`in re Patent Application of:
`Docket No. MP0136.C1
`Confirmation No. 2582
`Application No. 10/189,385
`Group Art Unit: 2616
`Filed: July 5, 2002
`Examiner: Steven H. D. NGUYEN
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO. BOX 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`in response to the Non~Final Office Action mailed May 30. 2007 (Paper No.
`20070526) (“Office Action”), Applicant respectfuliy requests reconsideration of the
`application in View of the following Amendments and Remarks.
`Amendments to the Claims are reflected in the tisting of claims which begins on
`page 2.
`Remarks begin on page 25‘
`Applicant believes that no extensions of time are required at this time. However,
`if extensions of time are necessary to prevent abandonment of this application, such
`extensions of time are hereby petitioned for under 37 C.F.R. §1.136{a).
`Applicant believes that no further fees for net addition of claims are required at
`this time. Alternatively, any fees required for further extensions of time and any fees for
`the net addition of claims are hereby authorized to be charged to our Deposit Account
`No. 23—1 951.
`Exhibit 2007
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`Exhibit 2007
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`Application No, 10/189,385
`Response Dated August 30, 2007
`Reply to Non-Final Office Action of May 30, 2007
`Please AMEND claims 1, 3, 9, 11, 13, 15, 22, 24, 26, 28, 34, 36, 38, 40, 47, 49,
`51. 56, 57, 59, 85, and 67 as shown below.
`Please CANCEL claims 2, 10, 27, 35, 52, 58, and 66 as shown below.
`The following is a complete list of all claims in this application,
`(Currentiy Amended) A diversity transmitter, comprising:
`a symbol encoder to encode data in a multicarrier frequency domain symbol;
`a space frequency encoder responsive to said symbol encoder to derive and
`output a modified symbol based on the multicarrier frequency domain symbol and
`output the unmodified multicarrier frequency domain symbol;
`a conversion unit responsive to said space frequency encoder to convert the
`unmodified multicarrier frequency domain symbol and the modified symbol into
`corresponding time domain counterparts; and
`first and second Rt: transmission units to transmit the corresponding time domain
`counterparts of the unmodified multicarrier frequency domain symbol and the modified
`symbol respectively,
`wherein the modified symbol comprises a re-ordered subcarrier complex
`conjugate of the multicarrier freguency domain symbol.
`Exhibit 2007
`Page 2 of 46
`Exhibit 2007
`Page 2 of 46


`Application No. 10/189,385
`Response Dated August 30, 2007
`Reply to Non-Final Office Action of May 30, 2007
`(Currentiy Amended) The transmitter of Claim 1 2, wherein the multicarrier
`frequency domain symbol comprises an OFDM encoded symbol.
`(Original) The transmitter of Ctaim 3, wherein the OFDM encoded symbol
`is encoded in compiiance with at least one of IEEE Standard 802.1 la and lEEE
`Standard 802.119 supplements to the lEEE Standard 802.11 (1999).
`(Original) The transmitter of Claim 1, wherein the first and second RF
`transmission units comprise an RF upconverter to modulate the corresponding time
`domain counterparts of the multicarrier frequency domain symbol and the modified
`symboi respectively onto first and second carrier signals, the first and second carrier
`signals operating in a common frequency channel.
`(Original) The transmitter of Ctaim 1, wherein the corresponding time
`domain counterparts are transmitted by the first and second RF transmission units at
`approximately the same time.
`(Original) The transmitter of Ciaim 1, wherein the corresponding time
`domain counterparts are transmitted by the first and second RF transmission units in a
`staggered sequence.
`Exhibit 2007
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`Exhibit 2007
`Page 3 of 46


