Ex. GOOG 1110
`EX. GOOG 1110

`Patent and lhaciemal"k Office
`~rlgton. D.C. 21)231
`V.:~ ..
`338_4 . 0115 -- \~ 1~
`t=·~NN.!;:GitiN HI;:N_DE:;:RSON FARABOW
`g+o 0 I STF'<EET N W
`Please find below. and/Qr-attached an Office comm~nlcatlon conc•mlng this application or
`PTO-iOC (flO>, 2/151
`•u,s. 01'9; 1~'!1i51o
`Ex. GOOG 1110

`Office Action summary
`!Xi Responsive ti1 commuhicetlon.Csl flied on JANUARY 22; 1999 AMENDMENT A
`~ This li.ctlon Js FINAL,
`d Stnce this application is In condition for allowance exceptfor formal matters; prosecutlpn as to the mar.Us IB Closed
`· In accordance with the practice under Ex parte Quayle, 1931i C,O. 1 1; 453 O;·G. 213.
`A shortened statutory period for responso to this action· Is nt to expire
`.rnonth(!i), or ~hirty dilvs• ~hlchever
`.. 3
`Is longer, from the maiilng date of this comml..!nlcatlon. Failure to respond within ~e p~rl()(l. fQt respoil~e will cause the
`application to become abandoned. '135 u.-s. o. § 1 33). 'Ex:tensions o~ time may b.e obtalt~ed tin~er :the. proyJs!oos of
`37 CFR 1.136(a).
`l)leposltJcin of Cle.lmil
`JXl aalm(s) .:..1;;::"2::!4:...· _ ___________________ Is/ere pendln,g In the .llpp!li:atlon.
`Of the above, clalm(s)
`0 .aetm(sl
`IX! clalrn(sl 1"2'1
`0 Claim lsi
`0 Claims
`isiare withdrawiHtom con$1derat.lon.
`le/are allowe.d.
`iS/ara r.lijected.
`Is/are objected to.
`.ere subJilct to restriction or election raqulram!lnt.
`Application Papers
`0 See the attached Notice of. Draftsperson's Patent Drawing Review, PT0·9:4B.
`0 The drawing(S) filed on
`is/are objeCted to. by t)le .Ex.arnlner.
`0 The proposed drawing correction, fllecf on
`0 The specification is pbJected ~o by the Exem)ner.
`0 Tne oath or declaration is objected to by the Examiner.
`Priority under as u.s.c. § 119
`0 Acknowledgement is of e claim for foreign priority under 35 U.S.C . . § 119(aHdl.
`0 All 0 Some* ONone of th.e CERTIFIED copies of t/le prlority'-docurnents have been
`0 received.
`0 received In Application No. (Series Code/Serial Number) - -- - -- -
`0 r{!ceived In this nlltionl!l&tege application from the International Bureeu (POT Rule 17.2(e)),
`•certified copies not received: - -- -- - -- - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - -- -
`0 Acknowledgement is made of a claim for d.omestic priority under 35 U:s.c. l 11 ~!e),
`0 NotiCe of References Cited, Pt0-892
`lXI lnf.ormation Disclosure ·statement(s), P1'0·1449, Paper No(si. __ 5_
`0 Interview Summary, PT0-413
`0 Notice of Draftsperson's Patent Drawing Review; P.T0,948
`0 iiloiica oflnformal Patent Application, PT0-152
`u. s. P•t•M ~d Tndtfl'!lrt otra
`PT0-326 (Rev. 9.·95)
`Qffice Acdon Summary
`Part of Pep:al No . . _e __ .
`. .
`. -l
`Ex. GOOG 1110

`Serial Nwrtbet:: 08/985,265
`Art Unit: '2773
`:Respons~ to Amendment
`This (inal a~iQn js in response tQ papernwril)!lf 5 ofAmendment A, which was received
`by US PTO on January 1999 Applicant's argument have: been fully; considered but they ilre nol
`deemed to be pers1,18Siye;
`"Il. Response to App/icaht!sA,'!ltrndeddalflfS 1·2'2 and added 23•24.
`Claim Rejections- 3H/SC § 103 (a)
`Claim$/-24 are rej¢.¢ted ~mkr JJ U.s. C.§ tfi3(a)as betngimpateiztable over
`P:isutha-Arnond US Patent (5, 745, 116) in view of Berman US Patent (5, 760; 773).
`As per claim l: Pisutha-Ar:no.tid discloses a methOd of t¢tivati,ng a function from a_ GUI
`control tool which is overlaying .the manipulable area portion in respo~se tp a user input
`(abstra.ct,,col.3, Fig.5) including d_eterinirung ifthe usednput selects the contrQI tool prior to
`activate a function call or display controltool functions for manipulate ar~ pOrtion (claim I ,2) ..
`While Pisiitha-Arnond teaches }n detail of control tool of a eledumlc mail, many other
`programs may be substituted with other type qfcontrol tools11ch Q,r,game with direcfitmaf
`buttons for user's naviga@n (col. 3); On th .. e othet hand, Berman discloses a system and
`method of controlling dispiay of <;on~ent infonnation in a physiCal viewin&, area an:d
`display control tools and: present it over the c;lisplay ofconten,t h1forml1tion a permii qser
`input selecting control tool, and ct>ntro!Ung the display of c<mteht information according'
`to the u~er input (see a,bstra.ct, colA, line S· 17). Therefore, it 'is would have been obvious
`, .;
`Ex. GOOG 1110

