`Bruce Anthony Wootton & William G. Colvin
`October 3, 2000
`April 24, 1997
`Internet Protocol Filter
`In re Patent of:
`U.S. Patent No.
`Issue Date:
`Appl. No.:
`Filing Date:
`I, Bob Kummerfeld, declare as follows:
`I am over the age of 21, and I have personal knowledge of the facts contained herein
`unless otherwise indicated.
`I am an Honorary Associate Professor in the School of Information Technologies at the
`University of Sydney, in Sydney, Australia. From 1991 through 1993 and from 1997 through
`1999 I was the head of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Sydney. I hold
`a Bachelor of Science and Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Sydney. I have
`published over 100 publications in the computer, distributed systems, and networking fields.
`A true and correct copy of my Curriculum Vitae is attached hereto as Exhibit 1.
`I have been asked to provide a factual declaration regarding the public availability of a
`publication entitled “A Transparent TCP/IP Gateway to Connect Private Networks to the
`Internet,” by Heon Yeom et al. (“Yeom paper”). The Yeom paper is attached to this declaration
`as Exhibit 2.
`Since approximately 1991 I have maintained a web page on the University of Sydney
`computer science department website. The current URL for this website is
`http://sydney.edu.au/engineering/it/~bob/. Though often updated the webpage has since 1991
`contained some information about myself, as well as various materials related to my teaching,
`research, and professional activities. Other professors in the computer science department (now
`Google Ex. 1028, pg. 1
`called the School of Information Technologies) have also maintained similar web pages since the
`early 90’s. Since that time the University of Sydney computer science department website has
`been an on-line public resource for students and others interested in computer science to learn
`about the research and professional activities of the computer science department faculty,
`including myself.
`In 1995 I served on the Conference Committee for a conference entitled “INET ’95
`Internet Society’s 1995 International Networking Conference” (“INET ‘95”). The Internet
`Society is an international, non-profit organization focused on Internet-related standards,
`education, and policy. Amongst computer science academics and professionals the Internet
`Society has been well-known since its founding in 1992 for its role in developing and promoting
`the expansion of the Internet. The INET ’95 conference was designed to bring together Internet
`Society members and others interested in developing and implementing Internet networks,
`technologies, applications, and policies. The Internet Society places no restrictions on
`membership, anyone can join and attend events such as INET ‘95.
`Among other things I was tasked with overseeing the review of abstracts submitted to
`INET ‘95. 206 abstracts were submitted , including the Yeom paper. The submitted abstracts
`were non-confidential. The submitters were not told that the abstracts would be kept
`I uploaded all the submitted abstracts, including the Yeom paper, to my University of
`Sydney web page on January 30, 1995 at the following URL:
`http://sydney.edu.au/engineering/it/~bob/Inet95/Abstracts/ (“Abstracts URL”). The abstracts
`were uploaded as searchable HTML files. The January 30, 1995 upload date is corroborated by
`the Abstracts URL, which shows that the abstracts – including the Yeom paper which was
`Google Ex. 1028, pg. 2
`uploaded as “018.html” – were “last modified” on “30-Jan-1995.” A printout of the Abstracts
`URL is attached as Exhibit 3.
`The Abstracts URL also includes various HTML documents that make it easy for a
`visitor to search by title, author, or topic amongst the uploaded abstracts. INET ’95 was
`organized into the following “tracks,” or subject matter areas: applications track, commercial
`track, education track, engineering track, policy track, regional track, technology track, and user
`track. The Yeom paper was listed in both the engineering and technology tracks. The Yeom
`paper was indexed in several ways and available from the Abstracts URL through a number of
`different search techniques, or through simple browsing. For example, a visitor to the Abstracts
`URL could learn of the Yeom paper by reviewing the paper itself, or by reviewing the abstracts
`index (“abstracts.html,” providing a full list of all abstracts by title, author, and track), the
`engineering index (“eng+.html”, providing a full list of engineering track abstracts by title,
`author, and track), or the technology index (“tech+.html”, providing a full list of technology
`track abstracts listed by title, author, and track).