`Application No 10/189,385
`Response Dated August 30, 2007
`Reply to Non-Final Office Action of May 30, 2007
`(Original) The transmitter of Claim 1, wherein said conversion unit
`comprises first and second conversion units to separately convert the multicarrier
`frequency domain symbol and the modified symbol into their respective corresponding
`time domain counterparts.
`(Currently Amended) A diversity aware receiver, comprising:
`an RF receiver capable of receiving a time domain signal, the time domain signal
`capable of defining at least one of a multicarrier frequency domain symbol and a
`modified symbol based on the muiticarrier frequency domain signal;
`a conversion unit responsive to said RF receiver to generate a composite signal
`based on the time domain signal, the composite signal including at least an incomplete
`analog sum of the multicarrier frequency domain symbol and the modified symbol; and
`a space frequency decoder responsive to said conversion unit to decode the
`modified multicarrier frequency domain symbol portion of the composite signal and
`together with an unmodified multicarrier frequency domain symbol portion of the
`composite signai recover a corrected multicarrier frequency domain symbol from the
`composite signal;
`wherein the modified symbol comprises a rte-ordered subcarrier complex
`conjugate of the multicarrier freguency domain symbol.
`Exhibit 2007
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`Exhibit 2007
`Page 4 of 46


`Application No. 10/189,385
`Response Dated August 30, 2007
`Reply to Non-Final Office Action of May 30, 2007
`(Currentiy Amended) The receiver of Ciaim g 49, wherein the multicarrier
`frequency domain symbol comprises an OFDM encoded symbol.
`(Original) The receiver of Ciaim 11, wherein the OFDM encoded symbol is
`encoded in compiiance with at least one of lEEE Standard 802.113 and lEEE Standard
`802. ’l ‘i g supplements to the lEEE Standard 802. ’i 1 (1999).
`(Currently Amended) A diversity transceiver, comprising:
`a receiver; and
`a diversity transmitter‘ comprising:
`a symbol encoder to encode data in a first multicarrier frequency domain symbol;
`a space frequency encoder responsive to said symbol encoder to derive and
`output a first modified symbol based on the first mutticarrier frequency domain signal
`and to output the unmodified multicarrier frequency domain symbol;
`a conversion unit responsive to said space frequency encoder to convert the first
`multicarrier frequency domain symbol and the first modified symbol into corresponding
`time domain counterparts; and
`first and second RF transmission units to transmit the corresponding time domain
`counterparts of the first multicarrier frequency domain symbol and the first modified
`symbol respectively;
`wherein the first modified symbol comprises a re-ordered subcarrier comptex
`ccniugate of the first multicarrier frequency domain symbol.
`471 3079.1
`Exhibit 2007
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`Exhibit 2007
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`Application No. 10/189,385
`Response Dated August 30, 2007
`Reply to Non-Final Office Action of May 30, 2007
`(Original) The transceiver of Claim 13, wherein said receiver comprises:
`an RF receiver capable of receiving a time domain signal, the time domain signal
`capable of defining at least one of a second multicarrier frequency domain symbol and a
`second modified symbol based on the second multicarrier frequency domain signal;
`a second conversion unit responsive to said RF receiver to generate a composite
`signal based on the time domain signal, the composite signai including at least an
`incomplete analog sum of the second multicarrier frequency domain symbol and the
`second modified symbol; and
`a space frequency decoder responsive to said conversion unit to recover a
`corrected multicarrier frequency domain symbol from the composite signal.
`(Currently Amended) The transceiver of Claim 14, wherein the first—and
`second modified symbol comprises symbolssempsise a re-ordered subcarrier complex
`conjugate of the firetand second multicarrier frequency domain symbol symbols
`(Original) The transceiver of Claim 15, wherein the first and second
`multicarrier frequency domain symbols comprise first and second OFDM encoded
`symbois respectively.
`(Original) The transceiver of Claim 16, wherein the first and second OFDM
`encoded symbols are encoded in compliance with at least one of iEEE Standard
`802.1ia and lEEE Standard 802.119 supplements to the lEEE Standard 802.11 (1999).
`Exhibit 2007
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`Exhibit 2007
`Page 6 of 46