`Serial Number: 08/9$5,265
`Art·Unit: 2773
`to one of ordinary skill in the relevant art at the time of Invention to ¢ornbines Pisutha·
`Amond's direction navigation system (cot3) and Bertnan's control tool in manipulable
`area because user have con1rol in navjgatii:ni /roanipulatin~ content ofdisplay information
`effective !Uld efficiently with user .visual feed back and cons.ume spaces for improve
`productivity and enhance system performance.
`As per claim 2: Recit~ doom 1, Pisutha·Arnond discloSes the .control tool function includes 11-
`''delet~: /list'' function that would changing a display of information in the pranipulabl~ ar.ea
`portion, and at least one other control tool .function is ,permitted to be activate4, receiving a
`subsequent user input selecting a pt'edetennined portion of the· control tool; !Uld activating the
`function ofcha:nglng a display of in:formati()n in respol1Se to the.subsequent ~er input (col.2,
`As·per chum 3-5: Recite claim 2, Pisutha-Amol;ld discloses" an electronic·game·with directional
`buttons as screen objects~' (col.3; line S-15}, such as g~e's bu~on-directional would be the
`function of changing a di~play of information includes shifting hlformation in the mliriipulable area
`portion. Furthermore, Berman's system explicitly teaches "action handle" for controlling
`step inCludes shifting the content infonnation in the physical viewing fl,tea by scrolling
`(col.20, line 32-50) and jumping (col.l1, line l'-11) to different portion of the content of
`information. It is would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the relevant art at
`the time of invention to modifY Pisutha-Amond's.directional function (co].3 1 FigA) and
`Berman's control tool in manipulable area because user have control in navigation
`/manipulating content of display information effective itild efficiently with user visual'
`Ex. GOOG 1110

`Serial Number: ,08/985,265
`Art Vnit: 2773
`feed back and consume spaces for improve productivity and enhance system
`As per claim 6: Recite claim 1, Bennan's system controlling step includes the
`user input shifting the display of content jnfonnation at a speed determined by to the user
`input (co1.20, line 43-50),
`As per claim 7: Recite claim 2, Bennan1s system disclose~ the control infonnation
`includes a plutality of pages, and displaying ~ different one of the :pages of the content
`information (cql.l7, line l-15).
`As per ciaim 8: Recite claim 1, Pisutha~Aroond's ~s~m di~laying a graphical
`representation of the con®l tooljncludes displayins.l!l'l'ows indicating direetloil (abstract,
`As per claim 9: Recite claim 2J Pisutha~Arnond's system including electronic mail and
`fax document (colJ.). Furthermore, Be.nnan discloses ii do¢ument softWare ptogril.Ih
`includes control tool indicating vario1JS functipns related to the document (Fig.2-4).
`As per cJaim 10-ll: Benn_an's system use action handle includes the step of displaying
`the control tool includes the suhstep of ·displaying an opaque control tool (abstract,
`:FIG .9-l 0) that also has transparent region. His wouid have been obvious to one of
`ordinary skill in the relevant lU"t. at the time of inyentiorHo .use :S ennan' s tranSplij'entl
`opaque ~aphical contrOl function with ,pjsutha-Amond's syste~ because some user ~ay
`reqt~ire the control function display at all the .time without, overlap display information to
`Ex. GOOG 1110

`S.erial Nilmber: 08/985,265
`Art Unit: 2773
`enhance the operation ..
`As per claim 12: Recite claim 1, Pisutha-Arnond'and Berman discioses an apparatus
`included means for controltirtg display of content information in a physical viewing area
`As per claim 13: Recite. ckzim 11,2.
`As per claim 14-16: Recite. ~/aim 12;3-5~
`Asp~ claim 17: Recite claim 12A.
`As per claim 20: Recite claim 12,9;
`Asperclaim21: Recitec/atm 12,10.
`As per cl.ainr22: Recite ~/aim 12, 11.
`As per claim 23: Recite cla,iln J, Pisutha•Ainond'ii sy~tem able to create any number of sub-
`control functions may need to \Jse with other piQgrams rather than electronic-mails (col.4, line 55-
`67). While Plsutha-Atnortd's syStem disclose "delete" function; Bennan teach~ other functions
`such as edit and print. It is would hav.e been obvious ·to one of otdinaty skill in the
`relevant IU1 tJ.t the time of invention to i.ncll,Ide the edit function for a document because
`this ·allows user to modify the content infotmatiqn instead retype/ create the doC'!Iirient
`from a scratch and this would save user titne and improve user productivity.
`like otber well known: word processor may but '?'h~rein Jeast one mlililpulation
`function includes an editing function.
`As per claim 24: Recite claim 12,23.
`I .
`Ex. GOOG 1110

