`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`20 July 2000 (20.07.2000)
` |l|l||||||||||||||||ll|||Il||l||||||||||||||||||l||l||||l||||||||||l|||ll||i||||
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 00/42555 A1
`(51) International Patent ClassifIcation7:
`G06F 17/60
`(21) International Application Number:
`(74) Agents: LIPSITZ, Randy et al.; Kramer, Levin, Naftalis
`& Frankel LLP, 919 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10022
`(22) International Filing Date: 12 January 2000 (12.01.2000)
`(25) F""‘g L”“g““g°-
`E 1 h
`Hg 15
`(30) Priority Data,
`12 January 1999 (12.01.1999)
`(81) Designated States (national): AE, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ,
`BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, CA, CH, CN, CR, CU, Cz, DE, DK,
`DM, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL,
`LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, NO, Nz, PL, P1",
`RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TR, rr, TZ, UA,
`(84) Designated States (regional): ARIP0 patent (GH, GM.
`KE, LS, MW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian patent
`(AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European patent
`(AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU,
`MC, NL, PT, SE), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM,
`GA, GN, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`[Continued on next page]
`(71) Applicant:
`[US/US]; 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017 (US).
`(72) Inventors: MURPHY, Edward, P.; 6 Locust Lane, Up-
`per Brookville, NY 11545 (US). BURNS, Christopher; 83
`West Tisbury Road, Edgartown, MA 02535 (US).
`(57) Abstract: The system and method of the invention generally
`provides for registering works of authorship in an online database
`(100) and providing licensing information about authorship with
`several rights agencies, royalty collecting societies and copyright
`offices, and the online database (100) in a single process. The
`invention allows individuals
`to identify a particular work of
`authorship form among many close variants; analyzing the license
`rights (143-148) necessary for a particular use of the work by an
`individual in a particular territory, determining the source of the
`licensing rights (151) in that territory and forwarding a request for
`a license to that source (152). Finally, in a preferred embodiment,
`the invention may issue a license (154) to an individual for the use
`of a work contemplated.

`WO 00/42555 A1
`— with international search report
`(48) Date of publication of this corrected version:
`23 August 2001
`(15) Information about Correction:
`see PCT Gazette No. 34/2001 of 23 August 2001, Section
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the ”Guid-
`ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations ” appearing at the begin-
`ning ofeach regular issue of the PCT Gazette.

`WO 00/42555
`This application claims the benefit of priority of U.S. Provisional
`Application Serial No. 60/115,606, filed January 12, 1999.
`This invention relates generally to a method and system for registering works
`of authorship in an online database and providing licensing information about registered
`works to individuals who access the online database; and more particularly to a method and
`system for registering works of authorship with several rights agencies, royalty collecting
`societies and copyright offices, and simultaneously entering the work into the online
`database. The online database contains information about the licensing rights sources for
`various license rights in each territory of the world.
`Individuals can use the online database
`to identify a particular work of authorship from among many close variants, analyze the
`licensing rights necessary for a particular use of the work in a given territory, determine the
`source of the licensing right needed for their use and forward a request for a license to that
`In a preferred embodiment, the method and system can issue a license to the
`individual for the particular use of a work in the particular territory desired.
`With the growth and ready accessibility of the Internet, it has now become
`possible and easy to locate and copy works of authorship placed on the Internet.
`In fact,
`many individuals who locate and copy a work that they are interested in can also easily
`distribute that work to others.
`In general, copying and distributing works of authorship in
`this way may constitute a violation of the rights of authorship in the work, and in particular
`may be a copyright violation. Yet, if an individual wishes to lawfully copy and distribute
`the work, such person may not have an easy time locating the appropriate entities which
`may grant a license for the distribution.
`In fact, it may be extremely difficult for the

