` David D. Clark
` MIT Laboratory for Computer Science
` Computer Systems and Communications Group
` July, 1982
` 1. Introduction
` This document describes implementation strategies to deal with two
`mechanisms in TCP, the window and the acknowledgement. These mechanisms
`are described in the specification document, but it is possible, while
`complying with the specification, to produce implementations which yield
`very bad performance. Happily, the pitfalls possible in window and
`acknowledgement strategies are very easy to avoid.
` It is a much more difficult exercise to verify the performance of a
`specification than the correctness. Certainly, we have less experience
`in this area, and we certainly lack any useful formal technique.
`Nonetheless, it is important to attempt a specification in this area,
`because different implementors might otherwise choose superficially
`reasonable algorithms which interact poorly with each other. This
`document presents a particular set of algorithms which have received
`testing in the field, and which appear to work properly with each other.
`With more experience, these algorithms may become part of the formal
`specification: until such time their use is recommended.
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`2. The Mechanisms
` The acknowledgement mechanism is at the heart of TCP. Very simply,
`when data arrives at the recipient, the protocol requires that it send
`back an acknowledgement of this data. The protocol specifies that the
`bytes of data are sequentially numbered, so that the recipient can
`acknowledge data by naming the highest numbered byte of data it has
`received, which also acknowledges the previous bytes (actually, it
`identifies the first byte of data which it has not yet received, but
`this is a small detail). The protocol contains only a general assertion
`that data should be acknowledged promptly, but gives no more specific
`indication as to how quickly an acknowledgement must be sent, or how
`much data should be acknowledged in each separate acknowledgement.
` The window mechanism is a flow control tool. Whenever appropriate,
`the recipient of data returns to the sender a number, which is (more or
`less) the size of the buffer which the receiver currently has available
`for additional data. This number of bytes, called the window, is the
`maximum which the sender is permitted to transmit until the receiver
`returns some additional window. Sometimes, the receiver will have no
`buffer space available, and will return a window value of zero. Under
`these circumstances,the protocol requires the sender to send a small
`segment to the receiver now and then, to see if more data is accepted.
`If the window remains closed at zero for some substantial period, and
`the sender can obtain no response from the receiver, the protocol
`requires the sender to conclude that the receiver has failed, and to
`close the connection. Again, there is very little performance
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`information in the specification, describing under what circumstances
`the window should be increased, and how the sender should respond to
`such revised information.
` A bad implementation of the window algorithm can lead to extremely
`poor performance overall. The degradations which occur in throughput
`and CPU utilizations can easily be several factors of ten, not just a
`fractional increase. This particular phenomenon is specific enough that
`it has been given the name of Silly Window Syndrome, or SWS. Happily
`SWS is easy to avoid if a few simple rules are observed. The most
`important function of this memo is to describe SWS, so that implementors
`will understand the general nature of the problem, and to describe
`algorithms which will prevent its occurrence. This document also
`describes performance enhancing algorithms which relate to
`acknowledgement, and discusses the way acknowledgement and window
`algorithms interact as part of SWS.
` In order to understand SWS, we must first define two new terms.
`Superficially, the window mechanism is very simple: there is a number,
`called "the window", which is returned from the receiver to the sender.
`However, we must have a more detailed way of talking about the meaning
`of this number. The receiver of data computes a value which we will
`call the "offered window". In a simple case, the offered window
`corresponds to the amount of buffer space available in the receiver.
`This correspondence is not necessarily exact, but is a suitable model
`for the discussion to follow. It is the offered window which is
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`actually transmitted back from the receiver to the sender. The sender
`uses the offered window to compute a different value, the "usable
`window", which is the offered window minus the amount of outstanding
`unacknowledged data. The usable window is less than or equal to the
`offered window, and can be much smaller.
