`EX. GOOG 1009
`Attomey Docket Na; 3384,01t5~oo
`J~N ·2. 6 \9~~:
`a.rnup Z700
`·Gro'UP Ad· Umt; 277Y
`Examinen Thomas Nguyen 0 0~
`l -d.")- q
`Brhm BEATON et.al.
`Ser1~1 No,:. 06/965.265
`Fll~d; December 4, 1997
`· Assistant Commissioner for Patent$
`Washington, o.c, 20231
`AMENDMENT UNbER37C.f.R.§ 1.111
`In reply to the OffiCi1'!1 Acti.on.dated .October 23, ·1998~ for which the period for
`reply ends on January 23, 1999 (a Saturd$y), please -amend the application as follows:
`0112a11 m NROSE1 ®000001 ~n. ~.~
`Please am\d th.e specification as follows:
`Pag~ 1, li~ ~· change "08/_. _,_. _.~to ..;oe/985,264--;
`lin\7, change "No. OS/_._. ,_"to -No. 08/985,261~-;
`Une 24, after "with" insert-a-.
`LA.,W Of'PI0£8
`·s ouMJtR,'L.L.P.
`!lPC? J ~TRtlti N:. ~-~
`WASHINGfONj p. Co 2000!5
`~92.-~8· ... 900;
`·~ j:
`. 'l'
`Ex. GOOG 1009
`h f 1
`'""2·· . .,.
`'· pleS$.e msertt e· QriPW ng new p<!ragraph:
`Page 4, efore lm.e
`/9. t•
`~igs, 14A and 148 are gr~phs showing the. touch characteristics of a
`n1 ;f'_~l\/EO
`, pen afld a·ftnger, respectively."'
`' ·;It 2 6 1999
`P~ge 5, "\~ 1 o, ehange ":11 O" ro ·~21(),.; ~nd
`Group 2:700
`line 1\change "2.10" to - 310-.
`Page e, line 25, chal']ge "310 (Fig. 4)" to -21 0_(fig. $A)- and change h21Q!'to
`~ •~310-; and
`\ lin·~, after "contacts" Insert -(Fig . 4)~.
`Page 7, line 11, .change ;'210" _to -310-,.
`Please arnend citaims 1-22, wlthouf prejudice, and add new claims 23 and 24 as
`1. (Amended) A method of actlvatjngJi.mctlons responsive to <i user input,
`[eontrolling display of content informe~tion in a physic;ii viewing -area] comprising [the
`steps of]:
`provjdtng a manipull~ble .area portion [displaying the. content information] in (the]
`~· phyalcal viewing area, sajd manipulable ·area portion having at least~:me manipulation
`function associated therewith;
`displaying a representation of a control tool overlayihg the.manipulable area
`portion, said-control tool having at least one contrel tool function associated therewith
`[over the .display of ~cm;tent inform~tionJ;
`L~w 0'1"'1~,;:1
`FrNNEC..,N, Hrno~l\.lON, .
`fAilAIIOW.o CM!l£TT,
`ISUO 1 1:5'TIIIr:,.tr·1 M,'!ft'•
`~ I'I I HO T ON f o.c. iiOOO!I
`tOJ · 40B · .... ooo
`·. ;
`Ex. GOOG 1009
`receiving a user input [selecting the control :toolJtQ. the pby'sie@l VIewing areij
`corresponding to the manibulable area portion and the representation of'the control
`detennininq ifthe user jonut selects the control ·tool; ;;~nCI
`acithtatiog the at least one manip.ulatjon.function when the user input does not
`select the control tool or permitting the at least one control tool function to be activated·
`when the user input does select the corjt[ol top I [contrplling tl')e display of cont~;mt
`inforti'lation according· fu. the user. input},
`2\ (Amended) The method -of clairn 1, wherein the at least one control tool
`function includes a function of changing a display oflnformatlon in the manipulable area
`portion, the method further including~ [the steps of]
`after at least one control tool function is pellT!itted tQ be_ activated. reeeiving a
`subsequent user input selecting a predetermined portion of the c.ontroltool~[.] and
`activating the function ofchang!ng a display of infwmatjon [the control fool] in
`response to the subsequent user input[; and wherein the controlling step includes the
`s_upstep of changing the display to a differ¢~ht portion of t.he content inforri'latlon].
`3. (Amended) Th~ method of cla.im ~ {1 ], wherein the {qontrolling step) function
`of chanqjng a display of information io~h.!<:les [the,sul;lstep of] shifting [the content]
`information in the manipulable a tea pOrtion [physical viewing ateaJ.