`10. Within a few days of January 30, 1995, I emailed the Abstracts URL to a group of over
`seventy conference reviewers. The review group included the INET ’95 Conference Committee
`as well as additional persons who were asked to review abstracts. The Abstracts URL is not
`password protected or otherwise restricted from public access. It has been publicly accessible on
`the Internet since January 30, 1995, and is still accessible today.
`Google Ex. 1028, pg. 3
`I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the
`foregoing is true and correct.
`4th November 2014
`Executed on __________________________.
`Bob Kummerfeld, Ph.D.
`Google Ex. 1028, pg. 4
`Google Exhibit 1028
`Google Exhibit 1028
`Exh. 1
`EXh. 1
`& B
`ob Kummerfeld is an Honorary Associate Professor of Computer Science in the
`School of Information Technologies, at the University of Sydney. He is a principal in
`the CHAI: Computer Human Adapted Interaction Research Group, leading research
`in advanced technologies for human computer interaction, supporting personalisation,
`pervasive and mobile interaction. He creates new tools for interaction in support of
`lifelong learning, collaboration and personalised smart services. His diverse research
`ranges from flexible software for message handling to systems that enable users to
`control their personal data and its use and personalised teaching systems. Prof.
`Kummerfeld has extensive publications, in venues such as the conferences UbiComp,
`Pervasive, User Modeling and Personalisation (UM, AH, UMAP) and journals, such
`as IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, International Journal of
`Artificial Intelligence in Education, User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction,
`Personal and Ubiquitous Computing.
`n 1988 Bob and colleagues founded one of the first spin-off companies from the
`University of Sydney to commercialise message handling software. Over the next 10
`years this company spawned a further four companies in the area of networks,
`including one of the first ISPs in Australia in 1991.
`Google Ex. 1028, Exh. 1, pg. 1
`Refereed Publications
`Scholarly Books
`1. Judy Kay and Bob Kummerfeld, editors. Proceeding of the lifelong user modelling workshop at
`umap’09 user modeling adaptation, and personalization, 2009.
`2. J. Kay and R. J. Kummerfeld, editors. Adaptive hypertext for individualised instruction - workshop
`on adaptive hypertext and hypermedia, 1994.
`Scholarly Book Chapters
`3. Judy Kay and Bob Kummerfeld. Lifelong learner modeling, pages 140–164. Cambridge Univer-
`sity Press, 2012.
`4. Tsvi Kuflik, Judy Kay, and Bob Kummerfeld. Challenges and solutions of ubiquitous user mode-
`lling. In Antonio Kruger and Tsvi Kuflik, editors, Ubiquitous Display Environments, pages 7–30.
`Springer, 2012.
`5. Amit Tiroshi, Tsvi Kuflik, Judy Kay, and Bob Kummerfeld. Recommender systems and the social
`web. pages 60–70. Springer, 2012.
`6. Mark Assad, David Carmichael, Judy Kay, and Bob Kummerfeld. PersonisAD: Distributed, Acti-
`ve, Scrutable Model Framework for Context-Aware Services. In Proceedings of the 5th Interna-
`tional Conference on Pervasive Computing, pages 55–72. Springer-Verlag, 2007.
`7. J. Kay and R. J. Kummerfeld. User models for customized hypertext. Advances in hypertext for
`the World Wide Web. Springer Verlag, 1997.
`Refereed Journal Articles
`8. Judy Kay and Bob Kummerfeld. Creating personalised systems that people can scrutinise and
`control: drivers, principles and experience. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems
`(TiiS), Highlights of the Decade in Interactive Intelligent Systems, 2(4):24, 2013.
`9. Judy Kay and Bob Kummerfeld. Creating personalized systems that people can scrutinize and
`control: drivers, principles and experience. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems
`(TiiS), 2(4):24, 2012.
`10. D. J. Carmichael, J. Kay, and R. J. Kummerfeld. Consistent modelling of users, devices and
`sensors in a ubiquitous computing environment. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction,
`15(3-4):197–234, 2005.
`11. A. Fernando, D. Williams, A. Fekete, and B. Kummerfeld. Dynamic network service installation
`in an active network. Computer Networks, 36(1):35–48, 2001.