` Consider the following simple example. The receiver initially
`provides an offered window of 1,000. The sender uses up this window by
`sending five segments of 200 bytes each. The receiver, on processing
`the first of these segments, returns an acknowledgement which also
`contains an updated window value. Let us assume that the receiver of
`the data has removed the first 200 bytes from the buffer, so that the
`receiver once again has 1,000 bytes of available buffer. Therefore, the
`receiver would return, as before, an offered window of 1,000 bytes. The
`sender, on receipt of this first acknowledgement, now computes the
`additional number of bytes which may be sent. In fact, of the 1,000
`bytes which the recipient is prepared to receive at this time, 800 are
`already in transit, having been sent in response to the previous offered
`window. In this case, the usable window is only 200 bytes.
` Let us now consider how SWS arises. To continue the previous
`example, assume that at some point, when the sender computes a useable
`window of 200 bytes, it has only 50 bytes to send until it reaches a
`"push" point. It thus sends 50 bytes in one segment, and 150 bytes in
`the next segment. Sometime later, this 50-byte segment will arrive at
`the recipient, which will process and remove the 50 bytes and once again
`return an offered window of 1,000 bytes. However, the sender will now
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`compute that there are 950 bytes in transit in the network, so that the
`useable window is now only 50 bytes. Thus, the sender will once again
`send a 50 byte segment, even though there is no longer a natural
`boundary to force it.
` In fact, whenever the acknowledgement of a small segment comes
`back, the useable window associated with that acknowledgement will cause
`another segment of the same small size to be sent, until some
`abnormality breaks the pattern. It is easy to see how small segments
`arise, because natural boundaries in the data occasionally cause the
`sender to take a computed useable window and divide it up between two
`segments. Once that division has occurred, there is no natural way for
`those useable window allocations to be recombined; thus the breaking up
`of the useable window into small pieces will persist.
` Thus, SWS is a degeneration in the throughput which develops over
`time, during a long data transfer. If the sender ever stops, as for
`example when it runs out of data to send, the receiver will eventually
`acknowledge all the outstanding data, so that the useable window
`computed by the sender will equal the full offered window of the
`receiver. At this point the situation will have healed, and further
`data transmission over the link will occur efficiently. However, in
`large file transfers, which occur without interruption, SWS can cause
`appalling performance. The network between the sender and the receiver
`becomes clogged with many small segments, and an equal number of
`acknowledgements, which in turn causes lost segments, which triggers
`massive retransmission. Bad cases of SWS have been seen in which the
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`average segment size was one-tenth of the size the sender and receiver
`were prepared to deal with, and the average number of retransmission per
`successful segments sent was five.
` Happily, SWS is trivial to avoid. The following sections describe
`two algorithms, one executed by the sender, and one by the receiver,
`which appear to eliminate SWS completely. Actually, either algorithm by
`itself is sufficient to prevent SWS, and thus protect a host from a
`foreign implementation which has failed to deal properly with this
`problem. The two algorithms taken together produce an additional
`reduction in CPU consumption, observed in practice to be as high as a
`factor of four.
` 4. Improved Window Algorithms
` The receiver of data can take a very simple step to eliminate SWS.
`When it disposes of a small amount of data, it can artificially reduce
`the offered window in subsequent acknowledgements, so that the useable
`window computed by the sender does not permit the sending of any further
`data. At some later time, when the receiver has processed a
`substantially larger amount of incoming data, the artificial limitation
`on the offered window can be removed all at once, so that the sender
`computes a sudden large jump rather than a sequence of small jumps in
`the useable window.
` At this level, the algorithm is quite simple, but in order to
`determine exactly when the window should be opened up again, it is
`necessary to look at some of the other details of the implementation.
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`Depending on whether the window is held artificially closed for a short
`or long time, two problems will develop. The one we have already
`discussed -- never closing the window artificially -- will lead to SWS.