`LA"" ornc~:a
`I!" DUNNER, L.L.r.
`iJPO l';,al'n'E.r.'!'1·M, VI.•
`N.\sHINOTqN1 D:.: c. Ze·ooo.
`~OZ·406•. 40.00
`- 3-
`' .
`Ex. GOOG 1009
`4, (Amended) The metMd of claim 3,wherein the shifting [step} includes [the
`substep of] scrolling [to a dlfferent portion of the c.ontent information].
`5. (Amended) The method of claJm 3, wherein the shifting [step] includes [the
`substep of] jumpin9 {to a different portion of the coritentinformation].
`6. (Amended) The method ·of claim "[1], wherein the function of cbangfng a
`display of information [controlling step] includes control ofthe speed oftbe change of
`the di~play of information based on th.e subsequent user input [the substep of shifting
`the display of content Information at .~ speed determined by to the user input].
`7. (Amended) The method of claim 2. [1], wherein the Changing [control
`information] includes [a plurality of pages, and wherein the controlling step incl.udes the
`substep of] displaying ·a different on:e of a plurality of {the] pages of [the content]
`B. (Amended) The method of claim 1, wherein the [step oij displaying i!.
`.reoresentation of the control tool includes [the substep o~ displaying [the control tool
`containing] arrows. Indicating direction.
`9. (Amended) The method of claim 1, wherein the [control] information displayed
`jn the manipulable area portion includes. a ~ortion of a document and wherein the [step
`' .
`....,.w al"r'tc:.E.•
`fiiP.IIBOW, (:;llltRHT,
`II DUNNE!t, L.L,f.
`1300 1 SJII.r:tr1 H. W.
`WA..I-HINCITO'N1 0. Co 1()00!1
`1:0I:· .. b8•400.0
`Ex. GOOG 1009
`of displaying the control tool! at least one control tool function includes [the substep of
`displaying the control tool indicating various functions] a function related to the
`10. (Amended) The method of claim 1, wherein the [step oij displaying the
`representation or the cohtrol tool includes [the substf:!p of] displaying a virtually
`transparent representation of the control tool.
`11. (Amended) The method o1 claim 1, wherein the [step of] displaying the
`representation of tbe control tool includes [the substep of) displaying an opaque
`representation of the control tool.
`)&.. (Amended) An apparatus for activating functions responsive to a user input.
`(controlling display of content information in a physical viewing area] comprising:
`means for providing a manipulable area portion !displaying the· content
`information} in [the]~ physical viewing area. sajd manipulable area portion haying at
`least one manipulation function associated therewith:
`means for displaying a representation of a control tool overlaying the
`manipulable area portion. said control tool having at least one control tool function
`associated therewith [over the display of content information);
`FIIII.,-BOW, c.\11.1\I!TT,
`& D~tNllER,L.l.P.
`UOO l 5f,.CP1 ,.. , w.
`I:Ot• • OO• 4000
`- 5-
`.·· (
`Ex. GOOG 1009
`means for receiving_ a user Input [selecting the c.ontrol tool] to the physical
`vjewjng area .ccmespondlng to the manioulable area _portion and tbe representation of
`the control tool:
`rneaMs for determining if the user Input seiects the control tool; and
`rne.ans for activating the at l~ast on~ mahlpulation function when the user input
`does not select the control tool or permitting the at least one control tool function to be
`activated when the user Input does select the control .tool [contrblling the display of
`content information atcording to the user input].
`'1i, (Amended) The apparatus of claim~ wherein the aoeast one control tool
`function includes a function of changing a display of lnfonnatjon in the maojpulable-area
`portion. the apparatus further including~
`means for receiving a subsequent user input selecting a predetermined portion
`of the control tool. after at least one control tool function is permitted to be activated,
`means for activating the fvnctlon of changing a display oflnfonnatjon [the control
`tool] in response to the suL?segyent user Input[. and wherein the controlling means
`includes means for changing the display to a different portion of the content
`\.~"Y CF"f"l,::ll:~
`ll :OUNNER,L.L.~.
`llOO 1 UU;ET1 H,W,
`w-"sHINGrort1 o~ c, .aooos
`.ao),.: .. oit-4ooo
`Ex. GOOG 1009
`~ (Amended) ihe apparatus of cl~tlm :ti [12l, wherein the [controlling means]
`function of changing a djsplay of infonnation includes {means for] sl')lftlng· ftbe content)
`information in the manipulable area portion [physical viewing ar~aJ.
