Ex. GOOG 1007
`EX. GOOG 1007


`;PaJef\t ~tnd Tradsmark Offlca
`~ddroso: COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS AND tiiAQ~MARKS ,:...])·')) ")
`Wuh i~Qton . DC 20231
`Lf't10211 02.3
`JjdD l $TREEf N W
`Wf\$HINGT0N DC 2D00p
`PI~$~ find below· and/or attache'd: an Office commuoicatiQn .. concf3mlng this application or
`Comm.isslon81' of Patents and Trademarks.
`/(t!.S.OOVEilNMI!Nl' PtUHTINO OFFICI! 1119S-lJ!Ic87.(;
`Ex. GOOG 1007


`Office Action Summary
`D Responsive to comrnunication(s) Vied on ------~------=--------------­
`.0 This action i3 FINAl,. ..
`0 Since this applloatlon IS ii'l t:onditlon for allowance ex~pt for formal matters,
`prosecution liB to the mflrlts Ia closed
`in accordance with .the pr<~ctlce under Ex parl8 Qu(ly\'835 C. D. 11; 453 O,G; 213.
`A shortened slalulory period for nisponse 'to this action Is set io expire
`3 month(s), or thirty days, whk:hever is
`longer, from the mailing date of this communication. Failure to respond within the period lor response will cause ttie
`application to become abandoned. (35 U.S.C. § 133). EXtensions of time may be obtained .under the provisions cif
`37 CFR 1.136(a).
`Disposition of Claim
`~ Claim(s) .... 1-:!L!& ________________________ Is/are pending Jn the applicat
`Of the above, claim(s)
`0 Claim(s)
`is/are Withdrawn from consideration
`is/are aUowed.
`~ Clalm(a) .!.:1-~2~----------------------- islare rejected.
`0 CJaim(s)
`Is/are objected to.
`0 Claims
`are subject to restriction or election requirement.
`Application Papers
`~ee tlle attached Notice of' Oraftsperson's Patent DraWing· Review, PT0-9413.
`.0 The draWing(s) filed on
`1!;/are objeoted to by the Examiner.
`0 The proposed drawing correction, filed on
`'Is 0 approved O:fisapproved~
`G The sp~cification Is objected to by the Examiner.
`0: The oath or declar<\tion is objected to by .t!Je Examiner.
`Priority under 35 U;S.C. ~ 119
`0 Acknowledgement is made or .a claim for foreign priority under :35 U.S. C.§ 119(a}{d).
`0 All
`(None ol the CERTIFIED copies of the priority documents. have been
`0 received.
`0 recelv~ in Application No (SerieS Code/Serial Nurt)ber) ____ ____ _
`0 received in this national stage application from tne International Bureau (PCT Rule 17:2(a)).
`•Certified copies not received: ---~~--------------------------1
`0 Acknowledgement ls ri11!de of a claim for domestic priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(e),
`Ql;! Notice of References Cited, PTQ.892
`0 Information Dis.elosure Statement(s), PT0-1449, Paper. No(s). ___ _
`D Interview Summary, PT0-413
`(gl Notice of Draftsperson's Patent DraWing ReView, PT0•948
`0 Notice of Informal Patent Application, PT0-1.52
`U. IS P'Ateo\ ~nd Tr.o.-nlfk Office
`PT0 -326 (Rev. 9-95)
`Office Action Summary
`Part 9f Paper Nd. __ 2 __
`Ex. GOOG 1007


