
`VOL 20 N012
`Performance Analysis of ATM Switching Fabric with Hybrid Shared and Dedicated Output Buffers --------------------Youn Chan Jung. Chong Kwan Un
`Development of Expert System for Automation of Steam Generator ’lube Inspection in Nuclear Power Plants
`....................................................................................................BmJae Choi' Soon J“ Kang Seong_su ChOI Hewon “/00
`A study on the improvement of Cell Level Traffic Monitoring Control Algorithm in an ATM Network
`---Myung Chul Choi. Jae Jo Lee, Won Tae Lee. Kwan Ho Kim, Young Chul Lee
`lP Address Reuse Through Transparent Porthddress Translator-~-
`---------------------------------------II Hwan Kim, Heon Young Yeom
`Design of ’l‘MN-DCN for Integrated Network ManagementYoung M. Kim. Young H. Cho, Myeong K. Song. Wang C. Song. Dong C. Kim. Chang S K
`Class Library Implementation for Concurrency of CH----------------Joon Lee. Sung Keun Kim. Chae Woo You. Iioo Bong Song
`A Distributed Error Control Scheme for Multicasting Data
`IIIIMyongrLyol Song. Jun-Ho Lee. JairYong Lee, Sang-Baa Lee
`Protocols and Signalling Traffic Analysis of Wirelem Personal Communication Networks for High Speed Communications
`-------------------------Chung Ho Cho. Hyeong Seolc Lim
`A Connection Admission Control Algorithm Using CDV Measurement --------------------------------------------Dong Yong Kwaic. Hong Shik Park
`Design dz Implementation of an Image Retrieval System Supporting Browsing and Full-Text Search ------Tae—Jin Park. YoungKon Ko. YoonChul Choy
`A Study on the Receiver Performance Degradation due to the lnterrnodulation Spurious and the Dw'gn of the 3rd order Intercept Point
` .......................Ham‘s/00 ij
`The Design of the Circular Polarized Antenna using the Quarterwave Plate -------Seung I-lyeub Oh. Kyoung ll Min. Young Lee Choi. Sang Chul Han
`I\ Wideband Channel Simulation Algorithm for the Suzuki Fading Channel with the Spatial Correlation
`"Jin Weon Chang, Yang 800 Park. Ku Yong l—Ia. Hyung Myung Kim
`-----Ju Ho Lee Hyung Myung Kim
`A Study on the information Leakage Criterion and the Design of Srboxes .
`wBorrGyoun Kim
`Analysis of the Relative Intensity Noise at the Output of a Dispersive Fiber-m
`A Birary Error Control Line Code with the Property of Minimum Bandwidth -------------- Jeong Goo Kim, Soo in Lee. Chang Ki Jeong. Eon Kyeong Jon
`A Study on Broadband Design and Fabrication of Power Dividing Circuits for CATV System. Dong II Kim. Tae Gyun Kim. Do Hoon Ha. Se-Mo Chung
`Fast Rayleigh Fading Compensation for Mary GAL/I using PSAM -
`----------------------Tae Byeong CIiae. Sung II Bang
`Conversion of the range data into the CAD format """""""""""""""""""""""Hack Joon Shim. Sang Uk Lee
`A Nonviterative Fractal Image Coding Technique Using Novel Codebooks """"""""""""""""""Chang Su Kim. Hoon Peek. Sang Uk Lee
`Implementation of C/A code correlator and development of position information extraction algorithm in GPS system
`.......................................................................................................{hm} Lee. Jung-Yong park Joon-Tae Kim, l-leung'Gyoon RY”
`A Design and Fabrication of the GaAs PET Active Single Microstrip Patch Antenna with Injection locking technique
`-~Du Han Lee. Ui Seek Hung
`An adaptive image sequence coding scheme employing the entropy constrained lattice vector quantizor ----------------------Jong Seok Lee. Sang Uk Lee
`New Approaches to Robust Corner Point Detection Using Constrained Regularimtion and Mean Field Annealing Techniques~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kwanghoon Sohn
`AN UNBIASED HR LMS ALGORITI‘W ..............................................................................................................Seung Hyon Nam
`An Application of ZeroCrossings in Nonparametric Detection of Signals
`---------------------------------------------------------------------------.linsoo Bae, Hung Gil Kim. Min Sou Lee. Younglrwon Ryu, Taejoo Chang Iickho Song
`An Effective Test Case Generation Method with Fault Detection Capability -------------------------------------------------Gwang~hyun Kim, Dong—ho Lee
`A Study on the Improvement of the Learning Speed of BP Algorithm using Fuzzy logic and the Control of Nonlinear Dynamic System
`--------Hyeon-Seob Clio. SangADong Na. Chul—Soo Bai. Seong'Whan Jang
`Performance Degradation Analysis of a DS/CDMA Mobile Station using the Nonslinear Power Amplifier
`....................................................................................................................Jeong-Il Oh, Nam Kim, Namsoo Kim. Jaeseok Kim
`Generation Method of Control Plow Graph Accounting Conditional Context Variable in Protocol Conformance Testing
`.............................................................................................................................Byeong H0 Oh. Sung Hee W00. Sang Ho Lee
`On the performance analysis and the capacity of a broadband CDMA system in forward Iinkr-
`--------------------Su-ll Boo. CheolnSung Kim
`Implementation of Modulation and Demodulation Circuits of Chaos Frequency Shii't Keying -
`""""Kwang-Hyeon Park. Won-SUP Chung
`Design of Narrow-hand Waveguide Bandpass Filters for the MDR System ---------------------
`Jae~Bong Lim. Jun-Seals Park. Chuerong Kim
`Receiver Performance Improvement by Signal Oversamphng in Intensity Modulation/Direct Detection Digital Fiber Optic Communication System
`............................................................................................................................Soo~Jeong Eun. Yoan Shin. BotrGymIn Kim
`Ultra—high Speed Photodetector using aCeH Thin Film Photoconductor for Picosecond Optical Signal at 0.8m Wavelength """""""""Kyoo Nam Choi
`3il CI
`Google Ex. 1303, pg. 1
`Google Ex. 1303, pg. 1


