`Ex. GOOG 1004
`EX. GOOG 1004
`1 2
`~~~' ·
`Ex. GOOG 1004
`J 0 U R N A L
`graphics-MENU is
`a collection of
`libraries, CASE
`tools and utilities
`to enable the
`developer to
`quickly create a
`Graphical User
`Interface for any
`available with the Genus
`GX version) .
`•Complete support for
`both mouse and
`•Works with any font or
`video mode supported by
`the underlying graphics
`•Choose native graphics
`variant to work
`standalone with your
`Borland or Microsoft
`compiler, or external
`graphics variant to work
`with MetaWindow or
`Genus GX graphics.
`•A graphics-MENU
`interface can contain
`windows, icons, menus.
`checked and scrolled lists
`of items, buttons, text
`edit window, data entry
`form menus & more.
`•CASE tools are included
`to provide an on-screen
`WYSIWYG design
`environment for creating
`some menu types with
`complete automatic code
`generation for the target
`•Extensive flexibility is
`available to change
`colors, sizes. and format
`of most items. Library
`source is available to
`allow total control when
`•Background tasking
`capability allows a
`graphics-MENU interface
`to be run with a real time
`•Memory utilization is
`conserved by using TPU's
`for Pascal and many small
`.OBJ files for C. EMS can
`be automatically used to
`automatically save the
`underlying graphics
`image. (Automatic
`storage to disk is
`Turbo C
`Turbo C++
`Turbo Pascal •
`Microsoft C
`Microsoft( 6.0 Genus GX
`graphics MetaWindow
`Peter Hutcbinsou
`EDITOR-IN-CHIEF j onathan E1icksou
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`Dr. Dobb 's ]oumal, December1991
`Ex. GOOG 1004
`The Design and Implementation of
`I e
`They're fast, easy, and self-revealing
`Don Hopkins
`A !though the computer screen is two-dimensional,
`today most users of windowing environments con(cid:173)
`trol their systems with a one-dimensional list of
`choices-the standard pull-down or drop-down
`menus such as those found on Microsoft Windows,
`Presentation Manager, or the Macintosh.
`This a1ticle describes an altemative user-interface technique
`I call "pie" menus, which is two-dimensional, circular, and
`in many ways easier to use and faster than conventional lin(cid:173)
`ear memis. Pie menus also work well with alternative point(cid:173)
`ing devices such as those found in stylus or pen-based sys(cid:173)
`tems. I developed pie menus at the University of Ma1yland
`in 1986 and have been studying and improving them over
`the last five years.
`During that time, pie menus have been implemented by
`myself and my colleagues on four different platforms: XlO for
`the uwm window manager, Sun View, NeWS for the Lite Tool(cid:173)
`kit, and OpenWindows for THE NeWS Toolkit. Fellow re(cid:173)
`searchers have conducted both comparison tests between pie
`menus and linear menus, and also tests with different kinds
`of pointing devices, including mice, pens, and trackballs.
`Included with this a1ticle are relevant code excerpts from
`the most recent NeWS implementation, written in Sun's ob(cid:173)
`ject-oriented PostScript dialect.
`Pie Menus Properties
`In their two-dimensional form, pie menus are round menus
`containing menu items positioned around the cursor-as op(cid:173)
`posed to the rows or columns of traditional linear menus.
`The menu item target regions are shaped like the slices of a
`pie, and the cursor staits out in the center, in a small inac(cid:173)
`tive region. The active regions are all adjacent to the cursor,
`but each in a different direction. You select from a pie menu
`by clicking the mouse or tapping the stylus, and then point(cid:173)
`ing in a pa1ticular direction.
`Although there are multiple kinds of pie menus, the most
`Don is a software engineer for SunSoft and can be contact(cid:173)
`ed at 88 Mercy Street, Mountain View, CA 94041.