`Top Refereed Conference Papers
`These publications are from very competitive, leading international conferences, key venues for com-
`puting research publication. (The following section has other fully referred papers, at venues such as
`Australian conferences and workshops associated with leading conferences.)
`12. Rainer Wasinger, James Wallbank, Luiz Augusto Sangoi Pizzato, Judy Kay, Bob Kummerfeld,
`Matthias B¨ohmer, and Antonio Kr¨uger. Scrutable user models and personalised item recom-
`mendation in mobile lifestyle applications. In Sandra Carberry, Stephan Weibelzahl, Alessandro
`Micarelli, and Giovanni Semeraro, editors, User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization -
`21th International Conference, UMAP 2013, Rome, Italy, June 10-14, 2013, Proceedings, volu-
`me 7899 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 77–88. Springer, 2013.
`Google Ex. 1028, Exh. 1, pg. 2
`13. Rainer Wasinger, Michael Fry, Judy Kay, and Bob Kummerfeld. User modelling ecosystems:
`a user-centred approach.
`In Judith Masthoff, Bamshad Mobasher, Michel C. Desmarais, and
`Roger Nkambou, editors, User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization (UMAP 2012), pages
`334–339. Springer, 2012.
`14. Andrew Clayphan, Anthony Collins, Christopher Ackad, Bob Kummerfeld, and Judy Kay. Fires-
`torm: a brainstorming application for collaborative group work at tabletops. In Proceedings of the
`ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, ITS ’11, pages 162–171,
`New York, NY, USA, 2011. ACM.
`15. Simon Gerber, Michael Fry, Judy Kay, Bob Kummerfeld, Glen Pink, and Rainer Wasinger. Perso-
`nisJ: mobile, client-side user modelling. In UMAP 2010, LNCS 6075, pages 111–122. Springer-
`Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.
`16. Glen Pink, Simon Gerber, Michael Fry, Judy Kay, Bob Kummerfeld, and Rainer Wasinger. Safe
`execution of dynamically loaded code on mobile phones. In MobiQuitous 7th International ICST
`Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems, 2010.
`17. Mark Assad, David J. Carmichael, Judy Kay, and Bob Kummerfeld. PersonisAD: distributed,
`active, scrutable model framework for context-aware services. In Proceedings of PERVASIVE
`07, 5th International Conference on Pervasive Computing, volume 4480 of Lecture Notes in
`Computer Science, pages 55–72. Springer, 2007.
`18. M. Hitchens, J. Kay, R. J. Kummerfeld, and A. Brar. Secure identity management for pseudo-
`anonymous service access.
`In D. Hutter, editor, Proceedings of SPC 2005, 2nd International
`Conference on Security in Pervasive Computing, volume 3450 of Lecture Notes in Computer
`Science, pages 48–55. Springer-Verlag (Berlin, Heidelberg), 2005.
`Refereed Conference Papers
`19. Daniel Brem, Kurt Gubi, Judy Kay, Bob Kummerfeld, Tsvi Kuflik, Joseph Michaels, and Rainer
`Wasinger. Personalized cultural heritage geonotes. In Pervasive Personalisation Workshop held
`in conjunction with Pervasive 2010, pages 1–9, 2010.
`20. T. Kuflik, J. Kay, and B. Kummerfeld. Lifelong personalized museum experiences. In Pervasive
`User Modeling and Personalization (PUMP’10) at UMAP2010, pages 9–16, 2010.
`In Pro-
`21. Peter Dolog, Judy Kay, and Bob Kummerfeld. Personal lifelong user model clouds.
`ceeding of the Lifelong User Modelling Workshop at UMAP’09 User Modeling Adaptation, and
`Personalization, pages 1–8, 2009.
`22. James Bunton, Judy Kay, and Bob Kummerfeld. Metaview: dynamic metadata based views of
`user files. In Rob McArthur, Paul Thomas, Andrew Turpin, and Mingfang Wu, editors, Australian
`Document Computing Symposium, pages 11–19, 2008.