`On the other hand, if the window is only opened infrequently, the
`pipeline of data in the network between the sender and the receiver may
`have emptied out while the sender was being held off, so that a delay is
`introduced before additional data arrives from the sender. This delay
`does reduce throughput, but it does not consume network resources or CPU
`resources in the process, as does SWS. Thus, it is in this direction
`that one ought to overcompensate. For a simple implementation, a rule
`of thumb that seems to work in practice is to artificially reduce the
`offered window until the reduction constitutes one half of the available
`space, at which point increase the window to advertise the entire space
`again. In any event, one ought to make the chunk by which the window is
`opened at least permit one reasonably large segment. (If the receiver
`is so short of buffers that it can never advertise a large enough buffer
`to permit at least one large segment, it is hopeless to expect any sort
`of high throughput.)
` There is an algorithm that the sender can use to achieve the same
`effect described above: a very simple and elegant rule first described
`by Michael Greenwald at MIT. The sender of the data uses the offered
`window to compute a useable window, and then compares the useable window
`to the offered window, and refrains from sending anything if the ratio
`of useable to offered is less than a certain fraction. Clearly, if the
`computed useable window is small compared to the offered window, this
`means that a substantial amount of previously sent information is still
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`in the pipeline from the sender to the receiver, which in turn means
`that the sender can count on being granted a larger useable window in
`the future. Until the useable window reaches a certain amount, the
`sender should simply refuse to send anything.
` Simple experiments suggest that the exact value of the ratio is not
`very important, but that a value of about 25 percent is sufficient to
`avoid SWS and achieve reasonable throughput, even for machines with a
`small offered window. An additional enhancement which might help
`throughput would be to attempt to hold off sending until one can send a
`maximum size segment. Another enhancement would be to send anyway, even
`if the ratio is small, if the useable window is sufficient to hold the
`data available up to the next "push point".
` This algorithm at the sender end is very simple. Notice that it is
`not necessary to set a timer to protect against protocol lockup when
`postponing the send operation. Further acknowledgements, as they
`arrive, will inevitably change the ratio of offered to useable window.
`(To see this, note that when all the data in the catanet pipeline has
`arrived at the receiver, the resulting acknowledgement must yield an
`offered window and useable window that equal each other.) If the
`expected acknowledgements do not arrive, the retransmission mechanism
`will come into play to assure that something finally happens. Thus, to
`add this algorithm to an existing TCP implementation usually requires
`one line of code. As part of the send algorithm it is already necessary
`to compute the useable window from the offered window. It is a simple
`matter to add a line of code which, if the ratio is less than a certain
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`percent, sets the useable window to zero. The results of SWS are so
`devastating that no sender should be without this simple piece of
` 5. Improved Acknowledgement Algorithms
` In the beginning of this paper, an overly simplistic implementation
`of TCP was described, which led to SWS. One of the characteristics of
`this implementation was that the recipient of data sent a separate
`acknowledgement for every segment that it received. This compulsive
`acknowledgement was one of the causes of SWS, because each
`acknowledgement provided some new useable window, but even if one of the
`algorithms described above is used to eliminate SWS, overly frequent
`acknowledgement still has a substantial problem, which is that it
`greatly increases the processing time at the sender’s end. Measurement
`of TCP implementations, especially on large operating systems, indicate
`that most of the overhead of dealing with a segment is not in the
`processing at the TCP or IP level, but simply in the scheduling of the
`handler which is required to deal with the segment. A steady dribble of
`acknowledgements causes a high overhead in scheduling, with very little
`to show for it. This waste is to be avoided if possible.
` There are two reasons for prompt acknowledgement. One is to
`prevent retransmission. We will discuss later how to determine whether
`unnecessary retransmission is occurring. The other reason one
`acknowledges promptly is to permit further data to be sent. However,
`the previous section makes quite clear that it is not always desirable
`to send a little bit of data, even though the receiver may have room for
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`it. Therefore, one can state a general rule that under normal
`operation, the receiver of data need not, and for efficiency reasons
`should not, acknowledge the data unless either the acknowledgement is
`intended to produce an increased useable window, is necessary in order
`to prevent retransmission or is being sent as part of a reverse
`direction segment being sent for some other reason. We will consider an
`algorithm to achieve these goals.