`WO 00/42555
`individual to even determine what rights are needed with regard to any given work in a
`given territory.
`For an individual who wishes to distribute many different works, such as on
`an Internet site or on a CD compilation, the task of obtaining and clearing all of the
`appropriate license rights may be daunting.
`It is therefore desired to have a method and
`system for allowing individuals to easily determine the license rights needed and locate the
`source of such license rights in a given territory for works of authorship.
`It is also desired
`to provide a means for generating and transmitting a request for a license to the appropriate
`licensing rights sources.
`While the invention is directed to works of authorship in general, in order to
`illustrate the problems presented, and the solution of the invention herein, the following
`discussion focuses on musical works, and in particular, songs. Thus, in this example, to
`make a recording, use a musical work in a movie or a commercial, perform the work in
`public or distribute the lyrics on an Internet site, an individual needs to request the
`appropriate licenses from the song writer, the publisher or the royalty collection society
`that administers the rights needed in a given territory.
`A major licensing agency, which may represent up to 17,000 publishers in
`the United States, could handle on average more than a thousand requests a day from
`individuals (or companies) requesting mechanical rights licenses to make mechanical
`reproductions of song recordings. Furthermore, with the growth of the Internet and online
`distribution of songs, that volume is expected to increase to 10,000 a day or more over the
`next few years. Unfortunately, individuals requesting mechanical rights may not know
`which agency represents a given publisher and may assume that it is a given major licensing
`agency even when it is not.
`In this case, that agency must expend resources dealing with
`requests for licenses of works it does not represent.
`The Internet represents a new international distribution channel where as
`many as 100,000 sites are expected to use and distribute music. At the same time the use
`of music in other multimedia products and services is increasing. If obtaining the
`appropriate rights to use the music is not made significantly easier than it currently is, the
`volume of unlicensed distribution will likely increase, and the ability to protect the
`intellectual property rights of the authors will be in danger. Thus, it is desired to provide a

`wo 00/42555
`system and method for easily determining which rights are necessary for a given use of a
`work. which agencies or companies administer and grant those rights and that can format a
`request for that license right to the appropriate licensing rights sources easily. Such a
`system would be accessible by publishers and rights sources for entering the appropriate
`information about a given work, and would be accessible by rights requestors who wished
`to license the works. Therefore, it is desired to provide an online, Internet based licensing
`system for accomplishing these goals.
`Generally speaking, in accordance with the present invention, a method and
`system for assisting individuals, recording companies, publishers, multimedia producers,
`Internet distributors and others in obtaining the appropriate rights to license a work of
`authorship easily, using an online system and database, and more particularly, a single
`World Wide Web site, is provided. The Web site is accessible by works publishers who
`wish to register their works in the system of the invention, and works users who wish to
`identify and license a work.
`More specifically, the method and system of the invention provides an
`online, multimedia license, registration and tracking system for storing, retrieving and
`tracking licensing rights sources information, and for registering copyrights and the like for
`works of authorship in general; and for identifying and licensing multimedia works through
`the system. The system may be used by multimedia publishers and licensor's to register,
`store and track multimedia works, and by perspective licensee's (such is CD manufactures,
`compilation producers and Internet download services) to retrieve information about
`licensing a multimedia work.
`With reference to musical works, for example, the system may be used by
`music publishers as a one step clearinghouse to enter data about a published musical work
`and forward in the relevant information to various licensing databases, such as the
`International Common Works Database (CIS) and registration databases, such as the U.S.
`Copyright Office at the Library of Congress.
`Information about the musical work will also
`be stored in the centralized database of the invention in a digital representation of the work
`may be archived in the digital sound archive of the invention. Advantageously, the system
`can send structured email messages containing information about the new work to other

`wo 00/42555
`agencies, registration services or royalty rights collection societies. A publisher may access
`to system to update all these databases from a single update screen.
`A central component of the system of the invention is an Internet based
`works database which stores information about the work of authorship and includes
`information about which entities can grant particular licenses for any particular use of the
`work. The information will generally include a worldwide licensor for each of mechanical
`rights, synchronization rights, Internet download rights, performance rights and master
`recording rights, and then list territorial exceptions, such as mechanical rights in Japan or
`the UK.
`Initially, the information will be provided by the publisher of the work, but each
`licensing agency can update database records as well. The system allows for online
`registration of single songs, multiple songs which are part of a single product (such as a
`cassette, a CD or a movie), and batch file registration allowing a large number of works to
`be imported using a single file transfer. Typically, the system will provide links to
`additional information about the work provided by the registrant and an example of the
`work itself.
`A person or company, such as a CD manufacturer, Internet service provider
`or multimedia producer, that wants to use or license a work can search the database over
`the Internet for the correct data record for that work of authorship, and that record will
`include information as to which licensing agency has the right to grant a license for the
`particular use.
`In use, a user searches for a work by selecting a field of search, such as the
`title of the work, the author of the work, the physical production of the work such as from
`a movie, or a book, and enters keywords in the search box. Results of the search are
`presented in a list, and when the user clicks on the desired title, information about that
`work is presented which will include which agencies license that work for any particular
`use in the given territory.
`Once licensing source resources have been identified, a new screen is
`presented allowing the user to prepare a structure email message requesting the appropriate
`licenses. The user may then send a license request email to some or all of the rights
`sources identified for that work.
`The invention includes several major components, each generally linked to a
`central database of works of authorship, called herein the "WorksDB. " Publishers and