`23. James Constable, Raymes Khoury, David Carmichael, Judy Kay, and Bob Kummerfeld. Infor-
`mation art based on community activity in a large workplace. In Proceedings of Workshop on
`Context-Aware Pervasive Communities: Infrastructures, Services and Applications, at Pervasive,
`24. Glen Pink, David Carmichael, Judy Kay, and Bob Kummerfeld. Middleware framework for
`flexible integration of new sensor types. In Proceedings of Workshop on Context-Aware Pervasive
`Communities: Infrastructures, Services and Applications, at Pervasive, 2008.
`Google Ex. 1028, Exh. 1, pg. 3
`25. Mark Assad, David J. Carmichael, Judy Kay, and Bob Kummerfeld. MYPlace Locator: Flexible
`Sharing of Location Information. In Proceedings of UM 2007, 11th International Conference on
`User Modeling, pages 410–414. Springer, 2007.
`26. Mark Assad, Judy Kay, and Bob Kummerfeld. Models of people, places and devices for location-
`aware services.
`In Adjunct Proceedings of Pervasive 2006, 4th International Conference on
`Pervasive Computing, pages 37–43. Austrian Computer Society, 2006.
`27. David J. Carmichael, Judy Kay, and Bob Kummerfeld. A personalised public information display.
`In Third Workshop on Multi-User and Ubiquitous User Interfaces (MU3I) at IUI 2006, 2006.
`28. J. Kay and B. Kummerfeld. Scrutability, user control and privacy for distributed personalization.
`In A. Kobsa, R. Chellappa, and S. Spiekermann, editors, Online Proceedings of PEP 2006, CHI
`2006 Workshop on Privacy- Enhanced Personalization, 2006.
`29. Geoff Langdale, Judy Kay, and Bob Kummerfeld. Using an intergenerational communications
`system as a ’light-weight’ technology probe. In CHI ’06: CHI ’06 Extended Abstracts on Human
`Factors in Computing Systems, pages 1001–1006, New York, NY, USA, 2006. ACM Press.
`30. S. Goldrei, J. Kay, and R. J. Kummerfeld. Exploiting user models to automate the harvesting
`of metadata for learning objects. In Online Proceedings of the AIED (Artificial Intelligence in
`Education) 2005 Workshop on Adaptive Systems for Web-Based Education, 2005.
`31. T. Greening, J. Kay, and B. Kummerfeld.
`Integrating ethical content into computing curricu-
`la. In R. Lister and A. Young, editors, Proceedings of ACE 2004, 6th Australasian Computing
`Education Conference, pages 91–107. Australian Computer Society (Sydney), 2004.
`32. J. Davis, J. Kay, B. Kummerfeld, J. Poon, A. Quigley, G. Saunders, K. Yacef, L. Alem, and
`A. McLean. Using workflow, user modeling and tutoring strategies for just-in- time document
`delivery. In Proceedings of Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED’03), pages 664–673, Syd-
`ney, 2003. University of Sydney, Australia.
`33. S. K. Kummerfeld and J. Kay. The neglected battle fields of syntax errors. In A. Greening and
`R. Lister, editors, Proceedings of ACE 2003, 5th Australasian Computing Education Conference,
`volume 140 of Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology Series, pages
`105–112. Australian Computer Society (Sydney), 2003.
`34. J. Kay, B. Kummerfeld, and P. Lauder. Personis: a server for user models. In P. De Bra, P. Brusi-
`lovsky, and R. Conejo, editors, Proceedings of AH 2002, 2nd International Conference on Adap-
`tive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems, volume 2347 of Lecture Notes in Computer
`Science, pages 203–212. Springer, 2002.
`35. J. Kay and R. J. Kummerfeld. User interface design and programming for computer science
`majors. In P. Strooper, editor, Third Australasian Conference in Computer Science Education
`(Proceedings), pages 121–126. ACM, 1998.
`36. J. Kay and R. J. Kummerfeld. Teaching user interface design and programming to computer
`science majors. In INTERACT97 (Proceedings), pages 172–179, 1997.