` Only the recipient of the data can control the generation of
`acknowledgements. Once an acknowledgement has been sent from the
`receiver back to the sender, the sender must process it. Although the
`extra overhead is incurred at the sender’s end, it is entirely under the
`receiver’s control. Therefore, we must now describe an algorithm which
`occurs at the receiver’s end. Obviously, the algorithm must have the
`following general form; sometimes the receiver of data, upon processing
`a segment, decides not to send an acknowledgement now, but to postpone
`the acknowledgement until some time in the future, perhaps by setting a
`timer. The peril of this approach is that on many large operating
`systems it is extremely costly to respond to a timer event, almost as
`costly as to respond to an incoming segment. Clearly, if the receiver
`of the data, in order to avoid extra overhead at the sender end, spends
`a great deal of time responding to timer interrupts, no overall benefit
`has been achieved, for efficiency at the sender end is achieved by great
`thrashing at the receiver end. We must find an algorithm that avoids
`both of these perils.
` The following scheme seems a good compromise. The receiver of data
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`will refrain from sending an acknowledgement under certain
`circumstances, in which case it must set a timer which will cause the
`acknowledgement to be sent later. However, the receiver should do this
`only where it is a reasonable guess that some other event will intervene
`and prevent the necessity of the timer interrupt. The most obvious
`event on which to depend is the arrival of another segment. So, if a
`segment arrives, postpone sending an acknowledgement if both of the
`following conditions hold. First, the push bit is not set in the
`segment, since it is a reasonable assumption that there is more data
`coming in a subsequent segment. Second, there is no revised window
`information to be sent back.
` This algorithm will insure that the timer, although set, is seldom
`used. The interval of the timer is related to the expected inter-
`segment delay, which is in turn a function of the particular network
`through which the data is flowing. For the Arpanet, a reasonable
`interval seems to be 200 to 300 milliseconds. Appendix A describes an
`adaptive algorithm for measuring this delay.
` The section on improved window algorithms described both a receiver
`algorithm and a sender algorithm, and suggested that both should be
`used. The reason for this is now clear. While the sender algorithm is
`extremely simple, and useful as insurance, the receiver algorithm is
`required in order that this improved acknowledgement strategy work. If
`the receipt of every segment causes a new window value to be returned,
`then of necessity an acknowledgement will be sent for every data
`segment. When, according to the strategy of the previous section, the
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`receiver determines to artificially reduce the offered window, that is
`precisely the circumstance under which an acknowledgement need not be
`sent. When the receiver window algorithm and the receiver
`acknowledgement algorithm are used together, it will be seen that
`sending an acknowledgement will be triggered by one of the following
`events. First, a push bit has been received. Second, a temporary pause
`in the data stream is detected. Third, the offered window has been
`artificially reduced to one-half its actual value.
` In the beginning of this section, it was pointed out that there are
`two reasons why one must acknowledge data. Our consideration at this
`point has been concerned only with the first, that an acknowledgement
`must be returned as part of triggering the sending of new data. It is
`also necessary to acknowledge whenever the failure to do so would
`trigger retransmission by the sender. Since the retransmission interval
`is selected by the sender, the receiver of the data cannot make a
`precise determination of when the acknowledgement must be sent.
`However, there is a rough rule the sender can use to avoid
`retransmission, provided that the receiver is reasonably well behaved.
` We will assume that sender of the data uses the optional algorithm
`described in the TCP specification, in which the roundtrip delay is
`measured using an exponential decay smoothing algorithm. Retransmission
`of a segment occurs if the measured delay for that segment exceeds the
`smoothed average by some factor. To see how retransmission might be
`triggered, one must consider the pattern of segment arrivals at the
`receiver. The goal of our strategy was that the sender should send off
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`a number of segments in close sequence, and receive one acknowledgement
`for the whole burst. The acknowledgement will be generated by the
`receiver at the time that the last segment in the burst arrives at the
`receiver. (To ensure the prompt return of the acknowledgement, the
`sender could turn on the "push" bit in the last segment of the burst.)