`D1: Dobb'sjournal, December1991
`Ex. GOOG 1004
`conunon implementation _uses the relative direction of the
`pointing device to determine the selection - as compared
`with the absolute positioning required by linear menus. The
`wedge-shaped slices of the pie, adjacent to the cursor but in
`different directions, correspond to the menu selections. Vi(cid:173)
`sually, feedback is provided to the user in the form high(cid:173)
`lighting the wedge-shaped slices of the pie. In the center of
`the pie, where the cursor starts out, is an inactive region.
`When a pie menu pops up, it is centered at the .location
`of the click that invoked it: where the mouse button was
`pressed (or the screen was touched, or the pen was tapped).
`The center of the pie is inactive, so clicking again without
`moving dismisses the menu and selects nothing. The circu(cid:173)
`lar layout minimizes the motion required to make a selec(cid:173)
`tion. As the cursor moves into the wider area of a slice, you
`gain leverage, and your control of direction improves. To ex(cid:173)
`ploit this property, the active target areas can extend out to
`the edges of the screen, so you can move the cursor as far
`as required to select precisely the intended item.
`You can move into a slice to select it, or move around the
`menu, reselecting another slice. As you browse around be(cid:173)
`fore choosing, the slice in the direction of the cursor is high(cid:173)
`lighted, to show what will happen if you click (or, if you
`have the button down, what will happen if you release it).
`When the cursor is in the center, none of the items are high(cid:173)
`lighted, because that region is inactive.
`Pie menus can work with a variety of pointing devices(cid:173)
`not just mice, but also pens, trackballs, touchscreens, and (if
`Dr Dobb's]ournal, December 1991
`you'll pardon the hand waving) data gloves. The look and
`feel should, of course, be adapted to fit the qualities and con(cid:173)
`straints of the particular device. For example, in the case of
`the data glove, the two-dimensional circle of a pie could be(cid:173)
`come a tlu·ee-dimensional sphere, and the wedges could be(cid:173)
`come cones in space.
`In all cases, a goal of pie menus is to provide a smooth,
`reliable gestural style of interaction for novices and experts.
`Pie Menu Advantages
`Pie menus are faster and more reliable than linear menus, be(cid:173)
`cause pointing at a slice requires vety little cursor motion,
`and the large area and wedge shape make them easy targets.
`For the novice, pie menus are easy because they are a self(cid:173)
`revealing gestural interface: They show what you can do and
`direct you how to do it. By clicking and popping up a pie
`menu, looking at the labels, moving the cursor in the de(cid:173)
`sired direction, then clicking to make a selection, you learn
`the menu and practice the gesture to "mark ahead" ("mouse
`ahead" in the case of a mouse, "wave ahead" in the case of
`a dataglove). With a little practice, it becomes quite easy to
`mark ahead even tlu·ough nested pie menus.
`For the expert, they're efficient because-without even
`looking-you can move in any direction, and mark ahead
`so fast that tl1e menu doesn't even pop up. Only when used
`more slowly like a traditional menu, does a pie menu pop
`up on the screen, to reveal the available selections.
`Most impmtantly, novices soon become experts, because
`every time you select from a pie menu,
`you practice the motion to mark
`ahead, so you naturally learn to do it
`by feel! As Jaron Lanier of VPL Re(cid:173)
`search has remarked, "The mind may
`forget, but the body remembers." Pie
`menus take advantage of the body's
`ability to remember muscle motion
`and direction, even when the mind
`has forgotten the corresponding sym(cid:173)
`bolic labels.
`By moving further from the pie
`menu center, a more accurate selec(cid:173)
`tion is assured. This feature facilitates
`mark ahead. Our expetience has been
`that tl1e expert pie menu user can eas(cid:173)
`ily mark ahead on an eight-item menu.
`Linear menus don't have this proper(cid:173)
`ty, so it is difficult to mark ahead more
`than two items.
`This property is especially impor(cid:173)
`tant in mobile computing applications
`and other situations where the input
`data stream is noisy because of factors
`such as hand jitter, pen skipping,
`mouse slipping, or vehicular motion
`(not to mention tectonic activity).