`Other Refereed Publications
`37. Trent Apted, James Bunton, Greg Darke, Judy Kay, and Bob Kummerfeld. Systems &methods
`for collaborative interaction, US patent 2012/0110471 A2, 2012.
`Google Ex. 1028, Exh. 1, pg. 4
`25. Mark Assad, David J. Carmichael, Judy Kay, and Bob Kummerfeld. MYPlace Locator: Flexible
`Sharing of Location Information. In Proceedings of UM 2007, 11th International Conference on
`User Modeling, pages 410–414. Springer, 2007.
`26. Mark Assad, Judy Kay, and Bob Kummerfeld. Models of people, places and devices for location-
`aware services.
`In Adjunct Proceedings of Pervasive 2006, 4th International Conference on
`Pervasive Computing, pages 37–43. Austrian Computer Society, 2006.
`27. David J. Carmichael, Judy Kay, and Bob Kummerfeld. A personalised public information display.
`In Third Workshop on Multi-User and Ubiquitous User Interfaces (MU3I) at IUI 2006, 2006.
`28. J. Kay and B. Kummerfeld. Scrutability, user control and privacy for distributed personalization.
`In A. Kobsa, R. Chellappa, and S. Spiekermann, editors, Online Proceedings of PEP 2006, CHI
`2006 Workshop on Privacy- Enhanced Personalization, 2006.
`29. Geoff Langdale, Judy Kay, and Bob Kummerfeld. Using an intergenerational communications
`system as a ’light-weight’ technology probe. In CHI ’06: CHI ’06 Extended Abstracts on Human
`Factors in Computing Systems, pages 1001–1006, New York, NY, USA, 2006. ACM Press.
`30. S. Goldrei, J. Kay, and R. J. Kummerfeld. Exploiting user models to automate the harvesting
`of metadata for learning objects. In Online Proceedings of the AIED (Artificial Intelligence in
`Education) 2005 Workshop on Adaptive Systems for Web-Based Education, 2005.
`31. T. Greening, J. Kay, and B. Kummerfeld.
`Integrating ethical content into computing curricu-
`la. In R. Lister and A. Young, editors, Proceedings of ACE 2004, 6th Australasian Computing
`Education Conference, pages 91–107. Australian Computer Society (Sydney), 2004.
`32. J. Davis, J. Kay, B. Kummerfeld, J. Poon, A. Quigley, G. Saunders, K. Yacef, L. Alem, and
`A. McLean. Using workflow, user modeling and tutoring strategies for just-in- time document
`delivery. In Proceedings of Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED’03), pages 664–673, Syd-
`ney, 2003. University of Sydney, Australia.
`33. S. K. Kummerfeld and J. Kay. The neglected battle fields of syntax errors. In A. Greening and
`R. Lister, editors, Proceedings of ACE 2003, 5th Australasian Computing Education Conference,
`volume 140 of Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology Series, pages
`105–112. Australian Computer Society (Sydney), 2003.
`34. J. Kay, B. Kummerfeld, and P. Lauder. Personis: a server for user models. In P. De Bra, P. Brusi-
`lovsky, and R. Conejo, editors, Proceedings of AH 2002, 2nd International Conference on Adap-
`tive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems, volume 2347 of Lecture Notes in Computer
`Science, pages 203–212. Springer, 2002.
`35. J. Kay and R. J. Kummerfeld. User interface design and programming for computer science
`majors. In P. Strooper, editor, Third Australasian Conference in Computer Science Education
`(Proceedings), pages 121–126. ACM, 1998.
`36. J. Kay and R. J. Kummerfeld. Teaching user interface design and programming to computer
`science majors. In INTERACT97 (Proceedings), pages 172–179, 1997.
`Other Refereed Publications
`37. Trent Apted, James Bunton, Greg Darke, Judy Kay, and Bob Kummerfeld. Systems &methods
`for collaborative interaction, US patent 2012/0110471 A2, 2012.
`Google Ex. 1028, Exh. 1, pg. 5
`38. Trent Apted, James Bunton, Greg Darke, Judy Kay, and Bob Kummerfeld. Systems &methods
`for collaborative interaction, australian provisional patent 2008902468, smart internet technology
`crc pty ltd, sydney, nsw, australia, 2008.