`Application No. 10/189,385
`Response Dated August 30, 2007
`Reply to Non-Final Office Action of May 30, 2007
`(Original) The transceiver of Claim 13, wherein the first and second RF
`transmission units comprise an RF upconverter to modulate the corresponding time
`domain counterparts of the first multicarrier frequency domain symbol and the first
`modified symbol respectively onto first and second carver signats, the first and second
`carver signals operating in a common frequency channel.
`(Original) The transceiver of Claim 13, wherein the corresponding time
`domain counterparts are transmitted by the first and second RF transmission units at
`approximately the same time.
`(Original) The transceiver of Claim 13, wherein the corresponding time
`domain counterparts are transmitted by the first and second RF transmission units in a
`staggered sequence.
`(Original) The transceiver of Claim 13, wherein said conversion unit
`comprises first and second conversion units to separately convert the multicarrier
`frequency domain symbol and the modified symbol into their respective corresponding
`time domain counterparts.
`(Currently Amended) A network interface apparatus, comprising:
`a network interface capable of receiving outbound and inbound data; and
`a diversity transceiver responsive to said network interface, comprising:
`Exhibit 2007
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`Exhibit 2007
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`Application No 10/189,385
`Response Dated August 30, 2007
`Reply to Non-Final Office Action of May 30, 2007
`a receiver; and
`a diversity transmitter, comprising:
`a symbol encoder to encode the outbound data in a first multicarrier frequency
`domain symbol;
`a space frequency encoder responsive to said symbol encoder to derive and
`output a first modified symbol based on the first multicarrier frequency domain signal
`and to output unmodified the first multicarrier frequency domain symbol;
`a conversion unit responsive to said space frequency encoder to convert the first
`multicarrier frequency domain symbol and the first modified symbol into corresponding
`time domain counterparts; and
`first and second RF transmission units to transmit the corresponding time domain
`counterparts of the first multicarrier frequency domain symbol and the first modified
`symbol respectively; and
`first and second antennae communicatively coupled to said first and second
`transmission units to broadcast the corresponding time domain counterparts across a
`wherein the first modified sym boi comprises a re«ordered subcarrier complex
`coniugate of the first multicarrier freguency domain symbol
`(Original) The apparatus of Claim 22, wherein said receiver comprises:
`an RF receiver capable of receiving a time domain signal, the time domain signal
`capable of defining at least one of a second multicarrier frequency domain symbol and a
`second modified symbol based on the second multicarrier frequency domain signal;
`Exhibit 2007
`Page 8 of 46
`Exhibit 2007
`Page 8 of 46


`Application No. 10/189,385
`Response Dated August 30, 2007
`Reply to Noerinal Office Action of May 30, 2007
`a second conversion unit responsive to said RF receiver to generate a composite
`signal based on the time domain signal, the composite signal including at least an
`incomplete anaiog sum of the second multicarrier frequency domain symbol and the
`second modified symbol; and
`a space frequency decoder responsive to said conversion unit to recover a
`corrected multicarrier frequency domain symbol from the composite signal.
`(Currently Amended) An information processing apparatus, comprising:
`an information processor; and
`a network interface apparatus responsive to said information processor,
`a network interface capable of receiving outbound and inbound data; and
`a diversity transceiver responsive to said network interface, comprising:
`a receiver; and
`a diversity transmitter, comprising:
`a symboi encoder to encode the outbound data in a first multicarrier frequency
`domain symbol;
`a space frequency encoder responsive to said symbol encoder to derive and
`output a first modified symbol based on the first multicarrier frequency domain signal
`and to output unmodified the multicarrier frequency domain symbol;
`a conversion unit responsive to said space frequency encoder to respectively
`convert the first multicarrier frequency domain symbol and the first modified symbol into
`corresponding time domain counterparts; and
`Exhibit 2007
`Page 9 of 46
`Exhibit 2007
`Page 9 of 46