`The delay observed at the sender between the initial transmission of a
`segment and the receipt of the acknowledgement will include both the
`network transit time, plus the holding time at the receiver. The
`holding time will be greatest for the first segments in the burst, and
`smallest for the last segments in the burst. Thus, the smoothing
`algorithm will measure a delay which is roughly proportional to the
`average roundtrip delay for all the segments in the burst. Problems
`will arise if the average delay is substantially smaller than the
`maximum delay and the smoothing algorithm used has a very small
`threshold for triggering retransmission. The widest variation between
`average and maximum delay will occur when network transit time is
`negligible, and all delay is processing time. In this case, the maximum
`will be twice the average (by simple algebra) so the threshold that
`controls retransmission should be somewhat more than a factor of two.
` In practice, retransmission of the first segments of a burst has
`not been a problem because the delay measured consists of the network
`roundtrip delay, as well as the delay due to withholding the
`acknowledgement, and the roundtrip tends to dominate except in very low
`roundtrip time situations (such as when sending to one’s self for test
`purposes). This low roundtrip situation can be covered very simply by
`including a minimum value below which the roundtrip estimate is not
`permitted to drop.
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` In our experiments with this algorithm, retransmission due to
`faulty calculation of the roundtrip delay occurred only once, when the
`parameters of the exponential smoothing algorithm had been misadjusted
`so that they were only taking into account the last two or three
`segments sent. Clearly, this will cause trouble since the last two or
`three segments of any burst are the ones whose holding time at the
`receiver is minimal, so the resulting total estimate was much lower than
`appropriate. Once the parameters of the algorithm had been adjusted so
`that the number of segments taken into account was approximately twice
`the number of segments in a burst of average size, with a threshold
`factor of 1.5, no further retransmission has ever been identified due to
`this problem, including when sending to ourself and when sending over
`high delay nets.
` 6. Conservative Vs. Optimistic Windows
` According to the TCP specification, the offered window is presumed
`to have some relationship to the amount of data which the receiver is
`actually prepared to receive. However, it is not necessarily an exact
`correspondence. We will use the term "conservative window" to describe
`the case where the offered window is precisely no larger than the actual
`buffering available. The drawback to conservative window algorithms is
`that they can produce very low throughput in long delay situations. It
`is easy to see that the maximum input of a conservative window algorithm
`is one bufferfull every roundtrip delay in the net, since the next
`bufferfull cannot be launched until the updated window/acknowledgement
`information from the previous transmission has made the roundtrip.
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` In certain cases, it may be possible to increase the overall
`throughput of the transmission by increasing the offered window over the
`actual buffer available at the receiver. Such a strategy we will call
`an "optimistic window" strategy. The optimistic strategy works if the
`network delivers the data to the recipient sufficiently slowly that it
`can process the data fast enough to keep the buffer from overflowing.
`If the receiver is faster than the sender, one could, with luck, permit
`an infinitely optimistic window, in which the sender is simply permitted
`to send full-speed. If the sender is faster than the receiver, however,
`and the window is too optimistic, then some segments will cause a buffer
`overflow, and will be discarded. Therefore, the correct strategy to
`implement an optimistic window is to increase the window size until
`segments start to be lost. This only works if it is possible to detect
`that the segment has been lost. In some cases, it is easy to do,
`because the segment is partially processed inside the receiving host
`before it is thrown away. In other cases, overflows may actually cause
`the network interface to be clogged, which will cause the segments to be
`lost elsewhere in the net. It is inadvisable to attempt an optimistic
`window strategy unless one is certain that the algorithm can detect the
`resulting lost segments. However, the increase in throughput which is
`possible from optimistic windows is quite substantial. Any systems with
`small buffer space should seriously consider the merit of optimistic
` The selection of an appropriate window algorithm is actually more
`complicated than even the above discussion suggests. The following
`considerations are not presented with the intention that they be
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`incorporated in current implementations of TCP, but as background for
`the sophisticated designer who is attempting to understand how his TCP
`will respond to a variety of networks, with different speed and delay
`characteristics. The particular pattern of windows and acknowledgements
`sent from receiver to sender influences two characteristics of the data
`being sent. First, they control the average data rate. Clearly, the
`average rate of the sender cannot exceed the average rate of the
`receiver, or long-term buffer overflow will occur. Second, they
`influence the burstiness of the data coming from the sender. Burstiness
`has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of burstiness is
`that it reduces the CPU processing necessary to send the data. This
`follows from the observed fact, especially on large machines, that most
`of the cost of sending a segment is not the TCP or IP processing, but
`the scheduling overhead of getting started.