`wo 00/42555
`authors may enter new works in the WorksDB using a simplified works entry screen on
`their Internet browser. At the same time, the invention allows the registrant to register the
`work with the U.S. Copyright Office, with the International Common Works Database, and
`with other agencies and royalty collecting societies around the world.
`The invention allows interested users to identify a particular work of
`authorship by using a simplified look up screen on their Internet browser. For example, in
`the music industry, many songs have similar titles, and some songs have multiple
`copyrighted arrangements.
`In accordance with the invention, the WorksDB provides a
`searchable database of all copyrighted songs in the American or other repertoire so that the
`user can determine which work, which version and which arrangement he or she wishes to
`The system of the invention can determine the rights required for a particular
`use of a particular work by analyzing responses from the requestor to questions presented
`on a simplified intended use screen shown to the requestor on their Internet browser. The
`WorksDB service includes an expert system which identifies the usage being proposed and
`determines which rights are required in a given territory.
`In the example of music, there
`are mechanical rights needed to make copies, performance rights needed to perform the
`work in public, synchronization rights to use the work in a movie or commercial, print
`rights to distribute the lyrics or the score, digital rights to distribute the work on the
`Internet, grand rights to stage a dramatic performance and master rights to reproduce an
`existing recording among others. For other works, different rights apply. Outside the
`U.S., "moral rights" may also exist, permitting the author of a work to grant or withhold
`permission to use the work in any specific context. Sometimes several of the possible
`rights are required for a particular use. By comparing the user's information and responses
`to the intended use questions with a database of rules based on expert knowledge of world
`wide licensing laws and practices, the WorksDB service can identify which rights the user
`will require for the intended use.
`The WorksDB also includes information about the identity of any particular
`licensing rights source. For example, different rights are administered by different
`publishers, agencies and collecting societies in different territories around the world, and
`individual works may have additional specific and unusual requirements. Based on the

`WO 00/42555
`territory in which the work is to be produced and distributed, among other information
`stored in the WorksDB, the WorksDB service uses a data structure to determine which
`sources need to be contacted by the user to get all the rights that are required for the
`intended use.
`The system of the invention can preferably forward the request for a license
`to the appropriate rights source. Thus, the WorksDB service offers the user the ability to
`send all the necessary rights requests immediately to the correct licensing rights sources at
`once. The system prompts the user for the necessary information, formats the request,
`determines the current address and preferred request format for each of the rights sources
`involved, and sends the request message to the correct agency.
`In most cases the message
`goes out by electronic mail with a copy to the user, but in other cases the request may go
`by fax or ordinary mail. The system of the invention preferably logs the requests each user
`has made, and, with the participation of the rights sources, may track whether the request is
`answered or the license is issued.
`In a preferred embodiment of the invention, the system may issue a pro
`forma license, where appropriate. For agencies and publishers who request it, the
`WorksDB service will evaluate the rights application, assemble the appropriate clauses and
`conditions required in the license and determine what rate the user will be charged. This
`pro forma license is forwarded to the requestor, with a copy to the publisher. To complete
`the license, the requestor may respond to the agency, publisher or other rights source
`directly with their acceptance, or may contact the rights source through the WorksDB
`service in order to accept the terms of the pro forma license.
`The WorksDB service is preferentially accessed over the Internet, and a
`preferred embodiment of the invention incorporates a central Web site providing links to
`the various functions, which is available free to all users around the world. As an example,
`in the field of musical works licensing, the WorksDB service is implemented as an Internet-
`based Licensing Service described in the attached Appendix 1.
`The method and system of the invention benefits the licensing rights sources
`in at least two ways.
`It is estimated that more than a third of the license requests now
`received by the largest agencies and publishers cannot be processed either because the
`information is not complete or correct, or because that agency or publisher is not the