`39. B. Landfeldt, J. Kay, R. J. Kummerfeld, A. Quigley, D. West, T. Apted, and G. Sinclair. Special
`issue on pervasive computing for successful aging, 2004.
`Google Ex. 1028, Exh. 1, pg. 6
`Google Exhibit 1028
`Google Exhibit 1028
`Exh. 2
`EXh. 2
`Inet95 Abstract
`Page 1 of 4
`Abstract: 018
`Tracks: engineering/technology
`Author: YEOM, Heon
`Title: A transparent TCP/IP gateway to connect private networks to the Internet
`A transparent TCP/IP gateway to connect private networks to the INTERNET
`Heon Y. Yeom and Ilhwan Kim
`Educational and Research Computing Center
`Seoul National University
`Seoul, Korea 151-742
`(Tel) 82-2-880-5583 (Fax) 82-2-887-1858
`As the use of the INTERNET grows exponentially and the remaining IP address
`space is getting smaller and smaller, there arises a need to devise a way
`to connect small private networks without giving full Internet access.
`The problem we are facing now is provide internet connection to thousands of
`K12 schools in Korea as part of the Korean Education Network(KREN) without
`wasting valuable IP addresses.
`In the RFC 1597, it was suggested to reserve certain class C or class B address
`space and use it repeatedly in a private network.
`Since all we need for each K12 schools is a class C address, we can use the
`same class C address for all the K12 schools we want to connect and give them
`just one or two real IP address. Since we have less than 10,000 K12 schools
`in Korea, it would only require one class B address to cover all the K12
`However, no clear method was suggested to provide Internet services to the
`network nodes inside the private network. Since the IP address of the inside
`network are fake, it can not be used to communicate with outside network sites
`which have real IP address.
`-------- a fake class C network
`---------------- / .
` / \/ .
` / \ .
` | Network of |--------- a fake class C network
` INTERNET ------| Class B |--------- a fake class C network
` \ (real IP) / .
` \ / --------- a fake class C network
`---------------- .
`There are two ways proposed to handle this problem which is the same as
`providing internet connection to the sites inside the firewall.
`One is proposed in [KOKO92] where the gateway machine has a server named
`sockd which handles the socket allocation and port binding for the sites
`inside the firewall. When the inside site wants a network connection, it
`would use Rconnect(), and Rbind() to get the socket from the server.
`From the outside, all the network connection is from and to the gateway
`machine. It would be perfect except that all the network programs the
`inner sites use would be changed so that the socket allocation would be
`from the server and not from the inner site itself.
`Another solution is to install proxy server for all the network services
`inner sites want to have: proxy telnet, proxy ftp, proxy gopher, etc.
`Google Ex. 1028, Exh. 2, pg. 1
`Inet95 Abstract
`Page 2 of 4
`What we are proposing is a way to transparently map the packets from the
`inner site so that it looks like as if it was from the gateway.
`By restricting the network services that need to be provided to the inner
`network, a simple mapping gateway could handle the translation as follows.
`Whenever an inner site I1 wants to make a TCP connection with outside host
`O2, it would send a request as if it is on a real IP network.
`The gateway G which has a real IP address G, when receiving the packet,
`would make an entry of the ((I1,p1),(O2,p2)) with a port of its own (G,p3).
`From that point on,
`all the packets with originator (I1,p1) and destination (O2,p2) would be
`transformed into a packet with originator (G,p3) and sent to the outside
`network. Likewise, all the packets from the outside network with
`originator (O2,p2) and destination (G,p3) would be transformed with
`destination (I1,p1) and feed into the inner network.
`Using this method, all the network services requested by the inner network
`site can be serviced if it only requires simple TCP connection.
`One significant problem with this approach is that it can not handle the
`FTP data connection. As identified in [CHBE94], FTP data connection is
`originated from the FTP server after the client sends a port number it will
`listen to. When the FTP server sends a connection request to that port,
`the gateway would have no idea where this particular packet should be sent.