` On the other hand, the disadvantage of burstiness is that it may
`cause buffers to overflow, either in the eventual recipient, which was
`discussed above, or in an intermediate gateway, a problem ignored in
`this paper. The algorithms described above attempts to strike a balance
`between excessive burstiness, which in the extreme cases can cause
`delays because a burst is not requested soon enough, and excessive
`fragmentation of the data stream into small segments, which we
`identified as Silly Window Syndrome.
` Under conditions of extreme delay in the network, none of the
`algorithms described above will achieve adequate throughput.
`Conservative window algorithms have a predictable throughput limit,
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`which is one windowfull per roundtrip delay. Attempts to solve this by
`optimistic window strategies may cause buffer overflows due to the
`bursty nature of the arriving data. A very sophisticated way to solve
`this is for the receiver, having measured by some means the roundtrip
`delay and intersegment arrival rate of the actual connection, to open
`his window, not in one optimistic increment of gigantic proportion, but
`in a number of smaller optimistic increments, which have been carefully
`spaced using a timer so that the resulting smaller bursts which arrive
`are each sufficiently small to fit into the existing buffers. One could
`visualize this as a number of requests flowing backwards through the net
`which trigger in return a number of bursts which flow back spaced evenly
`from the sender to the receiver. The overall result is that the
`receiver uses the window mechanism to control the burstiness of the
`arrivals, and the average rate.
` To my knowledge, no such strategy has been implemented in any TCP.
`First, we do not normally have delays high enough to require this kind
`of treatment. Second, the strategy described above is probably not
`stable unless it is very carefully balanced. Just as buses on a single
`bus route tend to bunch up, bursts which start out equally spaced could
`well end up piling into each other, and forming the single large burst
`which the receiver was hoping to avoid. It is important to understand
`this extreme case, however, in order to understand the limits beyond
`which TCP, as normally implemented, with either conservative or simple
`optimistic windows can be expected to deliver throughput which is a
`reasonable percentage of the actual network capacity.
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` 7. Conclusions
` This paper describes three simple algorithms for performance
`enhancement in TCP, one at the sender end and two at the receiver. The
`sender algorithm is to refrain from sending if the useable window is
`smaller than 25 percent of the offered window. The receiver algorithms
`are first, to artificially reduce the offered window when processing new
`data if the resulting reduction does not represent more than some
`fraction, say 50 percent, of the actual space available, and second, to
`refrain from sending an acknowledgment at all if two simple conditions
` Either of these algorithms will prevent the worst aspects of Silly
`Window Syndrome, and when these algorithms are used together, they will
`produce substantial improvement in CPU utilization, by eliminating the
`process of excess acknowledgements.
` Preliminary experiments with these algorithms suggest that they
`work, and work very well. Both the sender and receiver algorithms have
`been shown to eliminate SWS, even when talking to fairly silly
`algorithms at the other end. The Multics mailer, in particular, had
`suffered substantial attacks of SWS while sending large mail to a number
`of hosts. We believe that implementation of the sender side algorithm
`has eliminated every known case of SWS detected in our mailer.
`Implementation of the receiver side algorithm produced substantial
`improvements of CPU time when Multics was the sending system. Multics
`is a typical large operating system, wi