`Application No. 10/189,385
`Response Dated August 30, 2007
`Reply to Non«Flnal Office Action of May 30, 2007
`first and second RF transmission units to transmit the corresponding time domain
`counterparts of the first multicarrier frequency domain symbol and the first modified
`symbol respectively; and
`first and second antennae communicatively coupled to said first and second
`transmission units to broadcast the corresponding time domain counterparts across a
`wherein the modified symbol comprises a re-ordered subcarrier complex
`coniugate of the multicarrier freguency domain symbol.
`(Original) The apparatus of Claim 24, wherein said receiver comprises:
`an RF receiver capable of receiving a time domain signal, the time domain signal
`capable of defining at least one of a second multicarrier frequency domain symbol and a
`second modified symbol based on the second multicarrier frequency domain signal;
`a second conversion unit responsive to said RF receiver to generate a composite
`signal based on the time domain signal, the composite signal including at least an
`incomplete analog sum of the second multicarrier frequency domain symbol and the
`second modified symbol; and
`a space frequency decoder responsive to said conversion unit to recover a
`corrected multicarrier frequency domain symbol from the composite signal.
`(Currently Amended) A diversity transmitter, comprising:
`means for encoding data in a multicarrier frequency domain symbol;
`Exhibit 2007
`Page 10 of 46
`Exhibit 2007
`Page 10 of 46


`Application No. 10/189,385
`Response Dated August 30, 2007
`Reply to Non-Final Office Action of May 30, 2007
`means for deriving and outputting a modified symbol based on the multicarrier
`frequency domain signai and for outputting unmodified the multicarrier frequency
`domain symbol;
`means for convening the multicarrier frequency domain symbol and the modified
`symboi into corresponding time domain counterparts; and
`means for transmitting the corresponding time domain counterparts of the
`multicarrier frequency domain symbol and the modified symbol;
`wherein the modified symbol comprises a re-ordered subcarrier complex
`coniugate of the multicarrier freguency domain symboi.
`(Currentiy Amended) The transmitter of Claim go 21, wherein the
`muiticarrier frequency domain symbol comprises an OFDM encoded symbol.
`(Original) The transmitter of Ciaim 28, wherein the OFDM encoded symboi
`is encoded in compliance with at least one of iEEE Standard 802.11a and lEEE
`Standard 802.119 supplements to the IEEE Standard 802.11 (1999).
`(Original) The transmitter of Ctalm 26, wherein said transmitting means
`comprises means for modulating the corresponding time domain counterparts of the
`multicarrler frequency domain symbol and the modified symbot respectively onto first
`1 1
`Exhibit 2007
`Page 11 of 46
`Exhibit 2007
`Page 11 of 46


`Application No. 10/189,385
`Response Dated August 30, 2007
`Reply to Non-Final Office Action of May 30, 2007
`and second carrier signals, the first and second carrier signals operating in a common
`frequency channel.
`(Original) The transmitter of Ciaim 26, wherein the corresponding time
`domain counterparts are transmitted by the first and second transmission units at
`approximately the same time.
`(Original) The transmitter of Ctaim 26, wherein the corresponding time
`domain counterparts are transmitted by the first and second transmission units in a
`staggered sequence
`(Original) The transmitter of Claim 26, wherein said converting means
`comprises first and second means for separately converting the muiticarrier frequency
`domain symbol and the modified symbol into their respective corresponding time
`domain counterparts.
`(Currentiy Amended) A diversity aware receiver, comprising:
`means for receiving a time domain signal, the time domain signal capable of
`defining at least one of a multicarrier frequency domain symbol and a modified symbol
`based on the multicarrier frequency domain signal;
`means for generating a composite signal based on the time domain signal, the
`composite signal including at least an incomplete analog sum of the multicarrier
`frequency domain symbol and the modified symbol; and
`Exhibit 2007
`Page 12 of 46
`Exhibit 2007
`Page 12 of 46


`Application No. 10/189,385
`Response Dated August 30, 2007
`Reply to Non-Final Office Action of May 30, 2007
`means for decoding the modified muiticarrier frequency domain symbol portion of
`the composite signal and together with the unmodified multicarrier frequency domain
`symbo! portion of the composite signal recovering a corrected multicarrier frequency
`domain symbol from the composite signal;
`wherein the modified symbol comprises a reordered suboarrier complex
`coniugate of the mutticarrier freguency domain symbol.
`(Currentiy Amended) The receiver of Claim §3 35, wherein the multicarrier
`frequency domain symbol comprises an OFDM encoded symbolr
`(Original) The receiver of Claim 36, wherein the OFDM encoded symbol is
`encoded in compiiance with at least one of lEEE Standard 802.11a and IEEE Standard
`802.11g supplements to the tEEE Standard 802.11 (1999)
`(Currentiy Amended) A diversity transceiver, comprising:
`a receiver; and
`a diversity transmitter, comprising:
`means for encoding data in a first multicarrier frequency domain symbol;
`means for deriving and outputting a first modified symbol based on the first
`multicarrier frequency domain signal and for outputting unmodified the multicarrier
`frequency domain symbot;
`Exhibit 2007
`Page 13 of 46
`Exhibit 2007
`Page 13 of 46