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`Google Ex. 1303, pg.
`Google Ex. 1303, pg. 2


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`Google Ex. 1303, pg. 3
`Google Ex. 1303, pg. 3


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`Google Ex. 1303, pg. 4
`Google Ex. 1303, pg. 4


`E'ri‘ajl 95-12712-4
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`IP Address Reuse Through Transparent Port-Address Translator
`ll Hwan Kiin*. Heon Young Yeom** Regular Members
`[P9] Tit—32h?- $3742.53. %—7l$lE 4:31 9i;zfilli': {it-Edi WE OBlOll
`913% E3»:— 1+9 0:2 ill‘alfi
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`5% 4: 31%3: ° 4 slut.
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`2-191 Ef—fité :53;th
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`01371-9. 4: 31E Eill’gil 3%‘30ll Ellsll 5173?}?
`°l31l ELEM}
`The address space ol' IF. it standard lntemet Protocol. is being exhausted by explosively increasing number of demands and the
`inefficient address allocation scheme based on the network class partitions. Among the short term solutions that have been sug-
`gested so for. IP address reuse through automatic translation between local and global addresses is considered as an appropriate
`solution prior to a new protocol is adapted.
`ln this paper, we suggest a ponvuddress translator which improves the one-to—one translation of local»glohal address translator
`hy enabling several local nodes to share a globally unique address, and discuss various problems and their solutions we have
`encountered in designing and implementing the translator. Also, the problems and the effectiveness of address reuse by automati—
`eaddress—address or port—address translator is investigated.
`"1%ng51 Zl-fii'l'glillgl filfi’g'fil‘ili‘l
`fiifilfi ! 95139-0407
`1%":‘1‘Bii1995fiE 4F! 78
`Google Ex. 1303, pg. 5
`Google Ex. 1303, pg. 5


`Nimififggi‘fifi $9512 Vol.20 No.12
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`Google Ex. 1303, pg. 6
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`Google Ex. 1303, pg. 6


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`$3 38:3. 7l7‘lx‘f 7491?};an 45‘— E‘NPMl Eli?“ H
`9.1qu “’Jéflx‘f ”16%?!
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`“Pl ET}.
`’S‘l‘l‘ilfl 737ll°lHE
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`Q 7H9l
`Phlc—‘l #ié °fl3lillH 7l-7‘lil
`‘31“? #i‘flflfil
`(NATi Network Address Translatorfil 21“}.
`4T‘ifig7lx‘i 1l¢l°l §El8l~E xlgl‘il Illfil 5:57} 9437‘—
`9l 51/895 $rli‘ll Xd‘ilklai 19.3478? ¥i§ 5333?. Q “l
`“l‘i’r 319$
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`1) Al’é’fl EVll‘ilKl' $11549: #i QQHl Elfill
`al%‘é°ll “l5: Ethernet interface 451% Sfl'é‘ ‘Hllfill Ea}.
`Google Ex. 1303, pg. 7
`Google Ex. 1303, pg. 7


`flflfififlflfi '95-12 Vol.20 No.12
`Border between normal
`network and stub network
`N t
`J \0

`1%] 2, ¢i71 €43 HIEQ W‘JE
`Address Pool
`(Reused Address) /// \
`134.35.77.() ,
`1 \
`,X\ J//
`2) Sohrch
`3) 134.35.775
` 172.1610!
`Global Network
`_ o ‘ 7 ______ , , ,
`rmm 134.35.775
`3%! 3. 5‘5? 4%. E¥HL11¥°M 915%:91 41;)
`Google Ex. 1303, pg. 8

`1— Global Network
`Address Translator 1,
`Inner network using
`Reused addresses
`Google Ex. 1303, pg. 8