`There are particular applications,
`such as entering compass directions,
`time, angular degrees, and spatially re(cid:173)
`lated commands, which work partic(cid:173)
`ularly well with pie menus. However,
`as we'll see further on, pies win over
`linear menus even for ordinaty tasks.
`Pie Menu Flavors
`There are many possible flavors or vali(cid:173)
`ants of pie menus. One obvious vari(cid:173)
`ation is to use semicircular pie ("fan")
`menus at the edge of the screen.
`Ex. GOOG 1004
`Secondly, although the usual form of pie menus is to use
`only the directional angle in determining a selection, there
`is a variant of pie menus which offers two parameters of
`choice with a single user action. In t\1is case, both the di(cid:173)
`rection and the distance between the two points are used as
`parameters to the selection. The ability to specify two input
`parameters at once can be used in situations where the in(cid:173)
`put space is two-dimensional.
`For example , in a graphics or word processing applica(cid:173)
`tions, a dual-parameter pie menu will allow you to specify
`both the size and style of a typographic font in one gesture.
`The direction selects the font style from a set of styles, and
`the distance selects the font size from the range of sizes. An
`increased distance from the center corTesponds to an increase
`in the size of the font. Visual feedback can be provided to
`the user by making a text sample swell or shrinl< dynami(cid:173)
`cally as the pointer is moved to and fro. Direction and dis(cid:173)
`tance can be continuous or discrete, as appropriate.
`A minor variation in the use of pie menus is whether you
`click-and-drag as the menu pops up, or whether two clicks
`are required: one to make the menu appear, another to make
`the selection. In fact, it's possible to support both.
`Other vatiants include scrolling spiral pies, rings, pies with(cid:173)
`in square windows, and continuous circular fields. These
`variants are discussed in a later section.
`Pie Menu Implementations
`As mentioned earlier, several pie menu implementations ex(cid:173)
`ist, including: XlO, SunView, and two NeWS implementa(cid:173)
`tions (using different tooll<its).
`I ftrst attempted to implement pie menus in June 1986 on
`a Sun 3/160 running the XlO window system by adding them
`to the "uwm" window manager. The user could clefme nest(cid:173)
`eel menus in a ".uwrnrc" file and bind them to mouse but(cid:173)
`tons. The default menu layout was specilled by an initial an(cid:173)
`gle and a radius that you could override in any menu in which
`labels overlapped. The pop-up menu was rectangular, large
`enough to hold the labels, and had a tide at the top.
`Then I linked the window manager into Mitch Bradley's
`Sun F01th, to make a Forth-extensible window manager with
`pie menus. I used this interactively programmable system to
`experiment with pie menu tracking and window manage(cid:173)
`ment techniques, and to administer and collect data for Jack
`Callahan's expetiment compating pie menus with linear menus.
`In January 1987, while snowed in at home, Mark Weiser
`implemented pie menus for the Sun View window system.
`They are featured in his reknowned "SDI" game, the source
`code for which is available free of charge.
`I implemented pie menus in round windows for the Lite
`Toolkit in NeWS 1.0 in May 1987. TI1e Lite Toolkit is imple(cid:173)
`mented in Sun's object-oriented PostScript dialect, and pie
`menus are built on top of the abstract menu class, so d1ey
`have d1e same application interface as linear menus. There(cid:173)
`fore, pie menus can transparently replace the default menu
`class, turning evety menu in the system into a pie, without
`having to modify other parts of the system or applications.
`Because of the equivalence in semantics between pie
`menus and linear menus, pies can replace linear menus in
`systems in which menu processing can be revectored. Both
`d1e Macintosh and Microsoft Windows come to mind as pos(cid:173)
`sible candidates for pie menu implementations. Of course,
`for best results, d1e application's menu items should be ar(cid:173)
`ranged with a circular layout in mind.
`My most recent implementation of pie menus runs under
`the NeWS Tooll<it, the most modern object-oriented toolkit
`for NeWS, shipped with Open Windows, Version 3. The pie
`menu source code and several special-purpose classes, as
`well as sample applications using pie menus are aU available
`for no charge.