`Application No. 10/189,385
`Response Dated August 30, 2007
`Reply to Non-Final Office Action of May 30, 2007
`means for converting the first multicarrier frequency domain symbol and the first
`modified symbol into corresponding time domain counterparts; and
`means for transmitting the corresponding time domain counterparts of the first
`multicarrier frequency domain symbol and the first modified symbolg
`wherein the first modified symboi comprises a re-ordered subcarrier comglex
`coniugate of the first multicarrier freguency domain symbol.
`(Original) The transceiver of Claim 38, wherein said receiver comprises:
`means for receiving a time domain signal, the time domain signal capable of
`defining at ieast one of a second multicarrier frequency domain symbol and a second
`modified symbol based on the second multicarrier frequency domain signal;
`means for generating a composite signal based on the time domain signal, the
`composite signal including at least an incomplete analog sum of the second multicarrier
`frequency domain symbol and the second modified symbol; and
`means for recovering a corrected muiticarrier frequency domain symbol from the
`composite signai.
`(Currently Amended) The transceiver of Claim 39, wherein the fleet—and
`second modified symbol comprises symeeleeemprise a re—ordered subcarrier complex
`conjugate of the fleet—and second multicarrier frequency domain symbol symbols
`Exhibit 2007
`Page 14 of 46
`Exhibit 2007
`Page 14 of 46


`Application No. 10/189,385
`Response Dated August 30, 2007
`Reply to Non-Final Office Action of May 30, 2007
`(Original) The transceiver of Claim 40, wherein the first and second
`multicarrier frequency domain symbols comprise first and second OFDM encoded
`syrn bots respectively.
`(Original) The transceiver of Claim 41, wherein the first and second OFDM
`encoded symbois are encoded in compliance with at least one of lEEE Standard
`802.11a and IEEE Standard 802.119 supplements to the IEEE Standard 802.11 (1999).
`(Original) The transceiver of Claim 38, wherein said transmitting means
`comprises means for modulating the corresponding time domain counterparts of the first
`multicarrier frequency domain symbol and the first modified symbol respectively onto
`first and second carrier signals, the first and second carrier signals operating in a
`common frequency channel.
`(Original) The transceiver of Claim 38, wherein the corresponding time
`domain counterparts are transmitted by said transmitting means at approximately the
`same time.
`(Original) The transceiver of Claim 38, wherein the corresponding time
`domain counterparts are transmitted by said transmitting means in a staggered
`Exhibit 2007
`Page 15 of 46
`Exhibit 2007
`Page 15 of 46


`Application No 10/189,385
`Response Dated August 30, 2007
`Reply to Non-Final Office Action of May 30, 2007
`(Original) The transceiver of Claim 38, wherein said converting means
`comprises first and second means for separately converting the mutticarrier frequency
`domain sym bot and the modified symbol into their respective corresponding time
`domain counterparts.
`(Currently Amended) A network interface apparatus, comprising:
`means for receiving outbound and inbound data; and
`a diversity transceiver, comprising;
`a receiver; and
`a diversity transmitter‘ comprising:
`means for encoding the outbound data in a first multicarrier frequency domain
`sym bot;
`means for deriving and outputting a first modified symbol based on the first
`multicarrier frequency domain signal and outputting unmodified the multicarrier
`frequency domain symbol;
`means for converting the first multicarrier frequency domain symbol and the first
`modified symbol into corresponding time domain counterparts; and
`means for transmitting the corresponding time domain counterparts of the first
`multicarrier frequency domain symbol and the first modified symbol respectively; and
`means for broadcasting the corresponding time domain counterparts across a
`wherein the first modified symbol comprises a re—ordered subcarrier ccmpiex
`coniugate of the first multicarrier freguency domain symbol.
`Exhibit 2007
`Page 16 of 46
`Exhibit 2007
`Page 16 of 46