`There are two solutions to this problem. One is to change the FTP client
`so that it will initiate the data connection using the PASSIVE command of
`the FTP client. Another is for the gateway to intercept FTP PORT command
`PORT I1,p4 and allocate another gateway port for it so that PORT I1,p4
`would be transformed into PORT G,p5. Another solution would be to use the
`proxy FTP program on the gateway. It would depend on what the gateway
`machine can do. If it's a full blown UNIX machine, it would be easier to
`use the proxy FTP. On the other hand, if it is just a PC with two ethernet
`connections looking at the packets, the second solution would be better.
`We believe that the cases where the inner network site acts as the network
`service host would be very rare. However, we can still provide limited
`service so that each well known service would be provided by one or few
`servers in one private network. The number of servers is restricted by
`the number of real IP addresses assigned to the inner network.
`As for the UDP services, since there is no clear indication for the
`beginning and end of the UDP connection, it would be very difficult to do
`port allocation and transformation. However, the only UDP service we can
`think of that might be needed for this kind of environment is DNS service.
`It can be handled by having a DNS server in the inner network with real
`IP and change the named server so that it will resolve all the DNS query
`without DNS query forwarding.
`We have outlined a simple interconnection method to connect private network
`with fake IP to the Internet. This solution is only temporary fix and we
`hope that the next generation IP would have enough address space for all
`the people in the world.
`A. pseudo code for fake IP gateway
`do {
`Google Ex. 1028, Exh. 2, pg. 2
`Inet95 Abstract
`Page 3 of 4
`packet = get_next_packet();
`if (packet is from inner network) {
`newpacket = i_to_o(packet);
`send_packet(newpacket, outer interface);
`newpacket = o_to_i(packet);
`send_packet(newpacket, inner interface);
`} else {
`} i
`if (packet.flag == SYN) {
`} n
`ewpacket.src_ip = gateway_ip;
`newpacket.src_port = get_gatewayport(packet.src_ip, packet.src_port);
`/* we should carefully design an algorithm to handle
`graceful shutdown of TCP connection..TBD */
`if ((packet.flag == FIN) || (packet.flag == RST)) {
`f (packet.flag == ACK) {
`if (the packet is ACK to previous FIN..etc) {
`release port w.r.t. packet flags;
`} r
`eturn newpacket;
`} o
`if (port_table[packet.dst_port] == NULL) {
`/* no entry in table, which means there is no TCP client
` in inner network, so send back reset to source */
`newpacket.dst_ip = packet.src_ip;
`newpacket.dst_port = packet.src_port;
`newpacket.src_ip = packet.dst_ip;
`newpacket.src_port = packet.dst_port;
`newpacket.flag |= RST;
`return newpacket;
`} n
`ewpacket.dst_ip = port_table[packet.dst_port].inner_ip;
`newpacket.dst_port = port_table[packet.dst_port].inner_port;
`/* again, we should redesign following algorithm to handle
`graceful close of TCP connection */
`if ((packet.flag == FIN) || (packet.flag == RST)) {
`} r
`eturn newpacket;
`Google Ex. 1028, Exh. 2, pg. 3
`Inet95 Abstract
`Page 4 of 4
`[REKH94] Y.Rekhter, B.Moskowitz, "Address Allocation for Private Internets,
` RFC1597", Mar. 1994.
`[KOKO92] D. Koblas, M.R. Koblas,"SOCKS", USENIX Security Proceedings, III,
` Sep. 1992.
`[CHBE94] W.R. Cheswick, S.M. Bellovin, "Firewall and Internet Security",
` Addison Wesley, 1994.
`[PORE85] J. Postel, J. Reynolds, "File Transfer Protocol, RFC959",
` Oct. 1985.
`Google Ex. 1028, Exh. 2, pg. 4
`Google Exhibit 1028
`Google Exhibit 1028
`Exh. 3
`EXh. 3
`Index of l~b0bllnet95IAbstracts
`Last mfldified
`Parent Director
`IE:- |_1 L'u
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`Google Ex. 1028, Exh. 3, pg. 1
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`Google Ex. 1028, Exh. 3, pg. 2