`Serial Number: 08/985,265
`Art Unit: 2773
`Pisutha.Arnond discloses a: method of activating functions responsive·~o a user input
`including; inter alia, providing a manipulable area portion in a physical viewing are«, the
`milnipula:ble area ponion ha-ving at least on.e manipulation: furiction associated ther.ewith, and
`displaying a representation of a contr.oltool oveilaying the maniptilable area portion, the .control
`tool have at least one cont!'Ol tool function allows usernavi~ng to v!liious levels (abstract,
`Fig.4). In addition to user input I' receiving a: user input to the physical viewing area
`corresponding to the manipulable area p6rtion: and the representation of the control too and.
`detertnining if.tlie user input sel~ts .the control tool .. Also;: claim 1 recites activating the at least
`one manipulation nmction when the user input does not select the contrOl tool or penn.itting the ·at
`least one control tool function to be activated when the user input does select the control tool
`Pisutha-Arnond and Berman 's system in:cludirig the-. apparatus for activating functions ·
`resp<>Iisive to a user. input 'including, inter alia, oieans for providing a manipulable area PQrtion in a
`physical viewing area, th~ manipulable area porti~n having at least one manipulation function
`assqciated therewith; and means for ~isplayin~ a repre~enta~ion of a contn.>l. tool overlaying the
`manipulable area portion, the control tool having at I~ one control tool func~ion a,ssociated
`therewith (F~g.l}.
`Pisutha"Arnond and Berm!lJl system in. ~;ombine clearly disclose D.lld sugges~ all feature~ as
`claimed in claims 1 and 12. The directiona1 pal¢e ijild action handles of Berman as above rejected
`claims teach a method of pr{)viding a manipul~ble ~ po.rtipn i,n a ppysical viewing area, ¢e
`Ex. GOOG 1110

`Serial Numberi 08/985,265
`Art Unit: 2773
`manipulable-area portion having at least one nuinlpU!ation function associated thereWith, and
`di$playing a representation of a control tool overlaying the maliipulable area portion, the control
`tool hav~g at least one control tool function associated therewith, as recited in combination in
`method claim 1 and app~tus claim 12. Furthennore, Pisutha-Atnond discloses and srtggest that
`activating the at least one manipulation function when the user ~put does notselect the control
`tool or permitting the at least one control tooHunction to be. activated when the user input does
`select the,<)Ontrol1ool (abstract; Fjg.~-4).
`App)icanl's amenciment necessitated the new grouild(s) of rejection presented in this Office
`action. Accordingly; this action is madefinat See MEPE 706.07(8). Application is reminded·
`of the exte~ion of time policy as· set forth in 37: CFR l.136(a).
`A shortened statutory period for reply to this fmal action is sett\> e~pi~e THREE MONTHS from
`the mailing date of this action. In the evel;lt a first reply is filed within TWO MONI'HS of the
`mailing d~t~' of this final action IUld the advis~ry action is .not mailed until after the end of the
`THRE&MONTti shortened statutory period, th.eii the .shortene.d statutory period will expire on
`the date the adVisory action is mailed, Biid IUlY ~xtension fee purs~antto 37 CFR t, 136(a) will be
`calculated frOm the mailing date of' the advisory actjon. ln no event, howevel;", w;iH·the statutory
`period for reply eiq>ire later than SJX MONTHS from the mailing date ofthjl! 'fml!l action.
`Respbnses to this action should be mailed, to: Co)llttljssione.r of Patents and Trademar}<s,
`Washington, D.C. 20231. If applicant desires to fax a response, (703) 308;;9051 may be used for
`formal communications or (703) 305-9724 ror irtfotmal or dnrlt c.o!n!Ilwrications. Please label
`I •
`Ex. GOOG 1110

`S.eria! Number: {)8/9.8~;1.65'
`Art Unit; 2773
`''PROPOSED" or "DRAFT" for infonnal facsimiie coirtintm1cation8, :For after final responses,.
`please label"AFTER FiNAL'' or "EXPEDITED PROCEDURE" on the document. Hand
`delivered responses should be brought to Crystai.Park II;212l Ctystalbrive; Arlington, VA., 6th
`Floor (Receptionist).
`Any inquiry conceroing this communication or earlier communications from the Exa.m:iner
`should be directed to Thomas Nguyen, whose telephone nwnber is (703) 308~'1240; The
`examiner can normally be reached on Monday to ThUrsday 8:00- 6:00 ET. lf·attempts to reach
`the Examiner by telephone are. unsuccessfulT the workgroup 1.773 Examiner's contact person,
`Crescelle iieia Torre, can be reached li.t (7'0J) 305"9782.
`Any mquiry of a general natilre or relating to the status of this application or proceeding
`should l>e (lirected ~o the Gral!P receptionist wJtose te~epho~e ~umber is (7Q3) 305,3900.
`Thomas J\,Nguyen
`March 25;: 1999
`' .
`Ex. GOOG 1110

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