`Serial Number; 08/985,265
`Art Unit: '2773
`Th(i attempt to incorporate subject matter into this application by references for
`RELATED APPLJCA TlONS is improper because missing serial number.
`II. Cliilins Rejections
`Ctaim Rejecti(Jns.- 35 USC§ 102
`The following is a quoJation ofthe-appropriate paragraphs of3,5 l);s.c. 102 that
`form the basis for the rejections under this section made in this Office actidnz
`A person shall be entitled to a patent unlc:ss -
`(e) the invention was described in a patent granted on an application for patertt by another filed _in the
`United States· \l~fore the inv.ention thereof by the applicant for patent, or 0q an international application \ly
`another who has fulfilled the requlre.q~enlll ,ofparagriiphs (I), (Z), and (4) of section 3710 of thin~tle
`before the inventi'on thereof by the applicant for patent.
`Claim: i-7, 9-18,20-22 .are reje-cted under 35 U.S.C. 102(e) as being unpatentable
`over Bertnan ct al. US Patent 5,736,982.
`As per clllihll: Berman discloses a system and method of controlling display of
`content information in a p~ysical viewing are~t and display .control tools and present it over the
`display ofcontent infomation.a pennit user.input selecting control tool, and controlling the
`display of co11tent information according to the. user input (see abstract, col.4, line 5~17).
`Ex. GOOG 1007


`Se:ria:I Number: 08/985,265
`Art Unit: 2773
`As per cl3bn 2: Recite claiin 1, Berman also inCluding receiving a user input
`selectit)g a predetennined portion of the control tool; and activatfug the control tool in re~ponse
`to the user input, and ch!IJlgin~rthe display tO provide visual feedback (coM; line J 8-32).
`As p~r Claim 3~5.: Recite.claim 1, Bennan's system explicitly teaches "action handle''
`for controlling step includes .shifting the content information in'the_physical vi~Win~· ~ea by
`scrolling ( co12(), line 32~50) and ju,mping ( c<if.l7, line 1-11) to different p«;>rtiop «;>fthe.contentof
`A~ per claim 6: Recite claim 1, B.ennan's system discloses controlling step incl~des
`tile user input: shifting the display of content information e.t ,a speed detennio:ed by to the user
`inp!lt (col;20; line 43-50).
`As per claim 7: Recite claim 1, Berman's system discloses .the control information
`include's a plurality of pages, ~d displaying a different one of the pages .ofthe content
`information .(col.l7, line 1-15).
`A~ per ciaim 9: 'Recite .claim 1, Berman's system discloses a c:locument software
`program includes control tool indicating various functions related to the document
`As· per claim 10-;ll: B:ennan's system use action handle includes the step of
`displaying the control tool includes the substep of displaying an opaque control tool.
`(abstract, FIG.9-10) that also haii tranparentregion.
`Ex. GOOG 1007


`Serial Number: 08/712,566
`Art Unit: 2773
`4 .
`As per claim 12: Recite claim 1, Pisutha-A'rnond discloses an. apparatus inCluded
`means for controlling di~play ofcontent i.nfonrta:tion 1n ap.Q.ysicatviewing area (FIGJ,4)~
`As per cJaim 1.3: Recite clafm 12;2.
`As per cbim 14•16: Recite claim 12;3-5;
`As per claim17: Recite claim 14,6.
`As per Claim 20: Recite claim 12;9.
`AS per claim 21: Recite claim 12, m
`AS per chi'im 22: Recite claim 12, 11.
`·Claim Rejections- '35 USC§ 103
`The following is. a quotationofJS U$;C. lOS(a) which forms the basis for all
`obviousness rejections set forth irt this Office action:
`(a) A patent may not be·obtainedihough the invention is not identically disclosed or de3cribed as set forth
`in section I 02·of this title, if the differt:nces between the subject matter sought to be pateoted and the prior
`!!rl are such that the subject matter as a whole would have been obvious al the time the invention '~as
`made ·to a person having ordinary skill .inlhe a.rt to wliiclt ~aid subject matter pertains. Paten }ability shall
`not b~ n~gatlved by .the rruinrH:r in which tl,e invention was made.
`Claim 8,19 are rejected under 35 tJ.S.C. 103(a) as heing.ui:J.patentable over
`Berman eta/. US Patc::nt 5,736,982 in view of Pisutha-Arnond US Patent 5;745,116 ...
`As pet claim&: Benn~'s system discloses activation of action handle causes
`display controlling tools which associated with data object (see abstract, col.4line 67).
`Pisutha-Arnond's system filrther displaying the controltool includes~<! substep of
`displaying the control tqol containing arrows indicating direction (see abstract, and
`Ex. GOOG 1007


