
`Google Ex. 1403, pg. 10


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`Google Ex. 1403, pg. 11
`Google Ex. 1403, pg. 11


`fi'ififimgfiifi '95 12 Vol.20 No.12
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