`wo 00/42555
`appropriate rights source for the work being requested. The WorksDB service eliminates
`the work associated with unprocessable requests by helping the user create a complete
`request in the first place, and by sending license requests to the correct licensing source in
`the second place.
`The service also benefits the individuals and companies that wish to license a
`work of authorship. The user of the WorksDB service can create and send a license rights
`request within minutes, and participating rights sources which incorporate automated
`licensing systems may respond in as short a time as three minutes. Or, where the
`WorksDB service provides a pro forma license, such a license can be prepared nearly
`instantly. This is especially important for Internet distributors who can now add a new
`work to their online catalog in minutes. This makes it easier for Internet sites to comply
`with the copyright law, and lessens the likelihood of non—compliance, and provides
`licensing revenues to the appropriate rights sources.
`Updating the information necessary to ensure the complete and up to date
`accuracy of the system, namely the information about a given work and the licensing rights
`sources associated with given territories for that work, will be done largely by the
`publishers who have the greatest incentive in having rights requests processed efficiently.
`The Internet, and particularly the World Wide Web, makes it feasible for thousands of
`individual publishers and song writers to maintain their works information in a central
`directory, such as the WorksDB. The WorksDB service takes advantage of this new
`capability by building and maintaining a system, a protocol, and an administration staff that
`keeps the database current and accurate.
`The system and the method of the invention includes a works database
`containing information about works, including a unique work identifier and licensing
`sources for individual license rights in individual territories.
`It also includes means for
`determining a unique work identifier for a work to be licensed by a user and the appropriate
`license rights necessary for a particular use of the work in a particular territory. The
`system and method then matches the unique work identifier and the appropriate license
`rights for the territory in the database to determine the appropriate licensing sources and
`generates and transmits a license request to the licensing sources.

`WO 00/42555
`Accordingly, it is an important object of this invention to provide an online
`works database accessible by authors or publishers for entering information about their
`works, including information about licensing rights sources in particular territories for
`those works, which works database is also accessible by users who wish to request license
`rights to a work.
`Another object of the invention is to provide a means for determining the
`license rights necessary for a particular use of a work in a territory and generating and
`transmitting a license request to the appropriate licensing rights source; and preferably
`additionally provide means for generating a pro forma license for that use.
`Yet another object of the invention is to provide means for registering a
`work with several international works databases or copyright offices at once by entering
`registration information about the work in the online works database.
`Still other objects and advantages of the invention will in part be obvious and
`will in part be apparent from the following detailed specification.
`The invention accordingly comprises the several steps and the relation of one
`or more of such steps with respect to each of the others, and the system embodying features
`of construction, combinations of elements and arrangement of parts which are adapted to
`effect such steps, all as exemplified in the following detailed disclosure.
`For a more complete understanding of the present invention and its
`associated advantages, reference is now made to the following descriptions taken in
`conjunction with the accompanying drawings, in which:
`Fig. 1 shows an interconnection block diagram depicting an overview of the
`WorksDB system, in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention;
`Fig. 2 shows a simplified account entry screen for the WorksDB system, in
`accordance with an embodiment of the invention;
`Fig. 3 shows a simplified work update or entry screen for the WorksDB
`system, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention;
`Fig. 4 shows a current rights sources screen for the WorksDB system, in
`accordance with an embodiment of the invention;

`WO 00/42555
`Fig. 5 shows a rights sources modification screen for the WorksDB system,
`in accordance with an embodiment of the invention;
`Fig. 6 shows a search results table for the WorksDB system, in accordance
`with an embodiment of the invention;
`Fig. 7 shows a simplified rights request information screen for the WorksDB
`system, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention; and
`Fig. 8 shows a detailed right request information screen for the WorksDB
`system, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.
`An embodiment of the present invention and its advantages are best
`understood by referring to Figs.
`1 - 8 of the drawings, like numerals being used for like
`and corresponding parts within the various drawings. While it is to be understood that the
`system and method of the invention applies to any works of authorship, for ease of
`explanation an embodiment of the invention pertaining specifically to the licensing of
`musical works or songs is described.
`Referring first to Fig. 1, there is illustrated an interconnection block diagram
`depicting an overview of the WorksDB system in an embodiment of the invention. The
`WorksDB system generally indicated at 100 includes several functional elements which may
`be accessed from a main page 105. As is typical with Internet pages, main page 105 may
`typically include a splash 110 or other graphic identifier, news 111 providing information
`about the status of WorksDB system 100, and optionally, advertisements 112 or other links.
`Main page 105 includes links allowing a user to find a work of authorship, create a request
`to license a work of authorship and send it to a rights source, or register a new work.
`When the user clicks the link to register a new work, the user is brought to a
`register page 115. As will be further described below with reference to Fig. 2, the user is
`prompted to provide an account ID 116 or, if unavailable, create a new account 117. A
`new account ID is sent to the user by email, which serves to confirm and verify the email
`address of the user. Once an account ID is established, the user may register a new work
`118 or update the information of an existing work 119. The WorksDB system 100 can
`forward information about the new work or the updated work to the WorksDB 120, other
`databases 121, a national copyright office 122 and a digital archive 123. Digital archive