`t5.. (Amended) The apparatus of claim X wherein the shifting [means] includes,
`[means for] scrolling [to a different portipn of the content information].
`'(Amended) The 'appar~tu~ of,elaim 't4, whe,teirt the shifting {nieans] includes
`[meari::rfor] jumping [to a-different portion .of the :content infor.triation].
`~ (Amended) The !'lpparatus of· claim ~J12], wherein the function .of chang ina:
`a display of lnfortnation [controlling means]jndudes i:iontrol ofthe speed offhe Change
`of tbe display of Information based on the subsegue[]t user input Jmeans for shifting the
`display of content information ala ·!)peed .determined .by the user input].
`~(Amended)· The .apriaratus of claim ~[12]; wherein the (content information]
`changing includes [a plurality of pages, and wherein the controlling means includes
`means for] displaying a different [ones] one of [the] a plurality of pages of [th~ content]
`'1:9.. (Amended} The apparatus of claim ~wherein the means for displaying :!.!
`representation of the control tool Includes [means for] displaying [the control tool
`~AW O't'liC: a=.s
`FINNECA!-1, H ~N D!~$0N,
`& 0UNN~R,l.L .P.
`I;JQ-Q , ) &,1t t i!T1 H,W,
`.WASl1 l HO,O'"f1 0 . C. ZOOO tl
`10:1:• <tOO· .... OO O
`Ex. GOOG 1009
`containing] arrows indicating direction.
`·'2Q.. (Amended) The apparatus of claim ~~ wheteln the [content] information
`displayed in the manipulable area. portion includes. a portion of a document, and
`wnetein the [means fqr qisplayirig th~ pOntrol too:l] at least one controltool function
`includes [means for displaying the centro! tool Jndic~ating ,various functions] a function
`related td the document.
`~ (Amended) The apparatus of claim~ wherein the means for displaying the
`.representation ofthe control tqol includes ,[means for] displaying a: virtually transparent
`represe.ntatiol1' of1h~ control tool.
`)i (Amended) The apparafiJS of claim~· wherein the means for displaying the
`representation of the control tool includes [means for] displaying an opaque
`representation of the contra. I tool.
`.1. _ .•
`Please add the following ·new claims:
`-'2-3,. The method according to claim 1, wherein the at least ohE! manipulation
`function inclUdes an editing function for a doc;ument.-
`IJ .
`-24. The apparaii,Js a.ccordiog to clai.m ~ wherein lhe ~t J~ast one
`mahipt.ilation function. includes an editing function for a docume.nt.-~
`l'AA1JDOW, Chl\RUT,
`.e· DONNER, L;L.~ • .
`llOO 1 !ITRE.£T1 N, Wo
`WA~I11N~H.ON.1 ~~. c;o iii:OQp,~
`- 8 ·-
`; .J
`Ex. GOOG 1009
`Subject to the approval of the Examiner, please amend Figs. 3A, 1 OA, at1d 11 B
`in accordance with the' red~marked changes in the l~equestfor Approval of Drawing
`Changes address~ to the draft~perS,on.
`In the Office· Action, the Office objected to the specification because the related
`applications were not identified by application number. Regarding rejections based on
`art, the Office rejected claims 1"7, 9·18. ·eu1d 2.0,~2 - !Jnl]er 35 U.S.G. § 1 02(e) as being
`anticipated by U.S. Patent 5i 7361982. to BetmaN etaL (Berman). The Office rejected
`tlaims 8 and 19 under 35 U.s.c. § 103(a:)as being unpatentable over Berman .ln view
`of U.S. Patent $,745,116 tQ Pis!iltha-Amond,
`The ~pacification hal! been f:!ITiehded to .address the Offic.e'~ 6~Jection 't_o the
`speCificati_on, .and otherwise to place this application in better condition for Issue.
`A separate Request for Approval of Drawing Changes is being filed concurrently
`to correct minor errors appearii:JQ in the drawings.
`Without acceding to the outstanding rejections and solely to :advance.
`prosecution, Applicant f:'las amended claims 1-22. Claims 23~24 have b.een added to
`proVide more comprehensive patent protection for the invention·.
`Independent ,clairns 1 and 12, as amended,_distingtJish patentably from the prior
`art of record.
`FAI\ ABQW, C Ail.Rf.TTj
`8 O U~I>lf lt, ~. L .P.
`u oc I srncn, .. . w.