`Application No. 10/189,385
`Response Dated August 30, 2007
`Reply to Non-Final Office Action of May 30, 2007
`(Original) The apparatus of Claim 47, wherein said receiver comprises:
`means for receiving a time domain signal, the time domain signal capable of
`defining at least one of a second multicarrier frequency domain symbol and a second
`modified symbol based on the second multicarrier frequency domain signai;
`means for generating a composite signal based on the time domain signal, the
`composite signal including at least an incomplete analog sum of the second multicarrier
`frequency domain symbol and the second modified symbol; and
`means for recovering a corrected muiticarrier frequency domain symbol from the
`composite signal;
`(Currently Amended) An information processing apparatus, comprising:
`an information processor; and
`a network interface apparatus responsive to said information processor,
`means for receiving outbound and inbound data; and
`a diversity transceiver, comprising:
`a receiver; and
`a diversity transmitter, comprising:
`means for encoding the outbound data in a first multicarrier frequency domain
`471 3079.1
`Exhibit 2007
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`Exhibit 2007
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`Application No. 10/189,385
`Response Dated August 30. 2007
`Reply to Non-Final Office Action of May 30, 2007
`means for deriving and outputting a first modified symbol based on the first
`multicarrler frequency domain signal and outputting unmodified the multicarrier
`frequency domain symbol;
`means for converting the first multicarrier frequency domain symbol and the first
`modified symbol into corresponding time domain counterparts; and
`means for transmitting the corresponding time domain counterparts of the first
`multicarrier frequency domain symbol and the first modified symbol respectively; and
`means for broadcasting the corresponding time domain counterparts across a
`wherein the first modified symbol comgrises a rewordered subcarrier complex
`coniugate of the first multicarrier freguency domain symbol.
`(Original) The apparatus of Claim 49, wherein said receiver comprises:
`means for receiving a time domain signal, the time domain signal capable of
`defining at ieast one of a second muiticarrier frequency domain symbol and a second
`modified symbol based on the second muiticarner frequency domain signal;
`means for generating a composite signal based on the time domain signat, the
`composite signal including at ieast an incomplete analog sum of the second multicarrier
`frequency domain symbol and the second modified symbol; and
`means for recovering a corrected multicarrier frequency domain symbol from the
`composite signal.
`Exhibit 2007
`Page 18 of 46
`Exhibit 2007
`Page 18 of 46


`Application No. 10/189,385
`Response Dated August 30, 2007
`Reply to Non-Final Office Action of May 30, 2007
`(Currently Amended) A device configured to at least one of transmit or
`receive a data packet, the device comprising:
`a transceiver configured to at least one of transmit and receive a data packet
`having a first portion comprising a transmission diversity semaphore;
`said transceiver further configured to at ieast one of transmit and receive a data
`packet having a second portion adiacent to said first portion, said second portion
`comprising a preamble to enable training of a receiver receiving the data packet; and
`said transceiver further configured to at ieast one of transmit and receive a data
`packet having a third portion following said second portion, said third portion comprising
`a payload, the payload comprising a pluratity of data symbol pairs, at least one of said
`data symbol pairs comprising a first symbol capable of being transmitted by a first
`transmission unit of a diversity transmitter and a second symboi capable of being
`transmitted by a second transmission unit of the diversity transmitter, the second
`symboi being derived from the first unmodified symboi‘
`wherein the second symbol comprises a reordered complex conjugate of the first
`sym bot.
`(Previously Presented) The device of Claim 51, further comprising a fourth
`portion preceding the first portion, the fourth portion comprising a second preamble to
`enable training the receiver to the first transmission unit of the diversity transmitter.
`471 3079.1
`Exhibit 2007
`Page 19 of 46
`Exhibit 2007
`Page 19 of 46