`Usability Testing
`Over the years, there have been a number of research pro(cid:173)
`jects studying the human factors aspects of pie menus.
`Jack Callahan's study compares the seek time and error
`Momenta's Command Compass
`A Pie Menu by any Other Name
`0 ne implementation of a pie menu was recently an(cid:173)
`a.tticle. If Momenta succeeds in its endeavor, pie memts will
`join pull-down and linear menus as mainstream user(cid:173)
`irtterface components.
`nounced by Momenta Corporation, a Silicon Valley
`startup developing a "pentop" computer. (A "pentop"
`PC supports bod1 keyboard and pen input.) The Momen(cid:173)
`ta Computer is a dual-mode system that can run standard
`MS-DOS programs or programs written for the "Momenta
`Environment," a Smalltalk/V-based environment that sup(cid:173)
`potts the pen. Central to the Momenta Environment is a
`system-wide pie menu the company refers to as the "Com(cid:173)
`mand Compass."
`The Command Compass operates consistently across aU
`Momenta Environment applications (notepad, spreadsheet,
`sketchpad, and so on) by allowing users to manipulate
`(move, copy, cut, paste, and so on) text or graphical ob(cid:173)
`jects that have previously been defined. Some operations
`can therefore be performed in a single stroke. As Bgure 1
`illustrates, for instance, you can quickly move a block of
`text by defining it, calling up dle Command Compass, mov(cid:173)
`ing the stylus duough the "move" wedge and on to the
`"move-to" position, and releasing the pen.
`The figure shows that Momenta's menus are a visually
`faithful in1plementation of pie menus as described in this
`• Appointment calen'$-r, featuring daily, weekly
`and monthly views, reCllfFing.~ppointments,
`alarms and other automated func,tions.
`• Address book wit~
`~ r; \
`'~Jr-fu~ction (+,-,/}
`• Calculators, bot~
`and a sophisti~tt ~lculator.
`• Chart Maker. 1 coo/~;~:~ed creation
`of presentations ~ds.
`Figure 1: Momenta's pie menu implementation
`Dr: Dobb's]oumal, December 1991 -
`Ex. GOOG 1004
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`owners. c Copyright 1991 IVATCOM Products Inc.
`Ex. GOOG 1004
`(continued from page 18)
`rates in pies versus linear menus. There is a hypothesis known
`as Fitts's law, which states that the "seek time" required to
`point the cursor at a target depends on the target's area and
`distance. The wedge-shaped slices· of a pie menu are all large
`and close to the cursor, so Fitts's law predicts good times for
`pie menus. In comparison, the rectangular target areas of a
`traditional linear menu are small, and each is placed at a dif(cid:173)
`ferent distance from the statting location.
`Callahan's controlled experiment supports the result pre-
`In their two-dimensional form, pie
`menus are round menus
`containing menu items positioned
`around the cursor- as opposed to
`the rows or columns of traditional
`linear menus
`dieted by Fitts's law. Three types of eight-item menu task
`groupings were used: Pie tasks (Notth, NE, East, and so on),
`linear tasks (First, Second, Third, and so on), and unclassi(cid:173)
`fied tasks (Center, Bold, Italic, and so on). Subjects with lit(cid:173)
`tle or no mouse experience were presented menus in both
`linear and pie formats, and told to make a cettain selection
`from each. Those subjects using pie menus were able to
`make selections significantly faster and with fewer errors for
`all tluee task groupings.
`The fewer the items, tl1e faster and more reliable pie menus
`are, because of tl1eir bigger slices. But other factors contribute
`to their efficiency. Pies with an even number of items are
`symmetric, so the directional angles are convenient to re(cid:173)
`member and atticulate. Cettain numbers of items work well
`with various metaphors, such a clock, an on/off switch, or
`a compass. Eight-item pies are optimal for many tasks: They're
`symmetric, evenly divisible along vettical, horizontal, and di(cid:173)
`agonal axes, and have distinct, well-lmown directions.