`Serial Number: 081712,;$66
`Art.Unit: 2773
`FlGA). lt' have been obvious fo ·oneo6fotdfuary skill in the relevant 11rt at the tim~. of
`jnvention to use .I3er:tttan''s:. c.onttol tool 'indicating various functiorinelat~d to~~ :data
`o~ject, an,d PisiJ,tna·Aih(>nd's system di~playing the control tool containing arrows
`indicating direction, because 1.1ser hav" control in navigation /m~,~rtipulating content of display
`infotmatioQ dfective.andefficlently With user visual feed baek for imp~ove produ¢tiVity and
`enhance sylitem petfonnance.
`As per Claim 19: Rec.ite claim 12,8.
`Ex. GOOG 1007


`:page 6
`Ex. GOOG 1007


` Number: 081712,566
`Art Unit: 2773
`/ ·
`.Prior art
`The prlor art made .of record and not relied l,lpon ·is cpnsidered pertirient to
`a_pplicant's· disclosure
`Meisel ·et,al. US Patent 5,297,253 disclo$es an lll!er interactive of navigation
`tool with t:ltree modules.
`Pooser et al., US Patent 5,812,134 discloses OUinavi~ation system:ptovides
`user with. both position and of information in data base and ·custo~e:navigation paths.
`Tcbao et al., US :patent 5,563;996 discloses a gesnrre based and a di\ilsion tools
`and method.
`Tchao et al., l)S patent ~.745,71.6 discloses a system for·pen based w1thtabs
`for a navigation controlling tools.
`Jenson et al., US patent 5,570,109 disCloses a system for controlling a
`sc}tedule and document to~do list with pen based input.
`Ex. GOOG 1007


`~- ·
`Serial N)lil1bet! 0~1712,5.66
`Art Unit: '2773
`Responses to this action should-he :mailed to: Commissioner o:fl~atents and
`Traclemarks, Washington, n~c. 2023i. If applicant desires toJax a response, (703) 308~
`9051 may be us.ed for fornw.l communications or (703) 305~9724 for inftmnal or
`communications. ·.Pleas¢ label "PROPOSED'' or "DRAFT" for infotmal facsimile
`conununications. For after tm:al responses, please label '"AF'IER FINAL" or
`"E)Ql.EDITED PROCEDURE11 on the document. Hand delivered responses should be
`'brought tO Crystal Park n;.-2 121 Crystal Drive, Arlington, VA., 6th Floor (Receptionist).
`Any inquiry conc.ernirJ.g this communication or earlier communications ·from the
`Examiner should be directed t() Thomas Nguyen, whose telephone number is (703) 308;.,
`7240. The exam'iner can nonnally be reached on Monday to Thursday 8:00 ~ 6:00 ET. If
`attempts to reach the Examiner by telephon~ are unsuccessful,;the workgroup 2773
`Ex*!tniner's contact person, Crescelle dela Torre; can be reached at ·(703) 305..:9782~
`Any inquiry of a general nature or relating to the status of this application or
`proceeding should be directed to the .Group· receptionist whose telephone number is (703)
`Thomas T '· Ngl,l}'en
`October 9, 1998
`Ex. GOOG 1007


`J Appllcanl(o)
`Notice Qf References Cited
`Appllcallon No.
`JUN 1998
`MAR 1994
`SEP 1996
`OCT 1996
`APR 1998
`OCT 1996
`apr 1998
`Tllo.m~s Nguy~
`L .,.
`!Group Art unn
`P1ge 1 or1
`I-I--11--- - - - - - -J-- -- - - -+ - - - - -- --f----- - - -- -- -+--+-----l
`u 19~Mil:rosu~Hll:>rpol'l!tllm.
`I X , I
`U. S Ploten1 and Trad'flllart Dtl'u
`PT0-892 (Rev 9-95)
`Notfce of References Cited
`Part of Paper No. _..::2'----
`Ex. GOOG 1007

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