`Ex. GOOG 1112
`EX. GOOG 1112
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`Attorney Docket No. 33.84.0115-00
`In reApplication of:'
`Brian BEATON et al.
`Serial No.: 0$/985,26~
`JUN I a 19~~
`Group Art Unit: 2.773 Group 2?0o
`Filed: December 4, 1997
`Examiner;· Thomas. Nguyen
`.Assistant Commissioner fqr Patents
`Washington, D.C. 2.0231
`In response to the OfflceAction mailed March 29; 1999, the period for reply to
`which extends to June 29, 1999, please find the following remarks.
`In the Office Action, the Examiner rejected.claims 1-24 under 35 U.s.c. § 103(a)'
`a.s being unpatentable over U.S. Patent No~ 5,745,116 to Pisutha-Arnond in view of
`U.S. Patent No. ~.736,:{:182 to Berman et al. (Berman).
`Applicants respectfully traverse this rejection. Pisvtha-Arnond is quite different
`from the invention recited in, independent claims 1 and 12. While Pjsytha-Aroond does
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`Ex. GOOG 1112
`display a navigation tool pver a mahjpulable area, PISUtha-Arnond qpes not, for
`example, receive a user input to the physical viewing area corresponding to the
`manipulable area porti'on and the r.eprese.ntation of a <:antral tool, and detennine if the
`user input selects the control tool, a$ recited in combination in independ~nt claims 1
`and 12. Rather, Pisutha-Amobd receives a usetinputto a manipulable-data area
`indice)ting a desire for a navigation tool,, displays the-navigation tool to inhibit
`manipulation functions underlying the navigation tool; and, accordingly, interprets each
`subsequent user inpt~t as activating ~nctions assoCiated with the naviga~ion tool. Note,
`in particular, col, 3, lines 15~54 .of Pisutha-Amopd.
`hi contrast, the method and apparatus recited ln independent claims 1 a net 12
`can provide user with a display of ~n inactive control tool even when the user is
`manipulating the data underlying the inactive contrql tool. Indeed, ccmsistent with one
`embodiment of fhE! present invention,~- form qfthe control tool :can be continuously
`displayed, permitting a user to see an available control function at all times. See page
`8, lines 7·16.
`Berman does not remedy th~ deficiencies of Pisutha•Arnohd. For example; the
`action handles and context menus of Bemiari are similar to. the navigation to.ol of
`Pisutha-Arnond. Indeed, Berman prevents a determination of whether .a control tool
`function or manipulable area portion function Is desired in response to a user input
`becaus.e Berman mandates that the action handles "always provide a place where the
`stylus always acts as a pointing device rather .than a peri (that is, no digital h'lk is
`created when touching an actiO'n handle)." See col. s; lines 64-67 of Berman. Thl,ls,
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`Berman fails to disclose or suggest receiving a user inputto th~ physical viewing area
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`Ex. GOOG 1112
`corresponding to the manipulable area portion ,and :the representati9n of a control tooli
`and determining if the user input selects the control tool, as recited in combination hi
`ir'ldependent claims 1 al")d 12~:
`Therefore, Pisutha-Arnond and Berman, when taken alone or in any reasonab.le
`coml:>ination, fail ttHender obvio.us claims 1 and· 12 ·.under 3~ u~s.c. §1 03(a), and t.he
`rejection should be withdrawn.
`Dependent clai.ms 2-11 and 13~24 are allowable for at· least the reasons stat.ed
`•a.b.ove, by virb;Je of their dependence fi'om one of the allowable Independent claims;.
`In view 9f the foregoing remar1<s, Applicants submit that the ¢1ali'ned Invention is
`neither anticipated nor rendered obvio.us in view.of the prior art re.ferences cited against
`this application in thE! new grqunds of rejection presented In the. final Office. Action .
`. Applicemts therefqre request the entry of this Response, the Examiner's reconsideration
`anc:j reexamination of the application, and the tim~lyallowan<:e ofthe pending Claims.
`Please grant any ·extensions of time required to enter thls response and charge
`any additional required fee$. to our depo~lt account 06-0916.
`Respectfully submitted,
`OatE!d: June 16,, 1999
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`Ex. GOOG 1112