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`figl—rfi:% 1?:3131EE 111151,
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`r’1’1‘1 QEEWEEFEM].
`111. $03131 £5—¥audibl
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`L113111 ”$370151.
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`151611 @711
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`7191 7191
`iflflocal socket)% 7511191
`“111% 35?. ‘i’lii 3%1123—5‘1 {1 £1.91 7‘51;in
`91 1191 3:13—41 91%? 34.1% “11%“?! 5119.131.
`319.: 21 :Edlklsl fiiflQ:
`(IP address, TCP port number)
`1 317151711 31%}. E, 51% TOP “131%
`(srcIP, srcPORT, dstIP, dstPORT)
`2 45114171; 3-111.
`111131°1 31471:- EE‘ ai 111°" QE- IP TEE 7111c 5:
`571 3111137.
`11 1:51P“ $111311?- %J #51113
`(srcIP. srcPORT191 éfl°11 91311 E31 71191‘3111‘1"11*'1—IlJ
`$31.91 3311M J11111
`1315191 11411—112131?“ *4
`“fig '1'“
`((srcIP. srcPORT).
`51:53! 13% $411191 $41115 1112.131?“ 41%?
`4‘- 91711
`1111 é‘ll'lTCPsll.
`1, proxy 111111 A1341131 “ECH‘Q 1111?! 51%
`3—6. Proxy *1“1§ "FE-i1 TCP connection91
`peer entity {1:
`31331781011 '1'} £3.11 flii’lsl
`$1171 51191‘fl11 @131 E31.
` destination IP = D . (G, 3000) —> (D, 23)
`destination port: 23'
`telnet client port: 3000
`Proxy Server
`Proxy Server IP = G
`telnetd server port = 23
`source IP = S
`source port = 1000 '
`(S, 1000) —> (G, 23)
`31‘31'1'3-1'3 7111‘? S°111~1 telnet GE- ‘1‘3411 GE 3131 §1°J ‘1’}
`1 131‘1 G°11)~‘1 telnet D 3131 S91 D1191 21711751°J telnet, con-
`nection°1 431131.315 7.11.9131"; 11131145.? 717111 $15:—
`T393131 75£°1€51F11°1EL 91-1-4 7MP§°J ELF— D9111-
`313.115 “1131?; proxy *131 GE- 5411 5357115131. 9.1131.
`2151 A. proxy k131i fi-fl telnet session
`Google Ex. 1303, pg. 9
`Google Ex. 1303, pg. 9


`WEifiEi’QfifiXEfi '95-12 Vol.20 No, 12
`(S. 1000101121 (D, 23); 71
`1'23 4% ”$1171 1E3.
`E 1711213- G71 i’filfl‘fi
`(G. 3000);
`23)i 19151.
`(D. 23)°|1*1 (G, 3000)£i 1111016
`311713 G7} (S. 100011 %fl1§££~11 SS4 D 4°19]
`QGH’EI 7dE°1 711131711 1%";
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`0] ERIE 21%3‘513131 113—93311 $1231 33521171 011E442]
`711 51117111” EE-wafi: €%7191 91‘2“?
`2 EE-2% X1EEE01|2|E1 £711
`21 2101121
`$131111— U191 2101. D71 21E 1E 21%
`G71- (S 1000 G. 23))a1E 31121—3— (G 3000. D.
`2311 bl111101 111101 710121. S71“E EE $121—$— G
`011 21611((D. 23. G. 3000101121 (G 23 s. 1000);;
`2d 201$}.
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`$45112. 2113231'1
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`151E E591 $¢E 01%21212121 21% $1
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`*3“ 5F
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`stub B class network 14191 3:5 I(Inner nodes)°1|
`‘cg’g‘a ii (IPaddr FORTE:- °1
`$191 #i—‘E 71
`1: G(Gateway node)91 E5 Eli 01%511571A
`E. $132151.
`°1 FH%%
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`21E 1215: E71171 71—2-61?
`Google Ex. 1303, pg. 10
`(172 16.10.] . 1234)
`(172 16.101 , 3487)
`(, 12039)
`( NULL . NULL 1
`(, 3465)
`Google Ex. 1303, pg. 10


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`' FTP,
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`341 $01”! 1"— Silx‘i @171-(‘l7é‘51q RIG-EH] 7191?}
`01E 11?} 7Ji}% $4311 Packet Filtering
`Gatewayé— IIL‘TTQWEI E‘W’Sé‘fl} %*}§1'HI[CBQ4].
`SW1 5%?! 5171‘ Hui—T33
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`11°51 535191 TCP STATE $3 $5qu
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`FIN%91 TCP fiflC-I gflifir 53151! fig: 1’“- flt}. am
`Eéilll {35‘0“ Eh“? TCP STATE‘T—flQ—z
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`Google Ex. 1303, pg. 11
`Google Ex. 1303, pg. 11


`Outgoing SYN
`Opening timeout OR
`7 RST detached
`//// RST delecied
`Incommmg ACK/SYN and
`ouigoing ACK detached
`FIN deiecleo
`1 //
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`RST detecled
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`tion diagram
`“HE— TCP STATE transi
`1111135 11%H6H7H 1:511 3227115 311117155 5575151
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`1. sequence number% 7% 11°1257i
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`3151471 FZH’HH” 7H13H °HEIEHH575:H%?H“H.
`NIS( Network
`9 5 1155121
`NFSHNeLwork Filo. SystemHQH {HOH

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