`WA.StfiNGTotr1 D. C.. toOO&
`a,oa .. ..a a ~ "coo
`Ex. GOOG 1009
`Specifically, independent c.laim 1 recites a method qf activating f~nctlons
`responsive lo. a user input including, lriter alia, providing a manipulable area portion in ·a
`physical viewing area, the manipulable area portion having at least cme manipulation
`function associated thereWith, and displaying a· representation of a control tool
`oveilaying the manipulable area portion, the control te>ol having at least one control tool
`function associated .therewith.
`Claim 1 further r:ecites receiving a user input to the physical viewing area
`corresponding to the manipuh:ible area portion and the representation of the control tool
`and determining if the user input sel~cts the control toot Also, claim 1 recites ·activating
`the at least one manipulation function when th~ user input does not select the control
`tool or permitting the at. least one control tool function to be activated when the user
`input does sele<;:t the control tool.
`Independent clair:n 12 rec~es' an apparatus fqt activating functions responsive to
`a user input including, ibt~r alia. means Jor providing a manipulable area portion ln a
`physical viewing area. the manipulable area portion having at least one manipulation
`function associated therewith, and rneans for displaying a representation .of a control
`tool overlaying the manipulable area portion, the control tool having at lea.st one control
`tool function associated therewith.
`Claim 12 further recites means for receiving.a user input to the physical vie~ing
`area corresponding to the -manipulable area portion an·d thE! representation of the
`control tool and means for determining if the user input selects the control tool. Also;
`claim 12 recites means for activat!ng the at least one manipulation function When the
`IA'W 0f' f' IC~
`f:ARI\IIOW, CA'~kETt,
`6 0UNN£R,l.lo.P.
`1:1 00 t stn t £1, N. w.
`ljiJ,.'!IMnf,:tTON/ D. E;- '1.000'"'
`!:O'i•<4qB • ..t~OOO
`' .
`.·. [·
`Ex. GOOG 1009
`user Input does not select the control tool or permitting· thei at IE!ast one control tool
`function to be activated when the u~er input does select the· control tool.
`Berman, relied upon to reject independent cle~ims 1 and 1'2, falls to dlsclose or
`suggest-a combination offeatures as claimed in claims 1 and 12. The action handles
`of Berman, previo.usly indicated by the Office to correspond to (he recited control tool,
`"always provide a place where the stylus always acts as a pointing device rather than a
`pen (that is, no digital ink Is created when touching an action handre) :~ See col. 5, lines
`64-67 of Berman.
`Accordingly, Bannan teaches the antithesis of'provldlng a manipulable area
`portion in a physical viewing area, the manip:ulable area portion halilng at least one
`manipulation funetion assoctated therewith, and displaying ;a' ~presentation of a control
`.tool overlaying the manipulable area portion, tile control tool hewing at least one control
`tool function associated therewith; as recited in combination in method claim 1 and
`apparatus claim 12. Further, it necessarily follows that Berman also tails to disclose or
`suggest activating the at least one manipulation function when the user input does not
`select the control tool or permitting tt;e-at least one cohtrQI tool function to be activated
`when the user input does select the eontrol tool, as claimed.
`Therefore, Berman does not render claims t and 12 invalid Wider 35 U.S.C.
`§§ 102 and 10$, and those claims, as well as dependent ciEiims, 2;-11 and 13~24 are
`allowable over Berman.
`fli<NECIIN, !-1ENDER50N1
`II DUNilEk,~.~.P.
`1300 1 STR.£tT, N. '!J.
`w.-_SHINGTO~I b.~ 2000!1
`·11 -
`Ex. GOOG 1009
`Pisutha~Amond clearly fails to remedy the deficiencies .of Berman noted above.
`fn view of the foregoing amendments and remari<s, Applicant respectfuliy
`requests the reconsideration and reexamination of this application and the timely
`allowance of the pending claims.
`To the .. extent any extension at time under 37 C.F.R. §.1 .136 is required to obtain
`entry of this response, sueh extension Is hereby respectfully requested . If there are any
`fees due under 37 C.F.R. §§ 1.16 or 1.17 whleh are hot~nclosed hereWith, Including
`any fees required for an extension of time under 37 C.F.R. § 1.136, please charge such
`fees to our Deposit Account No. 06-0916.
`Respectfully s.ubmitted,
`\ By:._¥'1>"<.!..!.1:11""':'-:-:i!r.-"-'-.:&...::'---- - -
`Dated: January 22, 1999
`u.·H Orf"ICC11
`8 0UNNEP.1 L, L.P.
`1100. 1 STREU1 N, W,
`Wo"'&HINQTON1 D, c:;:. 2000~
`IOZ·•o8• ... 000
`- 12-
`Ex. GOOG 1009