`Application No. 101189385
`Response Dated August 30, 2007
`Reply to Non-Final Office Admin of May 30, 2007
`(Previously Presented) The device of Claim 53, wherein said second
`portion comprises a first preamble to enable training of the receiver to the second
`transmission unit of the diversity transmitter.
`(Previously Presented) The device of Claim 51, wherein the first symbol
`comprises an OFDM encoded symboi.
`(Currently Amended) The easiest device of Claim 55, wherein the OFDM
`encoded symbol is encoded in compliance with at least one of IEEE Standard 802.11a
`and tEEE Standard 802.119 supplements to the lEEE Standard 80211 (1999).
`(Currently Amended) A transmit diversity communication method,
`encoding data in a multicarrier frequency domain symbol;
`deriving and outputting a modified symboi based on the multicarrier frequency
`domain signal and outputting unmodified the multicarrier frequency domain signal;
`converting the multicarrier frequency domain symbol and the modified symbol
`into corresponding time domain counterparts; and
`transmitting the corresponding time domain counterparts of the multicarrier
`frequency domain symbol and the modified symbol;
`wherein the modified symbol corngrises a re-ordered suboarrier complex
`coniugate of the multicarrier freguency domain symbol.
`Exhibit 2007
`Page 20 of 46
`Exhibit 2007
`Page 20 of 46


`Application No, 10/189,385
`Response Dated August 30. 2007
`Reply to Non-Final Office Action of May 30, 2007
`(Currentiy Amended) The method of Claim Q7; 58, wherein the multicarrier
`frequency domain symbol comprises an OFDM encoded symbol.
`(Original) The method of Claim 59, wherein the OFDM encoded symbol is
`encoded in compliance with at least one of iEEE Standard 802.1121 and lEEE Standard
`802.119 supplements to the IEEE Standard 802.11 (1999).
`(Original) The method of Claim 57, wherein said transmitting comprises
`modulating the corresponding time domain counterparts of the multicarrier frequency
`domain symbol and the modified symbol respectively onto first and second carrier
`signals, the first and second carrier signals operating in a common frequency channei.
`(Original) The method of Claim 57, wherein said transmitting comprises
`transmitting the corresponding time domain counterparts at approximately the same
`(Original) The method of Claim 57, wherein said transmitting comprises
`transmitting the corresponding time domain counterparts in a staggered sequence.
`(Original) The method of Claim 57, further comprising:
`Exhibit 2007
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`Exhibit 2007
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`Application No. 10/189,385
`Response Dated August 30, 2007
`Reply to Non-Final Office Action of May 30, 2007
`receiving a time domain signal, the time domain signal capable of defining at
`least one of a second multicarrier frequency domain symbol and a second modified
`symbol based on the second multicarrier frequency domain signal;
`generating a composite signal based on the time domain signal, the composite
`signal including at ieast an incomplete analog sum of the second multicarrier frequency
`domain symbol and the second modified symbol; and
`recovering a corrected multicarrier frequency domain symbol from the composite
`(Currently Amended) A computer program product, comprising computer
`readable code stored on a computer readable medium causing a computer processor to
`perform at least one of the following steps when executed, the steps comprising:
`encoding data in a multicarrier frequency domain symbol;
`deriving and outputting a modified symbol based on the multicarrier frequency
`domain signal and outputting unmodified the multicarrier frequency domain symbol;
`converting the multicarrier frequency domain symbol and the modified symbol
`into corresponding time domain counterparts; and
`transmitting the corresponding time domain counterparts of the multicarrier
`frequency domain symbol and the modified symbol¢
`wherein the modified symbol comgrises a re-ordered subcarrier complex
`coniugate of the multicarrier freguency domain symbol.
`Exhibit 2007
`Page 22 of 46
`Exhibit 2007
`Page 22 of 46


`Application No. 10/189,385
`Response Dated August 30, 2007
`Reply to Non-Final Office Action of May 30, 2007
`(Currently Amended) The product of Claim §§ as, wherein the multicarrier

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