`Gordon Kuttenbach carried out an experiment comparing
`pie menus with different visual feedback styles, numbers of
`slices, and input devices. One interesting result was that
`menus with an even number of items were generally better
`than those with odd numbers. Also, menus with eight items
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`Figure 2: Eight days a week pie menu
`Dr. Dobb'sjournal, December 1991
`Ex. GOOG 1004
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`Ex. GOOG 1004
`(continued from page 20)
`were especially fast and easy to learn, because of their pri(cid:173)
`maty and secondaty compass directions. Another result of
`Kurtenbach's experiment was that, with regard to speed and
`accuracy, pens were better than mice, and mice were better
`than trackballs.
`The "Eight Days a Week" menu shown in Figure 1 is a
`contrived example of eight-item symmet:Iy: It has seven items
`for the days of the week, plus one for today. Monday is on
`the left, going around counterclockwise to Friday on the right.
`Wednesday is at the bottom, in the middle of the week, and
`'the weekend floats above on the diagonals. Today is at the
`top, so it's_always an easy choice. THE NeWS Toolkit code
`that creates this pie menu is shown in Listing One (page 94).
`Pie Menu Disadvantages
`The main disadvantage of pie menus is that when they pop
`up, they can take a lot of screen space due to their circular
`layout. Long item labels can make them very large, while
`short labels or small icons make them more compact and
`take up less screen space.
`The layout algorithm should have three goals: to minimize
`the menu size, to prevent menu labels from overlapping, and
`to clearly associate labels with their directions. It's not nec(cid:173)
`essaty to confine each label to the interior of its slice- that
`could result in enormous menus. In a naive implementation,
`you might use text labels rotated around the center of the
`pie. But rotated text turns out not to work well, because it
`exaggerates "jaggies." This is hard to read without rotating
`your head, and doesn't even satisfy the goal of minimizing
`menu size.
`One '""e"ful l'yout policy I've Implemented ju,hfi"' f[
`Icon! \I Zoom!
`(Pus h) ::::: < (Crab)
`Paint! I\ (Frame)
`Figm·e 3: A nested pie menu
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`Ex. GOOG 1004
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`Ex. GOOG 1004
`(continued from page 22)
`each label edge within its slice, at an inner radius big enough
`that no two adjacent labels overlap. To delimit the target ar(cid:173)
`eas, short lines are drawn between th~ slices, inside the cir(cid:173)
`cle of labels, like cuts in a pie crust.
`One solution to the problem of pie menus with too many
`items is to divide up large
`menus into smaller, logically re(cid:173)
`lated submenus. Nested pies
`work quite well, and you can
`mark ahead quickly through sev(cid:173)
`eral levels. You remember the
`route through the menus in the
`same way you remember how
`to drive to a friend 's house: by
`going clown familiar roads and
`malting the correct turn at each
`Another alternative is to use a .
`scrolling pie menu that encom-
`passes many items in a spiral but
`only displays a fLxecl number of them at once. By winding
`the cursor around the menu center, you can scroll through
`all the items, like walking up or down a spiral staircase.
`Other Design Considerations
`When you mark ahead quicldy to select from a familiar pie,
`it can be annoying if the menu pops up after you've already
`fmishecl the selection, and then pops clown, causing the screen
`to repaint and slowing clown interaction. If you don't need
`to see the menu , it shouldn't show itself. When you mark
`ahead, interaction is much quicker if the menu display is pre(cid:173)
`empted while the cursor is in motion, so you never have to
`Although the .computer screen is
`two-dimensional, .today most users
`' d
`OJ Wtn OWtng envzronmen S
`l h ·
`· h
`contra t ezr systems wzt a one-
`dimensional list of choices
`stop and wait for the computer to catch up. If you click up
`a menu when the cursor is at rest, it should pop up im(cid:173)
`mediately, but if you press and move, the menu should not
`display until you sit still. If you mark ahead, selecting with a
`smooth continuous !'notion, the menu should not displ