`WO 00/42555
`123 contains a digital representation of the work provided by the user upon registration of
`that work and may also function as a deposit for copyright purposes.
`A user who is interested in finding out information about a particular work,
`or licensing use of the work, can use WorksDB system 100 by clicking the link to find the
`work. The user is then brought to a search page 125 where the user can enter whenever
`information about the work that the user knows, in order to search for the work.
`Information about works of authorship in the WorksDB will generally include a unique
`identifier, identifier 126, the title of the work 127, any alternative titles 128, usage notes
`129, authors 130, a show, movie or other place in which the work was featured 131, the
`publisher and catalog 132, and any international standard registry numbers 133 which may
`be appropriate.
`As will be further described in detail below, a user searching for a particular
`work will typically enter some or only incomplete information in any given field, and will
`typically only provide a title 127, alternative title 128 or the show or movie in which the
`work was featured 131. The WorksDB system 100 will return a work search result table,
`for example the work search result table of Fig. 6 displaying the results of a search for
`songs containing the word "Godfather" in its title. As shown in Fig. 6, additional
`information about the search result works is provided in the table to help the user find the
`exact song and version being looked for.
`The work search result table also optionally includes links provided by the
`publisher or other entity that entered the work into the WorksDB system 100, to additional
`information, such as, in the example of musical works and songs, a sample of the work
`134, information about the work from the publishers web site 135, a discography 136, the
`lyrics 137, and the score 138. As shown in Fig. 6, not all entries in the work search result
`table will include links to each of these sources of further information.
`In the case of
`different kinds of works, i.e., other than musical works, different links to additional
`information will be appropriate. For example, in the case of a photographic work or
`photograph, a link providing information as to the exposure and camera equipment used, or
`to a thumbnail graphical image of the photograph, may be provided.

`wo oo/42555
`While many search techniques are well-known in the art and may be used in
`the system of the invention, it has been found that the searching design described in
`Appendix 2 is well—suited to meet the objectives.
`Once the user has identified the specific work of interest, the user may
`request a license for the work by clicking on the appropriate link and going to the request
`page 140.
`If available, the user can provide their user ID 141, or request a new user ID
`142. The new user ID is forwarded to the user by email in order to verify and confirm the
`email address of the user. Once a user ID is provided, the user it brought to a rights
`analysis page, as shown in Fig. 7 and described in further detail below.
`The rights analysis page as shown in Fig. 7 will allow the user to select from
`a comprehensive list of rights appropriate to that work, the license rights to be requested
`143 and provide other basic information about the use of the work. Depending on the
`rights requested, additional questions will be presented to the user seeking the information
`pertinent to the particular rights to be requested. For example in the case of musical works
`or songs, additional questions pertaining to recording rights 144, broadcast rights 145,
`electronic rights 146, performance rights 147, or print rights 148 will be presented to the
`user. Once all the questions pertinent to the license request are answered by the user, the
`user will typically be given the chance to review their answers 149 and make corrections.
`WorksDB system 100 also includes a license request assembly function
`which first identifies the appropriate rights required for the use intended by the user 150,
`and then identifies the appropriate sources for those rights 151. WorksDB system 100 can
`transmit the license request to the licensing rights source 152 and store a record of the
`request 153 for confirmation and archival purposes.
`In a preferred embodiment of the invention, WorksDB system 100 can use
`information generated by the request assembly function to create a pro forma license 154,
`determine the rate for that license 155 by reference to information in the WorksDB, send
`the pro forma license to the user 156 and a copy of the license request to the licensing
`rights source, and record the transaction 157 in the WorksDB.
`In this way, WorksDB
`system 100 can provide the appropriate licenses to users who wish to use a work in a
`simple and efficient manner, in a minimal amount of time. Even where a pro forma license
`is not created by WorksDB system 100, the license request can be sent to the licensing
`11 I

`wo 00/42555
`rights source and processed efficiently and without delay because WorksDB system 100
`provides all of the information required by the licensing rights source in the request.
`While many techniques for accomplishing the above objectives will be
`apparent to those of ordinary skill in the art, one embodiment that is well-suited to provide
`this functionality is described with reference to Appendix 3.
`Various functions of WorksDB system 100 will now be described in further
`detail. While it is to be understood that these functions can apply to any type of works of
`authorship, for ease of explanation, the embodiment described will make reference to
`musical works and songs. With reference to Fig. 2, the simplified works registration is
`described. Any publisher or other works source with an account ID may register a work.
`The process requires the publisher to enter information about both the registering
`organization and the work. Once the work is registered in the WorksDB system, the
`publisher may choose to register the work with the U.S. Copyright Office as well as other
`agencies and rights collection societies at the same time. With reference to Fig. 3, the
`WorksDB system prompts the user to enter a common set of information required by the
`WorksDB and the CIS Common Works Database. If

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